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Hey Candice. Jeff said I could hire someone to pain Jai's room.

He approved new carpet, paint, and a bed.....


he didn't ask what it was going to cost or anything, so I'm thinkin...if I buy the ticket, wanna come paint? I don't know that I can pay for the labor though...that might put him over the top :)

Ha,ha,ha... that is such a great offer.... but I am sure you can find someone local cheaper than my flight... of course you`d ask me this the first day I am back on the wagon:lol:

So tempting....

I have this little job interview this aft and I have to wait and see how that goes o.k. then I`ll give you a firm answer.


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just hit some freeking key on muy laptop and lost my WHOLE post....:)

Phyl; thanks for yesterday, that restaurant was a GREAT choice.... those pics are cute... no wonder our hair looked like that with Hurricane EARL blowing and TAKING the picture!!! Great fun. Miss you already... have a safe trip.

Janet: MJ Blige concert,oh you lcky ducky... wish I was there to dance the night away with you all. Hugs on the ANDREW issues, I know you`ll miss him... but the appart time will be good for both of you. And he`ll learn to appreciate his LaLa more... HUGS...p.s. mu flowers still look beautiful!!!

Stephanie; Did everything with Michael and the courts settle down? What was that outcome?? I`ll bet he is excited about school restarting eh?

Karla: Hun, with the death of that teacher and school restarting, I am sure all it is is BAND stress.. You are doing the right things, only fluids for a while to see if it settles down. For the reflux and spitting up at night. Try GAVISCON chewable tablets - it worked AWESOME for me... also try an extra pillow to keep you nice and HIGH while you sleep. or put a brick(2) under the head of the bed to elevate... that might help... prior to takimng out fluid... it might help enough.

Linda: Hang in there with school emails... YOu now have a :Get out of Jail: date set in your mind so cross off each day on a BIG calandar next to your desk at home office!!! Use a BIG red sharpie... it will feel so good to stroke them off.

Denise: I know you lurk out there, what are you up to these days girl???

Karri: Wherever you are and whatever you are doing...keep us posted . You are in our thoughts and prayers Girl:thumbup:

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Morning! Had a late sleep in today... it was so great to see Phyl and Hurricane Earl yesterday... what a nice visit. Phyl and I both bought new tops, almost matching ... hers is black with blue and mine is black with white. good deal!

Supper was awesome, so glad you suggested that restaurant... Prime Rib was fab. I ate 2 oz of its leftovers for Breakfast today... YUM

I think I`ll do all protien for a few days and get myself back on track. This summer food has been endless and I have thoroughly enjoyed everything... but now the parties over.. LOL

Janet: I am sorry that Andrew has moved out... it will be better for your relationship in the long run. He needs to know how LUCKY he Had IT!!! And the crap at work, argh, it just never stops eh? That 62 yr old lady will have the partner whipped into shape in no time... She probably has a LOW B.S. factor... your MJBlige concery sounds like fun...ooh I`d love to be going with you, dancing the night away.

ah ha... the runaway post returned:smile:

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Made it through the memorial what a tear jerker. His son was only 22. I hadn't realized what an adventurous life he lead. Floated the lenth of the Amazon, hitchhiked through South America for 18 months, discovered a new butterfly species, was at the first Earth Day in DC, established a local butterfly house, when he came back from Vietnam, he visited each of the familes of the soldiers under his command that didn't come home. What a lesson for each of us. I hope that I can do some of the things he did and make a difference that he did.

Sieze each day, make it special, love like crazy, ... As I get to know each of you, I realize that you are all the type of people I want to be. People that are not afraid to go out, to sing and dance outloud, to travel, to try new things, the type that I know would skinny dip in a heart beat! I want to be like. I want to stop being afraid to go somewhere alone.

You would be proud of me today. I hauled a hugh truck load of stuff to the dump!! As I was unloading I had to battle to stop myself from keeping things. But I was successful. I am going to start loading the truck again tommorrow.

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WTG Karla on getting rid of stuff !!!!

I'm not too afraid to do things by myself - I will travel to meet pple - but go like on a cruise by myself - or boy an RV and travel by myself - I would like to - but will I really do it - I will go eat by myself - have done it a few times - but not like at a fancy place - and it's usually lunch..

