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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, I read once (who knows how accurate) that a simple test for meningitis was whether you could touch your chin to your chest. Keep an eye on it. Let us know how the MRI goes.

Won't be going anywhere this weekend. The in-laws beat me to going to DD#2's in Idaho. Okay technically I said I was coming first, but my daughter doesn't have what it takes to tell them no, so I'm out. I guess I will use the time to start my next paper, start working on my sewing room.

Definitely coming home and taking a nap after work, a bit tired this morning. You all have a good day

I can do the chin test and I don't have a headache. Turning the head side to side is what hurts, but it's much better today. But just saw myself in the mirror and the cheeks are all rosy again. Afraid temp is trying to go up again.

MRI/X-Rays at 2pm today. Earl thinks I should go to urgent care, too. We'll see. Missed two happy hour parties, impromptu ones, this week, and probably will miss Oktoberfest/pot luck & talent show tonight. You know I"m a party animal and this is getting frustrating. One of my best buddies, Jim, and his wife, Barb, came in from Oregon yesterday and all I could do was wave to him through the door! He has an immune deficiency disease so I don't dare get close until this is gone!

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I can do the chin test and I don't have a headache. Turning the head side to side is what hurts, but it's much better today. But just saw myself in the mirror and the cheeks are all rosy again. Afraid temp is trying to go up again.

MRI/X-Rays at 2pm today. Earl thinks I should go to urgent care, too. We'll see. Missed two happy hour parties, impromptu ones, this week, and probably will miss Oktoberfest/pot luck & talent show tonight. You know I"m a party animal and this is getting frustrating. One of my best buddies, Jim, and his wife, Barb, came in from Oregon yesterday and all I could do was wave to him through the door! He has an immune deficiency disease so I don't dare get close until this is gone!

Keep us posted when you get back from the MRI... HUGS

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What a wonderful nap, under a quilt with 2 furries, nothing to worry about!! Pretty much heaven. Now enjoying my latte and a little Criminal Minds.

Nothing much planned for the evening. Some dinner and and possibly starting next week's paper...that's life.

Candice, how are you and Peter doing? I could send you Jordan and Molly who just successfully destuffed their dog bed. Why do I buy them soft things to lay on while I'm at work. grrrrrr.

Oh, so it is just going to be you, me, Phil, and hopefully Linda.

Okay Candice...think health, protien, veggies, fruit...clear the carbs from you system.

latte time, be back,

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What a wonderful nap, under a quilt with 2 furries, nothing to worry about!! Pretty much heaven. Now enjoying my latte and a little Criminal Minds.

Nothing much planned for the evening. Some dinner and and possibly starting next week's paper...that's life.

Candice, how are you and Peter doing? I could send you Jordan and Molly who just successfully destuffed their dog bed. Why do I buy them soft things to lay on while I'm at work. grrrrrr.

Oh, so it is just going to be you, me, Phil, and hopefully Linda.

Okay Candice...think health, protien, veggies, fruit...clear the carbs from you system.

latte time, be back,

thanks Karla; Im not eliminating carbs, just cutting them WAY down... and not eating CRAP!!! No sugar now for a week... yeah, I didn`t die LOL

gonna go tally my scores for today and then I`ll post them.. Oh, my voice is startign to come back.


Edited by peaches9

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Morning ladies, hope you all slept well. It's the weekend!!

What is everyone plans?

I actually hope to start putting my quilting room together. I hope anyway, I'll let you all know.

Got the munchies last night and it wasn't pretty. Cruised for food all night, unfortunately ended up finding some. Man I hate when I do that!

I'll check in later.

Phyl, hows the neck? and Earl?

Candice I thought you were going out of town this weekend?

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MRI went fine but took a LONG time. Over 90 minutes in that stupid tube. Fortunately, I asked for a sedative first so they gave me 10 mg. Valium. They did have trouble with my I.V. Got it in right away, but when they went to inject the dye the last 15 minutes, it hurt and I knew things weren't right. Not a sting, but hurt. So they called in the R.N. and yes, vein was blown. So she went to my left wrist. Put in a butterfly and blew another vein. Didn't drink much because I didn't want to have to pee while I was in there, so may have just collapsed. But she finally got a butterfly in the right wrist and injected the dye. So I came out of there with RED wraps in THREE places. Earl wanted to know WTH they did to me!! Getting up and down from that table hurt like heck... my neck! But they put extra padding under it and I was fairly comfortable.

