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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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stupid people, why on earth can't you bring your dog in.... its in a Carrier... feet don't even touch the floor... I hope you are going to write the CORP a letter and tell them you will spend your money somewhere else :rolleyes:

Great on teaching her to shake a paw... way cool... she is so darn clever isn't she..

at work now, clinic.. so far so good, I have 15 mins before my next px... so I am floggng the dog... so to speak... feel better since I vented this a.m. Hope all you gals understand... somehow, I think you will all be able to read between the line :thumbup:

Yeah... stupid... because they carry "food items!!" Give me a break! I take her in the grocery stores and they are falling all over her.... "Hi, Zoey"!! and talking baby talk to her, etc. And today the dentist receptionist wanted to know why I didn't bring my puppy... said she would watch her while I was getting my teeth cleaned!! LOL!!

She has the "shake" thing down, but... she is now begging for treats all the time by doing all her tricks! Then she looks up at me, head cocked sideways, looking sweetly, like... "I did all my tricks! Now I want a treat!" And if she doesn't get it... then she barks a little demanding "NOW!" This is getting out of hand. She goes out with Earl to go potty... she comes in and wants a treat. She "sits" at my feet... she wants a treat! She's too smart!

Geez, Candice... don't hold back!!! Just let it all out!! HAHAHA!! I can relate to a LOT of that. As you well know, I live with a control freak too!!

Phyl - so where did you take zoey today.cbl

She didn't get to go far today! I had PT this morning--1 hr of floor exercise today, no pool. Slight drizzle so she didn't get to go. Earl walked while I was gone. When I got back, I took her to Surf Shack and Safeway, but can't go to Target anymore. And it was pretty chilly outside and we were both cold. She was shivering. NOt sure if it was because she was cold or because she was scared because I changed my route a little. Coming back from Safeway I crossed HWY 9 there instead of down a block by Target. More traffic and we had to ride on the shoulder for 1 block w/lots of traffic. The big noisy trucks make her very nervous. So then we cut through the shopping center. I keep stopping at the vet's office because she wants me to bring her by to meet her but she's always busy. Today she was in surgery when I stopped!

Then I had to take her home because I needed to have a bowl of Soup before dental appt at noon. BUT... I forgot that I have to pre-medicate because of my knee replacement!! So< they sent me back home to take my meds. Hygenist went to lunch at noon instead of 1pm, and told me to come back at 1pm. So that worked fine.

Frustrating appt, though, because they told me I had to have 2 crowns replaced!! They are the two crowns that YAHOO in CA put in last year!! My insurance won't pay to replace them AGAIN unless it's been 5 years!! And they said one is not properly sealed and food is getting in all around the edges. Something is wrong with the other one, too! So it will cost me something like $1200 each to fix them!! Will talk to my dentist here about it again on Tuesday, but, right now leaning towards making the guy in CA fix them, or go to Mexico!!

Anyways, after 1 trip to the gym, 1 trip to Surf Shack and Safeway and 2 trips to the dentist, the scooter battery was DEAD!! Or almost! So... no more rides for Zoey today. Earl walked her around once, and I will walk her around a couple of times soon. Right now she is all mellow and sacked out, so waiting for her hyper time and then we will walk!

Mug of my homemade white chicken chili for lunch... it is SO good! Had a few shrimp w/cocktail sauce this afternoon, followed by my red wine. For dinner.... another piece of that Rock Cod, and some veggies. Unfortunately, Earl made whole wheat bread in the bread machine!! So... dessert was a slice of bread w/low sugar strawberry preserves that my neighbor made the other day. She is diabetic so she found a recipe using very little sugar.

Made it home last night, sister stayed the night and we had a nice time. We went out for margaritas and nachos, didn't eat Breakfast and had a bowl for lunch. Didn't eat more than 4 nachos. She really helped me put things into perspective with my parents. I have always tried to get their approval and she helped me realize I never will. We scattered dad, gave him some tobacco and a shot of whiskey. I didn't even get out of the car when we arrived without busting out crying. I really hated the whole thing. It went okay.

