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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Simon made it through surgery and is resting at the vet with major pain meds and antibiotics. They said he was lucky to be a 'hunting' dog with loose skin and instinct told him how to fight. He shouldn't be here, but he is. The vet will teach Elyse & the BF how to give him hydrotherapy for the next week or so to clean out the drain tubes. He had too many bites and tears to count, but there was no organ damage. Thank you all for your prayers, I know we all get 'silly' about our furries, but those are my only grandchildren and Simon has been part of my life since he was a pup. I guess the BF cried the entire time they were at the vet. Maybe his isn't such a looser after all.

I did get a Protein smoothie down and I'll look at some Soup later.

Got more homework done.

Prolapse doc called and one surgeon is booked until the end of January and the other is out of the office until next week. So we will just see what happens.

Thanks guys for the support, I told Elyse that you all were praying for Simon, naturally she cried.

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so glad that Simon is out of the woods... and no broken anything... thats a blessing, and a $$$$ savings too. Gosh I know how expensive Vets can be.

You`ll do o.k. with the protien shake, that was a good choice.. Nice to get out of the house eh? Huh, I know what THAT feels like.

Glad that Elysse`s boyfriend cryed... wow... he has a heart at least!!

Janet: yup, I have been measuring my food, plus I always eat on a bread/butter plate... SMALL so you can`t fit anymore onto it anyways... when I ate that steak at lunch I couldn`t even finish the mashed potatoes.

dinner tonight was roast chicken(it was so nice and moist didn`t even make gravy. Had 1/3 cup stove top stuffing, 1/3 cup scalloped potatoes - 3 oz chicken breast meat


OMGosh I was such a bitch tonight.... FLOYD came over (piano) he is a very nice man... but it sounds SO different than the guitar.... I hated it at first... he plays TOO Loud and PLAYS over my voice.... argh.... so I had to CRANK up my volume... I think he got the hint...

I was not enjoying myself... so when we broke for dinner I GULPED down my wine.... ah... that felt better...

Peter says >``òh you are just nervous!!!```FUCK OFF...

ooooh I could have smacked him tonight

Phyl, you are busy busy today... all your clubs, dinners, music events... let us know how it went



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Good Morning Gang

I went grocery shopping after work and had a major headache when I got home - didn't feel like posting ;0)... So watched t.v. instead..

Candice - I took a pic once to show someone on my other thread what a plate should look like - it looked huge !!! and I too eat off dessert/sandwich plates :0) That pic of mash taters made me hungry for them - I rarely eat them - but had some last nite w/my bbq chicken ;0) 1/2 cup - I rarely measure cuz the bowls I use are 1 cup bowls.

I think it will take time to a adjust to a new person ;0) - you sign softly - so boost you voice or turn up the mic ;0) - It will be ok and some days we just don't feel like being nice ;0)...

Karla - Ya if he cried about simon he can't be all bad.. Truly my heart was hurting for simon - our animals are our babies...

Phyl was busy yesterday - with red hats and marine band - she should be posting today...

gosh it's 5:30 already - where does the time go..

I figured dinner for sunday - Chicken Cacatorrie ;l)

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Ya, I am sure Phyl will have lots of stories for us today... can`t wait

Janet, I am sorry if my picture of Mash potatoes made you want them... I shoulda thought of that... that Picture did look HUGE... too funny, guess thats why it was so blurry

I am feeling better this a.m. about the rehearsal last night... I hate change, have I mentioned that before!!!!!

Karla, have a nice quiet HEALING Day at home.... it wa so nice talking to you !!

cbl babes

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I too love mashed potatoes, but it is now one of the foods my band doesn't like, mashed yams either, also a favorite. I can usually eat 2 bites and than the band says oh hell no. Last night I ate some broth, nothing else worked. But food yesterday was 1 cookie, 1 Protein smoothie and some broth. I did have a little ice cream before going to bed. Right now I'd do most anything for a real good BM. I'm going to up my Water and stool softeners today and see if that helps. I know my water isn't what it should be either. I think I am really starting to get better and then wham, I start hurting again. Not looking forward to starting the healing time all over. I guess yesterday school started 2 hours late because of the ice on the roads. I think today may be the same. When molly got up at 1 am it was pouring rain, this morning it has all frozen, weird weather. Hum can we say global warming!!!

