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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Yeah.... busy, busy , busy.... especially this time of year. This week Friday and Sunday are free, next weekend, only Friday. Two parties on Saturday and we leave on Sunday!!

I've been wondering about Karla, too.

Good Morning Gang

Thankfully I have a short week ;0).... Gym again tonite..

Phyl - How about Sunday since then we can have day light ;0) and sit on the patio - gotta warn you - house is decorated for Xmas - Don't know if it will this year..

Sunday ... What time around 2 ish so that we can visit and we will eat around 5

Karla - where are you...

Candice - What are your plans today....

I'm constipated ;0) tmi - not drinking enough Water - plan today - drink water !!!!

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Sorry folks, DD#2 leaves today and I was spending every minute with her. Of all my kids, she is the one who I am closest to, never should admit it, but our brains work the same and I always miss her like crazy since she grew up and got her own life.

I'm fine, I have my appointment with the surgeon for the hernia this morning. I'll let you all know. Then DD#2 heads home.

I have been busy trying to get the last bit of homework done. I have a few things left, so will finish them today or tomorrow.

Candice, we have bears and we don't even live in the butt cold north as you do!! I thought you all lived like Northern Exposure? hehe

Candice, I'll turn on my skype tonight and we can catch up.

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Good Morning Gang

Thankfully I have a short week ;0).... Gym again tonite..

Phyl - How about Sunday since then we can have day light ;0) and sit on the patio - gotta warn you - house is decorated for Xmas - Don't know if it will this year..

Sunday ... What time around 2 ish so that we can visit and we will eat around 5

Karla - where are you...

Candice - What are your plans today....

I'm constipated ;0) tmi - not drinking enough Water - plan today - drink water !!!!

Good Morning!

Guess I'll go to the pool, but I warned Earl not to harass me if I'm late because I probably won't do the whole hour. Anyway, yesterday the tape player wouldn't work. He got it going for our class, but the 10 a.m. class couldn't make it work so they had to quit.

Still have stuffed up head, especially in the morning, and dull headache.

Have to go to Miracle Springs and help decorate for Red Hat Christmas party at noon. Volunteered Earl, too as she needs a couple of men. Party is tomorrow at 11 a.m. Then Marine Band concert at 7 p.m.!!

Bad Zoey has gone from being afraid of the RV steps to running out if the door is open too long... especially if she thinks we're getting ready to go somewhere, even if she's not invited! Earl was taking my bag out to the golf cart for me and he left the door open. She ran out and ran to the car! She either runs to the car, the golf cart or the scooter!

Sunday at 2pm should be fine. Nothing on the agenda except for church and we're done by 11 a.m. Not sure I'll go to choir Friday because that's our last Sunday here until the 2nd Sunday of January! We're not decorating this year because we're leaving! And I'm sure he won't put my tree up when we get home either because we won't be there long enough!! But... we are going to decorage the golf cart this week for our golf cart Christmas parade Saturday morning. And then in the evening.. it's the parade of lights, I think they call it. Everyone walks around looking at all the decorations and votes on the best RV, mobile and park model. We won for RVs the first year we did it.

Sorry folks, DD#2 leaves today and I was spending every minute with her. Of all my kids, she is the one who I am closest to, never should admit it, but our brains work the same and I always miss her like crazy since she grew up and got her own life.

I'm fine, I have my appointment with the surgeon for the hernia this morning. I'll let you all know. Then DD#2 heads home.

I have been busy trying to get the last bit of homework done. I have a few things left, so will finish them today or tomorrow.

Candice, we have bears and we don't even live in the butt cold north as you do!! I thought you all lived like Northern Exposure? hehe

Candice, I'll turn on my skype tonight and we can catch up.

Glad you're okay. We were worried!!

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Sorry folks, DD#2 leaves today and I was spending every minute with her. Of all my kids, she is the one who I am closest to, never should admit it, but our brains work the same and I always miss her like crazy since she grew up and got her own life.

I'm fine, I have my appointment with the surgeon for the hernia this morning. I'll let you all know. Then DD#2 heads home.

I have been busy trying to get the last bit of homework done. I have a few things left, so will finish them today or tomorrow.

Candice, we have bears and we don't even live in the butt cold north as you do!! I thought you all lived like Northern Exposure? hehe

Candice, I'll turn on my skype tonight and we can catch up.


