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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good morning. So yesterday was way easier than I thought. My former boss has been really gracious through this entire thing. Believe me he could have been an ass seeing that I left him with Jo teacher. But he says he understands. He just asked that when I get settled in that I let him know why I actually quit. I will because I want the school to succeed and he doesn't know half the crap that is going on there. That kind of let's you know what a hands of manager he is!

Lee and I spent most of yesterday playing board games. Today will be the same except I have a few kids coming over to play some games as well. Then tomorrow i leave for Dallas. I'm excited and nervous at the same time. Two days ago I didn't think I could walk into another classroom. Now I really hope that I find a teaching job. I really want to get back I the classroom... One with a more normal schedule and without evenings, weekends, and summers. I realized i haven't had a more than 7 days off since august 2008. No wonder i'm stressed out!

Well I have to go add lee to my checking accounts so that we can share our funds. This will be the first time that we will have a "joint" checking account. No... We are not a traditional married couple. Then i have to start packing for my drive to dallas next week. I don't want to have to spend the one day that i will have with my husband next week packing stuff up.

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Big, BIG Sigh...I just resigned. Well not JUST, its been about 5 hours ago. I'm not sure how I feel...sad, relieved, heartbroken, freaked out. But most of all, I don't feel angry. And angry is all I have felt for the last several months and it is very nice to not have that any more.

Things from yesterday got worse with my boss stating that he was going to put me on probation for my demeanor and attitude at work. That was the last straw for me. I have given that place everything...to the point that it was killing me. However, if he is not going to go put people on probation for swearing at kids and telling them that their lives are a joke, I'm not going to get put on it for telling adults that they need to be nicer to students. I'm sure I could have done it more tactfully, but I'm working my ass off and they are just being jerks. So after about a 5 minute conversation with him, I let him know that there was NOTHING that could be done to keep me at RPA.

I had to write some very difficult emails and text messages to students but I have stayed at a school for the kids once and I ended up at 250+ pounds. I have to do this for me.

As for what I am going to do for a living???? I have NO idea. I'm going to Dallas and will stay with losingjusme while I hopefully get some substitute teaching jobs. They have graciously opened their house to me for a little while. I just can't stay in Redmond. It would be a steady stream of kids at my door and that town is just too small for something like this to happen. I've already had 4 kids pull out of RPA and go back to the regular high school just in the 5 hours that I have left. I don't want to be there and be blamed for that. However, Lee has to stay there because he starts his student teaching next week. He will finish in December and then we are going to hopefully move to Arizona. My brothers AMAZING girlfriend lives there and my brother wants to move down there. You all know that I want to be closer to him, so this will be a good option for both Lee and I. Lee will be certified to teach in Arizona so it should work out. He can teach elementary (K-8) and I can teach secondary (7-12) both with math and science endorsements which are high need areas all year. I'm not sure if I will stay in teaching or not. I can't make any real decisions right now. My head is kind of spinning! I'm thinking of just bucking up and getting my pharmacy degree or maybe getting my Ph.D in education. I will TRULY and HONESTLY miss the kids and teaching but every therapist that I have ever been too has told me it is NOT the career for me. I am too much of a giver and I want to fix everything. It's true...but a teacher is who I am. If it wasn't that I'm the only one bringing in a paycheck I would take the next few months off. However, that isn't going to work well! I have NO idea how we are paying bills. That is the freaked out part from earlier. I'm also worried about my medical insurance though they don't pay for anything anyway. My supplements run me 200+ a month though so I'm going to have to talk to her to find out if she can do anything cheaper or what I can do without.

I have never done anything like this before so I am VERY MUCH hoping that it all works out. But when I saw my brother begging me to quit so that he wasn't completely family-less and then this happening today, I had to make the decision that just felt right. I never really even questioned it.

Michael (my boss) has promised me that he would give good references. That will help. He is a TERRIBLE manager but he is not a BAD person. Just not someone that I can work for. Not in the state of mind.

Well I need to go try to eat something. Everything I have tried today has come right backup so I'm hoping to find something here I can drink at least.

Love you all and I will keep you updated.

Oh Karri; I am so sorry to hear of your news... I just now got back on LBT and am reading as fast as I can to catch up..

I know that whatever happens IT WAS THE RIGHT DECISION for YOU! It will work out, you are a very resourceful gal... and Lee is so supportive. Dallas sounds like a good option.

Keep posting, we love you here!!!


