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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, my surgery is Tuesday afternoon.

Got some of the carpet shampooed, didn't do it all just the hall ways and heavy traffic areas. I can't wait until I can afford laminet floor, that is first on my list. But even if I had the $$ now, I couldn't do it. I am banned from lifting more than 10 pounds for the nextthree months. Heck my groceries weigh more than 10 pounds, it will be interesting. But I will behave, I have no other choice.

Well back to it,

Phyl, I loved the pictures of Jacque... she is lucky to have such a good friend like you:D

So the boys are out pheasant hunting, how gets to clean them? Would sure make a nice meal though:)

Karla, glad you are getting yourself prepped for TUESDAY... you`ll be in good hands.... we`re all praying for you and a speedy recovery. I know the weight lifting restrictions SUCK, but its all for the good of the surgery results... Get your GIRLS to pick up your groceries.,.,. ask for help Karla, I am sure you have some teacher friends who could go with you to shop.... or.... just buy less, more often...

Well, back to my machine quilting....

oh, and I found something to LIKE ABOUT the new site..... I enjoy the attached pictures.... they show up much larger now....:lol:

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Good Morning Girls

Just wanted to say hi & bye before I leave... Gotta jump in the shower in just a few...

Be good while I'm gone

Candice keep up the good work..

Karla Hugs & Prayers for a safe surgery will be thinking about you..

Phyl - Hope you are feeling better and you are having a good time..

Linda - Hugs & Love...

Will toast you all while in Mexico...

Will try and ck in if the resort has wifi - I know I can get emails - but haven't tried lbt.. We will see..



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Quiet day?? I haven't had energy to do anything. My surgeon doesn't want me taking my Bcomplex amino acid shot until after surgery. So my brain has shut down and my energy level stinks. I have done NOTHING today. Well, not totally nothing, I finished my paper and separated buttons into jars by color...can we say obsessive compulsive. I can't focus on anything, it just ticks me off. I have so much to do before Tuesday and I wasted an entire day.

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Hi Girls, back from my weekend!... It was a wine tasting party at my GF Colleen`s... totally fun!! And guess what? I won the contest for the best tasting WINE!!! Whoo-h00o:lol:

food though yesterday was: Protiens shake for Breaky

coffee, Coffee

1/2 A kids size hamberger from McDonalds( gave Bridget the bun) and Peter the other 1/2

Super was 1/2 Turkey burger, patty only with a little mustard

then, wine,wine, wine, wine.... cheese and crackers, pate, low fat meatballs(I brought them) Salmon & Cheese spread..... it was a POT LUCK of appetizers to go with the Wine tasting Party... Really fun, lost count of the appetizers, but I DID NOT Eat any of the DESSERTS!!

I pulled a Janet, I walked right up to the Cookies, bars, squares and said to them `` I am NOT eating any of you, you are rotten and bitter and I hate you!``` it felt good, now my Dh was kinda looking at me funny.....

Stayed up way too late singing Karaoke with the girls, but was fun and so good to see all my old buddies from my Last House Town.

Slept in a wee bit today, and then drove home. Food today, 1 Egg, 2 Bacon, coffee, chicken Soup, crackers, 3 chicken nuggets(jerky) and coffee.... cals so far today....817 but I have Snacks left... probably Choc pudding with cool whip.

Love you all, Janet we``ll miss you hon,

Karla, stay calm, surgery will be over be fore you know it now...

Hugs ^PHYL, give a kiss to EARL

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Candice, the quilt room it DONE!!!!. I just love it, all cozy, of course if I had a fireplace it would be even better. Did the maga shop for groceries, so I am set for the month, did a little Christmas shopping. But I am TIGHT. Today I have managed to eat, 1/2 a carton of 100 cal yogurt & some veggie chips. I am going to try a stuffed portabello mushroom for dinner. It is just stress, I want my house clean before I go, but I don't know that it is going to happen. Unfortunately DD#4 let me down again. She was suppose to clean for her car insurance, but not. But at least she is paying for the insurance. Tomorrow won't be pretty when I give her the bill.

I have some homework to get done & then I'll check back in. Candice it sounds like you had a glorious time!!!

Phyl? Linda?

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Phyl, my surgery is Tuesday afternoon.

Got some of the carpet shampooed, didn't do it all just the hall ways and heavy traffic areas. I can't wait until I can afford laminet floor, that is first on my list. But even if I had the $ now, I couldn't do it. I am banned from lifting more than 10 pounds for the nextthree months. Heck my groceries weigh more than 10 pounds, it will be interesting. But I will behave, I have no other choice.