Since I only had one kid - I was always afraid of that - (having Favorite) Since Andrew is more like my Son than GS - But I do love him differently than the Girls - and I think it may show sometimes - but again I think Kaitlin understands (I hope) that I consider him my DS - Brooke is to little to understand - I know Joseph is jealous of me & Andrew..

I think we all love the pple in our lives a little differently - I have more than one BFF - Each has a diff quality that I like about them - we love them but they all have diff traits that we are drawn to - and in some cases - we just suck it up and love them even when we don't like them most of the time lol...

Glad you are ok - Yep keep us posted on Dr Visit..

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Good Morning!

Guess I'll go to the pool, but I warned Earl not to harass me if I'm late because I probably won't do the whole hour. Anyway, yesterday the tape player wouldn't work. He got it going for our class, but the 10 a.m. class couldn't make it work so they had to quit.

Still have stuffed up head, especially in the morning, and dull headache.

Have to go to Miracle Springs and help decorate for Red Hat Christmas party at noon. Volunteered Earl, too as she needs a couple of men. Party is tomorrow at 11 a.m. Then Marine Band concert at 7 p.m.!!

Bad Zoey has gone from being afraid of the RV steps to running out if the door is open too long... especially if she thinks we're getting ready to go somewhere, even if she's not invited! Earl was taking my bag out to the golf cart for me and he left the door open. She ran out and ran to the car! She either runs to the car, the golf cart or the scooter!

Sunday at 2pm should be fine. Nothing on the agenda except for church and we're done by 11 a.m. Not sure I'll go to choir Friday because that's our last Sunday here until the 2nd Sunday of January! We're not decorating this year because we're leaving! And I'm sure he won't put my tree up when we get home either because we won't be there long enough!! But... we are going to decorage the golf cart this week for our golf cart Christmas parade Saturday morning. And then in the evening.. it's the parade of lights, I think they call it. Everyone walks around looking at all the decorations and votes on the best RV, mobile and park model. We won for RVs the first year we did it.

Glad you're okay. We were worried!!

Phyl - You are making the effort to go - Maybe someone needs to get a new machine ;0) they do wear out

Ok Sunday - It's a date... You got any request for a menu - something you love but never get at home w/Earl :))

Angel & Bear have learned not to run out when I am pulling the car in the garage - but Bella - nope she comes running and cuz she's running to me - Angel - comes too - Angel doesn't like it when I give either Bear or Bella attention

When I leave in the mornings I have to pull out the car - then come back in and go out the front door as Bella will follow out the doggie door - so leaving my house is a pain in the butt and coming home too - they are so little I can't see them an am afaird of running them over.. I would just die..

Ok gotta get back to it (work) ;0) CBL

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I really want to stop bitching about this site, the pop ups are killing me, I can't seem to get the multipost thing towork.. UNCLE.. I GIVE UP

Karla, glad you are o.k. I just tryed phoning you... don't know if you got that on your cell or not? do I have the right number?

Nice that you had some quality time with DD, you needed that. It was my DD 32nd bday yesterday.. I sent her soome floweres, and THEY haven't arrived... so pissed about that! some surprise eh?

The bears, too funny.... where I live is a pretty built up area, so I think the BEARS have been gone for a long long time around here. BUt up north, oh yeah... you can still see lots.... sometimes they wander into the downtown streets, if its been a hard spring and there are no berries around for them to eat... or at the local dump you can always see them there... just BLACK bears, no Grissleys, they are all out West in ALberta or British Columbia... they are HUGE!!!

So I completely lost my last post... it was all about my bitching about all the candy at Walmart. I just had to get out of the house last evening... so I went to Walmart, the bank by buy Euro's for my trip., and to pick up Rx... the snow had stopped falling for a couple of hours last evening so it was kinda nice.... roads were cleared, so not too dangerous.

Then, woke up this a,m. to anothe 18": of snow!!! so now there has fallen in the last 3 days 90cm's that's over 3o inches of snow!!!! and it is still falling.... now pleasantly enough, there is NO wind today... flakes are falling straight down.. so that is better for the drivers on the roads... ploughs are having a hard time keeping up ... People are told - just stay home if you don't HAVE to go out... lots of folks are off work, schools are all closed.... oh my!

It is falling now at the rate of 2" per hour, so we are going to get a LOT more before this stops...

I know, you are probably saying. ||SUCK IT UP CANDICE, you live in CANADA for Cryps sake!!!!

Ya but this is more snow than we usually see over the ENTIRE winter season... all dumped in 3 days. BUt the blessing is that we have HYDRO, some places if the snow is so heavy on the hydro wires it just snapes. and BLACKOUT.... but we're o.k. for now.

