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Morning Ladies, thank you for reading my -itchy post! I feel better now.

New day and a nice cooler day for the yard sale. The carpenter is also coming to begin cutting the hole for the door from my bedroom out to the deck. Can't wait. It will take several weeks because the carpenter & electrician are working on it during their days off, thus a cheaper expense.

Man you would no believe the crap I found. EX: a hand food meal for making apple butter, a new Pilates beginner set. Cookbooks, Well need to go do some pricing. Keep your fingers crossed!!

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Karla - It's just not school teachers who are treated like crap - every jobs has it's crap - I took classes and intials behind my name - but don't make as much as others do.

We have FF - they don't contribute to my 401k - all they do is take and don't give - hell 2 owners just got new blackberries yesterday - but we are broke..

so I come in at 7:30 take lunch work to 4 and go home - that's it.. Bad attidute - but I don't care.

OMG girl you collect stuff - hope the yard sales goes well - need to get butt in gear - cbl - Hugs

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So far so good on the yard sale, about 1/3 of the stuff is gone, but should be busier tomorrow with it being Saturday. Got a call this morning that one of our long time teachers who retired at the end of school this spring died. He was a fabulous 1st grade teacher who made a real difference. He retires after 30+ years of teaching and dies 2 1/2 months later. He was a vet who was exposed to Agent Orange and developed lymphoma. Monday is going to be tough on all the staff and students. It just reminds me to grab life and live it to the fullest. STARTING today!!!! Step one, dump all the excess bagage, material and emotional. No more dragging crap around. Yep Janet, I am going to go and out and leave it at the door.

I need to work on the eating at school, but I am getting it balanced. Believe it or not, I don't really feel like eating when I am home. For one of the first times in my life I actually have a small sliver of hope and control!!!

Well, only got 4 hours of sleep last night, so I am going to head. Phyl & Candice, party away. Janet, it is just you and me....home bodies! See you all in the morning.

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Good Morning Gang...

Damn Dogs - up at 4:30 have the alarm set for 5:30 since I have gym at 8 - so why go back to bed.. I think I will be napping this afternoon - but wait - I gotta be at the gym by 9 tomorrow...

Well no rest for the wicked..

Yep Karla - just you and me this weekend - Candice has Peter's party - Phyl has wedding - Linda may stop in - Step is out popping corn - So it's you and me ;0)

Last night I came home from work and needed to take some pictures - I've been approached by a marketing group to be in an ad campaign for LAP-BAND®®®® - go look on my profile where pple leave messages ..

Well they asked for good quality pictures - I have my little digital and sometimes it takes good pic and sometimes they come out grainy - i don't know why - so I came home and tried on some stuff - decided exercise clothes showed the figure the best - take picture (timer) change clothes - fix hair - omg - I got tired of messing w/it - here's the pic I sent

Will see if I get chosen - wanted me to write and exciting short blurp about my life now - well - I'm not a writer and I don't do short ;0) - this is what I wrote

3 yrs ago I was 52 yr old and morbidly obese, I had no energy - I was sleeping my life away. I would always take the elevators, park as close to the store as possible, I would avoid anything that had to do with physical activity . I couldn't keep up with life - the weight was limiting my quality of life. Plus I have 3 grand children who I want to see grow up - I wanted to participate in their lives, not be sitting on the sidelines.

Fast forward 3 yr - 114 lbs gone... I feel 10 yrs younger have 110% more energy - Now I have more energy than my grand kids - they can't keep up with me.. I took my Grandson on a cruise a year ago for his 18th birthday. He slept more than I did - I was able to go zip lining with my grandson - a 1st for me, something I couldn't do at 250 lbs, that was such a moment - to know that I could do something like that and not be held back because I was above the weight limitation plus I could have never hiked up the hills.. That was one of the best experiences .

My band wasn't the easy way out.. I have learned that this is a lifetime lifestyle change - I am eating healthy (not dieting) - I am going to the gym (cardio & lifting weights)

-Thanks to my bad with it's help in Portion Control and my good food choices and exercise - I now have my life back.. I am now living life and not sitting on the side lines watching it pass me by..