Well back to it,

Will be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers, especially on Tuesday. How long do you have to stay in hospital??

Phyl, I loved the pictures of Jacque... she is lucky to have such a good friend like you:D

So the boys are out pheasant hunting, how gets to clean them? Would sure make a nice meal though:)

Karla, glad you are getting yourself prepped for TUESDAY... you`ll be in good hands.... we`re all praying for you and a speedy recovery. I know the weight lifting restrictions SUCK, but its all for the good of the surgery results... Get your GIRLS to pick up your groceries.,.,. ask for help Karla, I am sure you have some teacher friends who could go with you to shop.... or.... just buy less, more often...

Well, back to my machine quilting....

oh, and I found something to LIKE ABOUT the new site..... I enjoy the attached pictures.... they show up much larger now....:lol:

Stan and his friend hunted Fri, Sat & Sun, so no cleaning while we were there. The dead pheasants were all in the wine closet. They usually make it all in to sausage. Stan was going to give us some to bring back with us but... they forgot. It's really good.

Started sneezing on the way home... now sore throat! I better not be sick tomorrow. I want to go shopping with the Red Hat ladies!

Good Morning Girls

Just wanted to say hi & bye before I leave... Gotta jump in the shower in just a few...

Be good while I'm gone

Candice keep up the good work..

Karla Hugs & Prayers for a safe surgery will be thinking about you..

Phyl - Hope you are feeling better and you are having a good time..

Linda - Hugs & Love...

Will toast you all while in Mexico...

Will try and ck in if the resort has wifi - I know I can get emails - but haven't tried lbt.. We will see..


Hope Janet is having a GREAT time in Mexico!

Candace... wine party sounds fun!!






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Hi Karla, Phyl, Janet, Linda & others if they read us!

Great day today, shopping and visiting with my MOM. I re-arranged her whole closet for her... making it easier to grab clothes that match and are easy to get in and out of ....

She fell asleep right after lunch, so I just watchec TV until she woke up... she is so funny.... nods off in mid sentance now...

Then, picked up my GF back at the mall, and then we went gambling... what a waste of TIme and MONEY that was!!!

Oh well,

Karla, tomorrows your big day. GIRL I am there HUGGING YOU right now... and wishing you well. It will go fine.... email us as soon as you are able so that we know your status o.k.



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I have myself so stressed out I haven't been able to eat for 2 days. Water hasn't been so great either. So dinner tonight is my friend Ben & Jerry's, I have to get something in my tummy because midnight no more food and no Water after 6 am. So high in calories, but I need some food. I have bought stuff for protien drinks for post surgery.

Thanks for all the well wishes, all will be fine. My tummy is starting to settle down with the help of Ben & Jerry's.

Final homework is done and submitted, so just have to do discussion and a lesson review for class on Saturday, Once Saturday is done, I don't have to think about school, either work or master's!!!

I can't wait to play in my quilt room. Jamie, DD#2, is going to help me set up my midarm quilting machine, so all will be good.

Candice, glad you had a good day with your mom!

Phyl sounds like you had fun!!

Love you all,

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I'm good, was able to use the da vinci machine, got to room ab out 8 lpm, tired, but can't sleep, chat tomorrow, may be even skype,

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Skype! Are you kidding me? Arne't you still in the hospital? Oh dah, you probably brought your laptop in there with you huh?

I'll try and have my SKYPE turned on , just in case you call.

Phyl, how are your plans for today ????

Got on the scale this a.m. 179 whoo-hoo... its coming off!!!!

Off to the dentist in a few for a cleaning. May have to CUT John from the Jazz Trio... he's been incomunicado for 2 weeks!!! No explanation, nothing... and I've got GIGs booked in DEC...!!! So I am putting out feelers to other musicians.. cross your fingers for me. That I find someone good.

Karla, don't be brave... take all your pain meds that they offer.

HUGS< HUGS<HUGS:bananalama:

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Good Morning!

Glad to hear your surgery went well Karla! When do you go home?

Sorry about the trouble w/John, Candace! Hope you can find a replacement soon!

Not feeling so good since we got back. Started sneezing on the trip home, then sniffles, now coughing!

Feel kind of sick to my stomach, too. Feel like I may have a low grade temp. Sore throat.

Going to the "Pain Clinic" today and they said they'd probably be doing an epidural block. Pain has been gone last couple of weeks, so I don't know what to do. Never know when it will come back and then I can barely walk.

