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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Thanks everyone for the support about the yoga. One of the teachers at school said that she would work with me as well.

Steph, all I can say is...CRAP. Michael can't get a break!

School today was okay, boring, but okay. didn't get a single thing accomplished.

Get home and am making piles for the yard sale. Knock on the door. Elyse is getting served papers for writing bad checks. They want to know where she lives, I have to admit that I don't know. so I give them her phone number and where she works. So now I guess my daughter is a felon. Crap.

I hope she learns something and doesn't have to spend time in jail.

well back to the piles!

food, what food. Today was a bowl of fruit, a piece of cheese and some Peanut Butter crackers. I guess that is plenty of food. Sometimes I just wish I could chew on a big juicy steak with salad and a smothered baked potatoe. That is when I know I still have food issues. But the band keeps me honest, most of the time.

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Those pictures of the KAREN`s is great!!! They look like such nice ladies!!! What a great trip.

Sorry EARL was cranky, that`s to be expected on such a long trip. When Peter and I did it, surprising ly we only had ONE really grumpy day, and I just YELLED back at him.... then - it was over...

It will be so cool to get to Buffalo!! YES the weather long range looks good for this weekend... now how about getting together AFTER the wedding? Say next week sometime... would that work for you guys?? We could meet you in Toronto for LUNCH/Dinner.... what do you think?

I will run it by Earl, but at the moment it looks crazy! Tomorrow I am sure Earl will want to go see his two brothers. We went to see his oldest sister today... She and her husband are not in good shape!! I think they are around 80 yrs old. That was after we took Zoey to my cousin for grooming and took Mom and Uncle Ed out to lunch at Olive Garden... We had Soup and salad.

Mom looks okay, but she fell twice over the weekend and she has a torn muscle in her thigh. I think Uncle Ed looks awful. I know it's just been a month or so since his bypass surgery, but his color is terrible... like grey, and he is very thin. Lost a lot of weight and he didn't have any to lose! Both of the walking with walkers when Tracy and I couldn't persuade them to use canes when we were here a year ago.

Friday is mani/pedi and lunch with nieces, sisters, etc. Saturday... all day wedding stuff. hair in morning, wedding at 2pm and reception at 6pm.

Sunday I think we are supposed to get together with one of my cousins.... her 60th birthday I think. Next day we're supposed to go out to another cousin's for lunch.. Lime Lake cottage where we used to hang out with her Mom, my Aunt Genny. Tuesday is our "Sisters Wine Tour"... all four of us and two sisters from the neighborhood we grew up in... have a limo rented from 11 a.m. until 3 pm. So... that leaves one week before we leave! Have to get together with former classmates one day, too, to start planning our 50th reunion next year. I'm thinking if we could get to Toronto at all it would probably be next Wed. or Thurs.

Hi ladies! Just a quick check in. I got on the scale this morning. 174. That's -2! We'll keep on keepin on.

I spent 3 hours deep cleaning the bathroom. It was a mess! Most of my house is a mess. I'm going to spend a day on each room. Maybe 2 days on the front three rooms. I'll start that in a few minutes. Just had to take a break! It feels good to concentrate on my house though. Something for ME for a change. That sounds dumb. I guess what I mean is I get to see the fruits of these labors. It's not for everyone else. It will drive me crazy when everyone else just trashes it again....but...that's the knocks when you're a mom I guess.

Boys start school on Wednesday. I was thinking .... one of the reasons I stay so busy during August is because I don't have to think about me not going back to school. I miss my classroom. I miss my teacher life. As long as I'm crazy busy in August I don't have time to mope about it. Stupid huh? Oh well.

Okay. Phyl, I can't believe how Zoey has changed your world. I'm surprised you haven't had a dog long before this. You and Earl are just "naturals". Love seeing the pics of her. You're like a new mother taking and showing pics of every new "first". It's so awesome to get to see. And Earl is a big marshmallow! He kills me at how soft he is.

