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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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o.k. so my numbers are 43`` around the fullest part of the bust. and my RIB measurement is 37 + 1 inch to round up to 38``

therefore the difference is 5 `` which equals an ``E`` cup... which is exactly what I wear....

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picture of my BABY


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Good morning,

This hotel was AMAZING. I got it for 40$ by naming my own price at priceline! It was essentially an apartment! I had a kitchen, living room, bedroom and a fairly good sized bathroom. I have lived in apartments MUCH smaller than this!

Well I am off to my brothers as soon as I take a shower. That means no internet or phone. I will be driving into town occasionally so that I can get download the stuff I need to put my classes together. I got a lot done yesterday. When I can just sit down, turn on some good music and not worry about everything else I can actually get something done. Lately though my mind has been going in 12 billion directions and I haven't been able to get ANYTHING done. I already actually feel better!

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Good Morning Gang

I take a day off and Karri comes back :0) !!!!

Baby Girl - I am so glad you are doing something to take care of you - this is important you gotta get your liver & kidneys working again.. Where's Lee - I saw some camping pic's on FB

Enjoy your Bro & time w/justlosing - I know you 2 will have fun - is rice gulten??? I saw you love Chipolettes - I have only been there once - didn't care for it myself - had carnita in a bowl w/white rice - not mexican enough for me ;0)

Candice - you don't have to wait till after the bday party to eat healthy - come on - you can eat healthy from now to the birthday party and even then still eat healthy and allow for a little cake..

Karla - Ya girl get rid of all that junk - it's just weighing you down - When I moved to this house I got rid of EVERYTHING old records (they weren't in good shape so they weren't collectables) the only thing I have alot of is clothes :0)

Steph - How's your pink ribbon weekend go -

Linda - :0) you took a Janet pill - is it helping ;0)

Well gang back from 2 hrs at the gym - turbo kick boxing and Pilos - Had to jump in the shower - cuz I was drenched..

Debbie came over last night and we watched the Book of Eli - GREAT movie - I enjoyed it.. Didn't go to bed til after 12 - then Andrew called at 4:30 for me to pick him up (don't mind - cuz he didn't drink and drive) went back to bed and got up at 7 - need to go figure out what's for dinner ... and get some wash done - cbl

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spent the afternoon going over music songs with John Weston (you girls remember him from Elvis Week eh?) he`s going to play a few tunes for me to sing to at Peter`s party...

It was such fun, and good for my ego!!

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Hi ladies. I'm better. .... Or rather, I'm finished. Not feeling so hot. I think I may have gotten sun stroke yesterday. By the end of the day any exhertion made me nausous. Today, any activity at all makes me want to hurl. go figure.....me...hurling? Like that never happens :confused:

Okay. Pink ribbon is over and it wasn't as great as I had hoped. It was really windy and hot and buggy out so the ride wasn't so great. I stayed behind to get the carnival and food taken care of. So I ran my butt off all day. Not as good turn out as I had hoped for....oh well. I'm not going to stress out about it. I'm going to count money tomorrow and hope I broke even. I don't think I made anything for the PRR. May ask my bike club to donate. We are non-profit so I think there are funds that we need to spend. We'll see.

Karla, I got on the scale the day I said I was going to. It was 176. I will get back on tomorrow and report my number. food has been pretty good for me this week. Only one binging evening when I went to the drive in. Jeff wants to go tonight to see Salt, but who knows. We are both pretty wiped out. I also have been chugging Water all day trying to rehydrate from the sunstroke. We'll see what the numbers say tomorrow.

Karri! I love you! I sure hope you get some results with your time relaxing. I promise, you can always come here and I'll try to take care of you :scared2: There's no stress in my life, right? :crying:

Candice, Peter is so cute. At least he took care of the ice for you. I know you told him you would buy it, and he didn't agree, so he dealt with it. And now, one less thing on your plate. I LOVE it!

Alright ladies. As promised. I will slow down for a little bit. I will be doing a few things but nothing this stressful for a while. Love you all so much. You worry too much about me :) I'm going to be alright. Talk to you later. Have a great Sunday.

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When did Sunday Night television get so bad?

Used to be it all started with BONANZA... remember the Cartwright boys... all hunks....

Then there was the Ed Sullivan Show.... always something new to watch there.


Then, if you were allowed to stay up later - there was COMBAT and GUNSMOKE!!!


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When did Sunday Night television get so bad?

Used to be it all started with BONANZA... remember the Cartwright boys... all hunks....

