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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Peeps

Candice I know you can afford it ;o)- but that Peter is like Earl and is very scottish ;0) What time do you leave on Sunday??? What's your internary?? I hate it when I can't eat and I am hungry..

It's dark cloudy about to rain - temps in the 50's - would love to be home w/fireplace - book and a pot of Soup cooking on the stove..

Phyl you need to come home (desert) where you have time to post ;0)

Karla - How's the tummy - drink lite pedilite....

Well gotta get to work

Janet, I leave on SATURDAY not sunday... Peter drives me to the airport early afternoon. Plane flys at 4:40 p.m. and arrive in Italy in the am.... 2nd Jan SUNDAY, Monday 3rd Jan,

Tuesday we get onto the ship.

SHIP leaves 4th Jan

my Itinerary is: Day 1 Genova Italy

Day 2: At sea

Day 3: Katakolon, Greece

Day 4`: Heraklion, Greece

Day 5: Marmaris, Turkey

Day 6: Alexandria, Eqypt (CAIRO)

Day 7: at sea

Day 8: Athen, Greece

Day 9 : At sea

Day 10: Palermo, Sicily ITALY

Day 11: Rome, Italy

Day 12: Genova, Italy

then we have another overnight in Hotel in Genova, Ita ly,,,, we spell it Genoa, but in ITALIAN they spell it with a ``V`` as well...??? Dont know whats up with that...

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Quite here today - Phyl is still in WA she won't be coming home till after New Yrs I think.. I haven't looked on fb to see any updates..

Candice - I rarely ever go to the doc - Mamo and that's about it - I don't get sick.. I don't like doctors - So what you are going on vacation to ruin all the work you've done - don't think so - enjoy yourself - but watch it too - I know you will be doing a lot more walking..

Karla - What did you do today..

Me work - ugh - just wasn't into it.. Gym - home - bella doesn't seem to be hungry - Sheba brought me a mouse this morning had to chase her out of the house w/ith..

Had gym tonite - need to go fix dinner - somethng w/hamburger

Just ck'd fb said 2 hrs ago ck'd in at blue must be a restaurant... and then some photos of kid playing like at chuckie cheese... So all is well with her

LOL! "BLUE" is Tracy & Jim's! The four of us took the kids to a place in Everett called Imagination Children's Museum. They had a GREAT time! And so did we. Roof top playground was TOO cold! But.... lots of hands on stuff inside.... airplane, bus, train, ferry.. Water play. I'd been wanting to take them there for a long time! I'm getting carried away with that "Foursquare" checkin game!!

Phyl I bet you are tired being w/the kids for the last 2 days - I know that when I am visiting Joseph or they are here after a couple of days I'm pooped..

Not much to report since last night - had dinner (hamburger meat - onion - salsa - cheese - cilantro) greek yogurt/cream cheese for dessert..

Well need to get ready for work - have boot camp tonite ...

Didn't get too pooped watching the kids because Tracy and Jim helped. In fact, we stayed at their house that night. Kids all did great. It was kind of funny. Tracy put Thomas down and then we were watching "Hook" with the other two. Johannah kept looking at the clock and telling us it was past their bedtime. "Don't you think we should go to bed pretty soon?" etc! Tracy told her several times that she thought it would be okay if they stayed up a little later since we were watching a movie. But, finally just tucked them in because they were so nervous about over staying their bedtime!

Thomas has some "sensory integration" issue that I don't completely understand, but.. he can be a challenge. Doesn't seem to hear sometimes when you are talking to him... like if he is engrossed in something else you have to make him look at you or you may as well not even talk to him! Tracy recognized when he was approaching overload at the museum and we got out of there and took them to McD's. Earl needed to go to Lowe's for something so we sent Jim with him and we took the kids.

O.k. I am finally packed!!! It wasn`t easy! Not enough room in one suitcase for 2 weeks!!! Oh yeah, and My Hubby says last night.. some remark about Not being invited to go on this cruise... WTF.. this is the guy who last year when I mentioned going south in the winter... ``Òh I hate traveling, why don`t you just go with one of your friends!`` I was sô pissed with him at the time.... so this year I did...