I am doing okay, not really closure, but it is one step toward the next. I miss him. Mom gave me some pictures of the guy that died last year. Made me cry again. So I ended up missing both of them. Makes me wonder what is in my future. I got one of dad's pistols, so I think I am going to take shooting lessons and learn how to clean it. It is a 44 magnum. Dad taught us all how to shoot before we could walk, what can I say, a Montana thing. Love you all, k

I am glad that is behind you. And so glad for the meaningful conversation with your sister. Very good for "closure", too.... whatever that is!!

We missed you!!!


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Well just came back in from playing w/Bella - trying to tire her out ;0)..

Phyl sounds like you had a busy day - Yep Zoey has you right where she wants you ;0)...

Ya when I was at the dentist the other day - they were calling someone who had an appt at 2 to remind them to take their meds... I have a great dentist...

Well need to go start my fish - my squash is done - cbl

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Okay...I don't have time to read this right now. Want to, need to, but want to say something to Candice and then HAVE to get out to kettle corn.

Ladies! I love you all...but this one is for Candice. I'm not singling her out for anything but THIS MESSAGE!!!

Candice, this might all have been said already, but I'm going to say it too.

I love you darling. You are the most splendid woman I have ever met. Being with you makes me feel special and alive and amazing in a way I don't feel with my other friends. Jeff loved you. My kids thought you the best! I sobbed for 1/2 hour after you left here and another 1/2 hour after you left the beach house because I miss you so much when you are not with me. We spent so little time together, but you make it amazing. I want you to know how much you are special!!!

Control? I get that! I have other control issues. My kids don't listen (take my control away from me), my husband doesn't let me finish something I'm trying to do because I'm not doing it fast enough (takes the tools outta my hands), they don't eat what I cook (taking what I control and make it feel bad), make me feel guilty when I do something for me (control again). I know how crazy that makes me feel. I never thought of it as why I overeat though....but here's the crazy part. When I'm controlling what I'm putting in my mouth, I'm putting crap in and that makes me feel outta control too! It's like I don't even have control of that part. It's like I'm punishing myself for letting others control me and so I'm proving to myself that when I'm in control of THIS one thing that is all "up to me" I can't even handle that and so it's proof that I deserve all the rest of the crap! I am not worthy of the control. The one step I took control of, my band, I'm flicking up and so, once again, proof that anything I try to control I can't....and therefor, when everyone else takes control, I deserve it!

Stupid right? But that's my life. I get it. we are sick. very very sick. They have hospitalizations for anorexics and bulemics because they need the mental help to fix all these thoughts...but us? we're just fat. we're just doing it to ourselves. we could stop if we wanted to. anorexia and bulimia can kill a person, they NEED the help. Does any of this crap make sense? are you kidding me? and feeding myself to death isn't killing me? ahhhhh!!!!! I want to scream.

I don't have any answers darling, I just want you to know I am so there with you and what you said hit a really tender spot. I don't want you to hurt in any way because I'm a little protective of you because you are such an amazing woman and I want to hurt anyone who hurts you. I don't know what it is about you and our relationship but it's very special to me....and I'm fighting mad that someone is hurting you!

We need to talk more about this, but I'm already late getting out to the fair. I will hopefully have a chance to catch up to this later.....We really do need to talk!

I'm babbling and I don't have time to put this in more coherent order. Just hug yourself for me please. and YOU control how long and how tight I squeeze. Really!!! Put your arms around yourself, cry if you want to, and hold on. If I was there, I would be. And don't stop until YOU are ready to!

Tell your friend Michelle thank you for putting a new light on my actions. I think it's something I'm going to need to talk to my counselor about. I'm going to call and make an appointment.

Gotta scoot, but love you!

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Okay...I don't have time to read this right now. Want to, need to, but want to say something to Candice and then HAVE to get out to kettle corn.

Ladies! I love you all...but this one is for Candice. I'm not singling her out for anything but THIS MESSAGE!!!

Candice, this might all have been said already, but I'm going to say it too.

I love you darling. You are the most splendid woman I have ever met. Being with you makes me feel special and alive and amazing in a way I don't feel with my other friends. Jeff loved you. My kids thought you the best! I sobbed for 1/2 hour after you left here and another 1/2 hour after you left the beach house because I miss you so much when you are not with me. We spent so little time together, but you make it amazing. I want you to know how much you are special!!!

