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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Gang..

Yep Karla got to sleep til 7 - well up at 4 then 5 (with dogs)- but gave the babies their morning treats - left the back door open and when back to bed - but at 7 Angel was waking me up... 7 is a good time to get up - I've had my coffee - read the paper - put a load in - made the bed - loaded the dishwasher -

Now that I am an empty nester - not as much in the dishwasher - sliverware - coffee cups and my small $1 bowls from Target - no plates or big bowls since andrew's gone.

Don't know what I am going to do today - I could sit and put pictures in frames and hang them - but I'm terrible at hanging stuff ;0) and then it seems like when I mess w/pictures pple die... So i feel a little jinx about messing with them - stupid I know but still.

I may just read and watch t.v. - I know I was going back to target for something I forgot yesterday - but today I can't remember what that was !!!!

Candice Great idea about the earrings - yep we are with you in spirit.. You will do fine !! You are a great singer..

Ya we want pic of MH..

Karla - You don't grumble about home work - you grumble about other stuff - usually $$ but since you have moved to the new how - that hasn't happen. Really you haven't been grumbleing half as much as you use to ;0) - so you are doing pretty damn good imho -

We all vent at one time or another - so don't sweat it...

I hear you on priorities - sometimes I just want to be home and not out and about w/pple ;0) - I enjoy my own company

Phyl - Can't wait to see photos of Cody - Enjoy your time with him... Steve :0) lol we hear you on that one ;0)

Oh - Karri got the job in TX !!! Science !!!! Living conditions right now a little hectic - guess alot of pple in a small house

but will be moving into a extended stay till she gets her own place - she's going to call Monday or Tuesday..

Was able to eat dinner 1 chick thigh - but had to wait a while to eat 1/2 sweet potato - getting a little hungry now - may have some eggs & hot link or bacon..

CBL gotta go put clothes in dryer...

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I love sweetpotatoes, but stick on them once in awhile.

Worked, then home, laundry and cleaned and mowed the dog yard. Made me feel good about getting something done.

Tonight, finish laundry then dinner and get ready for school. Last night of freedom without homework.

Janet, glad the furries let you sleep in.

Candice good luck on your gig, you will be great!!!

Well laundry time, TTFN

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Good Evening Gang

Didn't do crap today - but eat - watch t.v - read - nap - farm & frontier ville - FB

Oh did 3 loads of wash (small)

food - 1 egg 2 small slices of bacon it shrunk to nothing - hash browns 1/3 of a red potato - chick thigh and quesdilla and popcorn - and I havent had dinner :0) which will be chick thigh and 1/2 sweet tato or maybe just veggied..

Saw pic of Phyl and DGS - he must take after his mom (blond) cuz Steve has dark hair - Cute pic's !!!

Candice - you are going to be recording a record next WTG on you new gig on Friday..

Linda - What did you do this weekend - how's Mel

Steph - Saw that you went riding - then real farming today..

Well it's 7 I am getting off the computer and read and watch a little Cowboys ;0) my team ;0)

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Yeah, Mom & other half siblings are all blond. Steve had paternity test done at one time... he's his all right. We had a good visit. He cried when they left. He's a sweet boy but I can see he's quite a challenge to his grandma!

Disgusted with Steve. He called this morning and said be sure to call him when Cody was here. Yeah, right. Called him twice, left urgent message plus text and he never called back. Fed up with him!

Earl is off cigs for several days, plus frustrating day with DirecTV setup and he got really nasty tonight w/dog, etc. He gets so cranky when he's trying to quit~!!

Can't get any relief from this pain tonight. Went to bed at 9:30 p.m. last night... very early for me, because couldn't get comfortable. Now I'm thinking about going to bed early again tonight. Darvocet a couple of hours ago has not helped at all. Pain is in my left hip, down to knee tonight. Seems to vary between hip and leg.

Have many people to see here in OK and only a couple of days to do it. No plan for tomorrow and I better get one soon!



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Oh, sorry if I was misleading. Mel hasn't had his biopsy yet. We're waiting to hear when it will be scheduled. If it were me, I'd be on their case to schedule it immediately, but Mel's a little more laid back. I'll keep you all posted.

