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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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The BCBS thing is country wide I think. You just have to sign up. You don't have to be a BCBS customer or anything. I'm sure they are going to get something out if it, but I don't know what. They didn't ask me any personal info. It was advertised in the paper here in town. The challenge is basically self moderating. I am pretty sure there is no "prize" but that isn't why we did it in the first place. It's 12 weeks and I know you can still sign up. It is basically an accountability thing for us. They want you to do 30 min cardio 5 days a week and strength training 2x. They give a month's worth of daily challenges to attempt. They are food or habit or exercise. That's what the tofu discussion has been on FB. If you want to look at the stuff you can register at wellwithblue.com. You have to register first though before you can see the stuff though which I think is a stupid way to do it. I like that it isn't about weight loss as much as it is about healthy living.

Phyl, your vacation sounds awesome. I think Janet is probably right on with the food being harder to avoid on a cruise than at an all-inclusive. I would love to do that with the kids. Maybe in a couple of years when they are all a little older. Maybe for Michael's graduation. We will see.

I'm feeling pretty congested today. I hope it will be short lived. I've taken some emergen-c and will take another in a couple of hours. I don't know if airborne is any good once you get sick. I have a pink ribbon snowmobile ride this weekend so I really don't want to be sick. I'm pretty excited about it though. I'll suck it up even if I'm not feeling great, but really hope I feel better.

It's very very cold here today. -22 on my car. It's so frigid. I hate it when it's like that. Supposed to be for the next week. Hopefully warmer in North Dakota. Alright....off to do stuff. Hugs ladies.

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Zicam - Take it w/airborne as soon as you feel crappy - the zicam really works for me.

Have you done the tofu yet?? I know it takes on the flavor of whatever you season it with - I have had bits in Soups (chinese) but never as a meal..

Well my Idries (trainer) is sick so no work out to nite was weights - arms - - so I got the zumba wii dance game - guess I will give that a try - just found it on the door step yesterday (I don't use the front door) i guess mail man dropped it off on Friday... So that will be my exercise tonite - sure glad it's just me and the dogs :0)

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Zicam - Take it w/airborne as soon as you feel crappy - the zicam really works for me.

Have you done the tofu yet?? I know it takes on the flavor of whatever you season it with - I have had bits in Soups (chinese) but never as a meal..

Well my Idries (trainer) is sick so no work out to nite was weights - arms - - so I got the zumba wii dance game - guess I will give that a try - just found it on the door step yesterday (I don't use the front door) i guess mail man dropped it off on Friday... So that will be my exercise tonite - sure glad it's just me and the dogs :0)

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Done with the surgeon, I was in sever pain this morning and then right before my appt. My blood pressure was high, so they asked what is up. I explained that I was in pain and just gritting my teeth through it. This morning a fetal position was desired, but you can't do that in front of 6th graders. So they go me in right away to the surgeon and I had intestines stuck in my hernia. She poked them back in and then showed me how to do it, THEN said, I'll see you Thursday for surgery, this can't wait. So between tonight and Thursday I have to see the band doc, go to a master's class all day Wednesday and write sub notes for the next 2 weeks. She said I'd be out for the next 2 to 6 weeks, it will depend upon how I feel.

But good news, the band doc is going to take me as a patient, all it takes is $$$$, normally they charge $2000, yep that's thousands just for the consult. But since I already have my band and lost my weight, they are only going to charge me $400, okay, I can live with that to have a local doctor. Bands are forever, so it worth the $$$$ to have someone local.

Sorry I have been such a downer this week, once all these parts are fixed, I will be good as new!!!! No more whining, I promise!!! Okay, maybe just a little whining.

Steph, whooooooooooooohooooooooooooooooo, great job. Now that you are able to eat real food you are going to see those pounds melt off. Tell Jeff we are proud of him and rooting for him!!! He can do it, and so can you!

Janet, bummer on your trainer being ill, just stinks.

