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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good morning gang

Not much to report since last night - Watched Big Brother - this year sorta dumb players - had dinner - taco (minus the tortilla) hamburger meat - salsa - onion - avocado and a little cheese. Dessert - greek yogurt (vanilla) mixed w/a little lite cream cheese and splenda (vanilla flavor) -

Went to bed early but couldn't sleep was up till about 1..

No gym tonite - getting contacts rechecked..

Phyl - You can't get your water/fluids cuz you are too busy or no room.. Zoey is sure keeping your busy... Hope the back is ok.. When to you leave for NY??

Good Morning! Have PT at 9 a.m. Back feels okay today... so far! Very cloudy, chilly morning and barely 60 degrees with a high of 69 forecast. But... high 70's tomorrow and 80's on the weekend. We'll see. I don't think we've yet hit 80 this summer! Maybe once.

Just had my eggbeaters omelet and coffee. Have to get ready to go soon. Zoey licking my ankles for some reason! She is all snuggly in the morning.

Leave for Buffalo around Aug. 13-14. Our anniversary is the 15th... 46 years... but looks like we will be on the road.

I'll work harder on my fluids today. So far a big cup of black coffee.

I slept like a rock last night... so sorry you and Karla had problems sleeping! It is very frustrating when that happens.

Saw a racoon run down the fence a little while ago. Not the first time, but I think it's been maybe 2 years since I saw one run down along the fence outside our window. Right after we moved in 3 yrs ago we saw 3 at a time one day. Then another time there was one... and this time only one very skinny raccoon. But I know it wasn't a cat... long striped tail and I saw it's face. Pretty unusual to see them in the daytime.

What was up with not being to sleep last night. I tossed and turned all night.

Janet, yep the deck is done, now I need to build the flower beds. In Montana you do your outside work now, because in about 2 months we could have 4 ft of snow. Who knows, maybe tonight I will just put a lawn chair on my deck and read!

Running into town today to go to the recycle building material place. I am looking for a door to put into my bedroom to go out to the deck. Then back home to work on flower beds. Somewhere in there I have to work on homework. Next week we scatter dad's ashes. I'm okay about it now. I guess I just had to work my head around it.

Well need to get some breakfast, check in tonight if my computer keeps running, something is up with it and I don't have time to take it in to be worked on. Love you all,

Yep--chair on the deck and a good book! You deserve a rest!

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Good Morning! Have PT at 9 a.m. Back feels okay today... so far! Very cloudy, chilly morning and barely 60 degrees with a high of 69 forecast. But... high 70's tomorrow and 80's on the weekend. We'll see. I don't think we've yet hit 80 this summer! Maybe once.

Just had my eggbeaters omelet and coffee. Have to get ready to go soon. Zoey licking my ankles for some reason! She is all snuggly in the morning.

Leave for Buffalo around Aug. 13-14. Our anniversary is the 15th... 46 years... but looks like we will be on the road.

I'll work harder on my fluids today. So far a big cup of black coffee.

I slept like a rock last night... so sorry you and Karla had problems sleeping! It is very frustrating when that happens.

Saw a racoon run down the fence a little while ago. Not the first time, but I think it's been maybe 2 years since I saw one run down along the fence outside our window. Right after we moved in 3 yrs ago we saw 3 at a time one day. Then another time there was one... and this time only one very skinny raccoon. But I know it wasn't a cat... long striped tail and I saw it's face. Pretty unusual to see them in the daytime.

Yep--chair on the deck and a good book! You deserve a rest!

So does Earl have the motorhome all packed and ready to go - you leave in about 3 weeks - I would assume he will be starting that orderal shortly :0)...

Poor raccoon ;0) needs some food ;0)

Have a great pt and hope the back stays pain free

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Hi girls;

Early start today. At the gym by 7:45 a.m.... did the bike while I read... am currently HOOKED on this crime novel and can`t put it down.

Then came home to find that there was a SNIPER on the loose in W.B.!!!! So part of the town was on lock down, it was a good thing I got out of the gym when I did as it went into LOCKDOWN mode too for several hours!!

Tonight on the 6 p.m. news they reported that 2 shots were fired into somebody front door... but they are still looking for the guy(s)... yikes... in my quiet little town. :thumbup:

Tomorrow, ELVIS FESTIVAL starts ... runs all weekend, but we are expecting torrential rains all weekend... :) not good for the crowds. Last year at this time all you girls were here :biggrin: I am gonna miss ya`ll....

