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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Sis was fine - she hugged kissed me said she loved me.. - Visit good - nothing to write home about - nice to be around the family - just a visit really sad cuz it could be my last - don't know when I will be able to get back up there...

I had boot camp tonite - but didn't work out super hard as my tail bone still hurts from the fall on Friday - in fact sitting on some frozen veggies ;0)

It took me about 1 yr to get use to maintenance - but gotta say I pretty much have a handle on it - #1 - can't ever go back to eating normal again - my normal is what made me fat in the 1st place. - that and lack of exercise - I will have to eat healthy for the rest of my life and exercise.. That's the secert to getting to goal and maintaining it..

Karla - Sounds like a deal - you and me empty nesters ;0)...

Phyl - what med's did she change - how's your neck

Bittersweet visit w/your sis. I'm glad it went well, but that would be SO hard, thinking you may not see her again! Some times I could choke my sisters, but I love every one of them and I would hate having to face losing one of them. I can't imagine what you must be going through.

I worry about Shirley... she's the youngest... your age... And she's smoked since she was about 15, too heavy and carries it all in her belly, borderline diabetic and does NOT eat healthy. She was dieting for a long while and lost 25 lb but, I think she put it all back on now. She has a lot of trouble with her back and her knees and may be facing a knee replacement soon. She's really the one I'm closest to.

I must have missed the part about you falling last Friday. How did that happen?? Tail bone any better today. That can be very painful and not much they can do about it even if you break it.

I guess I've been on maintenance, too, for the last year! Cuz I'm sure spinning my wheels! I was down last week. Lets hope the scale goes down again this week. Tomorrow is weigh in.

Doc I saw was gyn at Eisenhower on Country Club. She looked over my list of meds. Wanted to know if I'd ever been on hormone replacement.... I said, yes, for 10 years and then they switched me to Evista. She says I don't need it. And she wants to get me off the Detrol LA that I take for bladder control.... leaky teaky. And she wants me to quit these vag suppositories I've been on for years. She has some kind of cream she wants me to use instead which she says will also treat the bladder problem. I loved tossing the Evista in the garbage this morning! She said "Why are you taking that??" I didn't have an answer!! Because they told me to???! She said she sees no reason to continue it. I think one time when I ran out of it for a few days, I had very tender nipples so hope that doesn't happen again since I'm quitting it.

Okay... now you know all my intimate secrets. Well, almost all! LOL

Okay... here's a blurb on Evista.

The only thing that concerns me is that my Mom had breast cancer.. the type that likes to feed on estrogen and this drug is an estrogen blocker. The downside is that there is an increased risk of developing blood clots and that's why this doctor wants me off of it.

Raloxifene is used to prevent and treat osteoporosis (condition in which the bones become thin and weak and break easily) in women who have undergone menopause (change of life; end of menstrual periods). Raloxifene is also used to decrease the risk of developing invasive breast cancer (breast cancer that has spread outside of the milk ducts or lobules into the surrounding breast tissue) in women who are at high risk of developing this type of cancer or who have osteoporosis. Raloxifene cannot be used to treat invasive breast cancer or to prevent invasive breast cancer from coming back in women who have already had the condition. Raloxifene also cannot be used to decrease the risk of developing non-invasive breast cancer. Raloxifene is in a class of medications called selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs). Raloxifene prevents and treats osteoporosis by mimicking the effects of estrogen (a female hormone produced by the body) to increase the density (thickness) of bone. Raloxifene decreases the risk of developing invasive breast cancer by blocking the effects of estrogen on breast tissue. This may stop the development of tumors that need estrogen to grow.

Morning Girls; I am so glad you visit went well Janet. I am sure she really appreciated the effort you made to get up there. Bella.... what a sweetie!!! You are lucky to have them all clammoring about you... miss my Twig so bad!! I've just about worn the SPOTS of of Bridget... I never put her down. She's been getting walked so much she's pooped!!

Have a great day everyone!!!


Tuesday totals:

Maybe you need another dog!??

Candice - it's hard to type on the computer with her scratching me - can't wait till you come and you can train her :0) ...

Linda - I still have emails to work on - it's hell coming back from vacation. I hope our resort is nice - this will be my 1st all inclusive.. I'm glad that Melissa speaks spanish too ;0)..

Phyl - Water arobic's this morning..

Karla's at school - have a good day -I need to get to work - cbl

Yes, went to water aerobics last two days. Worked very hard today, too! Think I have my strength back and neck is just a little tender now. Then I took Zoey for her ride. Went up to the office... finally the winery in NY sent me the bottle of wine they owed me for the bad one they sold me!! We were still on our way here when she promised me she was mailing one. I think they had to wait for another batch because the whole batch was bad. My sister had one too. It was "sparkling" like champagne, and i wasn't supposed to be!

