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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang..

Don't know what happen to my post last night..

Linda - I'm cool w/Andrew gone - Yes I miss him - but I'm not cut out to be Mom all my life ;0) - It's weird at times knowing that he isn't going to be coming home - but like Saturday - I was cleaning the pantry in my bra & undies ;0) not a cute site but it was just me and the dogs :0)

I think I am nesting - Making my house my own - Plus I can't shop ;0) so gotta keep busy or I would lay around and eat ;0)..

Plus - I seem to see him often and he calls too.. He's coming home to watch the dogs when I got to Vegas 10/1

$350 ticket to detroit - but can't go til next yr and don't know if I want to fly in the winter months ;o) change planes in ohare ;0) then to detroit..

Yep you better make that call for Mel - Men??? There is a billboard I see that says something to the effect "# of men who are going to die this yr because they don't get ck'd"

Karla - I don't even buy milk ;0) don't drink it - I use sf Creamer in mine ;0) You are going to love yoga - if you have never taken it - you will learn down dog, plank, chair, sunflower breath - but again I take gym yoga which she says is a little diff than regular - I think the diff is the spirtual part not sure..

Phyl - No latte for 2 weeks OMG I can't beleive that - have Earl get some day quil - it really helps ;0)

You did really good on 1/2 cup - last night I had 2 cones - so at least 1 cup - 90 x 2 = 180 - cones 20 x 2 = 40 - 220 not to bad :0) - it was that sugar thing - I think I am going to have to quit buying it..

Steph - Hugs on the issues - we are here for you...

I spoke w/Karri for a few on Friday - but had to go cuz candy came over - she's not happy teaching in a regular school ;0)..

Well I'm at work - need to get to it... CBL

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Submitted my official "Early Notification of Separation" today. Worth $5000 to let them know now that I intend to retire in May. So it's official!!!! I'm finally gunna have my own life.

Cora and Levi will be here in a 1/2 hour. Mommy has a class and Daddy wants to practice with his new band (he plays bass--like Peter, but not as accomplished). One of them will pick Levi up around 9, but Cora gets to sleep over as tomorrow is Cora and Grama day anyway.


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Submitted my official "Early Notification of Separation" today. Worth $5000 to let them know now that I intend to retire in May. So it's official!!!! I'm finally gunna have my own life.

Cora and Levi will be here in a 1/2 hour. Mommy has a class and Daddy wants to practice with his new band (he plays bass--like Peter, but not as accomplished). One of them will pick Levi up around 9, but Cora gets to sleep over as tomorrow is Cora and Grama day anyway.



I'm so jealous !!!

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I'm so jealous !!!

ME TOO!!!!!

But seriously Linda, Mel HAS to make that appt. TUESDAY... Or Peter and I will come over there and KICK HIM IN THE ASS!!!

No kidding~~~!!

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Off to the gym - 1 hr weight training Arms !!!

- What was your exercise today Candice -

My food for the day so far

BF greek yogurt & raspiberries

lunch - ck thight & butternut squash

snack - pistaciho (sp) nuts

dinner will be fish or chicken haven't decided along with some veggies

Karla is doing yoga tonite - WTG

Phyl has pass cuz of her back & Linda cuz of her hips -

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OH HAPPY DAY! Submitted my official "Early Notification of Separation" today. Worth $5000 to let them know now that I intend to retire in May. So it's official!!!! I'm finally gunna have my own life.

Cora and Levi will be here in a 1/2 hour. Mommy has a class and Daddy wants to practice with his new band (he plays bass--like Peter, but not as accomplished). One of them will pick Levi up around 9, but Cora gets to sleep over as tomorrow is Cora and Grama day anyway. OH HAPPY DAY!


That is GREAT news!!

Off to the gym - 1 hr weight training Arms !!!

- What was your exercise today Candice -

My food for the day so far

BF Greek yogurt & raspberries

lunch - ck thigh & butternut squash

snack - pistachio nuts

dinner will be fish or chicken haven't decided along with some veggies

Karla is doing yoga tonite - WTG

Phyl has pass cuz of her back & Linda cuz of her hips -

Actually... past 3 days we've had a nice pool, and last 2 days, hot tub, too. So I've done 15-20 minutes of pool exercise X3 days, and then relax in got tub and gentle jets on my spine.