I am now a 55 yrs old woman - who hopefully has added some years to my life by losing the weight and hopefully will be around to maybe see some great grand kids ;0)..

Oh ya I included my zip lining photo ;0)..

OMG just remember forgot to call Karri last night - what a bad mom I am..

Well I know she's asleep now - Sweetie will call later to day - that is if I can freaking remember..

Karla - you should have good turnout this morning on your yard sale and what doesn't sell - give away or donate but let go.. Sorry about your teacher freind - yep life sucks at times.. But it does go on and I am very happy to hear that you plan on taking what you have and embracing it and letting the other crap go..

I'm there - I love Andrew w/all my heart - but I am sure enjoying him being gone - My house stays neater - don't know why - I guess I really haven't cooked - been eating left overs..

Oh last night I had a relapse - I found these cheap version of cheeto puffs in the pantry - well I ate them not the whole bag but what was left which was about 2 maybe 3 servings - they were really greasy (you all know how much i Love grease ;0) - well I had one serving in a little bowl - that was ok - but then went back and ate the rest of them - they weren't that good - but I kept eating - then woke up w/reflux - not so much acid cuz I take an acid reducer - but woke up with a little choking had to run to the toliet but nothing really came up..

So see I'm not perfect - and that sorta ruin any other treats this weekend - plus I'm all swollen up from the salt.... I gotta work my butt of today at the gym...

Plans this weekend none really - I need to Iron my clothes - last week trying to get dressed was a bitch - everything needs ironing and I don't always have time in the morning - so I think that's what I am doing this weekend..

Temps are suppose to cool majorly 98 on Sunday - it's nice out right now.. Should be good pool weather - may take the dogs swimming - wear their little butts out..

Well drying just stopped - so better get the stuff out - CBL





Edited by IndioGirl55

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Janet, I still can't beleive that the 'before' pic was you. You looked good then, but 'wow' your 'after' is know down gorgeous. Your short story is perfect, there is a spelling error in the 3rd to last paragraph where you say 'bad' instead of 'band. But you said eveything perfectly. So you have a 'slip' with the cheeto puffs, Toss the rest of the bag and drink lots of fluids this weekend to get rid of the extra salt. With that much salt, naturally you are going to show a significant weight gain. But is will ge Water weight nor 'fat weight'.

Hugs on the furry issue. Miss Molly wakes me up on a regular basis. Needless to say, I am tired this morning, typing with my eyes closed.

Well Janet, enjoy your workout. I'll think of you trapped at the gym. TTFN

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Janet, I still can't beleive that the 'before' pic was you. You looked good then, but 'wow' your 'after' is know down gorgeous. Your short story is perfect, there is a spelling error in the 3rd to last paragraph where you say 'bad' instead of 'band. But you said eveything perfectly. So you have a 'slip' with the cheeto puffs, Toss the rest of the bag and drink lots of fluids this weekend to get rid of the extra salt. With that much salt, naturally you are going to show a significant weight gain. But is will ge Water weight nor 'fat weight'.

Hugs on the furry issue. Miss Molly wakes me up on a regular basis. Needless to say, I am tired this morning, typing with my eyes closed.

Well Janet, enjoy your workout. I'll think of you trapped at the gym. TTFN

So much for spell ck lol - I am terrible about proofing - you know those emails that go around with the words all scrambled - I can read them - cuz i do read every 3rd word ;0) --

I'm on my 2nd cup of coffee - have a mask on my face - bathroom rugs in the wash -

I'm not getting on the scales - hell I don't get on the scales often anymore - maybe every 2 weeks.. I eat the same most days - so I really don't sweat it - plus I'm going to the gym 6 days a freaking week..

The shit's gone - I ate it all lol - there wasn't much left like I said 2-3 serving - most likely closer to 3...

