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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi ladies. Small success to report. first food didn't make me over head hungry. It did give me some munchie issues. I had plenty of calories aside so I had a 1/4 c peanuts. I slimed them all night. Not uncomfortable stuck, just slime crap. Finally this morning had some peppermint tea and that stopped the slime. I'll stick with 2 more days of super softs. Too much too soon. Impatience. The story of my life.

Today is church and then snowmobiling so I won't be in for the day. That should make my stomach a little easier to manage. This sitting around crap sucks. Anyways...just poking in. TTFN

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Hi ladies. Small success to report. first food didn't make me over head hungry. It did give me some munchie issues. I had plenty of calories aside so I had a 1/4 c peanuts. I slimed them all night. Not uncomfortable stuck, just slime crap. Finally this morning had some peppermint tea and that stopped the slime. I'll stick with 2 more days of super softs. Too much too soon. Impatience. The story of my life.

Today is church and then snowmobiling so I won't be in for the day. That should make my stomach a little easier to manage. This sitting around crap sucks. Anyways...just poking in. TTFN

Good Morning Steph - I agree w/you getting out of the house helps the munchies so much - I know Karla does better in the house - I don't - I tend to keep looking in the kitchen - if I'm out and about I don't think about food ;0) - Enjoy your day !!!

I would be so sick of not being able to eat - that has to be so tough - Hugs

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Hi ladies. Small success to report. first food didn't make me over head hungry. It did give me some munchie issues. I had plenty of calories aside so I had a 1/4 c peanuts. I slimed them all night. Not uncomfortable stuck, just slime crap. Finally this morning had some peppermint tea and that stopped the slime. I'll stick with 2 more days of super softs. Too much too soon. Impatience. The story of my life.

Today is church and then snowmobiling so I won't be in for the day. That should make my stomach a little easier to manage. This sitting around crap sucks. Anyways...just poking in. TTFN

Have a GREAT day in the snow, Steph!

So..... Janet, you're saying I need to get off my butt???? I will take Zoey for a stroller walk later, but I have more football to watch. I don't think I can watch on my Android phone. And how do I watch TV and walk at the same time without tripping over my feet???!! LOL

Just talked to my Mom and she is SO much better today!! After sleeping most of the day yesterday after her fall, not eating and too sick to talk on the phone, she went down to Breakfast this morning and ate pretty heartily for her!! She sounds much improved!!

Have to get in the shower. Need to be at chapel by 9:10 a.m. for brief choir rehearsal before first service. Two services today. Have to stay until after we sing at the 2nd service. TTYL!!

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Janet, you were up early and already working out. I slept in, still have some healing to do I guess.

Finished the blocks on a small quilt last night. It is all hand sewn and hand applique. Around here we call it a promise quilt. But it keeps me from eating when I am watching TV. Today I need to do some cleaning and laundry. Then get ready to face school.

Phyl, congrats on the Seahawks!!! I use to be a Steelers & Bears fan, WAY in the 80's, but don't watch football or any sports much anymore. I quit watching football when it seemed that every play they had to haul someone off of the field injured

Steph, enjoy the snowmobile excursion. WAY too cold for me!

Janet, now that you house is spotless what are you going to do with your day?

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Tivo the games Phyl - It's a shame to let tv control your life ;o) LOL Walk today ;0)... I only watch the superbowl ;0)

Karla - Gym at 10 - then grocery store - and that about it - Had HOA dues on 1/1 - so need to watch $$$

No real plans - I like to stick close to home on Sunday's - day of rest... I'm enjoying clean house but do have about 2 more loads of laundry..

I am reading a book - maybe I should crochet ...

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Tivo the games Phyl - It's a shame to let tv control your life ;o) LOL Walk today ;0)... I only watch the superbowl ;0)

Karla - Gym at 10 - then grocery store - and that about it - Had HOA dues on 1/1 - so need to watch $

No real plans - I like to stick close to home on Sunday's - day of rest... I'm enjoying clean house but do have about 2 more loads of laundry..