I'll try and take some pictures.

Tryed skyping Linda, no luck







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in the first picture, see that little opening under the Deck Seat? well that`s where Little Bridget stood to poop this morning.. Peter then went out and shovelled her some TUNNELS to run around it... too funny

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I really want to stop bitching about this site, the pop ups are killing me, I can't seem to get the multipost thing towork.. UNCLE.. I GIVE UP

Karla, glad you are o.k. I just tryed phoning you... don't know if you got that on your cell or not? do I have the right number?

Nice that you had some quality time with DD, you needed that. It was my DD 32nd bday yesterday.. I sent her soome floweres, and THEY haven't arrived... so pissed about that! some surprise eh?

The bears, too funny.... where I live is a pretty built up area, so I think the BEARS have been gone for a long long time around here. BUt up north, oh yeah... you can still see lots.... sometimes they wander into the downtown streets, if its been a hard spring and there are no berries around for them to eat... or at the local dump you can always see them there... just BLACK bears, no Grissleys, they are all out West in ALberta or British Columbia... they are HUGE!!!

So I completely lost my last post... it was all about my bitching about all the candy at Walmart. I just had to get out of the house last evening... so I went to Walmart, the bank by buy Euro's for my trip., and to pick up Rx... the snow had stopped falling for a couple of hours last evening so it was kinda nice.... roads were cleared, so not too dangerous.

Then, woke up this a,m. to anothe 18": of snow!!! so now there has fallen in the last 3 days 90cm's that's over 3o inches of snow!!!! and it is still falling.... now pleasantly enough, there is NO wind today... flakes are falling straight down.. so that is better for the drivers on the roads... ploughs are having a hard time keeping up ... People are told - just stay home if you don't HAVE to go out... lots of folks are off work, schools are all closed.... oh my!

It is falling now at the rate of 2" per hour, so we are going to get a LOT more before this stops...

I know, you are probably saying. ||SUCK IT UP CANDICE, you live in CANADA for Cryps sake!!!!

Ya but this is more snow than we usually see over the ENTIRE winter season... all dumped in 3 days. BUt the blessing is that we have HYDRO, some places if the snow is so heavy on the hydro wires it just snapes. and BLACKOUT.... but we're o.k. for now.

I'll try and take some pictures.

Tryed skyping Linda, no luck

I hate it too !!!! I was reading somewhere - that if you go to you browers options you can do ad blocker and they say all the ads are going - I don't get pop ups - just the dumb ads on the side that - I don't pay no mind too ..

All that snow is why I don't live in Canada as much as I loved it 2 summers ago... Hell no - thats too much freaking snow to live in - nice for a weekend visit - as long as the house is stocked and you got some good books - electricity and a fire place ;0) - but to live in it - Nope - I'll take my 120 summer days over that snow any old day ;0)

Yep I agree about all the candy out there - lunch room here has candy Cookies galorie in it - but I have made a pledge to myself not to indugle - I don't need the junk - it just makes me want more - and you know what I really got say that most of the time - it doesn't taste as good as I remember it tasting when I was pre-banded - Don't get me wrong - somethings still do taste as good - and as we all know those are slider - but what happens when we eat them we gain weight - do we really want to do that - I thought we all got banded

I will be back they are taking the computer dowen

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I'm back from the surgeon and even DD#2 was pissed (she is a PA) and said he was rude. He made me undress infront of him and didn't give me a gown or drape. DD#2 was not happy. He went on about how unless the hernia hurt, there was no reason to fix it. I explained that with so much pain from the prolapse it is tough to know what was prolapse & what was hernia. Then he went on about how people with gastric surgery ALWAYS end up with hernias. He went to show me on a diagram what he needed to do and didn't have a diagram of an incision hernia, so he showed me what he was going to do on a male picture. Do you think you could have at least pretended I was a female. Said he would have to do an abdominal surgery, but I should be able to go back to work in a week. Even his staff people were jerks. Heck my doc for the prolapse said that if there is any abdominal surgery it would be at least 6 weeks. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I went ahead and scheduled surgery with him, Jan 7th, but then called my prolapse surgeon and asked if they could hook me up with the surgeon who was his first choice. I'm in a lot of pain after his poking and proding so I have taken a pain pill and am going to check out for awhile.

Candice, I did get your call during my doc appointment. Then my phone went dead. So it is currently charging and I will skype you after I sleep for awhile.