Crunchy cheetos no problem but the puffs - i grew up on them - we had a house in the mtns - my parents always stopped at the liquor store - got their booze and us a bag of cheetos (puffs) - I remember sitting on the floor w/my bros with the cheetos in a bowl - good memories..

Stupid QVC has more beauty products on this weekend - ugh... I'm a sucker for them - just like you and your crafting stuff - I am a beauty product girl - looking for that face lift in a bottle lol...

If you saw my makeup drawer - you would say I'm a make up whore lol

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So far so good on the yard sale, about 1/3 of the stuff is gone, but should be busier tomorrow with it being Saturday. Got a call this morning that one of our long time teachers who retired at the end of school this spring died. He was a fabulous 1st grade teacher who made a real difference. He retires after 30+ years of teaching and dies 2 1/2 months later. He was a vet who was exposed to Agent Orange and developed lymphoma. Monday is going to be tough on all the staff and students. It just reminds me to grab life and live it to the fullest. STARTING today!!!! Step one, dump all the excess baggage, material and emotional. No more dragging crap around. Yep Janet, I am going to go and out and leave it at the door.

I need to work on the eating at school, but I am getting it balanced. Believe it or not, I don't really feel like eating when I am home. For one of the first times in my life I actually have a small sliver of hope and control!!!

Well, only got 4 hours of sleep last night, so I am going to head. Phyl & Candice, party away. Janet, it is just you and me....home bodies! See you all in the morning.

Hope your garage sale goes well today!! So sorry about your teacher friend. That is so sad.

Last night I came home from work and needed to take some pictures - I've been approached by a marketing group to be in an ad campaign for LAP-BAND®®®®® - go look on my profile where pple leave messages ..

Well they asked for good quality pictures - I have my little digital and sometimes it takes good pic and sometimes they come out grainy - i don't know why - so I came home and tried on some stuff - decided exercise clothes showed the figure the best - take picture (timer) change clothes - fix hair - omg - I got tired of messing w/it - here's the pic I sent

Will see if I get chosen - wanted me to write and exciting short blurp about my life now - well - I'm not a writer and I don't do short ;0) - this is what I wrote

3 yrs ago I was 52 yr old and morbidly obese, I had no energy - I was sleeping my life away. I would always take the elevators, park as close to the store as possible, I would avoid anything that had to do with physical activity . I couldn't keep up with life - the weight was limiting my quality of life. Plus I have 3 grand children who I want to see grow up - I wanted to participate in their lives, not be sitting on the sidelines.

Fast forward 3 yr - 114 lbs gone... I feel 10 yrs younger have 110% more energy - Now I have more energy than my grand kids - they can't keep up with me.. I took my Grandson on a cruise a year ago for his 18th birthday. He slept more than I did - I was able to go zip lining with my grandson - a 1st for me, something I couldn't do at 250 lbs, that was such a moment - to know that I could do something like that and not be held back because I was above the weight limitation plus I could have never hiked up the hills.. That was one of the best experiences .

My band wasn't the easy way out.. I have learned that this is a lifetime lifestyle change - I am eating healthy (not dieting) - I am going to the gym (cardio & lifting weights)

-Thanks to my bad with it's help in Portion Control and my good food choices and exercise - I now have my life back.. I am now living life and not sitting on the side lines watching it pass me by..

I am now a 55 yrs old woman - who hopefully has added some years to my life by losing the weight and hopefully will be around to maybe see some great grand kids ;0)..

Oh ya I included my zip lining photo ;0)..

I'm there - I love Andrew w/all my heart - but I am sure enjoying him being gone - My house stays neater - don't know why - I guess I really haven't cooked - been eating left overs..

Oh last night I had a relapse - I found these cheap version of cheeto puffs in the pantry - well I ate them not the whole bag but what was left which was about 2 maybe 3 servings - they were really greasy (you all know how much i Love grease ;0) - well I had one serving in a little bowl - that was ok - but then went back and ate the rest of them - they weren't that good - but I kept eating - then woke up w/reflux - not so much acid cuz I take an acid reducer - but woke up with a little choking had to run to the toliet but nothing really came up..