Back feels better and I did a lot of walking today.. well, compared to the past 2 months... a lot. I walked the dog, I walked around truck stop store in 2 different places, and back and forth to pool this afternoon. Very little pain. It's wonderful!!


Food today... eggbeaters omelet, 1/2 tuna sandwich for lunch with a few sweet pickles and a few potato chip crumbs!

Laughing Cow lite for snack w/rye crisp cracker... oh, yeah.. then there was the wine! We're having chicken thigh and green Beans for dinner. And I'll probably have another 1/2 cup of that ice cream later, if Earl saved me any!!

Steph... hugs, girl. Hope things are okay.

Karri... we miss you.

Karla... new door soon! YAY!!

Who am I missing..... OH.. yeah, rock star, Candice! Hope you're having a great day.

11_1_205.gif 15_9_20.gif 11_1_205.gif

We gained an hour yesterday and another hour today, because AZ is NOT on daylight savings time. So we're already on Pacific time now. Made for a nice long relaxing afternoon. Heck, we've been here for hours and it's only 5 pm and we drove 250 miles today!

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Candice, Rose is in the area and being a flake. She is in Utica NY tonight, planning on being in Lake Placid tomorrow and heading to Montreal. You should call her and see if you guys can connect. Her number is 406-465-1752

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Candice, Rose is in the area and being a flake. She is in Utica NY tonight, planning on being in Lake Placid tomorrow and heading to Montreal. You should call her and see if you guys can connect. Her number is 406-465-1752

And she's out there without any real plans for something like 2 weeks. I hope you can get together. She's out there with a girl friend of hers that is just a HOOT!

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I loved the yoga!! I know I will be sore tomorrow, but I loved how much everything stretched. ANd I actually have a little flexability. However, how come none of you told me I have the most Gosh awful wrinkly knees on the face of the earth. I was doing the down under dog or maybe the plank, butt in air, feet & hands down, head down looking right at those hanging wrinkle knees. O my Gosh, the looked to the right and this upper arm slaps me in the face. Now I know I wave for several minutes after a stop moving my arm, but it was darn right embarassing. waggle waggle.

Well, I think I have officially aquired the 'acid reflux' thing everything that I put in my mouth today 'stuck' and burned. So I'm thinking, I shouldn't really stick on Water, when I can eat a cracker. So bought some tums, and relief. food today was 2 crackers and a wedge of laughing cow. Nothing else would go down. Didn't even get coffee or a water down. I'm doing better tonight after the tums. I'm able to drink now. I think what I was feeling was the acid reflux and not being stuck. Any thought would be appreciated.

Well need to go do homework.

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Back from the gym - Had a good workout - got the dogs fed now I gotta watch Bella - cuz it will be potty time in just a few

Phyl Sure glad to hear your back is doing better !!! Have you found a starbucks yet - Wilcox AZ pop 3700 - omg what a small town - what's there besides a truck stop ;0)

Well I'm back - took Bella for a walk - 1/2 mile I think - she still hasn't pooped - I got her a collar like you have for Zoey Phyl - she did excellent - it was the 1st time I took her for a walk - but I don't think I have it on correctly.. But it worked I even jogged 3/4 of Vincent - which is a long street - but it's hot 99 degrees.. - I was trying to wear her out so I can type on the computer - tomorrow I may try all 3 dogs :0)..

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You guys posted while I was gone - see above

Candice, Rose is in the area and being a flake. She is in Utica NY tonight, planning on being in Lake Placid tomorrow and heading to Montreal. You should call her and see if you guys can connect. Her number is 406-465-1752

Steph - Why is she being a flake?? Candice is 1hr away from Ontario - I think Monteral is far from her but I don't have a map so not sure ;0)

I loved the yoga!! I know I will be sore tomorrow, but I loved how much everything stretched. ANd I actually have a little flexability. However, how come none of you told me I have the most Gosh awful wrinkly knees on the face of the earth. I was doing the down under dog or maybe the plank, butt in air, feet & hands down, head down looking right at those hanging wrinkle knees. O my Gosh, the looked to the right and this upper arm slaps me in the face. Now I know I wave for several minutes after a stop moving my arm, but it was darn right embarassing. waggle waggle.

