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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Yep, work, home, shower, laundry, homework. I definitely can say that my tightness is stress. I was fine until I started writing my paper. Almost immediately I got tight and started PBing foam. Got up and did a little yoga and things relaxed a bit. Not enough to eat, but enough to drink. So I am going to get more into the yoga, if it stops me from having an unfill. My doc is out of town all week except for Monday, and I can't make it to Kalispell in Monday.

Well I thought this was my last weekend at work. But my boss asked me to still work on Saturdays, ah hell, I couldn't say no. But at least it is only one day. I can put the $$ in the saving account for my surgery.

Oh, guess what, DD#2 said that they are THINKING about starting a family. They recently bought they family mobile. So maybe soon I will have a grandchild on the way!!!

Yeah, where in the heck is Candice, Steph, & Linda?

Well back to the paper, TTFN

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Good Morning

Hugs on being so tight Karla.. It's the pits when you can't eat..

How cool that you may be a GM soon ;O)..

Well not much to report - watched tv had dinner - went to bed - up and starting a new week - at least it's a short one - Friday is my FF and going to Vegas..

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Catching up and checking in: Janet's making me jealous with that weather report--40's here (well at night anyway). Daytime--60's. Actually, it's quite beautiful--trees starting to turn, and since we had such a wet summer everything that's not turning (grass, evergreens) is deep dark green green. We're going to drive to Minneapolis the weekend after next (9th). Hope the trees hold out--should be a georgous drive.

Mel's biopsy is scheduled for the 7th. He's going to have about 15 lipomas removed at the same time. Going to be a challenge. . .

Mindy's comming home Thursday--actually flying to MKE today or tomorrow for a conference, then staying here for the weekend. Sure am lookoing forward to having my shopping buddy back for a weekend! (Cora's a buddy in training). So a busier than normal couple of weeks for me.

Looking for updates from Candice, Steph, and Karri. . .


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So Happy to hear that Mels biopsy is scheduled.... Ive been reading about flooding in Wis... are you guys o.k. in She???

Janet; I am here, I was just away over the weekend, so I missedf some of the new tv shows :-( But I did see the one with Jimmy Smits and Detroit 187 ... both are GOOD!!!

Way busy today. Had ELECTION training today... all day... oh my brain is full.... I work on election day only, Oct 25th.. Peter has to work the advance poll as well... ha,ha,ha... Oh well, its our civic duty right?

We are using a voting machine that is made in the US so a guy came up from FLA to train us... He was really funny and made it go smoother than was anticipated... He assured us that there would be No HANGING CHADS... LOL we teased him alot!

Think Peter is taking me to Swiss Chalet for chicken dinner... yumm, I am starved. ... Protien bars and Pro shakes today so far... gotta start being accountable again.

Hope Earl is feeling better soon.... and Karla. look after your tummy, dosn't sound like you are getting enough to eat:bored:

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Yep, work, home, shower, laundry, homework. I definitely can say that my tightness is stress. I was fine until I started writing my paper. Almost immediately I got tight and started PBing foam. Got up and did a little yoga and things relaxed a bit. Not enough to eat, but enough to drink. So I am going to get more into the yoga, if it stops me from having an unfill. My doc is out of town all week except for Monday, and I can't make it to Kalispell in Monday.

Well I thought this was my last weekend at work. But my boss asked me to still work on Saturdays, ah hell, I couldn't say no. But at least it is only one day. I can put the $$ in the saving account for my surgery.

Oh, guess what, DD#2 said that they are THINKING about starting a family. They recently bought they family mobile. So maybe soon I will have a grandchild on the way!!!

Yeah, where in the heck is Candice, Steph, & Linda?

Well back to the paper, TTFN

Congrats on the grandchild possibilities!!! My sister is coming unglued today... been wanting grandchildren for SO long... all her kids in their 30's but only two married.. she finally has grandbabies..... TWINS born today, Baby Girl A and Baby Boy B is all we know so far! My nephew is a pediatric neurologist in SLC UT. My sister is dying because they say NO grandparents or visitors for TWO weeks so they can "bond" with their babies!! We're giving it couple of sleepless nights before they send out an S.O.S.!!


