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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi, Lovelies! Here I am!! Recap..... I don't remember where I left off, though!! Thurs TOPS, dr appt, lunch, shopping while Earl went to oil change appt, then home to get ready for Sky Valley Christmas dinner at 5:30 p.m. That was kind of fun... was late in signing up so sat with people we didn't know at all. Good to get acquainted with some different people. Except the lady sitting next to Earl (about 90 yrs old) talked his ear off but she was deaf as a doornail!! Kind of funny watching the exchange from across the table!! LOL! Canadians to my left and couple from Seattle that I didn't know to my right. "Hostess" is new to the park and recruited to be a hostess when she didn't have a clue what she was supposed to do.. so food not real well coordinated, but not her fault since no one told her. So we had ham and a lot of salads and a lot of green beans! Another table passed us a potato casserole, so that helped. One cherry pie for 16 people was cut in VERY tiny wedges!! Which was fine with me. I took a few bites.. mostly the crust.. LOVE the crust... and gave the rest to Earl. And there were brownies, but... again.. a few bites and gave it to Earl. Ham was overcooked!!

HAHA!! I'm complaining a lot, huh?! It wasn't about the food.. I enjoyed the visiting, and especially enjoyed the entertainment!!! Kids from the Boys and Girls club came and sang a few Christmas songs! So cute!! I said it made up for missing our grandkids' Christmas programs at church and school... did you happen to see video of Thomas signing at his on Facebook? ?? So cute!! Anyway... this one little boy.. I remember him from last year... just can't stand still, so he jumps and dances through every song they sing and I just sit and giggle! Put a couple of pictures of that on FB, too... but... you had to be there. Kids are from mostly low income families in Desert Hot Springs... lots of them single Mom families. Boys and Girls club gets them after school, helps them with homework until moms come and pick them up. And some were pretty little... but our choir director goes down and practices with them before they come and sing for us, so he tells them to "ham it up" and they sure did that!! I just LOVED it!! They took an offering for the Boys and Girls Club when it was over, but Earl didn't have his wallet, I didn't have y checkbook, and not much cash. So on the way home I told Earl I wanted to take a check for $100 to Activities office for them the next day. HAHAHA!! He about came unglued --- can you hear it??? , but he let me do it! First he said "I think $25 would be good!" But I said, "NO, I want to give them $100!!" And he quit arguing with me!! Amazing! And that is the best Christmas present.. for ME, this year!! Love those kids.

So... we're leaving in the morning... and didn't leave today because of two parties.... Red Hat at noon, and open house at friends' here in the park later in the afternoon. Well, I felt crappy, and had SO much to do to get ready to leave that I ended up skipping the Rd Hat party!! But we did go to the open house. I busted my butt all morning and got my packing just about completely done. And in the process went through ALL my clothes, All my jewelry, ALL my makeup and all the JUNK on the couch!! Honest, Janet... you can sit on it now! Only one little stack of stuff in the corner is left!!

I have not, however, made much of a dent in writing Christmas cards!! So... if you don't get one... LOL...... all it is is the picture of us on our decorated golf cart, that you already saw, with "Merry Christmas from Phyl, Earl and Zoey" at the bottom.... I forgot about Candy!!! HUGS!! I love you all!! But I am such a procrastinator! My good friend, Janet, from NYC that died in April always sent out her Christmas letters some time in January!! HAHAHA!! Maybe I'll do that!

So.... skipped the Red Hat thing but went to friends' open house. Had a couple of Cookies, a lot of coffee, and some cheese, crackers and salmon! Mmmmmmm! But.. came home and started feeling lousy again... headache, face felt hot... took my temp and it was 99.3. So I had a can of healthy choice chicken Soup, southwest style, for dinner later, and two glasses of wine.. my little glasses! Fever seems to be gone now and headache, too. Have had stomach cramps and trots for last 24 hrs. Better be gone in the morning!

