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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hip is hurting like a bastard today, but I went to the gym anyways.... 20 mins on the treadmill, 20 on the bike... oh «i am sore... gotta get in shape again so I can do my Zumba!!!

Well, gotta run... more later babes... love you all.

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Steph, I know that if Michael goes to his dad's that it will be hard, and I agree that he will take his problems with him. But I think the therapist has some very valid points. I like what she said about not rationalizing with him! Give it all some thought.

I'm back to everything making a repeat performance. Oh well.

Told my admin that I would be gone for most of December, she didn't seem to care much. No biggy.

My paper got a decent grade, but not good enough for me. So I will try again. Basically I lost most my points for format (my title was the wrong font) and lost 1/2 a grade for that. Also I need to be more 'concise', which is teachtalk for, "way to darn long". So this paper I am going to do on my own, and see what happens. I just have to maintain a B average.

I'm tired, I went to bed by 9:30 last night and came home for a nap tonight, but I am still tired. Oh well, best go find something liquid to eat for dinner. TTFN

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Hi girls! Happy Thursday. This morning was better. Michael went to school clean! It makes me not crazy in the mornings.

Here is what the therapist said. This thing with Michael is because he honestly thinks that he should be treated as an equal to Jeff and I and not a subordinate. He does not see how or why he should not be treated as my equal. Jeff doesn't have to do what I say so why should he? I don't answer to Michael so why should Michael answer to me? She advised that we just continue to be strong and when he questions our authority to give no other answer than, "I am your mother, and that is the only reason I need." I have always given him reason after reason after reason as to why my way works. Do your homework because, a) you will need this skill for college, :biggrin: you can't learn it all in the 45 minutes you are in class, c) you want to drive and without the grades, you can't take drivers ed. Now counselor says, that's not a bad idea but that with Michael, he can then spend all his energy explaining why a, b, and c, are stupid reasons and that I am wrong and he is right and therefor he doesn't need to do his homework. Bathing, the same thing. My reasons are faulty therefor he has no reason to bathe. He is proving me wrong. It's NUTS! So, instead of giving him justifications for our rules we need to just expect compliance without it. She does not think this is appropriate for all kids, even most kids...but it is what MICHAEL needs right now.

She also said that it might be a solution to send him to Missouri. She said that I have raised him, given him the core, and that, honestly, she doesn't see that in 2 years I'm going to be able to do much more for him in terms of "life skills". He has the skills that if he is in danger he knows how to use the phone, he knows how to cook, he knows how to survive. Maybe now he needs to experience his idea of "freedom" and either sink or swim. So, maybe I need to think about it. I don't, and she doesn't, think that anything will change because he changes location or adult (if you can call it that) supervision and that he will end up with the same problems there that he does here, but she also doesn't think it would be any worse for him there either. I don't know that I agree but in 15 years, his dad MIGHT have grown up. I doubt it, but he might have. I don't know. We might have to take a trip to Missouri. We'll see.

Okay....there's more I want to say to the rest of you. Karri, Karla, Candice, Phyl.....but this has been long enough. I'll be back in a bit and we'll talk! Love you ladies!

Steph - When I got Andrew back at 11 I got some book - I don't remember the name of if - but it was a parenting book cuz I am not the best disciplinarian or follow thru w/what I say - anyway - this book did say that we aren't to explain ourselves to our kids - There is no reasoning with them and if you try - it just goes on and on.. There is no end cuz they aren't going to see things our way - it's just like me trying to convince you that my way of thinking is better than yours - it aint going to happen. I agree w/counsler - by 15 kids have the lifeskills they need to live - Think about it weren't you out on your own at an early age.. I remember my dad telling me when Joseph was like 16 - oh this will be the last yr he comes up w/you to visit in the summer - and you know what he was right - that was the last summer he went with me..

I know it's hard to let go - but you gotta let them see that the grass isn't greener on the other side..

Have you talked to his Dad - what do you know about him now - Maybe you 2 should meet and talk..

Hugs it's hard having a teenager - I know I've done it twice..

Hip is hurting like a bastard today, but I went to the gym anyways.... 20 mins on the treadmill, 20 on the bike... oh «i am sore... gotta get in shape again so I can do my Zumba!!!

Well, gotta run... more later babes... love you all.

