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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Apples (and to all of you w/the snow) Hugs - It's cold here for us 67 is suppose to be the high and this morning we had a sprinkle and dark clouds - Got my riding boots on - turtle neck and sweater ;0) - As Phyl says - for me winter is wearing long sleeve ;0) - I think of that everytime I get dressed in the winter months ;0)..

Yep you are lucky that you have a high metabolizm than most of us ;0)

Becareful out there ;0)

Jessica - WTG on your test - you really are a jewel - a very smart one :0)

Look at that!!!! Quote showing up on the wrong thread again!! And I posted on that thread and lost it! I am getting pretty fed up with this site!

Today was a little busy... TOPS this morning.. down .4 lb, then went in the hot tub for just a few minutes. Had to skip Water aerobics because of dr appt at 10:45 a,m. which was really stupid because they kept me waiting over 30 minutes.. probably closer to 45 and I could have probably gone to water aerobics! I think they bunched up all their appts in the morning so they could have the afternoon off. I was supposed to go at 1pm and they called me and changed it. Anyway... lunch at pollo loco after that. Then Walmart, costco, and Starbucks while Earl went and got oil changed. Quick glass of wine next door with Wanda and a couple neighbors before coming home to work on Christmas cards for a while. Then Christmas dinner here at the park. Ham... lots of salads and veggies at our table and just one small casserole of taters. Took a small sliver of cherry pie and a small brownie.... had a few bites and gave the rest to Earl.

That was it for today.. Nothing tomorrow except start packing, try to finish cards and maybe work on jewelry projects that are unfinished!

Weather does not look good for driving north... snow in the mountains.

Yeah, jealousy is probably an issue with Jodie... but mostly they're lazy! Jodie & Tracy have had a rocky relationship for a long time. Tracy invited them up for Easter dinner one year and Jodie seemed to accept but at the last minute when Tracy called to ask her to bring something she was told they'd made other plans. Things like that don't sit well with Tracy and she doesn't soon forget!! Alan has always been a bit of a jerk. He gets very disrespectful with me at times, and I don't like that. He has this holier than though attitude. I told Earl today I wish we weren't even going! Didn't want to go to the dinner tonight either, but glad we did. Got to visit with people I didn't know, passed out cards and golf cart photos to several friends, and LOVE to hear the kids from DHS Boys & Girls Club come and sing us some songs.. Rudolph, etc. They are SO cute!

We talked about the "going home for Christmas" issue at TOPS this morning. It was a good discussion. One gal said that after going home for a couple of years in a row... and finding their grown kids only had a few hours to spend with them and were busy with their families, they decided they weren't doing it anymore! But, seems like more than usual are doing it this year. Our topic was the 7 saboteurs with regards to eating the wrong things.

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Good Morning Peeps....

TGIF !!!!

Phyl - Congrats on being down on your weight - that really good considering all the parties you have been to, Well the diff between Jodi & Tracy is that Jodi still has little kids where as Tracey's are grown - Heck - I am having Family over Xmas Eve really out of duty - Enjoy my Uncle Charles and will enjoy Brad if he's not stoned.. But his GF Jennifer - well she just white trash.. But I can suck it up for a few hours ;0) for the sake of being together..

Karla - Miss your early morning post ;0),. Always knew you would be posting before me in the morning....

Candice - How was your nite out

Yep weather not going to be great for traveling - but I will enjoy it - get to wear my winter clothes ;0),...

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Morning girls... I had TWO glasses of wine last night... Went to Swiss Chalet, ate a LEG and 1/4 rack of ribs.... don`t know what happened but my BAND was accommodating... and it was delicious!!!! gave the other 1/4 slab ribs to Peter... no fries, no salads, no rolls and butter...

We always exchange gifts with this couple, they gave us TWO sets of placemats.. one winter, one summer... those are nice I will use them...then she gave us 2 Kissing (stuffed) Bears.... WTF ???? Oh well, I`ll give them to my Mother... weird!

Bridget got her OWN bag of presents, denta bones, edible Christmas Card, etc... really cute... they ALWAYS have bought for our Dogs!!!

It was fun to get out and see them though, they are now off to visit family in 2 different cites over the next couple weeks... so I won`t see them again until after my cruise!!

15 days until Italy!!

Not snowing today, so hopefully we have band rehearsal with Mark(guitar) I`ll let you know how that goes.

Phyl: I don;t blame you at all for not wanting to travel anywhere at Christmas. Jodi has completely ruined your season for you.... and I am sure you are not looking forward to the drive either. HUGS, HUGS, HUGS

Congrats on your W/L too... that is a possitive, expecially at this time of year.

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Morning girls... I had TWO glasses of wine last night... Went to Swiss Chalet, ate a LEG and 1/4 rack of ribs.... don`t know what happened but my BAND was accommodating... and it was delicious!!!! gave the other 1/4 slab ribs to Peter... no fries, no salads, no rolls and butter...