Now we're sitting inside with the a/c on because it was 97 degrees inside with all the windows and door open. Zoey and candy were in the back by our bed trying to stay cool. But I guess Zoey got a little too close for comfort because I heard a "disturbance" back there and then Candy came strolling up here and got in the front window.

Yes, you do need to get back to work, so glad you take the time to pop up here thought :rolleyes:


And I need to get to work on that Bracelet I didn't finish yesterday!!

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The paper is done, except some little tweeking here and there. A first for me, only 2 evenings. Of course it could be garbage but right now I don't care.

I did have a visit with Elyse about the place they rented. Evidently the BF led her to believe he had a full time job, and come to find out he doesn't. The rent is $500 a month, which she can not afford. We talked about possibly thinking about (you know I can't just tell her what to do) getting her own tiny place that she can afford and figure out how to be on her own before she is living with someone. She SAYS she agrees, but it is her choice.

Phyl, don't forget to post pics of that bracelet!

Candice, I know that both Janet & I grumble about the furries, I was grumbling at 3:45 when Molly got up this morning (Ended up just staying up), but we will miss them when they go. Maybe you should try one of the 'gentle leaders' that is a harness with a section around their nose. When the pull too hard, it pulls their nose towards their chest. It doesn't tighten or anything, just gives them a reminder to stop pulling. I walk pretty fast, so usually the furries have to trot to keep up with me, so they don't usually pull. It wasn't training, just that I out walk them. Okay yes they are a littly chunky right now! You will know if you should get another furry when the time is right. Now you are grieving and that is what you are suppose to be doing. Hang in there.

Linda, sounds like you had a good time despite the food. I wouldn't enjoy a hot humid vacation, but I'm a woosie. Where are the pics of you in your bikini drinking mai tai's?

Janet, when do you leave again?

Phyl, how is our Earl doing? Nasal drain done?

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Good evening Gang..

Foxfire doesn't work for Facebook half the time - so down loaded something chrome - well it's doesn't want to quote - I think I need a new computer...

Candice - Melissa is Joseph's wife - Kaitlin & Brooke's Mom - My DIL ;0) - She's half white & half Mexican - she speaks spanish ;0) - She suppose to get lapband next yr..

We are going to Playa Del Carmen - it's about 70 miles from Cancun (below it) - we can take a ferry to Cozumel - it looks like Cozumel is right across from us..

Yes I snorkel - in the video it looks like you can get certified for tanks - Kaitlin want's to dive ;0) what's it call - I can't think of what it's called - see I am losing it - so if they have it we will do it - she will turn 16 while we are on vacation

Me - Andrew - Joseph - Melissa - Kaitlin & Brooke are going..

Why do you shower at the gym?? Phyl does cuz they have such a small bathroom - but hell I come home and shower - I don't do it at the gym - I wouldn't want to either.. I run around naked with me and my dogs but that's it ;0)

I guess I need to think about clothes - but hell it's still summer here - like Phyl said 97 today..

Phyl - if you don't have any menopause symptoms - why were you on hormones?? I wouldn't take them unless it was super necessary.. What's the doc name - maybe I will go to her -I'm do for a pap - my gp does them - but I would like a reg doc.

Yep even when you hate your siblings you still love them..

My leaky bladder issues went away when I lost the weight - ya if I cough or sneeze with a full bladder I might have a little leak - but nothing like prior to losing the weight - I had to wear a pad all the time - now I don't

On Friday - I went to sit in a chair in the garage that had purses in it - so sorta sat on the edge of it - the stupid things had wheels - and I landed on my butt/tailbone with all my weight really really hard- just plopped on the cement - jumped up yelling my butt my butt ;0) and my right wrist hurt too.. I was afraid of breaking it - Mary (Melissa's Mom) broke her's years ago and has had nothing but back problems since.. I think it's just brusied - it's tender but not too bad..

Glad you are feeling better..

Karla - Kids ;o)- Andrew & Janella's rent 450 for a 1 bedroom - it's a nice apt - clean - walk in closet - small but nice - they will learn how to be on their own - which I think is good..

Bella walks great on a leash - so does Bear - Angel is ok but does pull and chocks herself - need a harness for her..

I'm on vacation the week of 11/22 - 11/29 - go back to work 12/7 - Leaving for the resort on 11/27 come home 12/4 - You are having your surgery around the time I leave if I remember correctly..