Gotta run. Back to work for awhile. Talk to you later ladies. Have a fun day!

Yes, Zoey has certainly changed our lives. Did you see my FB note the other day??? Earl was sitting in his recliner in the morning reading the paper with the dog in his lap and he says, "I think getting a dog was the BEST idea I ever had!!"

BIL put me on his internet again tonight. Didn't last long last night. But tonight seems to be working.

Still having trouble with my back and left foot is still nnumb and tingly.

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Morning ladies, I hope you all had a good evening! Miss Molly thought getting up at 3 am was a good idea, grrr. Ah well, she is very polite when she asks to get up, just a very quiet woof. Now if I could just convince her that she can get off the bed on her own (she has a set of stairs) and go potty without a mom escort!

Had a nice visit with DD#2, she is the heart PA in Idaho Falls. I guess it has been a tought month. Several of her friends have been diagnosed with cancer that has matastizized (sp). I told her that they needed to move because evidently the radioactive waste disposal site is not secure. Just my opinion.

Another day at school, hopefully I will get something done today! Then home to finish going through stuff for the yard sale. If I have time I think I will go through some of my fabric and sell it for $1.00 a pound.

Steph, keep up the good work! Cleaning and eating healthy is liberating....or so I have been told!

Janet you go girl!

Candice don't drive yourself crazy getting ready!

Phyl have fun at the wedding!


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Crap, I just realized that I goofed up when I set my alarm, it was suspose to be for 5:15, but I set it for 4:15, I just cheated myself out of an hour of sleep!

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Good Morning Peeps

Phyl - OMG I'm pooped reading about all that you are doing

LOL Earl's idea!!!

Karla- I've been up since 4 - don't know if it was the dogs or Andrew (he's going to San Fran w/Mom) went back to bed after taking babies to peep - but then at 4:30 Andrew was leaving so - had to get up to hug and say bye - I have the house to myself for 3 days - he's suppose to be back on Sunday..

Linda is back at school - we won't be hearing much from her ;0(

Steph - What's on your agenda today - how's your food

Oh Karla - Even pple who have been thin all their lives - want a steak etc - that's normal - but I hear you I would love to enjoy a big meal and not have to worry about getting stuck or physically full after about ten bite :0)...

dinner last nite 1 sauage - 2 eggs - small half of english muffin - 1 ice cream cone

Bf was pt shake w/pbutter & banana - lunch 1 pot wonder..

Gotta hit the shower - CBL

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So I have a bit of internet time! Well I had a post written but it was pretty much all negative so I deleted it. I just had a ROUGH day yesterday. We will leave it at that!

I'm staying at my brother's one more night and then leaving REALLY early in the morning to drop a friend of his off at the airport. Then I will be home for a couple of days and then off to Dallas.

Well I just wanted to check in.

Love you all,


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So I have a bit of internet time! Well I had a post written but it was pretty much all negative so I deleted it. I just had a ROUGH day yesterday. We will leave it at that!

I'm staying at my brother's one more night and then leaving REALLY early in the morning to drop a friend of his off at the airport. Then I will be home for a couple of days and then off to Dallas.

Well I just wanted to check in.

Love you all,


Hey Baby Girl

Vent all you want - hell we all have negative days now and then - Hope today is better...

xoxoxo Mom

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Yup, back to school, extra classes and babysitting. Difficult week: Husband of a friend (30+ years) was killed in traffic accident. Very sad--daughter is getting married in October.

Karri--I think you're supposed to share your feelings--positive AND negative--with your support group. I hope you're talking to someone. . .

Steph--I'm so sorry for all your drama. Hopefully Michael will start choosing better "friends." In the meantime, I don't see any more that you can do.

Candice--How I wish we were comming! Sounds like a great party, and I would be a good buffer with your sister! Darn. Wish I had more $$$$ (or a more adventurosus husband).