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Good Morning Gang...

Damn Dogs - up at 4:30 have the alarm set for 5:30 since I have gym at 8 - so why go back to bed.. I think I will be napping this afternoon - but wait - I gotta be at the gym by 9 tomorrow...

Well no rest for the wicked..

Yep Karla - just you and me this weekend - Candice has Peter's party - Phyl has wedding - Linda may stop in - Step is out popping corn - So it's you and me ;0)

Last night I came home from work and needed to take some pictures - I've been approached by a marketing group to be in an ad campaign for LAP-BAND®®®®® - go look on my profile where pple leave messages ..

Well they asked for good quality pictures - I have my little digital and sometimes it takes good pic and sometimes they come out grainy - i don't know why - so I came home and tried on some stuff - decided exercise clothes showed the figure the best - take picture (timer) change clothes - fix hair - omg - I got tired of messing w/it - here's the pic I sent

Will see if I get chosen - wanted me to write and exciting short blurp about my life now - well - I'm not a writer and I don't do short ;0) - this is what I wrote

3 yrs ago I was 52 yr old and morbidly obese, I had no energy - I was sleeping my life away. I would always take the elevators, park as close to the store as possible, I would avoid anything that had to do with physical activity . I couldn't keep up with life - the weight was limiting my quality of life. Plus I have 3 grand children who I want to see grow up - I wanted to participate in their lives, not be sitting on the sidelines.

Fast forward 3 yr - 114 lbs gone... I feel 10 yrs younger have 110% more energy - Now I have more energy than my grand kids - they can't keep up with me.. I took my Grandson on a cruise a year ago for his 18th birthday. He slept more than I did - I was able to go zip lining with my grandson - a 1st for me, something I couldn't do at 250 lbs, that was such a moment - to know that I could do something like that and not be held back because I was above the weight limitation plus I could have never hiked up the hills.. That was one of the best experiences .

My band wasn't the easy way out.. I have learned that this is a lifetime lifestyle change - I am eating healthy (not dieting) - I am going to the gym (cardio & lifting weights)

-Thanks to my bad with it's help in Portion Control and my good food choices and exercise - I now have my life back.. I am now living life and not sitting on the side lines watching it pass me by..

I am now a 55 yrs old woman - who hopefully has added some years to my life by losing the weight and hopefully will be around to maybe see some great grand kids ;0)..

Oh ya I included my zip lining photo ;0)..

OMG just remember forgot to call Karri last night - what a bad mom I am..

Well I know she's asleep now - Sweetie will call later to day - that is if I can freaking remember..

Karla - you should have good turnout this morning on your yard sale and what doesn't sell - give away or donate but let go.. Sorry about your teacher freind - yep life sucks at times.. But it does go on and I am very happy to hear that you plan on taking what you have and embracing it and letting the other crap go..

I'm there - I love Andrew w/all my heart - but I am sure enjoying him being gone - My house stays neater - don't know why - I guess I really haven't cooked - been eating left overs..

Oh last night I had a relapse - I found these cheap version of cheeto puffs in the pantry - well I ate them not the whole bag but what was left which was about 2 maybe 3 servings - they were really greasy (you all know how much i Love grease ;0) - well I had one serving in a little bowl - that was ok - but then went back and ate the rest of them - they weren't that good - but I kept eating - then woke up w/reflux - not so much acid cuz I take an acid reducer - but woke up with a little choking had to run to the toliet but nothing really came up..

So see I'm not perfect - and that sorta ruin any other treats this weekend - plus I'm all swollen up from the salt.... I gotta work my butt of today at the gym...

Plans this weekend none really - I need to Iron my clothes - last week trying to get dressed was a bitch - everything needs ironing and I don't always have time in the morning - so I think that's what I am doing this weekend..

Temps are suppose to cool majorly 98 on Sunday - it's nice out right now.. Should be good pool weather - may take the dogs swimming - wear their little butts out..

Well drying just stopped - so better get the stuff out - CBL

Girlfriend, all I can say is WOW, those gym clothes are HOT HOT HOT.... I'd be wearing that FLICKING outfit to the OFFICE.....:cursing:

and Kudos on the Marketing people contacting you... how exciting is that!!!

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Hi ladies!

Wrong Janet! I'm taking this weekend sorta "off". I am 1/2 of a team serving dinner at church tomorrow so I've been a little busy taking care of that. Serving sloppy joes, variety salads and veggies, and either cheesecake dessert or strawberry angel food cake trifle. I was in charge of the joes and the trifle. The other lady is taking care of everything else.