I am reading a book - maybe I should crochet ...

OH... I ALWAYS watch the games recorded.... First one started at 10a.m. and I didn't even start watching until abut 1pm. It was probably over by then. And I FF when it gets boring... or if one team is way ahead. Don't let it control my life, honest! Watching the 2nd game and getting caught up on LBT. And helped make a big crock pot of chili which we'll have for dinner. But I don't know if I can make myself go out and walk in this wind!! But glad we're not home! Lots of snow there today. See Tracy's photos on FB!! If you really want me to walk, you could always come out and have some chili with us and MAKE me walk with you!! HAHAHA!!

I stay really busy all week, so don't feel too guilty about vegging today. And did some stuff yesterday before football..... TOPS at the bazaar, Red Hats.... no walking, but on the move and busy. Coming week will be very busy. Water aerobics every day. Beading Monday afterward, Christian Women's luncheon on Tuesday, TOPS Thursday, may go to the Navy base one day... need Rx refills so need to go soon. Want to go to Mexico this month, too, and to Quartzsite for the big RV show, which I think is the 3rd week. Hey.. what day of the week does your birthday fall on this month?? Guess I need to look at the calendar. Actually... whole rest of the winter looks busy!! Feb. Tracy & Jim coming for a long weekend among other things. Then we have Linda and Candace coming down in March, going to Cabo w/Tracy & Jim first week of April.

Doing better with food since we're home. Back to small omelets for breakfast. Was doing an egg, a 45 cal toast at home and once or twice a slice of bacon, but out to eat w/Tracy & Jim too many times, and way too much bad food around. So, had my omelet for BF today, salad for lunch and the chili for dinner. Snacking now on a little smoked salmon and cheese and wine.

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It really has been a long day. I'm so tired. 5 hours on the snowmobile is quite a work out. Jeff and I each had a shake on the trail and then tonight we went out for Candice's favorite Walleye. I ate maybe half. It was very very good though. Now, just going to lounge and fall asleep in the chair probably. I'm BEAT!

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Steph, you had REAL food!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is just fabulous!!!! Glad you had a good day.

House is clean, laundry almost done and....I QUILTED IN MY QUILT ROOM. The first time I have worked on a quilt with my Featherweight since November of 2009 when I had to pack everything up to sell the house. It was a fabulous feeling. My own little space, and I can leave the quilt laid out and not have to worry about the furries or anyone seeing it!!! I had so much fun. Sorry, I just had to share!!

I definitely will be glad when I can get some Fluid back in the old band. Potions are larger than they should be, but part of that is not having any real food for the last 2 weeks. I am going to give it a couple more days before I try any raw veggies. I did try some grapes and all went well, so I am hoping that I can eat a salad soon.

Janet, how was your quiet day? Did you get the crocheting out? I need to get started on Birthday gifts for DD#1 & DD#2, their birthdays are in March and May. But I can't put if off because master's classes start up pretty soon and then I won't have the time.

Phyl, sounds like you had a busy week. But you always are busy! I get tired just reading about your schedule.

Well have a great evening, the dryer just called my name and I need to make my bed. TTFN

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OKAY... I walked the dog around the block!


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Morning Ladies

Phyl great job, I know it is chilly outside, but Zoey surely loved the walk!!

I have my appointment with the surgeon today, so we will get things scheduled for the next surgery.

Didn't sleep worth darn last night. Tossed and turned, couldn't get my brain to shut off. Oh well, I'll just make tonight an early night.

I think I mentioned that my mother thinks she is a witch and has her own 'wicca', well she called yesterday to tell me that my brother bought her a spell book. She gets a little frustrated because with me because I don't like her to bring her taro cards, etc. to my house. It just skeeves me out. So now she is planning on going to a 'healer' to deal with her mourning for dad.

Well running slow this morning, best get at it. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - I had gym at 10 then went to Stater Bro & Target - got home around 2:30 put stuff up - watched t.v. read - had a 20 min cat nap - bed and now up work..