Control? I get that! I have other control issues. My kids don't listen (take my control away from me), my husband doesn't let me finish something I'm trying to do because I'm not doing it fast enough (takes the tools outta my hands), they don't eat what I cook (taking what I control and make it feel bad), make me feel guilty when I do something for me (control again). I know how crazy that makes me feel. I never thought of it as why I overeat though....but here's the crazy part. When I'm controlling what I'm putting in my mouth, I'm putting crap in and that makes me feel outta control too! It's like I don't even have control of that part. It's like I'm punishing myself for letting others control me and so I'm proving to myself that when I'm in control of THIS one thing that is all "up to me" I can't even handle that and so it's proof that I deserve all the rest of the crap! I am not worthy of the control. The one step I took control of, my band, I'm flicking up and so, once again, proof that anything I try to control I can't....and therefor, when everyone else takes control, I deserve it!

Stupid right? But that's my life. I get it. we are sick. very very sick. They have hospitalizations for anorexics and bulemics because they need the mental help to fix all these thoughts...but us? we're just fat. we're just doing it to ourselves. we could stop if we wanted to. anorexia and bulimia can kill a person, they NEED the help. Does any of this crap make sense? are you kidding me? and feeding myself to death isn't killing me? ahhhhh!!!!! I want to scream.

I don't have any answers darling, I just want you to know I am so there with you and what you said hit a really tender spot. I don't want you to hurt in any way because I'm a little protective of you because you are such an amazing woman and I want to hurt anyone who hurts you. I don't know what it is about you and our relationship but it's very special to me....and I'm fighting mad that someone is hurting you!

We need to talk more about this, but I'm already late getting out to the fair. I will hopefully have a chance to catch up to this later.....We really do need to talk!

I'm babbling and I don't have time to put this in more coherent order. Just hug yourself for me please. and YOU control how long and how tight I squeeze. Really!!! Put your arms around yourself, cry if you want to, and hold on. If I was there, I would be. And don't stop until YOU are ready to!

Tell your friend Michelle thank you for putting a new light on my actions. I think it's something I'm going to need to talk to my counselor about. I'm going to call and make an appointment.

Gotta scoot, but love you!

Oh Gosh Stephanie; What you said about me made me cry. I love you too!!! I know its wonderful, scary, great, how all of us feel about each other... Sista`s to the HEART...

Thank you so much for loving me, with all my worts and all. I know I blecked a lot of venom yesterday.. but it was finally starting to make some sense for me.

Ya, I love that Michelle too. I`ll pass along to her your THANK YOU... she is way cool, you ladies would love her.

I totally know what you mean about feeling like a failure CONTROLing this Band thing... we paid all this money... and STilll... we are fighting every step of the way. I vasilate between being proud of myself for being down 60 lbs, but then Crap on myself for Failing at the band and not getting to goal... We need to LOVE ourselves more... and its a hard habit to re-learn, putting ourselves first.

He zinged me again this a.m....`` how many points do you have saved for an airline ticket now? well, you are gonna have to switch back to collecting Grocery points now..``.. `

NO, I don`t freeking think so!!!! I am so tired of being dictated to... now that I`ve put a name on it,... I am seeing it in ALL his behaviour...

Steph you are not stupid, we have a disease... it is bulemia, just because we don`t throw up on purpose ... we EAT like bulemics, binge after binge. eating all unhealthy food...

When you said you cried when we all left the beach house. I did too. I thought to myself... this is so hard, saying goodbyes... and we all left at different times too... which made it harder... cause we had to do the Goodbyes over and over... .. it was like there was this BIG hole in my heart...

Only you girls fill it... really.... our husbands do their part, but its the WOMEN in your life that give it the richness.. the ones you can always depend on... (I am only speaking for my own marrage here)

o.k. now on to today: Gym this a.m. Step aerobics 25 mins (knees were sore, cut it short) then 25 mins on the recumbent bike... total 350 cals burned... I am happy with that.

Food: Breaky, Cereal + skim

Lunch: Stephanie|Karla chicken salad (love it, love it)

Dinner: may go out for dinner tongight (if Peter will let the moths fly out of his wallet) but it will be something healthy!! and NO DESSERT or ICECREAm :(

Phyl; sorry if my language got out of hand yest... appologize for that... Zoey is a bright little thing... now you`ll have to teach her NO when she is barking at you to play... You (being alpha) have to be the one who decides when to play, when to go for walks etc... I constantly have to work on this with Bridget as she grabs her rope toy and whips me with it... Not Nice!!! So I ignore her for 10 mins. and then I go get a toy that Ì`want to play with, with her...