We always exchange gifts with this couple, they gave us TWO sets of placemats.. one winter, one summer... those are nice I will use them...then she gave us 2 Kissing (stuffed) Bears.... WTF ???? Oh well, I`ll give them to my Mother... weird!

Bridget got her OWN bag of presents, denta bones, edible Christmas Card, etc... really cute... they ALWAYS have bought for our Dogs!!!

It was fun to get out and see them though, they are now off to visit family in 2 different cites over the next couple weeks... so I won`t see them again until after my cruise!!

15 days until Italy!!

Not snowing today, so hopefully we have band rehearsal with Mark(guitar) I`ll let you know how that goes.

Phyl: I don;t blame you at all for not wanting to travel anywhere at Christmas. Jodi has completely ruined your season for you.... and I am sure you are not looking forward to the drive either. HUGS, HUGS, HUGS

Congrats on your W/L too... that is a possitive, expecially at this time of year.


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Alexa made it through her wisdom teeth extraction in great shape. She actually is doing better than I. It was really tough driving, I don't know if it was the surgery or the hernia, but damn I was in pain. If it is the hernia, I don't think I am going to make it until February. So home, pain pill and lay back. I think I am getting stronger and then wham. I just don't know how I am going to go back to school. Okay had to whine, I'm done now!

You know, Janet, I miss visiting with you in the am also. But 2 more weeks and I'll be back at it, bleck!

Anyway, meds are kicking in, I'll check in later.

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Good Afternoon Gang...

LOL Candice on the stuff animals ;0) - Well she though you and Peter were a loving couple ;0)...

WTG on no bread or dessert ;0) - So what day do you leave 1/5 for your cruise ;0)

Yep when you want your band to stop you it doesn't and when you want to eat something good it does.

I read a post the other day - someone said I just want to eat 1 hamburger like I use too... I can relate- I was never a big burger eater - but every now and then I would enjoy one - well - those days are long gone as I don't think I could eat more than just a few bites.. Just when it would be really tasting good - I would be stuck ;0) ...

Karla - Yep you and me the a.m. girls... Hugs it's most likely the surgery it's only been 2 weeks and I hate to tell you this - you aren't a spring chicken anymore - it takes a while to recoup ;0) - Get a good nap in.

Glad DD extraction went ok..

Well back to work - CBL - Have gym tonite - thank God it's the last friday workout - next week we go back to Monday & Wed... You know we don't like change ;0)

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Spring chicken my foot, I'm a damn old hen!!! To tough to kill and too arnery to get along. Sad but true. I know I need to accept how long it is taking to get healed up, but it does get frustrating. I did enjoy my nap though. Hungry.... hum, maybe some lunch.. Have a good workout.

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Hi Gals, rehearsal with Mark went really well today.... we have quite a lot of work to do, to get it into shape.... but I think he is a good fit. Peter liked him too (whew!)

We have a gig on Monday, and THursday, but we are using Floyd (piano) for those gigs... then I leave for Italy on the 1st of January!!! 2011

01012011 LUCKY DATE I think!

Janet you are so right about the GOOD food, I cooked myself a little steak tonight, 4 oz max.... we`ll I got 2 oz in and WHAMMY it had to LEAVE!!! You get the picture... oh it was so tasty too...:angry:

Diareha today TMI, but it was weird ... I NEVER get that....Ive even switched over to Decaf coffee....hummmmm?

Karla, two weeks from now you will be much stronger... just don`t push it right now.... nap when you can as Janet says.... she is the QUEEN of napology!!! LOL

WHere is Phyl today? Hope you are not missing cause you are sad... Don`t let those kids get to you sweetie. HUGS

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Good Evening Peeps

Karla - Yep - nap - nap - nap and take your vitimans ;0) So what did you eat - I'm Hungry - but didn't take anything out - I want mexican - we had sample of tamales that I will be getting next week - the chicken was EXCELLENT and I love this ladies salsa - not hot but tasty... That's what I want to eat or an enchillda from Rincon - but I'm not like Candice once I'm home - I'm home and not going back out ;0)... So I will find something to eat...

Candice - Glad our resident control freak likes the guy ;0) Break a leg or whatever you tell a band ;0) on your gigs :0)... I think Phyl has some parties tonite.

It's too funny on the other thread she posted this morning that earl won't let her take the golf cart cuz it was raining or going to but she could take the scooter - LOL the golf cart has a roof the scooter doesn't...

Had a good work out - it's hard to work out on friday - that's the night I just want to come home and veg - thankfully it was the last one ;0)

Have Pilos on Sunday - Monday - Arms - Tues boot camp - Wed - Legs & Hot Hula :0) - I don't know if the gym is open christmas but if I make Cookies - it better be cuz - I will need the work out and they aren't having any class that day or the day after - so I will be there Sunday regardless...

