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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Oh Candice, how very cool!!! and you were worried. I know you gus make beautiful music together. We are so proud of you!!

Yeah I need to get the mamo, but dang I hate the idea.

The electrician is coming today to move the wiring that is in the way of the door, Then the carpenter will come eartly this week and put in the door, I can't wait. I need to pick the house up a little before he gets here. It is a mess. Don't know when I will have time to clean.

Well have work, so best get ready and then do some clena up,TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

How cool Candice !!! Glad your gig went well - but I knew it would - You now have your retirement career ;0)

Leg cramps - drink tonic Water

Karla - You will get it all done - don't sweat it - you will need to post pics once it's installed..

When you get time ck fb and vote for Phyl on her before & after pics she posted !!!!

Up at the crack of dawn - Bella just doesn't go more that 4 hrs w/o needing to pee - but what the hell - I don't need sleep - don't know what I am doing today - may clean out the pantry.. I got food in there that must be expired ;0)

Need to do a little wash and mop the floors - vaccumed last night before candy came over..

Happy Saturday - at least I don't have to go to work ;0)

Edited by IndioGirl55

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You gals ROCK!! Thanks for all the support on FB. Laverne... just a clueless bimbo! Sorry! She IS a good friend, but she really hurt my feelings. Then she came back with all kinds of sweet stuff AFTER I posted a comment on HER comment... "EXCUSE ME?? It shows in my FACE???? I went from a 4X to L or XL!!" Oh, well. She's just kind of shallow and not too bright! I'm over it. I DO need to lose more weight, and I KNOW that, but... that was not a kind thing to say, especially not on FB for all the world to see.

On another note, we had a great visit with my cousin yesterday. He had business in the Dallas area so came by the RV afterward. He stayed and visited almost 3 hours! And I don't think we ever ran out of things to talk about. He makes his own wine and brought us 2 bottles of blackberry that he bottled the night before knowing he was coming to see us. And I gave him a bottle of strawberry reisling that I bought in Buffalo from my niece's friend who makes and bottles his own also. He called today and said his wife LOVED it! And Earl cooked some turkey bratwurst and made Pasta salad.< /span>

Then later we went to dinner at the home of a guy who was our pastor in OK. I told you about that. We had a great time. His wife is a real sweetheart, and so is he. We finished a bottle of cranberry Chianti (Earl and I and Laura... Tom doesn't like wine.) and she made some delicious homemade spaghetti sauce. Salad and garlic bread too. I had a real small piece of bread and Catalina free dressing on my salad. Very small scoop of coffee Blue Bell ice cream for dessert that was SO good!

So we headed out of Dallas a little before 8 a.m. and managed to drive 300 miles today and reached our destination by a little after 2 pm! We were all settled in and watching Huskie football by 2:45pm! We're going to the pool in a little while.. before dinner, which is going to be whatever leftovers we can find in the fridge because Earl isn't feeling well. He was hoping to grill steak but said he doesn't feel good enough and couldn't taste it anyway. Think he caught a cold from BIL in Buffalo.

Hope you are all having a relaxing and enjoyable weekend. Would have loved to hear the BassicJazz Trio perform last night!! You need to do "Harper Valley PTA"!! And maybe a little Dolly Parton (like 9 to 5). I know.... .not really jazz, but you could get away with it and it would be awesome!!

:thumbup::scared2: Banane08.gif

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Hey Gang

Well I got my pantry all cleaned out and organized - went to Target & Marshalls and got baskets to put stuff in - looks really nice - had to throw out expired canned food that's been in there since surgery - have all but 1 cupboard straighten out - junk drawer cleaned..

That's my exciting day :0)

P.S. Got that cupboard done :0)

Now don't know what I am going to have for dinner - maybe take out - but that means getting dressed - I was cleaning in my bra & undies (tmi :0) the priviledge of living alone :0) But now have jammies on -

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Okay ladies, Phyl has a point, we need to get together and go to one of Candices and ...ah hell..what's his name. Candice my appologies to your DH, for the life of me I can't think of his name... Crap. BRAIN is fried!! So now I am going to have to go into back posts and find it. I'm such a ditz today.

I've never tasted homemade wine. I like some wines, but not most. A lot of times it gives me a raging headache. Now I can drink straight shot of tequila and not even have a hang over. Use to love Stoly vodka, till I drank almost a whole bottle of 180 proof. Can't even stand the smell now. I'll be honest, I'm a foofy drink person, anything sweet and slushy. Or a good beer with clamato juice.< /p>

Crap, forgot to post this!

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Peter is Candice DH - & John is their friend who plays in the band too.. ;0)

I like foof foof drinks too (drink of the day)- like a diet coke & bourbon haven't had one of those in years, gin & tonic - Sauz Green label tequilla & Tonic - Lemon Drop Marnities Use to drink 151 rum straight up too ;0)

Canada is a little far from me to fly for one nite :0)...