Today I went out to the farm for the day. It was a pretty nice time. Cut quilt squares out of polyester for one of the church ladies. It made me want to get into my stuff again. I need to sew one that is all cut out. Baby blanket for a neighbor. Kid is going to be 1 before I get it done. But...mine didn't get theirs until they were 6 and 3 so I guess I'm doing a little better this time.

Tomorrow church and then possibly back to the farm. If not, back home and need to do laundry for the kids next week. I told Michael he needed to do his own. It's been 3 weeks. Still hasn't. How nasty is that? How nasty can I let him get before I give in? I just don't know how long I can stand it. ICK!!

This upcoming week...get ready for pink ribbon yard sale Sat and Sun. Pink Ribbon popcorn on Monday. Busy busy week.

Talk to you soon.

Whoa, Michael dosn't do his own laundry!?!?! That stops NOW!!! You tell him that his Aunt Candice said that :cursing: He;ll break down when he runs out of clean clothes... BE STRONG!

He's at the age where he wants to start driving right? well there's his pay off. Chores/responsibility = driving priveledges(or whatever is deemed age approp.) find his currancy$$$

I had Megs doing her own laundry at 1 or 12 yrs old... cause I didn't wash it fast enough for the Princess!!! HA...

No seriously, he needs responsibilities and can do chores around the house just like everybody else... Little ones can have age appropriate chores to do to... 1) making their beds, clearing the table, loading the dish washer with their cups and plates...

Yup, some things will get broken, but that's how they learn. and GIRL you need some HELP.. you just can't run the whole household of 5 people alone. Its not right, its not fair...

Have a FAMILY meeting to discuss duties, and if you need to bribe them to get started so be it...

OMGOSH, I just realized I spewed advise and wasn't asked.... sorry!!!

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Gotta go jump in the shower! Another busy day.... family outing to what used to be "Aunt Genny's Cottage"... now remodeled and owned by her oldest daughter. She invited us all out for lunch. I'm not sure she realizes that there are about 4 car loads of people showing up!! HAHAHA!!

Anyway... wanted to say "Good Morning" and add a couple more photos! Yeah... that's ME... DANCING!!

Hey... Candice... your dress makes another appearance!! LOL

Gosh Phyl, that dress looks damn fine on you women!!! You get better and better looking all the time....

How is it that a Knee replacement makes you look younger!!!! You rock on !!! Fabulous pictures. Can't wait to see you next week!!!

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O.k. whew, I think I have read the 6 pages that I missed.... made some comments here and there....

Stephanie: HUGS on the law issues with Michael... I would be pissed at those girls too. Perhaps they should be charged with making FALSE statements and causing YOUR family Stress, not to mention destroying Michaels reputation.

I hope it get resolved soon.

ALso the man that died, that's aweful news and so sad for a community. Don't beleive the rumours, look what rumours did for Michael, give that man the benefit of the doubt and pray for his eternal peace.

You are going gang busters on the 3day fundraising!!! You are boundless with your energy.

Karri; Hang in there girl, look to the future and your NEW classroom. Maintain some boundaries for yourself though with new work schedules and you'll be fine.

Janet: Man, should you be upping your cals when you work out so hard??? the Sausage, 2 eggs sounded right.. and you didn't slip to badly on the cheezies... I will offer up my confession ... but not for a few more days (sic)

Linda; Oh that Penny girl, she does not appreciate you and your endless efforts... hope the party was fun even with the extra work load. If it was like my place I had lots of CLEANUP volunteers.... and I TOOK it all!!!!!

Karla; Good work on the garage sale... that was a huge step for you decluttering... how much $$$$ did you make? Enough for a Xmas plane ticket to Ontario or WIsconsin???? HUMMMM?????

O.k. the party....

Lets start on Friday, when Peter 's Cousin PAT came early to help me... she was a dear... we hung tea light Candle lanterns from all the branches of trees, Xmas lights were strung and the yard looked beautiful.

Porta Potty rental arrived on Friday.. my daughter shows up and the first things she noticed was the NAME on the Potty door.... "B.J.'s" portable rentals

uh, so just let your minds sift down to the gutter and you'll know how hard we were all laughing...

I said to Peter, """for your Birthday gift.... remember that BJ you;ve always wanted????? uh, well its in the DRIVEWAY... help yourself!!!""

