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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hope you all have a GREAT day!

Still sitting in my pjs with my blankie and my puppy on my lap still sleeping! She is NOT an early riser. Have to carry her from the bed to my chair every morning. Put my Red Hat lap blanket over my legs and she curls up there. It's been an hour and she shows no signs of being ready to wake up! An occasional long deep sigh is the only sign of life so far! Wasn't even interested in going back to the BR w/Earl to help him take a shower! She usually likes to be right there if there is Water running!

Wonderful evening with the girls last night. Drove down to Jodie's church... very nice service. Then to their house for dinner... Tracy & Jim, too, so I did have our family together for Christmas Eve!! Loved it! Got all choked up in church singing Christmas carols! So... opened gifts after dinner... then headed back north for Tracy & Jim's. Went to their church at 9pm... much smaller church, another very nice candlelight service. We can't light candles in the chapel at Sky Valley, so I REALLY enjoyed that!

Talked to grandson, Cody, in OK this morning. He lives with his other grandma... who was still sleeping, and he was playing with toys he opened last night. He's 10.

Ah... Earl came out and Zoey jumped off my lap! Guess she's ready to go outside.

HUGS, Sistas!! Gotta call my MAMA.

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Sorry ladies, I was working on last minute projects yesterday and cleaning house. Watched tv unil midnight and then to bed, so I am being lazy.

Not really Christmas for us yet as we are waiting for DD#3. Plus I feel like crap. Here is my 2 minute whine then I'll stop. On Thursday dinner came back and was painful all night. Yesterday was able to eat 1/2 a smoothie and a cup of hot chocolate. Everything is fighting its way back. Don't know if it is band issues for just some bug. Okay, I'm done.

Merry Christmas. I'll be around all day, so hopefully we will check in with each other later. Enjoy your family and quiet time. Drive safe. You all are in my heart and thoughts. Celebrate Jesus birth and celebrate family.

Phyl, I sorry about the family issues. But at least Jodie is behaving.

Candice, enjoy your day with your mom.

Janet, excellent job on the Cookies. But you have budgeted for them, so enjoy one or two when you are ready.

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Skyping w/kids right now - waiting for Andrew to come over - it;s so cool to be able to watch the family open presents and I'm not there ;0)..

Will post later - just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas !!!!

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Made some Christmas morning phone calls to Mexico to my Sister and Her Husband... they are fine... going to a WEDDING today in Mexico.. way up in the mountains.... oh my, my Sister HATES the winding roads there.... she`ll probably have her eyes closed a ll the way there, and then be tipsy enough on the way home to manage...

Called my SIL (Peter`s sister) to wish her and her hubby FIORE a Merry Christmas.... also spoke to Peter`s brother Steve who is living in their basement (for the past year!) ... Sis and Bro are fine, but Lindsay`s Husband Fiore. walked OUT last night... packed a bag and left....

so we are all in kinda shock... I really liked my BIL so I don`t quite know what to think at this point.. shitty time of year to do it to someone though... Don`t know what he is thinking!!!! 55 yrs old so maybe a mens mid life crisis....:o

Now, my SIL is not the SUNNYIEST of dispositions, so perhaps he just had enough... anyways I hope and pray that they work things out... this was her 3rd marriage!!! I like this No. 3 hubby the best of them all.... He`s the one that dressed up as ELVIS for Peter`s 60th b-day party... really funny guy.

KARLA; whatever you are up to I hope its fun and you are enjoying your girls being home!!! Love you all, C

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Candice, I'm so sorry about BIL, definitely midlife crisis. Hope all works out.

Stomach still iffy so getting ready to try some chicken broth.< /p>

Alexa & I each opened ONE gift. She chose her dad's, she knew he got her an XBox, I opened the one from all my girls...a KINDLE!!! can't wait to play.

Made chocolate chip banana bread and getting ready to make some shortbread. Better to bake, than sit around.