I was going to go to urgent care afterward, but it was so late and I was so worn out after that we just went out to eat and went home. We won't talk about dinner at Tony Roma's! I wasn't good. I guess I needed comfort food at that point. And I felt so "deprived" because we were obviously too late to go to pot luck at the park I'd been looking forward to. Yearly Oktoberfest when everyone dresses up in costumes. But... I was too sick to go anyway!

But I am feeling SO much better this morning. No fever last night and neck is just a little sore on the left side. I think it WAS a virus and it's going away, finally!

Funeral for our friend and neighbor, Max, is tomorrow afternoon in San Diego. We're not going to go because Joy is having a Memorial service here at the park next Saturday. Anyway, I'm not sure I could be civil to his family! Email from his daughter that Joy forwarded to me stated how stressed she and her brothers had been the last few months since Max started to deteriorate... not her exact words, but that was the jist of it, and how relieved they were that he is finally at peace with their mother. NO mention of Joy. They've been married 8 yrs, so he was 80 when they got married, but you didn't have to be around them very long to see how very much they loved each other. It's not like she married him for his money. He didn't have any! And he LOVED to go on cruises and they probably went on 6 or 8 of them during those years, all paid for my her. All he had was SS because he was self employed. She told Earl his income was $900 a month! And she lost that plus $1000 a month of her own money when his kids put him in the nursing home! We went out to lunch with 6 of them a couple of weeks ago when we took her over to Santa Ana to see him. They seemed nice enough, but I don't know how she can be so tolerant of how they treat her! She said his three kids chipped in and helped pay for his first wife's funeral but she was concerned that they might not help her pay for this one. Okay... done venting about that! I'm going to post a couple of pictures... our visit in Santa Ana a few weeks ago and last years' Oktoberfest. Joy always went out or her way with their costumes and Max won 1st place last three years in a row! Those "Grumpy" boxers he's wearing.. I bought him for his birthday a couple of years ago!

Earl is doing okay but ears still bothering him and he is fed up with the constant sinus drainage! Headaches are pretty much gone, though!! :thumbup:

So... Karla, I don't have any plans for the weekend either. Just you and I and Candice here. Janet up north, Linda should be getting back from MX, though. Hugs!






Edited by phyllser

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Morning ladies, hope you all slept well. It's the weekend!!

What is everyone plans?

I actually hope to start putting my quilting room together. I hope anyway, I'll let you all know.

Got the munchies last night and it wasn't pretty. Cruised for food all night, unfortunately ended up finding some. Man I hate when I do that!

I'll check in later.

Phyl, hows the neck? and Earl?

Candice I thought you were going out of town this weekend?

that;s right Karla, i was going out of town FABRIC shopping in Michigan. However, my GF`s mother had a small stroke and she had to go running to Toronto to check on her. So its off for this weekend, but we were both so disappointed that we vowed to go again soon!!! While the driving weather is still good.

One nights slip with food shouldnt be too bad, dont beat yourself up... what would you SAY to ME if the shoe was on the other foot. You would treat me with kindness, but support my healthier choices... right? Hang in there.

I hope you get your quilting room together today! That is always fun, arranging, touching, looking at ALL your fabric.. Gosh I have so much already, why I`m going to Michigan is BEYOND me... oh ya, its for SALLY`s Benefit... not mine:rolleyes::smile2: :) :thumbup: :(

Since it looks like we`ll both be home tonight.. why not lets SKYPE ea other and have a good long chat.. (as long as my little voice holds out) thankfully its getting a bit better.

I took Bridget to the BEACH today for a nice loong romp.. I`ll put up the pictures in a moment.





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MRI went fine but took a LONG time. Over 90 minutes in that stupid tube. Fortunately, I asked for a sedative first so they gave me 10 mg. Valium. They did have trouble with my I.V. Got it in right away, but when they went to inject the dye the last 15 minutes, it hurt and I knew things weren't right. Not a sting, but hurt. So they called in the R.N. and yes, vein was blown. So she went to my left wrist. Put in a butterfly and blew another vein. Didn't drink much because I didn't want to have to pee while I was in there, so may have just collapsed. But she finally got a butterfly in the right wrist and injected the dye. So I came out of there with RED wraps in THREE places. Earl wanted to know WTH they did to me!! Getting up and down from that table hurt like heck... my neck! But they put extra padding under it and I was fairly comfortable.

you poor thing. I hate those machines... always feel a little claustraphobic I guess. Why did they have to inject DYE?? I am curious about that.. was it because of the band?