Just because they are cute little dogs, we have to curb the Domenant behaviour in the bud.. easier with a BIG dog, as no one would tolerate being JUMPED UP on by a doberman right? But with little doggies we think it is cute.

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Ooooh, Steph, Candice, and Carla, Phyl, and Janet: What is the bond that we share? Peter/Earl/Mel/?Jeff?--different versions of the same man? We fight the same battles, share the same feelings, know the same deamons. Yup, Sistas indeed. When one person posts, she's talking for all of us. I'm so thankfull that God led me to all of you.

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Sorry so late getting on line. Had to work then worked in the yard. DD#4 had some good news today, she got a full time job with benefits!!! I pray all goes well.

Control, oh hell, I lost it when i was at moms. I ate and then didn't eat and then ate, I was totally out of control. Both men that I married were control freaks. The only one who didn't died, so that leaves me scared to even think about 'getting out there', but I hate being alone. My pants were baggy when I left on Monday, tonight they are tight, crap!!!

Candice, if I can find a cheap flight for Ontario, could I come up over Christmas break? All my girls are going to be gone and I don't really want to be home alone. also, I just really want to spend some time with you. I'll let you know.

Well, I need to finish my homework then need to get to bed for work.

Linda, Candice, Stephanie, I understand! I wish I could help, but all I can do is offer my shoulder. hang in there!

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Phyl; sorry if my language got out of hand yest... appologize for that... Zoey is a bright little thing... now you`ll have to teach her NO when she is barking at you to play... You (being alpha) have to be the one who decides when to play, when to go for walks etc... I constantly have to work on this with Bridget as she grabs her rope toy and whips me with it... Not Nice!!! So I ignore her for 10 mins. and then I go get a toy that Ì`want to play with, with her...

Just because they are cute little dogs, we have to curb the Dominant behavior in the bud.. easier with a BIG dog, as no one would tolerate being JUMPED UP on by a doberman right? But with little doggies we think it is cute.

You didn't offend me at all! Glad you got some insight from your friend Michelle! I know all about living with a control freak!! I do really value the bond of friendship we have with one another, too!! Don't know what I'd do without all of you! We "get" each other!!

Yeah, quite often Zoey is calling the shots. We're learning! She was quite sick this morning. We suspect that I may have dropped a pill yesterday.. we were setting up our plastic stacking containers for the next six weeks. I was being so careful, but Earl found a cranberry tab and a Nexium under the table this morning with little teeth marks in them and one little piece of dry dog food next to them. So afraid she found one and ate it. At any rate... Earl put her in bed with me at 6 a.m., after she'd had her Breakfast and gone outside. We slept until almost 7:30 a.m. Then I usually go in the bathroom, then come back and get her and carry her in to the living room to sit on my lap while I have my coffee. But she started spinning in circles on the bed. She finally stopped and I took her in the LR, but she was acting real weird... like disoriented. She wouldn't sit on my lap and was wandering around. Earl thought she might need to go outside again, so he opened the door and she ran out and ran down the sidewalk before he had a chance to put the leash on her. When he caught her and picked her up she threw up all over herself and him... clear liquid. Then she was shivering for about an hour. She finally settled down and quit shivering and she's been fine ever since. Strange. Really scared us.

So that was the start of a really crappy day! When she settled down, we left to go to Seattle. Met our daughter at the Science Center and went straight to the IMAX thater when we got there, to see a Boeing 3D movie, legends of flight, I think was the name. We took Zoey's little red carrier and no one even knew she was there! So... 3 hrs of fun with the grandkids, movie and exhibits... dinosaurs, Butterfly Room, BUGS, etc! But... I forgot that we needed to bring a lunch with us. So... I was already hungry when we got there at 10 a.m., so by the time we left at 1 p.m., I was REALLY hungry!! I wanted to just go down to the waterfront and stop at one of the walk up places for clam chowder, shrimp cocktail or something quick and easy and go home. Earl thought it would be too hard to find a place to park! I finally gave up arguing with him and he decided we'd go to Ivar's seafood restaurant on Lake Union near the U of WA. So we headed over there and decided to eat outside at the fish bar instead of going in to the restaurant. Had oysters and chips and we split a small cup of chowder. Then we get in the car to leave.... Waiting at the curb for a break in traffic and this big huge Loomis Armoured truck pulls in and smashes in to the reaer end of our pretty new car!! What an idiot!! We're NOT invisible! Wonder if he was on his cell phone. He cut the corner short! Tore off the whole rear bumper and panels and bent the steel frame in one place.