So you are continuing at the nursery for a while. Well, at least you seem to enjoy that.

Hope you can get that unfill soon!!!

Good Morning

Hugs on being so tight Karla.. It's the pits when you can't eat.. How cool that you may be a GM soon ;O)..

Well not much to report - watched tv had dinner - went to bed - up and starting a new week - at least it's a short one - Friday is my FF and going to Vegas..

Yep... FRIDAY!!! I am getting SO excited!! I was out ALL afternoon today by myself!! Did all my favorite DHS spots... Glossy, K-Mart, Burke's Outlet, Starbucks, plus stopped at the post office to mail some stuff and went to Von's and ATM to get some cash for Vegas! I wanted to get nails done, but the time I did all that it was after 3pm!! I didn't want to push it! So... I will do nails on Wed. or Thurs. Maybe my neighbor, Joy will go with me. She is so lonely. Had to put husband in Alzheimer's assisted living all the way over in Santa Ana and they don't want hr to come and see him for a month, or call him! But, yesterday was Sunday and apparently reduced supervision because HE called HER!! He is a sweetheart... high functioning dementia, but he has too many episodes of violent uncontrollable behavior. He flipped out when she had knee replacement this summer. Packed up all her clothes, etc. and then had an angry outburst a day or two after she got out of rehab. His son & grandchildren were here to watch over him, but that seemed to only aggravate him more. Too sad.

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Catching up and checking in: Janet's making me jealous with that weather report--40's here (well at night anyway). Daytime--60's. Actually, it's quite beautiful--trees starting to turn, and since we had such a wet summer everything that's not turning (grass, evergreens) is deep dark green green. We're going to drive to Minneapolis the weekend after next (9th). Hope the trees hold out --should be a gorgeous drive.

Mel's biopsy is scheduled for the 7th. He's going to have about 15 lipomas removed at the same time. Going to be a challenge. . .

Mindy's coming home Thursday--actually flying to MKE today or tomorrow for a conference, then staying here for the weekend. Sure am lookoing forward to having my shopping buddy back for a weekend! (Cora's a buddy in training). So a busier than normal couple of weeks for me.

Looking for updates from Candice, Steph, and Karri. . .


Don't get too jealous! 100+ is HOT!! Earl is staying holed up inside, but I've been out and about, especially today. Yes, I sweat a lot... especially trying on a bathing suit in my favorite store and their a/c was down!! Guy was getting it turned back on, but not soon enough for me. She had to give me a wet paper towel when I was done!! So now I have two new suits. She only had two in the style I like in my size. So I bought one last week and went back and got another today. I tried on one otehr style with a skirt, but, I didn't like it. Told her if I get to where I need another and she has none of the empire waist style that I like (Maxine suit), then I'll buy the other style. But it seems to emphasize the roll of fat at my tummy! Empire waist hides it a little.

So.... GLAD that Mel finally has his biopsy/surgery date!

And... YES, hope those Packers do well tonight because QB is my Fantasy team QB!!! I need more points! And... HOW ABOUT those SEAHAWKS yesterday!!!

Way busy today. Had ELECTION training today... all day... oh my brain is full.... I work on election day only, Oct 25th.. Peter has to work the advance poll as well... ha,ha,ha... Oh well, its our civic duty right?

We are using a voting machine that is made in the US so a guy came up from FLA to train us... He was really funny and made it go smoother than was anticipated... He assured us that there would be No HANGING CHADS... LOL we teased him alot!

Think Peter is taking me to Swiss Chalet for chicken dinner... yumm, I am starved. ... Protein Bars and Pro shakes today so far... gotta start being accountable again.

Hope Earl is feeling better soon.... and Karla. look after your tummy, doesn't sound like you are getting enough to eat:bored:


Yeah, watch out for those hanging chads!! LOL

Swiss Chalet! Isn't that where we got those watchamacallits... fries with the gravy and cheese or something??!! MMMMM!