Then there was the Ed Sullivan Show.... always something new to watch there.


Then, if you were allowed to stay up later - there was COMBAT and GUNSMOKE!!!


Why do you think NetFlix is such a booming business? New shows start again in a month I think! Can't wait! I'm pretty sure Sunday night still stinks, but maybe not. I TiVo everything anyways so I really don't know what night what comes on.

Oh...and no....I don't remember any of those shows. You're way OLD!!!:confused: Just kidding love! You can't remember those shows either!

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Candice, I remember all those old shows!

Boy, I have decided that I have finally lost it. I got up early this morning to do some unpacking and gather stuff for the garage sale I am having on Friday. I'm doing dishes, I look at the clock, crap, where did the time go. So I rush around and try to throw all my stuff together and rush out to the car and drive like the dickens to get to work on time. I drive up to the nursery and the gate is closed, so I open it and drive in and the boss walks out and asks me what I was doing at work AN HOUR EARLY. So much for getting a lot down.

So yep, I am going to throw together a yard sale on Friday. I bribed Elyse to set it all up and run it while I am at work and I'll share the money with her.

Stephanie, okay you have taken the first step, I am SO PROUD of you, I knew you could do it!!

Sorry, short post, I really am tired. TTFN

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Yeah, Petr is working on cleaning up his garage!!! We are going to have the BAR in the garage... all the rest of the festivities will be outside!!! (weather permitting)....

My niece says weather report for next weekend in Buffalo is GREAT, so hopefully you will have good weather for your party, too!

Candice you are right, I'm too tired to unpack tonight, but I am going to sit down with my list. It is time for it all to go. The only thing I really enjoy is my quilting and sewing, so I am going to write a list of everything that will go. I don't really enjoy making candles or lotion, so that is first to go. Phyl, would you be interested in my beading stuff? Beads are not to heavy, so it wouldn't take much to ship them. Ceramics...need to go..., wire projects have to go, wooden projects need to go. Thank you for giving me permission to down size. I really should have a garage sale, but I just can't figure out when I will have time to do it. The perfect weekend would be September 11th. Maybe I can get Elyse to work it for me. I need some food. TTFn

Sure, I'd be interested in the beading stuff... Be happy to pay for shipping. How much stuff do you have?? Beads, etc?

Oh my GOSH.... i just started cleaning out my Upstairs freezer.... thinking I`ll need room this week when I buy Ice cubes by the bag for the party....

So I load up a laundry basket of stuff, go downstairs to my chest freezer - open it up and guess what? there is no room in there....Apparently my HUSBAND has been making ice cubes for the party next weekend!!!! WTF? Dosn`t he know we can buy ice???

EARL!!! earl!!! HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING e-CLASSES ONLINE!!!!????? :scared2: :crying: :confused:

Yeah... remember last summer when I had my knee replacement. I think he broke my first ice machine by putting big chunks of ice that he made in bowls in the freezer in it!!

So, here's my update!! Couldn't get online for the past few days. We were just plain too busy in Wisconsin... 5K walk, Tig took me to Lands End outlet, her and I went to an art show... so even though I didn't get to walk the walk, I did walk with her at the art show and shopping. It was hot and muggy. It was okay... made it by stopping and resting now and then. Left foot still numb/tingly, but back is a little better.

So.. Tuesday met up with Julie in Bismarck ND. Nice lady. She came out to the RV park we were staying at and visited with us for an hour or so. Wanted to take us out to dinner, but we were kind of tired that day. Fourth day on the road and the day before had been really stressful... trouble finding an RV park and then Earl got so nasty I was ready to unhitch the car and drive the rest of the way by myself! Whenever things go wrong it's all my fault!

So I decided then and there that we were NOT going more than 300 miles a day! So the next day we stopped at Alexandria MN, which is where "Apples" from the "I'm here to help" thread was going to be for a dental appt. There was a big Super Walmart there, so we did a little shopping first for some odds and ends we needed. Then went to the RV park and Karen was just a few minutes behind us. So we visited a while and then she took us out to dinner... rode in her truck. She and I split a Walleye dinner. OH.. that was GOOD fish!

So... I had planned to go on to our friend's in WI the next day, but it was a little too far for one day so we stopped 100 miles short and got to her house the next morning about 10:30 a.m. She'd left the door open for us, so we had plenty of time to set up, and relax until she got home from work.

That night we went out to another fish dinner! Her tenant that lives in her downstairs apartment came with us, and another couple who are friends of hers met us there. It was a fun evening.