So now I have a BIG headache, Earl is completely stressed out.. worried that we can't get the repairs done before we leave in 2 weeks, and afraid of what this is going to cost us. We have $500 deductible, but that should be reimbursed by Loomis insurance... they will have to find us not responsible since we were standing still!! And we'll have to get a rental car since that is our only car!

That came right on top of an equally frustrating dental appt. yesterday...Two crowns that the idiot dentist in Palm Desert did in Feb 09 have to be replaced and my insurance won't pay for crown on those two teeth within 5 yrs! So those will cost me well over $1000. Thinking of going to Mexico to get them fixed when we get down to CA!!

So... whine, whine, whine!! A couple of really crappy days!! Sorry!

Ooooh, Steph, Candice, and Carla, Phyl, and Janet: What is the bond that we share? Peter/Earl/Mel/?Jeff?--different versions of the same man? We fight the same battles, share the same feelings, know the same daemons. Yup, Sistas indeed. When one person posts, she's talking for all of us. I'm so thankful that God led me to all of you.

Yeah.... different versions of the same guy!!! You got that right!


Hugs, Karla... just saw your post after I posted mine!

Edited by phyllser

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Candice, stupid question, IF I found the $$ to get to Ontario, where would I fly into?

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Ah Phyl, I am so glad that Zoey, Earl and you are okay, that is what matters. So sorry about everything.

I am exhausted, need to go to bed, love you all

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Candice, stupid question, IF I found the $$ to get to Ontario, where would I fly into?

Just tell them that you are going to the



Seriously. you would fly into Toronto, Pearson International Airport, call sign YYZ...

I`d pick you up from there... its about a 1 1/2 hour drive to my place in Wasaga Beach. That would be so fun if you could come, and there`d be no expenses for you once you got here... you`d be my guest... Peter would love it too!!!

«My daughter lives in Toronto, so we could always make a day trip or two, see the sights of Toronto etc...

Our usual Xmas celebrations go like this: Xmas eve the kids come up to the beach, we do gift opening Xmas morning, then dinner is with my MOM at the Seniors Residance (she will not go out for meals anymore, so we go there) they put on a really lovely dinner for the residants and their guests. As most of the 70 Seniors still go home to their familys... it makes for an intimate dinner... wine and everything!!

Then the kids usually go back to Toronto on Boxing day (26th) to spend it with Bryan`s family... then we usually had a JOINT dinner sometime that week... where we have BOTH familys...we did it at the kids last year... Bry cooked Prime Rib and I did the gravy, potatoes etc... Hopefully, this year they`ll cook Vietnamese food for a change...who know???

Anyway, you are more than welcome, ANYTIME!!!


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Sorry so late getting on line. Had to work then worked in the yard. DD#4 had some good news today, she got a full time job with benefits!!! I pray all goes well.



That is super news for sure... one less DD you have to worry about EH???

Control, oh hell, I lost it when i was at moms. I ate and then didn't eat and then ate, I was totally out of control. Both men that I married were control freaks. The only one who didn't died, so that leaves me scared to even think about 'getting out there', but I hate being alone. My pants were baggy when I left on Monday, tonight they are tight, crap!!!

Candice, if I can find a cheap flight for Ontario, could I come up over Christmas break? All my girls are going to be gone and I don't really want to be home alone. also, I just really want to spend some time with you. I'll let you know.

Well, I need to finish my homework then need to get to bed for work.

Glad you are home agian, its much easier to control our food menus...in familiar places...any kind of a change THROWS me off!!

Linda, Candice, Stephanie, I understand! I wish I could help, but all I can do is offer my shoulder. hang in there!

