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Happy Birthday Phyl


bullet.gifWishing you all the best in the year to come. May your days be filled with sunshine and beautiful colors. And may your nights be filled with comforting dreams and wishes to come.

bullet.gifNo one desrves a happier birthday than you.

bullet.gifYouth happens, but age is earned.

bullet.gifDays have passed into years,you have become better with time. May you continue to become better with each birthday you enjoy.

bullet.gifHappy Birthday

You are very special

And you deserve the best

I wish you a wonderful life

Filled with love and happiness

bullet.gifIt must have been a rainy day when you were born because the heavens were crying because it lost its most

beautiful angel.

Hope you have a wonderful day !!!


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Happy Thanksgiving !!

I need to go back to work - hell I had more computer time when I was working !!

Yesterday - grout got cleaned - my floor looks brand new :0) - while they where here doing that (9 a.m) I went to Target got dog food then over to Marshall's cuz I saw these towels I just LOVED !! So I got them and then back to Target to get bedspread for Andrew's room (it will always be his room) but I am redecorating it to my style/colors - purple/lavender/light green/dark green - when it's all done I'll send pics. After Target flaked on the gym as I was really really tired and have discovered that I think I have a right hip issue - my hip really doesn't hurt but I get a pain that runs from my hip to my knee - so when I get back - I guess I will get it check out..

Went and got fake tan - had a personal spray -didn't do the booth ;0) warned the lady - me naked wasn't a pretty site ;0) but you know what - it wasn't bad - she's in her 40's so it wasn't like some young ck was doing it and it is what it is and who gives a flip - I know that I look better now w/saggy skin that I did w/114 extra lbs on my body - the way I look at it the skin is my badge of honor - oh ya -

I had a Dr appt at 2 w/the clinic - Nope not getting surgery

But did get rysteline (sp - its a filler) & botox !!! They filled the bags under my eyes and the lines between the nose & mouth (this is immediate results) then botox in the forhead to give me an eye lift and help w/the crows feet & 11 - this is goint to take a while to work (about a week I think) and then got some face stuff Obagi that's suppose to help w/the texture of my skin - which is awful..

Also - The Chorpa (sp)doc just gave a body lift to Dan from the biggest loser - may have him look at my arms ;0)

I will post picture later - I do have a little burising and swelling but not bad.

My bff Kathy who I've known since 3rd grade and is Joseph's Godmother goes to this doctor and she looks great - not over done - no surgery just filler & botox - her neice is the one who cuts my hair (and the one who's mom & dad just passed away)

so I see her every month and asked who she went to- Well she called and got me squeezed in yesterday.. We will see if the kids or anyone when I go back to work notices

Well after all that then had to go to bed bath & beyond to find a shower curtain -

Didn't get home till like 4:30- Candice had called so called her back - (LOVED TALKING TO YOU ;0)

Then had to feed dogs - unload the car - put ice on my face - wash and treat it with the new stuff - hell - I didn't get on the computer at all - bet all my crops have died ;0)

Never got the lobster - so guess I will be eating lasagna today an Italian Thanksgiving :0)

Today - do the bedroom and bathroom - wish me luck on hanging curtians :0) hope there aren't to many holes in the wall..

Gotta start packing too - only 1 more day.. Weather as of yesterday in Playa Del Carmen - Rain !!! but the rain in that region- rains then the rest of the day is nice - hopefully that will be the case ;0)

Well need to get moving - I will be cking back later


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Oh - go to home page

there is a thread about the new site - everyone is complaining - I want user cp/subscribed threads back -go post there - Alex is reading that thread..

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Ya, it was GREAT talking to you too Janet :-) don't we just go on and on.... so much to say...

Proud of you going to the FACE place... whoo-hoo... you'll be one hot Mama on that beach down there...!!!

Karla: you must be getting KILLED with the weather, I watched our 6 p.m. news across Canada and Sask and Alberta are COLD< COLD< COLD!!!! Unusaul snow falls in B.C. too... I guess my turn is coming tomorrow!!! SNOW in mY forecast! :'(

Phyl, hope you are having a blast at your friends house for Thanksgiving... and HAPPY BIRTHDAY again girl!!!

