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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Stephanie, wow a cruise, I bet you will have a blast!

Came home, did a quick home repair and then took the furries for a long walk, dealt with mail, watered pots and flower beds, now I am being a slug.

Still battling food at school. I was fine all weekend, but as soon as I walk into the building everything comes back. Well not everything, just Breakfast and lunch. I was able to keep down 1/2 a small banana with a little almond butter, probably about a tablespoon. It is better than last year where all I did was eat non-stop at school. But I'm dragging by the end of the day. So that just tells me that it is stress related and nothing physical. The wierd thing...I'm not even interested in food. Yeah, I dream of eating a big steak with a loaded baked potato and dessert, but I know it would just come back, so I don't crave it. I am still craving salt, probably my electrolites are off. So I will try some chicken broth tonight and see of that balances things out. It does really bug me that I am wasting so much food. For the most part leftovers and I don't agree, I'm sure it is because they are drier, so I need to add some broth or something. Tomorrow I am putting a turkey loin in the crock pot, I will eat a serving for dinner and try some for lunch the next day, but I can't really get it down after that. So I am going to start giving it to my friend that is in her 70's and still working at the school and doing before and after school daycare. By the time the kids leave she is usually too tired to cook. I thought about cutting the loin in half, but then it cooks too fast in the crockpot. I'd appreaciate any suggestions.

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Stephanie, wow a cruise, I bet you will have a blast!

Came home, did a quick home repair and then took the furries for a long walk, dealt with mail, watered pots and flower beds, now I am being a slug.

Still battling food at school. I was fine all weekend, but as soon as I walk into the building everything comes back. Well not everything, just breakfast and lunch. I was able to keep down 1/2 a small banana with a little almond butter, probably about a tablespoon. It is better than last year where all I did was eat non-stop at school. But I'm dragging by the end of the day. So that just tells me that it is stress related and nothing physical. The wierd thing...I'm not even interested in food. Yeah, I dream of eating a big steak with a loaded baked potato and dessert, but I know it would just come back, so I don't crave it. I am still craving salt, probably my electrolites are off. So I will try some chicken broth tonight and see of that balances things out. It does really bug me that I am wasting so much food. For the most part leftovers and I don't agree, I'm sure it is because they are drier, so I need to add some broth or something. Tomorrow I am putting a turkey loin in the crock pot, I will eat a serving for dinner and try some for lunch the next day, but I can't really get it down after that. So I am going to start giving it to my friend that is in her 70's and still working at the school and doing before and after school daycare. By the time the kids leave she is usually too tired to cook. I thought about cutting the loin in half, but then it cooks too fast in the crockpot. I'd appreaciate any suggestions.

Karla - I usually cook most nites - and then take left overs for lunch - but last night's dinner (fish/pasta/veggies) will be tonites dinner - don't know what I will do for lunch tomorrow - maybe get a salad or take a lean cuisine or WW frozen meal

May you should have a few of those in the freeze - you need to eat and it doesn't sound like you can... Bananas can be hard for me - how about a pt shake for lunch - you need your nutrients - I get the pure Protein vanilla cream add 1/2 banana and some Peanut Butter - to die for.. But we have a blender at work - you could make it at home and stick it in the fridge at work..

Had boot camp tonite - tomorrow weights & yoga - Think I will stop and the new italian rest in the hood and get their menu's may have to get something for Wed nite - cuz I get home too late to cook - or should I say I'm too pooped to cook...

andrew just got here so signing off

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Hope things went well with Andrew. Slow night, just you and me. Phyl should be on her way to Cali, travel safe my dear.

So Steph is Jeff going on your cruise with you?

Went to bed early last night and am still draggin. But I'll eventually get into the hang of getting up. Good thing I

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Well dang it,

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the cat keeps pushing some key and my post instantly posts. Oh well, probably time to kick it in gear! Check in tonight, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Yep Karla - I just saw on FB that Phyl is heading out today.. Safe travels..

I think both Steph & Jeff are going on a 3 or 4 day curise - I ck's the link - Baja Mexico -

Candice What type of job did Peter get - are you going on the road w/John - new singing group ;0) How's the knees/hips

Linda - How are you doing - what are you making chicken salad for - company or you and Mel

Yep Andrew stopped by - really he came to give me a new chip for my phone and messed w/his - and told me about his day - He's good - I'm good..