Just proves that when living with Men, you can NEVER win...... If I`d have begged him to come to Europe with me.... he`d have whined and moaned about it before hand... Oh I`ll miss band gigs.... whatever!!! I am not going to let him spoil my trip. He`s had 3 months to express himself about not being invited, and he picks a telephone conversation with my Daughter to whine about it. ARGH!!!:angry:

And so why did he give me $500 us spending money to go with???? Oh he makes me nuts!:blink:

So colouring my hair as I type... ooooh, its cold with that clammy stuff on my head. Getting my nails done at 10a.m. then we are off to the kids place this afternoon...can`t wait!!

What are all you girls up to today»???

Yeah! MEN!! I wish I was going on a vacation with one of my GFs!!!

Hope you have a GREAT time!!

Finally checking in, sorry, DD#3 came last night so we finally open Christmas. Spent a good portion of the evening in the bathroom vomiting, not a pretty sight. I don't know if it is the flu or my band. I'm fine as long as I don't eat or drink, but as soon as I do, I get pain in my chest.. I'd call my band doc, but all he would say was to remove the Fluid from the band and I know my restriction is right. So it probably is just a bug.

I have my quilting group Christmas party this afternoon. I need to finish a little bit on some gifts and wrap them. We usually have lunch, then quilt for awhile.

Hopeing to get my big quilting machine and frame up this week.

Candice, I remember Peter saying he didn't want to go. Maybe he was just saving face on the phone. Not that that is an excuse. But they are men, can't live with them, can't sell them. So who knows. Go and enjoy yourself. He gave you the $ to have a good time, he is just realizing that 2 weeks alone may not be his idea of fun. But he really does want you to have a good time. Heck when you get back, jump his bones, tell him that you missed him, and that you were glad you got to go and leave it at that. Don't try to figure it all out.

Janet, I don't do anything for New Years either. Not my idea of fun to see a bunch of drunk people, grew up that way, don't need a repeat. I usually don't even make it until the 'ball' drops, so no big deal for me.

Phyl hope you get some rest, I'd say that you trip has been crazy with family. Good, but always exhausting. Enjoy the grand kids. I bet Zoey is exhausted as well. All those little kids to chase around.

Well hope you all have a good day!!

Hope you are all well by now!! No fun to be sick!

Zoey is actually exhausting herself with Gigi!! They are so enjoying seeing each other every day! They sometimes drive us nuts with their wrestling and playing, but it's so cute! Locked them up together in a big crate in the kitchen yesterday because we were leaving for a couple of hours. The guys.... Adam, Earl, Jim, Shane, ... were moving furniture. Adam's GF moved out after only 3 weeks and took all the furniture.. because she bought it. He says they're still "together" but she's out on her own for the first time so she wants to party and be crazy and Adam is ready to settle down, get married and have a family. So... she has her own place now. I did notice that both sides of the bed had been slept in recently though!! :o:o:o Anyway, Jim and Tracy want to replace their furniture... which I don't think is even a year old yet... so they gave him their leather couch (recliner at each end) and matching recliner and love seat with two recliners went to Alisha and Shane. So.. we did the furniture shuffle yesterday because both of the young guys had the day off and Jim and Earl were not about to ruin their backs!! So... puppies had to stay home. They did quite well together in the crate! No pee pee, blood or anything when we got back. Just two little smiling faces asking to be let out of jail! Last night they were so cute all snuggled up together sleeping on Tracy's tummy while she was stretched out on the couch... We were watching a movie.... Harry Conick Jr ... Hope Floats, I think.

Drive by post

There must be something in the air or that time of yr - My gf here at work is about ready to take a break from her dh... Candice - I think it just hit Peter that you really are going in a few days :0) well next time he won't say he doesn't want to go - wasn't it about the $$ too..

