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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice, what was I thinking???? Hopefully the leaves will finish dropping soon, because I'm not raking them until they are done!

Took the furries for a walk, they were pooped half way around our loop. I haven't exercised them enough. I have this dream that they will sleep through the trick or treaters...yeah right.

I make a fake pumpkin pie today. Used FF condensed milk, egg beaters, splenda, and a skimpy bottom layer of crushed ginger Cookies, lets just say pretty close to devine. Well okay, not devine, devine is REAL pumpkin pie with REAL whip cream. But it will satisfy the sweet tooth I'm currently battling. Plus...it's a veggie...right?

Janet, safe trip home.

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Sorry folks I missed the Skype. I made myself go to the Halloween party, but It was huge, probably 30 people. So I ate and came home. Too many people and they were all couples. Just depressed me. Can I blame that for the piece of cheese cake I ate? No, food sucked yesterday. I came home at 8:30. I just don't handle crowds of people that I don't know. Everyone was nice, but I only knew the people that gave the party.

Phyl, I love the pics of your friends, they both seem happy. So sad.

Candice, Bridget looks like she is having a blast.

Called my sister yesterday and wished her a happy birthday. I guess my mother emailed her about how difficult she was as a teenager and how she was surprised that she made it 56 years. Mom also commented on how hard it was on dad that my sister was difficult. Didn't even wish her happy birthday. My sister let it sit for a day and then responded that she was having a hard time since this was the first birthday without dad. Mom emailed that she guessed she was being self centered. I don't even want to think about what I'll get as a greeting for my birthday. Because I moved out when I was 14 and got married when I was 16, had my first child when I was 18. So I am sure that I was a real disappointment all around. Sometimes I just don't like my mother. She always says rude things like, "you would be better off dead", "if abortion would have been legal, you wouldn't be here", thanks mom, love you to. Sorry just a bit of a pity party.

Raked up all my leaves and hauled them off. Will have to do it again in a couple of weeks, the trees still have half their leaves, but what I raked filled the back of my truck. Remind me again how much I like trees. Check in later,

Glad you went to the party. Good to get out even if it was a little uncomfortable! Make yourself do these things! You just might meet someone special at one of these get-togethers. You never know!

Max was a sweetheart! We never witnessed one of his rampages, however! I know he made things tough for Joy and this is the 2nd husband she's had w/Alzheimer's! So, sad for her loss, and she will be lonely, but.... he is at peace, and he WAS 88 yrs old, so he lived a good life. I just wish his kids were a little nicer to Joy. She should be home tomorrow. Funeral was in San Diego today.

I am really annoyed because my temp went up again this afternoon. I am feeling so much better and don't understand this temp. I guess I will have to go to urgent care. Wanted to go to outing w/Red Hats tomorrow and lunch at Elephant Bar.

Don't know what to say about your Mom. That is so mean!! She must have some serious self-esteem issues... and guilt about her parenting, to have to say such awful things to her kids!! Was listening to Dr. Laura talk to someone on the radio the other day about their "difficult" mother. Wish I could remember her advice... but it was mostly, ignore it and smother her with love!! That's hard when someone is being so nasty!

Good Morning Gang !!! Surpirse it's me ;0) Having a great time w/my sis -- made her ck dumpling Soup yesterday - today we are going over later to bbq

she weighs 152 lbs between her quitting smoking & eat whole choc cakes and bags of Cookies - the steroids she's quite puffy - I have never ever seen her this way - it took a minute to get use to it - will have pic later - I guess she's on a high dose of steroids - which makes her able to breath but when they lower it - that will be the test - my bro in law say that she's in the final stage - I guess they can't keep her on high dose.. But we are having a good visit..

Been falling a sleep around8-9 up yesterday at 7:30 when Andrew called - he got moved in - can't wait to see his apt.

Debbie's being Mom while I'm gone to Andrew & my fur babies - she helped him move yesterday as she had a truck - i need to figure out something to say thank you..

Phyl - Hugs on Max - Sorry those kids aren't cool w/the #2 wife that sad.. How's the neck?? They dye was for your hips/back right - but you won't know the results for a couple of weeks if I remember.. Hell my neck hurts all the time - I carry my stress there,,

Friday I went to sit in a chair out in the garage at my sis - well it had wheels I didn't know that and fell flat on my butt - omg I thought I broke my tail bone - and wrist - but luckly it's ok - butt still sore - but I dont think any damage done.