Candice - Maybe you should get the hip ck'd out - another reason to eat healthy - you gotta get the weight off as it will help some - our bones aren't meant to carry around the extra weigth..

How's singing going any new gigs..

Steph, I know that if Michael goes to his dad's that it will be hard, and I agree that he will take his problems with him. But I think the therapist has some very valid points. I like what she said about not rationalizing with him! Give it all some thought.

I'm back to everything making a repeat performance. Oh well.

Told my admin that I would be gone for most of December, she didn't seem to care much. No biggy.

My paper got a decent grade, but not good enough for me. So I will try again. Basically I lost most my points for format (my title was the wrong font) and lost 1/2 a grade for that. Also I need to be more 'concise', which is teachtalk for, "way to darn long". So this paper I am going to do on my own, and see what happens. I just have to maintain a B average.

I'm tired, I went to bed by 9:30 last night and came home for a nap tonight, but I am still tired. Oh well, best go find something liquid to eat for dinner. TTFN

Karla - I don't know how to make things short either - it takes me alot of words to get my thought across.. Wrong font how stupid..

Well gang - never got here last night - Phyl called we talked for 1.5 hrs ;0) - we are excited about our trip next week to Vegas.. Meeting my Mentor thread peeps...

Not much to report - food good - oh ya Joseph and family will be here 9/30 I'll get to see them that nite - then I leave for Vegas and they are going to Brawley for a wedding - 6 hrs will be enough time - cuz I will see them in phoenix in about 8 weeks ;0) - we meet up in Phoenix and fly to Mayan Riveria together from there..

Well up at 4:15 this morning - at least tomorrow I can go back to sleep if I want -

TGIF gang..

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Steph - When I got Andrew back at 11 I got some book - I don't remember the name of if - but it was a parenting book cuz I am not the best disciplinarian or follow thru w/what I say - anyway - this book did say that we aren't to explain ourselves to our kids - There is no reasoning with them and if you try - it just goes on and on.. There is no end cuz they aren't going to see things our way - it's just like me trying to convince you that my way of thinking is better than yours - it aint going to happen. I agree w/counsler - by 15 kids have the lifeskills they need to live - Think about it weren't you out on your own at an early age.. I remember my dad telling me when Joseph was like 16 - oh this will be the last yr he comes up w/you to visit in the summer - and you know what he was right - that was the last summer he went with me..

I know it's hard to let go - but you gotta let them see that the grass isn't greener on the other side..

Have you talked to his Dad - what do you know about him now - Maybe you 2 should meet and talk..

Hugs it's hard having a teenager - I know I've done it twice..

Candice - Maybe you should get the hip ck'd out - another reason to eat healthy - you gotta get the weight off as it will help some - our bones aren't meant to carry around the extra weigth..

How's singing going any new gigs..

Karla - I don't know how to make things short either - it takes me alot of words to get my thought across.. Wrong font how stupid..

Well gang - never got here last night - Phyl called we talked for 1.5 hrs ;0) - we are excited about our trip next week to Vegas.. Meeting my Mentor thread peeps...

Not much to report - food good - oh ya Joseph and family will be here 9/30 I'll get to see them that nite - then I leave for Vegas and they are going to Brawley for a wedding - 6 hrs will be enough time - cuz I will see them in phoenix in about 8 weeks ;0) - we meet up in Phoenix and fly to Mayan Riveria together from there..

Well up at 4:15 this morning - at least tomorrow I can go back to sleep if I want -

TGIF gang..

Oh Janet that sounds like fun, yaking with Phyl for 1 .5 hours....LOL and your vegas trip is coming up so fast!!!! ANd in another month from that Mexico!!! WHoo-hoo... I can`t wait until WINTER so that I can travel :biggrin:

Karla, oooh you are tight girl... but you are losing so well... rock on!!! smoothies for sure, as you drop another 5-10 lbs the band will loosen up some.

Are you still thinking of flying here for Xmas???

Music rehersal in a few,,, so gotta keep this short:tongue2:

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Steph - When I got Andrew back at 11 I got some book - I don't remember the name of if - but it was a parenting book cuz I am not the best disciplinarian or follow thru w/what I say - anyway - this book did say that we aren't to explain ourselves to our kids - There is no reasoning with them and if you try - it just goes on and on.. There is no end cuz they aren't going to see things our way - it's just like me trying to convince you that my way of thinking is better than yours - it aint going to happen. I agree w/counselor - by 15 kids have the lifeskills they need to live - Think about it weren't you out on your own at an early age.. I remember my dad telling me when Joseph was like 16 - oh this will be the last yr he comes up w/you to visit in the summer - and you know what he was right - that was the last summer he went with me..