Hope all goes well with dr appt - on your portion what do you think is too much most likely isn't - eat off small plates - measure and you will do fine - you gotta heal

Phyl - WTG on your walk - it wasn't windy here -- just over cast and cool - Chili sounds good - I wish I had read this yesterday - I might have come out - didn't turn on the computer when I got home - I spend too much time on it and then at the end of the day I don't feel rested ;0)

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Good Morning Again...

Forgot these thoughts in my 1st post this morning- was thinking about it in the shower ;)0

Steph - Glad you can eat fish - it's good for you ;0) hope you don't have to smother it in mayo ???

Yep Snowmobiling is exercise ;0) - I know riding quads is ;0) never snowmobiled but would think it's simliar

Karla - LOL on your Mom being a witch LOL - My Sis when she was younger I know practices some white magic - Don't remember much about it - but knew she was into in her early 20's - My Mom would get her cards read - I had a gf who did too. I've done tarot on the computer. I would love to get mine read - but know it's against God - plus I don't want to know what the future holds - I will let it reveil its self when it's suppose to. But if your Mom gets some benefit from the Healer - go for it - Oh ya I would love to go see John Edwards now that I would do...

Phyl - You just crack me up - Glad you got out for the walk ;0) you were busy last week - we all need our veg days - Good luck on getting your veggies this week - remember pick 1 or say 2 days a week when YOU get to cook dinner - How's that for a great idea ;0)..

Well need to get butt in gear...

Candice - sending love hope all is well any you are having a great time...

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Hi ladies. I have a few minutes now to focus so I want to sit and write a little bit.

Karla, I'm so glad you got to quilt yesterday. I'm going to get a rag quilt done this week. I have a little boy that is going to be 1 before he gets his quilt. DANGIT! I'm so very proud of you and your weight loss. I am sure you feel so much better. I hope you continue to Celebrate the victories in your life.

Janet, you must really be enjoying your empty nest. You deserve it. I'm glad there is a little more peace in your home. That is awesome.

Phyl, you cute little thing! I've seen pictures. I've kept up. You are a cute little thing! You shouldn't be surprised a bit when someone calls you that. I don't blame you for sitting on the edge of your seat watching the game though. I wouldn't have been able to get up either. In fact, when the Pack was playing yesterday when we got back to the bar, I was on the edge of my seat too. I couldn't have gotten up and walked around the block. Seahawks and Packers in the playoffs. WoooHooo! I'm so excited. That would be an awesome playoff game.

Week 1 weigh in. Down what I'm calling 3 lbs. If I lean way back on my scale it says down 6 but I'm pretty sure 3 is correct. If I can average 2 through this challenge that will bring me back down to 150ish and hopefully take enough pressure off my band to keep it. I did eat real food last night though! That was an awesome sign. Wish I could convince Jeff that going out for walleye every night was a good thing, but I'm pretty sure he's going to frown on that :)

Jeff is going up to the hospital each Monday to have his read and he says he is down 8. I thought his starting weight was higher than he says so I'm not sure. He'll log it into the site and we will see. I am so proud of him. You should have seen the glow on his face when he told me! He was like a little kid at Christmas. I would love to see him average 5lbs each week. That will bring him down to close to 300 by the end of this challenge. I think if he's down there he will feel good enough to keep moving. After this challenge there is another 12 week one so I can possibly keep him going if he sees that sort of success. We'll take it one challenge at a time though. He already says his knees feel better.

We've picked out a couple new recipes that we're going to try. I want to try to find 5-10 new ones that are extremely healthy and easy and that we LOVE so that I will be excited to cook them every couple of weeks. With the few healthy meals that I already cook, then we'll be at a place where we can just throw out all the unhealthy ones. At least that's the plan. Winter is so hard. During the summer I could just grill a steak and some veggies and we'd be good. Steak just isn't the same on the Foreman. But...it's better than the junk.

Okay. I have a ladies group starting in 25 minutes and I still have to get ready. Love you ladies. Sorry last week was all about me. I was reading about you and just not taking the time to reply.

