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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice, how is Mom? Hang in there, know that she and you are in our prayers.

Post op appointment was good, doc just said that it will be months before the 'veil' of fatigue lifts, great, , but that doesn't count be having to start over next month. I guess the hernia is 3 inches long.

Lapband doc thinks that it might be gallbladder, great, can we say...3rd surgery? I'm about fed up.

Chim, nice to meet you. I'm not normally this grouchy, just not feeling well.

Phyl, smack him.....tell him to get over it....then give him a kiss.

Janet, enjoy your work out.

I soooooooooooooooooooo can't wait until my house empties. I go to town for doc appoint, master's work for 4 hours, and I come home and no one has moved. Dishes stacked up, can't even walk through the house because of the crap.

Okay I'm done.

Good news, I have a warm home, loving family and my big quilt frame and machine is up and ready to go. Love you all!!! I'll be better in a little while.

Candice, don't forget to let us know about mom!!

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Good Evening Gang...

Candice - What's going on w/your Mom... Ok I just called her (called her 6 my time - 9 her time it's now 6:30)- Mom is staying over night in the hospital - not sure yet what's wrong - but she's doing better - she was hungry (Mom) and that's always a good sign...

Not working out tonite ;0) it's Thursday and it's against my religion to work out on Thursdays :0) - it's been my day off since I started exercising 3.5 yrs ago - OMG I have been exercising that long.... That's a 1st - a FANTASTIC NSV....

At 2:45 they send an email saying if our work is done we can go home at 3 - why didn't they say that 1st thing then maybe I wouldn't have goofed off in the morning LOL... My stuff was done - stayed till about 3:20 then went to post office to drop off QVC returns - then to costco - OMG pple are pigs - they bring out food and pple rush to get it then just freaking stand there and eat it - they don't care that they are blocking the isle..

Saw a couple girls I know - Got lobster for tomorrow - asparagus - and Lemon Cooler cake - That's my new yrs treat.. will end up throwing it away - or maybe I'll freeze it and bring it out when the kids come at the end of Jan - but hell no they don't need it either..

Karla - I would be pissed to if no one did anything - I would either yell or go and clean up and they would know that I wasn't happy w/them.

Gall Bladder - ugh - well they could do both surgeries at the same time if it is... I had mine taken out in 85 when they still cut you open - but mine hurt me in my back and stomach in a funny way like a ball of dough stuck in it - didn't ever throw up - plus didn't have a band either...

Phyl - How has today been - I hope better xooxo

Well need to feed the dogs - cbl

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I got some food down so I'm feeling better. Managed to eat 1/4 slice of cheese, the top off BBQ chicken pizza (1 slice), a bite of dessert pizza. So feeling better. I'm actually thinking more like severe acid reflux. I am going to have a cup of hot chocolate. So at least today I had some food.

I'm just tired and grouchy. Don't want to go back to work. I would like to have a day of empty house. Not going to happen. I know I shouldn't feel that way. I'm just needing some quiet time without the TV on, mess in the kitchen.

Oh well.

Candice, I'm so glad that right now things are okay. Hang in there.

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I got some food down so I'm feeling better. Managed to eat 1/4 slice of cheese, the top off BBQ chicken pizza (1 slice), a bite of dessert pizza. So feeling better. I'm actually thinking more like severe acid reflux. I am going to have a cup of hot chocolate. So at least today I had some food.

I'm just tired and grouchy. Don't want to go back to work. I would like to have a day of empty house. Not going to happen. I know I shouldn't feel that way. I'm just needing some quiet time without the TV on, mess in the kitchen.

Oh well.

Candice, I'm so glad that right now things are okay. Hang in there.

Girl - I totally understand wanting your house back to you - who's there - and how long are they staying.. Tell them you just had surgery and to get off their asses -

So glad you got some food in you...

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Morning Girls;

Off to go see Mom in a few minutes, but wanted to pop in here first...

Thanks so much for the phone call last night Janet... It means a lot to me that all you girls care so much.

You made me laugh and that was GREAT, it felt wonderful... after a day of stressing.

Also spoke to Peters SISTER for over an hour last night, her DH walked out on her Christmas Eve.. so needless to say, there is a ton of family stress right now... and not a Damn thing I can do about any of it.....!!

So I am going on my trip, and having a great time... my travel partner is bringing her laptop (dah) so perhaps Ièll be able to get on and check my email and LBT.... whoo-hoo... then I can give you all a travelog along the way!!!

Karla; Why arenèt those GIRLS of yours cleaning up after themselves.... you just had surgery... they should be pampering YOU!!! Tell them to get off their asses or leave!! GEEZ donèt let them take advantage of you.