I was going to go to urgent care afterward, but it was so late and I was so worn out after that we just went out to eat and went home. We won't talk about dinner at Tony Roma's! I wasn't good. I guess I needed comfort food at that point. And I felt so "deprived" because we were obviously too late to go to pot luck at the park I'd been looking forward to. Yearly Oktoberfest when everyone dresses up in costumes. But... I was too sick to go anyway!

Hey, after what you went thru yesterday, you deserved Tony ROma`s...!!! HUGS

But I am feeling SO much better this morning. No fever last night and neck is just a little sore on the left side. I think it WAS a virus and it's going away, finally!

Yup, sounds like a virus for sure... and that`s better than some of the other posssibilities... it is just so hard waiting THEM out... cause you feel so crappy.

Funeral for our friend and neighbor, Max, is tomorrow afternoon in San Diego. We're not going to go because Joy is having a Memorial service here at the park next Saturday. Anyway, I'm not sure I could be civil to his family! Email from his daughter that Joy forwarded to me stated how stressed she and her brothers had been the last few months since Max started to deteriorate... not her exact words, but that was the jist of it, and how relieved they were that he is finally at peace with their mother. NO mention of Joy. They've been married 8 yrs, so he was 80 when they got married, but you didn't have to be around them very long to see how very much they loved each other. It's not like she married him for his money. He didn't have any! And he LOVED to go on cruises and they probably went on 6 or 8 of them during those years, all paid for my her. All he had was SS because he was self employed. She told Earl his income was $900 a month! And she lost that plus $1000 a month of her own money when his kids put him in the nursing home! We went out to lunch with 6 of them a couple of weeks ago when we took her over to Santa Ana to see him. They seemed nice enough, but I don't know how she can be so tolerant of how they treat her! She said his three kids chipped in and helped pay for his first wife's funeral but she was concerned that they might not help her pay for this one. Okay... done venting about that!

Its o.k. kids are brats!!! You KNOW how much they loved each other and they had Quality years... that`s the blessing.

So... Karla, I don't have any plans for the weekend either. Just you and I and Candice here. Janet up north, Linda should be getting back from MX, though. Hugs!

Great, lets all GROUP Skype tonight??? what do you think??

I am planning TILAPIA done is Corn Flake Crumbs and EVOO tonight, 400 cals. but its gonna be divine!!!! Plus I`ve beern making Jello to beat the band... on another thread someone suggested instead of the 2nd cup of cold Water, use Diet Soda, flavor of choice... so I am really excited to try that!!

I make SKIM MILK JELLO last night....:thumbup: it was o.k. Peter didn`t like it at all... I could always break out some Lowfat Cream cheese and put that in for something different.

I am just trying to stay away from salty cruncy stull... I cannot eat 2 cups of popcorn, I just want more... so I`ve laid off of that and SUGGERY stuff... down about 6 lbs so far...

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Oh and I bought myself a REWARD for Wk One... in Walmart on the way home from the beach. Picked up 2 turtle necks, 1 Royal BLUE, oone PURPLE strip.. and 2 fuzzy zipper-up vests that match!!! Whoo-hoo a whole $40 bucks blown!!! They are in the wash now, I`ll put one on tomorrow!!

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Great, lets all GROUP Skype tonight??? what do you think??

I am planning TILAPIA done is Corn Flake Crumbs and EVOO tonight, 400 cals. but its gonna be divine!!!! Plus I`ve beern making Jello to beat the band... on another thread someone suggested instead of the 2nd cup of cold Water, use Diet Soda, flavor of choice... so I am really excited to try that!!

I make SKIM MILK JELLO last night....:thumbup: it was o.k. Peter didn`t like it at all... I could always break out some Lowfat Cream cheese and put that in for something different.