You didn't offend me at all! Glad you got some insight from your friend Michelle! I know all about living with a control freak!! I do really value the bond of friendship we have with one another, too!! Don't know what I'd do without all of you! We "get" each other!!

HUGS Phyl, yes we are all lucky to have each oother! I thank GOD everyday!!

Yeah, quite often Zoey is calling the shots. We're learning! She was quite sick this morning. We suspect that I may have dropped a pill yesterday.. we were setting up our plastic stacking containers for the next six weeks. I was being so careful, but Earl found a cranberry tab and a Nexium under the table this morning with little teeth marks in them and one little piece of dry dog food next to them. So afraid she found one and ate it. At any rate... Earl put her in bed with me at 6 a.m., after she'd had her breakfast and gone outside. We slept until almost 7:30 a.m. Then I usually go in the bathroom, then come back and get her and carry her in to the living room to sit on my lap while I have my coffee. But she started spinning in circles on the bed. She finally stopped and I took her in the LR, but she was acting real weird... like disoriented. She wouldn't sit on my lap and was wandering around. Earl thought she might need to go outside again, so he opened the door and she ran out and ran down the sidewalk before he had a chance to put the leash on her. When he caught her and picked her up she threw up all over herself and him... clear liquid. Then she was shivering for about an hour. She finally settled down and quit shivering and she's been fine ever since. Strange. Really scared us.

Oh Poor Zoey, and poor you and Earl. You must have been just sick with worry... whatever it was she swallowed sounds like its worked its way thru... maybe parts of it were barfed up with all that clear Fluid...

So that was the start of a really crappy day! When she settled down, we left to go to Seattle. Met our daughter at the Science Center and went straight to the IMAX thater when we got there, to see a Boeing 3D movie, legends of flight, I think was the name. We took Zoey's little red carrier and no one even knew she was there! So... 3 hrs of fun with the grandkids, movie and exhibits... dinosaurs, Butterfly Room, BUGS, etc! But... I forgot that we needed to bring a lunch with us. So... I was already hungry when we got there at 10 a.m., so by the time we left at 1 p.m., I was REALLY hungry!! I wanted to just go down to the waterfront and stop at one of the walk up places for clam chowder, shrimp cocktail or something quick and easy and go home. Earl thought it would be too hard to find a place to park! I finally gave up arguing with him and he decided we'd go to Ivar's seafood restaurant on Lake Union near the U of WA. So we headed over there and decided to eat outside at the fish bar instead of going in to the restaurant. Had oysters and chips and we split a small cup of chowder. Then we get in the car to leave.... Waiting at the curb for a break in traffic and this big huge Loomis Armoured truck pulls in and smashes in to the reaer end of our pretty new car!! What an idiot!! We're NOT invisible! Wonder if he was on his cell phone. He cut the corner short! Tore off the whole rear bumper and panels and bent the steel frame in one place.

Oh my Gosh! No body has whiplash or anything sore?? What terrible luck! Earl must be a total fraz««zle...

Man, no wonder you have a headache after that day.... I`d be having several WINES with my WHINE to Judge Judy!!! What an ass!!!

So now I have a BIG headache, Earl is completely stressed out.. worried that we can't get the repairs done before we leave in 2 weeks, and afraid of what this is going to cost us. We have $500 deductible, but that should be reimbursed by Loomis insurance... they will have to find us not responsible since we were standing still!! And we'll have to get a rental car since that is our only car!

That came right on top of an equally frustrating dental appt. yesterday...Two crowns that the idiot dentist in Palm Desert did in Feb 09 have to be replaced and my insurance won't pay for crown on those two teeth within 5 yrs! So those will cost me well over $1000. Thinking of going to Mexico to get them fixed when we get down to CA!!

So... whine, whine, whine!! A couple of really crappy days!! Sorry!

Yeah.... different versions of the same guy!!! You got that right!


Hugs, Karla... just saw your post after I posted mine!

Ah Phyl, I am so glad that Zoey, Earl and you are okay, that is what matters. So sorry about everything.

I am exhausted, need to go to bed, love you all

Yup Karla you need lots sleep right now. The memorial and family visits is very stressfull... remember to be gentle with yourself on the food while you were gone... its over... now you can eat healthy again. That is what you father would want for you too.:thumbup:


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Plus I had exercise too. about 335 cals burned...

