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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Oh that would be cool, but Utica NY is still a hell of a long way from me, and Montreal is even farther east!!! Is she driving back across the US or the Canadian side? Cause then it might make it closer...

So she ends up in Montreal, if she came home the Cdn way say thru Ottawa, our Nations Capital, then came west across Ontario to Toronto then UP to Wasaga Beach from there... that would work and she`d get to see some great cities and countryside...

chk out this link to mapquest


o.k. that didnt`work so well....

I know what you mean. I know she doesn't have definite plans. If you call her you could probably give her some good ideas on things that would be awesome to see. Give her a call or fb her. She'll answer, she just won't initiate :thumbup: And you can tell her I called her a flake :)

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I know what you mean. I know she doesn't have definite plans. If you call her you could probably give her some good ideas on things that would be awesome to see. Give her a call or fb her. She'll answer, she just won't initiate :thumbup: And you can tell her I called her a flake :)

LOL no wonder I like your Mom- she and I are alot a like - I loved that game that we played - answering questions in fact I have a few of your cards ;0) must have put them in my pocket as we were playing cuz I found them when I got home ;0)

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Did a little over 200 miles today I think. Stopped before 2 pm a little west of Phoenix in a town called Buckeye. Janet... I think you were off by about 100 miles yesterday because we still have a little over 200 to go. May or may not come in tomorrow. I have an optional stop planned for Quartzsite, but depends on whether or not we feel like stopping there or going on. I'll tell you what... it's HOT and Earl is complaining a LOT! He's not going to like being in DHS a few weeks early!

Stopped for coffee and short visit w/Eva... other thread... this morning. There is a STARBUCKS right next to the parking lot of the building she works in. So that's where we went. Hip hurting a little again today, but walking just fine. Kind of funny... as we walked up to the SBX, part of the sidewalk was all blocked off with yellow "crime scene" type ribbon. It appears that someone tried to create a "drive through" window!! Windows broken out and all boarded up and frames pushed in. Someone was a little too anxious for their coffee!! LOL!


Another funny story... I bought so much wine in Buffalo...7 bottles on our wine tour, and a case of the homemade stuff from the guy my nieces know. So Earl had the case stored on the floor next to his chair. This morning he decided that since there were just a few bottles left he'd get rid of the box. So he took the remaining bottles out of the box and laid them on their side one by one. He quickly found out that the cork had popped on one of them when we went over the mountains yesterday! Several of us bought 1 or more bottles of something called "Walleye Wobbler" at the very last winery we stopped at. By that time... 5th winery, we were "happy" and this gal at that winery was a kick... said she doesn't drink but uses all the wines her boss sells in recipes. So she was rattling off all these recipes she'd made up with all these different wines while giving us generous "samples" to try. So we were all quite taken with the WW and with the recipes she said she used it for... sauteing mushrooms, scallops, etc. So... she sold a lot of bottles of it. So a couple of days ago I get a text message from my sister, Barb asking if the WW is supposed to be "bubbly" like champagne!! I told her I didn't remember it being bubbly. So I emailed the other gals and asked them... they didn't respond. But.. that is the bottle that popped it's cork! I'm having a glass now and it's definitely not quite right. I called and talked to the gal at the winery today and told her what happened and she said the calibration was off on a couple of their scales resulting in this problem with the WW. She said it was perfectly safe to drink, just might have a little more alcohol content. But it's definitely not as tasty as what we sampled. But she's shipping me another bottle.


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Janet, I think my yoga helped my digestion. Not only was I able to have a good bowel movement (Iknow TMI) and I ate real meals today.

Breakfast, 2 wheat thin flatbread with laughing cow and humus, lunch green bean with a small serving a spaghetti, watermelon. dinner is going to be taco Soup. I feel so much better with food!

Steph, so what went on at home? Are you ready to share?

Candice, any gigs this week?

Phyl sound like fun, wine is a finicky thing, or so I'm told.

