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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Evening Gang..

Karla studying !!!

Candice singing !!!

Phyl visiting !!!

Steph ????

Linda ????

food today -

ham & cheese for bf

one pot wonder for lunch

fish veggies maybe some rice - dinner

Snacks popcorn and sf ice cream

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Phyl - How was tops?? or is that today?? All that eating out - ugh - I bet you are ready for some good home healthy cooking..well need to get to work-cbl

TOPS was Tues. Can't find my weight sheet right now but I think I was actually down a pound! Have been trying very hard to make good choices, bringing home leftovers, etc. And cut down on Snacks. Lots of new members, but 6 or 8 gals who were there when we were. Some of us went out for lunch afterwards.. a Cajun place. Got an appetizer sampler... red Beans and rice, etc.

We planned to stay in an RV park right on the TX/OK border tonight.. our home park for our Coast to Coast membership. But they were rude to Earl, wouldn't let s use the WiFi, and over charged us. We have a lifetime membership there and they were charging us more than any of the rates that were posted on the wall! So, we decided to leave. We weren't even there an hour and they wouldn't give us a full refund! We paid $18 and they would only give us $8 back. Anyways, we drove on down to Dallas area and will stay here two nights. Some friends from OKC came by to visit for a couple of hours tonight. Tomorrow a cousin of mine is coming by for lunch. He sort of suggested we make chili... that's what we fixed last time he visited us for lunch. But it's so hot here... Earl doesn't want to do that! We'll figure something out. He's supposed to be here at noon and we are invited to dinner at our former pastor's house at 6:30 p.m. So we should have the afternoon to relax and enjoy the pool. We went in for a little while this afternoon.

Son, Chris' change of command ceremony was today in CA. Was so happy to hear that Earl's brother and his wife were going, and then our friends from Three Rivers went also. That was a last minute thing, but they were in the SF area and were free. They think a lot of Chris and were glad to be able to go. Especially since we couldn't be there. So Chris is now commanding officer of his group. His former boss will be off to Iraq soon.

I am so tired I can barely keep my eyes open! I guess I better go to bed!

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Janet, yep I was writing paper. I have it written and in the correct format and now I am putting it away for now. Tomorrow I will look over it and check the grading rubric and hopefully not have to trash it and start over.

My surgery will probably be the last week of November or 1st week of December. That way I can tie into winter break for recovery time. I have to plan that once they get in with the robot they may have to switch to the traditional abdominal incision because of the amount of scar tissue blocking the path of the robot, so I potentially could be out for 6 weeks

The vet stopped and gave Bailey the cat a cortezone shot for her arthrisis, she has been limping around and in pain for a couple of days. Royal Canine has come out with an arthritis formula food for cats...$38 a bag. So we are going to try that. Cheaper than the shots, even though my vet gives me a pretty good break.

Food was better today:

Breakfast: wedge of laughing cow with 2 Wheat Thins flatbreads

Snack: 1/2 banana with almond butter

Lunch: Amy's ministrone Soup

Dinner: 1/2 a casadea

Water was a little better.

Oh and yep Janet/Candice is will have to reduce my lifting to 50 pounds or less. So I will have to talk to my boss about next summer. Most days it won't be a problem, Sundays when I work alone will be, but the customer will just have to help.

Well time to head to bed.

Candice, I know you kicked some bootie, I can't wait to hear how it went.

If I finish my paper tomorrow, I plan on going out for a beverage or two with some colleages. Have a good night!

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Morning ladies!! Hope you all slept well! I slept hard enough that I must not have moved much, I put my ear to sleep, man I hate that!

It's Friday!! yeah!! Have my homework essentially done, just need to go over my paper. Then I will have to complete actually classroom work this weekend, I have papers to grade.

A teacher that is my age just has been diagnosed with Breast Cancer and the surgeon want her to have a double masectomy. Her mother died of breast cancer when she was 9. So ladies, have you had your mammogram this year? Um..I haven't in a very ears, I think I will be taking care of that ASAP.

Well best get ready, I slept in this morning. Check in tonight!!