I think the secert is you just gotta do things once and after that it's no biggie..

Like my second curise - I met my sis in FL - I had to fly into Chicago then change planes - Hell the last time I flew before that trip was when I was 15 and flew from here to San Francisco - I was a little nervous - but like I said - once you do it - it's ok..

Just like getting stuck in Dallas in February - If that ever happens to me again - I now know what to do (thanks to Eva) - But I learned..

Being afraid - limits your life - and it's to short to be afraid..

How's your tummy today??

Candice - I think Andrew appreciates me - it's just that I've said no - and he's not dealing w/that well - I'm the one who said to leave - we are just fighting too much.. It's sinking in that he's gone and it doesn't look like he's going to be back cuz he got a dog - and I ain't taking on anymore animals..

I saw him today - I went to the new nail salon and he was there getting his eyebrows waxed (yes boys do that no a days he has funny shaped eyebrows)

I am going to miss him - I was just so angry with him but it's best for both of us..

Well got my hair cut - went to find something to wear to the concert - got a pair of 7 for all man kind jeans - they fit like a glove.. But omg they are made for pple w/long legs..

Got nails & toes done too - came home - changes the sheets on the bed - showered -

Tomorrow - go get new tires on the car and after that I don't know what..

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Janet, tummy is a little better. I have felt crudy all day with a headache and nausious, but I don't know if that was from crying for an hour and half, or maybe I do have a bit of a bug. I kept food to mostly liquid and a little laughing cow.

I know that somehow I am going to buy an RV and do some traveling. I don't know how I'm going to finance it, but I am going to find a way, and then I'm going to drive to New York and see my daughter and then I'm going to find a place on the coast to park and beach comb for a week, and then I'm going to .... who knows. I want to do so many things. I want to go to Belize, have a drink in Ireland. Someway somehow, I'm going to find a way.

I am so sorry about Andrew. I know things will work out, but it still is hard. He loves you like crazy, but I agree the thing with the dog has to go.

Well I have to work tomorrow, so best get to bed. Hope I feel better today. TTFN

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Good Morning Peeps...

Up early as usual - Need to take car in to get tires.. Really they are still ok for around town but going to Vegas next month and need good tires for then..

Well I'll go to Belize w/you ;0) that somewhere I want to go too..

Having my coffee waiting for my ducolax to kick in ;0) TMI I know but haven't been drinking enough Water ;0)

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Janet, drink drink drink...Keeps you energy up. But I know what you are saying. coffee actually will stimulate bowel movement...TMI, but it does work.

I have been up for awhile. Still a little queezy, so it must be a bit of a virus. Going to pretty much stay on liquids again today. Haven't really been hungry, just craving salt. Very unusual for me since I am usually a sweet freak.

Hey, I'm game for Belize. I want to zipline and swim in the phosphorescent bay. Snorkel in the coral reef. Lounge on the beach and drink tropical drinks with little umbrelas!! Now I just need to start saving. Maybe we could find a cute cabana boy....

Work today, then 2 days off. So when I get home and get everything watered, back to the down sizing. I'm trying to be ruthless. I have laundry started, dishes washed, Cpap machine cleaned. I'm going to start hinging stuff today, pictures, etc. Then I need to finish build the dogbeds and stain the dog gates.

Well best get back to getting ready. Janet, have a good day. Hey, when you are in Vegas, why don't you win about $10,000 and then we can go to Belize without having to stay. I'd carry your luggage if you bought my ticket with your winnings!!! Check in tonight!

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Happy Saturday

Belize sounds like a good destination for the Lucky 7's fve year anniversary! THINK about it!

Janet--Ain't nothing gunna come out if nothing gets put in, and I'm thinking that as tiny as you're getting you're not eating enough considering all the exercising. Just a thought. . . I understand the Andrew thing. It's time. In a way it was too easy to go to his mom's--he really needs to be on his own awhile so he can appreciate what you've given him. When he asks to come back is when you're going to have a tough decision to make.

Holy Cow Carla--how much stuff do you have girl? I'm glad you're purging--it's just too bad you had to move it all! We all have way too much "stuff"--I think that's another characteristic we may all have in common. I see it, I want it, I buy it. What's missing? Oh yeah, the "need" and most of the time I don't need it! But at the time it feels so good to be able to obtain something that was previously denied. (oh yeah, now the "parent" issue. . .)