Yeah... something in the air alright!! I want a break, too! Got "HAMMERED" for a good 30 minutes yesterday because Jodie & Al's gift card has not come in the mail yet!! HUH??? I withheld details (like the date it was mailed by AMEX), I didn't seem to care, etc., etc., Oh, yeah... and I always screw up Jodie's Christmas present. HUH??? The only other time there was a problem was about 3 years ago when we bought and wrapped the presents before we left for the winter because he didn't want to pay postage. So we took them to them before we left and HE hid them in a closet but he wasn't sure WHICH closet so they never were found! They are either still buried somewhere in a closet or they accidentally got thrown away. At any rate, it was NOT MY screw up!! I was in tears and sobbing and begging him to "SHUT THE F UP" and he still wouldn't stop. He goes on and on and on when he gets on his high horse! Repeats himself over and over and over and over. So then... a couple of hours later... in front of everyone, he gives me a hug (very rare for him), and says he's sorry he was so mean. EXCUSE ME??? It was so insincere and so lame after what he did that I said, "it might be too late." So... some 8 hours later, I find out that now he is really pissed at me for not "accepting" his apology. That was last night. He's still not speaking to me. I'm about to take the car and go to RiteAid, Surf Shack and maybe Target! BY MYSELF!! Tracy and Jim are going furniture shopping since they gave away all their family room furniture, so we won't be going over there until much later! It's going to be a LONG, hard day!

Candice I know you can afford it ;o)- but that Peter is like Earl and is very Scottish ;0) What time do you leave on Sunday??? What's your internary?? I hate it when I can't eat and I am hungry..

It's dark cloudy about to rain - temps in the 50's - would love to be home w/fireplace - book and a pot of Soup cooking on the stove..

Phyl you need to come home (desert) where you have time to post ;0)

Karla - How's the tummy - drink lite pedilite....

Well gotta get to work

Yeah.. no time to post!! Keeping up with posts on my phone, though.

Dark and cloudy here ever since we got here. A few brief glimpses of the sun is all we've had in over a week. It snowed a little at Tracy's this morning Jim said. They are 8 miles away. Well.... you've been there, I think. Can't remember if I took you gals over there or not last summer!

Alan made a big pot of pea soup and brought us two containers when they droped off the kids Sunday so I had some for lunch yesterday. Craving some more today but keep forgetting to bring some home with us! Tracy has a ham bone and turkey carcass, though, so we need to make more soup!! Maybe later today.

Sad news..... Red Hat Queen lady.. husband died yesterday. At first they said a minor stroke... about ten days ago. Then I got email that it was more serious than they thought. Then the next email said they moved him to hospice facility. Then yesterday.... he died at 9 a.m. Their home is up here in WA. Just bought a brand new, custom built park model in Desert Hot Springs about 5 miles down the road from where we are. He showed me all through the place a month or so ago.. He was so proud of it! And just three weeks ago today, we were at Miracle Springs Resort with them helping decorate for our party... and the we went out to lunch together. Can't believe he is gone. That makes three people we knew pretty well down there that have died in the last two months. But he is the youngest. The other two were my mother's age. I think he was close to our age Can't seem to get it off my mind since I found out yesterday.

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Candice - Ok so I'm mixed up on my days - I looked at the calendar - saw S ;0) I knew you were leaving on the 1st though ;0) - Egypt would be so cool - welll all the places you are going - you are going to have a ball - what's the weather suppose to be like...

Phyl - OMG what a feaking butt head .... I was thinking I maybe need to consider getting a companion - but don't think so ;0) too much crap ;0) and since my sex hormones are gone - don't need one for that ;0)...

I would have just gotten up and walked out - got the dog and keys and left.. Hugs Hugs Hugs.,

Well what's that foursquare thingie about - I see it like tracks you ;0) - No we never made it to Tracy's when we were there..