Janet, enjoy the gift opening!!

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Good Christmas Evening

I gotta figure out how to get pics that I took w/skype - I can't find them ;0)

Really enjoyed watching them open presents this morning - Andrew came and opened his - and left around 1 - I took a nap ;0) ate sugar which always puts me to sleep..

Talked to my Uncle - Sister and my 2 nephews (Jimbo & Stephen - my bro Jimmy's kids) that was a shock when they called - since I emailed and called Jimbo on his bday in sept and never got a reply - but was happy to hear from then - Joseph and family coming for my bday in Januray so told them to come over and we will bbq - Stephen's bday is 1/21

Candice what a shock ... Phyl - GS w/pg GF - well life goes on - it's too bad kids don't listen to advice - but I figure it's what's written in their book of life - this is their journey.. Karla - enjoy your kindle - great gift...

Well just a quick ck in I am going to the couch and ready

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Peter has alreadyt been out SHOPPING... oh my!!! I was still in bed. JUst got up and made myself a nice coffee with sugar free Irish Cream Syrop!! YUMMMM

178 lbs today; pretty good weight!!! All things considered... I ate pistachio nuts yesterday 1/4 cup. but pretty salty... Ate Christmas dinner with my Mom and it was not as good as previous years... I think I might volunteer to do it myself next year... pumpkin pie was good!!! It was a low sugar pie, but it still would have had too many calories.... but it was my Christmas Cheat... No Cookies, no candy!!!

Then we came home and went over to friends house for a couple glasses of wine.. no food served there GREAT!!!

I hate when there are just bowls and bowls of snackie stuff all laying around... that REALLY tempts me... but my GF Sally knows I am a Junk Food Junkie so she dosn`t put it out... LUV her!

Phyl; your celebration sounds wonderful, glad you had both your girls together»!!! :)

Candelight service, ooooh I woulda been crying right along with you gal. sniff, sniff...

Karla; tried you on skype, I`ll try again.. also tried Linda and Phyl... no luck...

Janet; what book are you reading? Are you over your cookies now? when do you go back to the gym?

Well, I know i have more to say.... but dah.... I`m having a blonde moment.

Oh yeah, when I got home last night... phone message from my Mom...``Hello this is Mrs. Chris. Colll..... I need to return my 2 pair of pajammas.... they both don`t fit, so anytime you can come and pickthem up I`d like them returned.````

Ah, Mom, I know its YOU on the phone(?????) also, YOU are the only person I buy pjamas for..... oh dear :)

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Good Morning Gang...

Candice - Yep I threw the last of the Cookies away today... I ate about 5 last night woke up around 5 w/a tummy ache and the runs - I'm done w/the junk - I ate way too much sugar yesterday - that's what happens when I stay in the house.. Did good for dinner - fish/veggie - but then those cookies called my name - well they are in the trash so I don't have to worry about them anymore - Not getting on the scales.. I have gym tomorrow -

WTG w/no pigging out... Too funny about your Mom..

Alex Cross - Cross Fire I think is the name - the latest James Patterson book - but never did get to reading yesterday - just watched t.v.

I stayed in jammies all day yesterday - so I gotta get in the shower today - need some fish - cooked the last of it last night - may go by Target and Marshalls (I have a gift card for Marshalls) still drinking coffee - trying to wake up - dogs refused to let me sleep past 8..

Glad the holidays are over - New Year is our next one - Usually Debbie comes over I make dinner and we watch movies - But last yr I think she went with her other gf's and did something - I stay home -

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Okay, I'm back from the land of the dead. Felt crappy all day. Couldn't eat anything. Finally had a cup of hot chocolate and felt better.

Candice, I was hoping I could beat you on and wish YOU a happy Boxing day before you got up. So

happy boxing day!!!!

We will Celebrate Christmas tomorrow when DD#3 arrives. I did open my kindle and now I can't decide which book to buy first. Lame I know. What was I thinking,

Feeling better today, Probably just in a funk with no celebration.