Glad you were able to get some food down, keep at it... protien shake or bars and just nible at them... you need protien girl :)

Ièll check bak latter


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Candice, I'm glad you are still going on your trip. Your mom wouldn't want you to cancel. It sounds like she is out of the woods, but let us know what they find out.

I know, I should get on my kids, but I get ticked and then I get stubborn. Basically, "If you don't care enough to help me by cleaning up after yourself, then FINE! I'll do it myself. Not the answer, I know it, no excuses.

I think I am going to have to give up coffee for awhile. I woke up, at 7:30, feeling great. Made coffee, drank about 1/4 of it and the acid is churning and I'm nausious. So maybe it is just acid reflux and I need to not be eating acids.for awhile, I bought 2 coffee's yesterday while in town and could only drink part of them. So what a pain.

New Years Eve plans? If Elyse doesn't work today, we are going into an antique mall and then a movie. If she works, we are taking down Christmas and putting stuff away.

It is bitter cold here. All I really want to do is crawl back into bed!

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Morning Girls;

Off to go see Mom in a few minutes, but wanted to pop in here first...

Thanks so much for the phone call last night Janet... It means a lot to me that all you girls care so much.

You made me laugh and that was GREAT, it felt wonderful... after a day of stressing.

Also spoke to Peters SISTER for over an hour last night, her DH walked out on her Christmas Eve.. so needless to say, there is a ton of family stress right now... and not a Damn thing I can do about any of it.....!!

So I am going on my trip, and having a great time... my travel partner is bringing her laptop (dah) so perhaps Ièll be able to get on and check my email and LBT.... whoo-hoo... then I can give you all a travelog along the way!!!

Karla; Why arenèt those GIRLS of yours cleaning up after themselves.... you just had surgery... they should be pampering YOU!!! Tell them to get off their asses or leave!! GEEZ donèt let them take advantage of you.

Glad you were able to get some food down, keep at it... protien shake or bars and just nible at them... you need protien girl :)

Ièll check bak latter


Candice - I'm glad I made you laugh - its good for the soul !!!! Keep us posted on your Mom - I bet you won't have time to ck in - I know I don't on vacation and it cost to much $$$ on the ship for air time... OMG we are going to miss you - it will be only me phyl and karla...

Candice, I'm glad you are still going on your trip. Your mom wouldn't want you to cancel. It sounds like she is out of the woods, but let us know what they find out.

I know, I should get on my kids, but I get ticked and then I get stubborn. Basically, "If you don't care enough to help me by cleaning up after yourself, then FINE! I'll do it myself. Not the answer, I know it, no excuses.

I think I am going to have to give up coffee for awhile. I woke up, at 7:30, feeling great. Made coffee, drank about 1/4 of it and the acid is churning and I'm nausious. So maybe it is just acid reflux and I need to not be eating acids.for awhile, I bought 2 coffee's yesterday while in town and could only drink part of them. So what a pain.

New Years Eve plans? If Elyse doesn't work today, we are going into an antique mall and then a movie. If she works, we are taking down Christmas and putting stuff away.

It is bitter cold here. All I really want to do is crawl back into bed!

Karla - I'm the same way - I will stomp around and do it myself - martyrs ;0) - Have you tried taking acid reducer meds - you can get them otc - I take them... Try it...

Have fun shopping

Went to bed late - drank coffee last night - got up around 7 - been playing fb games - need to get butt moving...


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Candice, I'm glad you are still going on your trip. Your mom wouldn't want you to cancel. It sounds like she is out of the woods, but let us know what they find out.

I know, I should get on my kids, but I get ticked and then I get stubborn. Basically, "If you don't care enough to help me by cleaning up after yourself, then FINE! I'll do it myself. Not the answer, I know it, no excuses.

I think I am going to have to give up coffee for awhile. I woke up, at 7:30, feeling great. Made coffee, drank about 1/4 of it and the acid is churning and I'm nausious. So maybe it is just acid reflux and I need to not be eating acids.for awhile, I bought 2 coffee's yesterday while in town and could only drink part of them. So what a pain.

New Years Eve plans? If Elyse doesn't work today, we are going into an antique mall and then a movie. If she works, we are taking down Christmas and putting stuff away.

It is bitter cold here. All I really want to do is crawl back into bed!

Yes, Karla take RANITADINE or ZANTAC you can buy it OTC , regular strength or Extra strength and it last for 12 hours a day... I drink a lot of coffee too, trying not to eat junk!! And it does make MORE Acid in your tummy, you could also switch to DECAF....

When I am out, instead of stopping any buying JUNK, I treat myself to a nice Low fat Latte, or some Sugarfree yummy Starbucks.. I am NOT giving THAT up!!!

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My friends, sincerely, I will never stop wishing that your journey through this world will be touched by kindness, inspired by wisdom, graced with understanding, and kept safe from all harm. Wishing you all not just happiness but pure joy, not just wealth but Heaven's treasures, not just silence but God's peace.

