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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good morning...

Had gym - went to the store to get veggies - had salad & ck for dinner and dessert was 1/2 of a pt shake then popcorn

Watched tv and read..

Candice watched your video - great job...

Phyl - Don't know if I have heard about spine center - but glad you are on top of this.. Hope your pain isn't too bad today.. Enjoy your visit in OK

Karla - were are you this morning - doing home work :0)


Geez Janet, you do get up early! Just waiting for John to show up for rehersal. I set my alarm this a.m. for 8 oclock, got up washed, brushed teeth put on my bra and undies and then .....went back to bed for 30 mins... hee,hee,hee... guess that qualifies me as a Napper!!

Phyl, hope you are feeling better today! Enjoy the scenery along your route...(so jealous) Kiss Earl for me!

Karla; wow, your teacher friend must be devastated with that news. Makes you count your blessings right? You`ll get on the computer tonight and get all caught up.

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Candice - I'm up at by at least 5 a.m. - some mornings at 4:30 - work from 7:30 to 4 - Gym - home - computer - dinner - tv - animals and phone calls (Joseph is calling me all the time now to ck on me ;0) - Have a lot more energy when you aren't carrying around all that weight..

Karla - did you sleep in too ;0) - but you have work :0)

Phyl - How was tops?? or is that today?? All that eating out - ugh - I bet you are ready for some good home healthy cooking..

Linda - How's it going - what's up with you.. How's the hips..

Karri left me note on FB won't be getting her own place till 10/1 - she's going to try and call me if she get's any privite time..

well need to get to work - cbl

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Great day today. Music rehersal this a.m. and then went shopping at Walmart this aft. bouhgt som,e BLACK denim jeans for $10!!!!! And they fit good. whoo-hoo

Then made supper, beef, ww Pasta, tomatoes... one pot wonder!!!

Then I just got off the phone with my GF from St. Mary`s. they are coming down FRIDay and staying over night on their way to a cottage.. GOSH she goes on and on forever on the phone!!!! Gosh, we wont have anything left to talk about when she gets here...

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Janet, yep I was trying to get on the website to see what homework I have. I finally got on, then hell, how am I going to get it all done. Had to write a introduction, take a survey, read 3 chapters, write a paper summarizing the results of the survey, write at least 2 discussion posts all before Sunday and I don't even get the books until Wednesday. Wednesday night I have Open House at school, then work Saturday and Sunday at the nursery. So I probably won't be able to make long posts, but I will do quick check ins.

I have my dr. appt for my prolapse tomorrow, so I will find out what options I have.

I need to find something else for Breakfast, maybe some eggs. My blueberries/kashi/yogurt are fighting with me. I vomit it most mornings. I seem to do okay with some laughing cow and those great big wheat thins that Phyl had at the coast. lunch, somedays I can eat my salad, others not. Somedays Soup, somedays not. I know damn well that it is stress!! I need to get a handle on this. Tonight I had some Pasta and cheese raviola. Doing good so far. I avoided eating candy today, it was really calling me. Well back to work. TTFN

Oh Candice, I'm up at 4 a.m.

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Great day today. Music rehersal this a.m. and then went shopping at Walmart this aft. bouhgt som,e BLACK denim jeans for $10!!!!! And they fit good. whoo-hoo

Then made supper, beef, ww Pasta, tomatoes... one pot wonder!!!

Then I just got off the phone with my GF from St. Mary`s. they are coming down FRIDay and staying over night on their way to a cottage.. GOSH she goes on and on forever on the phone!!!! Gosh, we wont have anything left to talk about when she gets here...


Glad you had a good rehearsal - WTG on the jeans - I ordered some from QVC $25 got regular length to wear w/heels and petite for flat - the petite are too tight in the waist - both size 4 but the petite waist is about 2 inches smaller - so they are going back.. Have a great visit w/your gf - you will find tons to talk about and we are old now adays so we are always repeating ourselves ;0)

Janet, yep I was trying to get on the website to see what homework I have. I finally got on, then hell, how am I going to get it all done. Had to write a introduction, take a survey, read 3 chapters, write a paper summarizing the results of the survey, write at least 2 discussion posts all before Sunday and I don't even get the books until Wednesday. Wednesday night I have Open House at school, then work Saturday and Sunday at the nursery. So I probably won't be able to make long posts, but I will do quick check ins.