Sorry I made you all worry, but thanks for the concern. I'm just hurting right now, body as well as heart. I always hate to see DD#2 leave. So I need some down time with pain pills and tears.


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Had a quick note from Linda :::``Give them all my love! Lots to do here. Sorry I can't be a better friend.``

Karla; glad your appt is over with . Sorry it caused you pain. and speaking of pain... THe surgeon is a PAIN in the ASS... his bed side manner and professionalism need some serious work. Glad you DD was with you.. but how embarrassing not to be given a gown prior to examination.

Is he in such high demand that he has to be in THAT kind of hurry?

THere is a fabulous hernia clinic in Toronto, the SCHOLDICE clinic... google that.. perhaps you ins would cover part of it if you came up here.. I`ll see if I can find the link. People from all over the world come to this clinic for their hernia... they are that good. ck out the section in RED, where it talks about US px and their insurance coveragle

http://www.shouldice.com/ shouldice_logo.png

The Centre of Excellence for Hernia Repair

The global leader in external abdominal wall hernia surgery for over 65 years

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Do I need a referral to come to Shouldice Hospital? No, you do not need a referral or an appointment for a hernia examination at Shouldice. All you have to do is come to our walk-in clinic for a hernia examination. Or, if you live more than one hour away from the hospital (60 miles/100 km), simply complete the medical questionnaire and fax, mail or e-mail it to us for review.
  2. How quickly can I arrange for an operation? First, you must have an examination at our hospital or submit a completed medical questionnaire for review by one of our surgeons. Admission dates are scheduled as conveniently as possible and we will make every effort to accommodate your preferred admission date. Please keep in mind that your admission will depend on the space we have available and on specific medical criteria, such as your general health, your weight and the status of your hernia.
  3. How do I get the medical questionnaire? Long distance or international patients have five options:

    1. You can go online to complete the medical forms provided on our website.
    2. You can copy the online forms to a word file, complete them and email them back to us at postoffice@shouldice.com
    3. You can print the forms off our website and send them to us by fax or regular mail.
    4. We can fax the blank forms to you if you have a fax machine.
    5. We can put the blank forms in today's mail and you can expect to receive them in 7 to 10 days.

[*]I have pain and swelling in my groin. Do I have a hernia? Pain and swelling in the groin can have many different causes. A hernia can sometimes be quite difficult to identify and diagnose. In fact, over 1,000 patients a year come to Shouldice, convinced that they have a hernia when they really have a groin strain. If you think you have a hernia, come to our walk-in clinic for an examination by one of our hernia specialists. They have the experience and expertise to give you a proper diagnosis and may even be able to help you avoid an unnecessary operation.[*]Do you treat all types of hernias at Shouldice? At Shouldice Hospital, we specialize exclusively in external abdominal wall hernias. We are experts at treating the following types of hernias:

  • indirect and direct inguinal hernias
  • recurrent hernias
  • femoral hernias
  • epigastric hernias (sometimes known as ventral hernias)
  • incisional hernias
  • spigalian
  • umbilical hernias

Learn more about the hernias we treat at Shouldice

However, there are several types of hernias that we do not repair. If you have one of the following hernias, contact your doctor for treatment or referral to an appropriate specialist:

  • Hiatal or hiatus hernia In this type of hernia, the stomach bulges up into the chest through the hiatus. The hiatus is an opening where the esophagus (food pipe) passes through to connect the throat to the stomach.
  • Parastomal hernia A parastomal hernia occurs when part of the intestine bulges through the abdominal muscles around a stoma. A stoma is an artificial opening in the abdomen, used to transfer waste products, such as feces or urine, to a small pouch outside the body. A stoma may be necessary for people with certain types of medical conditions, such as bowel cancer, Crohn’s disease or kidney disease.
  • Herniated disc The bones in the spine are cushioned by soft, spongy discs. When one of these discs is damaged, some of the soft, inner material may bulge out, causing back pain and irritation. This is known as a herniated or ruptured disc.
  • Flank or lumbar hernia This type of hernia is fairly rare and usually develops after an operation or injury to the side of the abdominal wall. It usually causes pain in the low back and leg.
  • Sports Hernia This condition, known also as Gilmore’s Groin, is not actually a hernia, but more of a severe groin strain and can be treated with therapeutic management. It may not require surgery.

[*]Why do I have to stay at Shouldice for a few days after my surgery? The patient-centred recovery program at Shouldice has been specially designed to promote healing in hernia patients. You should plan to stay at Shouldice for about 3 nights after surgery to take part in this program.