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I think I have been cruising for food all day. Gosh a steak sounds lovely, hum, maybe I will make some salmon tomorrow. Finally had a good BM (sorry I know) but there appears to be a problem. Something has shifted and the only way I could go was to apply pressure around the opening. All the waste moved down, but wouldn't come out. I had to push it out, and I don't mean with my pelvic muscles. I know this is gross to talk about, but it is becoming a real issue. I have a post op appointment on the 30th so I'll talk to the doc then. I don't know if the muscles aren't functioning, or if I have developed a rectocyle. I don't want to think about having a bag, okay now I am just panicing. Sorry.

Poor Alexa is starving and wants real food, but has to wait until tomorrow.

Candice, glad the guitar guy is working out, he is the single one, right? Hum, maybe I need to come for a visit!

Janet, pilos are so good for your core!! I totally agree with the Friday issue. All I ever do on Fridays after work is come home, take a show, put on my pj's and sometimes take a nap and then go to bed early.

Phyl is just out there partying.

Candice, Italy....I'm envious! I would be ticked about the steak also! One day I can eat a steak and the next not.

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Okay ladies, TMI yesterday, I guess I was having a bit of a pity party. I always seem to get that way when I think I should be doing better. That just means that I have hit the bottom and the only way to move is UP!! So new attitude today!

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Good Late Morning ;0)

Slept till 8 this morning - been on my other thread and then fb - not getting anything don't but that's ok - it will all get done in time - really don't have much to do - a little shopping and that's about it - need to fold some clothes - but the main problem is I don't want to get dressed - I am just plain ass lazy - I get dressed 5 days a week - you know shower make up hair - well on the weekends I hate doing that - now a days I am not so obessed about it - usually just stick on a hat minimal makeup ;0) - but still gotta go do it - it's so much easier sitting here on the computer doing nothing important - oh ya I need to ck mail and do some banking - well better get too it.

Karla - call the doc on monday and see where he thinks you should be at by now - but I bet you are doing too much .... Knowing you - you have a hard time sitting still - especially when you are suppose to - Like me - I should be up doing something - but here I sit - but the on the days that I that I should be doing something (like today) I don't want to do nothing but sit and nap ;0) ....

Well gang just saw the mail truck - better get dressed ck the mail hit the bank and do the stuff I need to do..


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Ah, missing for most of today... bad headache!! I`ve taken asprin, tyl .....had nice Soup for lunch...

I YELLED at Peter today... I am such a biatch..... I was wrapping Xmas presents... I`d had a yucky time at the bank... Teller was being a $""/$"%$"4 so I was ticked off about buying US money... I have a US$ account, so that I don`t have to pay a penaly to buy it with Canadian money... also we are practically at PAR.... so Teller says`` I don`t see where you have a US account?`` ah dah!!! BIatch we`ve had it for like YEARS... plus I deposited $60 into it a few weeks ago and you TOOK it and gave me a reciepT!!

Argh, so I come home and whammy, Peter gets it... I blamed him for locking me out of the US account.... oh dear... now I must go eat CROW and appologize...

We`ve just been locked up in the damn house for too long TOGETHER!!!!

He`s going out tonight (Band) and I am ordering a MOVIE to watch... by MYSELF... something nice, non violent and funny!!!! Something he would NOT pay to see... he likes all blood and guts movies... and I usually comply... but not tofday.

Just ignorew me.... I am in a CXrappy mood

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Candice, I would have probably killed him by now, so don't beat yourself up. You both need a little away time. I went down stairs to deconstruct some wool clothes to felt the wool for projects. Alexa plays video games ALL day long and after awhile the sound just drives me nuts. If you feel really guilty about Peter, jump his bones and he will forget all about it!

Janet, I think I have only done my hair and makeup 3 times in the last 2 weeks! So I totally know what you are talking about. Of course I am pretty low maintenance, so even grooming doesn't take much, but I hate it sometimes.

I think it is nap time!!

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Good Evening Gang....

Well I got off my butt (computer) around noon - got banking done - went to Worldmart - Steinmart - got this neat belt


The no-buckle, no-bulk, no-front belt!


One size (Fits sizes 2-16), Color: Black - $8.99

Temporarily is out of stock.

One size (Fits sizes 2-16), Color: Khaki - $8.99

Say good-bye to the Big-Belt-Buckle-Bulge, "peek-a-booty," and t-bar sightings, and say hello to perfect fitting pants! Our one-size belt alternative, which attaches to each side of your belt loops, creates a slim, body-hugging fit. You'll have an instantly tailored, smooth front and a no-gap back, without expensive tailoring.

Attach one end of your Hip Hugger to your side belt loop, feed it through the back loop—adjust the length for a snug fit—and simply clip the other end of the Hip Hugger to the other side belt loop.


Then went to costco - got a prime rib - everyone has been talking about it made me hungry for it - so got that and some real potatoes - cooked it but now not hungry cuz I had 2 cups of coffee ;0) - then my GF Linda came by we visited for a couple hrs.

Tomorrow nail - target - marshalls & ross - and then veg..

Candice we all are botches sometimes ;0) - no biggie ;0) What movie are you watching

Phyl you haven't posted all day long ;0)

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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