I know it's hard to let go - but you gotta let them see that the grass isn't greener on the other side..

Have you talked to his Dad - what do you know about him now - Maybe you 2 should meet and talk..

Hugs it's hard having a teenager - I know I've done it twice..

Candice - Maybe you should get the hip ck'd out - another reason to eat healthy - you gotta get the weight off as it will help some - our bones aren't meant to carry around the extra weight.. How's singing going any new gigs..

Karla - I don't know how to make things short either - it takes me alot of words to get my thought across.. Wrong font how stupid..

Well gang - never got here last night - Phyl called we talked for 1.5 hrs ;0) - we are excited about our trip next week to Vegas.. Meeting my Mentor thread peeps...

Not much to report - food good - oh ya Joseph and family will be here 9/30 I'll get to see them that nite - then I leave for Vegas and they are going to Brawley for a wedding - 6 hrs will be enough time - cuz I will see them in phoenix in about 8 weeks ;0) - we meet up in Phoenix and fly to Mayan Riveria together from there.. Well up at 4:15 this morning - at least tomorrow I can go back to sleep if I want - TGIF gang..

Yeah, Steph... may be time to let his Dad deal with him!!

Karri, so sorry about your situation. Very frustrating to have quit a job you enjoyed because of someone's vicious lies!

Karla... I know you're happy to have that door in finally!

So glad you have a surgery date! You're going to be so much happier with that problem taken care of!

Candice... yeah, get the hip checked out!

Janet.. couldn't believe we'd talked that long! Looked at my clock when we hang up! LOL!

Good to be back at Sky Valley! TOPS weigh in yesterday and I was back under 200 for the first time all summer, I think! Back to Water aerobics and that felt good too. Thought I'd be hurting this morning, but no sore muscles. It tired me out, though, and I didn't know if I would make it through the first 20 minutes!! :biggrin::biggrin::) But I got through the hour! And my back/hip didn't bother me at all. A little discomfort during the night, but that's all. I will do some walking today and see how that goes. I did walk some yesterday because my scooter quit halfway to the pool and I had to leave it and walk the rest of the way! It's acting up... the big one, not the smaller red one.

Earl is sick with a cold, but also having big time sinus problems. Have to call and get him a dr appt today. He was miserable last night, and then he got nasty! So now I"m mad! He came out before 11pm to sleep in his chair so first it was "turn the TV down", then "when are you going to bed??" and his attitude was less than pleasant. He was up and down all night.. mostly sleeping in his recliner. And he is still very cranky this morning. GRRRRRRR!! It's NOT my fault!!

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Oh Janet that sounds like fun, yaking with Phyl for 1 .5 hours....LOL and your vegas trip is coming up so fast!!!! ANd in another month from that Mexico!!! WHoo-hoo... I can`t wait until WINTER so that I can travel :biggrin:

Karla, oooh you are tight girl... but you are losing so well... rock on!!! smoothies for sure, as you drop another 5-10 lbs the band will loosen up some.

Are you still thinking of flying here for Xmas???

Music rehersal in a few,,, so gotta keep this short:tongue2:

Candice - Do you have any gigs planned... Ya looking forward to meeting my girls - Great has been w/that thread since 5/08 so I am really looking forward to meeting her and Charlene - they are the ones who have been on the longest - looking forward to meeting the others too but you know what I mean

Yep ready for Mexico - Sun, Sand - No dogs to wake me up at 4:15 :tt1:

Yeah, Steph... may be time to let his Dad deal with him!!

Karri, so sorry about your situation. Very frustrating to have quit a job you enjoyed because of someone's vicious lies!

Karla... I know you're happy to have that door in finally!

So glad you have a surgery date! You're going to be so much happier with that problem taken care of!

Candice... yeah, get the hip checked out!

Janet.. couldn't believe we'd talked that long! Looked at my clock when we hang up! LOL!

Good to be back at Sky Valley! TOPS weigh in yesterday and I was back under 200 for the first time all summer, I think! Back to Water aerobics and that felt good too. Thought I'd be hurting this morning, but no sore muscles. It tired me out, though, and I didn't know if I would make it through the first 20 minutes!!

