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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Steph, I totally understand on the personal hygiene thing, DD#5 is like that. I swear she didn't brush her teeth the entire time she was in HS. I'd even bribe the dentist to give her grief, but that didn't really work because she has perfect teeth, not a single cavity. I hope that is is better about it now that she is 20, but I'm not totally sure. I know that if I was her boyfriend I wouldn't be kissing that mouth. But the therapist is right, you have to let it go. Yep there were times I had to 'step away' because of her bad breath, but it didn't seem to impede her friends, she was popular in school. It isn't worth hurting your relationship. Irritating yes, disgusting, definitely, his problem, not yours.

It's Friday! But I work all weekend at the nursery, I'm just going to remind myself that it is $$$ in the bank!

Chat tonight afterf DD#5 heads home. Making her corn chowder and homemade biscuits, she even mentioned it on Facebook.< /p>

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Good Morning Peeps

Steph - I guess I was lucky Andrew brushes his teeth 10 times a day and showers almost as much ;0) you know that an exaggeration - Joseph - well he was pretty clean - don't think he brushed as much as he should.

Hugs - hopefully he will get it - Rant vent all you want..

Karla - At least you enjoy your job at the nursery ;0)

Hope DD is feeling better..

Well I'm glad it's friday too - have gym Sat morning (make up for monday) no other plans - oh ya tires - but that's it..

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Phyl, I hope your mom & uncle decide to go for the assisted living. It will make things easier for them. But it will be hard for them to acknowledge that they shouldn't be living on their own.

Enjoy your glass of wine with your sister. You have had a whirlwind of a trip.

Got a lot done this weekend!! Truck is now almost full. The bummer, my Water cooler died. I can't stand the local water, lots of chlorine. It was nice to have instant hot and cold water, but that is what the microwave is for and the refrigerator. So back to bottles.< /p>

Hi Karla; Why not try a BRITA Filter? Its way cheaper than bottled water and there is NO JUNK PLASTIC going into the land fill sites.. remember how long it takes for plastics to degrade!!! 20 - 30 years!!!

I actually have all the laundry done...an all time first for this house. The utility room is organized and clean, dog bed made, if they eat it I'll be royally ticked. Actually the cat seems to have moved into the beds. I built a wooden frame for thei beds in a hope that the furries will stop dragging their beds everywhere and eating them. I have a couple of special bones that I will bring out this morning, probably throw a little Peanut Butter in them and see if that keeps them occupied.

Ah Doggies and peanut butter, remind me the next time I see you to tell you the story of a local news ladys adventure.


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Stephanie, wow a cruise, I bet you will have a blast!

Came home, did a quick home repair and then took the furries for a long walk, dealt with mail, watered pots and flower beds, now I am being a slug.

Still battling food at school. I was fine all weekend, but as soon as I walk into the building everything comes back. Well not everything, just Breakfast and lunch. I was able to keep down 1/2 a small banana with a little almond butter, probably about a tablespoon. It is better than last year where all I did was eat non-stop at school. But I'm dragging by the end of the day. So that just tells me that it is stress related and nothing physical. The wierd thing...I'm not even interested in food. Yeah, I dream of eating a big steak with a loaded baked potato and dessert, but I know it would just come back, so I don't crave it. I am still craving salt, probably my electrolites are off. So I will try some chicken broth tonight and see of that balances things out. It does really bug me that I am wasting so much food. For the most part leftovers and I don't agree, I'm sure it is because they are drier, so I need to add some broth or something. Tomorrow I am putting a turkey loin in the crock pot, I will eat a serving for dinner and try some for lunch the next day, but I can't really get it down after that. So I am going to start giving it to my friend that is in her 70's and still working at the school and doing before and after school daycare. By the time the kids leave she is usually too tired to cook. I thought about cutting the loin in half, but then it cooks too fast in the crockpot. I'd appreaciate any suggestions.

Hi Karla; My GF who had Gastric Bypass before I had my lap found the same thing with LEFTOVERS, couldn't tolerate them at all. It was the dryness.

I got around that by making leftovers into casseroles or using the Packaged (low fat) gravy mixes to put over the meat. that helped me a LOT!!!

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O. K. I am back... we were away for a few days, down in London and Sarnia to look at /BUY another RV for us...

We bought my Aunt and Uncle's rig, its been well looked after and its drives GREAT, even in the WIND>>>>

will hav epictures up later on after I CLEAN it.

Steph congrats on the cruise that will be such fun! and with regards to Michael, YUP I am afraid that the counselor is correct. He needs to LEARN that there are Consequences to his actions... Keep the lips zipped (and plug your nose) until HE gets it. Its not a hygene problem, but rather a CONTROL issue... don't play the game. JMHO

Linda: HUGS to you and Melski... I sent you some articles and I know you will get the best care for his situation.

Janet: I haven't been perfect with my eating, but better... lost 2 lbs this week and wasn't even concentrating on it, or writing down, just trying NOT to eat as much crap...