I have my dr. appt for my prolapse tomorrow, so I will find out what options I have.

I need to find something else for breakfast, maybe some eggs. My blueberries/kashi/yogurt are fighting with me. I vomit it most mornings. I seem to do okay with some laughing cow and those great big wheat thins that Phyl had at the coast. lunch, somedays I can eat my salad, others not. Somedays Soup, somedays not. I know damn well that it is stress!! I need to get a handle on this. Tonight I had some pasta and cheese raviola. Doing good so far. I avoided eating candy today, it was really calling me. Well back to work. TTFN

Oh Candice, I'm up at 4 a.m.


Glad you are going to the doc for your prolaspe.. Ya you are going to be busy w/homework - Like I said - props to you for taking this on - I think it's great..

Slow down when you eat - leave the ceral out - That's the problem w/the band - tight some days others not - I really think dehydration may have something to do with it..

Went to lunch today w/gf - went to italian - I have been wanting shrimp alfredo - for the longest - but ended up ordering a salad - why you ask - cuz it was the better choice and I didn't really need all that grease & pasta..

But I had to slow my gf down with her eating - she eats really fasts and I found myself trying to keep up w/her - and I can't ;0)

Well it's 8:30 Kaitlin called so I've been on the phone w/her..

Ck back in the morning

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Just a quick note. Child care duties the last two days. Andy's surgery went well; went home a couple hours post-op with a pump that delivers a steady dose of anesthesia to the incision--never saw that before! But he's still moving slowly, and NO LIFTING. How did I ever have 4 kids, work and go to school? A two-year-old and 4-month-old have worn me out! Not even time to eat!

Back to work today and student issues to deal with. It'll be a long one

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Good Morning Gang

Karla wtg on using your time wisely - I screw around on the computer playing games etc instead of doing stuff I should - then I have to rush to get stuff done..

On your breakfast issues - yesterday I had deli ham & 2% cheese w/mustard - it's an easy at work meal ;0)

You don't have to eat breakfast food for bf - you can eat whatever you want.. I'm not a sweet person in the morning (nite time is when it calls my name) so I will have other stuff for bf - just steak - fish - chicken sometimes.

Linda Glad Andy's surgery went well - Karri came home w/pain pump when she had tt - they do that alot now a days - my boss has his prostrate surgery on 10/14 and they will be repairing herina at that time.. He'll be out of work for 2 weeks..

Phyl still in OK - Steph what are you doing... Karri has a job but buy the looks of it on FB she's not super excited about it - it's a normal teaching job - but you know our Karri - not normal so that's not exciting to her - but she's glad she has a job..

Candice- Zumba today..

Well I have weights & yoga tonite - so don't know when I will get back on the computer..

Have a Great Day Peeps...

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Janet, thanks for the suggestions. I need to get some deli meat, I think that will be agood idea. Anything 'creamy' (yogurt) seems to be giving me hell. AND I agree, it is the dehydration. This summer I drank at least 40 oz of Water a day, now I am lucky if it is 8. So back to figuring out how to go about getting in the fluids.

Linda, glad the surgery went well. Yep, babies are for young people. I don't know how some of these ladies have babies in their late 40's.

I'll let you all know how the dr. appt goes, TTFN

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Janet, thanks for the suggestions. I need to get some deli meat, I think that will be agood idea. Anything 'creamy' (yogurt) seems to be giving me hell. AND I agree, it is the dehydration. This summer I drank at least 40 oz of Water a day, now I am lucky if it is 8. So back to figuring out how to go about getting in the fluids.

Linda, glad the surgery went well. Yep, babies are for young people. I don't know how some of these ladies have babies in their late 40's.