Today I want to work on making silver spoon jewelry. I have a bunch of silver spoons and I need a new challenge. But need to do dishes and clean up the Christmas wrapping mess in my quilt room. That may be all I get done!

Can't wait until Phyl post her adventures yesterday.

Janet are you drinking enough water?

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Ya, I am sure Phyl will have lots of stories for us today... can`t wait

Janet, I am sorry if my picture of Mash potatoes made you want them... I shoulda thought of that... that Picture did look HUGE... too funny, guess thats why it was so blurry

I am feeling better this a.m. about the rehearsal last night... I hate change, have I mentioned that before!!!!!

Karla, have a nice quiet HEALING Day at home.... it wa so nice talking to you !! cbl babes

Okay..... so now Multiquote is not working for me again. What am I doing wrong??

121 notifications in my LBT inbox today!! How will I ever catch up????

I am able to read on my phone again... found the right setting. But... just can't keep up with the mentor thread. I'm almost ready to give up!!

Karla.... hope Simon is doing better! That was a horror story!! Poor baby! And you visit with that surgeon!!???? Definitely need to find another one.

Candace.... hope that piano man works out for you!!?? LOL! The snow picture was unreal!!

Janet... chicken cacciatori sounds wonderful!! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Yesterday was exhausting. No way I could get all those pictures the "Queen Mother" wanted me to take. She told me she'd have two photographers and each of us could do half the room! So when I get there I ask her who the other photographer is... she says "ME"! I asked her how that was going to happen because she was in charge of EVERYTHING. So... it was my job to try to get a picture of every table.... 20 of them...!! It didn't happen and I was so tired and frustrated by the time it was over that I ranted to Earl all the way home! He dropped me off and picked me up because he needed the car for something but I forgot what!! Anyways, this time I made sure that I didn't get so distracted talking to him that the dog ate my hat again! I kept it on my head this time!! Still haven't put the other one back together yet. HAve to find some more feathers because she tore most of them off and ate a bunch of them! And apparently ate some ot the little white beads that were hanging down.

So... I got over 100 pictures, but only 8 of the 20 tables. Too many just did not sit down until it was time to eat... then you can't ask them to stand up and bunch together so I can take a photo!! OH... and then she gave me another job to do, too!! She tells me... they won't be sitting down for a while so you can do this... hand out door prize tickets to our 4 tables as the ladies came in. So I go out in the hall to look at the gift baskets so I can vote for my favorite and she chases me down and tells me ladies at our tables are asking where their tickets are!?? So I go back in and ONE lady didn't have a ticket yet! That woman can be very annoying!! She is having back problems similar to mine and is apparently in a lot of pain. So normally she is a control freak and a perfectionist, but since she's in pain she's also grumpy and unreasonable!! LOL

So was home not even an hour before we left for the concert. Five us went to the fish place for dinner. We all rode together.. one couple has a minivan... he is a paraplegic, so on a scooter. So his wife drove. I tried something different for dinner... grilled mahi mahi tacos with rice. Very good. Concert was wonderful.

Zoey went to a dog sitter because we were going to be gone too long and this couple who watched her when Earl had his surgery had been needing a puppy fix. In fact, she told me they had a dr appt and wouldn't be home until about 5pm. We were leaving at 4:30 pm, so I took her a key so they could pick her up when they got home. But they showed up a little after 3:30 pm!! They were anxious!! The husband just LOVES my dog! He sits on the floor and plays with her. Must have worn her out because when I went to pick her up a little after 10 p.m. he had to go in the back and get her... I suspect she was in bed with his wife.

Well, I need to go get ready for Water aerobics!! Later, Chicks!! OH... TOPS weigh in... down 2/10 of a pound!!

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Simon is here while Elyse & BF go to a Christmas program of BF's son. Oh Simon is a sorry sight, 5 drain tubes. I guess the coyote actually ate part of him because he is missing parts, his hip bone was actually sticking out. We had to make him a body glove so he doesn't chew on the tubes. I was covered with blood by the time I was done. He is currently snuggled in his mommy's blanket with a dull stare. Just about kills me. But the vet was wonderful, gave them a lot of discounts so everything only cost $300. So I will be on Simon duty for the next week while they are at work. I hope he will be able to walk soon, he weighs close to 20 pounds and I can't lift over 10. But we will work it out. He is so sorrowful, I am afraid his psychie is damaged. I guess I would be too if a coyote ate part of me.