Earl is feeling a little better but won't leave the RV after Water aerobics in the morning until it cools off!! He's been inside under the a/c for two days.. ALL DAY!!

Zoey and I are taking a couple of scooter rides each day... morning and evening. Last night i took her to the dog park to play ball, but other ladies showed up with male dogs and then she was enjoying the attention too much to play! And she was a little intimidated, so she stayed close and got NO exercise at all. So we had to play catch when we got back in the RV which really annoys Earl!!


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So Phyl, when does Earl FINALLY have a doc appointment this week? He better get better before Vegas or you will leave him behind an pick up a young pup!!!

Did Yoga today after school. It is amazing how it relaxes my band and allows me to eat. My doc is out of town until next week, and the Zantac seems to help as well as the yoga. Had a Protein smoothie for Breakfast, about 1/2 c lentil Soup and a piece of cheese for lunch. dinner is some taco soup. I did have some pbing with lunch, but the vomiting is better. Okay, I'll fess up...I'm terrified to get an unfill. I'll just get fat again. Irrational, silly, yep all of the above!! We will see.

Linda, glad Mel is getting his biopsy done. Hang in there.

Candice it sounds like a whole lot of work for 1 day of voting booth monitoring. And yep, we can send our hanging chads you way. Does each of your individual votes count or do you have an electorial college. We all know how well that worked for us. Humm,,,should we say Gore won the election....Oh that's right Florida was the swing state and who was the govenor of Florida...ah that's right Bush. Sorry, I usually don't get political, but I am still ticked off about that, so I apologize to all the Republicans I just offended, don't take it personally, it just is that sometimes our country is an embarrasment.

Well, my paper is calling my name...

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Catching up and checking in: Janet's making me jealous with that weather report--40's here (well at night anyway). Daytime--60's. Actually, it's quite beautiful--trees starting to turn, and since we had such a wet summer everything that's not turning (grass, evergreens) is deep dark green green. We're going to drive to Minneapolis the weekend after next (9th). Hope the trees hold out--should be a georgous drive.

Mel's biopsy is scheduled for the 7th. He's going to have about 15 lipomas removed at the same time. Going to be a challenge. . .

Mindy's comming home Thursday--actually flying to MKE today or tomorrow for a conference, then staying here for the weekend. Sure am lookoing forward to having my shopping buddy back for a weekend! (Cora's a buddy in training). So a busier than normal couple of weeks for me.

Looking for updates from Candice, Steph, and Karri. . .


Linda - Glad you are cking in more often :0) - Where are the lipomas - I had to look them up cuz I didn't know what they were.. I think I have something like that in my finger - it doesn't cause any pain but in my index finger i have like a cyst..

Well know we are sending our love and prayers..

Lol Cora shopping buddy in training ;0)..

So Happy to hear that Mels biopsy is scheduled.... Ive been reading about flooding in Wis... are you guys o.k. in She???

Janet; I am here, I was just away over the weekend, so I missedf some of the new tv shows :-( But I did see the one with Jimmy Smits and Detroit 187 ... both are GOOD!!!

Way busy today. Had ELECTION training today... all day... oh my brain is full.... I work on election day only, Oct 25th.. Peter has to work the advance poll as well... ha,ha,ha... Oh well, its our civic duty right?

We are using a voting machine that is made in the US so a guy came up from FLA to train us... He was really funny and made it go smoother than was anticipated... He assured us that there would be No HANGING CHADS... LOL we teased him alot!

Think Peter is taking me to Swiss Chalet for chicken dinner... yumm, I am starved. ... Protien bars and Pro shakes today so far... gotta start being accountable again.

Hope Earl is feeling better soon.... and Karla. look after your tummy, dosn't sound like you are getting enough to eat:bored:

Candice - Sure glad you are back on the wagon ;0)

Sounds like fun - your voting duty.. Interesting at least..