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Well it's sure been quite here today :0)

Found something like subscribed threads - up at the top of this page it says something like watching topics - then on the home page on the right hand side it below blogs - on my computer by the weight specific lapband support groups - there is a thingie that says Watched Contents - with 2 tabs forums & topics - so I guess I will have to wait til someone post to see if that's where our subscribed threads are now going to be..

Changed out Andrew's Bathroom & Bedroom with new stuff - towels bedding etc - didn't hang the curtains - Have packed - washed - and just farted around all day - talked to everyone and then some.. Getting ready to have some seafood bisque w/scallops..

Need to go figure out bills & $$ - Tomorrow nails - toes - bank - and what ever else pops up..


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Just a quick post.... busy, busy day! Great birthay...appreciate all the birthday wishes....Could barely read them all on FB!! Zoey had a wonderful day with our friends' daughter's dog... little dachsie mix, temprament very much like hers. They playwd so hard all day that Zoey has barely been able to keep her eyes open all evening!

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Good Morning Gang

Yes I am up early - not shopping ;0) - just figured if I got up early I would be able to go to bed early ;0)..

Phyl - Glad you had a good bday ... How's Jackie doing??

Candice - Love your pic's on fb - the quilts are really nice..

Karla - are you black friday shopping

I'm still trying to figure this new site out..

Well need to ck mail for bills today - bank - nails - toes - Andrew suppose to come and clean & then wants to get a couple shirts - Joseph went shopping on Wed looking for shorts - can't find any - told them it's winter that they aren't - they should have shopped at the end of summer - I only have 1 new top in my suitcase - which is unusual for me - I guess I have been doing this so long that I know I don't need all this new stuff - to go on vaca..

Candice - Yep wait till you lose some more weight before shopping - you don't want to spend good $$ for the stuff not to fit in 6 months - There will be more sales ;0)

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Morning Gals; still having troube getting QUICKLY to OUR site... it``l get figured out I guess. I`ve sent in MY complaint so we`ll see what ALEX does to remedy the problems.

Sewing day today I think, if I jsut plough along I can get 1 xmas gift done...[/font]

hate this damn thing....<

Phyl, gald you had a good birthday!! and Thanksgiving celebration... Zoey pooped, too funny


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1,167 «123 «30« 96

my food for yesterday, we`ll see how this thing posts today... I`m going to try the spell checker and see what happenssss

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[/still cant change my COLOUR of font :angry::angry::angry::angry: :angry:color]

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stoooopid ass site :angry::angry::angry::angry:

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stoooopid ass site :angry::angry::angry::angry:

cant get my ticker on the bottom....help

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Phyl, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sorry I'm slow at this.

Glad you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving. I did the cook athon. Had to run to the store first thing. Since I don't bake much anymore, I had no flour or sugar when I went to make the pie. Believe it or not, food was good yesterday, 100 cal yogurt for Breakfast, 100 cal popcorn, then dinner which was about 3 oz of turkey, 1/4 mashed taters with 2 tbles of gravy, 1/3 c yams (yes they had real butter and brown sugar), and 1/8 of a pie slice with homemade whip cream. I know I was over cals, but heck it was thanksgiving!!! So considering it use to be 1/4 of a pie with heaps of whipcream, I figure I did pretty good.

Candice, I love the block. you did a good job. I have never tried the mirrored images, you will have to send me the pattern.

Janet, hope you will get to post from vacation!!!

Well today I have to write my paper and get the house cleaned, etc. Believe it or not, NOW I am starting to get nervous about my surgery. Lame I know.

No Janet, I am not out shopping. I don't like crouds and I don't have the money. Having to buy a new phone kind of killed my Holiday shopping. Plus I usually make most of my stuff. Besides, this year will be lean.

Have a great post Thanksgiving day!!

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Good Morning Gang

Yes I am up early - not shopping ;0) - just figured if I got up early I would be able to go to bed early ;0)..

Phyl - Glad you had a good bday ... How's Jackie doing??

Candice - Love your pic's on fb - the quilts are really nice..

Karla - are you black friday shopping

I'm still trying to figure this new site out..