Too funny about the kids worrying about bed time - omg what's up w/Jodi & Alan about that ... Were they worried they would get in trouble... I bet they enjoyed being with GM/gp & Aunt/uncle - sounds like Tracy & Jodi don't see much of each other..

I saw the pic on FB of the dogs in the crate... It was cute.,..

Well at work - need to get back to it

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Phyl - Hugs on the loss of the Queen's DH - It's scary when pple we know die - especially when the are close to our age - Makes you appreciate being alive - I try to remember every night to thank God for my day - even if it's a shitty one and when I wake up in the morning I say thank you ....

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Phyl - Hugs on the loss of the Queen's DH - It's scary when pple we know die - especially when the are close to our age - Makes you appreciate being alive - I try to remember every night to thank God for my day - even if it's a shitty one and when I wake up in the morning I say thank you ....


Just confronted him about why he is so angry this week... Raving at me just about EVERY day about some stupid thing or another. So he started yelling at m about the gift card again. Then told me he just won't talk to me then! So.... if he can't yell at me about stupid things, then he won't talk to me at all??!! Okay!

Yeah.... appreciate being alive! But, don't enjoy putting up with this shit!

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Phyl, I'm sorry about everything, vent away, hopefully it will help.

I still feel like crap. Getting the ice pick in the chest like I'm stuck, but it is when I haven't eaten. Trying to drink some Water. I know I'm dehydrated. I haven't been able to drink my coffee either. food, bleck. you don't think my band has slipped or something? Okay just being a hypocondric. I'm just tired and cranky and don't know how I am going to make it through school Monday. Have a doc appt tomorrow for my post op, I may ask him about how I feel. My head hurts, my chest hurts, and I'm crying. Lame I know, sorry.

Candice, enjoy your trip!

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Just confronted him about why he is so angry this week... Raving at me just about EVERY day about some stupid thing or another. So he started yelling at m about the gift card again. Then told me he just won't talk to me then! So.... if he can't yell at me about stupid things, then he won't talk to me at all??!! Okay!

Yeah.... appreciate being alive! But, don't enjoy putting up with this shit!

Phyl Hugs - Just run away to Tracy's - What bug crawled up his butt lately - tell him - he can buy the presents next yr for the kids if you are doing such a terrible job.. Vent all you want -

Phyl, I'm sorry about everything, vent away, hopefully it will help.

I still feel like crap. Getting the ice pick in the chest like I'm stuck, but it is when I haven't eaten. Trying to drink some Water. I know I'm dehydrated. I haven't been able to drink my coffee either. food, bleck. you don't think my band has slipped or something? Okay just being a hypocondric. I'm just tired and cranky and don't know how I am going to make it through school Monday. Have a doc appt tomorrow for my post op, I may ask him about how I feel. My head hurts, my chest hurts, and I'm crying. Lame I know, sorry.

Candice, enjoy your trip!

Karla I think you need to see the doc... If you can't drink - you need fluids - Hugs GF - I know I worry about my band from time to time..

Not much to report - same old same old - work gym home .... Scallops for dinner tonite ;0)

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Hey Ladies! Remember me??? Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Glad to see everyone is doing so well.

Well, guess who's scheduled for banding Feb 23??? Yep, me! If you don't remember, I got pregnant, took prenatal Vitamins that made me puke like crazy, making my band slip. We had it removed w/the intention of having it replaced. Well, I had to wait 6 months post-baby. Then, I get hurt playing softball (7/13). Tore my meniscus and had bone bruising. While waiting for knee surgery, a blood clot formed behind my knee. That postponed surgery, and I was started on blood thinners. I just had my knees surgery last Thursday (12/23).

My original LapBand surgery was 1/13/11, but my surgeon wanted to wait a little longer to make sure another clot didn't form from the knee surgery. I'm doing great w/my recovery and will be going back to work tomorrow.

My little one is 14 months old now and doing great! My boyfriend is awesome and has been a real trooper through all of this.