So... 10 inches of rain forecast for L.A. area over the next few days, supposed to be raining heavy here for next 5-10 days but haven't seen a drop yet! Hope it's not too miserable driving up through northern part of L.A. and Pasadena in the morning!! And hope it's not snowing in the mountains!! One weather report I heard said some areas of the mountains could get up to 15 ft of snow!! HUH????? For real???? I think Earl is going to insist on cutting over to the coast for the 2nd half of the trip as northern CA mountains and maybe So Oregon, will almost surely have heavy snow. Rain and fog in SF, rain and big wind storm in Seattle area last night. Granddaughter coming home from U of WA to SF last night was stuck at SeaTac for FIVE hours!!

Should be an interesting trip!! Will try to keep you posted.

Deal with the golf cart was that he was so sure we were going to get all this rain... insisted it was starting at 9 a.m. yesterday, and he didn't want the golf cart to be wet when he was ready to cover it up because we're leaving. He bought these big plastic tarps... like painting things you put on the floor... can't remember what you call them, and then another heavy plastic tarp over the top of that, tied down with all these bungee cords and clothesline!! But... never did rain yesterday either!!

Well, think I'll write a few more cards and go to bed. Up at 5 a.m. and you KNOW that won't be easy for me!!! Earl wants me to get up early and leave right away and stop at Denney's for Breakfast. Wonder if he's going to make me coffee to take with me???

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Phyl - I knew you had lots of plans for this weekend before you left - then getting ready to leave - Busy Girl.... Safe Travels tomorrow - Earl better have your coffee ready !!!

There is a new charity here in the Desert - the ladies that started Martha's Village - Galie or something like that - it's down in thermal -I got a mailing the other day - Sent $ too and yes more than $25 - Gosh Earl it's Christmas and we can afford to help those less fortunate than us ;0) - As you most likely know that end of the Valley is VERY poor - mostly migrant workers - So that and the $ spent on gifts for the kids at the shelter was my gift back to the world..

I got my cards in the mail friday (didn't send you one - you got yours lol) hopefully everyone gets them before Xmas - Candice not sure how long it takes mail to get to Canada - I know postage was more but don't know how long it takes..

Well my cofffee this evening has me still awake - haven't eaten - better go eat - cuz that will make me sleepy and I have gym at 10 a.m.

Again - Safe travels - I will keep my fingers crossed for good weather - Tarps is the word I think ;0) -



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Phyl - Safe travels today.... I went to bed at 2 - up at 6 (leg cramps) I beleive a nap is in my future :0)

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Morning ladies, I have to admit, I have been enjoying sleeping in, pretty much 8:30 every morning, 4 hours more than when I am at school. It will be tough when school starts. Quiet evening/day. Did some laundry, worked on my kilzillionth hat. Have about 6 more to do then I'm done.

Phyl SAFE travels, and Earl better get you coffee.

Janet, both you are Phyl are wonderful people to donate to those organizations. It really helps each of them provide for what the kids need! I have been lucky enough to never needed to use outside help. But my brother always gives me a $100 costco gift card each year so I can make a good Christmas dinner for my kids. I wish I was closer to him, but too much Water under the bridge.

Have been thinking a lot about my dad. Christmas wasn't really important to him, heck they quit giving us gifts when I was about 14 so it isn't the gift I'm missing. I also have been thinking about the guy that was killed in the motorcycle accident that I was in love with. I guess the holiday just has me missing having someone in my life. For the most part it doesn't bother me, and I definitely don't do anything to fill the void, it just get's hard sometimes.

Okay, done with the pity party, better attitude!!!

Janet, enjoy your quiet day.

Candice, hope your gig goes well with the new guitar guy!

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Have gone almost 150 miles.

Hugs, Karla!

Do you believe it- cat is on front console roght next to Zoey with no hissing!! We thought shed stay in back!!

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Yeahxv, I guilted him into letting me write that check. ;-) His bark is always worse than his bite. I know he feels good about it. Choir director thanked me profusely at party yesterday! Between both parks we gave around $1000.

Two spin out accidents first two hours- both cars totalled!! About to stsrt up "grapevine".

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Good Evening Gang....

Well I got off my butt (computer) around noon - got banking done - went to Worldmart - Steinmart - got this neat belt


The no-buckle, no-bulk, no-front belt!


One size (Fits sizes 2-16), Color: Black - $8.99

Temporarily is out of stock.