During your recovery, our nurses will provide the specialized care you need to avoid any post-surgical complications. Most complications develop in the first 48 hours after surgery and a short hospital stay alleviates any concerns or anxiety for patients and their families. You will also get the rest, nutrition and exercise necessary for healthy healing. More importantly, you’ll enjoy a confident recovery with a rapid return to normal activities. You’ll meet other patients who have been through the operation already and are happy to reassure you and answer your questions. Peer-to-peer mentoring is important because it relieves stress and promotes a positive attitude to recovery. We have found that this unique approach to post-operative treatment is the best way to prepare patients for a quick return to a normal lifestyle.[*]Can my spouse or partner stay at the hospital? Your spouse or partner cannot stay at the hospital but we will provide a list of local hotels and bed and breakfasts for you.[*]Can I bring my motorhome? Yes, but we do not have any hookups.[*]How much does the operation cost?

  • For registered Ontario patients, medical and surgical fees are covered by OHIP.
  • For other insured Canadians, except PEI residents, fees are partially covered by inter-provincial insurance plans.
  • Most private insurance plans will pay for the semi-private accommodations at Shouldice.
  • Shouldice has agreements with US insurers to help our American patients.
  • International patients pay by credit card, bank note, cash or certified cheque and then receive paper work from us to secure reimbursement from their insurance provider, where available.

Janet; you are so cute about your dogs. I`d do the same thing, drive out and come back it to exit... Bridget is so funny this afternoon. SUN finally came out and now its really pretty out there. Peter is shoveling for the 3rd time today! OMGosh

Phyl; You are so lucky to be getting together with Janet for dinner this weekend... sounds like it will be fun.. How long a drive is it?

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I hate it too !!!! I was reading somewhere - that if you go to you browers options you can do ad blocker and they say all the ads are going - I don't get pop ups - just the dumb ads on the side that - I don't pay no mind too ..

All that snow is why I don't live in Canada as much as I loved it 2 summers ago... Hell no - thats too much freaking snow to live in - nice for a weekend visit - as long as the house is stocked and you got some good books - electricity and a fire place ;0) - but to live in it - Nope - I'll take my 120 summer days over that snow any old day ;0)

Yep I agree about all the candy out there - lunch room here has candy Cookies galorie in it - but I have made a pledge to myself not to indugle - I don't need the junk - it just makes me want more - and you know what I really got say that most of the time - it doesn't taste as good as I remember it tasting when I was pre-banded - Don't get me wrong - somethings still do taste as good - and as we all know those are slider - but what happens when we eat them we gain weight - do we really want to do that - I thought we all got banded

I will be back they are taking the computer dowen

ha,ha,ha... ah Janet, I`ll get you to come up for Christmas sometime... short exposure to the snow .... and we`ll go Snow Tubing down the mountain or Cross country skiing.. YOU`d love that.

Just came back from a walk to get the mail, with Bridget and Peter... got all the way over there (1/2 mile) and no one had plowed that street, so the Mailman did not come... oh well, it was a good excuse to get some exercise and fresh air.. tired of being hold up in the house... its looking pretty now!

Gotta run, Peter made dinner (?) oh lord help me!!!

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ha,ha,ha... ah Janet, I`ll get you to come up for Christmas sometime... short exposure to the snow .... and we`ll go Snow Tubing down the mountain or Cross country skiing.. YOU`d love that.

Just came back from a walk to get the mail, with Bridget and Peter... got all the way over there (1/2 mile) and no one had plowed that street, so the Mailman did not come... oh well, it was a good excuse to get some exercise and fresh air.. tired of being hold up in the house... its looking pretty now!

Gotta run, Peter made dinner (?) oh lord help me!!!

Wow! The first time I read that I didn't realize you had to walk 1/2 mile to the mailbox! That would be more than annoying..... to walk all that way in that snow and no mail!! Has it stopped snowing yet??? Family in Buffalo isn't saying much, except that another storm expected on Sunday!!

So... Multi-quote didn't work for me either this time!! Don't ya just love it!!

Janet, no menu suggestions or requests. Many of your "one pot wonders" have sounded good... but can't remember any specific ones right now! But I'd love to try your "fake" cheese cake thingy.... with the brown sugar splenda, etc.

