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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Finally back. DD#3 leaves this morning, but DD#5 is here for another week. Felt crappy all day yesterday and just got done vomiting. I'm so sick of this. I vomited up black stuff this morning, hope I haven't given myself a bleeding ulcer or something. Sitting here sipping a glass of Water. I haven't had enough water for the last few days. So today I am going to stick to water and maybe a smoothie later. Chatted with my fill doc, unfortunately he only does fills, he doesn't do anything else with the band, so there isn't anything he can do. If this continues, I don't know what I am going to do.

School tomorrow, back to the real world. Maybe I am just stressed about that.

Did Candice say what they found out about her mom?

Janet, sounds like you had a good New Years eve. More exciting that me. We played cards yesterday, but that was about it.

Is Phyl on her way home yet? Is Earl settling down?

Karla - I think you may need to go to the ER - or get unfilled - something is going on.. Black stuff not good could be blood.. Take yourself to the ER - if no one knows how to deal w/your port - have them call your band doc - you need it ck'd out. TODAY !!!!

Sorry that everyone is sticking around so long - a couple days is enough for me - hell if Andrew is here for more than a few hours it gets on my nerves

I saw on FB that Phyl hit the road at 5:55 a.m. this morning - that's very early for her - They are making a few stops on the way - I think they will be here Sat or Sunday...

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Janet, I know I need to go, but I'm going to wait a couple of days. I am sticking to only liquids and yogurt, and no acidic stuff. I heating up some Lipton noodle Soup and sipping Water. My house is empty, DD#3 left this morning so DD#5 decided to go back to her apartment. Cleaned up SOME of the house and got Christmas put away. Doing laundry. If I'm not better tomorrow, I'll go to the doc. I'm probably dehydrated, haven't been able to keep water down, but I have a tendency to guzzle. So I'll sip all day long. I'm just tired and stressed about going back to school. But I need to face reality and get back to the real world.

Did Candice say what they found out about her mom before she left?

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Janet, I know I need to go, but I'm going to wait a couple of days. I am sticking to only liquids and yogurt, and no acidic stuff. I heating up some Lipton noodle Soup and sipping Water. My house is empty, DD#3 left this morning so DD#5 decided to go back to her apartment. Cleaned up SOME of the house and got Christmas put away. Doing laundry. If I'm not better tomorrow, I'll go to the doc. I'm probably dehydrated, haven't been able to keep water down, but I have a tendency to guzzle. So I'll sip all day long. I'm just tired and stressed about going back to school. But I need to face reality and get back to the real world.

Did Candice say what they found out about her mom before she left?

Karla - it's just you and me :0) Phyl traveling - Candice Traveling and no she never gave up date on her Mom..

You better be careful - when are you suppose to go back to work

Glad you got the house back...

How did the sipping water go... The black vomit isn't good - you can't ignore that -

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I go back to work tomorrow, bleck!

Talked with Jamie, DD#2 who is the PA, she said that since it wasn't a coffee ground consistancy that it wasn't blood. But she told me to up my OTC Zantac for the next few days. I have managed to get down about 16 oz of Water, still not enough, but none came back. I also had a small yogurt, 2 cups of Lipton Noodle Soup, a decatant cup of REAL homemade Mexican hot chocolate, and a small dish of ice cream. I am feeling better. The vomiting and burning has stopped. So tomorrow I will continue with liquids and no acidic stuff and see how we are.

Yep, just you and me babe. Loving having my house back, if fact I am going to head to bed and read a little bit and then go to sleep, 4:30 am is going to be a killer. Actually tomorrow will be fine, it will be Tuesday or Wednesday that I will be the walking dead.

Have a good sleep and I'll chat in the morning.

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Phyl, glad your drive went well today!!! It does get worrisome when are furries aren't their normal selves. But she probably was missing all her friends and playmates.

Back to reality today. The kids will be too busy socializing after break to focus on school, so I will keep it light. Besides I'll have to figure out how well the students learned stuff with the sub, so I'll spend the next couple of days just reviewing material and seeing where they are. Next week is end of the quarter so the year is half over, Seems very strange. Before I know it, I'll be head back to work at the nursery. I do love working in the spring. Seeing all the plants sprout in the green houses.

Went to bed early and actually woke up before the alarm, mainly because miss molly had to go potty. But there wasn't any point in going back to bed, it was about 10 minutes before the alarm went off.

Keeping food light today, hopefully the stomach will settle down.

Janet, have a great day at work, Phyl, drive safe!!

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Phyl, glad your drive went well today!!! It does get worrisome when are furries aren't their normal selves. But she probably was missing all her friends and playmates.

Back to reality today. The kids will be too busy socializing after break to focus on school, so I will keep it light. Besides I'll have to figure out how well the students learned stuff with the sub, so I'll spend the next couple of days just reviewing material and seeing where they are. Next week is end of the quarter so the year is half over, Seems very strange. Before I know it, I'll be head back to work at the nursery. I do love working in the spring. Seeing all the plants sprout in the green houses.