One size (Fits sizes 2-16), Color: Khaki - $8.99

Say good-bye to the Big-Belt-Buckle-Bulge, "peek-a-booty," and t-bar sightings, and say hello to perfect fitting pants! Our one-size belt alternative, which attaches to each side of your belt loops, creates a slim, body-hugging fit. You'll have an instantly tailored, smooth front and a no-gap back, without expensive tailoring.

Attach one end of your Hip Hugger to your side belt loop, feed it through the back loop—adjust the length for a snug fit—and simply clip the other end of the Hip Hugger to the other side belt loop.


Then went to costco - got a prime rib - everyone has been talking about it made me hungry for it - so got that and some real potatoes - cooked it but now not hungry cuz I had 2 cups of coffee ;0) - then my GF Linda came by we visited for a couple hrs.

Tomorrow nail - target - marshalls & ross - and then veg..

Candice we all are botches sometimes ;0) - no biggie ;0) What movie are you watching

Phyl you haven't posted all day long ;0)

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Hey Janet, that belt thing is a great idea.... way cool.

I appologized to Peter.... said I love you hun.... he said ``I love you too babe, just sometimes more than others`` LOL

I can`t even remember what I watached last night dah!!! I had such a terrible headache, watched it with an IceBAG on my head and a hot pack behind my neck... then I gave myself 20 mins and reversed them.... it worked and I broke out of the headache.. BUt i had taken, tyl, asprin, Ibuprofen... so I just couldn`t take any more drugs.... although I wish I`d started the dosing with a Percocet... it wouldn`t worked SOONER.... ha,ha,.ha.

Went to visit my MOM today, took some of her presents into to her to put under HER tree.... so that`ll amuse her for a few days tring to figure out what is what!!!! No peeking I told her... she says ``Ha, that what YOU used to do when you were a little girl.... peek every year:``

One year I spoiled the whole thing, found my mom`s secret hiding place and opened everything and rewrapped it all.... what a littl bugger I was!!!!

I bought a ticket on a silent auctuion for a quilt... I won!! So had Peter pick that up today, seems he REALLY likes the fabric and colours... so I guess he`s getting in on HIS couch in thew basement... I am washing it now.... I forgot how much he LOVES batiks...

Karla, you don`t need makeup hun, you arew a natura blonde beauty!!!

Is Phyl driving??? OMGosh the weather in CALI looks horrible too!!! I hope they`re o.k.

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Have gone almost 150 miles.

Hugs, Karla!

Do you believe it- cat is on front console roght next to Zoey with no hissing!! We thought shed stay in back!!

Phyl and Earl, have safe travels you guys.... I`ll be thinking about you when I watch the NEWS and weather...

I think that was a great donation for the boys and girls.... they will really appreciate it....

THeir singing sounds like it was SO FUN... i`d`have loved to see it... will go and check our FB...

Are youin the RV or are you driving the CAR and staying in hotewlas???

Karla; you won`t be alone we can ALL Skype eaach other on Christmas day.... I may even WAKE yu up early!!!

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Candice, fabulous idea, we can have coffee together.

Well, I made biscotti today, not my best, I was short an egg, but too broke and lazy to drive to the store to buy any, so made it anyway. Actually it is okay, and I was using egg beaters anyway. I don't use enough eggs anymore to buy real eggs, the egg beaters I can freeze. So I need to dip them in white chocolate and crushed almonds. Usually use hazelnuts, but my stash was empty and I didn't know it, so almond and cranberry this year. I'll probably get some hazelnuts this week in town and make another batch. I give most of it away, but keep some for Christmas morning. They are lethal, can't have them in the house.

My mom is going with my brothers to his inlaws, so she won't be alone for Christmas. Like I said, they were never into it much. We all send her (them) gifts and we didn't usually get a thank you. Us kids are silly about Christmas. With my girls we all play santa, and it is so much fun to sneak out and add things to their stockings, all hoping you don't run into each other. I will miss that this year. All though we each send stuff to be slipped into the stockings, it just isn't the same.

Phyl, hell girl, be careful! Let us know when you are safe and sound.!

Candice, did you jump his bones, I hear that always helps. Heck I have to hear the details, second hand sex is the best I get now a day. Oh and thank you for the compliment. I figure I just always look washed out without makeup!!!

Well it is dipping time, the chocolate is melted.