I miss my band TREMENDOUSLY and can't wait to get it back. I am so freakin disappointed because I am 300lbs! Yuck. I hate even typing that. Before I got prego, I was down to 203lbs. I had lost 86lbs. But, I know I can do it again and I will.

So, you may be seeing me again around here. I miss the friendships and support I found here!

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Omg chim hi i think the last time we talked you had misscarraige congrats on baby im on e reader so shott tty in the morning xoxo j

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Good Morning Peeps...

Chim - So nice to see you back we are down to 4 - Let me introduce you to Karla - She's our newest member - well she's not that new LOL (pun intended)

Hugs on your medical struggles... So glad you are going to be able to get re-banded.. We are here for you girl !!!!

Karla - Hows the tummy keep us posted..

Candice 2 More sleeps!!!

Phyl - How Mr Butthead is he still a butthead - Maybe you need to sit him down and ask him what's up - why is he acting like a 3 yr old - is something else bugging him..

Well not much to report had scallops & rice & spinach for dinner last night and some popcorn - stayed up too late - but slept good - hopefully today will be a short day - we are off tomorrow - I am going to down load music to my I pod and hit the gym tomorrow morning..

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Good Morning Peeps...

Chim - So nice to see you back we are down to 4 - Let me introduce you to Karla - She's our newest member - well she's not that new LOL (pun intended)

Hugs on your medical struggles... So glad you are going to be able to get re-banded.. We are here for you girl !!!!

Karla - Hows the tummy keep us posted..

Candice 2 More sleeps!!!

Phyl - How Mr Butthead is he still a butthead - Maybe you need to sit him down and ask him what's up - why is he acting like a 3 yr old - is something else bugging him..

Well not much to report had scallops & rice & spinach for dinner last night and some popcorn - stayed up too late - but slept good - hopefully today will be a short day - we are off tomorrow - I am going to down load music to my I pod and hit the gym tomorrow morning..

Good Morning!!

Chim, so good to see you back!! Congrats on getting your band back! You were doing great before! I'm sure you'll get the weight off!

Karla.... hope you're feeling better this morning!

Candace.... you're probably coming unglued with excitement!! Wish I was going with you!!! I need an escape!!!

Linda...... WHERE ARE YOU??????

Mr. Butthead is still being a butthead!! I asked him very nicely this morning if he could please explain why he is so mad at me because I forgot!! He says he's not mad at me. So..... I guess he's just not speaking to me because. Tracy said she and Jim think that when he gets out of his comfort zone he gets nasty because he's lost too much control. They are probably right. The other day is a good example... When we were leaving the Children's museum.... he said he wanted to stop at Lowe's on the way back to Tracy & Jim's. I didn't want to go. So I told Tracy.... why don't I go with you to take the kids to McD's and Jim can go to Lowe's with Dad? She thought that was a good idea. So that's what we did. Then Tuesday when the guys.. Adam, Shane, etc, were doing the furniture shuffle... Tracy decided it'd be a good idea if Earl rode with Jim and she rode with me. Then... she wanted to drive (our car) because she sort of knew the way. But she really didn't. I think she's afraid to drive with me and they are both afraid to drive with Earl!! But..... Earl had nothing to say about it and he probably didn't like that!

So.... no plans for today. Hope we don't just sit here staring at the walls all day like we did yesterday!! Went out to Chinese with them around 5pm and then over to their house for a few hours, but other than that.... pretty much home all day except for a quick trip to Surf Shack and Target.... as you know, right across the street pretty much!!

We head south again on Sunday. My sister won't be back from visiting her twin grandbabies in SLC, so not stopping in OR to see them. But, Chris and Justin going somewhere Mon-Wed, so if we want to see them we have to stay until Thurs morning. Also, Jacki starting her radiation tx in SF on Monday, so she was asking if we're going to be in the area for a while. Will probably get together with her. She has to stay all week for 6 weeks because tx are EVERY day Mon-Fri. Only last about 30 minutes and don't think they make her feel too bad, so maybe we'll hit some of the local 2nd hand stores!