Phyl, your Queen needs to learn how to organize. There is no way one person can do what she was asking you to do. Plus it is also YOUR Christmas party, you should have been able to enjoy yourself as well. Next year they need to actually schedule a picture time. Everyone goes to their table, groups up and someone takes a picture, it would only take a half an hour and who ever was taking the pictures could still enjoy the party!

Well back to Christmas projects. I am on hat 8 and have 6 more to make! Put it keeps me busy.

I had 1/2 an egg for Breakfast and a couple bites of toast, so working on the Protein. I'll have a Protein Drink later for lunch. TTFN

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Simon made it through surgery and is resting at the vet with major pain meds and antibiotics. They said he was lucky to be a 'hunting' dog with loose skin and instinct told him how to fight. He shouldn't be here, but he is. The vet will teach Elyse & the BF how to give him hydrotherapy for the next week or so to clean out the drain tubes. He had too many bites and tears to count, but there was no organ damage. Thank you all for your prayers, I know we all get 'silly' about our furries, but those are my only grandchildren and Simon has been part of my life since he was a pup. I guess the BF cried the entire time they were at the vet. Maybe his isn't such a looser after all.

I did get a Protein smoothie down and I'll look at some Soup later.

Got more homework done.

Prolapse doc called and one surgeon is booked until the end of January and the other is out of the office until next week. So we will just see what happens.

Thanks guys for the support, I told Elyse that you all were praying for Simon, naturally she cried.

Karla - We aren't silly for loving our animals - They are our kids... When you posted about Simon I could just imagine the pain you all were going through - Hugs Hugs Hugs

so glad that Simon is out of the woods... and no broken anything... thats a blessing, and a $$ savings too. Gosh I know how expensive Vets can be.

You`ll do o.k. with the protien shake, that was a good choice.. Nice to get out of the house eh? Huh, I know what THAT feels like.

Glad that Elysse`s boyfriend cryed... wow... he has a heart at least!!

Janet: yup, I have been measuring my food, plus I always eat on a bread/butter plate... SMALL so you can`t fit anymore onto it anyways... when I ate that steak at lunch I couldn`t even finish the mashed potatoes.

dinner tonight was roast chicken(it was so nice and moist didn`t even make gravy. Had 1/3 cup stove top stuffing, 1/3 cup scalloped potatoes - 3 oz chicken breast meat


OMGosh I was such a bitch tonight.... FLOYD came over (piano) he is a very nice man... but it sounds SO different than the guitar.... I hated it at first... he plays TOO Loud and PLAYS over my voice.... argh.... so I had to CRANK up my volume... I think he got the hint...

I was not enjoying myself... so when we broke for dinner I GULPED down my wine.... ah... that felt better...

Peter says >``òh you are just nervous!!!```FUCK OFF...

ooooh I could have smacked him tonight

Phyl, you are busy busy today... all your clubs, dinners, music events... let us know how it went



Candice I know the pic make it look huges - like I said I took a pic of my plate once to show someone what I ate - never posted it cuz it looked like I was eating off a full big girl plate - I think we need to put a big girl plate next to the ones we eat off and try and take a pic - I think the size diff would show up then..

It's going to take a minute to adjust to each other :0)... Relax ;0) Chill - it's going to be ok ;0) are you going to smack me too ;0)

Ya, I am sure Phyl will have lots of stories for us today... can`t wait

Janet, I am sorry if my picture of Mash potatoes made you want them... I shoulda thought of that... that Picture did look HUGE... too funny, guess thats why it was so blurry

I am feeling better this a.m. about the rehearsal last night... I hate change, have I mentioned that before!!!!!

Karla, have a nice quiet HEALING Day at home.... it wa so nice talking to you !!

cbl babes

Candice - Tater are good every now and then - I do the every couple of months - Since I have been vacation I have been staying away from starches - I gained like 2.5 lbs on vacation - and by thrusday (yesterday) had them off - I ate more sugar & starches on vaca than I normally do - quesdilla - dessert every night, fufu drinks etc - but getting back to eating healthy & the gym - they came right off..