Karla - i beat you didn't eat that bad - now a days when we over do it - we think it's just terrible - when in all reality it wasn't (most times)

Candice - WTG for sticking w/program,.. Once you get the sugar out of your system it's not that hard - but skim milk and Jello - no thank you - pineapple in red jello and l like sf blackberry jello,.

Well typin on Joseph's laptop not easy - just want to pop in

Hugs to all will be home Monday... xoxoxox Janet -

So glad your visit is going so well!

Ouch on the chair w/wheels!!!

Hope your butt recovers soon! LOL


Now that Andrew is in DHS, you'll be going there more often!! We can meet at Starbucks!!! LOL Glad Deb was able to fill in for you and help him move.

Dye/MRI was last 15 minutes... somehow helps visualize whatever it is they're trying to see! This was lower spine, and neck since I was having all that neck pain last week. It took SOOOO long!! And no earphones and piped in music. All they gave me was valium and earplugs to help me through it!! And they screwed up the I.V. big time. My arm was wrapped up in red bandages in three different places when I left!!

I thought jello wouldn't jell if you put pineapple in it??


Such a beautiful day here!! Awful storm we were supposed to get this weekend never materialized. Just a little wind yesterday and it blew all the clouds away. It's nie and warm and sunny today!

Candice, what was I thinking???? Hopefully the leaves will finish dropping soon, because I'm not raking them until they are done!

Took the furries for a walk, they were pooped half way around our loop. I haven't exercised them enough. I have this dream that they will sleep through the trick or treaters...yeah right.

I make a fake pumpkin pie today. Used FF condensed milk, egg beaters, splenda, and a skimpy bottom layer of crushed ginger cookies, lets just say pretty close to devine. Well okay, not devine, devine is REAL pumpkin pie with REAL whip cream. But it will satisfy the sweet tooth I'm currently battling. Plus...it's a veggie...right?

Janet, safe trip home.

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I make a fake pumpkin pie today. Used FF condensed milk, egg beaters, splenda, and a skimpy bottom layer of crushed ginger Cookies, lets just say pretty close to devine. Well okay, not devine, devine is REAL pumpkin pie with REAL whip cream. But it will satisfy the sweet tooth I'm currently battling. Plus...it's a veggie...right? Janet, safe trip home.

That sounds good! We need recipe!!

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Janet, I missed that about you falling out of the chair, too bad you can't blame it on alcohol! You might be stiff tomorrow, so take some tylenol before going to bed.

Phyl Make sure that you tell us the results of your MRI. Yes, if the fever is still spiking you do need to go to urgent care.

On the pumpkin recipe, I just followed the pie recipe on the back of the can except substituted 1/2 of egg beaters for the 2 eggs, FF condensed milk instead of regular canned milk, and I used sun crystals for the sugar, but splenda will work as well. For the crust I melted 1 tablespoon of butter in the bottom of the pie plate, and sprinkled Anne's ginger thin crumbs over it, about 8 Cookies worth. I think graham cracker crumbs would probably be better, it was a littler gingery, but I like ginger. I baked it at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Like I said, I'd love whip cream on it, but I don't like coolwhip, so its better just to eat it naked.

The evening was okay, it just get stressed in a crowd of people I don't know. All my insecurities coming out.

Got about 6 boxes unpacked in my sewing room, I don't know if I will ever get it back in shape, it is so much smaller than my old one. But I can always take over one of the spare bedrooms, which I will once the kids decide what they are going to do. I think I'll put my featherweight upstairs this summer, so I can move it outside to quilt if I feel like it.

Well, I'm ignoring the trick or treaters, I know, kind of mean, but the furries would have to be locked up if I opened the door to them.

Candice, does Canada do halloween?

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Karla, oh yeah! We do Halloween.. bigtime»!!!! Neighbors do up the whole front lawn in cemetary style creppieness.. music piped in and the whole bit... the kids just love it. They start the decoration production right after Thanksgiving (oct 12th)

I make that fake pumpkin pie too. I just omit the crust and call it Pumpkin Custard.. I put it up in individual 3/4 cup servings ramkins. Then I only eat ONE!!! But I do like a dollpup of Cool Whip on mine.