:):biggrin::lol2: But I got through the hour! And my back/hip didn't bother me at all. A little discomfort during the night, but that's all. I will do some walking today and see how that goes. I did walk some yesterday because my scooter quit halfway to the pool and I had to leave it and walk the rest of the way! It's acting up... the big one, not the smaller red one.

Earl is sick with a cold, but also having big time sinus problems. Have to call and get him a dr appt today. He was miserable last night, and then he got nasty! So now I"m mad! He came out before 11pm to sleep in his chair so first it was "turn the TV down", then "when are you going to bed??" and his attitude was less than pleasant. He was up and down all night.. mostly sleeping in his recliner. And he is still very cranky this morning. GRRRRRRR!! It's NOT my fault!!

Yep Phyl 1.5 hrs ;0) That's the problem w/me once I get on the phone - I don't get off - I don't get on it much but when I do the conversations seem to go on and on ;0)

WTG Phyl on that Onderland !!!

We all know Men are such babies when they are sick - Hugs..

Karla - I missed the post about the surger - they say don't eat past mid-nite - so that means - you can eat at 6 a.m.

Well back to work

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Hey ladies! I have a quick question. Jeff is going to Las Vegas for race weekend in March. he has asked if I want to go with. If I did, would any of you come spend time with me? I don't want to go to the race and I don't want to hang out by myself. But....if one or more of you would like to come...I'm all in.

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Just a quick note, then headed for the couch. Had an intestinal bug which kept me near the bathroom for 24 hours. Exhausted after that. Just started eating again today--Soup mostly, rice to get me through my classes today.

Candice--good advice. Karri just needs to suck it up this year and evaluate her options for next year. She's bringing in a paycheck, and whether she sees it or not, she is making a difference. There is a reason she has do do things she doesn't want to do. There is something to be learned. Life is just that way sometimes. You gotta do what you don't want to do to get where you want to go. Yeah, it's depressing when you know that things could/should be different and you feel powerless to bring about change. I know I sound a little harsh, and I'm sorry about that. Just some perspective from a well seasoned teacher. If Karri wants to make lasting changes she needs to position herself so that she can influence other people. In the world of teaching, that means you gotta to earn creditability, and you do that by "coming up" in the system.

Steph--Oh Michael! You are going to learn the hard way. But Steph, it is his life. The thing that coulselors don't appreciate, but you mentioned, is the effect his behavior has on the other kids. They would be my concern now. I agree with whoever said that if he is allowed to disregard his hygiene, you should be able to refuse to go places with him or have to deal with negativity related to his choices. The other kids need to see that there are consequences to his behavior. I do think that Michael will give it up when it stops giving him the benefit of seing you go crazy, but it's going to take time--lots of time.

Carla--are we talking about APA? A whole grade for font? Geez, that's rediculous. (yeah, I know, I'm not a speller, but my spell check on LBT doesn't work) Hey I did a lot of editing for my kids and I'm pretty good at being concise. If you want to send me a paper, I can give you some suggestions.

Phyl--home, sweet home! Glad you made it. Howcome when the guys are sick/angry/etc., they get to act out, but if we do that we are called b___s. As sick as i was the other night, it was "Mel, dear, would you please get me the bucket when you have a minute?" and "Oh, Thank you so much for bringing me a glass of ice-Water." Geez!

OK, that's all my brain can do. I am headed for the couch and eventually to bed not go get up until I want to.

Janet--Love you too. How I wish I could be more like you.

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Linda, yep it was APA style, with their university twist. But I have never submitted a paper strickly via the internet. The entire paper was in correct format, but the title was not, I added it at the last minute. Heck, some people wrote 1/2 page (double spaced) and go a 100%. I wrote 4 pages (I know too much) WITH references (no on else had references) and I loose half a grade for font and a percent for not being concise. So this paper I will be short and sweet and to the point and I will probably get a 'C'. If I don't maintain a 'B', I'm out of the program, crap.

Candice, I'd love to come for Christmas, but with my surgery being on Nov 30 with a possibility of being down for 6 weeks, I better not plan on it. Plus I would imagine this da Vinci machine isn't cheap.

I emailed my band doc and explained what is going on. It is like the food isn't gettin past my throat.