I too love mashed potatoes, but it is now one of the foods my band doesn't like, mashed yams either, also a favorite. I can usually eat 2 bites and than the band says oh hell no. Last night I ate some broth, nothing else worked. But food yesterday was 1 cookie, 1 protein smoothie and some broth. I did have a little ice cream before going to bed. Right now I'd do most anything for a real good BM. I'm going to up my Water and stool softeners today and see if that helps. I know my water isn't what it should be either. I think I am really starting to get better and then wham, I start hurting again. Not looking forward to starting the healing time all over. I guess yesterday school started 2 hours late because of the ice on the roads. I think today may be the same. When molly got up at 1 am it was pouring rain, this morning it has all frozen, weird weather. Hum can we say global warming!!!

Today I want to work on making silver spoon jewelry. I have a bunch of silver spoons and I need a new challenge. But need to do dishes and clean up the Christmas wrapping mess in my quilt room. That may be all I get done!

Can't wait until Phyl post her adventures yesterday.

Janet are you drinking enough water?

Karla - Nope on the water ;0) not drinking enough but on exercise days I am better - you aren't eating enough food to have a bm - so don't sweat it - nothing in nothing out... Broth doesn't create a poop LOL ;0)

How funny you can't eat mashed taters - I made instant and they were on the soupy side - I like my taters that way ;0)

I think you may be doing too much .... Rest Rest Rest

Okay..... so now Multiquote is not working for me again. What am I doing wrong??

121 notifications in my LBT inbox today!! How will I ever catch up????

I am able to read on my phone again... found the right setting. But... just can't keep up with the mentor thread. I'm almost ready to give up!!

Karla.... hope Simon is doing better! That was a horror story!! Poor baby! And you visit with that surgeon!!???? Definitely need to find another one.

Candace.... hope that piano man works out for you!!?? LOL! The snow picture was unreal!!

Janet... Chicken cacciatori sounds wonderful!! Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.

Yesterday was exhausting. No way I could get all those pictures the "Queen Mother" wanted me to take. She told me she'd have two photographers and each of us could do half the room! So when I get there I ask her who the other photographer is... she says "ME"! I asked her how that was going to happen because she was in charge of EVERYTHING. So... it was my job to try to get a picture of every table.... 20 of them...!! It didn't happen and I was so tired and frustrated by the time it was over that I ranted to Earl all the way home! He dropped me off and picked me up because he needed the car for something but I forgot what!! Anyways, this time I made sure that I didn't get so distracted talking to him that the dog ate my hat again! I kept it on my head this time!! Still haven't put the other one back together yet. HAve to find some more feathers because she tore most of them off and ate a bunch of them! And apparently ate some ot the little white beads that were hanging down.

So... I got over 100 pictures, but only 8 of the 20 tables. Too many just did not sit down until it was time to eat... then you can't ask them to stand up and bunch together so I can take a photo!! OH... and then she gave me another job to do, too!! She tells me... they won't be sitting down for a while so you can do this... hand out door prize tickets to our 4 tables as the ladies came in. So I go out in the hall to look at the gift baskets so I can vote for my favorite and she chases me down and tells me ladies at our tables are asking where their tickets are!?? So I go back in and ONE lady didn't have a ticket yet! That woman can be very annoying!! She is having back problems similar to mine and is apparently in a lot of pain. So normally she is a control freak and a perfectionist, but since she's in pain she's also grumpy and unreasonable!! LOL

So was home not even an hour before we left for the concert. Five us went to the fish place for dinner. We all rode together.. one couple has a minivan... he is a paraplegic, so on a scooter. So his wife drove. I tried something different for dinner... grilled mahi mahi tacos with rice. Very good. Concert was wonderful.

Zoey went to a dog sitter because we were going to be gone too long and this couple who watched her when Earl had his surgery had been needing a puppy fix. In fact, she told me they had a dr appt and wouldn't be home until about 5pm. We were leaving at 4:30 pm, so I took her a key so they could pick her up when they got home. But they showed up a little after 3:30 pm!! They were anxious!! The husband just LOVES my dog! He sits on the floor and plays with her. Must have worn her out because when I went to pick her up a little after 10 p.m. he had to go in the back and get her... I suspect she was in bed with his wife.