So see I'm not perfect - and that sorta ruin any other treats this weekend - plus I'm all swollen up from the salt.... I gotta work my butt of today at the gym...

Plans this weekend none really - I need to Iron my clothes - last week trying to get dressed was a bitch - everything needs ironing and I don't always have time in the morning - so I think that's what I am doing this weekend..

Temps are suppose to cool majorly 98 on Sunday - it's nice out right now.. Should be good pool weather - may take the dogs swimming - wear their little butts out..

Well drying just stopped - so better get the stuff out - CBL

I hope they pick you!! Great pictures, well written article!! Very impressive!

Yesterday was BUSY!! I was so tired when we got home. And Zoey went everywhere with me. She got so exhausted that she doesn't want to wake up this morning! I got up early and went to get my hair done.. left here a little after 7 a.m. She was still sleeping on our bed. When I got back around 9 a.m. she was STILL sleeping.. between the pillows. Eventually Earl got her up and put her on my lap. Now it's 10:30 a.m. and she's STILL sleeping... on my lap. She will have to wake up soon because the coffee is catching up with me and I need to make a trip... and I probably should get in the shower soon. Wedding is at 2 p.m. and reception at 6 p.m. So I'm wearing slacks and a blouse to the wedding, the coming back and changing into my long dress. It's supposed to be in the high 80's today... beautiful weather, so I think Candice should be having good weather for the big birthday bash, too.

Anyways... we all went to a nail place yesterday around lunch time... 11 of us...two of my sisters and 8 nieces and grand-nieces. Zoey went in her red bag and she was SO good!! One of the grand-nieces took her out several times to play with her and take her for a walk. The rest of the time she just quietly waited in her little bag. One of my nieces brought sub sandwiches... and LOTS of wine!! Oh, my... she gets this wine from a guy who makes it himself and she had blackberry merlot and it was really good.

After that... went back to my sister's house, Shirley... and just hung out. I stayed home and babysat the lasagna and garlic bread when they went to church for the rehearsal. Had to put the stuff in the oven so it would be hot when they got back.. and she bought chicken wing Soup from a local restaurant. So I put it in crock pot to keep it warm. It was VERY spicy. I had a few bites and gave it to Earl! I was going to spend the night since I was going to go for that hair appointment so early with my sister. But... about the time both babies were screaming at the same time, I decided maybe I'd rather just go back to the RV with Earl and get up early to drive back! Shirley said she didn't get to bed until 2 a.m. Bride and her baby spent the night, and my other sister is there now, too... Mary Lou... so I figured I'd end up on the couch and not get any sleep!

So..we've been running since our feet hit the ground Tuesday afternoon and no end in sight! After wedding today, church tomorrow morning... probably pick up Mom & Uncle Ed, cuz Earl told his brother we'd be there! So then they'll want to go out to lunch. And then my sister said she's having a "cook-out" later.

Monday we're going out to what used to be "Aunt Genny's Cottage". All my sisters, Mom and probably some of the nieces and their kids. My cousin, Nikki owns the place now and has completely remodeled it. Pretty much tore it down and started over. So all the kids... even the older ones like our Tracy, Chris, Jodie, and Steve have fond memories of going out to Lime Lake and swimming, fishing and boating.

So, that's Monday. Tuesday is the "Sisters' Wine Tour".... limo for four hours taking us to some Finger Lakes region wineries.

Wednesday.... classmate of ours wants us to come over... for dinner, I think!

Saturday morning I am trying to organize a get-together with some of our high school classmates to start planning our 50th reunion.. which is next year! WHY... when I live on the west coast... do I have to be the one to get this thing going???? HELLO???

Anyway... we are staying until just after the Labor Day weekend. Earl has an RV oil change scheduled for the day after.... If they finish early enough, maybe we'll leave that day.. or the next morning. We are stopping for the night to visit old friends in Ohio. Wife was my roommate in the hospital when Tracy was born and we've kept in touch all these years. Whenever we are in the area, we try to stop and see them and we play Pinochle for HOURS!