Linda, enjoy your couch time.

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Hey ladies! I have a quick question. Jeff is going to Las Vegas for race weekend in March. he has asked if I want to go with. If I did, would any of you come spend time with me? I don't want to go to the race and I don't want to hang out by myself. But....if one or more of you would like to come...I'm all in.

When in March Steph - Vegas is a 4-5 hr drive for me - I really don't know my plans yet - I know that my Mentor thread is looking into a cruise in April or May.. And the we have our July get together.. So gotta see how $$ is after the 1st of the year.. I'm a maybe ;0) for now... Maybe we can talk Linda - Candice into is - and Phyl will still be here in the Desert - so maybe a mini reunion ;0)

Just a quick note, then headed for the couch. Had an intestinal bug which kept me near the bathroom for 24 hours. Exhausted after that. Just started eating again today--soup mostly, rice to get me through my classes today.

Candice--good advice. Karri just needs to suck it up this year and evaluate her options for next year. She's bringing in a paycheck, and whether she sees it or not, she is making a difference. There is a reason she has do do things she doesn't want to do. There is something to be learned. Life is just that way sometimes. You gotta do what you don't want to do to get where you want to go. Yeah, it's depressing when you know that things could/should be different and you feel powerless to bring about change. I know I sound a little harsh, and I'm sorry about that. Just some perspective from a well seasoned teacher. If Karri wants to make lasting changes she needs to position herself so that she can influence other people. In the world of teaching, that means you gotta to earn creditability, and you do that by "coming up" in the system.

Steph--Oh Michael! You are going to learn the hard way. But Steph, it is his life. The thing that coulselors don't appreciate, but you mentioned, is the effect his behavior has on the other kids. They would be my concern now. I agree with whoever said that if he is allowed to disregard his hygiene, you should be able to refuse to go places with him or have to deal with negativity related to his choices. The other kids need to see that there are consequences to his behavior. I do think that Michael will give it up when it stops giving him the benefit of seing you go crazy, but it's going to take time--lots of time.

Carla--are we talking about APA? A whole grade for font? Geez, that's rediculous. (yeah, I know, I'm not a speller, but my spell check on LBT doesn't work) Hey I did a lot of editing for my kids and I'm pretty good at being concise. If you want to send me a paper, I can give you some suggestions.

Phyl--home, sweet home! Glad you made it. Howcome when the guys are sick/angry/etc., they get to act out, but if we do that we are called b___s. As sick as i was the other night, it was "Mel, dear, would you please get me the bucket when you have a minute?" and "Oh, Thank you so much for bringing me a glass of ice-Water." Geez!

OK, that's all my brain can do. I am headed for the couch and eventually to bed not go get up until I want to.

Janet--Love you too. How I wish I could be more like you.

Linda Hugs on being sick - that's the pits !!!

Great advice for Karri - I think maybe she was a little implusive - in her quiting - but again she didn't know all the facts and now they have come out - I need to call her tonite or tomorrow - see how my evening goes - I need to walk the dogs once the sun goes down - well really Bella ;0)

As to being more like me - well dear - I have no one in my life that I have to answer to or take care of - except the dogs & cat ;0) - I have the time and luckly the body to be able to exercise (no hip or major knee issues) as far as food goes - I have good days for the most part - cuz I do love the way I look - and every time I put on a pair of pants I think - Oh I hope they button.. In the back of my mind - I worry that I am going to wake up 250 again - that this is all a dream - and I myself am shocked in that I have kept up eating healthy and exercising for 3 solid yrs - but I still am afraid that I am going to wake up tomorrow and lose it all (the motivation) Not to the point of obsessiveness over it - but I think I have a healthy fear.. So it keeps me in check..

Will you get your hip fixed once you retire?? That's going to help you tons - even though you don't like to exercise ;0) Maybe after you retire - you can come and visit for a week - I know you love the sun and palm trees ;0)

Linda, yep it was APA style, with their university twist. But I have never submitted a paper strickly via the internet. The entire paper was in correct format, but the title was not, I added it at the last minute. Heck, some people wrote 1/2 page (double spaced) and go a 100%. I wrote 4 pages (I know too much) WITH references (no on else had references) and I loose half a grade for font and a percent for not being concise. So this paper I will be short and sweet and to the point and I will probably get a 'C'. If I don't maintain a 'B', I'm out of the program, crap.