Well, I need to go get ready for water aerobics!! Later, Chicks!! OH... TOPS weigh in... down 2/10 of a pound!!

Phyl - Clear your cache & delete your Cookies - then hit multi on all the pple you want to quote even the last on - me as of right now then scroll down to the button that says "Add Reply" - That's how I can multi quote and change my fonts..

OMG your queen - sounds like a major pain in the butt - w/those many pple you need more than 2 pple shooting pics..

WTG on your 2/10 !!!! Loss and not a gain !!!

Simon is here while Elyse & BF go to a Christmas program of BF's son. Oh Simon is a sorry sight, 5 drain tubes. I guess the coyote actually ate part of him because he is missing parts, his hip bone was actually sticking out. We had to make him a body glove so he doesn't chew on the tubes. I was covered with blood by the time I was done. He is currently snuggled in his mommy's blanket with a dull stare. Just about kills me. But the vet was wonderful, gave them a lot of discounts so everything only cost $300. So I will be on Simon duty for the next week while they are at work. I hope he will be able to walk soon, he weighs close to 20 pounds and I can't lift over 10. But we will work it out. He is so sorrowful, I am afraid his psychie is damaged. I guess I would be too if a coyote ate part of me.

Phyl, your Queen needs to learn how to organize. There is no way one person can do what she was asking you to do. Plus it is also YOUR Christmas party, you should have been able to enjoy yourself as well. Next year they need to actually schedule a picture time. Everyone goes to their table, groups up and someone takes a picture, it would only take a half an hour and who ever was taking the pictures could still enjoy the party!

Well back to Christmas projects. I am on hat 8 and have 6 more to make! Put it keeps me busy.

I had 1/2 an egg for breakfast and a couple bites of toast, so working on the protein. I'll have a protein drink later for lunch. TTFN

Karla - Hugs again on poor Simon - $300 isn't bad - hope he has some pain meds... Yep I bet he will be a little shell shocked..

Sweetie - don't sweat the not eating - you will get your appetite back soon enough ;0) just think the lbs will be coming off - lol - but you do need some nourishment ;0)

Well back from the Gym - only 1 more week of having to workout on friday night - I hate working out on Fridays - it's kick back night

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Good Morning Gang...

Hope you all got a good nite sleep... I was just thinking that before boot camp I would be at the gym by now (7 a.m.) on the treadmill ... But Sunday I didn't exercise now I go to Pilos.. Things do change - just like this site - I can get to my normal threads - but I hate that I don't get notified if I post on another - I don't like email notification - junks up my already junked up mail box..

Well not too much planned for the day - clean up - need to do a little shopping and thats about it..

How are you feeling this morning Karla..

Candice what are your plans..

Phyl have you recovered from your busy day - I saw your pic's on FB but none of you - I want to see you in your red hat outfit - OMG some of those women have outrages outfits..

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Simon is here while Elyse & BF go to a Christmas program of BF's son. Oh Simon is a sorry sight, 5 drain tubes. I guess the coyote actually ate part of him because he is missing parts, his hip bone was actually sticking out. We had to make him a body glove so he doesn't chew on the tubes. I was covered with blood by the time I was done. He is currently snuggled in his mommy's blanket with a dull stare. Just about kills me. But the vet was wonderful, gave them a lot of discounts so everything only cost $300. So I will be on Simon duty for the next week while they are at work. I hope he will be able to walk soon, he weighs close to 20 pounds and I can't lift over 10. But we will work it out. He is so sorrowful, I am afraid his psychie is damaged. I guess I would be too if a coyote ate part of me.

Phyl, your Queen needs to learn how to organize. There is no way one person can do what she was asking you to do. Plus it is also YOUR Christmas party, you should have been able to enjoy yourself as well. Next year they need to actually schedule a picture time. Everyone goes to their table, groups up and someone takes a picture, it would only take a half an hour and who ever was taking the pictures could still enjoy the party!

Well back to Christmas projects. I am on hat 8 and have 6 more to make! Put it keeps me busy.

I had 1/2 an egg for breakfast and a couple bites of toast, so working on the Protein. I'll have a protein drink later for lunch. TTFN

Sounds like Simon is coming along. He has a good nurse!