And I already told you all the stuff we did on Saturday.

But... Saturday morning she made us the most delicius frittata! Egg whites, a ton of veggies.... like spinach, etc, and some low fat cheese. It was wonderful.

And when we got home Saturday night she made her "famous" white chicken chili! She is quite a good cook! She made it last time we were there, so I bugged her to make some for us again! And she gave us the leftovers, so I'll be having some of it tomorrow!

OH... that reminds me... when "Apples" came to visit,she brought us frozen steaks from a farmer near them, and fresh sweet corn from her farm! Finished that tonight.

I thought we'd be getting to Buffalo on Tuesday, but depends on what kind of time we make tomorrow. And finding RV parks from here on is difficult. Spent more time on the computer this afternoon trying to find a place 300 miles away but it's hard to find anything between 250 miles and 350 miles. So we'll probably stop short and likely not make it by Tuesday. But that's okay. Wedding is not until Saturday. Just need time to get my nails done. Sister is making me hair appt for Saturday.

OH... must'nt forget to say we had coffee with Linda and Mel this morning at a Starbucks south of Milwaukee!! It had to be a short visit, but was so good to see them!

And when we got to our RV park tonight, a lady from the 60+ thread came to visit! Her name is Karen. She had her surgery the summer of 08 and she's lost 145 lb and is now on maintenance!

I am so disappointed that I forgot to take pictures of Julie, and of Linda and Mel!

But,here are photos of both Karens!





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Candice, I remember all those old shows!

Boy, I have decided that I have finally lost it. I got up early this morning to do some unpacking and gather stuff for the garage sale I am having on Friday. I'm doing dishes, I look at the clock, crap, where did the time go. So I rush around and try to throw all my stuff together and rush out to the car and drive like the dickens to get to work on time. I drive up to the nursery and the gate is closed, so I open it and drive in and the boss walks out and asks me what I was doing at work AN HOUR EARLY. So much for getting a lot down.

So yep, I am going to throw together a yard sale on Friday. I bribed Elyse to set it all up and run it while I am at work and I'll share the money with her.

Stephanie, okay you have taken the first step, I am SO PROUD of you, I knew you could do it!!

Sorry, short post, I really am tired. TTFN

Yeah... good for you, Steph!

I gotta go to bed. I am WAY tired!

And I remember all those old shows too.... !!!

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Good Morning Gang...

Phyl - Glad you got to meet so many lbters ;0) - Ya I can imagine driving w/Earl that long would be a bit much ;0)..

Glad the back is a better.

Steph - WTG on getting back on track ;0) - I bet your pink ribbon thing went fine - We don't have a drive in anymore - use to love going to them.

Candice - Yep remember all those show - Flinstones on Friday night too ;0)

Karla - LOL well better early than late ;0) I have too many clock 3 in the kitchen/living room - 2 in my bathroom - 1 in my bedroom - 1 in the office - 1 outside.

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Why do you think NetFlix is such a booming business? New shows start again in a month I think! Can't wait! I'm pretty sure Sunday night still stinks, but maybe not. I TiVo everything anyways so I really don't know what night what comes on.

Oh...and no....I don't remember any of those shows. You're way OLD!!!:confused: Just kidding love! You can't remember those shows either!

Ha,ha,ha... I guess I asked for that one!

I forgot that you hang with the OLD Broads!!!!

You forward this to ROSE she`ll knoow exactly what I am talking about!!!:scared2:

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My niece says weather report for next weekend in Buffalo is GREAT, so hopefully you will have good weather for your party, too!

Sure, I'd be interested in the beading stuff... Be happy to pay for shipping. How much stuff do you have?? Beads, etc?

Yeah... remember last summer when I had my knee replacement. I think he broke my first ice machine by putting big chunks of ice that he made in bowls in the freezer in it!!

So, here's my update!! Couldn't get online for the past few days. We were just plain too busy in Wisconsin... 5K walk, Tig took me to Lands End outlet, her and I went to an art show... so even though I didn't get to walk the walk, I did walk with her at the art show and shopping. It was hot and muggy. It was okay... made it by stopping and resting now and then. Left foot still numb/tingly, but back is a little better.

So.. Tuesday met up with Julie in Bismarck ND. Nice lady. She came out to the RV park we were staying at and visited with us for an hour or so. Wanted to take us out to dinner, but we were kind of tired that day. Fourth day on the road and the day before had been really stressful... trouble finding an RV park and then Earl got so nasty I was ready to unhitch the car and drive the rest of the way by myself! Whenever things go wrong it's all my fault!