Well I need to go to homework. Need to do some reading.

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I have a very happy tummy full of taco Soup. A real meal after about 2 weeks of struggling. now I need to be careful!!

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Linda, I think I forgot to tell you congratulations!!!! It must feel wonderful to have retirement 'officially' locked in. You will miss it...a little...but you are going to have the time of your life with those grandkids.

Slept well, didn't get as much homework done last night as I needed to, but I was enjoying a moment of slugville! So back to it tonight.

Did enjoy watching the season premier of NCIS.

Tonight I have a meeting on with my masters people. We have to 'teach' a lessson to our peers in the program. Bleck, I always figure when they want the students to teach it is because they are lazy. What the heck do I know about volcanoes?

Well short but sweet, check in tonight.

Steph, when do you leave for pink ribbon walk?

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Good Morning Gang

Had boot camp last nite then took all 3 dogs for 1/2 mile walk - it about killed bear and angel - bella was fine - bear kept stopping told him I wasn't carrying him so plan now is shorter walks for angel & bear - bring them home then bella and I will go again ;0)

Karla - yoga massages your organs and all that breathing !!! So glad you could eat... I was super tight last nite - could barely eat..

Phyl - I map quested it - but ya you are right phoenix is like 400 miles and you were on the other side of phoenix - Glad you had a nice visit w/Eva and on your way home - Ya it's still warm 95-104 ish but like right now it's 66 so it is cooling at night

Candice - How are you doing girl...

Linda - has Mel made the appointment

Steph - Hugs on your kid issues - we are here - remember I'm an empty nesters ;0)

Well - I was posting my humble opinions yesterday so I had 4 messages this morning - now it's time to get in the shower..

CBL if I can' - tonite is weight & yoga.. Late night - I don't know when I am going to have time for tv ..

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Hi ladies. It's a rotten day already and it isn't even 10am! It's got to get better!

This morning battle with the kids. Nothing new, just frustrating. I know every mother goes through it, the little ones were just extra obnoxious this morning. Then go to Jeff's shop to take him a latte, left mine in the car because I wasn't going to be there long. Had to call Soc. Security because they sent me a stupid form with mis information. Sat on hold for 20 minutes. Didn't want to hang up because then I would have to start over. So by the time I get off the phone I really have GOT to GO! So I left in a hurry. I rush into the house, trip coming up the porch, spill my latte, soak my pants, and almost have an accident. It's just time to go back to bed and start over.

Anyways. I don't want to go into all the Michael drama of the last weekend but I'm very frustrated that any time someone takes the chance at being his friend, the other teens in town tell such outrageous lies about him that it scares the others into not wanting anything to do with him, and this last girl went to the cops because she was so afraid. She admits he didn't DO anything, it's just all these things she keeps hearing about how he could be dangerous. Well FREAKING get over it. He went away, he got help, and he is so much more in control of himself. I do NOT believe he is dangerous. The kids around here just wont give him a chance.! It makes me absolutely CRAZY!

On the other hand, he is driving ME crazy. Last therapy session we had a big discussion on how frustrated I get telling him every day that he needs to shower and brush his teeth. He contended that if I just let it be he would take care of it. Maybe not every day but every day was an unreasonable expectation anyways. Therapist didn't necessarily disagree with me but said that Michael needed the chance to prove that he was fine and didn't need me to bug him. I was not to mention showering or teeth brushing and let natural consequences take over. Well....it's been 2 weeks and today was the first day he showered. I don't think he would have but Jeff told him he was either showering or riding in the bed of the truck to Williston...and it's 45 degrees and raining. He did NOT brush his teeth and he did NOT change his underwear! 2 weeks! His room has fruit flies in it. He stinks. I am going NUTS! And then he gets all over the little kids when they don't jump right up and listen to me when I tell THEM to come brush their teeth. WTF???? I really am going nuts! Anyways, Jeff is going to therapy with us today and this has to change because it makes me absolutely crazy! I'm not the best housekeeper in the world, but my house is cluttered, not dirty! I don't do filth and he is filth! He says I'm just expecting too much from him.