Janet--Not sure how you do it. You are probably busyer than me, but you still find time to check in and offer a word or two of encouragement. Maybe not having to deal with a man helps. I know that mine is getting more and more demanding. I'm starting to dread his retirement!

Phyl--sounds like a wirlwind. Glad that Uncle Ed is still up to going out, although from what you're reporting is not encouraging.

Carla--Wish I lived closer--sounds like a good garage sale. You might make enough money to buy a plane ticket to come for Christmas!

Irritated with DIL today--she's driving me nuts--can't stick to a plan for child care; jerking me around. I agree to watch the kids and the next thing you know her mother's going to instead--but Penny won't tell me herself--she has to get Andy involved. Sometimes I think Cora is more mature than her mom is. Grrrr They weren't going to have a birthday party for Cora so I said "let's just invite a few friends over on Friday evening." Next thing you know Penny's inviting her whole family (5 bros and sisters + spouses +all their kids). All of a sudden I need to buy a cake for 25 people instead of 10! That's not so bad, but it just changes it from a little party to a big family affair, (of which Mel and I are not a part) Grrr. OK enough ranting. I need to email someone and tell them that Penny's changed her mind AGAIN!

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Big, BIG Sigh...I just resigned. Well not JUST, its been about 5 hours ago. I'm not sure how I feel...sad, relieved, heartbroken, freaked out. But most of all, I don't feel angry. And angry is all I have felt for the last several months and it is very nice to not have that any more.

Things from yesterday got worse with my boss stating that he was going to put me on probation for my demeanor and attitude at work. That was the last straw for me. I have given that place everything...to the point that it was killing me. However, if he is not going to go put people on probation for swearing at kids and telling them that their lives are a joke, I'm not going to get put on it for telling adults that they need to be nicer to students. I'm sure I could have done it more tactfully, but I'm working my ass off and they are just being jerks. So after about a 5 minute conversation with him, I let him know that there was NOTHING that could be done to keep me at RPA.

I had to write some very difficult emails and text messages to students but I have stayed at a school for the kids once and I ended up at 250+ pounds. I have to do this for me.

As for what I am going to do for a living???? I have NO idea. I'm going to Dallas and will stay with losingjusme while I hopefully get some substitute teaching jobs. They have graciously opened their house to me for a little while. I just can't stay in Redmond. It would be a steady stream of kids at my door and that town is just too small for something like this to happen. I've already had 4 kids pull out of RPA and go back to the regular high school just in the 5 hours that I have left. I don't want to be there and be blamed for that. However, Lee has to stay there because he starts his student teaching next week. He will finish in December and then we are going to hopefully move to Arizona. My brothers AMAZING girlfriend lives there and my brother wants to move down there. You all know that I want to be closer to him, so this will be a good option for both Lee and I. Lee will be certified to teach in Arizona so it should work out. He can teach elementary (K-8) and I can teach secondary (7-12) both with math and science endorsements which are high need areas all year. I'm not sure if I will stay in teaching or not. I can't make any real decisions right now. My head is kind of spinning! I'm thinking of just bucking up and getting my pharmacy degree or maybe getting my Ph.D in education. I will TRULY and HONESTLY miss the kids and teaching but every therapist that I have ever been too has told me it is NOT the career for me. I am too much of a giver and I want to fix everything. It's true...but a teacher is who I am. If it wasn't that I'm the only one bringing in a paycheck I would take the next few months off. However, that isn't going to work well! I have NO idea how we are paying bills. That is the freaked out part from earlier. I'm also worried about my medical insurance though they don't pay for anything anyway. My supplements run me 200+ a month though so I'm going to have to talk to her to find out if she can do anything cheaper or what I can do without.

I have never done anything like this before so I am VERY MUCH hoping that it all works out. But when I saw my brother begging me to quit so that he wasn't completely family-less and then this happening today, I had to make the decision that just felt right. I never really even questioned it.

Michael (my boss) has promised me that he would give good references. That will help. He is a TERRIBLE manager but he is not a BAD person. Just not someone that I can work for. Not in the state of mind.