Well, need to pay attention to these fur babies... cbl

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Janet, you will have a blast!!! Yep, my surgery is on the 30th. The not so great thing is that I have on campus class that weekend. I will have to have someone drive me to class and back. I may take my reclining lawn chair with me. That way I can lay down during class instead of sitting up. DD#2 (the one I'm going to see this weekend) is coming up for the weekend following the surgery, so she can drive me in to Missoula & take me home. I can live through 8 hours of discomfort for $200. Also, I would have to write a paper if I miss the class, I don't need that!

Well, I think I am going to bed, I'm extra tired tonight, check win tomorrow!

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Scuba Diving - that's what I was looking for ;0) it's called scuba diving ;0)

Karla - be careful - I know my gf thought oh I will me just fine after her surgery - I'll be back to work before six week - Ya right .. She wasn't up and around like she thought she would be..

Well not much to report since last nite...

Candice - Yep I looked at the video last night - WAY COOL !!!

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Wednesdays food...

So Janet; that area of Mexico is awesome!! ANd Scuba diving way -cool!!! IT is some of the BEST snokling and scuba-ing in the world there.... so take full advantage.. I've always wanted to go to Cozumel... its on my BUCKET LIST along with BELIZE

Karla, you rock. you are really planning ahead well for your surgery! It will be so good to put it behind you I am sure. It's gonna be painful, but you can handle that, you've had those repairs before (me two, twice! AUGH) good planning on the lounge chair for class.

Phyl; you would have had fun with me today~.. It was our GIg at the Seniors Centre where my Mom lives. The Corporation that runs the home produced a Book of Remembrance for all the Veterens that served in the 1st and 2nd wars... all the stories from the book are of men and women who still LIVE in the Chartwell homes across Canada. So today was their BOOK LAUNCH and we were asked to perform. Some of the old gals even got up and danced to our music... what fun.... in their 80's and 90's... even had some dancing with their walkers... My Mom was so proud.

Not much voice left... I only sang for an hour, but my voice is still not completely healed from the Laryngitis/ Chest virus.. kyrips it takes a long time to get over this virus... Phyl, you and I musta had the same old bug.

Anyways, home now, just finishing my Protien Choc shake with 1/2 banana, 1 tbsp Peanut Butter in it for SUPPER..

763 cals so far today, so I have 300 left for Snacks tonight.

I drank 2 liters of Water today while singing, had to keep the voice box moist.... I am so glad that I made it thru. Cancelling was not an option that I was going to tolerate.:frown:

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Candice how wonderful, your mom must have been proud. I bet their book is amazing. It is sad to see all the veterens pass on. Now a days we don't fight wars the same, good thing, but people don't really understand what it was like. Wars that we lost more lives in day than what is lost in an entire year now. I can't even imagine what some of the soldiers went through. I know that one of my cousins who fought in Viet Nam was never the same. It is rumored that he shot himself to get out, unfortunately I believe it is true. I know that if I had a son and had to watch him ship off to war, it would end my life. God was kind and didn't give me sons OR daughters interested in the military. An honorable calling, but as a mom, I am glad I didn't have to deal with it. So many lives lost...Okay, now I am just maudlin, sorry. I guess I am just weepy today. I was thinking how my dad would have loved to hear you sing...and dance, boy that man could dance. He was 6 ft 5 in. and he could jitter bug in his cowboy boots like no one else. I use to love watching him dance. Even danced with me a few times. OKAY ENOUGH, sorry.

I alway heard that vinegar worked well on vocal cords, actually it was dill Pickle Juice, but that is mainly vinegar and salt, so the same thing.

Ooh scuba diving...I don't know, snorkling, totally, but scuba, um I like to only swim where I can see the bottom, because there are really large things down there that will eat you. One time I tried to learn to Water ski, but was so skeeved out about being eaten that I couldn't do it. Pretty darn lame for a land locked Montanian.

Janet, we want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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The Royal Canadian Legion

Here is a picture of Me and my Mom today at the Celebration to Launch the book HONOR which commemorates those men and women who served in the 1st and 2nd world wars.

THe picture of the wall with medals, my Mom's is in the centre with the Blue Air Force tarten... her picture was of her in 1945

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,

Loved and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

LtCol John McCrae




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Candice how wonderful, your mom must have been proud. I bet their book is amazing. It is sad to see all the veterens pass on. Now a days we don't fight wars the same, good thing, but people don't really understand what it was like. Wars that we lost more lives in day than what is lost in an entire year now. I can't even imagine what some of the soldiers went through. I know that one of my cousins who fought in Viet Nam was never the same. It is rumored that he shot himself to get out, unfortunately I believe it is true.