Karla: love the 12's GF WHoo-hoo you rock on!!! You are so svelt and trim... kick the baggy clothes to the curb... You have EARNED the right to wear FITTED clothes now..:thumbup:

Phyl: glad you are on your way.. OHIO... you are makng good tracks.

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Good Morning! I'm up early... gained an hour yesterday but I'm still on eastern time.

Just time fora quick catch up! We are in Illinois and moving on to MO today. Internet has been spotty. Haven't had it except for my phone for a couple of days. So I've missed a lot. Apparently not getting all the posts on my phone. Didn't know about Mel. So sorry, Linda. But, very curable. Hope treatent isn't too unpleasant.

Back is not better. Pain is mostly in my left butt, down to left knee. Very difficult to walk. Trying not o take pain pills. My sister gave me some darvocet. Some days it works and others it doesn't! Got to get in the shower. Hugs to all.

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Morning everyone, sorry I didn't make it in last night. DD#5 come home for a little home cookin' and spent the night. She has a lousey cold. I hope I don't get it. Made her corn chowder with homemade biscuits. She will take all the left overs so I won't have to deal with fatning left overs! I do love a bowl of corn chowder.

Yeah it is the weekend. Have to work at the nursery, but that is no big deal!

Got a phone call from the university and there was a problem with my final master's application and I had 2 hours to get it fixed (while teaching) or I was out of the program. Come to find out one of the universities I went to didn't send my transcript, even though I requested it twice and called 7 times. Finally had to call AGAIN and demand NOT to be sent to a voice mail. was sent anyway, so called over and over until they gave me to a real human. Evidently they had a computer change over and my record was in the old system and never got swapped over. Once I got a little hysterical they found the file, emailed it, faxed it and hard copied it. The university that does our program agreed to give me a temparery approval until they got the hard copy even though it is against their policy. So I am officially set to start class on Monday. Man I got a little freaked, thinking that I almost lost an opportunity for a free masters degreee. Please remind me of that when I am grumbling about homework.

Linda, how is Mel? What treatment path is he going to take?

Phyl, drive safe and enjoy the road, get to Cali soon so you can go to the dr. and get your back/hip/leg fixed.

Janet, enjoy your weekend!

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Foggy morning. Approaching St Louis with Zo Zo curled up on my lap with head buried in my elbow. She didnt sleep much lasr night-nor did we because of pounding rain and T-storms all night freaking her out. She stayed nestled under our chins.

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Good Evening Gang

Well had gym this morning - I am not going to be able to walk by Monday... Then went and took car in to get new tires (so we have a safe trip Phly) walked over to AT&T to get new battery for my phone as it doesn't hold a charge for more than a day - day and half. Oh tried these riding boots on at Target - loved them - so came home showered went to Macy's they had $10 free cash - but the boots at Target were just as cute and only $39 instead of $100+ so went back to Target got the booths - some food home - ate some popcorn and took a little nap..

Linda When will they know the results of the biospy?? What's his psa #.. (I think that's what its called)

Phyl - I don't know how Bella or my other dogs would react to thunder - we haven't had any thunderstorms in ages... Safe travels - When will you be here - Can't wait to get my White Choc - having a cup of coffee (so I can stay up past 9) and it would be good ;0) - Hugs on your back...

Karla - your tightness must be catching - last night I was so tight I couldn't eat my dinner - had a bowl of ice cream instead - Got some Protein Shakes today - gotta have my nutrition.. What a diff a couple of yrs make - I would never have thought about nutrition before ;0) - Now it's what on am about ;0) being healthy..

You don't grumble about homework - you go girl getting some education at this stage in your life - that's a great accomplishment !!!

Never had corn chowder - but it sounds good - I haven't really tried to eat today - except for the popcorn and that's a slider for me - am a little wary - I think dehydration might have something to do with it )being tight)- I have been terrible about getting my Water in..

I got some chicken thight's going to bbq them.and have a sweet potatoe - don't know about veggies..

Candice - Sorry I missed you this morning - I guess I had left for the gym - the computer is always on - but I'm not always on it.. What are you doing this weekend...

Well, need to go ck the dryer - washed my pillows (they say washable - never washed then in the 6 yrs - so giving it a try - may have to go to bed bath and beyond tomorrow...


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Corn chowder is fabulous, but alas is high in calories. diced Pepper bacon, diced onion cook until bacon is done, stir in a tble. of flour, add diced potatoes and Water, simmer until the potatoes are done, 1 can cream corn, 1/2 & 1/2 and milk, heat on low until hot. I wouldn't make it for me, but DD#5 requested and she knows they way to my heart, ask for home cookin. However, I am eating some for dinner then giving the rest away. I figure once in a while is still living, and I need to still live.

Work was fine today at the nursery, came home and planted my fall bulbs. Showered and think I am going to read a book and maybe watch a movie. DD#5 had a netflicks account and she gave me the password so I can play some movies instantly. Should be fun.