What do you think ladies? Is it just me being anal retentive? If so, how do I not let it bother me? Something's gotta give!

Okay...I need to get some stuff done before I leave. Talk to you later! Love you!

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So I think things have settled down enough that I can get back on a regular routine. I'm looking for a gym this weekend that I can go to.

I'm just really, REALLY depressed right now. I know that everyone believes that I made the right choice in leaving RPA...but I do not. I think I made the biggest mistake of my life...one that I will regret for a long, long time. I miss my kids, I miss the school ( I do not miss the F'ing secretary that made my life a living hell), I miss the philosophy...I pretty much miss everything but Donna(the f'ing secretary). She was essentially the one that made everything so difficult, including the long hours. I never told anyone this because I guess I was ashamed. She told me in March that Michael (the director) was not happy with my performance. She said that he was concerned that I was not doing my job well enough. I was mortified. I had worked with him at 3 schools for 5 years and he had never said anything but wonderful things about the job I was doing. I wondered why he hadn't told me but I knew that he is a chicken shit and was probably to scared to say something so he had told Donna this and she was just repeating it to me because we were "friends". So from March on I worked to the point that it almost killed me. I did everything I was supposed to plus more because I thought I was working to save my job. Turns out...he NEVER said that to her. She new my health was fragile and for whatever reason...she decided to push me I think until she got what she wanted...which was me gone. Now I just wish that I would have gone and talked with him...because a LOT of stuff that she said was just a malicious lie.

So when I got an email from Michael stating that he was putting me probation I freaked out. I guess I should have listened and talked to him about it before I resigned because he was putting me on probation because she told him that I cussed her out in front of students and threaten to do something to her. It was ALL a malicious lie...and when Michael asked the students that were supposedly there...they all agreed with me. But by the time all of this came out...it was too late. I had already resigned and they had already found a teacher to replace me. He really wanted to fire Donna, but I asked him not to. She is one of those people that can bring a place down in a heart beat because obviously she is not afraid to lie to get what she wants. Plus the kids are STILL grieving my loss and losing another familiar face in a sea of WAY TOO MANY new faces would have just been too hard on them. He wants me to come back and work for him when he opens another school. At this point...I would scrub toilets for him at another school if it meant not teaching in a traditional school system.

It's not that I don't like my job...I just don't like the system. I mean ...really...I am FORCED to give extra credit to someone because they wear a Paschal High School shirt on Fridays :scared2:and more extra credit if they turn their homework in early. :rolleyes2: It's ridiculous. Grades mean NOTHING at this school. They are pointless. There is one girl in the class that I am team teaching that a 109 percent in the honors chemistry class...but can't do the basic stuff. She has such a high grade because they really don't grade on right or wrong...they grade on does it look pretty, does it have the period number and did you turn it in on time. Seriously...the homework grade has NOTHING to do with whether it is right or wrong...so why even have them do it:cursing:

I just don't believe in the system and teaching is entirely too hard of a job to not believe in what you are doing. This is the first year in my career that I honestly don't believe I can make a difference in any child's life. I think I would have better luck helping out children if I worked with the teens at McDonalds or Cold Stone.

Ugh...Not much I can do now. Just really, really depressed and really really regretting my decision. :thumbdown:

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Hi ladies. It's a rotten day already and it isn't even 10am! It's got to get better!

This morning battle with the kids. Nothing new, just frustrating. I know every mother goes through it, the little ones were just extra obnoxious this morning. Then go to Jeff's shop to take him a latte, left mine in the car because I wasn't going to be there long. Had to call Soc. Security because they sent me a stupid form with mis information. Sat on hold for 20 minutes. Didn't want to hang up because then I would have to start over. So by the time I get off the phone I really have GOT to GO! So I left in a hurry. I rush into the house, trip coming up the porch, spill my latte, soak my pants, and almost have an accident. It's just time to go back to bed and start over.

