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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi ladies! I'm home!

It was an absolutely crazy weekend. I've never worked so hard in my life. I must have stirred that kettle 100 or more times. I really wanted to lay down and cry. It was very very hard and I'm paying for it today. I have zero energy and zero ambition. I've given myself permission to be a bump on a log today and tomorrow I will buck up and get busy.

I didn't know I could pop that much corn or make that much money in a weekend. My sister owned a restaraunt and she used to complain about how crazy it was when she had a $500 day. I helped her sometimes and that WAS crazy. So...Thursday night from 6-11 we made a little more than $400. Than Friday....honest, we sold over $1300. Saturday was another $1000 and then yesterday was almost $700. It was crazy! I can't believe how crazy! Unless you have watched it made you wouldn't understand....but that's a LOT of freaking corn!

food wasn't great but wasn't horrible either. I had planned on having the motor home there so I could go back and eat there. Well, as it turned out, we moved the motor home to a campground so we were forced to eat "fair food." Jeff would go buy a brat and I would have a couple of bites. He'd go buy ribbon fries and I'd eat 1/3. I worked really hard on staying hydrated and not indulging too much. Have to admit though, the cotton candy booth was next door and I ate one stick Fri and another Sat. I think if it was down the road I could have stayed strong, but then again, maybe not. That smell was driving me to distraction all freaking day! Then I'd get really tired by about 930 and my will power would give out....so....I know that cotton candy is definitely one I don't have ANY power over. Or at least one that can overpower all my good intentions.

So...today....rest. Tomorrow, balls to the walls for pink ribbon event. Next week, school starts and no more committments for quite a while. So yes...I'm slowing down. Trust me!

Phyl, I wish I would have seen you were going to be in Glendive earlier. I would have planned on coming down to see you. It really isn't too far. Just 3 hours or so. But, I have big plans to get done tomorrow and Wednesday so I guess it's a no go. When you come next time I will definitely make it. Jeff really wants to meet you guys.

Linda, when I went to Women of Faith I listened to a really good speaker about just what you were talking about. His name was Marcus someone.....he really spoke to my heart and made me look at things differently. Look into the WoF website and look him up. He might put things in a great perspective for you.

Karla, love you! Congrats on your new low!!!! How exciting is THAT? I need to step on the scale but I've been avoiding it like the plague. Imagine THAT! Okay. No more procrastinating. Tomorrow morning I'll get on and POST MY NUMBER! I'll need your guys' help to keep me focused on me and get those numbers down where they should be. I'm counting on you Karla.

Gonna run and play with nick for a bit. Love you ladies!

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You bet Steph, we are waiting, you can do this!!!!

Where is everyone? Mom is here, so won't be posting much for the next couple of days. Also I need to take my computer in to get worked on, so I may be awol for a few days.

Heading to bed, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Read last night but was pooped so didn't post

I thought I posted yesterday morning - but I guess it didn't post

Karla - glad your mom is coming to help you - you need to get the house done before school starts - or your really are going to go crazy !!!

Steph - Lots of popcorn $$$ making business - you deserve the day off

Phyl - Hugs on your back - I saw on FB that it's really hurting you - I really wish you would go see a chiropractor - you are out of alignment ..

Linda - Back to work - ugh I know what you mean -

Well it's time for the shower

Candice aren't you home yet ..


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just found this logo, kinda cute eh???

Home now, junk out of the house (as Peter got home before me!)

Can sleep in my own bed tonight, and go to ZUMBA tomorrow.... Yeah..

Lots of rock climbing and walking up at the camp... but sure good to be home~~~ more later


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Linda, you hit it right on the head. I think most of us here are that way. But I do have to comment on one thing you said. Yes, God does want us to give unselfishly, however, when we don't take care of ourselves, we can't serve God or give of ourselves. Honey, you are sitting in a beautiful state park beating yourself up. Yes you have to focus on the positives, where you are at the moment, but it is okay to have a pity party sometimes. I think you have let your batteries run too low and you haven't 'fed' yourself, so how can you 'feed' someone else. There is absolutely nothing wrong with looking forwad to retirement, and sometimes it is okay to hate the fact that we have to go to work. Also with the physical difficulties you are dealing with, the toll on you physically and emotionally is huge, don't underestimate it's ability to wipe you out. Also, as a teacher, you and I both know that teaching is becoming more difficult. Students and parents think that just because they exsist they should get a passing grade. Also, how many lives have you touched? Hundreds! So here is your assignment...you are going to find that one, yep ONE student that needs you and you are going to give it your all, make a difference in ONE student and you have make a difference in many lives of the family and future family of that student. Just one!! You are also going to set aside some time for yourself, it doesn't matter what it is, reading, napping, daydreaming, exercising, This time needs to become non-negotable. Mel, or school, or even you can't cancel it. Everyone needs to learn that you are just as important as they are. AND YOU are going to learn that YOU are just as important as they are!!

