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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang ~~~

Nope Karla - I took today off - had enough time to take the whole week off - I wish I would have except it puts a strain on the office. I will end up getting paid for a week and then still have 5 days carry over for next yr - I have 25 pto days - but w/these furlough days - a lot of the time that I did take off was using those days and not my pto days - I hope they continue furloughs but don't know yet - the owners hate that we are off so much but w/furloughs we have 12 extra days off on top of our pto - which got reduced to 23 - so that's 35 days off then add holidays ;0) .

Was going to sleep in this a.m. but the gardener came - his reg day is usually monday but half the time he doesn't come till tuesday - but nope this morning he was here before 7.. So guess who didn't get to sleep in ;0)

Sorry you aren't feeling so well this morning - maybe you did too much this weekend.. You go to doc on Wed to find out when they will do the hernia surgery.. That will be laposrocpic (sp) won't it - was this surgery lap or did they cut you???

It's cloudy this morning - 30% chance of rain - but suppose to get to 75

Phyl - See you are up early today ;0) - When are you leaving for Washington - you guys are driving - how many days will it take?? How's the back??

Candice - How are you doing - have you met the new band member ?? When do you leave for your cruise..

Linda - Where are you...

Plans today - pic up film - hope to have some pics of the scuba dive - who in the hell know's when Joseph will develope or copy the disk he has - I will call him today.. Need to go to the post office and get wireless keyboard and mouse..

Well cbl - Karla - take it easy... Hugs

Yeah, I'm usually up by 7 a.m. these days. No Water aerobics, though. Earl went to pool, but I'm not going today.

I think we decided we're leaving for WA early on the morning of the 19th. We'll drive to Chris' the first day, then my sister's the next (OR) and home the 3rd. So... barring any problems, we should be home the evening of the 21st. I think we're staying until a day or two after New Years. Will stay with Chris & Kellie a couple of days on the way back.

It rained a little last night... around 11 p.m., I think, and maybe some more during the night. Earl said the wind came through, too, but was gone by the time I got up.

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First of all, JANET WE ARE GLAD you are back!!!:D

Karla, a bear? in WASAGA BEACH? no, but that was funny.... we don`t have any bears around these here parts! We have LOTS of deer, skunks, squirrels.... but no bear or moose... Moose live WAY up north from me... about 3-4 hour drive up north.

We woke up today to a FOOT of snow! It was falling all day yesterday, and today, well I am sure LOTS of people stayed home from work. THe snowfall itself is not the problem, as we have awesome truck crews to clear the roads FAST,,,, but its when is comes along WITH wind!!! You desert rats know about the wind eh? well its been blowing 30 mile/hour winds with the snow sqawls so that is the danger... you get WHITE OUTS from the wind... Phyl, you musta heard froom your sisters in Buffalo... it got dumped on too.. worse than us I hear.

So I feel like singing Christmas songs now!!! LOL what else is there to do??? Pewter is out shoveling/snow bloowing and Bridget is helping him... I know this cause I can hear her barking her face off outside... she hates the shovel, tries to attach it... SILLY girl, if daddy didn`t shovel paths for her in the backyard she`d be way up past her hiney to pee and poop ( TMI) so she has these trenches to run in... plus she HOPS in the snow to get from place to place.. it is so damn cute!!! wish I had a video

Phyl, so to make sure I get this... You wanted to buy a PARK model trailer down there? but EARL thought too much money?B would you then have sold your Aclass??? and just driven back and forth from Seattle to Palm Dessert?

Stayed in my jammies all day yesyt. still in ythem now!! its NOON I should be SO assamed. LOL

Karla, its o.k. not TMI after youve had surgery... I am glad you pooped too!!!!! Hope it didn`t hurt to much... yikes... now I`m TMI:o

Janet; can`t wait to see the picutres... there`ll be great. So glad you had a fabulous vacation.. It must have felt so good toknow that you gave them all those NICE memories forever... You are a special La-La

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Well was supposed to rehearse with the New keyboard guy last night, but because of the storm... we had to cancel it....

Now I am looking at another guy (guitarist) who emailed me from Kijiji... he is local, plays nicely ( i heard his stuff on utube) but he kinda looks a bit sketchy... long -ish hair, kinda unkept... but I was thinkging I;d like to meet him for a coffee anyways to see him in person before I invite him over to play... Don`t want a complete stranger coming to my house right off the bat ya know?

You here of all kinds of weird shit on Kijiji and Craigs list...

I should be sewing, but can`yt get my ass off the computer long enough!

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I want multi quote back !!!

Candice - Go to fb to see pics - I got the Water camera ones - the aren't great quality will try to add later - Joseph is suppose to send me the actual disk where they took the pics - they should be better quality..