Karla--I did my Master's when I was in my 40's too, but lucky you to get it paid for! It was a lot of paper-writing, group projects, and jumping thorugh hoops, but worthwile in terms of movement on the pay scale. You'll enjoy parts of it, and other parts not so much!

Janet--You exhaust me every time you post! You have certanily earned every inch of that fantastic body of yours. I wish there was a degree that we could give you--Ph.D in lapbandology? IDK, but I sure wish I had half of your discipline.

Phyl. You are awarded the honorary degree in cross-country travel. Thanks for the updates. It's been fun following you on your adventure. The pics on Facebook are great. How often have you had ppl tell you how good you look? It's true!

Candice: I have an idea: How 'bout you guys booking a gig in Sarnia on a weekend? That would be a do-able dirve for us. . .I looked around and flights to Toronto from Milwaukee are still around $500 a person! But I bet that ppl could fly to Detroit (from, say, Montana or Palm Springs) for less than that and drive over the border with us to hear you guys perform. What do you think--everyone!!!? Imagine that!

Steph--still haven't seen pics of the new bedroom. How are things going now that school has started?

There was a time with Tim (DS#2) where we went thought a similar episode. He was home from college for a summer and was really rebellious--didn't shower, brush teeth, etc. It was horrible and I was mortified. He did everything possible to embarrass me. To this day, I still worry about him. Whe we go to visit him (he lives in LA) sometimes his clothes stink and his teeth look gross (I even bought him an electronic toothbursh) and his apartment is filthy. In fact, I fear that he may have lost out on an internship he desperately wanted because of his hygiene. I still struggle with the feeling that I let him down somehow. But he IS on his way to a Ph.D. IDK. God has a plan. . .

WHERE IS KARRI? Doesn't she know that I'm worried about her?

So Cora is fast asleep in her "Dora" bed (at grandma's house). Her daddy, Andy (ds#1) is having hernia surgery at 8:30 tomorrow morning. Please say a prayer for him. He's pretty nervous and it's going to be hard for him not do do any lifting post-op. He's a "hands-on" daddy of a 2-year-old and a 4-month-old. I have grandma duties for the next two days, but it's kind of hard as I want to be at the hospital (I am a nurse, after all, and he is my son). His wife is always an obstacle that I need to deal with, so pray for me too.

Thanks--you guys are truly my "sisters!"

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Oh Linda, what an horrid week. I know surgery will go fine, and Mel will make it through treatment. Think of the delay in the biopsy as a good thing. I the dogs were worried, they would have him in now. But the waiting is stressful. I know that you'd rather be at your son's side, even though you have that sweet granddaughter will you! Our kids are always our babies. But sending possitive vibes and prayers.

Phyl, what a cuties of a grandson, yep if Steve is being a Jerk there is nothing you can do about it...unfortunately.

Janet, you earned a restful day!!

The coyotes were howling last night so the furries were all nervous and up several times last night. So sleep was interrupted.

Phyl you should make the doc appointment now while you are on the road so that you can go in as soon as you get there. This doesn't sound like it is something to fool around with. Give Earl a kiss (for quitting) and then smack him for being a grouch!!

Well I hope you alll have a good day. TTFN

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Goog Morning Gang

Linda - how funny you say I have discipline - I have never had it before - something that I have just aquired :0)

Prayer for Andy - Sound like you have DIL from hell - won't let you buy for your grandkids - interfers w/your relationship w/DS

I'm lucky my DIL isn't that way - she knows DS is a mama's boy and that's never going to change but gotta say I think she likes me more than she likes her own mom - her mom is a bit on the strange side at time - nice lady and I like her but she has her ways..

Phyl - that a good idea

Here's DESERT ORTHOPEDIC # 760 568 2684 call now and set up appoint.

Karla you are so smart :0) about making that appointment now...

Karri's fine she got the job in TX - I will be talking to her tonite or tomorrow - saw on fb she's having sleeping issues - don't know if it's the full house or just sleeping issue ;00)

Well time to hit the shower..