Went to beading yesterday anyway! Wasn't coughing yet then. Just had a bit of a headache. Bracelet for the day was tough and I'm no where near finished with it. I did make a set over the weekend and gave it to Jacki's sister for her birthday. No pattern... first time to make something wihtout a pattern. Designed it myself w/crystals and seed beads. Then made matching earrings.

Hugs, Chicks! Gotta get in the shower soon.

OH.... Earl surprised me and bought a used golf cart while i was at beading!!

He called me and asked where the checkbook was because he needed it.

Then he came up and got it with some story about having to get propane..

I knew he just told me th night before that we didn't need any, but I figured he must have changed his mind. Then he comes back about 1/2 hr later and says take a break for aminute and come over here. He took me to the window and says, "that's your new golf cart"!!

Guy at the park takes used ones and sells them for people at a lot near our garbage dump!

So he saw this one marked $350, needs batteries. So he went and talked to the guy and ended up buying it. It needs a windshield too, but the man has one that will fit and is going to let him have it. So, we just have to buy batteries... about $500, and we'll have a nice golf cart.

And... I want to get seat covers. Seats are shot!


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Phyl, what a cute thing, you need to fluff it up, maybe some flowered seat covers with arm boulsters!!!

Candice, actually I have little pain. I just got back from walking down to get a latte in the cafeteria.

I guess I have to have an additional surgey. The found a largish hernia in one of my old c-section incisions. So I have to have it fixed, so I am hoping to get it taken care of while I'm off. So I guess I will miss some more school. Didn't sleep last night, finally dozed off about 4 this morning. will be glad to get home.

Got an early Christmas gift for myself. Took my car to get the oil changed and had moisture in the brake line and needed the radiator flushed. So there went $240, great!

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Phyl, what a cute thing, you need to fluff it up, maybe some flowered seat covers with arm boulsters!!!

Candice, actually I have little pain. I just got back from walking down to get a latte in the cafeteria.

I guess I have to have an additional surgey. The found a largish hernia in one of my old c-section incisions. So I have to have it fixed, so I am hoping to get it taken care of while I'm off. So I guess I will miss some more school. Didn't sleep last night, finally dozed off about 4 this morning. will be glad to get home.

Got an early Christmas gift for myself. Took my car to get the oil changed and had moisture in the brake line and needed the radiator flushed. So there went $240, great!

Oh crap this multipost thing did not work.... ah well. :blink:

Karla; I am so glad to hear that you don`t have too much pain YEAH for that... but bummer about the hernia... although, ummm more time off school??? probably not to sad about that eh? ;) You are in my thoughts and prayers... Yup, once you are home you will rest much better.

I was supposed to go quilting at a friends today.. I called to see what time she wanted me... she was still asleep... Sounded like she had a head cold... so I told her NO I was NOT coming... crap I go away in a couple weeks, and I dont`want to be haveing a head cold or sinus to ruin my cruise!! She sounded disappointed , but TOO BAD!!

PLus, If I get sick I can`t go in to see my MOM for 2 weeks.... I just gotta look after myself.

Phyl; Hey the golf cart looks cool.... is this for you 2 to motor around in your park? I don`t get it? Does Earl Golf?

Well on the music front; we are done with John. We are trying out a new Player on SUnday... he plays keyboards and Sax... I hope that this works out.... he is supposed to be a good musician and not a Drama Queen. I have all these gigs lined up and dont`want to cancel any of them.... cross your fingers for ME!!!

Weight loss, good!!! Lost 2 more lbs this week, I am now 178.... 3 lbs from when my Daughter got married last Oct.... Once I break 175 I`ll be REALLY on my way... I`ve not been posting my Spark people totals... but I am still tracking daily...

Havn`t heard anything from JANET, OR LINDA. I know Janet is having FUN, and I hope that Linda is not working too hard.

Love you guys!!!!


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Candice, CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You are back on track. We are so proud of you. I know with the holiday season it will be tough, but you have all that sugar out of your system so things will be easier. Plan a few splurges, we have to live. Before long, you and I will be sharing clothes. Each day, also plan some splurges on your trip, but don't forget the basic rules and you will be fine. Here is your challenge... Come back from your trip without a gain. I know you can do it.

Yep, some extra time off work doesn't hurt my feelings any. If it is more than a few days I will have to apply to the sick leave bank. I only have five additional days of sick leave.

One of the teachers brought me some delish stew last night, it must have had some burgandy wine in it. I never think about cooking with wine. I use to make a killer alfredo sauce with white wine, but since it is truely 'killer' for your cholestrol and waistline I don't cook it any more. But it sure was good with fresh garlic and parmesean. Okay, sorry I digress down the food zone.