Yeah, the Christmas party was quite a frustration. And took over 100 pictures but didn't get in any! So had Earl take my picture when we got home.

Yesterday turned out to be another busy day!! Water aerobics, then took a ride to nearby care center for mentally challenged/mentally ill because I'm to take Zoey there for a visit on Tuesday afternoon. When I got back... off to Petsmart to have her groomed! Didn't get home until after 4 pm... went shopping while she was in the "beauty shop". Petsmart was not a good experience this time and "Emily" will not be grooming my dog again. Earl wanted short, but she went too short on her head, ears and tail. She looks cute, but girl said she tried to bite her so if she does that next time there will be a $6 handling charge!! So... home, dinner and neighbors had invited us over to enjoy their campfire at 6 pm, so we sat over there for 2 hrs. When I got home... I couldn't stay awake past 10 pm, so went to bed about 2 hrs earlier than usual for me!

Today... golf cart parade at 9 a.m. Earl has us all decorated and ready to go and I bought blinking antlers for Zoey to wear if she'll leave them on! At 1pm I have Red Hat meeting. Then tonight, 6ish, is our "Parade of Lights". Supposed to go all over the park and look at the Christmas decorations, share Snacks and vote for your favorites.

So... I'll be tired at the end of today, too!!!

Good Morning Gang...

Hope you all got a good nite sleep... I was just thinking that before boot camp I would be at the gym by now (7 a.m.) on the treadmill ... But Sunday I didn't exercise now I go to Pilos.. Things do change - just like this site - I can get to my normal threads - but I hate that I don't get notified if I post on another - I don't like email notification - junks up my already junked up mail box..

Well not too much planned for the day - clean up - need to do a little shopping and thats about it..

How are you feeling this morning Karla..

Candice what are your plans..

Phyl have you recovered from your busy day - I saw your pic's on FB but none of you - I want to see you in your red hat outfit - OMG some of those women have outrages outfits..

Yeah... no pictures of me so Earl took one. I'm posting the rest of the pictures now. This time I made sure Zoey couldn't get close to my hat on the way home!! I stll have to fix the one that she "ate"!!

We are looking forward to seeing you tomorrow!! We can chill on the back patio! It's supposed to be another beautiful day!!

Well... I attached a couple of pictures.. golf cart and me. It's pretty obvious that I came home tired and stressed!! Forced smile! Pictures are too big now.... you can see all my wrinkles!! LOL




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Phyl, you do look tired, but beautiful. You earned every damn wrinkle, be proud of them!!! Love the golf cart.

Janet, enjoy your relaxing day. I wish I could do some exercise, can you believe it, I'm tired of sitting on my but. I did unpack a box, nothing heavy.

I'm on puppy duty for a couple of hours this afternoon. Simon isn't drinking much, so we are going to try a syringe and maybe some beef broth. I think he will go for that.

Working on more hats, but then I will wrap some presents. I don't have my tree up yet. I think I will ask Elyse to get it out this weekend. That or a friend who is dropping by.

Boring life I have!

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Hi Girls; sorry I;ve been MIA... Clinic Xmas party last night, too much bread and wine... here`s the tally<


they were SO late getting us our dinners, we ate the bread basket!!! Had 2 glsswes of wine... but I counted EVERYTHING... no dessert.... I know its WAY too high, but I am cutting back on cals today to make up for it.

Had to work at the clinic this a.m. 7:30 - 1 p.m... yup that`s right Janet, I got up at 6:45 .... omgosh that is SO EARLY for me LOL

but its nice when its over and you still have 1/2 your day... free...

Peter is laying on the couch SICK, poor guy shoveled snow all morning!!! This was the stuff that fell 3 days ago, but decided to DROP off the steel roof in the middle of the night.... Oh my gosh.... such a pile to dig thru, ank, and it was all compacted too... poor guy... I won`t bitch at him today :-)

Then tonight, Mark (guitar ) player is coming over... I didn`t invite him, Peter did while I was OUT last night... kinda miffed about that, as I wanted to meet the guy FIRST on Nuetral ground, like in a coffee shop or something... not bring him directly into our home...

So if you dont`hear from me tomorrow.... we could hav e been AXED to DEATH by a stranger!!!