I am supposed to go to the Jack Russell Trials on Sat and Sun in Port Hope... I am putting Bridget in some races in the `puppy`class. Should be a hoot.

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So does Earl have the motorhome all packed and ready to go - you leave in about 3 weeks - I would assume he will be starting that orderal shortly :0)... Poor raccoon ;0) needs some food ;0)

Have a great pt and hope the back stays pain free

Oh... of course... he informed me that all his clothes are already packed!! He says he can put 12 sets of underwear in the RV and still have enough for the next three weeks... doing laundry every few days! I'm happy for him. I can't give him my clothes 3 weeks ahead of time! Sorry! He took my jackets the other day... I think he said I could have TWO!! Well, that will change because he is counting dress jackets.. like blazer, etc. types. That is NOT outerwear! I'm supposed to give him purses next and I'm allowed SIX! So I have to think about that a while. He claims I have 45! Whatever!

I haven't mailed your SF White Choc powder yet.. and Earl put it in the car to take to the RV. Is it okay if I just bring it with me?? And I didn't mail your check yet but haven't forgotten. Need to go online and transfer money from savings to checking in my Palm Desert "mad money" account. Said I'd pay out of that to calm Earl down. He is all hyper about the cost of gas for this long trip (6500 miles) plus pay our space rent in Sept, too. It's really NOT a problem, but since he thinks it is.. just best to placate him any way I can. Will get your check in the mail for Vegas ASAP!

PT was fine... they keep adding stuff and this was the Non-pool day, so it was tough! I needed heating pad for 10 minutes when I was done! I've taken Zoey on one walk around the complex so far and will take her again later, once or twice around depending on how my back feels. And my knee... when I was finished today, right knee was bothering me and almost caved in once. Can't push things too hard.

Hi girls; Early start today. At the gym by 7:45 a.m.... did the bike while I read... am currently HOOKED on this crime novel and can`t put it down.

Then came home to find that there was a SNIPER on the loose in W.B.!!!! So part of the town was on lock down, it was a good thing I got out of the gym when I did as it went into LOCKDOWN mode too for several hours!! Tonight on the 6 p.m. news they reported that 2 shots were fired into somebody front door... but they are still looking for the guy(s)... yikes... in my quiet little town. :thumbup:

Tomorrow, ELVIS FESTIVAL starts ... runs all weekend, but we are expecting torrential rains all weekend... :) not good for the crowds. Last year at this time all you girls were here :biggrin: I am gonna miss ya`ll....

I am supposed to go to the Jack Russell Trials on Sat and Sun in Port Hope... I am putting Bridget in some races in the `puppy`class. Should be a hoot.

Good for you going to the gym that early! I had to be there at 9 a.m. but if I didn't have that appt, I would've been procrastinating! I guess I won't get there tomorrow because we're taking a little day trip with Tracy and Jim over to his Mom's other house across the sound in Bremerton. We've never seen it and they've been trying to get us over there since we got home. So.. nothing on our agenda tomorrow so we're going to go with them. It's supposed to be a real nice day.

Geez!! Sniper shooting and lock down!! Scary stuff!!

Elvis festival... wow! Brings back GREAT memories of that fun weekend last year!!

Puppy race sounds fun! Zoey would be good at that. She can really run fast!! You should've seen her last night! I was sitting outside with her after a walk when Earl got back from the hot tub. So he takes her off the leash and gets one of her balls and starts playing fetch with her. She had an absolute blast.. She'd go chase the ball, then toss it around a little, run circles around it, bark at it, then finally she'd bring it back to him and they'd do it all over again! So after about 15 minutes of that, all of a sudden she takes off across the grass around the corner of the next building! Earl is in pajama pants and no shoes! I CAN'T run, and I'm not the one who let her loose!! Besides that, I'm talking on the phone to my sister in OR! So he goes in and grabs his Crocs and takes off, shirtless and in his PJ pants to chase her down! I think she was two buildings down before he caught her!

He is always kissing on her and telling her how sweet she is, etc., but when she does something bad she's MY dog!! LOL! Like today he claims she woke him up licking his face. Well, she's in a cage on the nightstand next to his pillow and I made sure the door was latched when I went to bed. So the only way she could be licking his face is if HE let her out of the crate!! He takes her out and feeds her Breakfast when he gets up... 5-5:30 a.m. usually. Then he puts her back in bed with me. She kisses my face at first, but then she goes back to sleep and she doesn't bother me until she sees me take the CPAP mask off my face and turn the machine off. Then she wants snuggles. She is such a good dog! Even if she did wound a couple of groomers and get banned from Petsmart!! LOL

Edited by phyllser

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Candice WTG on the exercise - I AM SO PROUD OF YOU !!!!