Well, I think I have officially aquired the 'acid reflux' thing everything that I put in my mouth today 'stuck' and burned. So I'm thinking, I shouldn't really stick on Water, when I can eat a cracker. So bought some tums, and relief. food today was 2 crackers and a wedge of laughing cow. Nothing else would go down. Didn't even get coffee or a water down. I'm doing better tonight after the tums. I'm able to drink now. I think what I was feeling was the acid reflux and not being stuck. Any thought would be appreciated.

Well need to go do homework.

Karla - It's call Downward Dog ;0) - Girl I don't wear shorts for that reason - ugly knees - but I do go sleeveless now - who cares..

I take an acid reducer (target brand) its small and I take it daily and I don't have any heart burn issues - I will get it from just drinking water - but if I eat a cracker it goes away - I think you need to coat your stomach and water doesn't do it..

I think you need to see the doc and have some fill taken out - you aren't eating much at all and this (the band) isn't about starving your self..

Heartburn is the burning - acid reflux to me is when you are asleep and wake up choking/throwing up stomach acid.. I could be wrong - I'm no dr.. But thats the diff imho..

Acid in our pouch is not good...

PS - Phyl you are 330 something from Indio - so you should be here by Wed ;0)

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Janet, I say Rose is being a flake because she keeps putting off calling or fb'ing Candice. She's just being weird. I'm pretty sure she is planning on going to Toronto at some point. I know if she continues to put it off, she won't have a chance to make it work.

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Janet, the weird thing...I'm not hungry. The only way I know to eat is when I feel a low blood sugar. My nutrition right now is poor. I need to get more fruit & veggies in. Probably more Protein. I know I need to see the dr., but there is a part of me that is afraid to get any unfill because I don't want to go back to eating 2 cups of food and battling to MAINTAIN weight and not gain. I know, my head is screwed on backwards right now. The dr. appt is going to have to wait until after I am done with work at the nursery, this weekend is my last weekend. So I can think about it then. Let's get real, it is a powerful thing to not be hungry. It is seductive and I know this is as issue for me. I can NOT eat very well. Eons ago, I would eat a 1/2 a banana and 1 cup skim milk for Breakfast, popcorn for lunch, and small salad for dinner. I KNOW that I can't go back to that, I really thought I had all my food demons under control. I guess it just shows that you never really do. I will work on it!

Dog walking. I have a leash that is split so that I can walk Jordan & Molly at the same time and only have to hold onto one handle. You can adjust where it separates into two so you don't get tangles up around your leg.

Yeah, NOW you tell me about not wearing shorts. My gosh it was horrid!!!

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Good Morning Gang

Steph - I can relate to Rose - I say to myself - oh I'll call or send email in a few - then I'm off onto something else and forget - then remember oh ya - well I'll do that after I finish this - but then get sided track and never do it at all ;0)

That being said I need to call Karri back from last Friday - great example of how I'm a flake too :0)


There are some days I don't eat real healthy - mostly on the weekends I don't always eat bf &/or lunch - will have popcorn around 3 cuz it's to late to eat lunch and to early to eat dinner..

During the week I eat pretty good for the most part cuz I plan - like today I will have a pt shake w/banana & Peanut Butter cuz I have bootcamp tonite and need the Protein - lunch is fish - veggies & a little rice - I usually don't eat starches for lunch but again I have bootcamp and need to fuel my body - That's how I look at it pretty much now a days - if I want to work out I need to fuel myself accordingly..

When you go just have them take out like .25 and see if that helps. That's the hard part of our bands - finding that sweet spot and we all think about eating less equates to weight loss - well yes that's true - but mostly it's about our food choices - even if you can eat 2 cups of food at one sitting - if you are eating 4 oz pt - and the rest veggies you aren't going to gain weight and will continue to lose - but if you eat 2 cups starches, fats, sugar you aren't.. It's mostly about our food choices - not starvation...

You wore shorts in WA - I thought your legs looked great - the inside of my knees are ugly ;0)

Well gang gotta get to work -

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And she's out there without any real plans for something like 2 weeks. I hope you can get together. She's out there with a girl friend of hers that is just a HOOT!

Oh that would be cool, but Utica NY is still a hell of a long way from me, and Montreal is even farther east!!! Is she driving back across the US or the Canadian side? Cause then it might make it closer...

So she ends up in Montreal, if she came home the Cdn way say thru Ottawa, our Nations Capital, then came west across Ontario to Toronto then UP to Wasaga Beach from there... that would work and she`d get to see some great cities and countryside...

chk out this link to mapquest


o.k. that didnt`work so well....

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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