I hope that your virus has left you, and that was all it was. When you wrote about not beling able to keep even liquids down and waking up choking, it sounded a lot like what I was going throught before I had hiatial hernia surgery. If things don't get better this week, get checked out. You don't want to risk developing esophageal lesions because they can be precancerous. I still worry about that sometimes.

Steph--Can't remember an update to the Michael issues. Hopefully things have settled down and lessons were learned. As far as laundry goes (I know this was an topic a week or so ago), I do think that each family handles that differently. I didn't mind doing my kids laundry--with four kids, it was just more efficient. But they did other things--like make their own lunches for school. That's not to say that I didn't make sure they had food and stuff to put in the lunch, but by and large, when the back packs started comming home with rotten food in them, I left lunch making up to the kid. As for their rooms: They generally were a pig sty after the kid was about 12 years old. I hated it then, but looking back, now that they're gone, I miss the look of the rooms looking like someone lives there. After Cora leaves, I am not in a big hurry to pick up her toys or wash her little fingerprints off the windows. I actually like a little bit of "kid" mess. Honestly, Steph. I know like it seems like there'll be no end to this, but the fact is that they do grow up and move on (right Janet?) and as tough as Janet seems to be right now, she still misses having her little boy Andrew around the house.

Phyl--I'm so jealous that you had coffee and dinner with Candice and Peter. But she did have to drive a lot farther than we did, so I guess I understand! Are you going right to Sun Valley now, or are you heading back to WA first?

Candice--found a wine at costco that tastes just like your Sangria--yummy! Can you tell that I'm into it? Hey, I got an email this week all about opportunities for teachers to tour Cuba. Don't think that I didn't take a long look at it, but with everything else that's going on, I don't think I can take anymore time off--especially for travel. "Next year, next year. . ." that's my new mantra!

Karri--Keep posting, hon. We all care about you so much and want to hear about your adventure. It's a big step, but I know that good things will come of it. How is your health? Are you sleeping? Eating healthy?

So my plans for the weekend are: We were invited to a birthday party for the daughter of the young man who helped build our house several years ago. He was going through a difficult time then and we chatted quite a bit during the construction phase. Since the we've seen him every summer at church in the park. Last year he got married and they had a little baby girl--Xavia. So tomorrow after church they're having a little party for Xavia and invited us. She's a doll, and since Penny doesn't like it when I buy clothes for Levi and Cora (imagine that!), I had plenty of money to buy the cutest little outfit for Xavia.

Then, since I wasn't home on the fourth of July we didn't have our annual cul-de-sac party; we are having it Sunday evening instead. Mel and I are hosting a Door County fish boil in our backyard. Go to Traditional Door County Fish Boil with Photos

to see what it is, but needless to say, it is absolutely delicious! Mel and I have done it before and since we have the kettle and the fire pit, we are in charge. Andy and Penny and the kids are comming along with a couple other grown-up neighboorhood kids. Should be a good time.

Monday we're going to rest up, clean up and maybe go to the county fair. we'll see. . .

So all in all, not a "good eating" weekend and although boiled fish is certanily an approved bandster food--it's the butter that I'll pour over it that could be a problem. . .

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Super quick drive by!

Day 1 of the yard sale is done and it was an amazing success! Made over $1200! That's half what I need for my walk!!!!

I now need to take a shower to wash off this layer of grime and then start bringing out the second round of stuff for tomorrow. No one person should have this much stuff!!!!! I'm surprised no one has called horders on my yet!

Okay...tired and filthy...but so excited.

I'll catch up and talk to you all tonight. I just had to share!

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Um Belize!!! That sounds like an ultimate destination for sure!

Stephanie: Good job on the yard sale... you'll have your walk fee paid up in NO time at all. What do you mean you are a hoarder? Where was all this stuff when I was at your house? I didn't see any of it??? Still no word on the Elections job yet... I'll let you know.

LInda: Wow, sounds like a super time at your house and You will need to rest up on Monday, trust me!.... I think I am still winding down from last Sat. But it was all worth it!~ I know what you mean about the tiny fingers on the glass... Yup once those kids are gone.... it sometimes feels like a tomb around the house.