Congrats on the grandchild possibilities!!! My sister is coming unglued today... been wanting grandchildren for SO long... all her kids in their 30's but only two married.. she finally has grandbabies..... TWINS born today, Baby Girl A and Baby Boy B is all we know so far! My nephew is a pediatric neurologist in SLC UT. My sister is dying because they say NO grandparents or visitors for TWO weeks so they can "bond" with their babies!! We're giving it couple of sleepless nights before they send out an S.O.S.!!


So you are continuing at the nursery for a while. Well, at least you seem to enjoy that.

Hope you can get that unfill soon!!!

Yep... FRIDAY!!! I am getting SO excited!! I was out ALL afternoon today by myself!! Did all my favorite DHS spots... Glossy, K-Mart, Burke's Outlet, Starbucks, plus stopped at the post office to mail some stuff and went to Von's and ATM to get some cash for Vegas! I wanted to get nails done, but the time I did all that it was after 3pm!! I didn't want to push it! So... I will do nails on Wed. or Thurs. Maybe my neighbor, Joy will go with me. She is so lonely. Had to put husband in Alzheimer's assisted living all the way over in Santa Ana and they don't want hr to come and see him for a month, or call him! But, yesterday was Sunday and apparently reduced supervision because HE called HER!! He is a sweetheart... high functioning dementia, but he has too many episodes of violent uncontrollable behavior. He flipped out when she had knee replacement this summer. Packed up all her clothes, etc. and then had an angry outburst a day or two after she got out of rehab. His son & grandchildren were here to watch over him, but that seemed to only aggravate him more. Too sad.

Phyl - I have to get $$$ & gas will do that Thrusday after hair cut.. I just need to figure out if I need 2 outfits for friday or not ;0)..

Twins ! No grandparents or visitors for 2 wks - what's up w/that - Stupid imho

Work wasn't bad today - found out we have a medical spa down stairs - I may try botox on the crows feet and some microdermabrasion..

Well back from gym had a good arm work out - don't know if bella will get walked tonite...

Candice Blue Bloods on Friday nite w/Tom Selleck is FANTASTIC - it's my Fave show...

Karla - Homework ....

Steph - Hows the bathing going

Edited by IndioGirl55

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I have admitted defeat, I emailed my band doc to get an unfill. Unfortunately he is out of town for the week and I have started vomiting again. I am so royally ticked off. My own darn fault.

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Hi ladies. Fly by. Read about it on Facebook. Just wanted you to know that I am here and surviving. I have good news on the Michael front.

After having a nutso week where he pushed every button I had at least 12 times.....Friday he decides to skip cross country practice, comes home lies to me about it, I go to football game and coach tells jeff about it. So....I canceled my popcorn for Saturday so I can go watch him run...and he can't go because he skips practice. Ground him for Saturday, he breaks grounding....so ground him for Sunday. Well....Saturday I tell him that during his grounding he is to clean his room...spotless. And he DID!! I only had to go back twice. I was so amazed! Then Sunday, since he was grounded he had to come be monitored by me while I was popping corn. Every single thing I asked him to do he did with a smile and came back when it was finished and asked, "What else do you need?" with a SMILE!!! And it was 90 degrees and miserable. But he was AWESOME! So that night we sat down and I told him how proud I was of him and how much I appreciated the attitude and wanted to make sure he knew I had noticed. So....all in all....he's doing pretty good.

Okay. So...the SIL thing. You know how I feel about this woman. How I bend over backwards for her and do anything I can to be her friend and how she is always snubbing me and being rude.....

So today she is rushed to the hospital, put in ICU, they call the life flight team. I come to the hospital and the first thing I say to her son is "I'll take you to Billings. Let's just get in the car." Well, he wasn't sure he wanted to go but said he would if gma came. So I call Jeff to have him call gma and pass that on. She gets on the plane and I drive gma and son over 300 miles here. Son could have flown with her but didn't want to be on the plane. I have plans this week. I dropped everything for her!!! Didn't cross my mind .... I did what any sister would do.

Anyways....so we are here and her son says, "Cousin Lynn told the nurses she was your sister so they would give her information." And she says, with me standing right there, after driving over 6 hours for HER FAMILY.... "Well, she's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had." Are you kidding me? Not thank you, not I'm so glad you could do this, didn't even hardly acknowledge my presence....but....this cousin who lives in Minneapolis is the closest thing she has to a sister??? REALLY?