I gotta go back to work tomorrow - ugh -

I really didn't do much in the last 2 days - washed - vacuumed - went and got pic developed - picked them up today - just threw on sweats and no makeup ;) - got new wireless keyboard & mouse and usb splitter box ;0) that's it - am washing Andrew's clothes right now - hungry - but too early to eat

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I want multi quote back !!!

Candice - Go to fb to see pics - I got the Water camera ones - the aren't great quality will try to add later - Joseph is suppose to send me the actual disk where they took the pics - they should be better quality..

I gotta go back to work tomorrow - ugh -

I really didn't do much in the last 2 days - washed - vacuumed - went and got pic developed - picked them up today - just threw on sweats and no makeup ;) - got new wireless keyboard & mouse and usb splitter box ;0) that's it - am washing Andrew's clothes right now - hungry - but too early to eat

Yes, I saw the pics of Facebook, very cool... you have a beautiful family... so lucky girl! Sorry you have to go back to work tomorrow!!! Don't you wish you lived in Canada with me now!! You could have a couple "snow days" off!!! It is DEEP... oh my gosh, didn't go out all day.

Still waiting to hear from the guitar player.... he wa s emailing me all day, gave him my phone # and now I've heard nothing!!!! :angry:

Maybe, I'm not cut out for this SINGING stuff... so much hassle.

Janet, you were right about JOHN (the guy you met last year) he is a Know-it-all... think that's what the problem was, I didn't always agree COMPLETEly with his suggestions, I think he likes to have the LAST word.. kinda a Svengalli complex... don't need the drama and I won't be walked all over.

God, I have to get out of the house tomorrow... feeling shut in already... auck! and its only the beginning of DEC>>>>

I got out my PLANE tickets for March today, just looked at them, felt them... ahhhh I can hardly wait...!!!

Leave for Italy in 15 days holy crap!!!


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Multi-quote works sometimes! You have to make sure it lights up in orange when you click on it.

Are you getting the "lake effect" snow like they get in Buffalo?? Not sure how much they got today, but some places got over 30 inches last week. It was beautful here today. I went to a Red Hats luncheon. As much as we complained about the cost, it was very nice and well worth the cost. Very nice place, great service and salad was so huge I'm eating the rest for dinner.

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Good Morning Gang...

Back to work today ;0(

Yep Candice would love a couple snow days - Yep John had an air about him.. So you leave right after Xmas for Italy Yep by March you and Linda will be enjoying our good weather ;0)

Phyl - I was at sherman's years ago - Bagels & lox - glad the lunch was good.

Karla - How are you this morning..

Gotta hit the showers - cbl

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Good Morning Gang...

Back to work today ;0(

Yep Candice would love a couple snow days - Yep John had an air about him.. So you leave right after Xmas for Italy Yep by March you and Linda will be enjoying our good weather ;0)

Phyl - I was at sherman's years ago - Bagels & lox - glad the lunch was good.

Karla - How are you this morning..

Gotta hit the showers - cbl

Stupid multi quote! Still can't get it work....

Phyl, still being dumped on here with snow... it just won't stop!!! AHHHHHH

Janet; have a good first day back at work.. don't let the pile of work depress you.. just do what you can, and chip away at it... work will still be there tomorrow!

Karla; are you snuggling in too? I have to get dressed today! I am starting to smell gross!!!!:o ha,ha,ha...

Love you ladies!


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Good Morning, Ladies!

So you're still getting snow, Candice! I'm sure they're still getting it in Buffalo, too.

Janet... hugs on going back to work.

Hope the pain is less today, Karla!

Going to the pool... no energy, but going anyway. First time to the pool w/o the scooter. Haven't used it in days. It's really bothering Zoey!! LOL! She loves to ride in the golf cart, but she still wants to go in the scooter and keeps sticking her nose under the cover!

Thing is, if I'm not in the pool/hot tub nearly every day, I start having serious skin problems. Showers apparently don't cut it. Very red sore rash under all the skin folds... sorry, TMI!! Smearing it with gel the Dr. gave me several times a day is not helping much this time. So... at least the hot tub today. Not much energy and still coughing up junk! I"m ready to be done with this crud!

Hope you all have a great day!

Missing Linda and others!! Where are you???

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Gosh this site is making me mad.....

multi, did not work again, but on the positive side I AM getting email notifications in my hotmail inbox!!! yeah for that!

Yup still getting snow Phyl, 3 foot drift just outside the door.... Peter took care of it... I am lucky!!!!