My left HIP joint is very sore and swollen today... so I am taking a celebrex this a.m..... cheerios got stuck ?? so after my second attempt to eat them I am o.k.

Also, DH and I had a VERY long chat about money and ``the Budget`` yesterday... I needed an extra $1200 this month to cover bills.. thought he was gonna have a stroke!

(waiting for the aftermath) then I took a deep breath and said ``Look, I am not arguing a bout money with you.... there are many more important things to argue about.... so just write the damn ck`! Well, he did .... and then was REALLY nice and sweet for the rest of the day:mellow: :thumbup: :( I am puzzled, but happy.

Janet, Stephane, Linda... where are you girls this a.m.???

We need to all stay connected.... Have a «SUPER day everyone:tongue2:

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Good Morning Gang

Well Thursday nite had a little drama here - Ryder issues - too long to go into - but bottom line if you want Ryder back you have to move to your Mom's... You have to make the sacrifice not me.. A lot of crying etc.. Emotional issues w/Andrew - he grew up being every ones step child - to me he hasn't been and I want him to feel loved - I know how bad it is to your physie (sp) not to have felt love.. (his dad was never there - melissia typical stepmom(favored Kaitlin over him) -his mom let him go) So yes I have tried my hardest to give him a loving safe home.. Don't want him to feel that i am picking choosing between him and the dog.. So Very Very Very emotional - I even left work at noon yesterday - I was very depressed - haven't been depressed like that in years - He loves that dog - anyway - it's over for now - he knows he wouldn't be happy living at his mom's - so for now the matter is settled - and I just need some time to chill -

As you all know I want to avoid any kind of drama at all cost - as I told him - I have had enough of it to last a life time..

Phyl - Hugs on the car accident - thank God no one hurt - they (loomis) will have to pay it all... What a freak crappy day.. Got your card today ;0) thanks !!!

Glad Zoey is ok - you are going to have to child proof your home - When Kaitlin was here Ryder got into her acne meds - but thankfully he's a bigger dog and it didn't have any adverse effects..

Hugs girls on your controling DH's - Its the reason I don't have one -

Well, need to get dressed and go go costco and pickup my glasses - hope they work..

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Hi--Enjoying some quiet alone time after an evening/night/morinig of two kids <2. Andy and Penny decided it was time to go out as a couple with their friends, so they dropped the kids off around 3:30 yesterday and took off. I insisted that Mel stay home last night, but I shouldn't have bothered. At one point when both were screaming, Melsky was outside raking the lawn (an acre more or less). Another time, the kids and I were in the basement and I was trying to get a video on the big screen down there for Cora, and Levi was screaming in my arms--where was good-ole-Melsky? Upstaris on Craig's list!!. By the time I got both of them fed, bathed, (oooh thoes poopy diapers :rolleyes2:) and sleeping (9:00) Mel was sleeping on the couch.

Andy and Penny had a good evening out and decided to sleep over here when they got back, so I got up early this morning and got Cora out of her big-girl bed and fed her Breakfast before Levi and mommy got up. Mel, of course, was gone by 8:00 never to return. But the good thing is that Andy did some things for me around the house when he finally did get up. They all left shortly after lunch, but Andy called later and wanted me and Mel to go to the stock car races tonight with him and Cora. I'm just too tired and my leg hurts, but guess who was raring to go? Enjoy yourselves!

Phyl--the good news is that the week is over. Three bad things happened--it's over and you survived! Hope you're feeling better--no more aches and pains? Are we allowed to take Aleve? I thought only acetaminophen???

Janet--You never can change the things that happened during Andrew's early years. (From what I hear the first three years are the most important three years of anyone's life.) But what you have done is made a lot of deposits into Andrew's emotional bank account. Deep in his soul--no matter what he says to you out loud--he KNOWS that you love him. You have every right to set limits--that's reality. Everyone has to live with limits and you are doing Andrew a favor by sticking to yours. Relationships cannot be just one way. Andrew is learning that there is give and take. He chooses to live with you and recieve your love and support. You are teachng him and important lesson and while it doesn't feel good, (I"m sorry you feel so bad) you are doing the RIGHT THING. Hang in there gf. I'm behind you. As you would say ***HUGS******HUGS******HUGS******

Speaking of limits: Atta girl Candice! You set limits with Peter today! You handled that perfectly!! YOU ROCK!!