Yep the Elvis Fest - I wear my Tshirt to the gym ;0)

How cool on entering the puppy in a dog contest - 1st Place..

Phyl - LOL - I knew Earl was already preparing the MH lol - tell him you only need 3 purse (so you can buy more - but don't tell him that lol)

No problem on the Choc - how many calories are in it?? I got some white choc liquid stuff - not sf - 35 cal a serving - but yuk not as good as the powder stuff - Mail the ck when you can - no problem there either..

I can't wait to see Zoey and Bella playing - they are going to have so much fun.. I need to start leash training her - but tonite when I brought out the leash - Bear went CRAZY - he sees the leash and thinks he's going bye bye and he LOVES to go bye bye

Bear was my runner - he isn't anymore - but as a pup he was.. Angel never has been - we will see w/Bella - Might sign her up for puppy school..

Went to costco after work - got my right eye changed and he changed my left eye too - I can read the computer right now w/o any glasses - but to read close up small print need 125 readers

Got a pair of computer glasses $139 frames and all - the lady said I should be able to read menu with them - we will see..

No gym tonite - thank God - I have been Sun Mon Tue Wed and go tomorrow nite... I think I am an offical gym rat ..

Oh got new house phones from Costco - you can sync your cell phones to them (2) and use them (house phone) like a blue-tooth for your cell phone - and you are suppose to be able to download your contacts from your cell into the house phone - only $79 + tax - you get a base/answering machine and 3 handsets... They are charging right now - so gotta wait for another hr or so and see if it works (the cell thru the house phone and downloading contacts) How cool will that be..

Don't know what's for dinner tonite - sorta hungry :0)

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Had a wasted day. A friend asked me to drive her into Missoula with my pickup to get stuff for her new shop. She was suppose to be here at 9:30, showed up at 10:45. Was only suppose to go to one store, but ended up going to several. My Beast isn't made for city driving. It is a 4 door pick up. She ended up buying a mirror that would have fit into her car. I could have stayed home on gotten my flower beds built, oh well. Wasn't able to eat today, way too tight. Okay, yep way to negative...let's try this. Went to town with a friend and drove my 4 door truck in city driving without running someone over. And rather than working in the yard all day, I came home at 4:30 and took a nap and lazed around. So is that better?

Work tomorrow, ooh, found a paycheck I forgot to deposit.

Candice, I can't wait to hear how Bridget does at the dog trials.

Phyl, is it really time for you guys to head south. I don't know if I could do it.

Everyone did a great job working out!

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Phyl - LOL - I knew Earl was already preparing the MH lol - tell him you only need 3 purse (so you can buy more - but don't tell him that lol)

No problem on the Choc - how many calories are in it?? I got some white choc liquid stuff - not sf - 35 cal a serving - but yuk not as good as the powder stuff - Mail the ck when you can - no problem there either..

I can't wait to see Zoey and Bella playing - they are going to have so much fun.. I need to start leash training her - but tonite when I brought out the leash - Bear went CRAZY - he sees the leash and thinks he's going bye bye and he LOVES to go bye bye

Bear was my runner - he isn't anymore - but as a pup he was.. Angel never has been - we will see w/Bella - Might sign her up for puppy school..

Went to costco after work - got my right eye changed and he changed my left eye too - I can read the computer right now w/o any glasses - but to read close up small print need 125 readers

Got a pair of computer glasses $139 frames and all - the lady said I should be able to read menu with them - we will see..

No gym tonite - thank God - I have been Sun Mon Tue Wed and go tomorrow nite... I think I am an offical gym rat ..

Oh got new house phones from Costco - you can sync your cell phones to them (2) and use them (house phone) like a blue-tooth for your cell phone - and you are suppose to be able to download your contacts from your cell into the house phone - only $79 + tax - you get a base/answering machine and 3 handsets... They are charging right now - so gotta wait for another hr or so and see if it works (the cell thru the house phone and downloading contacts) How cool will that be..

Don't know what's for dinner tonite - sorta hungry :0)

Oh, my!Those new phones sound wonderful! What a great price, too! If they do everything they're supposed to do, that's pretty impressive for that price! I'd love to sync my cell phone contacts with the house phone!