Phyl, thanks for seeing my point on the wicca thing. My problem is that my brother thinks it is harmless, it just plain scares me. Although I agree with Janet, since grieving is mental, if a 'healer' makes mom feel better, I don't see the harm. I will admit a secret wish to have a taro reading, but good old scared of getting struck down by the wrath of God is enough to keep me clear. Yep, I'm a woosie.

Well, I'm going to find some dinner, maybe just tea, after today's pain I feel just kind of woosie all over. I know, whimpy.

Ladies, I love you all, stay safe and warm. Steph, I thought WE were cold, you have us beat!!

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Karla - Hugs Prayer for a safe surgery - glad you are so positive about it - You aren't debbie downer - you haven't been feeling well..

Well - tried the stupid wii zumba - don't waste your $$$ it's going back to qvc - they don't tell you left or right - too hard to follow - but I did yoga and it's been 276 days since the last time I turned on my wii - have improved greatly in that area and my weight is the same as it was 276 days ago - it just gave me bmi - but it's the same ;0) 24.06...

So now just posting - going to go have dinner - sorta hungry

Bf - Jerky

lunch fish & spinach

snack 1/2 ck thigh

dinner ck thigh and broc & rice

Snacks?? popcorn fudgecicle

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Hi ladies. Just a quick check in. Had an appt with our life insurance person tonight. I got the kids dinner early but figured that I would eat soon after he left. He was here a little longer and I didn't get something to eat until after 8. So I inhaled some tuna...but I managed to NOT drink and I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable. So, for today, here are my intakes....

SF/FF latte

protein shake

1c. refried Beans with 1 ww jal. cheese wedge and salsa

1/3 c peanuts

1/2 c tuna w/ 1tbs miracle whip, 2tbs dill relish

I have a snack in the freezer. I'm looking forward to it, but after such a late dinner, maybe not. Here's what it is. 9 oz silken tofu, 1 pkg SF choc pudding mix, a few tbsp of silk milk, put in the magic bullet and blend. The whole thing has 300 cals and I split it in 2 cups for the 2 of us. I put it in the freezer because Jeff was wanting ice cream. We will see. I'm thinking that the 1/2 I have for me will be more likely 2 servings but we will see. Not sure with the tofu. I bought some other flavors of SF pudding so if I like it, great. We will see. I'll let you know.

Night ladies.

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Morning ladies, slept like a rock! Hope you all did as well. Cold!!!!!!!!!!!! and then some, but Steph still has me beat.

Today is the appt with the new lapband doc. I don't really care whether I like him or not, I just need someone local!

It will probably be a late check in tonight, so don't stress if I don't get on until later. Need to get my sub notes ready, but today is lecture all day, so I'll have to go back to school after my appt, which means I won't get home until close to bed time. I need to get bills paid for the people in China, stock a little food, etc. I am trying not to think about it all. Part of me is saying I should call and postpone the surgery until next week, but I know I shouldn't and after yesterday's incident, I don't think I could live through that pain again.

So is Candice home this weekend? Time has begun to blur together and I can't remember. She has been gone a little over a week...right?

Phyl, is your mom still improving?

Well best get busy, TTFN

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Good Morning Peeps

Steph how was the tofu ;0) - You are doing so great !!!!

Karla - YOU WILL NOT POSTPONE... ;0) - Get done what you can - and the rest will take care of it's self - heck you are only going to be down for a couple of days - Is one of your DD's coming to help you...

LOL on your Mom - I'm like your brother - it's all harmless really - cuz I don't know if I totally believe in all that hocus pokescu ...

Well - it's that time again - shower - dress - work...


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Presidente InterContinental , SAN JOSE DEL CABO

Tracy & Jim have been there twice... once by themselves, and lasts spring they took JIm's 2 older kids and their families. They love the place, so I'm sure we'll have an enjoyable week. Just have to figure out housing for the cat and dog. Dog won't be a problem, but everyone here knows the cat is not warm and fuzzy like Zoey!! HAHAHA! She really is no problem.... feed her once a day and clean out her litter box every day and she's content. I think my neighbor, Joy, might take her.