Went to bed early and actually woke up before the alarm, mainly because miss molly had to go potty. But there wasn't any point in going back to bed, it was about 10 minutes before the alarm went off.

Keeping food light today, hopefully the stomach will settle down.

Janet, have a great day at work, Phyl, drive safe!!

Am I crazy - I don't see a post from Phyl???

Good Morning - My keyboard wasn't working this morning - mouse did - it takes forever to reboot - so just waited til I got to work to post..

Hugs on having to go back to work today.... Sound like you got some food in yesterday - just be careful..

Not much to report either - went to bed 9:30ish - Think I slept all night - woke up to alarm at 5 - it's cold

Yep as we get older the time just flys by.

Well computer or this site seems to be having delayed reaction - I type and nothing and then my words pop up.

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Hi Ladies!! Its me Candic-a Mari-a.... in Genova, Italty

OMG this city is beautiful.... so nice... on a hillside!!, downward to the marina area... HUGE port! Many marny ships dock here.

We have Walked all day, my feet are killing me.. Genova is very hilly, many inclines,., just like on the treadmill...OMG we saw and went inside of Christopher Columbus's house today... so awesome!! Also we went into the twin Towers (ancient) built 1150 AD we climed to the roof top and got some beautiful shots from that vantage point.... so pretty....

But the stair climbing, oh was steep steps.... hurting Cathy's knees.... ha,ha,ha.,,

She's been funny, weve goten along well so far.... she dosn't like all my pee stops, but what can you do...Oh Italy is so civilized...porcelain toilets.... ! Yeah, a major prerequisite for me!!!!

This is the MOST beautiful city I have ever seen!!! Cant wait to board the ship tomorrow.., eating no problemo... not much I can eat/

had shrimp for dinner lst night, and veal scallopini... (its not breaded here :-( ) what were they thinking??

Cathty ate Pasta, it looked delicious, I may attempt it tonight.... so much walking hahahaha... and steps OMword.. Phyl this is NOT atown for you to visit... the streets are practically boulders, layed as paving stones... very uneven underfoot... I was always looking down!!!

Then I just about got hit by a car in the piaazza!! Cathy saved me from near diaster!!! GUy swore at me in Italian...

Drank a bottle of wine yest..., very good... more needed tonight~!!! ha,ha

Miss yiu girls.. Karla, I am glad you finally got some food into yourself,,,, keep it up o.k.

Phyl, safe travels

Janet, I thought of you often today,,,, You'd be proud of all my excersise!!!

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Hi Ladies!! Its me Candic-a Mari-a.... in Genova, Italty

OMG this city is beautiful.... so nice... on a hillside!!, downward to the marina area... HUGE port! Many marny ships dock here.

We have Walked all day, my feet are killing me.. Genova is very hilly, many inclines,., just like on the treadmill...OMG we saw and went inside of Christopher Columbus's house today... so awesome!! Also we went into the twin Towers (ancient) built 1150 AD we climed to the roof top and got some beautiful shots from that vantage point.... so pretty....

But the stair climbing, oh was steep steps.... hurting Cathy's knees.... ha,ha,ha.,,

She's been funny, weve goten along well so far.... she dosn't like all my pee stops, but what can you do...Oh Italy is so civilized...porcelain toilets.... ! Yeah, a major prerequisite for me!!!!

This is the MOST beautiful city I have ever seen!!! Cant wait to board the ship tomorrow.., eating no problemo... not much I can eat/

had shrimp for dinner lst night, and veal scallopini... (its not breaded here :-( ) what were they thinking??

Cathty ate Pasta, it looked delicious, I may attempt it tonight.... so much walking hahahaha... and steps OMword.. Phyl this is NOT atown for you to visit... the streets are practically boulders, layed as paving stones... very uneven underfoot... I was always looking down!!!

Then I just about got hit by a car in the piaazza!! Cathy saved me from near diaster!!! GUy swore at me in Italian...

Drank a bottle of wine yest..., very good... more needed tonight~!!! ha,ha

Miss yiu girls.. Karla, I am glad you finally got some food into yourself,,,, keep it up o.k.

Phyl, safe travels

Janet, I thought of you often today,,,, You'd be proud of all my excersise!!!


Candice so glad you are enjoying yourself !!!!! Sounds wonderful !!!!! Thank God Kathy saved you !!!! Was that after the wine :0) !!!!

WTG on that exercise - ya when in Italy - gotta have a little pasta !!!!!

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Karla - I see now - Phyl sent us an email - I just ck'd them right now and saw it :0)... Ok I'm not crazy and either are you LOL..

How was school today - how you feeling...

Got gym after work - cbl


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I made it through the day. Kept food light. Tonight I had a slice, about 2 oz of marinated turkey loin and a spoon of mashed potatoes. Stomach can't handle veggies, fruit, or coffee. Tired, but okay. Going to go to bed early this week, I need to take things slow. I am looking forward to doing some exercise, but that won't happen until March at the the earliest.