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Don't worry about not calling...last night was rough. As more and more students find out that I am not going to be back my phone and email just light up. It is REALLY REALLY REALLY hard to see them hurting like this. Plus the fact that we are telling them that I am leaving because of health issues makes them worry about me. I would like to tell them I left because I couldn't stand what the staff is doing to students and that I was getting in trouble for standing up for them. But I promised Michael that I wouldn't bad mouth RPA, the staff, or him.

Yesterday I was pretty good until last night...this morning...not so much. I am really heartbroken and questioning my decision to leave. I know ultimately it was the best decision to make, but it feels like I'm walking out on my family.

I guess on a good note, I have NO appetite. I really just don't want to eat at all. Some of it is the new anti-depressant supplements but part of it is the fact that I am under MUCH less stress and I don't need to "heal" myself with food. That part of this process is very nice.

Sorry to repeat myself from FB but here is my schedule for the next few weeks

Tomorrow evening I meet with Michael to turn in my computers and my keys. I'm making Lee go with me.

Monday evening I'm meeting with 2 students.

Tuesday morning my flight leaves at 6AM for Dallas.

Sunday I come back to Redmond.

Tuesday morning I drive back to Dallas with my car packed! I will stop in Provo UT, Santa Fe NM, and then Dallas. 10 hours of driving a day...ugh! I just can't afford to do it any slower. The gas and the hotel rooms are going to tax my budget! I'm cashing out my measly retirement from the state of Oregon. Whatever we don't need to live on I will put in an IRA. I know that it is not optimum, but I NEED to have money to survive on. I'm not sure if I'm going to immediately try to get a full time teaching job or just sub. There are so many positions open down there that I can probably get a job right away...just not sure I can muster the energy. On the other hand, I really need insurance. Turns out I can't get it on my own. The company I tried to get private insurance through denied me because of my lap-band. So I know that while some of you are not real happy about the new healthcare laws it will be helpful for some of us to not get denied simply because of the lap band. It's BS...but that is how it works.

Well I need to get packing and spending some time with the hubby. I'm REALLY going to miss being with him to. That is REALLY going to suck.

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Beautiful day, beautiful wedding! Resting with a glass of wine, back at the RV. Have to pick up Mom &Uncle Ed in an hour to take them to the reception which is in downtown Buffalo on the waterfront. We will NOT be taking them home! I am going to insist that someone else do that. I did not drive 2700 miles to come to this wedding and have to leave early because they're tired and want to go home. I'm going to see if my nephew will take them... Don't think he drinks, is not bringing his girlfriend. And, anyways, it's not my job to make sure they get home. Shirley should have arranged something.

Oh, my! Am I ranting!???? LOL

Put a few pictures on FB but now I can't get on there to add some more and edit! Frustrating.

But I will share a few with you as well as one of Zoey that I just took. The caption is, "NO, I haven't seen your hat!!"





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Karri--Good decision! I'm so proud of you. It sounds like a plan is coming together, and things will work out. The only thing that bothers me a little is your comment about not wanting to eat. Remember, the idea is to eat healthy, not starve yourself. You still have endocrine issues, and anorexia is hot going to help that.

I have a feeling that the school is having other "issues," and letting you go is only the tip of the iceburg. The students just might be better served by cutting their losses now and moving on. You are right, this is an opportunity for you to explore other options. Doors will open, and you just might look back and see that this was the best thing that ever happened to you. I've seen it before and I'll see it again! Of course you have mixed emotions. You were heavily invested in that school, and now you're walking away. Your head knows it's the right thing to do, but your heart isn't on board yet. It's a loss, and it's going to take time. Try to keep looking ahead, and not back.

Be carefull with all that driving, kiddo. I've lost one friend this week, and I don't want to lose anymore. That goes for you too Phyl. I'm glad that you and Earl aren't pushing it when you're on the road. I love you guys.