Anyways. I don't want to go into all the Michael drama of the last weekend but I'm very frustrated that any time someone takes the chance at being his friend, the other teens in town tell such outrageous lies about him that it scares the others into not wanting anything to do with him, and this last girl went to the cops because she was so afraid. She admits he didn't DO anything, it's just all these things she keeps hearing about how he could be dangerous. Well FREAKING get over it. He went away, he got help, and he is so much more in control of himself. I do NOT believe he is dangerous. The kids around here just wont give him a chance.! It makes me absolutely CRAZY!

On the other hand, he is driving ME crazy. Last therapy session we had a big discussion on how frustrated I get telling him every day that he needs to shower and brush his teeth. He contended that if I just let it be he would take care of it. Maybe not every day but every day was an unreasonable expectation anyways. Therapist didn't necessarily disagree with me but said that Michael needed the chance to prove that he was fine and didn't need me to bug him. I was not to mention showering or teeth brushing and let natural consequences take over. Well....it's been 2 weeks and today was the first day he showered. I don't think he would have but Jeff told him he was either showering or riding in the bed of the truck to Williston...and it's 45 degrees and raining. He did NOT brush his teeth and he did NOT change his underwear! 2 weeks! His room has fruit flies in it. He stinks. I am going NUTS! And then he gets all over the little kids when they don't jump right up and listen to me when I tell THEM to come brush their teeth. WTF???? I really am going nuts! Anyways, Jeff is going to therapy with us today and this has to change because it makes me absolutely crazy! I'm not the best housekeeper in the world, but my house is cluttered, not dirty! I don't do filth and he is filth! He says I'm just expecting too much from him.

What do you think ladies? Is it just me being anal retentive? If so, how do I not let it bother me? Something's gotta give!

Okay...I need to get some stuff done before I leave. Talk to you later! Love you!

Oh Stephanie, with Michael, its a control issue... He is remaining STINKY because HE wants control over his body... it could be worse, he could be an anorexic and refuse to eat... but the principle is the same... HE WANTS CONTROL... his motive is Not to make your crazy.... so stick to the couselors suggestion and LET nature take its course... put some Vicks vaporub under your nose.... You can threaten, you can yell... but does that honestly work with Michael? Hummm I don't think so...

Or there is another tactic, but you and Jeff will both have to be onboard... YOU 2 don't shower or bath or brush teeth for a weekend until Michael thinks YOU stink... maybe then he'll get it...

<LI class=FLC itxtvisited="1">Your adolescent (who is approaching puberty or has begun puberty) may not realize that they are producing offensive smells as their routine may not have changed.

<LI class=FLC itxtvisited="1">

Your tweens (ages 9 to 12) and teens may have observed their change in smell but did not know what to do about it. Still, they may feel self-conscious about knowing they have not been smelling their best.

<LI class=FLC itxtvisited="1">

Sometimes, tweens and teens just don't want to bother with showers and baths. They stink and they know it. Seek professional assistance when they know you know they stink too (and they refuse to correct the problem). You may be dealing with a self-esteem issue.

Read more: How to Defunk Your Stinky Teenagers | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_4428387_defunk-stinky-teenagers.html#ixzz10Iyim6sN

Does he WANT to go back and live in a group home again????

Edited by peaches9

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oh crap did I lose my post? shit I did.... it was for Karri;

Honey, I feel for you. BUT what is done is done... don't spend your energy on regrets... Just hit this new year with acheivable goals. Teach the curriculum as presented; no its not inspired; no its not what you'd like to be teaching... but its what you HAVE... work with it and don't make yourself nuts.. You are way too hard on yourself. Just get thru this year, and then focus on getting back into the type of environment that you love.

O.k. I am NOT a teacher,, where are the other more educated types....?.... come in here.

