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MINUTES/CALORIES BURNED Snowshoeing...45 /497/

Oh Janet; you wouldn't be stuck at the airport, we'd come get you... or worse case scenario... we'd send the SIMCOE COUNTRY AIRPORT SHUTTLE to pick you up... those guys go thru anything!!!

And today, I decided to stop complaining, and start DO-ing!!! I hate maching quilting and my shoulders are getting sore.. SO I dug out the snowshoes, got dressed.... 2 pr of socks, LongJohns(peters), Columbia ripstock pants( I bought them for Europe) , 1 turtleneck, 1 Polar Fleece Vest, 1 ski jacket, 1 Sinus protector, and last but not least My Belaclava!!!! or yeah, and gloves.

Now remember, the snow plows have given it up today... toomany highways to clear first... so snow on the roads in my subdivision are 12" deep. But that is easily traversable in Snow Shoes... Couldn't find the DAMN ski poles, but I did o.k. without them...

Met a lady WALKING, she said to me "Hey those are a good idea!" (snowshoes) she had just got back last nght from FLORIDA and was out of bread.. so she was walking to the SuperStore(grocery) which is 1 km away on foot... Oh my GOsh, I hope she made it...very SUNNY outside and really BEAUTIFUL, especially if you are NOT driving... poor lady... I hope she watches for cars and dives into a snowbank out of their way...cause the cars cannot STOP :(

I did not walk to the mailbox, I went PAST it and around the next bend instead... I was feeling so good, plenty warm and oh GOD so Quiet and Peaceful.... with all the snow it muffles ALL sound...

NOpe, no decorations for me!!! Why bother... too much work.

Karla, congrat on driving!! WHoo=hoo... Ill bet you really enjoy your day, dont' overdue it though or you'll pay tomorrow!!!

Phyl, gotta go back and read your post.....

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Well that just sucks, lost my post, here is version 2

Janet, with or without coconuts?

Candice, great job getting out there. I grew up in the country and use to love the after snow fall quiet. Our snow has melted, frozen, and brown, I hate it!

Mailed packages today, Remind me why I send gifts to New York? At $44 for a smallish box of stuff that cost less than $44? I am crazy.

I am a bit sore, but was out and about for 3 hours, which is more than I have had in 2 weeks.

Phyl, enjoy your parties, I don't know if I could be that social, I am a bit of a hermit.

Back to dirty dishes and maybe a nap,

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Candice WTG on getting out there - hell just getting dressed was a workout !!!! I don't think I would walk a mile for some bread - doubt I would walk anywhere for food unless it was absolutly necessary - and bread isn't one of those necessities ;0)..

I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who isn't decorating :0) ...

You couldn't come an get me if the freeways are closed ;0) - I would be stuck at the friggin airport ;0) and its way to far to walk ;0)... Well we could see if there were any dog sleds for hire :0) LOL..

Phyl - Busy Girl - What in the heck can Jodi be mad at you for.. You are our social butterfly alright...

Not going to Hawaii ;0) anytime soon - that I know of anyway..

Karla - I'm with you, I am a bit of a hermit myself - most of my family are/were - I can go out and about for a bit - but then need my down time - I have enought to keep me busy - but again I still work - so I think that makes us relish our down time - when you are retired - the down time is all the time so you need to fill it up then you are right back at square one - with too much on your plate..

Shipping - Why didn't you use the Post Office Flat rate box..

Hula in gym clothes :0) - I don't know if I will continue this class - it's 6:30 to 7:30 - I really like being home before 7:30 at night - it makes for a short nite.. (t.v. - dogs - dinner - computer etc)

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Okay, what is hula? I have heard about 'zumba', which sounds fun, but 'hula'? Does it have anything to do with a hula hoop? Low impact or high? I would love Zumba, but too much jumping for these old meshed together innards.

I get to drive today!!!!! Going to post office to mail Christmas packages and to check the mail for the teachers in China. Need to pay their bills.

Candice, be sure to get out your beaver coat and your snow shoes!!! Don't wear white, You would be too camoflaged, some one might plow you up. Sorry couldn't resist!

