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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice, here is the original chicken salad recipe:

Steph’s Chicken Salad


My chx salad goes like this:

1 - 2 cans of chicken (Costco's is the best)

1 cup crushed pineapple

2 or 3 green onions chopped

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/2 bag of craisins (about 1/2 c per can of chicken)

1 stalk celery - chopped

just enough mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky)

1/2 tsp dijon mustard

a little celery salt or seed

I make it a little different, I use;

-red onion instead of green

-pineapple tidbits instead of crushed (I save a little of the juice to mix up with the light mayo & mustard

-I grate garlic sea salt and pepper instead of celery seed

Sydney made it through the night. Jamie called about 10:30 last night and the injury was worse than they anticipated. Sydney evidently landed on a fence post (Jamie & Scott went back and found hair and blood) and the post punctured the chest cavity. The vet said that it is a miracle that Sydney is alive. I guess her chest muscles were strong enough to close up and not let too much air around the lungs. Any other dog would have had collapsed lungs and died on the spot. The surgery took 3 hours and Sydney is in a lot of pain. It was horrid listening to Jamie cry. This morning Jamie called and said Sydney made it through the night and that the vets are amazed at how well she is doing. She is on IV antibiotics (but the vet said wood is better than metal) and if her pain reduces she may actually be able to come home tonight. Their biggest chore will to be keeping her settled down. She will be on some heavy duty antibiotics (ditch water), but if she makes it through the next 24 hours without signs of infection she will be good as new in a month or so.

Better day, just tired.

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Candice, here is the original chicken salad recipe:

Steph’s Chicken Salad


My chx salad goes like this:

1 - 2 cans of chicken (Costco's is the best)

1 cup crushed pineapple

2 or 3 green onions chopped

1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/2 bag of craisins (about 1/2 c per can of chicken)

1 stalk celery - chopped

just enough mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky)

1/2 tsp dijon mustard

a little celery salt or seed

I make it a little different, I use;

-red onion instead of green

-pineapple tidbits instead of crushed (I save a little of the juice to mix up with the light mayo & mustard

-I grate garlic sea salt and pepper instead of celery seed

Sydney made it through the night. Jamie called about 10:30 last night and the injury was worse than they anticipated. Sydney evidently landed on a fence post (Jamie & Scott went back and found hair and blood) and the post punctured the chest cavity. The vet said that it is a miracle that Sydney is alive. I guess her chest muscles were strong enough to close up and not let too much air around the lungs. Any other dog would have had collapsed lungs and died on the spot. The surgery took 3 hours and Sydney is in a lot of pain. It was horrid listening to Jamie cry. This morning Jamie called and said Sydney made it through the night and that the vets are amazed at how well she is doing. She is on IV antibiotics (but the vet said wood is better than metal) and if her pain reduces she may actually be able to come home tonight. Their biggest chore will to be keeping her settled down. She will be on some heavy duty antibiotics (ditch water), but if she makes it through the next 24 hours without signs of infection she will be good as new in a month or so.

Better day, just tired.

I just typed you a big message and ckicked REPLY in my hotmail.... dah.... lost the whole thing.

HUGS on the doggy issue, if she`s made it this far _ I am sure she`ll continue to recover... its amazing what Dogs can endure!!!

Thanks for the recipe, now I was going to use REAL chicken, so how much should I cook? how many cups of chicken would you net from the 2 cans of costco stuff???

I`ll make it this weekend :cool:

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About one medium sized chicken breast equals about 1 can of chicken. It is better than even the canned, but I am usually too lazy to cook it. Just becareful not to over cook the chicken.

Good job so far!!! You are really doing great!

One day at a time!!! For all of us.

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Hi ladies. After my rant yesterday I felt better. My husband and my son just seem to be clueless when it comes to women. You'ld think Jeff would have figured it out by now. Michael...well....as I said in Seattle, he's a sophmore boy and they are just plain idiots.

So far so good today. I need to figure out how to get some nutrition in before noon though. I'm not hungry. I'm not uncomfortable. I just don't want anything...and I know it's not good to go for 14 hours without SOMETHING. I'm also super tight in the mornings...as if I''m NOT super tight the rest of the day. Anyways....gotta figure something out. Maybe will order some proticcino...that always worked well and I can mix it in my latte in the morning. BTW, most Protein I've seen has a temp max and I'm wondering why. Any insight?

Had latte this morning and went out to lunch and had a salad. It was awesome but I felt like I inhaled it. I'm a little worried about what will happen when I try to drink something later. At least right now I'm not thirsty. So far, it's 1;30 and that's my intake. Might be one of the big reasons I've been binging in the evenings.

Busy day today getting back in the swing of the motorcycle club stuff. Planning a long ride for Saturday. We will be gone all day. Looking forward to it. I haven't ridden since our rally. Then Monday i have to start work on the pink ribbon rally stuff. It's only a month away and now I'm thinking I'm way behind on it. Imagine that!

Candice, quilt something awesome while Peter is away. Too involved to binge. Like I should talk :thumbup: Oh, and next time you go to yoga, take a picture of that lovely lady, post it on FB, and we'll all give you our opinions on her "flaws" on here and you can print them and give them to her. Let her know how it feels to be run down by complete strangers.