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Good Evening Gang

Well didn't go to the gym it's not over till 11 a.m and I wanted to get started on my day before that got out of the house about 10:30 - So went got nails done - then to Ross's got Uncle & bro something from there last yr - well this yr their stuff sucked - but I did find a pair of Limited black wide leg jeans for $8.99 and a cute sweater for like $10 - then went to Marshall's got a pair of these jeans I love or $15 and them some candles that I'll give Andrew for Xmas - then to Dollar Tree for gift bags - OMG big Xmas gift bags for $1 - well got Andrew's dogs some bones and dishes ;0) $37 items - gotta love the dollar store ;) - Then Target for tp normal stuff was home by 2:30 -got everything put up - load in the wash - ate dinner (prime rib 3oz 1/2 c taters 1/3 c green beans)

It's been cold here all day looks like rain (only got sprinkles) had a pair of footless tights on w/a pair of leggings 2 pairs of fluffly stock and my Lucky#7 sweater shirt (poppy one) with a blouse under it and boots on..

I thought that they were taking the car - but sounds like they took the Motorhome - can't see candy up on the dashboard of the car ;0) w/Zoey - they couldn't see out of the windshield LOL..

Karla - I with you on missing the pple who are dead this time of year - hell that's the reason I am having Uncle & Step Bro over - who knows who's going to be here next yr.. But I must be sick - I am not missing the company this Xmas - for the last 2 yrs - my house has been a mad house at christmas - with the kids coming down and they usually stay about 4-5 days... Going to miss them some - but I really am looking forward to the quite time.. But hell I'm older than you ;0) maybe that's it..

Well going to go ck fb to see if any updates from Phly - It's 8 - Heck I could go to bed right now -but it's just a little to early - Next week will be a short week - We have Friday off (Xmas Eve) and will get off around 2 on Thursday.. Still need to get my boss a gift cert - gf from work gave me $20 so I guess he's get a $40 El Mexicalli gift card - this is his favor place to eat..

See you all in the a.m.

Hugs & Love

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Phyl and Earl, have safe travels you guys.... I`ll be thinking about you when I watch the NEWS and weather...

I think that was a great donation for the boys and girls.... they will really appreciate it....

THeir singing sounds like it was SO FUN... i`d`have loved to see it... will go and check our FB...

Are youin the RV or are you driving the CAR and staying in hotels???

Karla; you won`t be alone we can ALL Skype eaach other on Christmas day.... I may even WAKE yu up early!!!

Not in the RV, guys. Just the CR-V. Cat was on the console between the front seats first couple of hours. She got on Earl's lap once. It was SO funny. Zoey is jealous whenever she sits on Earl's lap. So as soon as candy got settled across his lap the dog all of a sudden takes a big leap into Earl's lap, too, and lands right on top of the cat. We both started laughing, but Candy didn't even flinch. No hissing, no reaction at all. Earl scooped up Zoey and sort of tossed her back to me! It was pretty funny. But, first stop... at the top of the "grapevine", Earl fixed a little "hole" on the floor behind his seat and that's where Candy was the rest of the day. And Zoey was on my lap ALL day.

We got to Chris & Kellie's about 3pm. Kellie was worried about how their dog would react to Zoey... she's almost 10 yr old beagle. But she was fine. Snapped at her a little a couple of times but no big deal. We left Candy in he car. Earl fixed her a little nest in the dog crate, with door open, and she has litter box, food & Water so she's fine. It's not very cold out. Their old cat, Remo, is about the same age as Candy, but he's made himself pretty scarce all afternoon.

We'll be up and out fairly early in the morning. Still trying to talk Earl in to staying with I-5, but I'm afraid I might lose. He seems determned to avoid ALL snow and go up the coast. It'll take a lot longer. We will have to stay in a motel tomorrow night and have to find one that's pet friendly which could be quite a challenge on 101.

Candice, fabulous idea, we can have coffee together.

Well, I made biscotti today, not my best, I was short an egg, but too broke and lazy to drive to the store to buy any, so made it anyway. Actually it is okay, and I was using egg beaters anyway. I don't use enough eggs anymore to buy real eggs, the egg beaters I can freeze. So I need to dip them in white chocolate and crushed almonds. Usually use hazelnuts, but my stash was empty and I didn't know it, so almond and cranberry this year. I'll probably get some hazelnuts this week in town and make another batch. I give most of it away, but keep some for Christmas morning. They are lethal, can't have them in the house.