Jamie, DD#2, loved her antique pen and ink drawing I found at an antique store that looks just like her lab, Sydney. She called and said how much she loved it. Haven't heard from the rest of the family.

Janet, great job tossing the sugar cookies!

I have to start going to bed on time and getting up earlier, been going to bed past midnight and getting up at 10 am. Well tonight it is to bed at 10 pm and I'm setting the alarm. That way I can get some work done as well. I haven't accomplished anything for a few days. Too tired and probably a little depressed.

Phyl glad you enjoyed your festivities.

Candice, love the phone call from your mom. So classic.

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Well I'm showered (sitting here in a towel) got wash going - it's cloudy - suppose to be in the 50's for new yrs - that's cold for us ;0)

Think I will be making some Soup today... That kind of weather.. I love cooking and feel the need for something healthy and lite..

Hugs on the depression Karla - Can't say I'm depressed just not motivated - tried from doing nothing - but nothing to do that's fun - I need to get my bills together that I gotta pay on the 1st - accounting together that I have to give to accountant - but that's too much like work ;0) need to get dressed - but don't know what to put on ;0) - so I just will get up and start moving and it will get done..

Work tomorrow ;0( I already turned on the alarm when I made my bed this morning - I like my ereader - but sorta miss the whole book thing - think it's going to take time to get use to.


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Okay, I'm back from the land of the dead. Felt crappy all day. Couldn't eat anything. Finally had a cup of hot chocolate and felt better.

Candice, I was hoping I could beat you on and wish YOU a happy Boxing day before you got up. So

happy boxing day!!!!

We will Celebrate Christmas tomorrow when DD#3 arrives. I did open my kindle and now I can't decide which book to buy first. Lame I know. What was I thinking,

Feeling better today, Probably just in a funk with no celebration.

Jamie, DD#2, loved her antique pen and ink drawing I found at an antique store that looks just like her lab, Sydney. She called and said how much she loved it. Haven't heard from the rest of the family.

Janet, great job tossing the sugar cookies!

I have to start going to bed on time and getting up earlier, been going to bed past midnight and getting up at 10 am. Well tonight it is to bed at 10 pm and I'm setting the alarm. That way I can get some work done as well. I haven't accomplished anything for a few days. Too tired and probably a little depressed.

Phyl glad you enjoyed your festivities.

Candice, love the phone call from your mom. So classic.

HI Karla, glad you liked your KINDLE~~~!!! I gave peter an ereader, but it dosn't work properly...so gotta RETURN it.. along with my MOM's P.J.'s hee,hee..

Buying books for ht Ereader... have you looked into TORENTZ files?? that way you can download books for FREE!!! thats what WE are going todo...

Hugs and Love, C

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Well I'm back from shopping short trip wasn't in the mood - went to target got washing soap & softener - then to stater brothers - got stuff to make a pot of pinto Beans - hearty creamy Protein - it's on the stove waiting for winter pjs to dry - going to change and hit the couch ...

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Latest Twitter update - Beans done - blended a few so I have cream of pinto bean Soup - watch Swiss Family Robinson - I remember wanting to live in that tree house - I would love to live on the island but would need internet ;0)

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Oh Janet, I am so with you on the tree house, but besides internet, I want hot running Water and a porcelean toilet. I consider them necessesities, thus the reason I don't do camping!! Soup sounds good. Don't know what is for dinner yet. Not really in the mood.

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Oh Janet, I am so with you on the tree house, but besides internet, I want hot running Water and a porcelean toilet. I consider them necessesities, thus the reason I don't do camping!! Soup sounds good. Don't know what is for dinner yet. Not really in the mood.

Well we would have solar panels to heat the water - and ya a toilet would be nice ;0)

I don't mind rough it for a day or 2 and now a days campsites have bathrooms and showers ;0) - I haven't camped in yrs -

well back to my book -

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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