Well I need to go try to eat something. Everything I have tried today has come right backup so I'm hoping to find something here I can drink at least.

Love you all and I will keep you updated.

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Had a nice visit with DD#2, she is the heart PA in Idaho Falls. I guess it has been a tought month. Several of her friends have been diagnosed with cancer that has matastizized (sp). I told her that they needed to move because evidently the radioactive waste disposal site is not secure. Just my opinion.

Phyl have fun at the wedding!

I will have fun at the wedding, but I'm almost looking forward to the "Sisters'" Wine tour on Tuesday even more! Sister #4 gets in at midnight tonight. The four of us and two sisters that lived behind us when we were growing up are going on this wine tour. One of the other sisters has rented a limo for us for 4 hours on Tuesday. It should be a blast.

OMG this dog is wearing me out!! Have to keep throwing her toys down the hall so she can bring them back. That's after I took her for a walk and two scooter rides!

Visited with Mom & Uncle Ed again today. When we were leaving Ed said "see you at the wedding".... which to me was a subtle message... you've been here every day. Don't come back tomorrow! LOL! We went to see one of Earl's brothers today too, and had lunch with one of our high school classmates. We need to start planning our 50th reunion (next year). So>>> I am TIRED!!

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Don't understand why I didn't see those last two posts!! Very weird! Anyway.... Linda, so sorry to hear about your friend's husband. That is tragic! And Cora and the birthday drama! You have enough going on in your life to be throwing an impromptu birthday party for 25 people!!

And, Karrie.... sorry to hear about what is going on in your life, too. Although, once the hurt is healed... probably a good decision to make. It will all work out, I'm sure. Moving to AZ... as much as you hate the weather in OR, excellent idea! Sounds like you have a good plan... just have to get past the roughspots you're facing initially.

Hugs, especially to you two!!!

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Yup, back to school, extra classes and babysitting. Difficult week: Husband of a friend (30+ years) was killed in traffic accident. Very sad--daughter is getting married in October.

Janet--Not sure how you do it. You are probably busyer than me, but you still find time to check in and offer a word or two of encouragement. Maybe not having to deal with a man helps. I know that mine is getting more and more demanding. I'm starting to dread his retirement!

Irritated with DIL today--she's driving me nuts--can't stick to a plan for child care; jerking me around. I agree to watch the kids and the next thing you know her mother's going to instead--but Penny won't tell me herself--she has to get Andy involved. Sometimes I think Cora is more mature than her mom is. Grrrr They weren't going to have a birthday party for Cora so I said "let's just invite a few friends over on Friday evening." Next thing you know Penny's inviting her whole family (5 bros and sisters + spouses +all their kids). All of a sudden I need to buy a cake for 25 people instead of 10! That's not so bad, but it just changes it from a little party to a big family affair, (of which Mel and I are not a part) Grrr. OK enough ranting. I need to email someone and tell them that Penny's changed her mind AGAIN!

Linda - LOL I go a mini DH ;0) Andrew - they way he nags at time - I feel like he's a dh... lol He's gone till Sunday (SF w/Mom)

I am truly enjoying just me and my zoo.. I'm not the kind of Mom that gets teary eyed with the kids leaving the nest - I LOVE not having anyone here.. I feel free - it's the responsibility - not that I have to do much for Andrew - but you know what I mean..

So DIL having party and you aren't invited??? WTH is that about?? Kid's now a days make plans then 5 minutes later change them - I think it's an age thing - At our age we are very routine - We don't like surprises - we plan..

Melissa called yesterday - she's going to see about getting banded.. She's thrown out her back and needs to get the weight off - She and Candice share birthdays ;0) she will be 32 - she has HMO so it's going to take about 6 months - has to do 6 month diet etc.. The family really does need to eat healthier - my poor Brooke is like 85 lbs and 6 yrs old..