My mom is going with my brothers to his inlaws, so she won't be alone for Christmas. Like I said, they were never into it much. We all send her (them) gifts and we didn't usually get a thank you. Us kids are silly about Christmas. With my girls we all play santa, and it is so much fun to sneak out and add things to their stockings, all hoping you don't run into each other. I will miss that this year. All though we each send stuff to be slipped into the stockings, it just isn't the same.

Phyl, hell girl, be careful! Let us know when you are safe and sound.!

Candice, did you jump his bones, I hear that always helps. Heck I have to hear the details, second hand sex is the best I get now a day. Oh and thank you for the compliment. I figure I just always look washed out without makeup!!!

Well it is dipping time, the chocolate is melted. TTFN

Get this, coffee buddy.... truck stop was OUT OF coffee!!! Earl was OUTRAGED!! No coffee at a truck stop!! They had about 3 huge coffee brewers and they were all empty! Excuse was they needed to clean the filters and brew some more. Well, YEAH!!! So we go down the road a few miles... to the bottom of the grapevine, where friend Jacki said there is a Starbucks. Stopped there and the line was so long I came right back out the door because I knew Earl would get very impatient if I stood in line like 15 minutes! So I went across the street to McDonald's and got two large black coffees!

Good Evening Gang

Well didn't go to the gym it's not over till 11 a.m and I wanted to get started on my day before that got out of the house about 10:30 - So went got nails done - then to Ross's got Uncle & bro something from there last yr - well this yr their stuff sucked - but I did find a pair of Limited black wide leg jeans for $8.99 and a cute sweater for like $10 - then went to Marshall's got a pair of these jeans I love or $15 and them some candles that I'll give Andrew for Xmas - then to Dollar Tree for gift bags - OMG big Xmas gift bags for $1 - well got Andrew's dogs some bones and dishes ;0) $37 items - gotta love the dollar store ;) - Then Target for tp normal stuff was home by 2:30 -got everything put up - load in the wash - ate dinner (prime rib 3oz 1/2 c taters 1/3 c green beans)

It's been cold here all day looks like rain (only got sprinkles) had a pair of footless tights on w/a pair of leggings 2 pairs of fluffly stock and my Lucky#7 sweater shirt (poppy one) with a blouse under it and boots on..

I thought that they were taking the car - but sounds like they took the Motorhome - can't see Candy up on the dashboard of the car ;0) w/Zoey - they couldn't see out of the windshield LOL..

Karla - I with you on missing the pple who are dead this time of year - hell that's the reason I am having Uncle & Step Bro over - who knows who's going to be here next yr.. But I must be sick - I am not missing the company this Xmas - for the last 2 yrs - my house has been a mad house at christmas - with the kids coming down and they usually stay about 4-5 days... Going to miss them some - but I really am looking forward to the quite time.. But hell I'm older than you ;0) maybe that's it..

Well going to go ck fb to see if any updates from Phly - It's 8 - Heck I could go to bed right now -but it's just a little to early - Next week will be a short week - We have Friday off (Xmas Eve) and will get off around 2 on Thursday.. Still need to get my boss a gift cert - gf from work gave me $20 so I guess he's get a $40 El Mexicalli gift card - this is his favor place to eat..

See you all in the a.m.

Hugs & Love

Kellie fixed big pot of chili tonight. It was good. After dinner she & I and the girls made a quick trip to Target. Now watching Survivor!

Where is El Mexicali?? We ate at Pollo Loco for the very first time the other day after my dr. appt. We both really liked it.

Earl went to bed already. I got up so early that I'm getting pretty tired, too, so will probably go upstairs soon. Need to take a shower so I don't have to in the morning. And can't wait to change in to pjs because the dog threw up all over my sweats! Must have eaten something off the floor! I smell really sour! Gross!

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Good Morning Peeps...