No beaver coat!!! But my winter ski jacket is PURPLE, plus I`m hard to miss in the BLACK belaclave!!! :P

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Well that just sucks, lost my post, here is version 2

Janet, with or without coconuts?

Candice, great job getting out there. I grew up in the country and use to love the after snow fall quiet. Our snow has melted, frozen, and brown, I hate it!

Mailed packages today, Remind me why I send gifts to New York? At $44 for a smallish box of stuff that cost less than $44? I am crazy.

I am a bit sore, but was out and about for 3 hours, which is more than I have had in 2 weeks.

Phyl, enjoy your parties, I don't know if I could be that social, I am a bit of a hermit.

Back to dirty dishes and maybe a nap,


Sugar Free Cheesecake Dessert





Low fat cream cheese, 225 grams (remove)(8 oz pkg)

*fat free mayonaise, kraft, 4 tbsp (remove)

*Milk, Fat Free, Skim, 8 oz (remove)

*Splenda No Calorie Sweetener, 48 tsp (remove)(1 cup)

vanilla Extract, 2 tsp (remove)

*Liquor - Gran Marnier, .5 oz (remove) ( 1 TBSPN)


*Knox Gelatin (1 envelope), 1 serving (remove)

*Boiling Water, .25 cup (remove)

Milk, nonfat, .25 cup (remove)

Nutritional Info



ubullet.gifFat: 6.6gubullet.gifCarbohydrates: 14.8gubullet.gifCalories:128.3ubullet.gifProtein: 5.8g


Soften the cream cheese 8 oz. on the counter for awhile, or Microwave it for a few seconds

Once it is pliable with a fork. Add Mayonaise, and mash it with a fork...& stir well. It will be thick, so then add Vanilla,Gran Marnier, Splenda THEN gradually add skim milk, ( up to 1 cup approx) stirring well with WISK,

then add some more of the milk. It will be thin Yogurt consistancy..

Boil water, take a little cup and put .25 cup cold SKIm into it. Sprinkle the pkg of KNOX gelatin on top, let it sit for a few minutes, then stir and add .25 cup BOILING water... stir to disolve completely.

NOW add the gel. mix. to the larger MIXTURE...

Laddle into 1/2 cup dessert dishes and chill....

Number of Servings: 6

Recipe submitted by SparkPeople user 2BHEALTHY4LIFE1.

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o.k. got creative this afternoon after my JAUNT outside.... Yes Janet; it took me 15 mins to get ready, but it was SO worth it....:D

Just had a huge post, but when I added the recipe above... it wouldn`t allow it all.... GRRRRRRR this site SUCKS:o

anyways, can`t remember all that I posted... except... beaver coat??? ha,ha,ha.... When I first moved to Toronto, when I was 18.... I bought a second hand beaver coat, to wear on my way to work in the wintewr... BUs STOPS were so cold"!!!!! Remember, I grew up in WIndsor, ON right across the river from DETROIT (motown) where the weather there in the Winter rivals FLORIDA.... they get hardly any snow, and if it does, its melted in 30 mins..... so moving UP NORTH (hee,hee) to Toronto it felt cold to me ... My Mom and Dad bought me my first LEATHER coat when I left home.... ooh man it was nice, but NOT warm enough for a poor kid with NO car!!!!

Nastalgia moment (slap) o.k. now back to reality.

Mark was supposed to come tonight, but we had to postpone again.... we are expecting another 15 inches of the Georgious Lovely Snow tonight..... so tomorrow`s gig is now in question too.... :(

But, dinner is OUT tomorrow night, if I have to SNOW SHOE there.... Swiss Chalet chicken for ME!!!!

DH and I are just about getting SICK of each other`s faces.... right about now B)

16 more days until ITALY

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Janet, because I already had it boxed up!! and it wasn't heavy, so I figured can't be much. Plus have you seen the size of those itty bitty flat rate boxes? I sent my daughter the handquilted whole cloth, queen sized quilt in the largest they have, and I had to step on the darn thing to get it in there! That's what I get for putting things in boxes before wrapping. Next year I am putting things in rolled wadded balls, that should fit in a flat rate box!!!