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Phyl, you cute little thing! I've seen pictures. I've kept up. You are a cute little thing! You shouldn't be surprised a bit when someone calls you that. I don't blame you for sitting on the edge of your seat watching the game though. I wouldn't have been able to get up either. In fact, when the Pack was playing yesterday when we got back to the bar, I was on the edge of my seat too. I couldn't have gotten up and walked around the block. Seahawks and Packers in the playoffs. WoooHooo! I'm so excited. That would be an awesome playoff game.

Week 1 weigh in. Down what I'm calling 3 lbs. If I lean way back on my scale it says down 6 but I'm pretty sure 3 is correct. If I can average 2 through this challenge that will bring me back down to 150ish and hopefully take enough pressure off my band to keep it. I did eat real food last night though! That was an awesome sign. Wish I could convince Jeff that going out for walleye every night was a good thing, but I'm pretty sure he's going to frown on that :)

Jeff is going up to the hospital each Monday to have his read and he says he is down 8. I thought his starting weight was higher than he says so I'm not sure. He'll log it into the site and we will see. I am so proud of him. You should have seen the glow on his face when he told me! He was like a little kid at Christmas. I would love to see him average 5lbs each week. That will bring him down to close to 300 by the end of this challenge. I think if he's down there he will feel good enough to keep moving. After this challenge there is another 12 week one so I can possibly keep him going if he sees that sort of success. We'll take it one challenge at a time though. He already says his knees feel better.

We've picked out a couple new recipes that we're going to try. I want to try to find 5-10 new ones that are extremely healthy and easy and that we LOVE so that I will be excited to cook them every couple of weeks. With the few healthy meals that I already cook, then we'll be at a place where we can just throw out all the unhealthy ones. At least that's the plan. Winter is so hard. During the summer I could just grill a steak and some veggies and we'd be good. Steak just isn't the same on the Foreman. But...it's better than the junk.

Okay. I have a ladies group starting in 25 minutes and I still have to get ready. Love you ladies. Sorry last week was all about me. I was reading about you and just not taking the time to reply.

GRRR!! This multiquote thing is NOT working for me. I hit Multiquote on all posts and then reply on the last but all I get is the last post I clicked on! Janet... is it working for you????

Steph... great work on the weight loss! Keep up the good work... both of you!!

I hope the Seahawks who show up to play the Packs are the same ones that showed up to play the Saints!!! LOL! They were playing much better than they have most of the season!!

Janet... there's still lots of chili left and that's probably what I'm having for dinner again tonight!! You're welcome anytime!

Walk was good last night.. but knee, hips were glad when we got back to the RV!! Zoey would have made a few more rounds, but I wasn't up to it!

48 degrees and almost time to go to Water aerobics!!! BRRRRRR!!!

Karla.. so glad you're doing better. The wicca/witch thing is pretty scary. I wouldn't allow that stuff in my house either. Definitely demonic! Don't open the door to the enemy!

Booked trip to Cabo w/Tracy and Jim last night... .April 1-9, at an all inclusive place. Cautiously excited! Mexico, too much availability of food and drink, etc. I will have to keep my guard up!

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Hi ladies. I have a few minutes now to focus so I want to sit and write a little bit.

Karla, I'm so glad you got to quilt yesterday. I'm going to get a rag quilt done this week. I have a little boy that is going to be 1 before he gets his quilt. DANGIT! I'm so very proud of you and your weight loss. I am sure you feel so much better. I hope you continue to Celebrate the victories in your life.

Janet, you must really be enjoying your empty nest. You deserve it. I'm glad there is a little more peace in your home. That is awesome.

Phyl, you cute little thing! I've seen pictures. I've kept up. You are a cute little thing! You shouldn't be surprised a bit when someone calls you that. I don't blame you for sitting on the edge of your seat watching the game though. I wouldn't have been able to get up either. In fact, when the Pack was playing yesterday when we got back to the bar, I was on the edge of my seat too. I couldn't have gotten up and walked around the block. Seahawks and Packers in the playoffs. WoooHooo! I'm so excited. That would be an awesome playoff game.