Bridget has taken to peeing 2 feet from the back door, on the DECK.... only goes down the stairs to poop.... and I`ll bet she shortens that route soon too! LOL

Phyl, that skin rash sounds nasty.... is it yeast? sounds like the areas that its in is YEAST friendly... man we do have issues with skin huh? I never had this much trouble until after menopause... do you think lack of estrogen has anything to do with it?

Waiting by the phone today for Mark (guitar player) to call... see if we can tee up some kind of a meeting... I may sound nuts, but I am leery about inviting someone who I`ve never met into my home..... how do you ask someone IF they`ve ever been in trouble with the law?

What is his alcohol consumption like? Does he DRINK before a gig?

I know, I`ve just got to suck it up and ASK!!! or I`ll not be able to relax.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.... seriously..

We are going ahead and rehearsing with another musician(piano) tomorrow night... Peter has already met him several times and this guy is a MUSIC teacher at the school on the military base here.... so he`s CLEAR!!!

Karla, I`m gonna skype you ok..... turn yourself ON

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Well quick ck in from work - not to bad - but brain still kind of foggy ;0)

Yep Candice - shower makeup even if it's just to quilt ;0)

Phyl - Hope you make it thru exercise - becareful not to over do it - put a basket in the golf cart and zoey will think she's in the scooter ;0)

Karla - Hope you are ok...

I guess we are going to have to hunt down Linda ;0)

back to work - cbl

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Gosh this site is making me mad.....

multi, did not work again, but on the positive side I AM getting email notifications in my hotmail inbox!!! yeah for that!

Yup still getting snow Phyl, 3 foot drift just outside the door.... Peter took care of it... I am lucky!!!!

Bridget has taken to peeing 2 feet from the back door, on the DECK.... only goes down the stairs to poop.... and I`ll bet she shortens that route soon too! LOL

Phyl, that skin rash sounds nasty.... is it yeast? sounds like the areas that its in is YEAST friendly... man we do have issues with skin huh? I never had this much trouble until after menopause... do you think lack of estrogen has anything to do with it?

Waiting by the phone today for Mark (guitar player) to call... see if we can tee up some kind of a meeting... I may sound nuts, but I am leery about inviting someone who I`ve never met into my home..... how do you ask someone IF they`ve ever been in trouble with the law?

What is his alcohol consumption like? Does he DRINK before a gig?

I know, I`ve just got to suck it up and ASK!!! or I`ll not be able to relax.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.... seriously..

We are going ahead and rehearsing with another musician(piano) tomorrow night... Peter has already met him several times and this guy is a MUSIC teacher at the school on the military base here.... so he`s CLEAR!!!

Karla, I`m gonna skype you ok..... turn yourself ON

I think you just have to be honest and frank. It's a unique kind of job interview and you need to know these things because they carry a lot of weight as to how the gig is going to "play out"!!

Haven't heard anything more from family as to how the snow is going today!

Yeah, definitely yeast... it has a peculiar odor that is unmistakable. Nothing to do with meds, I'm sure. I just have a big roll of flabby excess skin at the bottom of my stomach and that's where I have the problems, and along my appendicitis scar because of a lot of extra skin there, too.

Well quick ck in from work - not to bad - but brain still kind of foggy ;0)

Yep Candice - shower makeup even if it's just to quilt ;0)

Phyl - Hope you make it thru exercise - becareful not to over do it - put a basket in the golf cart and zoey will think she's in the scooter ;0)

Karla - Hope you are ok...

I guess we are going to have to hunt down Linda ;0)

back to work - cbl

Got to Water aerobics about 15 minutes late, but did manage to make it through to the end of the tape. Then I went in the hot tub for 20 minutes. Then shower and off to beading. So... tonight I am pretty much exhausted. And kind of concerned because low grade fever won't go away, plus fatigue,

mild headache off and on, left side of neck still hurting some... constant dull ache, really, and night sweats. Seeing GYN dr next week so I'll tell her all my complaints and whine a bit.

We DO have to hunt down Linda... she's been away WAY too long!!

I am so bummed by Elizabeth Edwards death today! I guess because of Jacki fighting her 2nd round, too. She had a PET scan today in SF. But, she posted this on FB less than 20 minutes ago:

"All my tests went well today and we are headed home. The Radiology Breast Cancer Oncologist looked at my PET & CT from this morning. While the official evaluation will not be completed until tomorrow, she said it looked good! PTL!"

So that sounds really encouraging.

Zoey partially destroyed the Red Hat I wore yesterday. I was busy talking to Earl about the Starbucks 3 ring circus and didn't notice that she was between us tearing my hat apart and eating red and purple feathers!!! GRRR! She can be SO mischievous! But she's so cute! Janet... we have to get her together with Bear and Angel and Bella! She tries so hard to get candy to play with her and all she will do is hiss and swat at her.