Edited by peaches9
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Candice honey, not with a 10 foot pole.

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My surgery is officially scheduled for November 30 at 2:30 pm. A hell of a long time to go without food!! It won't be pretty. I haven't told the school yet. Everyone is dealing with our collegue with breast cancer and her double masectomy and possibly hysterectomy. My boss will not be thrilled. But not my problem Basically I will take the month of December off. Most of the month is lost to squirrley kids/holidays/testing, so I am not concerned about curriculum. Okay, yes I am concerned...but not my problem.

Steph, Candice is right, it is about control. Let it go. However, I would ask the therapist if you have the right to refuse to 'get close' enough or 'go out' with him in public. What about it is driving you nuts? Is it the smell or is it the fact that he doesn't care, or is it that he won't do what you say? I am sure that his self esteem is at issue as well as the control. He may think that if he smells bad enough, then that is the reason he doesn't have friends, rather than he doesn't have friends because of who he is. As always, said with love.

My door is in and it is fabulous!! I need to put the screen door in, but that will have to wait until I have time.

Well best go read my 7 chapters now that my textbook FINALLY showed up in the mail. TTFN

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Drive by post in between gyms - back from weight - have yoga in a few.

Karri - I will call you tomorrow or friday by the time candy left it was late and busy on the weekend - and Sunday thru Wed gym.. Dont get home til late..

- Hugs baby girl.. Things happen for a reason - sometimes we don't understand it right now - but it will show it's self - Maybe - you can go back to RPA next school yr - maybe he will fire her or maybe you will find another school like RPA in another place (AZ) ...


I agree w/Candice - about the battle of control between you and him - and it could be worse.. The high school drama - hugs on that - kids now adays are so full of it..

Phyl has landed in the Desert - ;0)

Took the dogs on a short walk - now leaving for yoga

Tomorrow gang.

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Hi girls! Happy Thursday. This morning was better. Michael went to school clean! It makes me not crazy in the mornings.

Here is what the therapist said. This thing with Michael is because he honestly thinks that he should be treated as an equal to Jeff and I and not a subordinate. He does not see how or why he should not be treated as my equal. Jeff doesn't have to do what I say so why should he? I don't answer to Michael so why should Michael answer to me? She advised that we just continue to be strong and when he questions our authority to give no other answer than, "I am your mother, and that is the only reason I need." I have always given him reason after reason after reason as to why my way works. Do your homework because, a) you will need this skill for college, :smile2: you can't learn it all in the 45 minutes you are in class, c) you want to drive and without the grades, you can't take drivers ed. Now counselor says, that's not a bad idea but that with Michael, he can then spend all his energy explaining why a, b, and c, are stupid reasons and that I am wrong and he is right and therefor he doesn't need to do his homework. Bathing, the same thing. My reasons are faulty therefor he has no reason to bathe. He is proving me wrong. It's NUTS! So, instead of giving him justifications for our rules we need to just expect compliance without it. She does not think this is appropriate for all kids, even most kids...but it is what MICHAEL needs right now.

She also said that it might be a solution to send him to Missouri. She said that I have raised him, given him the core, and that, honestly, she doesn't see that in 2 years I'm going to be able to do much more for him in terms of "life skills". He has the skills that if he is in danger he knows how to use the phone, he knows how to cook, he knows how to survive. Maybe now he needs to experience his idea of "freedom" and either sink or swim. So, maybe I need to think about it. I don't, and she doesn't, think that anything will change because he changes location or adult (if you can call it that) supervision and that he will end up with the same problems there that he does here, but she also doesn't think it would be any worse for him there either. I don't know that I agree but in 15 years, his dad MIGHT have grown up. I doubt it, but he might have. I don't know. We might have to take a trip to Missouri. We'll see.

Okay....there's more I want to say to the rest of you. Karri, Karla, Candice, Phyl.....but this has been long enough. I'll be back in a bit and we'll talk! Love you ladies!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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