Phyl - our animals bring so much joy - I know that I am always smiling laughing at what mine do ;0)... Glad you had safe travels - Karri is/was stuck at Seatac for 21 hrs - too much snow that Lee couldn't get over the mountain to pick her up - haven't ck'd status today.. I guess they are moving to Tx this week - Driving on Xmas eve..

I was pretty sure you were taking the car - Glad the trip has bee ok w/the animals ;0)...

Well its suppose to be 65 today and raining - Sweater and new pants today - gym to night back to our reg schedule -

Time to get ready - never got around to coloring hair - need to get that done sometime this week - too much white is showing


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Phyl, sounds like an adventure. We got about 4 inches of new snow last night, so I guess we will have a white Christmas after all. Ours is all fluffy. When molly went outside to go potty, she almost disappeared. Probably have 8 all together, better than the brown melty suff we had. I think I would have been ticked it I had to settle for McDonalds coffee. But I'm a bit of a coffee snob.

Janet, don't you just love quiet weekends. I have some homework to do and I am starting to stress about going back to work. The first two weeks off I was so relaxed, just loved it. It could have been the drugs??? Hernia is hurting like the begeebies, didn't sleep well last night, February is a long time away!

Simon goes back to the vet today, and I'm not looking forward to driving, but as we all know, we will do most anything for our furries.

Candice how was your evening?

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Well, goodmorning ladies!!

Phyl I am glad for the update... and also happy that you are in the CAR and not the RV with all that bad weather, rain etc.... the car is more managable... I`d take the coast road too.... it sounds very sceanic too. I can just picture the CAT and DOG on Earls lap... what a hoot!!! My Woody used to LOVE to drive, and now so does Bridget.. although Bridget is a lot more obedient in the car than BOTH of our other dogs... She is just perfect.... I think ``Woody Angel`` whispers in her ear each night and tells her how best to get along with us... :-)

Oh-ewh... dog puke... how nice!!! No wonder you wanted a shower!!! Ha! Enjoy your visit with Chris.... thats nice that you could see him too. How is the traffic on the highways.... did you bring hand made jewelry for everyone oon your stops?

Karla; for sure... we`ll connect by skpye.... we can show each other Xmas presents and our BAD hair Days in the morning!!!

Going in the afternoon to my MOM`s so we`ll be gone a couple of hours then. but otherwise home.... MOM asked if I could bring Bridget on Christmas day"!!!

Janet; so you heard something from Karri??? Is she still talking to you??? Texax huh, I thought for sure she``d go back up north.. I thought she HATED Texas????? I must be the big bad ogur cause I havn`t heard from Steph or Karri....

You`ll have fun planing the evening for your Uncle... that will be nice.

Yes, Christmas is a double edged sword... its fun, family time. BUt like Karla we all miss those loved ones who can`t be with us anymore except in our hearts... My Dad would have been 93 yrs old this Christmas... he died at 59.... He was always zaney at Christmas... loved to ham it up for family and friends...but..... alas, there was also a lot (too much) of alcohol present as well :`(

12 days until Italy B)

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Good Morning Again - I was just cking in before I get going - my boss is gone today ;0) - Mondays are hard for me to get my head back in the thinking mode ;0)

Karla - Will the snow stay till Christmas??? Who's coming home for Christmas??? Can't say my weekend was that quite since I was out and about both Sat & Sun - to me not going out at all is a quite weekend -no hair no makeup - pj's all day...

Since we get off work early on Thursdays - I will do a little backing - and Christmas Eve morning hitting the gym ;0)....

Candice - I'll be ok w/company as long as my SB isn't loaded - last 09 Turkey day was great - he came a lone and was sober- then Xmas came w/GF (who I dislike) and they were stoned - Really didn't enjoy them at all - My Uncle is cool and hell it's only for a few hrs (my Uncle leave when it get dark and SB will leave then too) so I can deal w/it - for the sake of family....

Don't know when Andrew will come over- but know I will see him sometime - that's who I really am baking for him ;0) - well me too ;0) if I'm being honest... I will over indulgel :0) - but I will hit the gym and by Monday 12/27 I will be back eating healthy - so I'm cool w/it - it's all planned..

My Dad would have been 90 this yr - and Christmas Eve was always spend w/them - Miss that so much, Miss my bro's too - but lets deal w/who we have left and rejoice in that... Hugs Love

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