Stepped away to get ready for pool and lost my quotes!!

Karla.... DO NOT postpone!! There is a reason your doctor said THIS CAN'T wait!! It's not only the pain, but this is called a "strangulated hernia"! And the next step is gangrene. You need to get that taken care of NOW!!

Steph, I guess I better stop whining because it's only 44 degrees and time to go to the pool for Water aerobics!!

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Good Evening Gang...

Back from boot camp ;0) got the dogs fed - just cking in...

Phyl look at the resort looks nice - I really want to go to another one - I was looking there and one in Ixtapa at a Barcelo (same one I went to in playa de carmen) - About 1500 total - Heck they are talking on the mentor thread about Chicago in june - but hell that would cost me $1000 for 4 days just in travel - where as I could go for a week at all inclusive for that price.

I would rather do a week at a nice resort.. Karla - save your money - so we can go next yr - how about it girls - all inclusive in mexico for 7 days and hubbys can come if they want - they can hang together ;0)... I want some r&r.. I only got 1 good beach day when we went the end of Nov.. The rest of the time it was go go go.,..

Well Karla said she would be late tonite - Candice still on Cruise - Phyl what are you doing tonite - Steph how was the dessert - did you like it - I saw that Jeff liked it..

Food today

BF - Jerky

Lunch - bbq chicken & broc

Dinner - fish & veggie - rice

snack s??

Boring life ;0) off to start my dinner ... cbl

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Okay, I did not postpone, but I am a bit crazy right now.

Had the ER follow up with the new band doc. He won't give me fill for 2 week, well he wanted 3, I wanted today, so we compromised...I think. He is going to be okay, a bit of a Nazi, he is anti caffeine, anti soda, anti cigarettes, anti... well just about everything. He really didn't want me, but I gave him no choice. Besides, the office ladies loved me, we sat and joked and gabbed for an hour after the appt, do I know how to smooze or what. The reality is that they are the ones that matter, mainly because they do most of the fills. So I am going to go with him. I can't afford another ER visit, physically, mentally, or $$$$

Sorry this has to be quick, I need to get some sub notes together for the next few days, I got about half of them done. So a couple more hours of work today should get me through this week and I'll work on next week over the weekend. The school wants an official letter rather than the quick note the surgeon wrote, so I am going to be a witch and have the doc write it for the full 4 weeks, then if I come back after 2 I look golden.

Love you all, I'll chat tomorrow or later tonight, but need to hit the books, TTFN

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Hi, Gals! Very busy day. Water aerobics, came home & did makeup and jewelry, etc and back up for Christian Ladies' luncheon.... they have them once a month. Speaker was gospel/country singer... really good. But, elderly lady collapsed partway through the presentation/singing, so that was the end of that... chaos.... call 911, get our emergency response team there, etc. She was sitting up and talking to EMTs by the time we left but suspect she is in the hosp now. She has these TIAs from time to time. Spent time in the hospital last year, too. I am sure she is well over 80, maybe even 90, but she is usually at water aerobics. We have another lady who is 93 who is there EVERY day!! One lady in the class told me last week that her husband s realy disappointed because all the people he used to play tennis with every morning have either died or are too sick to play so now he has to play shuffleboard in the mornings! He's 75-80ish!

I didn't go home after that... had my beading bag with me because I wanted to finish the Bracelet I started yesterday. She's doing classes 2X a week now that the season is in full swing. So... finished bracelet and went home a little after 3:30pm. Zoey was waiting for me outside... shivering, I might add! It was chilly out! Just I was about to leave to take her with me to get the mail, Larry from next door came to our door and told us there was a "neighborhood mmeting" going on at his place if we wanted to come over!! You know what that means! So, it was after 7pm when we came home from that! So... bowl of zucchini Soup that neighbor behind us made was dinner. Catching up on LBT posts tonight, Scrabble games, etc., and Angry Birds!! Now it's bedtime!!

All-inclusive makes sense to me! Much better deal for the money than a cruise, etc. Whole package including air fare, travel insurance, transfer to/from airport-hotel, etc... under $3k for 8 days.