Took a nap with 3 furries and 2 blankets straight from the dryer, the blankets, not the furries. It was glorious!!! Just woke up. Had half a piece of toast this morning, not my normal, but my neighbor sent over a loaf of fresh baked bread, how can you not have some toast? The rest has been sliced and put in the freezer for DD#5 who comes home tomorrow from college. Friday she gets her wisdom teeth out, so I stocked up on all the healing liquids I could find, juice, chicken Soup, strawberry ice cream. I can have strawberry ice cream in the house and it doesn't talk to me.

dinner tonight will be left over prime rib from last night, hope it goes down.

Candice, ANOTHER 15 INCHES. Okay at this point the snow it up to your roof. Will Peter have to dig out a hole for the chimney to vent? I like white snow, but you much have 2 meters of it by now! Although I think I would have to dig a snow cave, just to say that I had.

Phyl, fill us in on your evening and don't forget to let us know how the doc appt goes.

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Didn't go out all day!! Cold and windy! Got some stuff done but not asmuch as I hoped. Had another conversatin with Jodie. She was on speaker phone in the car with Alan. I asked her to reconsider and come up to dinner at 5 pm on Christmas. She said she was "siding with Alan" on that and they didn't want he hassle of getting the kids ready, etc and driving up there Christmas afternoon. Then Alan started yelling at me... did I know that in 20 years no one had evern come to their house on Christmas??? Not true. And Jodie told him so. We've been there more than once and spent the night so we'd be there to see the kids open presents in the morning. I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying that if they invited us all... we'd probably come. But Jodie already told me she can't invite Tracy, Jim, etc. because her house is a mess and she doesn't have time to clean it. So... I guess we will end up driving up there Christmas Eve in the daytime. Will have to figure that out because she said they were going to church at 3:30 p.m., having dinner after that and then decorating Cookies before the kids' bedtime. So, I'm still miffed.

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Good Morning Gang....

Candice more snow... Yep I bet you guys are sick of looking at each other ;0) - Hope you make it out for dinner ;0)

Karla - strawberry ice cream wouldn't call my name either - Hope your prime rib was good - toast is ok - just not the whole loaf - have you been on the scale since surgery ??

Phyl - So Jodi isn't a house keeper and that's what the whole problem is - is there some jealousy between Jodi & Tracy.. Hugs - Next year just stay here in the desert - don't go home.. You and Earl are better than me - I refuse to deal w/the traffic on Christmas Eve & the to come home the day after Christmas - plus with 3 dogs - traveling isn't ideal. The kids will have to come to me for Christmas if they want us to be together..

Well didnt get home til 7;30 last night Weight training then Hot Hula - It was fun -

Well a quick ck in before the shower

- cbl

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Good Morning Gang....

Candice more snow... Yep I bet you guys are sick of looking at each other ;0) - Hope you make it out for dinner ;0)

uh-huh... but got our gig today re-booked for another day

Karla - strawberry ice cream wouldn't call my name either - Hope your prime rib was good - toast is ok - just not the whole loaf - have you been on the scale since surgery ??

YUM Prime Rib.é

Phyl - So Jodi isn't a house keeper and that's what the whole problem is - is there some jealousy between Jodi & Tracy.. Hugs - Next year just stay here in the desert - don't go home.. You and Earl are better than me - I refuse to deal w/the traffic on Christmas Eve & the to come home the day after Christmas - plus with 3 dogs - traveling isn't ideal. The kids will have to come to me for Christmas if they want us to be together..

Well didnt get home til 7;30 last night Weight training then Hot Hula - It was fun -

Well a quick ck in before the shower

- cbl

Phyl: so sorry about the Jodi blues.... gee whiz - her husband sounds like a real jerk.... I`d call her bluff.... Give her MOlly Maid for a day (Christmas present) and then get JIm and Tracy to go too! Driving I can understand as an excuse, but the HOUSE CLEANING!!! give me a break..... how bad could it be.... and its a good excuse to get it all cleaned up anyways.... its not like CHRISTMAS snuck up on her... she`s known for a full year when it would be...