As far as being busy - hell I just go to work - gym and home ;0) not really that busy - but gotta say I don't get enough down time - cuz when I'm home I'm on the computer too much - FB is addicting - farming ;0) and then here... But again I can't just sit and watch t.v. I want to eat ;0)

Big, BIG Sigh...I just resigned. Well not JUST, its been about 5 hours ago. I'm not sure how I feel...sad, relieved, heartbroken, freaked out. But most of all, I don't feel angry. And angry is all I have felt for the last several months and it is very nice to not have that any more.

Things from yesterday got worse with my boss stating that he was going to put me on probation for my demeanor and attitude at work. That was the last straw for me. I have given that place everything...to the point that it was killing me. However, if he is not going to go put people on probation for swearing at kids and telling them that their lives are a joke, I'm not going to get put on it for telling adults that they need to be nicer to students. I'm sure I could have done it more tactfully, but I'm working my ass off and they are just being jerks. So after about a 5 minute conversation with him, I let him know that there was NOTHING that could be done to keep me at RPA.

I had to write some very difficult emails and text messages to students but I have stayed at a school for the kids once and I ended up at 250+ pounds. I have to do this for me.

As for what I am going to do for a living???? I have NO idea. I'm going to Dallas and will stay with losingjusme while I hopefully get some substitute teaching jobs. They have graciously opened their house to me for a little while. I just can't stay in Redmond. It would be a steady stream of kids at my door and that town is just too small for something like this to happen. I've already had 4 kids pull out of RPA and go back to the regular high school just in the 5 hours that I have left. I don't want to be there and be blamed for that. However, Lee has to stay there because he starts his student teaching next week. He will finish in December and then we are going to hopefully move to Arizona. My brothers AMAZING girlfriend lives there and my brother wants to move down there. You all know that I want to be closer to him, so this will be a good option for both Lee and I. Lee will be certified to teach in Arizona so it should work out. He can teach elementary (K-8) and I can teach secondary (7-12) both with math and science endorsements which are high need areas all year. I'm not sure if I will stay in teaching or not. I can't make any real decisions right now. My head is kind of spinning! I'm thinking of just bucking up and getting my pharmacy degree or maybe getting my Ph.D in education. I will TRULY and HONESTLY miss the kids and teaching but every therapist that I have ever been too has told me it is NOT the career for me. I am too much of a giver and I want to fix everything. It's true...but a teacher is who I am. If it wasn't that I'm the only one bringing in a paycheck I would take the next few months off. However, that isn't going to work well! I have NO idea how we are paying bills. That is the freaked out part from earlier. I'm also worried about my medical insurance though they don't pay for anything anyway. My supplements run me 200+ a month though so I'm going to have to talk to her to find out if she can do anything cheaper or what I can do without.

I have never done anything like this before so I am VERY MUCH hoping that it all works out. But when I saw my brother begging me to quit so that he wasn't completely family-less and then this happening today, I had to make the decision that just felt right. I never really even questioned it.

Michael (my boss) has promised me that he would give good references. That will help. He is a TERRIBLE manager but he is not a BAD person. Just not someone that I can work for. Not in the state of mind.

Well I need to go try to eat something. Everything I have tried today has come right backup so I'm hoping to find something here I can drink at least.

Love you all and I will keep you updated.

Karri - I am so glad to hear this - Yes you were killing yourself at that job... And as far as things working out - they will - this is comming from the girl (you) who's move 20 times in 10 yrs ;0) don't remember the exact # but - you ALWAYS land on your feet - you scared me for a minute - I thought you and Lee were separating...

Put you on probation - I guess I would have to had come up there and kick his ASS... After all that you have do for that school..

I will talk to you soon - Don't worry I know it's going to work out - one day at a time

xooxox Mom

I will have fun at the wedding, but I'm almost looking forward to the "Sisters'" Wine tour on Tuesday even more! Sister #4 gets in at midnight tonight. The four of us and two sisters that lived behind us when we were growing up are going on this wine tour. One of the other sisters has rented a limo for us for 4 hours on Tuesday. It should be a blast.