I'll let you all know how the dr. appt goes, TTFN

Karla - My meat is oscar meyer sandwich - brown sugar deli ham - not actual deli meat -but that would work too - 6 slices is like 50 cal - cheese 45 - so really you could have 2 servings - I'm good w/one most days. Can't say I stay full till lunch - I get hungry around 10:30 - 11 - and I try to drink then..

I do ok on workout days w/my water I take a 20 oz and I will have it gone by the end of the hour - but that's 1/3 of our water - but I do have at least 2 - 10 oz coffee and then 8-16 oz of juice at nite and 12 oz of ice tea in the afternoons (need the caffiene to keep going)..

But some days (non exercise days) all I get is my coffee and a little juice- then I have 2 problems tight and tmi ;0)

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Hi Ladies; whirlwind day today... flying trip to the quilt store, then picked up another pair of those $10 black jeans!! Then put STEW on for tomorrows dinner.< /p>

Linda: So glad Andy`s surg is done... and that his pain is managed. When is Mel`s biopsy scheduled... we are praying for him!!! Worn out from the grandkids detail... ah, but a GOOD worn out eh?

Janet: I gota get back to my exercise schedule, end of summer plans waylayed that... Gig tomorrow night, so exciyted!!!

Karla; Hugs on the food issues, I cannot do yogurt 3 yrs post op... it just kills me.... yet, I can eat 1/2 of a Tim,s Breakfast Egg/Bacon Sandwich on a biscuit???? HUH??? but 1/2 is only 200 cals so thats o.k. with me:w00t:

As requested interior pix of the RV




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three more

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Candice, look at all that room!!!

Well the dr. appt went well, he spent 2 hours with me talking and examining and talking. There is hope!!! AND it isn't my fault that I'm prolapsed. Evidently the nerves are damaged so the muscles haven't recieved any messages and so now there isn't any muscles. No amount of pelvic floor exercises would have worked because without nerves...well you know. There is a procedure that uses 'robotic' procedures that will reconstruct everything through laposcropy. A pessuary is not an option because of the thin tissue. Anyway, he feels that the surgery is an option for me, but wants me to do some reading and thinking. He will also facilitate me going to a larger more experienced medical center if I want. He says currently he does about 1 a month, I guess the 'robot' is tightly booked.

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - Nice pics of the camper.. Break a leg tonite at your gig ;0)

Karla - Robot is the way too go - gf dh had prostrate removed by a robot - and my boss is going to have that surgery next month - Well might not be 100% your fault - but girl if you get this surgery - then no more moving 100 lbs pots by yourself ;0)

Well I guess or Phyl is too busy in OK - Can't wait til she post again regularly ..

Steph - Linda what's up girls..

Last night was my late night - gym x 2 - watched survivor and Oprah when I got home - bed - now starting all over - well it's Thrusday - no exercise tonite ;0)

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - Nice pics of the camper.. Break a leg tonite at your gig ;0)

Karla - Robot is the way too go - gf dh had prostrate removed by a robot - and my boss is going to have that surgery next month - Well might not be 100% your fault - but girl if you get this surgery - then no more moving 100 lbs pots by yourself ;0)

Well I guess or Phyl is too busy in OK - Can't wait til she post again regularly ..

Steph - Linda what's up girls..

Last night was my late night - gym x 2 - watched survivor and Oprah when I got home - bed - now starting all over - well it's Thrusday - no exercise tonite ;0)

Oh my Gosh, Peter is driving me crazy already!!!:alien: gotta load the van, take all our music stuff outside.... early!! We don`t leave for FIVE hours!!!!

I made a little quilt top today, to keep me busy and sewing so I wouldnm`t get all goofy before tonigt.... now I am having homemade stew for dinner and then a nice SOAK in the tub... then makeup, hair... I`ll be all set

Weather here is wrotten today, raining all day, so probalby no one will show up tonight anyways right?? So it`ll be a «great rehersal» thats the way I am goin to look at it anywauys....


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I would be a ball of nerves - You will do just fine ;0)

Can't wait to hear all about it - what are you going to wear...

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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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