Week 1 weigh in. Down what I'm calling 3 lbs. If I lean way back on my scale it says down 6 but I'm pretty sure 3 is correct. If I can average 2 through this challenge that will bring me back down to 150ish and hopefully take enough pressure off my band to keep it. I did eat real food last night though! That was an awesome sign. Wish I could convince Jeff that going out for walleye every night was a good thing, but I'm pretty sure he's going to frown on that :)

Jeff is going up to the hospital each Monday to have his read and he says he is down 8. I thought his starting weight was higher than he says so I'm not sure. He'll log it into the site and we will see. I am so proud of him. You should have seen the glow on his face when he told me! He was like a little kid at Christmas. I would love to see him average 5lbs each week. That will bring him down to close to 300 by the end of this challenge. I think if he's down there he will feel good enough to keep moving. After this challenge there is another 12 week one so I can possibly keep him going if he sees that sort of success. We'll take it one challenge at a time though. He already says his knees feel better.

We've picked out a couple new recipes that we're going to try. I want to try to find 5-10 new ones that are extremely healthy and easy and that we LOVE so that I will be excited to cook them every couple of weeks. With the few healthy meals that I already cook, then we'll be at a place where we can just throw out all the unhealthy ones. At least that's the plan. Winter is so hard. During the summer I could just grill a steak and some veggies and we'd be good. Steak just isn't the same on the Foreman. But...it's better than the junk.

Okay. I have a ladies group starting in 25 minutes and I still have to get ready. Love you ladies. Sorry last week was all about me. I was reading about you and just not taking the time to reply.

Steph sometimes it is all about you :0) !!! You are important - Love hearing about how excited Jeff is about his weight loss ...

I know you said you were doing BCBS weight loss challenge - but is that something your town is doing or a thingie your insurance company is offering??

I'm w/you - if my steak isn't bbq'd what's the use - waste of good meat - I need gas for my BBQ - I think when Joseph comes at the end of the month - I am going to buy a bbq that hooks up to my natural gas - then I will never be out of gas like I am right now -

GRRR!! This multiquote thing is NOT working for me. I hit Multiquote on all posts and then reply on the last but all I get is the last post I clicked on! Janet... is it working for you????

Steph... great work on the weight loss! Keep up the good work... both of you!!

I hope the Seahawks who show up to play the Packs are the same ones that showed up to play the Saints!!! LOL! They were playing much better than they have most of the season!!

Janet... there's still lots of chili left and that's probably what I'm having for dinner again tonight!! You're welcome anytime!

Walk was good last night.. but knee, hips were glad when we got back to the RV!! Zoey would have made a few more rounds, but I wasn't up to it!

48 degrees and almost time to go to Water aerobics!!! BRRRRRR!!!

Karla.. so glad you're doing better. The wicca/witch thing is pretty scary. I wouldn't allow that stuff in my house either. Definitely demonic! Don't open the door to the enemy!

Booked trip to Cabo w/Tracy and Jim last night... .April 1-9, at an all inclusive place. Cautiously excited! Mexico, too much availability of food and drink, etc. I will have to keep my guard up!

Phyl - you have to hit multi for me and Steph & Karla - then hit add reply - It's working for me but gotta say when I am at work the site usually is ok - sometimes at home I can't change font and things don't always work - but if I clear my cache things go back to normal

Oh you are going to have such a good time - what's the name of the resort??? Really I didn't do bad while on vacation w/food - had a lot more cheese than usual - but alot of the meat was just too tough for my bad and I had a few cocktails too - what got me (I did gain a couple lbs but they were off within a week) was the sugar - but I always eat too much sugar when on vacation - but it's my treat - ..

You will be doing stuff so it' (food) won't be in your face 24/7 - and to me food wasn't in your face as much as on a cruise ;0)

Well gotta get to work ;0)

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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