Candice, I'd love to come for Christmas, but with my surgery being on Nov 30 with a possibility of being down for 6 weeks, I better not plan on it. Plus I would imagine this da Vinci machine isn't cheap.

I emailed my band doc and explained what is going on. It is like the food isn't gettin past my throat.

Linda, enjoy your couch time.


Glad you called your doc - this has been going on too long - I really feel a little unfill is in order..

What's da vince machine ?? what did i miss??

You have to maintain a b - hell what's wrong with a c.. it's average - so to do a masters you have to be above average.

ok I guess - I am just average - I hate writing so I would be terrible at it - I would be typing pple instead of people etc :0) hell I have to watch my emails at work - cuz of they way I type here ;0)

Well - gang just cking in - having a cup of coffee - need to ck out my bills so I have them paid before the 1st since I won't be here.. but hell that might have to wait to tomorrow :0) see I am such a procrastinator :lol:

Phyl - is it to hot for you ;0) how's the old man feeling - did you go to the doctor today...

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Yep, my doc got back to me and he wants me to try 150 mg of Zantac twice a day. Okay actually he wanted me to come in for an unfill, but I talked him into letting me try the Zantac and liquids for a couple of days. So I am trinking some crystal light with slow sips and ate a few spoonfulls of ice cream. Yogurt seems to stick in my throat.

Phyl I hope Earl is feeling better. Get him into the doctor. A sinus infection can really play havac with his blood pressure etc. One of our teachers has horridly ill all last year. Multiple stays in the hospital, blood pressure all over the place, had every MRI, CTscan, heart evaluation, they were convinced she had a brain tumor. Nothing worked. All through the summer she was in and out of the hospital. The docs we starting to say that it was all stress related. Finally, one doctor asked her what kind of antibiotic they gave her for the massive sinus infection that showed up in the MRI. What infection. Not one doc up to that point said anything about a sinus infection. They put her on a mega antibiotic for 4 weeks and believe it or not, she is perky and has energy. All because of a sinus infection. The medical bills were well over $300,000, yet it all could have been taken care of with an antibiotic.

Janet, I know what you mean about waiting to wake up fat. I deal with it every day. I will take the vomiting over being fat again. I know that is wrong, but I can NOT go back to being fat.

A da Vinci machine is a robotic machine that takes the doctors movements on the controls and minuraturizes them. That way they don't have to do a large abdominal incision. they do laposcropy very similar to the lap band procedure. My lapband doc did say I needed to remind the surgeon to watch out for my port tubing and puncture it. However with all my abdominal surgeries (9), there might be too much scar tissue for the robotic arms to manuver in my abdomen. I watched a a Youtube video of the procedure and it is pretty amazing what they can do.

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I hear you girl "Janet, I know what you mean about waiting to wake up fat. I deal with it every day. I will take the vomiting over being fat again. I know that is wrong, but I can NOT go back to being fat." I take a target brand - but the ones I have now aren't as good as the ones I had before - but I can eat - some pple have problems w/yogurt - I don't but blueberries yes - it's the skin - I have been having raspberries or blackberries w/mine for bf ;0) - I can't do plums either - skin doesn't do well - I most likely don't chew well enough.

Well took Bella for a walk - 1/2 mile - I think I need to make it a mile..

Ok the robot is da vince - I thought you were getting a new coffee maker or something ;00

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Just a quick note, then headed for the couch. Had an intestinal bug which kept me near the bathroom for 24 hours. Exhausted after that. Just started eating again today--soup mostly, rice to get me through my classes today.

Candice--good advice. Karri just needs to suck it up this year and evaluate her options for next year. She's bringing in a paycheck, and whether she sees it or not, she is making a difference. There is a reason she has do do things she doesn't want to do. There is something to be learned. Life is just that way sometimes. You gotta do what you don't want to do to get where you want to go. Yeah, it's depressing when you know that things could/should be different and you feel powerless to bring about change. I know I sound a little harsh, and I'm sorry about that. Just some perspective from a well seasoned teacher. If Karri wants to make lasting changes she needs to position herself so that she can influence other people. In the world of teaching, that means you gotta to earn creditability, and you do that by "coming up" in the system.