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Finally got some pictures to post of the CAMPER RV

the last picture is of Me and Bryan... missing our Meaghan... she is still in Poland.





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o.k. here is a Video from the party I hope that it turns out, otherwise check it out of Facebook

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Nice looking camper shell & truck - I thought you got another motorhome :0) - this way you can take camper off and use truck - want pic's of inside - got enough room..

Will ck out fb - didn't work here

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Good Afternoon!

Out and about all morning! Visited w/friends, got the DirecTV problem fixed... needed new dish and new cable. Works great now. Made arrangements to go out to dinner w/former pastor and his wife tonight. Tomorrow morning... Earl wants to go to McDonald's at 6:30 a.m. to meet with some OLD Winnebago travel club friends... mostly men, but I guess I'll have to go because... one car and I want to go to TOPS. So... we'll see. May park the RV at Walmart or somewhere and wait for him to get back from Breakfast with the old cronies. They're all about my mom's age!! Visited with the couple that always comes to Palm Springs in the winter today. They are both 89!! Can't believe it but he showed us his list of reservations for this coming winter. They leave right after Christmas for 14 weeks, moving every 2 weeks! We did that one winter.. move every two weeks. What a pain! And she's the lady who had emergency surgery last spring a month or so before we left. And she's been in the hospital twice w/pneumonia since then.

Anyway... all the people we want to meet with want to go out for dinner. Refrigerator is already packed with leftovers. We are going to look for salad or appetizer tonight. I want to get all this stuff over with by Thursday so we can head out no later than Friday, preferably Thursday. Then Friday night meet with some other pastor friends of ours in Plano TX.

Good idea to make appt now for back. Thanks for the #, Janet, but I read an article about the Eisenhower Spine Center in a valley magazine that I have from last spring and it's supposed to be one of the best in the ntaion.. and I'm already in the Eisenhower computer system since that's where I went in March the first time I had a back problem. So I called there today but have to wait for a call back. I'm thinking we'll be in the area the weekend before we go to Vegas, so that would give me a couple of days the first part of that last week to get in to see dr. Then I'm sure they will want an MRI. It is pretty miserable and so frustrating because I was doing so good all summer with weight machines, Water exercise, bike, walking, etc. I can't stand up for more than a few minutes or walk more than about 1/2 block if that. Pain shoots through my left butt and down to my knee w/strange tingling feeling in my left foot. Nerve impingement somewhere. That's why I'm afraid of chiro.

Here's a better picture from last night w/Cody. Don't remember if I posted this photo of Steve w/train they finished last week. He never did call back yesterday.. or today, after my text message and two phone messages, one of them tagged "URGENT"! Creep!




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Finally got some pictures to post of the CAMPER RV. the last picture is of Me and Bryan... missing our Meaghan... she is still in Poland.

Geez!! Seems like she's been in Poland FOREVER!!

Very nice camper. Looks like it's been well taken care of. Yes... interior photos, please!

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Geez!! Seems like she's been in Poland FOREVER!!

Very nice camper. Looks like it's been well taken care of. Yes... interior photos, please!

have you checked out the videos on Facebook yet???

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Sorry, late check in. DD#5 needed a mom's shoulder, feeling overwhelmed at school, mainly because she is sick and she stresses. Her senior year she was taking 2 AP classes and got so stressed that she lost half of her hair. Then a teach stopped by to share that she just had been diagnosed with breast cancer, she is my age and her mom died of breast cancer when she was only about 10. Then home to finally log into my class, well 3 hours later I still can't get logged in, so I give up for tonight. Trying to get some dinner, but I let myself get too hungry so who knows if anything will stay down.

Candice, camper looks great, can't wait to see it next time you are through.

Well I need to go fight with dinner. check in tomorrow.

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Good morning...

Had gym - went to the store to get veggies - had salad & ck for dinner and dessert was 1/2 of a pt shake then popcorn

Watched tv and read..

Candice watched your video - great job...

Phyl - Don't know if I have heard about spine center - but glad you are on top of this.. Hope your pain isn't too bad today.. Enjoy your visit in OK

Karla - were are you this morning - doing home work :0)


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