I am just trying to stay away from salty cruncy stull... I cannot eat 2 cups of popcorn, I just want more... so I`ve laid off of that and SUGGERY stuff... down about 6 lbs so far...

Good for you! I had a glass of wine at Tony's last night... well aware that I'd had valium 3 hrs before!! It was VERY relaxing! They have a special deal now... $25 for dinner for two. You get one appetizer, two Entrees and two deserts. So we had potato skins, I had shrimp scampi and we shared a key lime tart and an apple tart. That sounds healthy, huh??? Well, not so much! But I ate the whole thing... I think I need a fill. WE passed up the bread, so there was nothing to plug me up and I ate really slow and sipped on my wine as I ate and it all slid down so nicely!! You do really stupid things when you're feeling sick and deprived and sorry for yourself because of a week of misery!

So what time tonight are you thinking of skyping??? I'm up for it. I can send Earl off to the pool so it doesn't annoy him!! LOL

29_4_23.gif 11_9_10.gif

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You have to go back and look at my first post because I edited it and added some photos of Joy & Max.

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You have to go back and look at my first post because I edited it and added some photos of Joy & Max.

Ah Phyl those pictures are pricless! He looks like such a sweetie! Joy will miss him terribly, I am glad she is having a memorial too at the park,. it will be filled with people who LOVED THEM BOTH, the brats won`t be there to ruin it for her.

Skype, humm how about 6:30 or 7 p.m. YOUR time... would that be 8 for Karla, and 9 for me???

oh crap, I just PB`d my tiny lunch of 8 saltine crackers w/ cheese slice

Edited by peaches9

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Sorry folks I missed the Skype. I made myself go to the Halloween party, but It was huge, probably 30 people. So I ate and came home. Too many people and they were all couples. Just depressed me. Can I blame that for the piece of cheese cake I ate? No, food sucked yesterday. I came home at 8:30. I just don't handle crouds of people that I don't know. Everyone was nice, but I only knew the people that gave the party.

Phyl, I love the pics of your friends, they both seem happy. So sad.

Candice, Bridget looks like she is having a blast.

Called my sister yesterday and wished her a happy birthday. I guess my mother emailed her about how difficults she was as a teenager and how she was surprised that she made it 56 years. Mom also commented on how hard it was on dad that my sister was difficult. Didn't even wish her happy birthday. My sister let it sit for a day and then responded that she was having a hard time since this was the first birthday without dad. Mom emailed that she guessed she was being self centered. I don't even want to think about what I'll get as a greeting for my birthday. Because I moved out when I was 14 and got married when I was 16, had my first child when I was 18. So I am sure that I was a real disappointment all around. Sometimes I just don't like my mother. She always says rude things like, "you would be better off dead", "if abortion would have been legal, you wouldn't be here", thanks mom, love you to.

Sorry just a bit of a pity party.

Raked up all my leaves and hauled them off. Will have to do it again in a couple of weeks, the trees still have half their leaves, but what I raked filled the back of my truck. Remind me again how much I like trees.

Check in later,

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Good Morning Gang !!! Surpirse it's me ;0)

Having a great time w/my sis -- made her ck dumpling Soup yesterday - today we are going over later to bbq

she weighs 152 lbs between her quiting smoking & eat whole choc cakes and bags of Cookies - the steriods she's quite puffy - I have never ever seen her this way - it took a minute to get use to it - will have pic later - I guess she's on a high dose of steriods - which makes her able to breath but when they lower it - that will be the test - my bro in law say that she's in the final stage - I guess they can't keep her on high dose.. But we are having a good visit..

Been falling a sleep around8-9 up yesterday at 7:30 when Andrew called - he got moved in - can't wait to see his apt.

Debbie's being Mom while I'm gone to Andrew & my fur babies - she helped him move yesterday as she had a truck - i need to figure out something to say thank you..

Phyl - Hugs on Max - Sorry those kids aren't cool w/the #2 wife that sad.. How's the neck?? They dye was for your hips/back right - but you won't know the results for a couple of weeks if I remember.. Hell my neck hurts all the time - I carry my stress there,,

Friday I went to sit in a chair out in the gagrage at my sis - well it had wheels I didn't know that and fell flat on my butt - omg I thought I broke my tail bone - and wrist - but luckly it's ok - butt still sore - but I dont think any damage done.