So they are going to have to have someone record and she can post it..

Well I can tell you getting re-dressed is a lot easier now a days - I threw on my summer dress and went an pickup Mex food - Enchilada & renello (sp) & Beans - ate the enchilada and 2 bites of the relleno and am stuffed.. Dieing of thrust right now..

Tomorrow got pilos @ 10 - and the rest of the day just chilling I think -

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Janet, how come I couldn't remember Peter's name, I feel like such a dweeb.

I learned something...don't eat dinner so late that I hasn't had a chance to go through your band.

Didn't get dinner until 9:30, went to bed at 10:00. Woke up with it still in my band and it made a repeat performance. Let's just say salad that sits in your band overnight is NOT a pretty sight, or taste. auug

Stepped on the scale this morning (I weigh dressed) and I lost 3 pounds or 2 pounds, it really doesn't matter, but I am down to 167, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Well need to go finish the edit on my paper. If I have time I will check in before work!

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:thumbup:I am so very happy for you:thumbup:

:thumbup:Glad to see the scales moving down:tt2:

Well been up since 5:30 - You all know why - but what the heck - I got floors mopped - doors clean (well some of them I have colony doors (think that's what they are called - they have panels and omg dust - Andrew wasn't a deep cleaner - The perfectionist in me avoids it till I can give it my full attention - even moved the washer and dryer and cleaned behind there - hadn't done that since I got new ones a few years back and I think that was October - If you ever want to know were those socks go - ck behind the stuff - I found a few :0) - plus Bear likes to do the leg thing not marking but after he peeps or poops the bull things (moving hind legs) well that some times leaves poop on the doors/wall - so got that cleaned too. Disinfected the doggie door - they say that is a big bacteria place..

Now I gotta get dressed for exercise - tempted not to go - in a cleaning mood - but need the exercise - at mexican last night - reminds me to take something out for dinner - chicken I think..

Well just a quick ck in - will ck back after exercise..

Happy Sunday...

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mornoing girels bridget has decided to ly across me wrists, hard to type

Karla, you forgot Peter!!! OH i AM SO DISAPPOINTED.....not... i can`t name all your daughters either!!!!

Good sleep in today, i needed it... too much excitement this wekend... working on quilots today

Karla, congrats on thwe 167 that is a fabulous number girl.... youve worked hard for it. I forgot to ask, do you have to pay for this new surgery? or is it covered by your insurance from school.

AND 50 lbs,,, no wy girl, you are not to lift THAT much ever!!!

No sense in getting repairs and continuing to LIFT, your employer at the green house will just have to understand and give you light duties. or find a diff job. P/t...JMHO

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Back from Gym - well at 11:30 - came home finished mopping - then Andrew came over - I guess he needs some peace and quite :thumbup: we went to Target - and as he was putting stuff in cart I said I thought I was done w/this lol ;0) he said well your Water, electric, food & gas are going down ;0) lol - But he's getting ready to take a shower ;0)

Phyl Safe travels - I ck'd that lady out - hell even with a face lift (and you can tell) she's not that cute - I don't care if she's your freind - REAL friends are always happy for you. My gf candy - and pple at work even the bosses are always giving me complements

Candice Quilting is good then you can't munch :0)

Well I'm headed for the couch.... CBL

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Quick check in to let you know that I'm trying to keep up.

Carla--so happy for you on your new weight, and actually on the surgery too. You are becomming a whole new woman--inside and out! I have a feeling that good things lie ahead just waiting for you. . .

Janet--so does all this cleaning have anything to do with missing Andrew? Making a clean sweep? Don't mess with me, gf. . . It's a transition and you're dealing with it in a very healthy way. Now I want you to check on the price of a plane ticket from Palm Srpings to Detroit. I could meet you at the airport and we could drive over the border to see Candice perform. Think about it!

Candice--that means that you guys need to book a gig in Sarnia. I'm serious! If you book a gig in Sarnia, I WILL COME! (and I'll lay a guilt trip on everyone else. . .)

Steph--what's up?

Karri--I heard that you got a teaching job--that's great! Even if it's not allowing you the opportunity to express your creativity--at this point something's better 'n nothin. You've got time. Maybe right now you jsut have to focus on other things--like your health? Please let me know how you are.

Phly, oh, Phyl. I am amazed at how many friends you have all over the place. You are mightily loved for good reasons. I can't wait till next year when we all meet up again.

Andy's doing pretty well. Back to work tomorrow. My next duty is to make sure that dh calls whoever he needs to call to get this damn bioposy scheduled.

Edited by lindaa

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Homework done for the week. Fighting stress like crazy. My band is tighter than ever. I am going to stick with liquids for a day.

Trying to get the laundry done, had to strip my bed a 2nd time in less than a week. I am a little sick of furries, dogs and cats, muddy feet, fur and puke. auuuuuuuhhhhh

So Linda, what is going on with you? Anything fun? or are you busy with students. Just think, the last September you have to work!!