Well 5:30 shower time... May get back tonite between gym & yoga -

Have a great day peeps

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Hey--Hi! Same ole, Same ole! Cora and G-ma day yesterday--exhilarating but exhausting! I need a day to rest up after that, but unfortunately today was another long day at work. DH went to the urologist yesterday--probably prostate cancer--they're scheduling the biopsy. He's pretty angry now--his independant life style is threatened.

Steph--a cruise! Wonderful!! When? I'm glad that some good things are happening. Looking forward to seing pics of the new bedroom all put back together. Sounds like a little girl's dream!

Carla--I'm still thinking you need a little unfil? IDK, but this band is a finicky thing. It's wierd that some days I can eat anything and everything, and other days, I'm puking Water. But the constant heart burn is worrying me. I take Nexium AND Pepsid every day, but I still need to eat a little icecream before I go to bed or I can't stand the pain.

Phyl's on the road again! Oh the memories! Thank goodness she keeps connected!

Janet--sounds like you and Andrew have a good relationship that will withstand this storm intact. You know how to keep the lines of communication open and show him that you love him while at the same time enforcing your boundaries. Not an easy dance, but you seem to do it well.

Candice: I guess no election job? I'm sorry--kind of. Keep your options open! Maybe there's something better out there for you to do?

Karri--hon, where are you? HOW are you? What's up?

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Linda, I don't know the answer either. I LOVE the feeling of not caring about food, and probably in a sick way like the idea that if I eat too much I will pay for it either in pain or a repeat performance. I guess I am a negative reinforcement type of person. I want to believe that I am at a good spot. Because before this last fill I was eating 2 cups of food at a time. Now it is more like 1/3 to 1/2. But I do build in Protein Snacks. One thing I haven't been eating enough of is veggies. But today I had a salad with lots of stuff: spinach, carrots, tomatoe onion, a little diced ham, feta, and some low cal dressing. I was able to eat about 1/2 cup of 'packed' salad, more like 3/4 to 1 cup of loose salad. But I am really battling the tireds, I guess I need to get my B-1 shot prescription filled. I hate this draggin feeling. I did come home and walked the furries, I hope to drive the path soon and find out how long I need to extend it. I know the furries are draggin at the end. OHHH I forgot, I got a pair of the sketcher walking shoes and man my butt and upper thighs feel the burn. I am hoping I can keep wearing them, it does make my pronation worse.

Anyway, overall a good day, resigned from the last of my committee work, stood up to a parent that was telling me that I better make my class fun or her kid will get quote "pissed off" and then she will get quote "pissed off". Told her that I can only do so much without a science lab and equipment and that earth science is somewhat abstract. I wanted to finish it up with quote, "don't push or I will get pissed off", but refrained. My boss was there and said nothing, not my problem.

Now the delema (sp), bath and a book, or staining the other dog gate...um I think I am voting for the bath and the book. and guess what...I CAN!!!! Man I love living a lone, hey I can go to bed a 8 pm if I want too. Okay,this week I can, next week, my masters classes start, so I won't have the option.

Phyl drive safe, Janet enjoy your work out, Linda, love you! Steph???

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Hey--Hi! Same ole, Same ole! Cora and G-ma day yesterday--exhilarating but exhausting! I need a day to rest up after that, but unfortunately today was another long day at work. DH went to the urologist yesterday--probably prostate cancer--they're scheduling the biopsy. He's pretty angry now--his independant life style is threatened.

Steph--a cruise! Wonderful!! When? I'm glad that some good things are happening. Looking forward to seing pics of the new bedroom all put back together. Sounds like a little girl's dream!

Carla--I'm still thinking you need a little unfil? IDK, but this band is a finicky thing. It's wierd that some days I can eat anything and everything, and other days, I'm puking Water. But the constant heart burn is worrying me. I take Nexium AND Pepsid every day, but I still need to eat a little icecream before I go to bed or I can't stand the pain.

Phyl's on the road again! Oh the memories! Thank goodness she keeps connected!

Janet--sounds like you and Andrew have a good relationship that will withstand this storm intact. You know how to keep the lines of communication open and show him that you love him while at the same time enforcing your boundaries. Not an easy dance, but you seem to do it well.

Candice: I guess no election job? I'm sorry--kind of. Keep your options open! Maybe there's something better out there for you to do?