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Congrates on Chris's promotion... That's fantastic..

WTG on being a pound down - all that eating out and visiting has to be hard..

So you are in Dallas area now.. Sure have missed you..

How's Zoey?? I would write a letter to the management of that place.. Screw them...

Karla - WTG on food - even though it didn't seem very much at least you ate :thumbup:...

Yes I had my mamo on 8/5 - I go every yr since I had sugery - plus I have aflac so I get $$ for just going ;0) incentive right there..

6 weeks off ;0) the 1st few might not be great but - and girl you better follow directions of your doc.. Which DD will come and stay w/you for the 1st few days..

They can have my boobs - I don't care - I rather live - but would have reconstruction if it happen now - but not at 65 - my aunt got it back in 99 and she was over 65 they call it old age cancer and not neccessary in my genes - but since she had it and my great aunt Tilly - I do get my mamos ;0)

Candice - how did it go last night???

Well at work need to get busy... CBL


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I would be a ball of nerves - You will do just fine ;0)

Can't wait to hear all about it - what are you going to wear...

Actually, I did fine. not too nervous, just enough to feel ALIVE... and ready to roll.

There was a crowd at the beginning, leftovers from the supper crowd and an ART gallery thingy... but when that was over the crown thinned out.... to my BFF Sally, one couple at the back of the restaurant, a band member from one of Peters other groups, the Festival Staff and the sound man.

So didn`t forget any words... and John just messed up a couple of notes ... so all in all it was successful , kind of like a Dress REhersal for TONIGHTs show.

Friday night so hopefully we will have a bigger crowd. Some more folks have rsvp`d so should be a bigger house crowd...

I wore my BLACK dress slacks, heels, Black sleeveless TOP with Studds around the collar, with a flimsy little OverJacket black and white swirly things and a SILVER thread that ran thru thew fabric.. 3/4 sleeves (yeah!!!) and Silver jewellry... it was raining so I was worried about my hair FLOPPING but it held o.k.

Of the 3 acts that played there last night, I do believe we were the best... we`ll see what tonight brinngs.... whoo-hoo I am pumped!!

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Hello, all my dear friends! My true friends! FB bummer today. Don't want to go in to it again... but lots of tears shed over a "friend's" stupid comments. So now she puts an explanation on my profile page. I'm taking a break from her.

In Dallas area two nights. Heading west again tomorrow. Glad we decided to come on down here and stay two nights. Earl needed another break! Sinus problems, sore throat, sinus headaches. He didn't sleep much again last night. Then my cousin came for lunch, so he was busy with that and dog got sick this morning. And every time he took her out she was rolling in the grass and she got all dirty.. had to give her a bath. So he's been resting/napping since my cousin left an hour or so ago.

Good news on Mom & Uncle Ed. Sister Barb spent hours on their finances and app for assisted living yesterday, then took the app and submitted it. So by the end of the day, the lady at the facility called to say they are approved and she has two apartments available for them to choose from and she will hold one for them. They are moving in Oct. 1st!! So Mom said she laid awake all night worrying about it. She has "stuff" she wishes she'd given to me when we were there, etc. I said, just put it in a box with my name on it and let Barb put it in her basement until next time we are there.

Well, guess I should go if I want to get in some pool time.. dinner date tonight with our former pastor from OK... a different one than the one we had dinner with last week!!!


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Hello, all my dear friends! My true friends! FB bummer today. Don't want to go in to it again... but lots of tears shed over a "friend's" stupid comments. So now she puts an explanation on my profile page. I'm taking a break from her.

In Dallas area two nights. Heading west again tomorrow. Glad we decided to come on down here and stay two nights. Earl needed another break! Sinus problems, sore throat, sinus headaches. He didn't sleep much again last night. Then my cousin came for lunch, so he was busy with that and dog got sick this morning. And every time he took her out she was rolling in the grass and she got all dirty.. had to give her a bath. So he's been resting/napping since my cousin left an hour or so ago.