So I decided then and there that we were NOT going more than 300 miles a day! So the next day we stopped at Alexandria MN, which is where "Apples" from the "I'm here to help" thread was going to be for a dental appt. There was a big Super Walmart there, so we did a little shopping first for some odds and ends we needed. Then went to the RV park and Karen was just a few minutes behind us. So we visited a while and then she took us out to dinner... rode in her truck. She and I split a Walleye dinner. OH.. that was GOOD fish!

So... I had planned to go on to our friend's in WI the next day, but it was a little too far for one day so we stopped 100 miles short and got to her house the next morning about 10:30 a.m. She'd left the door open for us, so we had plenty of time to set up, and relax until she got home from work.

That night we went out to another fish dinner! Her tenant that lives in her downstairs apartment came with us, and another couple who are friends of hers met us there. It was a fun evening.

And I already told you all the stuff we did on Saturday.

But... Saturday morning she made us the most delicius frittata! Egg whites, a ton of veggies.... like spinach, etc, and some low fat cheese. It was wonderful.

And when we got home Saturday night she made her "famous" white chicken chili! She is quite a good cook! She made it last time we were there, so I bugged her to make some for us again! And she gave us the leftovers, so I'll be having some of it tomorrow!

OH... that reminds me... when "Apples" came to visit,she brought us frozen steaks from a farmer near them, and fresh sweet corn from her farm! Finished that tonight.

I thought we'd be getting to Buffalo on Tuesday, but depends on what kind of time we make tomorrow. And finding RV parks from here on is difficult. Spent more time on the computer this afternoon trying to find a place 300 miles away but it's hard to find anything between 250 miles and 350 miles. So we'll probably stop short and likely not make it by Tuesday. But that's okay. Wedding is not until Saturday. Just need time to get my nails done. Sister is making me hair appt for Saturday.

OH... must'nt forget to say we had coffee with Linda and Mel this morning at a Starbucks south of Milwaukee!! It had to be a short visit, but was so good to see them!

And when we got to our RV park tonight, a lady from the 60+ thread came to visit! Her name is Karen. She had her surgery the summer of 08 and she's lost 145 lb and is now on maintenance!

I am so disappointed that I forgot to take pictures of Julie, and of Linda and Mel!

But,here are photos of both Karens!

Those pictures of the KAREN`s is great!!! They look like such nice ladies!!! What a great trip.

Sorry EARL was cranky, that`s to be expected on such a long trip. When Peter and I did it, surprising ly we only had ONE really grumpy day, and I just YELLED back at him.... then - it was over...

It will be so cool to get to Buffalo!! YES the weather long range looks good for this weekend... now how about getting together AFTER the wedding? Say next week sometime... would that work for you guys?? We could meet you in Toronto for LUNCH/Dinner.... what do you think?

Gotta work this morning with the KIDDIES cooking class... then my cleaning lady comes today. I havn`t had her in 6 mos.... and she REALLY cleans thoroughly so I can`t wait!!!

Tomorrow is Zumba, Wed is total body core, singing rehersal, Thurs is last minute party plans, then FRIDAY the people start arriving...

Gonna be real crazy for sure!!!

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Hi ladies! Just a quick check in.

I got on the scale this morning. 174. That's -2! We'll keep on keepin on.

I spent 3 hours deep cleaning the bathroom. It was a mess! Most of my house is a mess. I'm going to spend a day on each room. Maybe 2 days on the front three rooms. I'll start that in a few minutes. Just had to take a break! It feels good to concentrate on my house though. Something for ME for a change. That sounds dumb. I guess what I mean is I get to see the fruits of these labors. It's not for everyone else. It will drive me crazy when everyone else just trashes it again....but...that's the knocks when you're a mom I guess.

Boys start school on Wednesday. I was thinking .... one of the reasons I stay so busy during August is because I don't have to think about me not going back to school. I miss my classroom. I miss my teacher life. As long as I'm crazy busy in August I don't have time to mope about it. Stupid huh? Oh well.

Okay. Phyl, I can't believe how Zoey has changed your world. I'm surprised you haven't had a dog long before this. You and Earl are just "naturals". Love seeing the pics of her. You're like a new mother taking and showing pics of every new "first". It's so awesome to get to see. And Earl is a big marshmallow! He kills me at how soft he is.

Gotta run. Back to work for awhile. Talk to you later ladies. Have a fun day!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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