Well need something for dinner, probably a smoothie.< /p>


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Hi ladies. Quick check in. It's been kinda ugnly around here, but I don't have the energy to explain myself now. Just know that I'm okay....working through it. Maybe tomorrow I'll have a chance to talk through it. I love you guys but it's just too raw right now.

I missed something with Phyl and this lady, but I hope you know that if I had seen it I would be right on top of it.

Karla, I love the thought of you getting a surgery to make it all better, but if you don't stop picking all that heavy stuff up it won't stay fixed. So settle down and get used to it.

Okay....heading to bed. Love you ladies!

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Ah Steph, it sounds like things are not good. You know we are here for you any time.

Linda, yep, nag DH until it is done. Remind him that he is loved and needed and that you need him to be there for the family. Then if he doesn't schedule it, do it yourself. Although I am a huge supporter of natural consequences, this is NOT a consequence you need to deal with.

Went to make my latte this morning and my milk is sour, crap. No latte for me. I may have to stop and get on from the coffee stand. I can't live without my coffee.

Got the new screen door stained last night. The electrician moved the electricity on Saturday and the carpenter comes on Tuesday to put in my door. I am so excited!!!

Doing yoga tonight with a teacher at school, so will be a late check in. Then groceries, laundry, homewor, AND to bed. I think I am going to make tortillline (sp) Soup for dinner. Semi mushi and it will give me band a rest. Need to get the stress reduced and stop irritating my band.

No ladies you are right, I need to get a handle on my lifting. I just get frustrated because I want to get things done and there is no one to help me. I need to start asking for help. Gosh I hate that.

Payday, it has been since June, but I made it. Oh I can't complain. I earned about $4000 extra this summer. I actually will be putting a little into the savings this afternoon!!

I can't remember who asked, but my new insurance will pay for my surgery. Well not all of it, but it definitely will be better than what I had before. I have a $500 deductable and then I think they pay 80%. I will probably have to get pre approval, etc. I imagine the use of the de Vinci machine won't be cheap. It will be frustrating to have medical bills again.

I suppose I best get at it! Check in tonight, you all have a great day!!

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Canada is a little far from me to fly for one nite :0)...So they are going to have to have someone record and she can post it..

Well I can tell you getting re-dressed is a lot easier now a days - I threw on my summer dress and went an pickup Mex food - Enchilada & renello (sp) & Beans - ate the enchilada and 2 bites of the relleno and am stuffed.. Dieing of thrust right now..

Tomorrow got pilos @ 10 - and the rest of the day just chilling I think -

W/Candice's new career she'll probably be doing a gig in Vegas soon and we can all meet there!! LOL

Wow! Up early enough to see a beautiful sunrise!!

Earl had a terrible night w/sinuses, etc. He needs to see a dr. when we get to CA. I know he has a cold now, but this is going on too long... always having trouble sleeping because of sinus headaches.

Ah Steph, it sounds like things are not good. You know we are here for you any time.

Linda, yep, nag DH until it is done. Remind him that he is loved and needed and that you need him to be there for the family. Then if he doesn't schedule it, do it yourself. Although I am a huge supporter of natural consequences, this is NOT a consequence you need to deal with.

Went to make my latte this morning and my milk is sour, crap. No latte for me. I may have to stop and get on from the coffee stand. I can't live without my coffee.

Got the new screen door stained last night. The electrician moved the electricity on Saturday and the carpenter comes on Tuesday to put in my door. I am so excited!!!

No ladies you are right, I need to get a handle on my lifting. I just get frustrated because I want to get things done and there is no one to help me. I need to start asking for help. Gosh I hate that.

Payday, it has been since June, but I made it. Oh I can't complain. I earned about $4000 extra this summer. I actually will be putting a little into the savings this afternoon!!

I can't remember who asked, but my new insurance will pay for my surgery. Well not all of it, but it definitely will be better than what I had before. I have a $500 deductable and then I think they pay 80%. I will probably have to get pre approval, etc. I imagine the use of the de Vinci machine won't be cheap. It will be frustrating to have medical bills again. I suppose I best get at it! Check in tonight, you all have a great day!!

Congrats on the weight! I am holding my own and that's a challenge right now! When it's just us in the RV I do better. At least no visiting yesterday, so calories were better. But I did succumb to a craving for something sweet last night. I put Zoey in my basket and rode my scooter down to the little store at the park office and got a pint of Blue Bell ice cream. But I only ate 1/2 cup. Then Earl had some and it's now in the freezer.

Internet sucks at this park. It comes and goes. So I hope this posts before I lose it again.

Oh.... poor baby... sour milk!! LOL! I keep whining because I've only had one latte since we left Buffalo almost 2 weeks ago! Spotted a Starbucks yesterday... too late to take the exit!

Linda... you better call and make that appt yourself!! MEN!!

On to AZ today!! I think we'll be in CA before Friday. Maybe even Wednesday!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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