Why do I even try? Anyways....I'm trying not to be bitter but dammit it hurt! And I feel like I can't say anything about that, because .... I mean....she's just had a really bad thing happen. I guess it goes to show me that even in the worst of times I'm still not up to par for her. Oh well.....letting it go. Shutting up now.

Okay..so much for my drive by. I need some sleep. Love you ladies.

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I have admitted defeat, I emailed my band doc to get an unfill. Unfortunately he is out of town for the week and I have started vomiting again. I am so royally ticked off. My own darn fault.

Hugs Karla - got any xanax - try that..

Hi ladies. Fly by. Read about it on Facebook. Just wanted you to know that I am here and surviving. I have good news on the Michael front.

After having a nutso week where he pushed every button I had at least 12 times.....Friday he decides to skip cross country practice, comes home lies to me about it, I go to football game and coach tells jeff about it. So....I canceled my popcorn for Saturday so I can go watch him run...and he can't go because he skips practice. Ground him for Saturday, he breaks grounding....so ground him for Sunday. Well....Saturday I tell him that during his grounding he is to clean his room...spotless. And he DID!! I only had to go back twice. I was so amazed! Then Sunday, since he was grounded he had to come be monitored by me while I was popping corn. Every single thing I asked him to do he did with a smile and came back when it was finished and asked, "What else do you need?" with a SMILE!!! And it was 90 degrees and miserable. But he was AWESOME! So that night we sat down and I told him how proud I was of him and how much I appreciated the attitude and wanted to make sure he knew I had noticed. So....all in all....he's doing pretty good.

Okay. So...the SIL thing. You know how I feel about this woman. How I bend over backwards for her and do anything I can to be her friend and how she is always snubbing me and being rude.....

So today she is rushed to the hospital, put in ICU, they call the life flight team. I come to the hospital and the first thing I say to her son is "I'll take you to Billings. Let's just get in the car." Well, he wasn't sure he wanted to go but said he would if gma came. So I call Jeff to have him call gma and pass that on. She gets on the plane and I drive gma and son over 300 miles here. Son could have flown with her but didn't want to be on the plane. I have plans this week. I dropped everything for her!!! Didn't cross my mind .... I did what any sister would do.

Anyways....so we are here and her son says, "Cousin Lynn told the nurses she was your sister so they would give her information." And she says, with me standing right there, after driving over 6 hours for HER FAMILY.... "Well, she's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had." Are you kidding me? Not thank you, not I'm so glad you could do this, didn't even hardly acknowledge my presence....but....this cousin who lives in Minneapolis is the closest thing she has to a sister??? REALLY?

Why do I even try? Anyways....I'm trying not to be bitter but dammit it hurt! And I feel like I can't say anything about that, because .... I mean....she's just had a really bad thing happen. I guess it goes to show me that even in the worst of times I'm still not up to par for her. Oh well.....letting it go. Shutting up now.

Okay..so much for my drive by. I need some sleep. Love you ladies.


Hugs on the sil issue - Yea for Michael being a good boy..

What happen to sil that she had to be airlifted...

Well If I were you I would write her a letter - then tear it up

or maybe give it to her..

Hugs God knows you are a good person and he's the one who matters..


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How cool is that...

Hey smallvolume - What's cool

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So Phyl, when does Earl FINALLY have a doc appointment this week? He better get better before Vegas or you will leave him behind an pick up a young pup!!!

Did Yoga today after school. It is amazing how it relaxes my band and allows me to eat. My doc is out of town until next week, and the Zantac seems to help as well as the yoga. Had a Protein smoothie for breakfast, about 1/2 c lentil Soup and a piece of cheese for lunch. dinner is some taco soup. I did have some pbing with lunch, but the vomiting is better. Okay, I'll fess up...I'm terrified to get an unfill. I'll just get fat again. Irrational, silly, yep all of the above!! We will see.

Linda, glad Mel is getting his biopsy done. Hang in there.