Karri--hon, where are you? HOW are you? What's up?

Linda - Hugs & Prayer for Mel !!! My boss just went to City of Hope today - he has it too - he's 59 but looks like they got it in the early stages - Hope this is Mel's case to I will keep you in my prayers..

Ya I don't know if I have the energy for a 2 yr old :0)..

I know how much you enjoy it - Oh - I was going to comment - Penny doesn't let you buy your grand kids clothes - what's up with that - That's what Grandma's do - buy cute outfits !!! I would buy them and leave them at my house and dress her like I wanted to.. But I'm a B ;0) - When Andrew was a 2 and we had join custody he had a set of clothes for my house - cuz he always got sent with crappy clothes.

Andrew is enjoying being w/his bro's and sis at his mom's house - he had to work till 9:30 tonite and his bro Michael was upset that he wouldn't be home earlier - I guess he likes hanging out w/him..

We are fine - I think they are concern about me being alone- hell Joseph is calling at 9;30 to ck on me - lol - I guess they don't know I'm a big girl - but I love that they care ;0)

Linda, I don't know the answer either. I LOVE the feeling of not caring about food, and probably in a sick way like the idea that if I eat too much I will pay for it either in pain or a repeat performance. I guess I am a negative reinforcement type of person. I want to believe that I am at a good spot. Because before this last fill I was eating 2 cups of food at a time. Now it is more like 1/3 to 1/2. But I do build in Protein Snacks. One thing I haven't been eating enough of is veggies. But today I had a salad with lots of stuff: spinach, carrots, tomatoe onion, a little diced ham, feta, and some low cal dressing. I was able to eat about 1/2 cup of 'packed' salad, more like 3/4 to 1 cup of loose salad. But I am really battling the tireds, I guess I need to get my B-1 shot prescription filled. I hate this draggin feeling. I did come home and walked the furries, I hope to drive the path soon and find out how long I need to extend it. I know the furries are draggin at the end. OHHH I forgot, I got a pair of the sketcher walking shoes and man my butt and upper thighs feel the burn. I am hoping I can keep wearing them, it does make my pronation worse.

Anyway, overall a good day, resigned from the last of my committee work, stood up to a parent that was telling me that I better make my class fun or her kid will get quote "pissed off" and then she will get quote "pissed off". Told her that I can only do so much without a science lab and equipment and that earth science is somewhat abstract. I wanted to finish it up with quote, "don't push or I will get pissed off", but refrained. My boss was there and said nothing, not my problem.

Now the delema (sp), bath and a book, or staining the other dog gate...um I think I am voting for the bath and the book. and guess what...I CAN!!!! Man I love living a lone, hey I can go to bed a 8 pm if I want too. Okay,this week I can, next week, my masters classes start, so I won't have the option.

Phyl drive safe, Janet enjoy your work out, Linda, love you! Steph???

Karla - I don't think you are getting enough nutrients - are you taking Vitamins and getting pt in - You gotta eat and a too tight band isn't good..

I hear you girl on being able to do what you want - when you want ;0)

Candice - I take it things aren't going to welll - you aren't posting... Stop !!!! Love you...

Steph - I saw on FB the bedroom is done ;0) That was fast - we want pictures

Well it's 9 - my dinner is wating for me - had weight then yoga tonite - so I am going to go watch t.v. and eat ;0)

xoxoxo to all

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Linda, I am sorry that I didn't read carefully enough to catch the concern about Mel, yep I'm pond scum! I will add him to my prayers. The 'C' word is scarey, even when it is a type that has success in treatment. But that doesn't help him or you right now. Hang in there and keep us posted.

DD#5 called last night and I guess she has a bad cold, so she is coming home on Friday and has requested Corn Chowder with biscuits. I guess I still am needed. It was too cute. This raspy little voice on the phone..."moahhm, can you make me corn chowder....I'm sick." So I will cook up a double batch, send most home with her, send some to my friend, and maybe some home to DD#4. It it nice to be needed. AND she will be taking her fish home!!! Yep all my grandchildren have fur or fins.

Went to bed early and feel MUCH better this morning. So guess I better keep doing that.

Well you all have a good day. Janet, you are a work out animal!!!

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Good Morning Gang...