OMG this dog is wearing me out!! Have to keep throwing her toys down the hall so she can bring them back. That's after I took her for a walk and two scooter rides!

Visited with Mom & Uncle Ed again today. When we were leaving Ed said "see you at the wedding".... which to me was a subtle message... you've been here every day. Don't come back tomorrow! LOL! We went to see one of Earl's brothers today too, and had lunch with one of our high school classmates. We need to start planning our 50th reunion (next year). So>>> I am TIRED!!

Phyl - LOL Uncle Ed telling you see you at the wedding - my Dad would have been that way after a day or 2 ;0) - You are too busy for me.. I'm going to miss a 70's reunion that they are doing in Nov- it's all the classes 70-79 - I'll be gone on my Vacation..

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Mommy -

I have phone service after tonight. This is my last day at my brother's house. I'm going home early tomorrow morning and hiding in my house until I leave Tuesday morning. No Lee and I are still good... I think he is the happiest person on the planet tonight. Well him and my brother.

I've already started filling out applications and I know that I could have a teaching job in a heartbeat down there but I really don't know if I could walk back into my own classroom right now. I already feel guilty about my seniors and I'm not sure I'm ready.

Okay...gotta go. Still haven't gotten food down!

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Mommy -

I have phone service after tonight. This is my last day at my brother's house. I'm going home early tomorrow morning and hiding in my house until I leave Tuesday morning. No Lee and I are still good... I think he is the happiest person on the planet tonight. Well him and my brother.

I've already started filling out applications and I know that I could have a teaching job in a heartbeat down there but I really don't know if I could walk back into my own classroom right now. I already feel guilty about my seniors and I'm not sure I'm ready.

Okay...gotta go. Still haven't gotten food down!

I just tried to call you - got your voice mail left you message - - I'm happy too ;0) the stress is a big factor in the issues you are having - I don't think it's just losing the weight too fast - think about when all the problems really started....

I'll talk to you tomorrow - everything will be fine... My door is always open if you need me.. AZ is closer than OR ;0)

xoxox Mom

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Wow, I come home from a crappy day at work take a 'short nap' (3 hours later) and the whole world changes. Karri, hang in there.

Linda, oh wouldn't it be nice if I sold enough for a plane ticket. But Montana yard sales are natoriously cheap. I just hope I make enough to pay for a few groceries.

I think there was something in the air, because I ripped the face off a teacher at work, and I seeth inside but I NEVER say anything. It has been brewing for a few years, this 'teacher' (and I use the term VERY lightly) was a pro football player, so he was hired to coach. Once hired he refused to coach. When he came he knew nothing about teaching and less about science and math. So I mentored him. What happens, they give him all my math classes and I get to teach earth science which I hate. Now because he is such a stellar teacher, NOT, he teaches directly from the book, won't even write his own notes, he gets a new Promethean Board, cost $4000. For those of you not in education, a Promethean Board is an interactive white board that you use, think extremely high tech chalkboard. this is the teacher who leaves in the middle of a parent conference because his contract time is up. Is not on a single committee and still can't teach worth crap. What do I get for all the extra hours I put in...my class budget cut so HE can have a Promethean board to teach math. He doesn't even teach science anymore, which is what these boards are designed for. I am to the point that what little $$ I have I am ready to tell the district just where they can put it. Back to the point, my ripping his face off...he always calls me 'Cramer', even in front of the kids, just like I was one of his locker jocks. So I finally told him, okay yelled at him that I don't appreciate being shown disrespect that way. So his response.."so what do you want me to call you, MRS. Cramer". I said that would be just fine.

So, is my classroom ready? nope. Is it going to be? nope. Do I care? nope. The reality...I get paid the same as lousy teachers, so what is the point. I'm done busting my butt. I have pulled my name off the field trip to hike with the 6th graders. I am not going to do all the extra work to prepare for a sub and then deal with a field trip.

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