So... today was Water aerobics.. I did 40 minutes, then to DHS to help decorate for tomorrow's Christmas party... about 150 Red Hat ladies expected. Earl was pretty shocked... he thought it was a "little" Red Hat party. Then he walked in to this ballroom that had about 30 tables set up! We helped for almost 2 hrs... then went to Walmart to pick up a few things, then met the helpers all back at Rocky's for pizza!! BAD!! And tomorrow morning is weigh in! Oh, well.. I had 2 small pieces of thin crust pineapple, etc. mmmmm...... and something else I shouldn't have! But... very small omelet for bf, and very small piece of baked fish (probably less than 3 oz) and less than 1/4 cup rice for lunch. Nothing else today.

Tomorrow will be a 3 ring circus. I have to do the TOPS meeting in the morning because now I'm the co-leader and the leader is going to Mexico for the day. That's 7:45 a.m. Then... going to skip water aerobics probably.. may do the first 20 minutes, but have to be shwoered and dressed and leave for Red Hat Christmas party no later than about 10:15 a.m. I am the official photographer. We've got 20 tables of 8 set up and I'm supposed to take a photo of EVERY table, with the table # showing! This will be a challenge because ladies start getting there around 10:30 a.m. and mill around until just before lunch is served at noon! So... how do I get people to pose for pictures at their tables!!! May be doing it AFTER I eat! They'll all be sitting for quite a while after that because there is a fashion show, entertainment and drawings for 18 gift baskets and a bunch of door prizes.

So... party is 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Then I come home, change out of my Red Hat clothes and be ready to leave again no later than 4:30 p.m. to meet friends at Fisherman's Grill for dinner before we go to the Marine Band Christmas Concert in Palm Springs at 7 p.m. Earl likes to get there by 6 p.m. so we can get in line for front seats!! What a day that will be!! Zoey will be going to a "baby sitter"!! Couple that watched her when Earl had his surgery LOVE her! Stopped me going by on the golf cart yesterday to see why I hadn't brought her by for a visit for a while. Told her I didn't want to bring them my cold!! She said her husband had been whining... hadn't had a Zoey fix in too long! So they will have her ALL evening tomorrow! I was going by on the scooter one day and when I was just coming to their place (double wide mobile), Zoey started whining. She knew! So.. I thought maybe she had to potty so I let her out (had her leash on her). She went up and scratched on their door (they weren't home), then literally dragged me to the back door, then back to the front door! So I sat on the porch with her and explained that they weren't home!! LOL! She finally reluctantly let me put her back in the basket. See.... she loves them too!!

Candy went to back of RV.. probably for drink of water or litter box. She's afraid to walk past Zoey. So the brat sprawled out in front of the bathroom door so candy couldn't come back in the front. I distracted Zoey long enough for Candy to get to the kitchen. Then Zoey cornered her in front of the stove. Finally she got up her courage and headed for the front with Zoey in pursuit. They ran around in a circle under the couch footrest and Candy finally made a dash for the front dashboard where she is now waiting for an opportunity to get to some more comfortable refuge!! Tried to capture it on camera... but not fast enough! Too funny! Zoey just wants to play but Candy doesn't get that.

Friday... going to check out a nearby nursing home for mentaly challenged. I'll be taking Zoey there for a visit on Tuesday afternoon. Should be fun.

Saturday... golf cart parade in the morning... decorating the golf cart on Friday for that..

Okay... I'm done rambling!! Both animals sacked out now.. in different places, I am watching Survivor and Earl is sound asleep with his laptop on his lap!

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I'm back from the surgeon and even DD#2 was pissed (she is a PA) and said he was rude. He made me undress infront of him and didn't give me a gown or drape. DD#2 was not happy. He went on about how unless the hernia hurt, there was no reason to fix it. I explained that with so much pain from the prolapse it is tough to know what was prolapse & what was hernia. Then he went on about how people with gastric surgery ALWAYS end up with hernias. He went to show me on a diagram what he needed to do and didn't have a diagram of an incision hernia, so he showed me what he was going to do on a male picture. Do you think you could have at least pretended I was a female. Said he would have to do an abdominal surgery, but I should be able to go back to work in a week. Even his staff people were jerks. Heck my doc for the prolapse said that if there is any abdominal surgery it would be at least 6 weeks. So I don't know what I'm going to do. I went ahead and scheduled surgery with him, Jan 7th, but then called my prolapse surgeon and asked if they could hook me up with the surgeon who was his first choice. I'm in a lot of pain after his poking and proding so I have taken a pain pill and am going to check out for awhile.