Okay, don't yell at me, I love you, and it is all said from the heart!

Oh Karla, I just read what you said to Linda.... crying...:frown: it was awesome and from the HEART... see what a good teacher you are?????:(

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Good Morning

Drive by - drama last night w/Andrew AGAIN - told him my rules my house - don't like it leave..

Busy at work - gotta get too it - gotta put out too many fires - pple want everything 10 minutes ago..

Have gym tonite - won't be home til late so may or not post again tonite

Love to you all - eat healthy & exercise !!!!



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Hi ladies. Tough week. I swear, life around here never seems to get any easier.

There have been some tough stuff happenings with Michael while we were gone. I guess the Sherrif was over at our house 3 times while we were away...even though Michael was staying with another adult. Craziness that I really don't think Michael did and some girls are involved in making false reports. Anyways....he's been served with a restraining order...stupidity for stupid things that I'm almost positive he didn't do. Waited around Monday for someone to come here and tell us what the hell was going on and no one came. So yesterday morning we called a lawyer and then went to see the judge and the sherriff to see if we could come up with some answers. Sheriff said he would have his officer come over last night to explain things and show me the "evidence" so waited all night and no one showed up. Gave sheriff a call when we read Michael's texts where one of the girls involved said she had the "original" note that caused all this mess....and still....no one showed up. So frustrating.

Anyways, that was my headache yesterday. Today, pink ribbon stuff. Was on the radio live for about 3 minutes. Scary! I'm sure I sounded like an idiot....but good advertising. Everything is coming together, but that stress caused an excruciating Migraine. I was in bed for the last 3 hours and finally the light isn't killing me so I'm sitting here quietly trying to feel human again. Had some very strange dreams while I was resting with my migraine. Woke up and couldn't remember how long my dad had been dead because I was sure these dreams were so real. Scary!

Tomorrow is therapy and final Pink Shopping...and then Friday is cooking for rally day. Saturday craziness and then I can sit back and breath a little easier.

I'll be back in a bit. Time to rest my eyes again. Love you ladies!

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Oh Stephanie. What a mess. Getting the run-around is so annoying! I'm glad you have a lawyer--at least the sheriff know that you mean business. Chin up, girl. Take one thing at a time. I'm glad that you are in therapy--someone objective to talk to and help you sort it all out. Sounds like you're doing all the right things--expcept for maybe being a bit overcommitted.

Ditto Janet--Tough love is harder on the parent than the child. Andrew knows where your buttons are, and he's not afraid to push them. Don't let him send you on a guilt trip. He's making his own decisions--he needs to live with the consequences. I've got your back, gf. Be strong!

Carla--well, I did something for me: I booked a trip to Punta Cana for my birthday in October. We have most of the week off that week for things like Teacher's Convention (which I never go to), and costco had a deal on an all inclusive there, so I talked Mel and Mindy into going for 5 nights. Not long enough, but it's something!

Hey Candice--want to join us? I know it's not Cuba, but it's close. . .(and legal!)

Got to tell you a cute story about Cora. You know that I didn't see her for over a week--well, it seems that she missed me too! Penny forgot that I wasn't able to watch Cora yesterday b/c of Inservice, and she told Cora in the morning that she was going to Grandma's house. When Penny realized that that was not happening, she was able to make arrangements to take Cora to child care instead. Cora was not happy and cried when they pulled up to child care instead of Grandma's house. Penny brought Cora in to her room, but Cora wasn't having any of it. She went into a corner alone and pouted for about 10 minutes after Penny left. The teacher just ignored her and sat down at the table with the other kids. Pretty soon, Cora came over to the table and sat down. She sighed and said sadly, "No grandma house" and then she got involved in whatever activity they had going on. How adorable was that? Remember, Cora's not even 2 yet!

I picked her up today and took her to the park and then to McDonalds for a smoothie. She was really happy to see me--tight hugs and kisses. OMG--do I love that child! Tomorrow after class I get Levi for a few hours. I feel like I'm short changing him sometimes--he's a great baby, but Cora is just so engaging. Can't wait till I have more time for both of them!!!!!

So Phyl--how's the back/leg? I know you're in MN, but haven't seem much on FB.

Classes start tomorrow. I hope I can stay connected, but I'm afraid that once the treadmill begins, I won't be able to get off. Don't forget about me. I'll be back!

Janet--say "HI" to Karri for me!