Zoey likes to go anywhere, anyway... car, walk on the leash, ride in the scooter! Just walked two more times around the complex with two neighbors. That makes 3Xtoday, maybe 4. The living room is a total disaster... dog toys everywhere! She will have a great time playing with your dogs! She wore Gigi out today... Tracy had to put Gigi in her crate when they were over here to give her a rest because Zoey wouldn't quit trying to wrestle with her.

And funny thing just happened with Candy... candy still HATES the puppy, but she is no longer hiding out in the spare room. She is back to normal. So she was just sauntering through the living room with this "get out of my way, DOG" attitude and Zoey wanted to play. So she kept going right up to Candy's nose. Finally Candy started swatting at her and hissing. Just made Zoey's tail wag harder... she was convinced the cat was playing with her so she kept it up. Candy just kept swatting at her but Zoey just followed her down the hallway trying to play.

Don't know about the calories in the white chocolate. I'll check as soon as I can..... Earl put it in the car with the next load going to the RV.

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Well got the phone hooked up to bluetooth - but it hasn't sync'd my contacts - we will see if andrew's does he has a crackberry like you.. ;0)

Sheba will play w/Bella a little bit.. So will bear & angel

Well just stoped by to turn off the computer

Are you watching BB - it's stupid this yr

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Hi ladies. Drive by post. In Great Falls, on my way to Lincoln for nephew's wedding tomorrow evening. Then driving home on Saturday. Long 1000 miles in less than 72 hours, but I guess....

SIL is with me. She's been pretty positive so far. I'm keeping myself as positive as I can.

Jeff and I did counseling together today, no Michael. I think it helped both of us a lot I know I got stuff out of it. Jeff said he did. Now if he puts it into practice. I know I have a hard time making some of the changes she suggests even when they sound like good ideas....so we will see. Keep your fingers crossed for us.

Okay...had to drive an extra 100 miles. didn't leave P'wood until after 5pm. Was planning on stopping in Havre but fair in town so had to drive an extra 110. Only 90 more miles to Mom's but I'm beat. I'm tired and need to sleep. Talk to you soon ladies. Love you!

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Good Morning Peeps

Steph Safe Travels - yep counseling is hard - cuz we have to make changes - but it's doable ..

Phyl - Andrew was able to down load his crackberry to the new phone - mine wouldn't but his did - This phone is really cool - but the thing is you when you are home you gotta put your cell by the base for it to bluetooth w/the house phone - I usually just leave mine in my purse - cuz I'm not as connected as some of you ;0)

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Stephanie, good for you driving with the «SIL« I am Praying for YOU!!!!

Great news on the family counselling... you are Jeff are still talking so that`s a step in the right direction, PLUS while you are gone at the wedding, he`ll have time to THINK about what was said in counselling. Say HI to Rose for me!!! AND hugs TOO!!!

Did you tell my gambling buddy that I won a jack pot last Sunday!!!! Sure wish she`d been with me.

Janet: How cool, new phones... are the contacts what you wanted ??? Can you read any better??? I laughed when I read that BEAR went nuts when he saw the leash.... oh my they are creatures of habit eh??

Alls quiet again today in W.B.... they have a discription of two young men that they think did the shooting... thankfully only property damage and no one was hurt!!! What a day!!!

I did my STEP aerobics class this a.m. GOD am I ever uncoordinated!!! I did much better at ZUMBA and the latin moves... but I`m not quitting, I`ll be better at it next week... all the ogther ladies have been doing it a long while... oh yeah, and they use their STEP on level height 3!!!! no freeking way for me... one STEP level is just fine for now!!! I don`t want to get a nose bleed lol.

Karla; Just think of it as `doing a good turn` for someone else, and it was also a ``girly day get-together` right??? At least you weren`t all alone all day in your yard, with just a pile of dirt for company LOL

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I really can't believe this new you !!! Another Exercise day!!!

Ya it's going to take some time to get use to the steps -

I'm going to zumba tonite - so I am going to look out of sync w/the rest of the group - but what the hell who gives a rats ass.. I think I'm going to have fun

LOL on not telling Peter about the $$$ my GF candy does the same thing ;0) - It's her slush fund.

We have a little more crime than you guys - but that had to be scary..

Well just sitting here w/a cup of coffee - it's 111 outside - but I gotta say this heat isn't bothering me at all - I guess it's the weight loss.. Waiting for Diane to come so we can go to class..