Karla; Little SIMON will be scared for quite a while, can you just imaging his fear!!! Poor little guy, give him a HUG from us.... he is so cute. Vet charged $300 that was fabulous, I am sure it would have been DOUBLE that here at our Vet... so glad you have someone reasonable. Part of him got eaten...???? ewweee

Phyl; You Golf cart looks wonderful... I am sure you`ll get a prize for that... You and Earl did a great job..... YUP that Purple Hat QUEEN needs a reality check!!!

Janet: A nice Sat for you off!! I bet its been a week to forget!!! coming back to all that work... Ah.... 2 days of naps coming up!!!

Well girls, gonna sighn off for now, may be back later on.....


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Hi gang; Back from `COFFEE`` with Mark, the guitar player.... well I didn`t get raped, and apparently he is NOT an ax murderer either ---- Yeah!!

Actualy, a really nice guy. Had a couple of sad, failed marrages, and now he`s relocated to this area to be nearer to his grown sons and Grandchild. He is a brick layer, nice looking, got all his TEETH... but he has longish blond hair, so we`re gonna have to put that into a pony tail or something.. other than that I think he`ll clean up good.<

So the next hurdle is Monday night rehearsal with him.. see if he likes US, and we`ll get to hear how he plays my songs.

Phyl; you never mentioned about the night at the Marine Concert... was it great? Did you win a prize today with yur golf cart decorations???

Janet; Saturday night, you must be out with a GF having a fun night.

Karla; How is little SIMON tonight, still healing? I`ll bet the other 2 doggies are glad to see him again... maybe they will help him feel more comfortable

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Tired after a LONG day!! Breakfast at the clubhouse, Golf Cart Parade, Red Hat meeting, Happy Hour party, parade of lights!! GO-GO-Go from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.!

Marine Band concert was GREAT!! They are ALWAYS good! We go every year. Five of us went together... out to dinner at my favorite fish place first. Had grilled mahi mahi tacos w/rice. Too tired to think.

Chilling w/Janet tomorrow. Looking forward to a relaxing day.





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Tired after a LONG day!! Breakfast at the clubhouse, Golf Cart Parade, Red Hat meeting, Happy Hour party, parade of lights!! GO-GO-Go from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m.!

Marine Band concert was GREAT!! They are ALWAYS good! We go every year. Five of us went together... out to dinner at my favorite fish place first. Had grilled mahi mahi tacos w/rice. Too tired to think.

Chilling w/Janet tomorrow. Looking forward to a relaxing day.

Oh Phyl, that golf cart looks so cool, did you win 1st prize or what? Look a zoey, what a hoot... she is one HAM SANDWICH isn`t she!!! OMGosh... Bridget would be right there with her »L»O.L

Janet, I am sure is either busy cleaning in preparation of your royal visit, OR she is cooking up a storm!! That's what I'd be doing... oh I can't wait to see you guys in MARCH... 3 more months...

Oh and the pictures of you guys wearing SANDALS!!!! ah, are ya TRYING to make me cry!!!!

Karla; I hope you are not getting that big storm that western canada is getting... it looked yucky on the news... How is Simon today? Is he eating?

weather here today is mild, warmed up a bit from the other day... but very LIGHT flurries are coming down now... but dosnt look like it will accumulate to very much. SO we are off to our GIG at 1 oclock...

Had my morning salt Water gargle, and I had my breaky of WW toast w/ 4 minute egg mushed up on top of it... that seems to be me fav breakfast these days, goes down o.kl

Oh gosh, yest I had shake, pro bar, then supper..... wELL SUPPER got stuck... what the Flip??? that hasnt' happened in a LONG time... think I have been STRESSED this week... I hate to admit thatl, but the BAND never lies!!!

Reading a really good book, THE END OF OVEREATING... I'm gonna give all you guys the link, its a GOOD book, I am finally getting to thte part that TELLS you how to stop...the behaviour (which I have already done) But I'll take ALL the reinforcement that I can get... Then I am going to start on a novel by my fav. writer... WALLY LAMB.

wELL, i GUES S that's enough of my drivel for the day.... stay warm Karla, and you other gals wear your sunblock!!! :-(

food for Saturday:CALORIESCARBSFATPROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg1,275\142\45\83

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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