Phyl, YES you can put pineapple in Jello... You just HAVE to use CANNED Pineapple, fresh fruit will NOT set ( don`t know why, it just wont) any ways, Fresh pineapple is so expensive in Canada, I always have canned in the cupboard. »My MOM was the Queen of Jello!!!! She`d shred carrot, celery, canned Pineapple, canned Mandarin Oranges... and put it all im togethere...

I also have this great recipe for Pistachio pudding, walnuts, pineapple, mini marshmellows, cherries OMG it is so good... not exactly BAND friennndly... but its still good... we serve it at Christmas time.

Edited by peaches9
moe stuff

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Janet, I missed that about you falling out of the chair, too bad you can't blame it on alcohol! You might be stiff tomorrow, so take some tylenol before going to bed.

Phyl Make sure that you tell us the results of your MRI. Yes, if the fever is still spiking you do need to go to urgent care.

On the pumpkin recipe, I just followed the pie recipe on the back of the can except substituted 1/2 of egg beaters for the 2 eggs, FF condensed milk instead of regular canned milk, and I used sun crystals for the sugar, but splenda will work as well. For the crust I melted 1 tablespoon of butter in the bottom of the pie plate, and sprinkled Anne's ginger thin crumbs over it, about 8 Cookies worth. I think graham cracker crumbs would probably be better, it was a littler gingery, but I like ginger. I baked it at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Like I said, I'd love whip cream on it, but I don't like coolwhip, so its better just to eat it naked.

The evening was okay, it just get stressed in a crowd of people I don't know. All my insecurities coming out.

Got about 6 boxes unpacked in my sewing room, I don't know if I will ever get it back in shape, it is so much smaller than my old one. But I can always take over one of the spare bedrooms, which I will once the kids decide what they are going to do. I think I'll put my featherweight upstairs this summer, so I can move it outside to quilt if I feel like it.

Well, I'm ignoring the trick or treaters, I know, kind of mean, but the furries would have to be locked up if I opened the door to them.

Candice, does Canada do halloween?

CanadaInfo: Symbols, Facts, & Lists: Holidays


and speaking of Holidays, our next holiday is NOVEMBER 11th, our Remembrance Day. Check out this link, it is fantastic!!


Edited by peaches9
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Candice, it is the acid in fresh pineapple that keeps it from setting. Jello with veggies....I have always disliked that. Actually I don't eat jello much, it is a texture thing. I use to love jello, but when I was pregnant with DD#1 I threw up jello, lets just say, jello up the nose, not cool. My favorite was always jello with bananas.

I don't think I was ever too much into Halloween. probably because it meant my parents were at the bar and I'd have to sit in the car till they were done. Man, I am into bashing parents this week, sorry.

This week is crazy, end of quarter 1, paper due, labs in all my classes, and hope to go to Idaho to see DD#2. But that is only if I get my paper done.

Well best go, Phyl, let us know what the MRI shows, did you go to the doc?

Oh Candice, one of the boxes I opened was my UFO's, Un Finished Objects...yeah I don't need to go quilt shopping.

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How big a trip is it to drive to Idaho to see DD#2???

SOunds like FUN


Calories SUnday,

Edited by peaches9
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Candice, it is about a 6 hour drive to Idaho Falls, IF you follow the speed limit, which I rarely do. Usually I make it in 5 hours. I long time, but so worth it to see my girl. I miss her like crazy. But I miss all my girls.

Won't be in more than probably once in the morning and once in the evening for the next couple of days. Have a paper due, end of quarter is Thursday, so don't take it personally. But I will check in so I don't miss all the juicy gossip...HEY where is all the juicy gossip. Maybe I need to start a rumor about myself just to get everyone going?

Did get the furries walked tonight. Figured I needed it just as much as they did, plus then I can have a slice of my low cal pie, works for me!!!

Love you all,

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Well Karla, as soon as Janet and Linda get back I am sure we'll have lots of new HOT topics!!!

I guess we are giving up on Stephanie and Karri?????