Well need to ck mail for bills today - bank - nails - toes - Andrew suppose to come and clean & then wants to get a couple shirts - Joseph went shopping on Wed looking for shorts - can't find any - told them it's winter that they aren't - they should have shopped at the end of summer - I only have 1 new top in my suitcase - which is unusual for me - I guess I have been doing this so long that I know I don't need all this new stuff - to go on vaca..

Candice - Yep wait till you lose some more weight before shopping - you don't want to spend good $ for the stuff not to fit in 6 months - There will be more sales ;0)

So.... you leave for vacay tomorrow, right... and will be gone a week.

Are we ever going to get used to this new format??

I can't figure out if we have "subscribed threads" anymore???

Jacki is doing okay, but the chemo wipes her out.

They didn't get home from SF until almost 7pm Wed. We had dinner ready, so that was good.

We stopped at costco on the way in and got 2 rotisserie chickens, mashed potatoes, salad mix and garlic bread. Everyone pitched in yesterday.. I made the stuffing, Earl did his green bean casserole, Stan did the turkey, and I think he did the sweet potatoes. I helped Jacki make a Jello salad that was really good. Jello, package of fresh cranberries, 1 orange, chopped walnuts and a can of crushed pineapple. She had me put the cranberries and orange... skin and all, in to the food processor and blend it good. Then it all went in to the hot jello.

They ordered pies from a local bakery, but we didn't know that so we got one of those huge pumpkin pies from Costco. So far, it hasn't even been cut yet!

Anyway, Jacki is still sleeping... almost 11 a.m. And I think she is planning on going in the pool when she gets up. They're keeping it heated to about 90 because she says it helps the chemo to circulate through her body when she swims. But it's only about 40 degrees outside, so, not sure I'll join her! I think her sister is going in with her. But she went back to bed after having a couple of cups of coffee with me and she's not up yet either. The other two guys went pheasant hunting bright and early this morning and aren't back yet.

Morning Gals; still having troube getting QUICKLY to OUR site... it``l get figured out I guess. I`ve sent in MY complaint so we`ll see what ALEX does to remedy the problems.

Sewing day today I think, if I jsut plough along I can get 1 xmas gift done...[/font]

hate this damn thing....<

Phyl, gald you had a good birthday!! and Thanksgiving celebration... Zoey pooped, too funny

Phyl, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, sorry I'm slow at this.

Glad you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving. I did the cook athon. Had to run to the store first thing. Since I don't bake much anymore, I had no flour or sugar when I went to make the pie. Believe it or not, food was good yesterday, 100 cal yogurt for breakfast, 100 cal popcorn, then dinner which was about 3 oz of turkey, 1/4 mashed taters with 2 tbles of gravy, 1/3 c yams (yes they had real butter and brown sugar), and 1/8 of a pie slice with homemade whip cream. I know I was over cals, but heck it was thanksgiving!!! So considering it use to be 1/4 of a pie with heaps of whipcream, I figure I did pretty good.

Candice, I love the block. you did a good job. I have never tried the mirrored images, you will have to send me the pattern.

Janet, hope you will get to post from vacation!!!

Well today I have to write my paper and get the house cleaned, etc. Believe it or not, NOW I am starting to get nervous about my surgery. Lame I know.

No Janet, I am not out shopping. I don't like crouds and I don't have the money. Having to buy a new phone kind of killed my Holiday shopping. Plus I usually make most of my stuff. Besides, this year will be lean.

Have a great post Thanksgiving day!!

Saw your quilt on FB, Candice. Beautfiul!

Karla, surgery is Monday, right?? Will be keeping you in my prayers!

Well, think I might get out my jewelry stuff for a while.

Later, Chicks!




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Phyl, my surgery is Tuesday afternoon.

Got some of the carpet shampooed, didn't do it all just the hall ways and heavy traffic areas. I can't wait until I can afford laminet floor, that is first on my list. But even if I had the $$ now, I couldn't do it. I am banned from lifting more than 10 pounds for the nextthree months. Heck my groceries weigh more than 10 pounds, it will be interesting. But I will behave, I have no other choice.

Well back to it,

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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