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Steph - losing your mind LOL Choc Tofu ???? How was it - I think that's what you were going to tell me

On the food issue - you know what we have to accept eating 1/2 of a ck burger and not the whole thing... I have been tight lately - I can't eat a whole 4-5 oz of fish - veggies & rice - What I have am trying to learn how to accept that it's ok to eat 3 oz of fish - 1/4 cup of veggie and maybe no rice - I need to listen to my band more - last night had 3 oz of fish 1/4 cup veggie just had to keep eating them cuz it tasted good - well had to bp..

I know for you you can't eat too many solids for me I have to learn to listen to my band - I got banded for a reason - to eat smaller portions - even 3.6 yrs later I am still learning

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That's right Janet, I was going to tell you about the chocolate tofu.

It was divine! I know it seems like a silly thing to make when there are SF pudding cups but I figure if I'm going to snack I might as well get some good Protein in there. That isn't there in those cups. Had the BCBS challenge not mentioned tofu I wouldn't have thought of trying it either. But honestly it is really good. It started with a recipe for Peanut Butter and honey dip for apples. I read it and thought that it could be really good as a filling for celery for Jeff (we know I'm not even going to attempt celery). When I mentioned that, Karri told me about the pudding. Well, I had tofu left over so I made it for us a couple nights ago. I started to freeze it because Jeff was wanting ice cream. It didn't last long enough to freeze solid because he was hungry before that, but he loved it and said he really thought it would make good "ice cream". I made some more last night with white chocolate pudding and divided it into 4 cups (75 cals each) and froze 2 and fridged 2. We didn't eat them last night so 2 are still in the freezer. Maybe tonight. Jeff had one of the fridge ones with his lunch. He said after it was in the fridge over night it was a lot "stickier". Maybe it will stay with you longer that way. I don't know. We'll see. I might try one tonight or tomorrow morning. We will see.

Another thing with tofu...my little girl will NOT eat anything with protein in it. Maybe once a week. No matter how I make it, she hates meat. I can occasionally get her to eat some cottage cheese. Anyways, if I can make a pudding or something with more protein in it, it could help with that.

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Remember the fruit dip you made in Washington - Yogurt & cream cheese w/a little splenda - well I now use greek yogurt (vanilla) lite cream cheese and brown sugar splenda - and it taste just like cheese cake (w/o crust) and I get pt :0) best of both world - figure the cal to be about 200 but getting like 18 grms pt - where as with sf ice cream you get like 6

Kaitlin was the same way as a child - she would only eat cheese hardly any meat - but she out grew it now she loves blood red steak ;0) just like her LaLa

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I was making that dip with greek yogurt too until I found the light and fit low sugar yogurt. So now I make it with that yogurt, low fat cream cheese, about 1/3 of a package of sf pudding. When I was making it with splenda I added some vanilla to give it a little more flavor, so now the pudding gives it the same but a little creamier. I've thought about trying it with the silken tofu to add more Protein. We'll see.

I just tried the white choc tofu pudding. Not great flavor. I won't make it again. As for Jeff's idea of it being sticky, I don't know what that was about. I don't agree. Just not loving that flavor.

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I was making that dip with greek yogurt too until I found the light and fit low sugar yogurt. So now I make it with that yogurt, low fat cream cheese, about 1/3 of a package of sf pudding. When I was making it with splenda I added some vanilla to give it a little more flavor, so now the pudding gives it the same but a little creamier. I've thought about trying it with the silken tofu to add more Protein. We'll see.

I just tried the white choc tofu pudding. Not great flavor. I won't make it again. As for Jeff's idea of it being sticky, I don't know what that was about. I don't agree. Just not loving that flavor.

I use to use the dannon lite and fit - but the greek has more pt... I too add vanilla and white choc pudding sometime ;0)

Well just a drive by - gym in a few...

Karla what time is your surgery tomorrow

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Sorry ladies, finally got home, had a school visit about an hour away for my master's program, then back to school to finish up sub notes. By the time I hit the road it was a sheet of ice, so had to drive 35 mph all the way home. We are suppose to get freezing rain tonight, it will be interesting getting to the hospital. Surgery is at 11:30 am, so have to be there by 9:30. I should be out and ready to go home about 4 pm, but Elyse has to work until 5:30 so I'll hang in the waiting room until she is done, then home and to bed!

Steph, you made tofu sound good. I may check that out. I think one summer my kids lived on Peanut Butter and jelly sandwiches, they didn't want to slow down long enough to eat anything else.