Janet" You are at your big Party/Dance tonight, wish I was there... I just LOVE Mary J. Blige....oh my GOSH!

Phyl; Spent the day going over music on you tube... I found some new tunes to learn... should be fun.

Karla: Our TV in the family room crapped out today, so DH and I just finished shopping for a new one... ah but the cable you need to hook it up properly with ... dah, is NOT inclu... its another $75 bucks... what a rip off!

Karri: where are you gal? Is Dallas awesome or what???

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Yeah-Belize!!! Opened that bottle of shiraz tonight Candice! Yummy! Thanks again!!

Karla-Ta da dump, ta da dump, ta da dump dump dump!! LOL

Janet- have a great time at the concert!!

Linda you always have such great words of wisdom!!! Especially the Belize part!! LOL

No, not going back to WA- OK and on to CA in time to go to Vegas with Janet on the 1st. Otherwise we'd take our time and make more stops. LIKE Branson!!!

Edited by phyllser

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Okay ladies....finally! More than a drive by!

A few of you have asked...Michael issues...They are pretty much resolved. We met with the parents of the main "cause" of the problem and they were awesome. They are dropping the TRO and have said that everything really just blew up out of proportion. As for laundry... I agree, he is more than capable. I just had a really hard time saying, "I'm going to do everyone's laundry but Michael's." That doesn't really seem fair. If I'm doing everyone else's, what is the big deal throwing his jean's in with the rest? The turning point was when I kept finding clean clothes in the laundry because he didn't want to put them away. I said something twice and then told him I was done. He does his own now. Problem...he'll wear the same clothes over and over and over and never wash them...and he can be kinda stinky! But....letting it go. His problem, not mine. He will figure it out.

Janet, I hope you are having a great time. I have to say, I don't know who Mary Bilge is. You are in such great shape that I'm sure you can just dance and dance and dance! I am so in awe of you!

Phyl, while you were in MT. did you find any of that great huckleberry wine? I forgot to ask you about that. Drive careful and give that lovely puppy kisses from me. She is such a DOLL!

Linda, I know that since I'm right in the middle of it all that its hard to think that I'm going to miss any of this, but I know that in 15 or 18 years, I'm going to be really upset about my empty nest. I really don't mind their mess. It's the fact that I let EVERYTHING get so crazy around the house. It's more me than them. Or when they are all being so noisy. I don't know why it's always so loud at my house. My kids just don't know how to talk in a low tone. THAT drives me a bit nuts. But all in all, I love having my kids around. It's going to be very hard for me when all 3 don't need me to tie shoes and blow noses and make breakfast and lunch...all that great mommy stuff. Pretty soon they are just going to be wanting me for my wallet :biggrin:

hmmmm...there was something else that I was going to say to one of you, but I'm tired. This yard sale stuff is HARD WORK. Oh...that's it. Candice, don't pretend you didn't see all my stuff! Actually 1/4 of it was over in a storage area at Jeff's shop, but a whole lot was here. I might actually be able to park BOTH my vehicles in the garage this winter!

Jaimison's room is being redone. Right now it is painter's tape blue and has the most hideous, dog stained carpet ever! So, here's this week's schedule for her room. Monday, move all her stuff out (sold bunk beds yesterday) and rip out carpet. Tuesday, painter lady is coming. She sounds very nice and I think we will get along fabulously! Wednesday, new carpet being installed and queen bed being delivered. Thursday, move all her stuff back in and call it a bedroom again! I think we're going to go with pink and chocolate for decor. Going searching on overstock.com and domestications for bedding. We haven't gotten a headboard or bedroom set for her. Maybe when she is a little older. For now, hopefully a new bed will keep her sleeping in her room all night instead of getting up around 3 and going out to sleep in daddy's chair. Excited about it though! And if the painting lady is as great as she sounds on the phone I may convince her to do the entire inside (living, dining, kitchen, basement main rooms, and my bedroom) this winter. The upstairs, besides my room, only needs another coat, but needs it badly and the downstairs is all just plain white. My room will be the big challenge. But...if she's wonderful it will be SOOOO worth it.

Okay. Back hurts, eyes hurt, feet hurt. I think it's tylenol PM time and to bed. Love you ladies!!!!

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Good Morning! Just time to quickly catch up on posts and add a short one!