Candice, from what I understand, Greece is just as hilly. Spend some money on a REALLY good pair of walking shoes.

Janet, I see in the news that Vegas has snow and you guys have rain and mud. I hope you are okay.

Enjoy your work out.

Candice, have fun, drink a glass of wine for us!!

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I made it through the day. Kept food light. Tonight I had a slice, about 2 oz of marinated turkey loin and a spoon of mashed potatoes. Stomach can't handle veggies, fruit, or coffee. Tired, but okay. Going to go to bed early this week, I need to take things slow. I am looking forward to doing some exercise, but that won't happen until March at the the earliest.

Candice, from what I understand, Greece is just as hilly. Spend some money on a REALLY good pair of walking shoes.

Janet, I see in the news that Vegas has snow and you guys have rain and mud. I hope you are okay.

Enjoy your work out.

Candice, have fun, drink a glass of wine for us!!

Karla - Where I am is ok - we got a little rain last night - but nothing to write home about - it's just cold..

Glad your day wasn't too bad - yep you need to take it easy - eat lite ... Take your Zantac..

Well - home from gym - going to be sore - had a good workout...

Time to go cook my fish ...

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omy gosh, I am sitting in the lobby of the hotel... to get wifi servcice..dosnt work in our room???

There is this little family sitting beside me on the sette... their 3yr old is jabbering away in Italian...does it ever sound funny... I can't stop looking at her... so cute... GOD I wish I knew wht she was rattling on about... it soundsbou SO interesting.We board our ship today, but not until this afternoon..


Typing here, hoping it will bring on a BM... I know too much TMI but, alas that's what I am thinking about this morning.

Karla, I have a superb pair of shoes that I brought from Canada... ALso bought the cutest shawl/sweater thing yest. I think it will be cold on the ship...

About 45 degrees yest. nice for hiking around and up and down.

PB'd on breaky this a.m... had to go back and drink yougurt thingys... they are good, probiotic I think... but really just guessing cause everything is in Italian... ha,ha,ha... calories, no clue!! but with all this walking and no snacking, I think I will be doing o.k. calorie wise.WHere is Phul??

Is she driving?

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Yep Candice, Phyl is on their way home, I think they have a couple of stops so probably won't be home until the weekend. I'm so glad your trip is going well. Janet and I are just doing our normal stuff, not very exciting, well I"M not very exciting. With all the walking you should be good calorie wise. Then there will be all the dancing, etc. so have a wonderful time.

Hard getting up this morning. DD#5 came home last night. She forgot a bunch of stuff, but I'm hoping it was just because she missed me. Students are pretty good. A little squirrely, but that is just because they haven't seen each other. Did some review with them yesterday and they really seem to know what they should know. I am proud of them. It was nice, many of them gave me a hug, even some of the boys. Nice to be missed.

Think I am going to come home tonight, drink some dinner and go to bed. I'm tired today. Tired and cold, it has been a whopping 5 degrees the last few days. Janet, I'm glad you are safe! It sure looked scarey on the news, but that is one reason I don't watch the news very often.

Have a great day, check in tonight!

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Good Morning Gang...

Candice - So glad you are posting ;0) - Phyl is at DS house for a few days... Take Calcium w/magnisum everynite (a few of them) should help w/the tmi - did you bring laxitives - I always do cuz traveling I don't drink enough..

Karla - Sound like a plan - I didn't go to bed til around 11 - which is a little late and had to get up to pee a couple of times - that's what I get for drinking my Water LOL

Hugs on the 5 degrees - I think its like 40 something here - it 66 in the house cuz the heater just came on..

Well off to finish my coffee cbl

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Good Morning! Trying to keep up with all the posts on this thread and the other, on my phone.

Good to hear from Candace!! Wxciting! She should be on board now and sailing!

Got to DS & DIL yesterday afternoon. DS & DGS snowboarding at Tahoe, DGD not home from school, DIL not home from work yet, so we stopped by to see Earl's brother (lives about 5 miles away), and then stopped to get a bowl of chili. We will be here for a couple of days. Chris & Justin get home tonight & Earl's brother & SIL coming over for a visit tonight, too.

Jacki is in the area all week. Started her radiation tx for her cancer recurrence yesterday. We are going with her today and then to lunch in SF. Earl will have to be patient with us because we're hitting some 2nd hand stores after that... Jacki's favorite thing to do!!

Very concerned about Mom.....talked to my sister this morning. She had stomach flu X3 days. They had her quarantined because it is apparently going through the center. But they let her go down to lunch yesterday, but then she started feeling worse last night. Nurse called my sister this morning to tell her Mom had a very rough night... coughing and congested, so had the dr. see her... they have in house dr. He is getting a chest x-ray... they come in to do that, too. so she doesn't have to go out. But... she gets bronchitis real easy, so that is probably what is going on. Keep her in your prayers!

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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