Good news on Mom & Uncle Ed. Sister Barb spent hours on their finances and app for assisted living yesterday, then took the app and submitted it. So by the end of the day, the lady at the facility called to say they are approved and she has two apartments available for them to choose from and she will hold one for them. They are moving in Oct. 1st!! So Mom said she laid awake all night worrying about it. She has "stuff" she wishes she'd given to me when we were there, etc. I said, just put it in a box with my name on it and let Barb put it in her basement until next time we are there.

Well, guess I should go if I want to get in some pool time.. dinner date tonight with our former pastor from OK... a different one than the one we had dinner with last week!!!


Yep GF we are your true friends !!!!! Forever !!!! I already told you I would go kick her freaking butt - but I left a message on fb too.. I think she's gotten the point and hope she feels bad..

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Phyl - go ck out fb - you got the the lbt girls on your side -lol - that lady isn't going to know what hit her !!!!

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Actually, I did fine. not too nervous, just enough to feel ALIVE... and ready to roll.

There was a crowd at the beginning, leftovers from the supper crowd and an ART gallery thingy... but when that was over the crown thinned out.... to my BFF Sally, one couple at the back of the restaurant, a band member from one of Peters other groups, the Festival Staff and the sound man.

So didn`t forget any words... and John just messed up a couple of notes ... so all in all it was successful , kind of like a Dress REhersal for TONIGHTs show.

Friday night so hopefully we will have a bigger crowd. Some more folks have rsvp`d so should be a bigger house crowd...

I wore my BLACK dress slacks, heels, Black sleeveless TOP with Studds around the collar, with a flimsy little OverJacket black and white swirly things and a SILVER thread that ran thru thew fabric.. 3/4 sleeves (yeah!!!) and Silver jewellry... it was raining so I was worried about my hair FLOPPING but it held o.k.

Of the 3 acts that played there last night, I do believe we were the best... we`ll see what tonight brinngs.... whoo-hoo I am pumped!!

Break a leg tonite - or whatever you tell singer ;0)

Hope you have a good crowd tonite - Friday should be better not a lot of pple go out on Thursday nites..

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Phyl - go ck out fb - you got the the lbt girls on your side -lol - that lady isn't going to know what hit her !!!!

HAHA!! I'll have to go read the posts. Saw a couple on my phone, but was letting Earl use the internet connection for a while. Yeah, I'm sure she's feeling bad by now. Thanks for all your support, Chicks!! Love you all!

Karla, so glad you're going to have that surgery finally!!!

Candice!! So happy for you! I know you'll bring down the house tonight! You, Peter, John!! WHOOT!!

Didn't make it to the pool. Earl not feeling well and didn't want to go. He went down this morning when I was still in my waking up stage! That lasts for hours! LOL

So I took Zoey for a little walk. Not much pain until I was almost all the way back. Only 10 minutes or so, but I did it! We're going t dinner in an hour, but we're both planning on going down to the pool when we get back. It's open until 10 p.m. Hopefully we'll be back by then. But usually when we get together with these two it's talk, and talk, and talk!! And we haven't had a face to face with them in a very long time. At least 5 years!

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HAHA!! I'll have to go read the posts. Saw a couple on my phone, but was letting Earl use the internet connection for a while. Yeah, I'm sure she's feeling bad by now. Thanks for all your support, Chicks!! Love you all!

Karla, so glad you're going to have that surgery finally!!!

Candice!! So happy for you! I know you'll bring down the house tonight! You, Peter, John!! WHOOT!!

Didn't make it to the pool. Earl not feeling well and didn't want to go. He went down this morning when I was still in my waking up stage! That lasts for hours! LOL

So I took Zoey for a little walk. Not much pain until I was almost all the way back. Only 10 minutes or so, but I did it! We're going t dinner in an hour, but we're both planning on going down to the pool when we get back. It's open until 10 p.m. Hopefully we'll be back by then. But usually when we get together with these two it's talk, and talk, and talk!! And we haven't had a face to face with them in a very long time. At least 5 years!

Have fun, and enjoy your friends. 5 years, ooooh now that is a lot of catching up!!!