NO.... didn't know about the huckleberry wine or would have definitely looked for some! Did pick up some unusual ones last week on the wine tour and from someone my niece knows who makes his own... bought a whole case from him at $5/bottle!

Winding down our visit... Sister, Mary Lou flying out at noon today. Shirley goes back to work tomorrow... not sure how.. her knee is shot! And Barb and I will try to get Mom and Ed an appt to tour assisted living place we looked at last week that we all liked a lot.

Had a fun SKYPE baby shower for my sister Mary Lou's soon to be arriving first grandkids... twins... C-Section in a few weeks. Her doctor son and his wife.. in Utah. So we had the preggie Mom, her mom and Mary Lou's daughter all on the big screen TV. I had to send my niece home for an HDMI cable and I plugged that from laptop to TV and we had our two way video shower! Amazing! They were opening presents people had sent direct to them, we were opening those people had brought to the shower. I took a photo of the cake and held my phone in front of the laptop cam so she could see it!

Gotta go get ready for church. Have to pick up Mom in a little less than an hour!!

Hugs... hope you are all having a GREAT Labor Day weekend. It got COLD and windy here yesterday!!!

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Good Morning Gang

Well went to get tires - they had the wrong size - it was my bad - I thought they were 255's they were 225's - so was there for 1 hr they put the new tires on my rims then the car and they didn't fit - so they had to take them off put my old tires on - and order new tires - I guess I should have looked better w/a flash light - but when I told them what kind of car I have they should have double ck'd - after all I'm a girl Lol I do use that sometimes :smile:

Well went to Marshalls still looking for a perfect blouse for tonite - then Ross - got a pair of heels - Steve Madden for $25 - omg they are at least 4 if not 5 inches - but cuz on the plateform and thicker heel - i can walk in them and they are comfortable.. Still have entirely decided what to wear - want to look super cute ;0)

Then went to Target and home by noon - put everything up - cleaned up took a little nap - facebooked - read - ate - talked on the phone and that was it.. In bed by 10 - but didn't sleep well woke up a few times.

Linda - I eat gf - I love to eat - it's that I haven't been drinking enough Water - that's normally my problem when I get constipated.. Andrew being at his Mom's is the best he can do - w/a parttime job he's can't afford rent ;0) - and he has to share a room w/his brother - Joseph hated being an only child - Andrew loved it (being w/me)- so that in it self will be an adjustment for him - his mom has 4 kids who are very rambunctious - I talked w/his friend last night - he thinks I'm happy about him being gone - I told her to tell him I'm not happy in that way - but I can't keep fighting w/him - I love him with all my heart - but I'm not going to be fighting with anyone 24/7.. Yes I do miss him - but not the drama ;0) he's my heart.. But he does have alot to learn about real life - and maybe this is a start - it's mostly my fault - cuz I always gave in - but there are somethings I won't can't give in about - As I told him - it's time for him to make sacrifices for things he wants - I've done my share - now he has to step up and learn that you can't always get what you want.. or think you need..

Your party sounds fun...

I get the need and want - I am really trying to differentiate the diff between the 2 when I'm out shopping ;0) I do put alot of stuff back ;o) - but still buy too much ;0)

Steph - Mary J Blige is a RB singer - Mary J Blige | Official Site

Jamison goes and sleeps in Daddy's chair - how cute - don't know if a new bed is going to change that one - I know Brooke goes to sleep in her bed but usually ends up in DS or sisters bed ;0)

You doing great on Yard sale !!!

Karla - WTG on getting rid of the stuff - you are going to feel so free ... Ok if I do any gambling and win - we will go to belize ;0)

Phyl - I think I loved the huckleberry wine - we had it at one of our Lucky #7 - was it this yr or last yr??

How much longer in Buffalo?? Don't you head out soon..

Candice - Yep they stick it to you w/cables - hell if you buy a printer - you need cables that aren't included..

It takes time to recoup from go go go... I know it's not a 3 day weekend for you - but since you are retired -;0) you have them 24/7 -

Well don't know if I'm going to the gym this morning - I do know I'm not doing 2 classes - may go to the Pilos at 10 ..

Gotta go to the store and get some adult beverages for tonite.. With my heels - I am going to have to be sure not to get drunk - cuz I will fall off them ;0)..


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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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