Funeral was difficult today. Church was packed. It's amazing how interconnected we all are. Saw a friend from grade school that I haven't seen for about 30 years. Recognized her immediately! Why does it take a tragedy like this to bring people together? Why don't we Celebrate each other more when we're alive? I'm glad that Candice is doing just that today. I wish I had gone to Peter's party, but I guess that God knew that I needed to be here.

Carla: Was Candice right? Does it feel good to have purged all that stuff from you life? Do you feel "cleansed?"

Steph, oh Steph: Hoping things are settling down for you. I'll be looking for an update this week.

So moving forward: Church in the park tomorrow--gunna be another hard day as Joe (our friend) was a regular there. The guy who runs the services also lost a son-in-law in a car accident on the same road a few years ago, and all that grief came tumbling back.

Having a couple of friends over for lunch--about 8 in all plus kids--and then maybe some "down" time. Monday it starts all over again.

Gotta run to the gorcery store now.

Love you guys,

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Phyl--you look absolutely georgous! Even Earl cleans up pretty well. Beautiful bride and groom. Thanks for posting.

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Good Afternoon Gang...

Talked to my DD - she's ok.. She is strong and is doing as well as can be expected (going to miss her students) but it's all going to work out..

OMG Phyl - you look wonderful - I thought at first who's that lady with Earl - I didn't recognized you!!! Love the hair and make up - you should wear it more often ;0)..

Who's son got married (which sister) how's the niece w/the bad bf..

Beautiful bride and groom and cute baby (the real one not zoey;0) - but she looks cute w/your hat ;0)

Ya at Ralph's and my wedding we had to take his parents back to their hotel (wiskey petes) and we were in down town LV - didn't want to leave the party - but w/my family they were still partying when we got back..

Linda - Yep we seem to take life for granted at times.. Hope you get some rest - I am :0) ...

Been to the gym - coloring hair right now - did some cleaning and took a power nap (30 minutes)

Time to go wash it off - cbl

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Phyl, I agree, you are just beautiful!! I have always known you were beautiful on the inside, but damn woman, you a stunning. Earl better behave, or you might just find another man!!

Linda, it does feel good to get rid of stuff. I think I probably could have sold more things, but I can always have another! So far I made about $200, which isn't bad since most of the stuff was $1 to $2. People here are WAY cheap. I had some fired, but not painted ceramic things that cost be $40 EACH, and people were complaining that I was asking $5. There was a package of 30 Femo blocks that normally sells for $50 and was asking $8 for the blocks, a book, and all the molds and tools. Again people wanted it for $2, forget that, I'll give it away.

Anyway, it is chilly here with the wind blowing like crazy. Suppose to be 40 degrees tonight and only in the 50's tomorrow, brrrr.

My new computer is ready, but I don't have time to go pick it up until next week. I hope this one survives until then.

Guess I'm going to go find some dinner, TTFN

Oh Linda, darn right, you and I BOTH need to live a little more and work a little less. We need to realize that there are other things to do beside teaching!

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Sounds like a successful yard sale - but hell everyone wants stuff cheap at a yard sale - who are you going to give it aways too ;0)

OMG it's cold there - it's 96 here - and suppose to be that way for the next couple of days - but it's windy - I'll take the heat over the wind.. but it will cool down my pool that in the 90 so that will be good - maybe I can use it..

What's for dinner - I have steak marinating - squash cooked -

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Janet, yep, I feel like I did pretty well on the yard sale. I figure any of the craft items that don't sell I will take to school and donate them. The fabric, I am going to find an organization who makes quilts for the needy. Take what is decent to Goodwill, and the rest, to the dump.

Neighbor lady who makes awesome bread sent over some rolls. I sent all but one home with Elyse and had 1/2 of one with a little butter for dinner. That is the first time I have enjoyed 1/2 of a small dinner roll and not felt deprived not eating the other half,,,or 3! I really feel like I have gained some control. But I am worried a bit about school. Janet, I am going to need support and bossing to keep me from binging.

Temperature wise, we went from 98 to 40 in 24 hours, but that is Montana for you.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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