Steph--Oh Michael! You are going to learn the hard way. But Steph, it is his life. The thing that coulselors don't appreciate, but you mentioned, is the effect his behavior has on the other kids. They would be my concern now. I agree with whoever said that if he is allowed to disregard his hygiene, you should be able to refuse to go places with him or have to deal with negativity related to his choices. The other kids need to see that there are consequences to his behavior. I do think that Michael will give it up when it stops giving him the benefit of seing you go crazy, but it's going to take time--lots of time.

Carla--are we talking about APA? A whole grade for font? Geez, that's ridiculous. (yeah, I know, I'm not a speller, but my spell check on LBT doesn't work) Hey I did a lot of editing for my kids and I'm pretty good at being concise. If you want to send me a paper, I can give you some suggestions.

Phyl--home, sweet home! Glad you made it. How come when the guys are sick/angry/etc., they get to act out, but if we do that we are called b___s. As sick as i was the other night, it was "Mel, dear, would you please get me the bucket when you have a minute?" and "Oh, Thank you so much for bringing me a glass of ice-Water." Geez!

OK, that's all my brain can do. I am headed for the couch and eventually to bed not go get up until I want to.

Janet--Love you too. How I wish I could be more like you.

So sorry you're not feeling well! Yeah, good point.. it's way different when WE are sick than when THEY are sick!

Very good advice for Steph and Karri.

Yes, it's good to be back. Earliest we've ever gotten here and it is pretty weird... ghost town, almost! Very few have returned yet, so it's just the year 'round residents and they are SO glad to have us back!!

When in March Steph - Vegas is a 4-5 hr drive for me - I really don't know my plans yet - I know that my Mentor thread is looking into a cruise in April or May.. And the we have our July get together.. So gotta see how $$ is after the 1st of the year.. I'm a maybe ;0) for now... Maybe we can talk Linda - Candice into is - and Phyl will still be here in the Desert - so maybe a mini reunion ;0)

Linda Hugs on being sick - that's the pits !!!

Great advice for Karri - I think maybe she was a little implusive - in her quiting - but again she didn't know all the facts and now they have come out - I need to call her tonite or tomorrow - see how my evening goes - I need to walk the dogs once the sun goes down - well really Bella ;0)

As to being more like me - well dear - I have no one in my life that I have to answer to or take care of - except the dogs & cat ;0) - I have the time and luckly the body to be able to exercise (no hip or major knee issues) as far as food goes - I have good days for the most part - cuz I do love the way I look - and every time I put on a pair of pants I think - Oh I hope they button.. In the back of my mind - I worry that I am going to wake up 250 again - that this is all a dream - and I myself am shocked in that I have kept up eating healthy and exercising for 3 solid yrs - but I still am afraid that I am going to wake up tomorrow and lose it all (the motivation) Not to the point of obsessiveness over it - but I think I have a healthy fear.. So it keeps me in check..

Will you get your hip fixed once you retire?? That's going to help you tons - even though you don't like to exercise ;0) Maybe after you retire - you can come and visit for a week - I know you love the sun and palm trees ;0)


Glad you called your doc - this has been going on too long - I really feel a little unfill is in order..

What's da vince machine ?? what did i miss??

You have to maintain a b - hell what's wrong with a c.. it's average - so to do a masters you have to be above average.

ok I guess - I am just average - I hate writing so I would be terrible at it - I would be typing pple instead of people etc :0) hell I have to watch my emails at work - cuz of they way I type here ;0)

Well - gang just cking in - having a cup of coffee - need to ck out my bills so I have them paid before the 1st since I won't be here.. but hell that might have to wait to tomorrow :0) see I am such a procrastinator :lol:

Phyl - is it to hot for you ;0) how's the old man feeling - did you go to the doctor today...

Not too hot for me but Earl is complaining! He is still feeling bad. May have to take him to urgent care in the morning. Has EENT appt but not until Tuesday.

Just came back from taking Zoey down to the pond to play catch. We had fun but she wasn't all that interested tonight. So then we took a little ride around the park. Stopped to talk to a couple of people. Now she wants to plan and I want to watch TV!

We were at Walmart again today! The one in Palm Springs this time... on Ramon. With Earl not feeling well, I let him drive right by SBX in DHS without asking to stop! So I got an iced coffee at McD's. Not bad. Not really a latte, even though they call it that, but iced coffee w/SF vanilla and FF milk. And about a buck cheaper than SBX!! Don't usually like cold ones, but it was a hot day so it was good.