Candice, I did get your call during my doc appointment. Then my phone went dead. So it is currently charging and I will skype you after I sleep for awhile.

Sorry I made you all worry, but thanks for the concern. I'm just hurting right now, body as well as heart. I always hate to see DD#2 leave. So I need some down time with pain pills and tears.


Hugs Hugs Hugs Hugs Karla - take your meds - have a good cry and get some sleep - Hope your proplaspe doc finds you another doctor... He's (the one you went to) is a Freaking AH...

Had a quick note from Linda :::``Give them all my love! Lots to do here. Sorry I can't be a better friend.``

  1. Janet; you are so cute about your dogs. I`d do the same thing, drive out and come back it to exit... Bridget is so funny this afternoon. SUN finally came out and now its really pretty out there. Peter is shoveling for the 3rd time today! OMGosh

    Phyl; You are so lucky to be getting together with Janet for dinner this weekend... sounds like it will be fun.. How long a drive is it?

Candice - I sent her a message on FB - Just want to make sure she' ok - I know last time she posted that she was having more tummy issues -

Phyl's about 1/2 hr from me - not that far :0) and that's driving just a little over the speed limit - not 100 mph LOL ;0)

Oh I am glad to know I 'm not the only one who has to do it - Bear & Angel are pretty well trained but Bella isn't at all ;0)

ha,ha,ha... ah Janet, I`ll get you to come up for Christmas sometime... short exposure to the snow .... and we`ll go Snow Tubing down the mountain or Cross country skiing.. YOU`d love that.

Just came back from a walk to get the mail, with Bridget and Peter... got all the way over there (1/2 mile) and no one had plowed that street, so the Mailman did not come... oh well, it was a good excuse to get some exercise and fresh air.. tired of being hold up in the house... its looking pretty now!

Gotta run, Peter made dinner (?) oh lord help me!!!

Candice - I would have to buy a whole wardrobe - I have nothing warm enough for the snow - don't know about cross country skiing - but would like the sledding

Wow! The first time I read that I didn't realize you had to walk 1/2 mile to the mailbox! That would be more than annoying..... to walk all that way in that snow and no mail!! Has it stopped snowing yet??? Family in Buffalo isn't saying much, except that another storm expected on Sunday!!

So... Multi-quote didn't work for me either this time!! Don't ya just love it!!

Janet, no menu suggestions or requests. Many of your "one pot wonders" have sounded good... but can't remember any specific ones right now! But I'd love to try your "fake" cheese cake thingy.... with the brown sugar splenda, etc.

So... today was Water aerobics.. I did 40 minutes, then to DHS to help decorate for tomorrow's Christmas party... about 150 Red Hat ladies expected. Earl was pretty shocked... he thought it was a "little" Red Hat party. Then he walked in to this ballroom that had about 30 tables set up! We helped for almost 2 hrs... then went to Walmart to pick up a few things, then met the helpers all back at Rocky's for pizza!! BAD!! And tomorrow morning is weigh in! Oh, well.. I had 2 small pieces of thin crust pineapple, etc. mmmmm...... and something else I shouldn't have! But... very small omelet for bf, and very small piece of baked fish (probably less than 3 oz) and less than 1/4 cup rice for lunch. Nothing else today.

Tomorrow will be a 3 ring circus. I have to do the TOPS meeting in the morning because now I'm the co-leader and the leader is going to Mexico for the day. That's 7:45 a.m. Then... going to skip water aerobics probably.. may do the first 20 minutes, but have to be shwoered and dressed and leave for Red Hat Christmas party no later than about 10:15 a.m. I am the official photographer. We've got 20 tables of 8 set up and I'm supposed to take a photo of EVERY table, with the table # showing! This will be a challenge because ladies start getting there around 10:30 a.m. and mill around until just before lunch is served at noon! So... how do I get people to pose for pictures at their tables!!! May be doing it AFTER I eat! They'll all be sitting for quite a while after that because there is a fashion show, entertainment and drawings for 18 gift baskets and a bunch of door prizes.