OK, Carla, Karrie, and Stephanie: Your turn. Carla--I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I didn't get the details, but I gather it's been another difficult time for you--another loss. How are you doing? If it doesn't work to go to Ontario for Christmas, how about Wisconsin? Check out fares to Milwaukee. We've got lots of room--just ask Candice!

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Hi--Enjoying some quiet alone time after an evening/night/morinig of two kids <2. Andy and Penny decided it was time to go out as a couple with their friends, so they dropped the kids off around 3:30 yesterday and took off. I insisted that Mel stay home last night, but I shouldn't have bothered. At one point when both were screaming, Melsky was outside raking the lawn (an acre more or less). Another time, the kids and I were in the basement and I was trying to get a video on the big screen down there for Cora, and Levi was screaming in my arms--where was good-ole-Melsky? Upstaris on Craig's list!!. By the time I got both of them fed, bathed, (oooh thoes poopy diapers :rolleyes2:) and sleeping (9:00) Mel was sleeping on the couch.

Andy and Penny had a good evening out and decided to sleep over here when they got back, so I got up early this morning and got Cora out of her big-girl bed and fed her breakfast before Levi and mommy got up. Mel, of course, was gone by 8:00 never to return. But the good thing is that Andy did some things for me around the house when he finally did get up. They all left shortly after lunch, but Andy called later and wanted me and Mel to go to the stock car races tonight with him and Cora. I'm just too tired and my leg hurts, but guess who was raring to go? Enjoy yourselves!

Phyl--the good news is that the week is over. Three bad things happened--it's over and you survived! Hope you're feeling better--no more aches and pains? Are we allowed to take Aleve? I thought only acetaminophen???

Janet--You never can change the things that happened during Andrew's early years. (From what I hear the first three years are the most important three years of anyone's life.) But what you have done is made a lot of deposits into Andrew's emotional bank account. Deep in his soul--no matter what he says to you out loud--he KNOWS that you love him. You have every right to set limits--that's reality. Everyone has to live with limits and you are doing Andrew a favor by sticking to yours. Relationships cannot be just one way. Andrew is learning that there is give and take. He chooses to live with you and recieve your love and support. You are teachng him and important lesson and while it doesn't feel good, (I"m sorry you feel so bad) you are doing the RIGHT THING. Hang in there gf. I'm behind you. As you would say ***HUGS******HUGS******HUGS******

Speaking of limits: Atta girl Candice! You set limits with Peter today! You handled that perfectly!! YOU ROCK!!

OK, Carla, Karrie, and Stephanie: Your turn. Carla--I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I didn't get the details, but I gather it's been another difficult time for you--another loss. How are you doing? If it doesn't work to go to Ontario for Christmas, how about Wisconsin? Check out fares to Milwaukee. We've got lots of room--just ask Candice!

You got me crying Linda - Thanks !!! We are ok - and you are so right about setting limits - he does understand but it hurts me so when he hurts.. But I can't fix everything and he understand - but as we all know - tough love is harder on us than them ;0)

This morning thought I lost Bella !!! Got on the computer to pay my bills and the last ones for Bro's estate - and then posted - Bella was in the back yard - well went to look for her- couldn't find her - called called - ck'd the rooms my closet - couldn't see her - so figured she got out under the side gate - (she has never ventured that far she stays on the grass) so go walking barefoot calling for her - asking pple - the street was hot - (now have 2 burned feet) got in car drove around - came home started printing flyers - thinking the whole time - omg - i've lost her - Andrew is going to be so hurt... he spent his $$$ on her and she goes for surgery (hernia) next week - so got pictures printed - offered reward - go to bedroom to get dressed (put some shoes on) and there she was asleep in my closet.. She's so tiny I didn't see her and guess my calling her didn't wake her up..

What a relief... So I made sure the side is blocked off - but have 2 burns on the bottom of my feet..

Enjoy your quiet time ;0) - LOL so I take it Mel's not a hands on grandpa - I sorta understand w/Levi being a baby - but Cora is bigger now.. Well his loss..

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