I agree with Janet, I`d be suspicious of the jealously thing.... something stinks.

Is you daughter manipulated by her husband?

But I know that its probably the grandchildren that you`ll miss, spend your holiday with Tracy and Jim (where you know you;ll have a good time)

HUGS, HUGS, HUGs ... I know this is rough on you....

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Phyl, sorry Jodie is being a pain. Christmas is suppose to be family time, but it seems to just add stress. I think you all are right, Jodie has some jealousy issues she needs to deal with. Messy house is not an excuse. Just be safe when you are driving!!

Janet, you never answered, with or without coconuts? Good job on the work out! Yep I have stepped on the scale since surgery and I lost a pound. I still am swollen, but clothes are loose, which is my major judge.

Too Simon this morning to get his drain tubes out. He still isn't out of the woods with infection. The wound on his hip went to the bone, so they are concerned that he could develop a bone infection, so he will continue the hydrotherapy and hot packs. He had to stay for an xray, he may have a hernia. I know the kids can't afford it, but that is life.

My realtor is stopping by after work for a latte, so I should bake some Cookies or something.

DD#5 comes home today from college. yeah, she will probably drive me nuts, but oh well.

Check in later!

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Phyl, sorry Jodie is being a pain. Christmas is suppose to be family time, but it seems to just add stress. I think you all are right, Jodie has some jealousy issues she needs to deal with. Messy house is not an excuse. Just be safe when you are driving!!

Janet, you never answered, with or without coconuts? Good job on the work out! Yep I have stepped on the scale since surgery and I lost a pound. I still am swollen, but clothes are loose, which is my major judge.

Too Simon this morning to get his drain tubes out. He still isn't out of the woods with infection. The wound on his hip went to the bone, so they are concerned that he could develop a bone infection, so he will continue the hydrotherapy and hot packs. He had to stay for an xray, he may have a hernia. I know the kids can't afford it, but that is life.

My realtor is stopping by after work for a latte, so I should bake some Cookies or something.

DD#5 comes home today from college. yeah, she will probably drive me nuts, but oh well.

Check in later!

Yeah, got out of the house today! It was sunny and clear, no wind this morning... SO Sallly and I drove (in your truck with 4WD) to Barrie to pick up her quilt... she had it long-armed... and oh is it ever beautiful!!!

Just when we got home.... it started SNOWING again... big fluffy flakes... pretty really... its just getting plain Silly now!!!

The town snowplows came by and re-shoveld the front of my driveway... they rewalllyy helped by pushing back the really large WALLS of snow that Peter had built.. trouble was you couldn`t see out of the driveway to back -out... SO from this point on in the winter we have to back our cars in... so that we can inch our way out ot the curb and see if anybody is coming...

Going for dinner in a few with some friends, I told you that already ....sorry... snow fog!! Am currently having a nice glass of french wine... oh it tastes good... I`ve been dressed up all day!!

CBL (hic)

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Phyl, sorry Jodie is being a pain. Christmas is suppose to be family time, but it seems to just add stress. I think you all are right, Jodie has some jealousy issues she needs to deal with. Messy house is not an excuse. Just be safe when you are driving!!

Janet, you never answered, with or without coconuts? Good job on the work out! Yep I have stepped on the scale since surgery and I lost a pound. I still am swollen, but clothes are loose, which is my major judge.

Too Simon this morning to get his drain tubes out. He still isn't out of the woods with infection. The wound on his hip went to the bone, so they are concerned that he could develop a bone infection, so he will continue the hydrotherapy and hot packs. He had to stay for an xray, he may have a hernia. I know the kids can't afford it, but that is life.

My realtor is stopping by after work for a latte, so I should bake some Cookies or something.

DD#5 comes home today from college. yeah, she will probably drive me nuts, but oh well.