So... party is 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. Then I come home, change out of my Red Hat clothes and be ready to leave again no later than 4:30 p.m. to meet friends at Fisherman's Grill for dinner before we go to the Marine Band Christmas Concert in Palm Springs at 7 p.m. Earl likes to get there by 6 p.m. so we can get in line for front seats!! What a day that will be!! Zoey will be going to a "baby sitter"!! Couple that watched her when Earl had his surgery LOVE her! Stopped me going by on the golf cart yesterday to see why I hadn't brought her by for a visit for a while. Told her I didn't want to bring them my cold!! She said her husband had been whining... hadn't had a Zoey fix in too long! So they will have her ALL evening tomorrow! I was going by on the scooter one day and when I was just coming to their place (double wide mobile), Zoey started whining. She knew! So.. I thought maybe she had to potty so I let her out (had her leash on her). She went up and scratched on their door (they weren't home), then literally dragged me to the back door, then back to the front door! So I sat on the porch with her and explained that they weren't home!! LOL! She finally reluctantly let me put her back in the basket. See.... she loves them too!!

Candy went to back of RV.. probably for drink of water or litter box. She's afraid to walk past Zoey. So the brat sprawled out in front of the bathroom door so candy couldn't come back in the front. I distracted Zoey long enough for Candy to get to the kitchen. Then Zoey cornered her in front of the stove. Finally she got up her courage and headed for the front with Zoey in pursuit. They ran around in a circle under the couch footrest and Candy finally made a dash for the front dashboard where she is now waiting for an opportunity to get to some more comfortable refuge!! Tried to capture it on camera... but not fast enough! Too funny! Zoey just wants to play but Candy doesn't get that.

Friday... going to check out a nearby nursing home for mentaly challenged. I'll be taking Zoey there for a visit on Tuesday afternoon. Should be fun.

Saturday... golf cart parade in the morning... decorating the golf cart on Friday for that..

Okay... I'm done rambling!! Both animals sacked out now.. in different places, I am watching Survivor and Earl is sound asleep with his laptop on his lap!


Well as you can see I got multi to work - hit multi then add reply at the bottom - not like the old way where you hit reply on last persons post..

Ok will make greek yogurt - cheese cake dessert - it's easy - will get some gram crackers too ;0)

I will figure something out for dinner -

Well had gym tonite arms - came home and unloaded dishwasher and picked up the kitchen - talked w/Jackie on FB - she's doing great 132 lbs !!!! Looks really good - got that divorce..

Well it's 8 - having tempura shrimp (baked) spinach - need to go watch my soap - it's been really good for the last few weeks

Hugs & Love Janet

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Phyl, great long post... I love it! Yup it stopped snowing last night!!! YEAH, now the temperature has dropped 15 degrees so now its «too cold to snow... so that will give us a break for a few days. Your Buffalo family is probably still very busy clearing snow.

Peter woke up this a,m with a sore throat and sniffles... uh,oh...that won`t be good. Got to drive to the QUILT store today, its block of the month day, well acytually yesterday, but they changed it... then gotta go get my nails done.

Wow, that red hat lunch sounds like quite the event... Happy Picture taking, you`ll have a blast. and the Marine choir tonight! I`d LOVE to hear that... I bet they are awesome. Zoey is one of the smartlest little dogs I`ve met... she is a treasure !!!

Janet: Don`t worrry about clothes, I`d borrow some stuff for you to wear while you were here... no worries... I`d pick you up at the Airport and DRESS you!! You`d like cross country skiiing. Its just like walking, but you have a GLIDE after your step... so its really cool.... and a beautiful way to see the woods in the winter... Its NOT like downhill skkiing at all. Or we could just Snowshoe.... that`s really easy... but more exercise than walking plus there is too much snow to walk anywys, cause you`d just sink!

Karla; sorry I didn`t skype last night, there was actually a great movie on... with Linda Hamilton... SIlent night.. she was a german lady during ww2 that had American and German soldiers in her house for an overnight... and she made them put down their weapons and they all had dinner... it was really GOOD.

gotta run now ck backt later


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Good Morning...

Candice you are up VERY early this morning ;0) Dogs had me up at 4;30 but went back to bed but never got to go back to sleep..

OK I will do cross country - as long as it's like gliding ;0) no snow shoes :0) I would look like nanook of the north - all bundled up LOL

Not much to report - ate 2 shrimp tempura's (costco) I can't eat very much of them they fill me up really fast - only a couple bites of spinach - but had my 100 cal snack pack of popcorn - wasn't hungry just munchies - and slept well - till Andrew called at 10:30 to tell me his 2nd day at his 2nd part time job (cold stone ice cream shop) was better than the 1st - told me about all these great ice creams - will have to go there on one of my treat days and have him fix me one..

Phyl - Have fun today - don't over do it ;0) but enjoy - Looks like we are going to have good weather on Sunday ;0)

Karla how are you this morning - feeling a little better ...

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