I know, heck this is an adult thread right?

Sat am last preps for the party, my DD and SIL arrive, my SIster, my BFF from London... all early!~!!! but that was o.k. I put them all to work. Setting up the BAR... see pictures here and on Facebook.< /span>

Peter was SO happy, couldn't get the smile off his face... He was really touched that 55 people came for his day. With a special surprise guest!!!

Then we had the ROCK and ROLL band guys come, 2 drummers, a harp players... etc... way cool. BUT some darn neighbor phoned the COPS on us... so they came by with a warning about the noise... if it didn't cease by 8 oclock they were coming back with a FINE...

So then we switched to playing softer JAZZ music and that was o.k. into the night... really great party..

There was only one hickup... my GF in Toronto's boyfriend got ticked when he asked where the Bathroom was, and my BFF said its right there the PORTA POTTY!!! As we are on SEPTIC tank I rented the toilet so people wouldn't be traipsing in and out of my house.... he states "I have never used a porta potty in my LIFE!!!!" (all indignant) so my friend HELEN (who is also my cleaning lady) says to him" Well sweetie, there';s afirst time for everything!"....

I didnt' hear about any of this THAT night, just the day after comments etc...

But it was SUPER , and my HUBBY is SO happy:thumbup:



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some more pics I think it worked??






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Candice, it looks like you had a really great time!!!! The yard is beautiful, but not as beautiful as you.

First day of school was uneventful. Zero stress, that is my goal. I resigned as a member of the Child Assisstance team. I may resign as a member of the Montana Behavior Initiative team as well. I don't need the stress and I don't need the added work. There is no pay involved and since I don't receive any 'benefits' as evident by my cut budget and lack of receiving a Promethean Board I definitely don't need the crap.

I got a few comments on how nice I looked. I did look pretty good except for the neon white feet attached to tanned legs. I guess I should have bought some 'tan in a can' because it was pretty scarey.

The memorial for the teacher who died is on Friday. There will be hundreds of people, so I am going to pass. I can't deal with it. So instead, I am going to quietly honor him from home. Sounds lame I know, but it is just more than I can handle right now. Especially since his passing has really made me question my life. How much do I really 'live' or do I just exsist.

Candice, I didn't make enough for a plane ticket but I do feel much better about down sizing. I still have a lot to get rid of, but I figure I will start another 'yard sale' pile and have one in the spring. I am also hauling a load to the dump. Simplify!

Well should go take a shower and find something to eat. food today was good. Small breakfast: blueberries/kashi/yogurt, Lunch: carrots and the topping to a small serving of super nachoes, Snack: laughing cow wedge and some veggi chips, Dinner: don't know yet.

Tomorrow I will be better prepared and am making a salad with lots of stuff!

Oh, tried to take out my eye at work yesterday. Leaned over to pick something up and ran right into a thin green bamboo stake that was supporting a plant, hit me right in the eye lid. So I have a scabby eyelid with some swelling. Thank goodness my blink response was working. It would have devistated me to loose an eye. I shutter just thinking about it.

chat later or tomorrow

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Good Evening Gang...

Well done w/jury duty for another yr .. Got picked to be interviewed - but then we left for lunch came back and the guy must have took the deal -(he robbed someone and I bet you a million bucks he did it - he looked like a mean gang banger - so back to the jury room we go and wait some more - 3 they call us in to a court room 3 week trial - got off that once cuz the lady who's Paul's other Acct Manager will be gone the month of sept - so done for the yr..

Karri - You will land on your feet - you will be ok - I know this is tough but you aren't some little weakling - you are strong and you will get through this - you have a plan - and it's going to work..

Candice - I not really my food - mostly I allow for sf ice cream at night ;0) about 1 cup - I hate saying that cuz I don't want the rest of you to eat like me - we at least till you exercise like I do and get to goal :cursing: But really haven't changed my eating - my workout partner said today that I look even smaller - but the scales are staying at 136 - so maybe I am leaning out (more muscle less fat)

I don't know if the guy was making decision today or next Monday.. It is what it is - I am just thrilled that I was approached... That's good enough for me...

As to your food - well - after tomorrow - You are going to get back on the straight and narrow - I mean it... You are going to do the 5 day pouch test - and purge your body of all that sugar you have been consuming..