I'll tell you all about it when I get back...

Karla - enjoying your deck..

Phyl - playing chauffer to Zoey :0)

Steph - Safe Travels

Denise - How you doing girl - hope bonnie misses you.

Linda - stop by to say hi... Come on you can spare 5 mintues aren't we worth it :0) - Yes I should have been a jewish mother - I can lay on the guilt lol..

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Found a quick low cal frozen meal that I could eat without getting stuck. man it was a good to have a real meal. Contessa chicken fried rice. Lots of veggies. Was able to eat about 1/2 cup, which is a new thing for me.

Got one flowerbed built tonight. Now I am sitting here watching TV being lazy. whoop whoop.

Man it sounds like that zoomba class is a hoot. I may have to find one in Missoula. It would work it I could find one after school. Is it very high impact? The hangy outies can't do impact of any kind, walking and bike riding is the only thing I can do.

Catch ya all later,

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Found a quick low cal frozen meal that I could eat without getting stuck. man it was a good to have a real meal. Contessa chicken fried rice. Lots of veggies. Was able to eat about 1/2 cup, which is a new thing for me.

Got one flowerbed built tonight. Now I am sitting here watching TV being lazy. whoop whoop.

Man it sounds like that zoomba class is a hoot. I may have to find one in Missoula. It would work it I could find one after school. Is it very high impact? The hangy outies can't do impact of any kind, walking and bike riding is the only thing I can do.

Catch ya all later,

Well Karla - don't know if zumba is for me - the class was great if you know the steps (I have taken ballet - tap - jazz - line dancing - so I know kick ball change - grape vine etc) - The teacher was a cute little thing.. Her zumba combination of mexican dancing and hip hop ;0) and I'm better at the hip hop moves than the mexican dancing moves - but most of the class knew her steps and then she did try a new workout that no one had done - well she really didn't tell you want to do - her zumba is really like a dance class - where the zumba at my other gym was more exercise.. I am not super quick on my feet - do better free style dancing and that's after a couple of drinks lol

I got a workout (worked up a good sweat) - but wasn't the greatest for my knees - I will give it another try next friday w/diane - but don't know if it's going to be a keeper... I would love to go to a beginners class - where they slowly teach you the steps.. Plus - I like the Sunday morning Plios class - and then Monday Weights - Tues Bootcamp - Wed weights - 4 days is enough.. But the jury is out we will see - I didn't have fun - cuz I didn't know what to do.. I did exercise so that was good..

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Gone all day with Tracy & Jim. Took ferry over to Bremerton to check on his Mom's other house. we'd never seen it and he'd been wanting to show it to us for a long time. It was a beautiful day for a ferry ride and beautiful view from his Mom's place. Couldn't help thinking.... WOW... we could've paid her $1000 to spend July 4th weekend! Gorgeous setting. But... needs a good cleaning, and new carpet/floors... she let her dogs have the run of the house.

Anyway, it was after 6pm when we got home so we went out for dinner. Then I had to go outside and play with Zoey for a while and take her for a walk because she'd been in the car most of the day. Had to watch her real close over at Bremerton. House is on about 7 acres, heavily wooded, and a pair of eagles kept circling overhead.. they have had a next there for years. Remember the movie "The Proposal" ??? where the eagle flies off with the little white fluffy puppy!!?? YIKES! I knew about the eagles, so I was nervous about letting the dog run around. Then when I actually saw them, made Earl pick her up and carry her. Then kept her up on the porch with me and Tracy.

Bad traffic on the way home. All stopped up on one freeway over there... Tracy was driving... Jim made her trade places with him and he took off down and ON ramp to get off!! Everyone was doing it but Tracy was freaking out. At first Earl and I told Jim not to do it, but then... everyone else was doing it, so we both told him to go for it!! LOL! What an exciting adventure! It wasn't the end of our traffic woes, though. Got stuck in another traffic jam soon after that. Once we got back on the ferry, I saw a "KING5 BREAKING NEWS" email on my Blackberry that said I-5 Northbound traffic was backed up for 12 miles because of a bus that caught on fire! So Jim zigzagged us through all the back roads to get home. What should have been a 2 1/2 3 hr drive, including ferry and ferry wait time turned in to about 4 hours!!

And a little while ago Tracy sent me a text mesaage saying Jim fell down the back porch steps taking the dog outside and his lower leg is all swollen and he's in a lot of pain.. but he won't go to the ER!! Might be broken, I think!

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