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Candice, unfortunately it does sound like Karri & Steph are not going to post. Hopefully they are reading and working at staying healthy. A sad loss.

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Candice, unfortunately it does sound like Karri & Steph are not going to post. Hopefully they are reading and working at staying healthy. A sad loss.
Well Karla, as soon as Janet and Linda get back I am sure we'll have lots of new HOT topics!!!

I guess we are giving up on Stephanie and Karri?????

Yeah~! Miss them!

Candice, it is about a 6 hour drive to Idaho Falls, IF you follow the speed limit, which I rarely do. Usually I make it in 5 hours. I long time, but so worth it to see my girl. I miss her like crazy. But I miss all my girls.

Won't be in more than probably once in the morning and once in the evening for the next couple of days. Have a paper due, end of quarter is Thursday, so don't take it personally. But I will check in so I don't miss all the juicy gossip...HEY where is all the juicy gossip. Maybe I need to start a rumor about myself just to get everyone going?

Did get the furries walked tonight. Figured I needed it just as much as they did, plus then I can have a slice of my low cal pie, works for me!!! Love you all,

We will miss you!!

Here's a hot topic! Went to outpt clinic today. They found usual arthritic changes for my age on MRI report (online after Frid tests), urine clear, no obvious infx, everything A- ok... probably viral thing going on. So.. came home annd drank wine with the neighbors all afternoon. About 9:30 p..m., became "alert" again and asked about dinner. Earl said I had hamburger patty and peas. Okay. Whatever! If that's what's in the fridge.. it was more like a salt burger! I definitely had too much wine tonight. Depressed because RN/NP says nothing wrong and I still feel like crap, so Rx was bottle of Merlot! I'm bad! If I don't feel better in the morning, ????

I will go to Water aerobics, whatever is going on, then beading classes starting tomorrow at 11 a.m., then appt at women's clinic for PAP smear at 1:30 p.m., then while I am over there at clinic again, need to get x-rays neuro dr. ordered taken care of before appt. next week. At which time he is going to tell me, usual changes for my age w/some nerve impingement on one side.. which is causing sciatic type pain/tingling in the left foot! SHIT!!

I want to run away. Casino trip?? Shopping?? Need a distraction! Janet.... where are you???

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Ah Phyl, there is nothing more frustrating that feeling crappy and there being nothing the dr. can find. It doesn't mean there is nothing, just the docs couldn't find it. crap. So what did the doc say about your fever? just viral on that is well? As they say, getting older is not for whimps. So what is the next plan of attach? Get the x-ray done and go from there. You can't live in pain all the time, let the doc know how it is impacting your life. how exercise is difficult with the pain. Insist that they find a solution. You go girl, we are right behind you, ducking naturally, but behind you none the less.

Phyl han

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sorry, the cat hit the post button,

Phyl, hang in there, this will get fixed so you can get on with your life!!

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Hi, Just a quick post to let you know that I'm back. Punta Cana was wonderful. Beautiful property and beach; food not so good, so I didn't overeat; but drinks, well, that's another story :) Staff much friendlier in Mexico. Overall, I prefer Rivera Maya--a lot shorter ride all cramped up in an airplane. Yesterday was a rude awakening--back to work--millions of emails and all of that. . .

I hope to be able to "catch up" on your posts from last week. I do know from FB that Candice had a sad week, I'm so sorry. It was just about a year ago that we did the same to Katie. Soooooo sad. Didn't you have Woody put down last year too?

Phyl--sounds like you're still having issues. Now a fever? What about your grandson who was injured playing FB? I caught a bit of the Packer game in the airport in Punta Cana--not so many points for Aaron this week? At least it looks like he wasn't injured too badly. What about the Vikings? Brett pulled out, and yesterday I head they let Randy Moss go. Not that I like the Vikings, but THAT was a good decision!

Janet--how are things going with your sister? Are we still on for March 14? I better start looking for flights. . . Always gotta have something to look forward to!

Karla--how are your classes? Still struggling with APA? And your daughters? What's up with them? Are you still wroking outside, or is it too cold now? I must say that while it's in the 50's here, it was refreshing after 90's and 100% humidity! Actually, the weather was tolerable at the beach, but our room was musty-smelling and no air movement at all except for the barely working AC. It was beautifully decorated however.

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