Wow, I certainly can't blame his for doing that... I would not have enough courage to face what those boys did.

I know that if I had a son and had to watch him ship off to war, it would end my life. God was kind and didn't give me sons OR daughters interested in the military. An honorable calling, but as a mom, I am glad I didn't have to deal with it. So many lives lost...Okay, now I am just maudlin, sorry. I guess I am just weepy today. I was thinking how my dad would have loved to hear you sing...and dance, boy that man could dance. He was 6 ft 5 in. and he could jitter bug in his cowboy boots like no one else. I use to love watching him dance. Even danced with me a few times. OKAY ENOUGH, sorry.

You are not being Maudlin, you are just moved by the sacrifice that so many made so that we could be sitting here, typing, leading our comfortable lives.

It was a very good reminder for me today, to be grateful for ALL the veterans of ALL the wars past and PRESENT... they still fight for our freedom to-day. God bless them all!

I alway heard that vinegar worked well on vocal cords, actually it was dill Pickle Juice, but that is mainly vinegar and salt, so the same thing.

Ooh scuba diving...I don't know, snorkling, totally, but scuba, um I like to only swim where I can see the bottom, because there are really large things down there that will eat you. One time I tried to learn to Water ski, but was so skeeved out about being eaten that I couldn't do it. Pretty darn lame for a land locked Montanian.

Janet, we want pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya where are the pictures!!!:frown:

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What a beautiful lady, you look so much like her. She is just glowing. And she has a bit of a sparkle in those eyes! I bet, she was a fire cracker like you!!

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Good Evening Gang...

What do you want pictures of - I havent' gone yet ;0)...

Our Vet Day is next week - we are getting 1/2 day off - we never get Vet day off - I doubt I will leave at noon - too much work - but will leave early as possible..

Ya I'm glad my kids didn't have to go to war - I know my Mom said that she would go to jail before her boys went to war.. They were too young during Vietnam - Jimmy would have been 4f anyway cuz of his asthma - Michael was pigeon toed.

WTG Candice on sticking to your plan !!!!

My food today

BF - Yogurt & granola

lunch 1/2 pt shake & 1/2 chicken breast

dinner - I think taco - or maybe fish -

snack will be the usual.. I'm detoxing from the sugar - I think it's out of my system..

Karla - Talk about your Dad - It's normal to miss him...

Where I'm going it's clear Water - it's Caribbean water - clear and sky blue ;0) you can see your feet... And when you get pool certified - I don't think you can go very deep - you have to go to real scuba diving classes to do deep water - don't think I want to do deep water - my Uncle says it's dark & scary ;0) - I'm not afraid of the dark per se - as long as I know I can turn on a light - but when the power goes out - I get a little scared - don't ask why -

Well think I am going to go fix something to eat and read and watch some t.v. - Have survior from last night


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Going to Idaho to see DD#2 probably won't be on much, I'l k in at the end of the day

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Good Morning Peeps !!!

TGIF !!!!

Karla - Have fun - remember leave CC at home ;0)...

dinner ended up being fish - veggies - popcorn - greek yogurt w/WW cream cheese ;0).

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Good Morning Peeps !!!

TGIF !!!!

Karla - Have fun - remember leave CC at home ;0)...

dinner ended up being fish - veggies - popcorn - greek yogurt w/WW cream cheese ;0).

Good morning girls;

Janet I am curious about tne Yogurt/Cr Cheese combo what is that? some kinda dessert? I need the recipe girl!

Eating my Choc/Banana shake right now then I am going to the gym...

doing well on the food, now need to get back to regular GYM stuff too.... one day at a time!

Karla: Have a great weekend with your DD I am seing mine torommow :- )

PHyl, enjoy your nice weather and think of me in rainy/snow slush!!! Yuk

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Good afternoon! Sorry, gals... I've been keeping up with your posts. Don't know what's the matter with me.... Just don't feel like posting!

Janet... Dr's name is Bahreini. I think you'd like her. Very sharp chick. 760-773-9750. They do all kinds of facial stuff at that clinic too. It's sort of w omen's health/spa combined. They do dermabrasions, etc. Kind of weird that the ob/gyn dr has her office there though, huh?! First time you see her you have to check in around the corner at Internal Medicine.

Max's memorial service is tomorrow. Some of Joy's relatives arrived last night. I had a few of those pictures from our visit a few weeks ago printed at costco and took them over yesterday afternoon. She cried. He was so happy that day, though.

Karla... glad you decided to go to ID.

Glad you're feeling better Candice!

Linda... hope you're not running yourself ragged.

I was down 1 lb at TOPS yesterday. food has been okay this week. Exercise much better than last week.

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