Been dozing off and on this morning. Still pretty tired. I wake up, do a little school work and then back to sleep. It is good to be home with my furries. They sure were silly last night. I had one sleeping in each arm pit. Normally they just sleep in the bed with me, but aren't to concerned about touching me. but both had to be touching me with their heads on my shoulders, just like little kids. I guess they missed me.

Going to try to eat later, I just haven't felt like it. I know I need to push the Water, but food isn't my biggest concern.

Well, check back later.

And Candice, you are right about not quilting with your friend, the last thing you need is to get sick. If you are feeling really bad about not going over, take her some Soup tomorrow or something, just don't go in. Glad you were able to find a new mucision (sp). Life is too short for drama.

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Phyl, what a cute thing, you need to fluff it up, maybe some flowered seat covers with arm bolsters!!!

Candice, actually I have little pain. I just got back from walking down to get a latte in the cafeteria.

I guess I have to have an additional surgery. The found a largish hernia in one of my old c-section incisions. So I have to have it fixed, so I am hoping to get it taken care of while I'm off. So I guess I will miss some more school. Didn't sleep last night, finally dozed off about 4 this morning. will be glad to get home.

Got an early Christmas gift for myself. Took my car to get the oil changed and had moisture in the brake line and needed the radiator flushed. So there went $240, great!

Too bad they couldn't do that surgery at the same time!


Yeah, seat covers are the last priority, but I will find some to replace the blue throw that is over them now. Earl is off to costco, Home Depot, etc. for the batteries, some paint, wire brush to scrape off some rust in the battery compartment. He says this $350 golf cart is going to end up costing about $1000! But.... it's a good one... Yamaha, and in pretty good condition mechanically. So worth putting the money in to. But there were implications that this is the major part of my Christmas present!! LOL!

Glad you are home and feeling fairly decent! I think dogs can sense when you're not feeling up to par! With this cold I have... I had mine sleeping on my shoulder last night and then again this morning! Wouldn't have been too bad except that she had her belly pressed so hard against my ear that I was getting sound effects..... could hear her stomach gurgling and her heart beating!!:lol:;):P

Oh crap this multipost thing did not work.... ah well. :blink:

Karla; I am so glad to hear that you don`t have too much pain YEAH for that... but bummer about the hernia... although, ummm more time off school??? probably not to sad about that eh? ;) You are in my thoughts and prayers... Yup, once you are home you will rest much better.

I was supposed to go quilting at a friends today.. I called to see what time she wanted me... she was still asleep... Sounded like she had a head cold... so I told her NO I was NOT coming... crap I go away in a couple weeks, and I dont`want to be haveing a head cold or sinus to ruin my cruise!! She sounded disappointed , but TOO BAD!!

PLus, If I get sick I can`t go in to see my MOM for 2 weeks.... I just gotta look after myself.

Phyl; Hey the golf cart looks cool.... is this for you 2 to motor around in your park? I don`t get it? Does Earl Golf?

Well on the music front; we are done with John. We are trying out a new Player on SUnday... he plays keyboards and Sax... I hope that this works out.... he is supposed to be a good musician and not a Drama Queen. I have all these gigs lined up and dont`want to cancel any of them.... cross your fingers for ME!!!

Weight loss, good!!! Lost 2 more lbs this week, I am now 178.... 3 lbs from when my Daughter got married last Oct.... Once I break 175 I`ll be REALLY on my way... I`ve not been posting my Spark people totals... but I am still tracking daily...

Havn`t heard anything from JANET, OR LINDA. I know Janet is having FUN, and I hope that Linda is not working too hard. Love you guys!!!! Candice

Yeah... stay away from the crappy cold that is going around! Seems to be everywhere! I am coughing now, slight fever, headache is gone for the moment after taking some Ibuprofen!

Sorry for the drama with John. He seemed like such a nice guy. Wouldn't have guessed he had that in him! Hope you find a GREAT replacement!

No... neither of us golf. But it is THE most popular mode of transportation around the park! You should see the golf cart traffic jams at chapel on Sunday mornings!! Think I posted a pic on FB one week. So, yes, we will be using it to get around the park. We've BOTH been using my scooter for that. Now the whole family can travel in style TOGETHER!! There Is a little plexiglass enclosed space behind the seats where Zoey seems to enjoy riding. Had her next to me yesterday going up to the mail box but she wanted in the back.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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