Leaving for the gig in a few minutes, makeup CHECK, Hairdo CHECK, Spanx CHECK, Highhealed shoes CHECK, salt Water gargle CHECK... van is still loaded from last night CHECK.. Water bottles filled CHECK

O.k. think that's it. and Janet, you are right it is BREAK A LEG... sic eh??? but that brings good luck:thumbup:

food today? Ham salad, 1/2 chicken breast, coffee tea... ooooh and a tiny bit of chocolate!!:thumbup:

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Well ladies, just got home from an evening out. We took out the collegue that has just been diagnosed with breast cancer. The surgeon will be doing a double masectomy with reconstruction. If her gene test comes back showing she has the 'breast cancer' gene she will also have to have a hysterectomy. So we went out for margahritas and lots of laughs. I shared my news that I can be fixed and will be able to have sex, what a hoot. We where laughing so loud some guy bought us another pitcher of margarittas.

My paper is written and is in the proofing stage. I have asked one of the english teachers to teach me how to write and they agreed. yeah!!

Had to come home to a big mess, the furries were locked up to long, but it is almost cleaned up, I'll finish in the morning before I go to work.Then come home and finish the paper. Hope to get some yard work done on Sunday, but who knows.

Candice shake that booty.

Phyl I hope Earl feels better soon, have you made your appointment yet?

Janet, I need to get in for a mammo, but last time they found Calcium deposits and it scared me to death because I had to go back in for a repeat. I don't know that I can face it, but I am going to make the appointment next week and just get it done. Face the music if needed.

I am excited about the surgery, no more pain. And do not worry, I won't fool around. I'll follow all the docs orders. I have asked around and our school nurse use to work for the doc and she said she just loved him, and he is one of the best locally. So I am in good hands.

Well going to go play a mean game of spider solitary and then head to bed. Lost my lunch over stressing about my paper. But was able to eat a little nachoes tonight and 2 margahittas so calories where probably high. Otherwise it was 2 wedges of laughing coe and 4 wheat thin flat breads and 1/2 a banana. I really need to figure out something for Breakfast. I may go back to trying oatmeal. I like to have something warm.

We are all sisters , so go screw the FB witch!!!

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Glad you had a good time ...

My gf candy came over - left just a little while ago - I need to eat and head to bed

I had the same calcification - I had to have a biospy they were nothing- then had to go back 6 month was clear - then went again in 6 months cuz now it was a yr - the found a lump behind my nipple - nothing and I think I had another set of calcification biopsyed too - I forget now - I know I have a few markers left in my right or is it my left breast - I don't remember but for the last 2 yrs I've been clear.. So go - it's better to get it early ...

Well gang - I am going to go eat..

Oh ya Karla - that's the thing about andrew not being here - I will have to come and feed the dogs before I go out after work - I don't do it often - but every now and then..

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Well Girls, big news day... Karla, great news on being able to get that surgery....I am so happy for you... not that you`ll be in pain afterwards, but that you getting looked after!!!! Janet is right about the breast thing.... it`ll be o.k.... just know that whatever happens...YOU can handle it...

Can`t sleep. Was in bed 4 hours and I got the nastiest Charlie Horse in my right shin splint... OMG sore, got out of bed and walked around on it but ...... still cramping so I made a cup of TEA ( wth milk yeah) and I am sitting here telling you about the most marvelous night of my life.

THe gig went well. Had a good crowd, friend(s) came out, this old building has Awesome accoustics.... and...... we were on the 11 oclock NEWS here in Barrie.:thumbup: :scared2: :thumbup: is that COOL:drool: or what???

now the sad part is that we couldn`t drive home fast enough to catch it on the telly, so we `watched`it at the bar...but another act was singing by then.... so no volume on the TV... but i did SEE myself and Peter and John on the VR News.... Yeah-haw

If I can get ahold of the TV station and get a clip I`ll share it with you here....:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

      2. BabySpoons

        Seems it would be more compassionate not to perform a WLS on someone until they are mentally ready for it. Unless of course they are on death's door...

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
      Elevate your space with Stone Art By SKL's decorative wall claddings & panels. Explore premium designs for timeless elegance.
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