Karla - i beat you didn't eat that bad - now a days when we over do it - we think it's just terrible - when in all reality it wasn't (most times)

Candice - WTG for sticking w/program,.. Once you get the sugar out of your system it's not that hard - but skim milk and Jello - no thank you - pinapple in red jello and l like sf blackberry jello,.

Welk typin on Joseph's laptop not easy - just want to pop in

Hugs to all will be home Monday...

xoxoxox Janet -

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Sorry folks I missed the Skype. I made myself go to the Halloween party, but It was huge, probably 30 people. So I ate and came home. Too many people and they were all couples. Just depressed me. Can I blame that for the piece of cheese cake I ate? No, food sucked yesterday. I came home at 8:30. I just don't handle crouds of people that I don't know. Everyone was nice, but I only knew the people that gave the party.

Phyl, I love the pics of your friends, they both seem happy. So sad.

It;s o.k. Phyl and I skyped, I am glad that you WENT OUT rather than stay home...

Candice, Bridget looks like she is having a blast.

Called my sister yesterday and wished her a happy birthday. I guess my mother emailed her about how difficults she was as a teenager and how she was surprised that she made it 56 years. Mom also commented on how hard it was on dad that my sister was difficult. Didn't even wish her happy birthday. My sister let it sit for a day and then responded that she was having a hard time since this was the first birthday without dad. Mom emailed that she guessed she was being self centered. I don't even want to think about what I'll get as a greeting for my birthday. Because I moved out when I was 14 and got married when I was 16, had my first child when I was 18. So I am sure that I was a real disappointment all around. Sometimes I just don't like my mother. She always says rude things like, "you would be better off dead", "if abortion would have been legal, you wouldn't be here", thanks mom, love you to.

Ah MOTHERS, they say the darndest things don't they? I am sure she dosn't mean to hurt - she just never had any good parenting skills. She was probably the result of bad parenting too. I don't know why when we only lived with our parents for say 14-17 yrs, that even TODAY their words still have power over us... I hate that too!!!

Sorry just a bit of a pity party.

Raked up all my leaves and hauled them off. Will have to do it again in a couple of weeks, the trees still have half their leaves, but what I raked filled the back of my truck. Remind me again how much I like trees.

Ha,ha,ha YES KARLA you are the TREE Planter extrodinaire!!! So suck it up buttercup!!! :-)

Check in later,

Remember, you offered to RAKE my leaves last year!!

Good Morning Gang !!! Surpirse it's me ;0)

Having a great time w/my sis -- made her ck dumpling Soup yesterday - today we are going over later to bbq

she weighs 152 lbs between her quiting smoking & eat whole choc cakes and bags of Cookies - the steriods she's quite puffy - I have never ever seen her this way - it took a minute to get use to it - will have pic later - I guess she's on a high dose of steriods - which makes her able to breath but when they lower it - that will be the test - my bro in law say that she's in the final stage - I guess they can't keep her on high dose.. But we are having a good visit..

Ah so glad you were able to check in.

Been falling a sleep around8-9 up yesterday at 7:30 when Andrew called - he got moved in - can't wait to see his apt.

Debbie's being Mom while I'm gone to Andrew & my fur babies - she helped him move yesterday as she had a truck - i need to figure out something to say thank you..

Phyl - Hugs on Max - Sorry those kids aren't cool w/the #2 wife that sad.. How's the neck?? They dye was for your hips/back right - but you won't know the results for a couple of weeks if I remember.. Hell my neck hurts all the time - I carry my stress there,,

Friday I went to sit in a chair out in the gagrage at my sis - well it had wheels I didn't know that and fell flat on my butt - omg I thought I broke my tail bone - and wrist - but luckly it's ok - butt still sore - but I dont think any damage done.

Karla - i beat you didn't eat that bad - now a days when we over do it - we think it's just terrible - when in all reality it wasn't (most times)

Candice - WTG for sticking w/program,.. Once you get the sugar out of your system it's not that hard - but skim milk and Jello - no thank you - pinapple in red jello and l like sf blackberry jello,.

Welk typin on Joseph's laptop not easy - just want to pop in

Hugs to all will be home Monday...

xoxoxox Janet -

Have a great rest of your visit with SIS, We love you and miss you !!!!

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