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Hugs Phyl - I can't imagine being trapped in the house all day w/mr grumpy.... Take the car and go do something - go see a movie -

Karla - How's the tummy - when's the doc appt...

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Hugs Phyl - I can't imagine being trapped in the house all day w/mr grumpy.... Take the car and go do something - go see a movie -

Karla - How's the tummy - when's the doc appt...

Yeah! And how about getting back in the car with him in three more days for a 1400 mile trip!?? Tracy is coming to pick me up. She and Jim went furniture shopping all day yesterday... to replace the stuff they just gave away to the kids. So Jim wants her to go back and decide on one of their several choices, and she wants to go check out Lazy Boy before she makes up her mind. So Jim called grumpy to see if he wanted to come over and help him with something. Last night they put together the table top patio heater we got them for Christmas. Don't know what he has in mind for today. But... listening to the conversation, I have a little more insight. He did tell me earlier that his email accounts were screwed up. Apparently someone hacked in to both his gmail and hotmail accounts so now he can't get any email, etc. I have a theory.... he gets very insulting with his political rants and raves on FB so yesterday he told Jim & Tracy at dinner that he'd gotten an email from FB threatening to terminate his account because someone reported one of his posts as being offensive. So he terminated it. I noticed I wasn't seeing anything from him so I'd asked him if he took me off his "friend" list and he told me he terminated his account but he didn't tell me why. So.... I think he pissed someone off so bad that they not only reported him but also hacked in to his email accounts so he can't do anything. You can't change your password if someone else has already changed it because you have to know your old password to change it. So he just told Jim he's been trying to fix it since 5:30 a.m. and he'll come over if he gets it fixed!

So... I'm going shopping with Tracy and she's hoping to be back early enough for her and Jim to go see Tron. I think we are going to go with them.

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Oh m y Gosh, so much has happened in the last coup;le of day... Phyl is posting again, Chim is back... WOW

Firstly, Chim: so glad to see you back with us... Congrats on the healthy 14mo. old baby... Whoo-hoo... you HAVE been busy. ALso happy for you that you are getting your band again.. Fantastic news.. Girl, don't worry about the 300 lb number... it will soon be the PAST FOREVER... we will help you here.. we are all losing!!

Phy; Oh my, that Earl needs an attitude adj. dosn't he realize what a wonderful woman he is married to?? Perhaps YOU should remind him... or us 7's are gonna have to come down there and HURT him BAD!!!! :- D

Gosh, you have put up with a lot over these holidays... grump, grump to the dump, dump... I agree with the others you need to get out in the car by YOURSELF and enjoy some time away... I wish you were coming on this cruise with me....that'd show em...

I know even with peters complaining, when I get home... he'll appreciate me more... Absence makes the hearts grow fonder.. especially when you've been married as long as you and I have... HUGS girl!!!!

Karla: don't let the dehydration get too bad, do yu need to go to an ER and get a bag of fluids into you? I think its stress about worrying to go back to school. Perhaps your DR will give you a chit to let you have another week off to recover from this flu thing.

Janet: I worked this a.m. at the clinic, came home for a lunch break and got a call from my mothers SR's Residance... she's been taken by ambulance to the Hospital.. chest pains, shortness of breath, feet and legs very swollen.... EMT's did an EKG and it didn't show anything bad... but they are taking her to hosp. just in case, to ck her out... So I guess I'm not working this aft. and will be meeting her at the hospital to see whats going on.

I am going to give it an hour or 2 before I go in... as she'll be having tons of tests done and they won't let me in at that point anyways... but gotta go in a bit.

Please ladies, send up some prayers for my MOM. I dont' want her to be in any pain...

CBL and let you know how things are.