Peter's birthday looks like a blast - love the pic of you dancing and the pic of you and Peter and Brian coming out of the pot ;0)

And to being asked for advice - hell since when have any of us let something like that stop of from giving it ;0) Hell I do it everyday - I don't ask - I do..

Well its almost 8 need to go eat ...


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Morning ladies!! Hope you all slept well!

I forgot tp mention that I came home from work and would you believe that there was a kitchen counter under all the junk? Spent 2 hours just putting stuff away in the kitchen. There is still lots to do, but I am not going to stress about it. Just every night I am going to spend at least 1 hour cleaning/unpacking. One day down, many more to go!

Janet, they have to choose you, how can they not!!! You have the best after picture I have seen!

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Hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday

Welcome to the #55

we are the same age as the yr we were born !!



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Morning ladies!! Hope you all slept well!

I forgot tp mention that I came home from work and would you believe that there was a kitchen counter under all the junk? Spent 2 hours just putting stuff away in the kitchen. There is still lots to do, but I am not going to stress about it. Just every night I am going to spend at least 1 hour cleaning/unpacking. One day down, many more to go!

Janet, they have to choose you, how can they not!!! You have the best after picture I have seen!

Good Morning Gang

Bella needs to change her clock - I get up at 5 not 4:30 a.m. !!

Well today's going to be a tough day at work - I think we have someone quiting - their producer is a butthead - if she does - she will be the 2nd one to quit cuz he's an AH..

Karla - How long have you lived there now??? Well I guess winter is coming - so you are going to be forced into staying inside and getting things done - but you gotta get the crap out of the house that's not staying now - you don't need to junk it up with stuff you aren't keeping - so 1 more yard sale before the snow ;0)

I'm with you about not doing any extra - if you aren't getting paid for it - so sad too bad - they can find someone else

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Wine tour today!

Sisters coming at 9:30 a.m.

I have to get in the shower!

Everyone have a GREAT day!

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Okay...I have to weigh in here. I know it's not going to be the popular opinion. Hell...it's obvious with the way the world is today.

Karla, you need to cut back. I get that. This is not an attack of that decision. You have to find a balance between giving and taking. If you have to cut out everything and then slowly build back, that makes perfect sense.

However....here comes the rant!!!

Why does everyone in this world have an attitude that "What do I get out of it?" If I'm not getting paid for it, screw them. If they want it done, they need to give me....gimme gimme gimme!

What happened to doing something because it's good for other people. Because it makes someone's life easier. Because it makes a difference. And why in the hell do people compare themselves and what they give and then say, "oh hell no, I'm not doing it because no one else is." Joe doesn't do x,y, and z so I'll be damned if I'm going to! Maybe Joe's an ass. Screw him. He doesn't do it and that SUCKS, but that's Joe's problem, not mine. If he gets a million dollars and has done NOTHING to deserve it, that SUCKS! Triple SUCKS! But he didn't get it BECAUSE he's an ass. He got it because life SUCKS sometimes.

I'm sick and tired of people not doing something because there is no pay off to them. The pay off is in that wonderful feeling you get knowing you've done something for someone. That smile that you may never see because you impacted someone. The kid who doesn't have to have a horrible experience because of YOU. There is NO GREATER REWARD! People who only judge their rewards in the monetary realm need a reality check!

And what really makes my blood boil is the people who look down on others when they do something out of their kind heart for someone and are judged as "devious" because they obviously have an ulterior motive. People don't trust nice people because the world is full of the gimmees. It makes me NUTS!!

Okay. Rant over. Like I said, Karla, I get you having to back off and reassess your world. Start with an empty plate and try again. You are overwhelmed. However, don't do it because some ass got a smart board and you didn't. Life isn't fair and that sucks. Don't make life worse for others because you got smacked in the face. I know that if THAT is the reason you back off, you will feel guilty and either throw yourself into a million other things or eat. Do it for the right reasons. Because YOU need to rebuild your world into something healthy. That's okay. But don't not do it because you don't get a "reward" for it. Those kids are all the reward you need.

You're a great teacher and a wonderful mother and I know you know that I love you. This is more about stupid people here in P'wood than you. Your situation and Janet's reply just hit that nerve and I knew you all would listen to my rant and love me in spite of it.

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Hope you have a FANTASTIC birthday

Welcome to the #55

we are the same age as the yr we were born !!



Ya, how cool is that? That means that THIS is our LUCKY year GF..... I am seeing Phyl on Thursday in Niagra Falls, Cdn side of the falls... can`t wait.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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