Phyl, only Simon freaks about thunderstorms and he is a quivering mass of puppy, poor Zoey. But she had her mommy and daddy to protect her. If it gets real bad, give her a 1/4 of a benadryl. that should be about right for her weight. my furries have 1 one they weigh 20 pounds, the vet recommended it. The benedryl makes them sleepy. You could also try the childs liquid and use a syringe.

Thanks Janet on the support for the classes. I am a little worried, it has been so long since I to an actual class and NEVER an online class.

I did have a chuckle at work, DEE the pain in everyone's butt who THINKS she owns the place but doesn't yelled at me for going to turn the sign to open...why...because someone who comes after me ALWAYS turns it. Okay...well guess what, that person didn't remember to turn the sign and we were 'not open' until someone noticed at noon. I did have to enjoy that little episode, hehe. I know bad of me, but she is such a thorn in the side that if the owner wasn't such a sweetheart I would quit. Actually the owner was hosting Montana's Landscaping/nursery tour today and she invited me to go out to dinner with the group. But there were some pretty cute gentlemen and I didn't have any clean clothes or makeup, no way in hell am I going out to dinner and dance with 75 people (and some cute guys) without makeup. I know bockbock, I'm chicken....

Well, going to go get my latte and some dinner, check in later!! TTFN

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You couldn't go home and shower and get cute and go.. Yes chicken !!!! ;0)

Soup sounds good - I need something like that... Yes we need to live - I was thinking about going to the store and getting Snow's clam chowder - they don't carry it at winco or target..

Cream soup every now and then is allowable even w/a busicut and a little butter ;0)

Schooling - I've never done online either nor classes - my college equivalent classes were home study.. But I admire you for going back to school - hell it would interfer w/my fb and lbt time :0) and my exercise too..

I think I am headed to the couch too to watch a movie or read or both ;0)

No exercise in the a.m. - plios teacher is on vacation and they are doing body pump instead - I already lift weights and I didnt' care for turbo kick boxing that much - it was ok for cardio - but that's about it - we will see - might go to that one but it's at 9 - hell it's not like the dogs will let me sleep in anyway...

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«hi Girls; busy today, finishin up with the «camper deytailing

Bought a CD player/Blue tooth thing for the truck, Peters orderd new side mirrors and I am trying to talk him into buying a back-up camera too.... better safe than sorry right?? He really loves driving it, so much easier on the nerves!!!!

Picked out some more songs for our TRIO to learn... got enough prepared to do our GIG on Thursday night, also got us another tentative gig at my Mothers Seniors Home... the old dolls will just love it... and its good practice for me!

Linda: HUGS girl, what are you up to this weekend?

Karla: You are so smart, the MASTERS program will be a cinch for you!!! SO glad you got tuition for free... how cool is that!?!?"?" Dont worry, we`ll kick your butt when you complain about homework hee,hee.

Phyl: Give Zoey a hug, I don`t think storms are good for the wee ones!!! Safe driving, and take care of that back!

Janet: I wish all you guys were here for moral support for me on THURS, I`ll wear your Palm tree earings for GOOD LUCK

night night:tt1: :thumbup:

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Candice, 1st when do we get pics of the new motorhome? 2nd, you will kick musical butt!!!!

Janet, yep, bockbock...chicken, that's me. Besides if I had gone I wouldn't have gotten my bulbs planted. Yeah I know...

Candice/Janet, I will attempt to not grumble about homework, but I know I will somewhere along the line. But it will give me a $3000 a year raise. Hell with that I can quit working at the nursery!!! Maybe get my own miniwinnie and come and travel to all of your places during the summer months!

Well, should head to bed, work tomorrow!!! Janet, I hope the furries let you sleep in!

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Gotta type fast! Earl is doing his daily "final walk through" before we hit the road again. So nice to have good WiFi last night! We will be crossing in to OK today and seeing our grandson, Cody. Haven't seen him in about 4 years and are so excited! Staying north of OKC tonight and his other grandma is bringing him down to our RV park and we will take them out to dinner. BBQ place that I used to LOVE is there, so that will be my choice!! He was only 6 yrs old last tme we saw him and now 10. Won't see son, Steve.. he is in Nebraska painting trains! Would like to kick him in the butt though! I know he got big pay day for first finished train last week. He sent me a photo of the train. So a few days later he texts me asking if we can "help" Kurtis get to Nebraska because he needs "supervision"! Yeah?? I better not comment further on that!

Going to our old TOPS group Tuesday morning. scale may be a bit disconcerting! We're good on the road, but not in Buffalo!

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Janet, the furries must have let you sleep!!!

Phyl, have fun with the grandson. Someday I will have one of those.

Got an email from my lapband doc, he was just checking in on how I was doing. What a sweetheart.

Nothing much going on this morning. Have to work, then home for laundry. Should do some house cleaning/unpacking...umm...we will see. TTFN

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