Happy New Year.



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Yep, I have some OTC Zantac and will start taking it. Tonight I was able to eat and felt better. DD#5 had to ruin the whole day by pouting around. Give me a break, she is 20. We all wanted to go to an Antique Mall, DD#5 isn't into it, but came along. She so pouted and tried to ruin it for everyone. What a pin in the ars.

Home now and not doing anything but lounging on the couch. Fun and exciting!!

Candice, how is mom doing?

Janet you staying home?

Have a safe and happy new year!!!

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Yep, I have some OTC Zantac and will start taking it. Tonight I was able to eat and felt better. DD#5 had to ruin the whole day by pouting around. Give me a break, she is 20. We all wanted to go to an Antique Mall, DD#5 isn't into it, but came along. She so pouted and tried to ruin it for everyone. What a pin in the ars.

Home now and not doing anything but lounging on the couch. Fun and exciting!!

Candice, how is mom doing?

Janet you staying home?

Have a safe and happy new year!!!

Yep Karla staying home - not into the crowds - got the movie Salt & Town to watch - don't know when Debbie's coming over - got lobster - asparagus - baked tatos and salad for my menu..

When is everyone going home - How's Simon doing

Candice - Whats the word on your Mom - You leave tomorrow I bet you are really excited...

Just talked to Phyl - Their at Tracey's - Earl is being ok today - she said he's manic/bipolar - one day a BH next day nice LOL

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Yep Karla staying home - not into the crowds - got the movie Salt & Town to watch - don't know when Debbie's coming over - got lobster - asparagus - baked tatos and salad for my menu..

When is everyone going home - How's Simon

Candice - Whats the word on your Mom - You leave tomorrow I bet you are really excited...

Just talked to Phyl - Their at Tracey's - Earl is being ok today - she said he's manic/bipolar - one day a BH next day nice LOL

Hi girls, just chilling at home tonight. I didn't feel like going out to the bar with Peter( he's playing in Rock Band) At Players in Barrie.. I just watched a crappy movie with George Clooney in it "THe American" ... don't waste your $$$ it sucked!

But I am getting in my last snuggles with Bridget... gosh I am going to miss that dog!!! Got my bags packed, weighed etc.. I am just under the weight constraints.. so whew!!

I am glad Earl is being nice today... that is no fun for Phyl~~~

Karla, you'll soon have your place back to yourself... ah... quiet eh?? Isn't it funny, when the girls are not around you miss them like crazy.... have em home for a few days and WHOAH, it gets to be too much.

Well in case I don't post in the a.m. wanted to say GOODBYE, I'll try and touch base on the ship.

Love you all, and Happy New Year!!!

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Well Deb got here around 7 - we had salad lobster veggie and I had maybe 2 bites of potatoes she brought brownies had 2 small squares - she had a couple drinks - I didn't - Salt is an excellent movie !!! Really only watched the ball drop on Dick Clark - it was mostly commercials and just interviews - Did watch the back street boys & new kids on the block (I loved them back in the day - I was a big New Kids on the Block fan even though I was in my 30's) I was so suprised to see Mark Walberg on there since he's a big movie start now a day... That was the only part of Dick Clark that we watched - we watched house hunters after the movie... Deb left around 2:30 I went to bed at 3ish - dogs had me up at 7 - but I got on the couch and went back to sleep - got up at 11:15 ish ..

Lobster was ok - not great - I think it's cuz it's not main lobster (I ate 1/2 then a few hrs later the other 1/2)

CANDICE - Well it's 1:30 here so 4:30 there - You are on the plane !!!! Going to miss you...

Karla - What did you do last night - what are you doing today

Don't know what I'm doing today Hell I just got up a little while ago - had my coffee - I know it's Saturday but feels like a Sunday to me - Ya 1 more day off work - I have gym tomorrow at 10 ;0)

Phyl - Then new furniture looks great and comfy...


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Well just cking in - Karla - when do DD leave ??

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Finally back. DD#3 leaves this morning, but DD#5 is here for another week. Felt crappy all day yesterday and just got done vomiting. I'm so sick of this. I vomited up black stuff this morning, hope I haven't given myself a bleeding ulcer or something. Sitting here sipping a glass of Water. I haven't had enough water for the last few days. So today I am going to stick to water and maybe a smoothie later. Chatted with my fill doc, unfortunately he only does fills, he doesn't do anything else with the band, so there isn't anything he can do. If this continues, I don't know what I am going to do.

School tomorrow, back to the real world. Maybe I am just stressed about that.

Did Candice say what they found out about her mom?

Janet, sounds like you had a good New Years eve. More exciting that me. We played cards yesterday, but that was about it.

Is Phyl on her way home yet? Is Earl settling down?

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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