Edited by phyllser

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Karri, I now have time to sit down here and write out a response. I have been thinking about it for a couple of days but really wanted to have a chance to concentrate on it. I hope you understand. I wasn't ignoring it. I was contemplating it.

The job in Oregon was killing you. I know you loved it and believed in the new system and you were really making a difference in students' lives. But it WAS killing you. For whatever reason and whoever was lying....damn bleepidy bleeping bleep!....you were so sick. We were all so worried about you. No job is worth that.

We talked education. I know how passionate you are and how much you believed in that system. It sounded absolutely amazing and I could tell how it filled you and your soul. I was so envious. I felt that way in Froid. I was given a LOT of freedom. I didn't make near the huge impact you did, but I know that feeling.

It is so hard to put those two things....living and LIVING....pitted against each other. No matter what, one of them was going to be a loser. If you stayed, you were going to permanently damage your body, if you left, you were going to lose that amazing feeling you get when you touch kids. No matter what, you were going to lose.

I guess the big difference I see is that if you had stayed it could have caused a PERMANENT problem. Your body was shutting down. You couldn't take it. In hindsight do you see things that you could have done differently and maybe it would have not been what it is? Sure. I look back on my life and there are a LOT of those decisions that I want to be able to do over. They hurt and we are really good at beating ourselves up over them. No one needs to tell us what we've done wrong because we are our own worst critics. But Karri, you made the choice and now...as much as it sucks....you have to live with it. There are things you can do though to make yourself feel better maybe. Here are some suggestions. I don't know if any are possible, but you never know....you might find something to make it through the year.

1. Big brother/sisters after school programs. They may have some kind of academic thing you can do. Something to turn kids on to science and math. Something where you can take the amazing things you have already created and do something amazing for the kids outside the stupid unified district.

2. Church/private schools.....could you do something similar with them?

3. Homeschoolers. Make up an ad about tutoring home school kids. Those kids, once they get to be in high school often need someone to do labs or such with them.

4. Is there a science center down there that you could work at on your off time?

5. Finally, as a last resort, and I do NOT recommend this, but it IS an option....leave. The only thing they can do to you is make it impossible to be certified in TX. And if you are THAT miserable there....who cares? Screw TX. I know that I can never teach in NM because I broke a letter of intent with them. No biggee...don't wanna go there anyways.

My point is, don't give up. There are options. Please don't beat yourself up over leaving your last job. That bleeping bleepity bleeper bleep isn't worth your frustration.

You are amazing and you have a real gift. So many teachers don't share your passion, many because they have become jaded because of precisely the situation you are in. They have given up on that dream that you hold so strongly. Please Karri! Don't lose the dream, just hold on until you can make it part of your reality.

Your health is worth more than that lost job. Hindsight is 20/20. It always gets worse before it gets better. All of that sounds trite but it is true. I believe in you and that there is a purpose to you being in TX right now. Maybe not to change the TX education system...because it's bleeped up!....but there's a reason you are going through this. Stay strong. You'll be better on the other side.

I love you Karri! You started being my lapband hero....and grew into my teaching hero....you're amazing and will make a difference. I KNOW IT!!!

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Good Morning Gang..

Well had drama last night - OMG - Joseph calls at 1 a.m. I (think) - Story he got in a fight w/friend (all do to drinking) then Melissa and the kids left - and wouldn't answer the phone -

Joseph has a tempter and drinking isn't a good thing - they did the right thing - but why are they calling me at 1 a.m. when I'm 400 miles away... Joseph wanted me to call Melissa to tell her to come home - Kaitlin calls me to tell me their side of the story- I told both of them why in the hell are you guys calling me - I can't do anything. Joseph calls back wants divorce and to move home (w/me) I said HELL FREAKING NO.. You can get divorced but you aren't living w/me.. If he came back to Indio - he would go back to his old life (drugs)..

I feel bad for being short w/Kaitlin - but what the hell - what am I suppose to do -

I was sleeping so good - when i got these calls - I ended up taking the phone off the hook cuz stupid childish Joseph kept calling me..

Well - today's plan - nails - get bday present - clean closet and that's about it - got tons of t.v. to catch up on - haven't watched Greys or detorit 187 -


Steph- Great advice...

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