Good grief! I feel so exhausted!! I did make a pretty Bracelet today and it's almost done. I picked three colors I wasn't sure were compatible, but it turned out pretty! And I'm not quite done with last week's bracelet. Wish I had more time to sit and bead!

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I think you just have to be honest and frank. It's a unique kind of job interview and you need to know these things because they carry a lot of weight as to how the gig is going to "play out"!!

Haven't heard anything more from family as to how the snow is going today!

Yeah, definitely yeast... it has a peculiar odor that is unmistakable. Nothing to do with meds, I'm sure. I just have a big roll of flabby excess skin at the bottom of my stomach and that's where I have the problems, and along my appendicitis scar because of a lot of extra skin there, too. [/size][/font]


Got to Water aerobics about 15 minutes late, but did manage to make it through to the end of the tape. Then I went in the hot tub for 20 minutes. Then shower and off to beading. So... tonight I am pretty much exhausted. And kind of concerned because low grade fever won't go away, plus fatigue,

mild headache off and on, left side of neck still hurting some... constant dull ache, really, and night sweats. Seeing GYN dr next week so I'll tell her all my complaints and whine a bit.

We DO have to hunt down Linda... she's been away WAY too long!!

I am so bummed by Elizabeth Edwards death today! I guess because of Jacki fighting her 2nd round, too. She had a PET scan today in SF. But, she posted this on FB less than 20 minutes ago:

"All my tests went well today and we are headed home. The Radiology Breast Cancer Oncologist looked at my PET & CT from this morning. While the official evaluation will not be completed until tomorrow, she said it looked good! PTL!"

So that sounds really encouraging.

Zoey partially destroyed the Red Hat I wore yesterday. I was busy talking to Earl about the Starbucks 3 ring circus and didn't notice that she was between us tearing my hat apart and eating red and purple feathers!!! GRRR! She can be SO mischievous! But she's so cute! Janet... we have to get her together with Bear and Angel and Bella! She tries so hard to get candy to play with her and all she will do is hiss and swat at her.

Good grief! I feel so exhausted!! I did make a pretty Bracelet today and it's almost done. I picked three colors I wasn't sure were compatible, but it turned out pretty! And I'm not quite done with last week's bracelet. Wish I had more time to sit and bead!

Yes I was very sad today to hear about Mrs. Edwards... she was a class act..


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I hate this new format !!!! Sometimes w/foxfire - I can't change fonts - but if I sign in under google chrome I can..

Then my key board didn't want to work - so had to reboot - hell its 7:39 ...

Candice - I figured most musicians had a few while playing ;0) but you do need someone reliable

Phyl - Hell you are retired and still not enough hours in the day to do all that you want to do :0)

I was thinking about when I could have you and Earl over for dinner - Whats your schedule for either this weekend or next - or will we have to wait until after Christmas..

Angel won't play - she's the queen of the house - Bear well if he's in the mood - Bella well she will be all over Zoey wanting to play.. I had Andrew dogs the other nite and Bella wanted to play - but they are just to big for her - I am afraid that they will hurt her w/o meaning too..

Has anyone talked to Karla today??? I am worried we haven't heard from her - Candice have you talked to Linda..

Well bootcamp was tough - I am going to have to make appointment about my hip it's bugging me after exercise - will talk to Idrise about it tomorrow..

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I hate this new format !!!! Sometimes w/foxfire - I can't change fonts - but if I sign in under google chrome I can..

Then my key board didn't want to work - so had to reboot - hell its 7:39 ...

Candice - I figured most musicians had a few while playing ;0) but you do need someone reliable

Phyl - Hell you are retired and still not enough hours in the day to do all that you want to do :0)

I was thinking about when I could have you and Earl over for dinner - Whats your schedule for either this weekend or next - or will we have to wait until after Christmas..

Angel won't play - she's the queen of the house - Bear well if he's in the mood - Bella well she will be all over Zoey wanting to play.. I had Andrew dogs the other nite and Bella wanted to play - but they are just to big for her - I am afraid that they will hurt her w/o meaning too..

Has anyone talked to Karla today??? I am worried we haven't heard from her - Candice have you talked to Linda..

Well bootcamp was tough - I am going to have to make appointment about my hip it's bugging me after exercise - will talk to Idrise about it tomorrow..

Yeah.... busy, busy , busy.... especially this time of year. This week Friday and Sunday are free, next weekend, only Friday. Two parties on Saturday and we leave on Sunday!!

I've been wondering about Karla, too.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

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      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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