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Home...just got done spending my next paycheck and then some from the nursery. Took my computer in to figure out what was going on, and it seems I will need to get a new mother board and new battery AND new connector for the monitor. So the reality is, I ended up buying a new computer...18 months, same as cash. Not thrilled, but with my classes being online, I can't be without a computer.

I searched high and low and I think I found some 'flip proof' doggy dishes. Because I haven't been home enough, Jordan takes out his frustrations on me by flipping his food AND Water dish. The smell of wet dog food just about gags me!. Then there is the whole mess to deal with. I also got some hollow leg bones that I can stuff with Peanut Butter and treats to keep them occupied. The indestructable 'kongs' don't work because they eat the kong in less than a day. The real bone slows them down for a month or more. I also got them both a dog bed, I am so tired of tripping over their blankets. I have made them dog beds before, but...they ate them. So I am going to build the beds wooden surrounds, that should slow them down a little bit.

Had a good day in town with my mom. I bought a lot of stuff the assist in the organization that we are working on.

Linda, I am so proud of you!! Enjoy your trip. Yep, I usually bail on MEA stuff, they never have anything that I am interested in, I guess I am too old.

Steph, I'm sorry about Michael. Hang in there.

janet, what is up??? Is Phyl there yet?

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Hi Gang

Got a few minutes between exercise - home from weights - 7:30 Yoga..

Linda - Yes Cora's age is wonderfull !!! I have this collage at work of Andrew when he was 2 - 3 - 4 you know the time in their lives where the idolize you ;0) - I wonder were that little boy has gone..

Don't worry - he is trying to manipulate me - not happening..

I'm going to Vegas 10/1 for the weekend - and the lady I work w/is gone the end of October - so I can't take off - I would love to go - but heck - I'm going in Nov ;0)

Steph - Teenagers - I feel your pain - Hugs Hugs Hugs -

I am going to have to ck fb to see where Phyl is - she is suppose to meet - Julie & Karen from my mentor thread today and tomorrow or was it yesterday and today ??


Karla ???

I haven't talked to Karri - she went camping last weekend - I gotta ck fb tosee whats up w/her

xoxo cbl

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Hi Girls;

Sorry I`ve been quiet today, a lot of running around making B-day party plans for Peter`s big 60 next week.. I can`t beleive its almost here!! About 50 people so far, still a few RSVP`s to come... should be a blast!

Stephanie: HUGS on the Micheal issue.. Gosh, what on earth could he possibly have writtewn to that girl??? Perhaps she`s embellaashing for attention.... Hope it all smooths out for you. Big ((((HUG))))) for yoU!!!

Linda: Punta Cana sounds fun... email me the dates and resort name, I`ll ck it out. Peter is away on business the first week of Oct. Cora sounds so cute... oh of course she LOVES her Gramma!!! Levi will too once he`s a bit older, he`ll have you around his little finger I am SURE!!!

Phyl: Hope you are having a great travel day... I am SO JEALOUS!!!

Karri; Miss you girl, pls post!!

Janet: Andrew will come around, I know he`s a great kid at heart... stand firm, you can handle anything:thumbup:

Exercise today? Window washing... gotta get this house cleaned up!!!!

Food: Fibre one cereal/ skim milk, Iced coffee, Peanut M & M`s, Popc oorn for supper!!!

Karla: New doggie beds! They will love them... I was just looking at them today myself.... thinking the ones they have are kinda ratty looking.... new computer... how cool is that!!! Can you write it off on Income Taxes as an expense of TEACHING???

Edited by peaches9

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This is a little scary!!! I'll try not to worry but it's a little freakish!

News : Arizona fugitive may have ties to Sidney : Sidney Herald, Sidney, Montana

YIKES , that is scary... we`vve heard about it in Canada too. So much unprotected border between us im the west. LOCK those doors girl!

Busy cleaning and getting the house ready AUGRH!!! I hate housekeeping!!!

Got my hair dyed this morning, now gotta get the wrinkles looked at on Monday....

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Candice, when you get done, come to my house! Well, I best get busy, check in later!!!!

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Hey gang....

I am pooped - sure glad I don't have any exercise tonite ...

Karla - we posted same time last night - I'm lucky Bear & Angel are good while I'm gone - they sleep all day - Today Bella got out of her enclosure - haven't found any poop so that's good - but would never find the peep - she most likely peeps 1/2 teaspoon..

Yep you gotta have a computer - we can't live without them

Candice - so the party is at your house ?? 50 pple - oh my - what are you serving ??? M&M ???

Phyl was in Minnesota w/Karen yesterday -

ust crossed the Mississippi river in to Wisconsin!! this was 8 hrs ago on fb - is she going to see linda??

Steph - see you are looking for helpers - too bad I don't live close or I would come and help....

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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