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Yeah! And how about getting back in the car with him in three more days for a 1400 mile trip!?? Tracy is coming to pick me up. She and Jim went furniture shopping all day yesterday... to replace the stuff they just gave away to the kids. So Jim wants her to go back and decide on one of their several choices, and she wants to go check out Lazy Boy before she makes up her mind. So Jim called grumpy to see if he wanted to come over and help him with something. Last night they put together the table top patio heater we got them for Christmas. Don't know what he has in mind for today. But... listening to the conversation, I have a little more insight. He did tell me earlier that his email accounts were screwed up. Apparently someone hacked in to both his gmail and hotmail accounts so now he can't get any email, etc. I have a theory.... he gets very insulting with his political rants and raves on FB so yesterday he told Jim & Tracy at dinner that he'd gotten an email from FB threatening to terminate his account because someone reported one of his posts as being offensive. So he terminated it. I noticed I wasn't seeing anything from him so I'd asked him if he took me off his "friend" list and he told me he terminated his account but he didn't tell me why. So.... I think he pissed someone off so bad that they not only reported him but also hacked in to his email accounts so he can't do anything. You can't change your password if someone else has already changed it because you have to know your old password to change it. So he just told Jim he's been trying to fix it since 5:30 a.m. and he'll come over if he gets it fixed!

So... I'm going shopping with Tracy and she's hoping to be back early enough for her and Jim to go see Tron. I think we are going to go with them.

I think he was on your computer at 5:30 this morning - cuz on my skypes - it' popped up that Phyl was online and I sure in the heck know you weren't online at that time.

He's not the only political person on the boards - I have an friend Laurie - who's just as bad a Earl on spouting their views and dislikes - but I just shrug them off - to each their own... But that someone hacked into to his account is scary....

How do you even fix something like that???

Ya I was thinking the car ride home wasn't going to be too fun....

Enjoy shopping w/Tracey - I would love a couch that had a recliner - I doubt I would sleep in bed half the time - but it would have to be big enough for a couple dogs and me LOL

Oh m y Gosh, so much has happened in the last coup;le of day... Phyl is posting again, Chim is back... WOW

Firstly, Chim: so glad to see you back with us... Congrats on the healthy 14mo. old baby... Whoo-hoo... you HAVE been busy. ALso happy for you that you are getting your band again.. Fantastic news.. Girl, don't worry about the 300 lb number... it will soon be the PAST FOREVER... we will help you here.. we are all losing!!

Phy; Oh my, that Earl needs an attitude adj. dosn't he realize what a wonderful woman he is married to?? Perhaps YOU should remind him... or us 7's are gonna have to come down there and HURT him BAD!!!! :- D

Gosh, you have put up with a lot over these holidays... grump, grump to the dump, dump... I agree with the others you need to get out in the car by YOURSELF and enjoy some time away... I wish you were coming on this cruise with me....that'd show em...

I know even with peters complaining, when I get home... he'll appreciate me more... Absence makes the hearts grow fonder.. especially when you've been married as long as you and I have... HUGS girl!!!!

Karla: don't let the dehydration get too bad, do yu need to go to an ER and get a bag of fluids into you? I think its stress about worrying to go back to school. Perhaps your DR will give you a chit to let you have another week off to recover from this flu thing.

Janet: I worked this a.m. at the clinic, came home for a lunch break and got a call from my mothers SR's Residance... she's been taken by ambulance to the Hospital.. chest pains, shortness of breath, feet and legs very swollen.... EMT's did an EKG and it didn't show anything bad... but they are taking her to hosp. just in case, to ck her out... So I guess I'm not working this aft. and will be meeting her at the hospital to see whats going on.

I am going to give it an hour or 2 before I go in... as she'll be having tons of tests done and they won't let me in at that point anyways... but gotta go in a bit.

Please ladies, send up some prayers for my MOM. I dont' want her to be in any pain...

CBL and let you know how things are.


Hugs & Prayers being sent Candice - congestive heart failure - my Dad's feet would sweet - diurectics

Hope she is ok - please keep us posted and know we are praying for you all

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Congrats on the surgery!

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      I’m 6 days post op as of today. I had the gastric bypass 
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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

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      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

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