Karla, glad you're going through with the surgery, and that you're connected with a band doctr. You need to take it easy on the coffee or now because of the ulcer, but you should be able to get back to it once that heals up.

Good work, Steph!!

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Morning ladies,

Phyl, poor Zoey, freezing her poor paws off outside!! She is NOT use to cold weather...does she need a sweater? Sorry about your luncheon getting interrupted, hopefully the lady is okay. Ten years ago when I went on a cycling tour, there were several riders in their 90's. I have to admit, I almost didn't make it a couple of times, bicycling up the divide in 90 degree weather is NOT for whimps. But these people ALWAYS beat me into camp every day. I just hope I have 1/2 a brain when I am that age.

Today, I have master's work to do in a different school building, then taking Alexa, DD#5 out to dinner, stop at school and do a few more sub notes, a quick vacumn, then to bed. I'll be late checking in, but I will check in.

Oh, I forgot to mention, one of the reasons the band doc doesn't like Mexico patients is that he says they don't do as well and it makes his practice look bad. WELL I told him it wasn't about where you got your band, it was about your support group and I told him about you ladies!!! I think he was surprised that I had a group and knew how to eat, etc. So there, another confirmation that you all are the best group in the world.

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Good Morning Gang...

Yep Phyl you are back in the swing of things aren't you... I envy your vacation - Yep it was weird cloudy yesterday... I have robe and heater on right now - it was cold when I got out of gym...

Don't you think it's a good idea for our next get together - just can't make it in July but in April or May..

Karla - All doc's are against all those things LOL - Glad you got a doc in town... Hope today isn't too bad - tomorrows Thursday what time is surgery???

Hugs & Prayers

Watched tv my soap and some of Biggest Loser and was alseep by 10 woke up before alarm at 4:20 - so got up..

Ate too many choc calcuim - they are great for tmi issue ..

Hope everyone has a great day

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Good morning ladies. Not such a great evening for me yesterday!

Had a meeting so got the kids fed and went. Got home at 7 and cooked Jeff and I a grilled chicken burger. I figured it would be easier for me because it's not a solid chicken breast. However, at a little over half and called it uncomfortable. I knew that if I pb'd I'd feel better but I didn't want to irritate anything so tried to stick it out. Got a few cups of peppermint tea down hoping it would break whatever up. Tried some papaya. Nothing. This morning I finally gave in. So...it's back to liquids for me. I was doing so well! It wasn't chewing or speed because I did take it really slow and easy and this morning I proved to myself that I had chewed (I know, ick!). Who knows. So....liquids today and tomorrow, mush friday. Hopefully by the time I get to the snowmobile rally I will be able to eat something a little more solid.

I was a little worried about my weight. I hadn't been eating anything bad but my rings were starting to feel really tight the last couple days. However, when I stepped on the scale this morning it hadn't climbed back up my 3 pounds like I had suspected. I'm sure it's just my sick. I need to quit panicking.

So, food yesterday was

16 oz SF/FF latte

Protein Shake

1/2 c refried Beans, 100 cal pepper jack

Protein shake

2/3 chicken burger

Glad Jeff picked me up so many Atkins shakes so I can let everything rest.

Phyl, what a scary meeting. I hope that dear woman is feeling better today. That would really shake me up. You are so busy. Hard to keep up with you. I'm very jealous of your vacation coming up.

Karla, your band doc sounds like he will be good for you. I know you like the guy in Kalispell but having someone in town will be so nice. It will be very comforting knowing that if there is an issue, there is someone there to take care of it for you. You were right in telling him that it doesn't matter where you are banded, it has everything to do with how you deal with it. You're an amazing success story and hopefully you will be able to change his opinion a little bit. Good luck tomorrow. You will feel so much better when all your insides are exactly where they are supposed to be.

Janet, there was something I was going to say but it's gone. Lost in my last blowing of my nose I think.

I'll check in later ladies. Have a terrific day.

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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