Phyl must be out and about, and Candice enjoying her lovely cruise.

I can be a little flexible about our get together IF I can tie it to a long weekend or Spring break. But once the medical bills are paid off, the $$ goes in the kitty. I plan on putting some away this summer as well.

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Ok so when I get home from the gym - you should at least post and say you are ok..

$$$ well don't know where I stand till I get taxes done - I think I will be able to claim Andrew this yr - not sure - but then I have lost my single head of household status and that's going to hurt big time

Back from gym - tired and hungry - want mexican food - but all I have is fish ;0)

Karla -GF LOVE AND HUGS PRAYERS FOR A SAFE SURGERY TOMORROW - I will be thinking about you all day long..

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Good Morning...

Hope you all slept well...

Karla - How are you doing this morning - Hugs & Prayers

Steph you were up late last night..

Phyl - Busy??

Not much to report - watched my soap & biggest loser - bed - now another day ;0) - Have gym again tonite - Monday got cancelled so leg work out..

Karla - How's Simon

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Janet, Simon is healing and the vet says, "Out of the woods"! So we can relax about anything popping up. He looks good, going to have some pretty good battle wounds, but that just adds character.

I'd pretty much kill for a huge glass of ice Water this morning. Normally the going without water doesn't bother me, but last night I ate a hand full of pistachioes...what was I thinking. Thank you all for the prayers, it will be just fine. I'll let you know when I am home safe and sound.

It rained all night, so hopefully the road won't be too bad, It was suppose to freeze, but it hasn't yet, Going to spend this morning doing a little picking up, vacumn, dishes, etc.

I know what you mean about Mexican. Um, taco soup..... my favorite, but need to let the stomach heal a bit me before spicy food. I did have a cup of coffee yesterday, very tasty. But I need to go back to no caffiene for a few more days. I am having a bugger of a time remembering to take the prilosec because I don'e usually take my meds in the morning.

Phyl must be real busy!!!

Candice...home this weekend?

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Janet, Simon is healing and the vet says, "Out of the woods"! So we can relax about anything popping up. He looks good, going to have some pretty good battle wounds, but that just adds character.

I'd pretty much kill for a huge glass of ice Water this morning. Normally the going without water doesn't bother me, but last night I ate a hand full of pistachioes...what was I thinking. Thank you all for the prayers, it will be just fine. I'll let you know when I am home safe and sound.

It rained all night, so hopefully the road won't be too bad, It was suppose to freeze, but it hasn't yet, Going to spend this morning doing a little picking up, vacumn, dishes, etc.

I know what you mean about Mexican. Um, taco soup..... my favorite, but need to let the stomach heal a bit me before spicy food. I did have a cup of coffee yesterday, very tasty. But I need to go back to no caffiene for a few more days. I am having a bugger of a time remembering to take the prilosec because I don'e usually take my meds in the morning.

Phyl must be real busy!!!

Candice...home this weekend?

Candice Cruise was 10 days she left 1/1 so ya she should be on here way home - I think she staying 1 day after she gets off ship - but today is the 12th - so we should be hearing from here soon..

Phyl - Needs to ck in ;0)

Here is my suggestion - Next yr - All inclusive in Mexico in April - Karla can you save $$$ by then - You and I can room - as the others will be bring dh's???

Or if the ones w/hubbys don't have to bring them if they don't want ;0)

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Janet, I was up late last night. We had a snowmobile club meeting and didn't get home from that until 930 and then Michael called with a "crisis". More on that in a second. Then Jeff and I talked for awhile about club stuff and then he went off to snore in the bedroom. I stayed in the chair for awhile so posted that quick note.

So Michael calls last night to tell me, "Mom, I want to go to Acquire the Fire (a church thing) in Nashville and Dad says he won't let me go out of state with someone he doesn't know but that if you say yes you can veto him." I'm like, what the freick??? We are NOT playing this game. He's with his dad now, he didn't want to be here anymore and up until last night he was all, "Everything here is so great, Dad is the best, I've never been happier." Then last night was, I'm a prisoner in this house, he treats me like an @$$, he won't even let me go to church. I talked to him, I talked to his dad, I talked to him, I talked to his dad. By the time we were off the phone Scott and I were on the same page...not that we were ever on different ones, and Michael should have understood that there isn't anything in the world he's going to tell me about his father that is going to shock me. I told Michael he is down there, his dad is in charge, and moving back here is NOT an option. I told him that until he learns to respect his dad's rules and such he is not even coming home for a visit. The honeymoon is over and life is setting in. He's going to have to learn to deal. Poor baby!