Slept like a baby but could use a little more ;0) didn't go to bed till 11

Karla - we are always needed

I didn't want to go to yoga last night - did try and talk myself out - mostly cuz I don't get home til 8:45 and that's late on a work night ;0)

Well Candice & Peter working for Elections ;0)

Didn't see up date from Phyl

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Buffalo visit is over and we are well on our way. Spent last night in Ohio with friends from our younger days. We knew them in Sacramento in our AF days. He was in the Army, but his wife and I were roommates in the hospital when our first kids were born and we hit it off well and have stayed in touch ever since... 44 years!! So we did what we used to do then... played cards all afternoon and evening! She fixed us a delicious dinner.. pork chops in th crock pot and fresh corn and salad. We had a very nice time. Now we are in Indiana, a little short of Indianapolis...maybe 60 miles. May or may not make it in to MO tomorrow. All is going well except back/leg is giving me a lot of trouble. Can barely walk. Pain is going down my left hip in to left leg/knee and foot still tingly. Nerve impingement. Will be seeing spine specialist as soon as possible after we arrive in CA!! Scooter to Vegas I"m afraid. Frustrating but I will be miserable without it.

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Phyl, hopefully all you will need is some anti-inflamitories. If they recommend surgery, be sure to get a 2nd and 3rd opinion. Back surgery can be a never ending prognosis. Steph was different, I have never seen anyone bounce back like she did.

Anyway, we don't have to worry about me not getting enough nutrition. I battled the hungries all day and ate more today than I have in a long time. Naturally it is scarey, I get worried when I can't eat, worried when I can.

HOWEVER.....I reached a huge milestone today...I put on a pair of size.............12..........jeans and they where not tight, actually a microscopic amount loose. It has been so many years since I have wore that size. So does that mean I need to stop buying size 18's? I don't even look in the smaller sized racks. Might be an adventure. Clothes that aren't baggy. I look at all the clothes I recently bought and all of them are on the loose side. So either I have lost (scale says a couple of pounds) or I need to start looking in the smaller size racks. But I did get to wear my dream outfit today, a pair of jeans and a white 'big' shirt, think artist looking. I love that style but have never been able to wear it. Okay enough, I shouldn't brag so much, but damn a size 12!!!!

Having a marinated turkey roll and yams for dinner tonight.

Phyl, drive safe.

Candice, so what does this 'tax' job entail? Are you going to be hunting down tax evaders?

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Good Evening Gang...

Phyl - I thought with all that you were doing your back was better - I am telling you - you need an adjustment..

No problem w/the scooter - I have a big trunk ;0)..


WTG ON YOUR 12'S !!!!!!! FANTASTIC !!!! BRAG AWAY !!!!

Yep I hear you on afraid when we can't it - afraid of when we can - but I think it's a good fear - hell we use to not even think about what we put in our mouths...

Not much to report - work and home - Andrew suppose to stop by after work - I went to his store after work cuz I needed a bday card and gift bag..

dinner shrimp & salad - lunch was chicken fajitas & bean - left overs from last night..

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Hi ladies!

Just a quick check in. It was a busy day. I'm tired but I'm not. I need to focus on my walking. It is time to get serious.

Michael and I had therapy today. Not a great session. She says that I need to not remind michael to shower or shave or brush his teeth. That he needs to experience the natural consequences. I don't agree but since all my reminding does is cause tension and/or fighting I agreed to try it. I thought it was bad when I was ignoring him not doing his laundry. Do you have any idea how crazy I may go if he doesn't brush his teeth for 2 weeks? And yes, that is entirely possible. He's done it before. EWWWW! He doesn't give a flying freak what anyone thinks of him so is it going to bother him that people avoid him because he stinks and make fun of him because of his zits? I doubt it! But....I am not supposed to stress over it. It is all on him. I hope I'm wrong and he takes care of it. Please let me be wrong. You ladies might have to listen to me rant about this a lot in the next couple of weeks.

Okay...what else???

Linda, my heart goes out to you and Mel. I know how scary it can be before you start treatment. Thankfully, prostate cancer treatment has such a high success rate. I have high hopes for you guys. I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Love you!

Karla, yippppeeee!!! I'm so excited for you! Now here's the challenge. No buying clothes without trying them on first and no buying anything with an elastic waist! You are in the ladies section now and deserve the feeling of elation when you try something on with one of those small numbers! Congrats girlfriend! I am so very very proud of you! You have done amazing!

Okay....to bed with me. Love you ladies.

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