Candice it sounds like a whole lot of work for 1 day of voting booth monitoring. And yep, we can send our hanging chads you way. Does each of your individual votes count or do you have an electorial college. We all know how well that worked for us. Humm,,,should we say Gore won the election....Oh that's right Florida was the swing state and who was the govenor of Florida...ah that's right Bush. Sorry, I usually don't get political, but I am still ticked off about that, so I apologize to all the Republicans I just offended, don't take it personally, it just is that sometimes our country is an embarrasment.

Well, my paper is calling my name...

Poop, just lost my first post... we dont have electoral colleges... This election that I am working on is for local government. Mayor, deputy Mayor, Cousilors etc.... Like Provincial and Federal Elections... its one man- one vote... So I like that system.

There are 10 days of advance polling, so that if you ca`nt get there on OCT 25 the real election day you can post your ballot early and when its convenient.

I am only scheduled to work on the 25th... Peter has to work on an advanced poll too... ah what the heck its $150 and my civic duty is done ....

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Hi ladies. Fly by. Read about it on Facebook. Just wanted you to know that I am here and surviving. I have good news on the Michael front.

After having a nutso week where he pushed every button I had at least 12 times.....Friday he decides to skip cross country practice, comes home lies to me about it, I go to football game and coach tells jeff about it. So....I canceled my popcorn for Saturday so I can go watch him run...and he can't go because he skips practice. Ground him for Saturday, he breaks grounding....so ground him for Sunday. Well....Saturday I tell him that during his grounding he is to clean his room...spotless. And he DID!! I only had to go back twice. I was so amazed! Then Sunday, since he was grounded he had to come be monitored by me while I was popping corn. Every single thing I asked him to do he did with a smile and came back when it was finished and asked, "What else do you need?" with a SMILE!!! And it was 90 degrees and miserable. But he was AWESOME! So that night we sat down and I told him how proud I was of him and how much I appreciated the attitude and wanted to make sure he knew I had noticed. So....all in all....he's doing pretty good.

Okay. So...the SIL thing. You know how I feel about this woman. How I bend over backwards for her and do anything I can to be her friend and how she is always snubbing me and being rude.....

So today she is rushed to the hospital, put in ICU, they call the life flight team. I come to the hospital and the first thing I say to her son is "I'll take you to Billings. Let's just get in the car." Well, he wasn't sure he wanted to go but said he would if gma came. So I call Jeff to have him call gma and pass that on. She gets on the plane and I drive gma and son over 300 miles here. Son could have flown with her but didn't want to be on the plane. I have plans this week. I dropped everything for her!!! Didn't cross my mind .... I did what any sister would do.

Anyways....so we are here and her son says, "Cousin Lynn told the nurses she was your sister so they would give her information." And she says, with me standing right there, after driving over 6 hours for HER FAMILY.... "Well, she's the closest thing to a sister I've ever had." Are you kidding me? Not thank you, not I'm so glad you could do this, didn't even hardly acknowledge my presence....but....this cousin who lives in Minneapolis is the closest thing she has to a sister??? REALLY?

Why do I even try? Anyways....I'm trying not to be bitter but dammit it hurt! And I feel like I can't say anything about that, because .... I mean....she's just had a really bad thing happen. I guess it goes to show me that even in the worst of times I'm still not up to par for her. Oh well.....letting it go. Shutting up now.

Okay..so much for my drive by. I need some sleep. Love you ladies.

So happy about the Michael transformation... how cool and rewarding was that...

now about your SIL.... Stephanie, you are a good person who does GOOD works. Because you have a GOD voice inside of you that guides YOU.... you did the right thing driving your dumbass SIL`s family around for her ... that was the KINDEST thing you couldhave done for her.... but, because she dosn`t appreciate it or acknowledge it does NOT take away from the LOVE that you showed doing it. Don`t let her tangle that `good feeling`` that you get inside for doing the right thing....

Be proud of yourself, and know that at the end of the day you will have no regrets, that you did your best!

LOVE YOU, and hugs hon:wub: Candice

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