However, after I got off the phone I was stressed out about being a horrible mom and what have I done, how could I be so cold, what iffing myself into a tizzy. Anyway....it is all good and I stand by my decision to send him to Missouri. It is the best thing for everyone involved.

Today my tummy is making those sounds it made right after surgery. It sounds like I am going to explode. It's actually a little bit humorous. Nothing seems to be quieting it so I'm not going to feed it. We will see what makes it stop. My head is still really stopped up and I need to up my Fluid intake combat these drugs. That's what I am concentrating on today.

Have a good day ladies. Can't wait to hear about Phyl's day and Candice's trip. I'll be waiting very impatiently for an update from Karla, though I know it will all be good. Later taters!

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WTG STEPH !!!! SO PROUD OF YOU - YOU ARE A FANTASTIC MOM !!!!! You are sticking to your guns and that's what's needed - we let our kids maniuplate us too much (I include myself in this) they pull at our heart strings.. I understand about getting worked up and then not being able to sleep - before Andrew left he was always choosing late evening to get into it about the whole dog situation - I just couldn't take it anymore - I need my rest - I don't need the stress and I don't want or need anymore dogs - Hell I ended up w/3 and 1 cat - it really cuts into what I can and can't do... It's like having kids..

Well if you are hungry - google healthy recipes - omg I am finding tons of them - that's what I do when I am hungry - Karla mentioned taco Soup - never heard of it - so googled it - to me it's really like chilli - but I bet you could eat that - ground beef or turkey & Beans - I think I will be making some this weekend ..

OMG just saw later taters - too cute..

Well I gotta get back to work - I am so glad you have come back ;0) it makes my heart smile - and omg your mom's pic's on FB too funny !!!

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Drive by - have gym in 10 ...

Karla is fine - sounded great - she left message on my house phone around 12:45 - surgery earlier than expected - she's just waiting for DD to pick her up at 5:30 p.m. Poor thing had to wait that long - I would have called a taxi LOL

Karla - So glad you are ok - was thinking of you this morning -

Phyl - where in the hell are you - you need 4 corners to upd lbt LOL - I know you went to costco today ;0)

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I'm home safe and sound!!!

Had a little breathing issue during recovery. I woke up with the darn intabating tube still in and was awake when they pulled it out, in all my surgeries I've never remembered that. Well my throat decided to go into a spasm and did the gasping for air thing. Ended up having a nebulizer treatment and oxygen, but then was fine. I really didn't mind waiting for Elyse. I snoozed, did a little knitting and some more snoozing. They wouldn't let me sit in the waiting room, so just sat propped up in my outpatient bed having the nurses wait on me. Rather nice.

So far very little pain, tired, but no big deal. I think I have finally figured out the road to the ER last week. First no one mentioned and I didn't read the label, so I'm just as responsible, but I didn't know that you are suppose to take Lortab with food. Well the weeks after surgery I wasn't really eating a lot, a definitely didn't take the Lortab with food, you know the whole drinking thing after eating. Well, I guess it can cause vomiting without food. So that started the vomiting, which made me swell, then add the NSAID meds, and bingo, in the ER. I at least understand now what went on.

Where the heck is Phyl?

Steph, you did the absolutely perfect thing with Michael, great job. I know it is hard, kids never understand that it is harder on us than them. It is also hard to have Michael with his dad, but you made the right decision.

Janet, what you doing tonight? Work out then? But just think, tomorrow is Friday!!!

Got a message from the school today saying they couldn't get the sub I had last time, the retired teacher. So ended up with a warm body, not happy. Called my principal to have her go and look over my sub notes. I left notes in the format a teacher could understand, not a warm body. Anyway she says, "Isn't your surgery today?', I told her yep, and that I was done, and just sitting in recovery. She about wigged and asked what the heck I was doing worrying about school.

My sister called to see how I was and guess what...she invited me to come down to their summer home (one of three) during spring break. Hum, Arizona the first week in April??? Oh, I think I could handle a little sun tanning. I guess Alegiant Air flies there, so I am going to check into a cheap flight. Don't think I can afford it, but at least it would be fun to check out. She said she could hook me up with a rich single guy,,,hum, we possibly could break that 15 year drought...if you know what I mean!!!

Well going to take my meds and head to bed! Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, you are my strength!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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