Check in later!

Karla - LOL Christmas is about family - we all know how much we really get along or even like most of our families ;0) LOL but yes I agree - it's the time of yr that you try get everyone together and get along for 1 day :0) well that day and Thanksgiving ;0)

I am having my stepbro & his gf (who i DISLIKE) and my Uncle over on Xmas Eve - (I'm off) We are having Tamales (which I am buying) so all I have to prepare is some rice & Beans - my Uncle is bring a pie - I may make some Christmas Cookie for them & Andrew - and of course a few for me.

Hugs on Simon - I sure hope that boy makes it - he's had a rough go of it in his short life ...

I remember you having to take him to vet often..

Hope you had a good visit w/realtor and enjoyed your coffee...

Yeah, got out of the house today! It was sunny and clear, no wind this morning... SO Sallly and I drove (in your truck with 4WD) to Barrie to pick up her quilt... she had it long-armed... and oh is it ever beautiful!!!

Just when we got home.... it started SNOWING again... big fluffy flakes... pretty really... its just getting plain Silly now!!!

The town snowplows came by and re-shoveld the front of my driveway... they rewalllyy helped by pushing back the really large WALLS of snow that Peter had built.. trouble was you couldn`t see out of the driveway to back -out... SO from this point on in the winter we have to back our cars in... so that we can inch our way out ot the curb and see if anybody is coming...

Going for dinner in a few with some friends, I told you that already ....sorry... snow fog!! Am currently having a nice glass of french wine... oh it tastes good... I`ve been dressed up all day!!

CBL (hic)


Glad you got out of the house... Enjoy dinner - See you when you get home


I know you have a lot of parties before you leave on Sunday - have you enjoyed them...

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Had a nice visit with the realtor, he really is a sweetheart. I made my shortbreads dipped in chocolate (white & dark) and yep I ate one. One of the holiday foods I plan for. I'm looking forward to when I can stand long enough to make my biscotti, but not this week, the shortbread was hard enough. Took a plate to the vet when I picked up Simon, His tubes are out, but he licked open a couple of the wounds so they had to staple him and then collor him. He still isn't out of the woods, He only has a little tissue covering his hip bone, so if he gets an infection in the bone, it could be bad. But we will keep out fingers crossed.

Tonight, just kicking back, tired and sore from driving and baking. Tomorrow DD#5 gets her wisdom teeth out, so have to leave here by 7:30, I'll have to set my alarm. I SO could get use to this retirement....

Janet, quiet night for you?

Candice have fun, but be careful.

Phyl how are the parties going?

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Had a nice visit with the realtor, he really is a sweetheart. I made my shortbreads dipped in chocolate (white & dark) and yep I ate one. One of the holiday foods I plan for. I'm looking forward to when I can stand long enough to make my biscotti, but not this week, the shortbread was hard enough. Took a plate to the vet when I picked up Simon, His tubes are out, but he licked open a couple of the wounds so they had to staple him and then collor him. He still isn't out of the woods, He only has a little tissue covering his hip bone, so if he gets an infection in the bone, it could be bad. But we will keep out fingers crossed.

Tonight, just kicking back, tired and sore from driving and baking. Tomorrow DD#5 gets her wisdom teeth out, so have to leave here by 7:30, I'll have to set my alarm. I SO could get use to this retirement....

Janet, quiet night for you?

Candice have fun, but be careful.

Phyl how are the parties going?

Yep Karla - Quite nite -

I agree - I love it when I don't have to wake up to the alarm ;0) - I still am up early (usually the dogs) but just the fact that I don't have to get up at a certain time..

My planned holiday food will be the tamales and xmas Cookies if I end up making them - but I bet Andrew would enjoy having some - well me too ;0)..

I'm off Friday Sat Sunday - so Glad we are doing Xmas eve and not Christmas Day - Andrew will most likely come over Xmas day - but that will be it - doubt I do any black friday shopping - Got 1/1 bills due.. May hit Target - we will see how I feel - but right now in the nesting mode.

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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

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        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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