Dog rules....what rules? Oh yeah...I'm the one who tries to keep some. However, the rules did change when I got the big dogs. Jeff would like there to be different rules for different sizes but I vetoed that. If HIS dogs get to sleep inside, mine do. If HIS dogs get a treat, mine do. If HIS dogs can climb on the bed, mine can. Problem is HIS want to do those things, mine could care less. He would kick Allie out because of her horrific gas though...but his are always on his lap when she is letting go. LOL So dog rules schmools! That's a bunch of hooey! :Yawn:

Well, I'd better get to work. I have a hole lot of stuff to do in the next 2 weeks and typing here is NOT getting them done.

Love you ladies. i'm sure I'll be back 5 or 6 times tonight

Steph - WTG on food today - Yes get some of that prochino stuff you use to drink - Yep you gotta eat during the day -

Ya just gotta quit the mindless snacking - and make a menu and stick to it - carry that Jerky (just a few pieces) popcorn - a little baggy of nuts (they are high in calories)

Just quit eating around your band... You gotta be able to find healthy foods that you can tolerate..

Which are your dogs & which are Jeff's - who's dogs are the grey hounds??? Ryder got treats like my dogs - but he couldn't sleep in my bed - too big - I just have a queen..

»Karla: Can I have your chicken SALAD recipe please???

I`d love to make it this weekend...:cool:

1,170 calories for today.

See below - as long as that's all you eat for the meal - no bread - cracker etc - you will be ok - it's pretty high in calories imho -

if you left out all the fruit & nuts you would be better off

have it w/o the nuts and fruit w/some lite bread (45 cal a slice) or a few wheat thins (8 = 70 calories) Ck salad w/o fruit & nuts 1/2 cup is like 256 cal - add 8 cracker 70 cal = 326 total for lunch or dinner

Candice, here is the original chicken salad recipe:

Steph’s Chicken Salad


My chx salad goes like this:

1 - 2 cans of chicken (Costco's is the best)

(1 can = 1 cup of chicken 377 Calories)

1 cup crushed pineapple

(1/2 cup pineapple in juice no Syrup - 70 calories)

2 or 3 green onions chopped


1/2 cup slivered almonds

1/4 cup almonds 170 Cal

1/2 bag of craisins (about 1/2 c per can of chicken)

1/3 c 138 calories

1 stalk celery - chopped


mayo to wet (don't use too much or it turns icky)

3 Tablespn of lite mayo 135l

1/2 tsp dijon mustard


a little celery salt or seed

I make it a little different, I use;

-red onion instead of green

-pineapple tidbits instead of crushed (I save a little of the juice to mix up with the light mayo & mustard

-I grate garlic sea salt and pepper instead of celery seed

Approximately 900 cal for the whole thing - div by 2 = 450 per serving

Sydney made it through the night. Jamie called about 10:30 last night and the injury was worse than they anticipated. Sydney evidently landed on a fence post (Jamie & Scott went back and found hair and blood) and the post punctured the chest cavity. The vet said that it is a miracle that Sydney is alive. I guess her chest muscles were strong enough to close up and not let too much air around the lungs. Any other dog would have had collapsed lungs and died on the spot. The surgery took 3 hours and Sydney is in a lot of pain. It was horrid listening to Jamie cry. This morning Jamie called and said Sydney made it through the night and that the vets are amazed at how well she is doing. She is on IV antibiotics (but the vet said wood is better than metal) and if her pain reduces she may actually be able to come home tonight. Their biggest chore will to be keeping her settled down. She will be on some heavy duty antibiotics (ditch water), but if she makes it through the next 24 hours without signs of infection she will be good as new in a month or so.

Better day, just tired.

Sure glad she's ok -

I just typed you a big message and ckicked REPLY in my hotmail.... dah.... lost the whole thing.

HUGS on the doggy issue, if she`s made it this far _ I am sure she`ll continue to recover... its amazing what Dogs can endure!!!

Thanks for the recipe, now I was going to use REAL chicken, so how much should I cook? how many cups of chicken would you net from the 2 cans of costco stuff???

I`ll make it this weekend :wink2:

1 can of chicken - 1 cup of meat - see above

Sorry about being food cop - but ya gotta know the amount of calories in your food - that kind of stuff is easy to snack and eat more than just 1/2 cup

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Steph - WTG on food today - Yes get some of that prochino stuff you use to drink - Yep you gotta eat during the day -

Ya just gotta quit the mindless snacking - and make a menu and stick to it - carry that Jerky (just a few pieces) popcorn - a little baggy of nuts (they are high in calories)

Just quit eating around your band... You gotta be able to find healthy foods that you can tolerate..

Which are your dogs & which are Jeff's - who's dogs are the grey hounds??? Ryder got treats like my dogs - but he couldn't sleep in my bed - too big - I just have a queen..

See below - as long as that's all you eat for the meal - no bread - cracker etc - you will be ok - it's pretty high in calories imho -

if you left out all the fruit & nuts you would be better off

have it w/o the nuts and fruit w/some lite bread (45 cal a slice) or a few wheat thins (8 = 70 calories) Ck salad w/o fruit & nuts 1/2 cup is like 256 cal - add 8 cracker 70 cal = 326 total for lunch or dinner

Sure glad she's ok -

1 can of chicken - 1 cup of meat - see above

Sorry about being food cop - but ya gotta know the amount of calories in your food - that kind of stuff is easy to snack and eat more than just 1/2 cup

thanks for the info on the chx salad. I've never been really good at all that figuring. I have to say though, I can have it in about 4 servings or more.

Tonight I tried to eat top off of pizza...but lost most of it. I'll call it one piece of pizza, top only. now drinking a hot cup of tea. If I can get opened back up, I'll try a smoothie.< /p>

Janet, wanna do some quick calculating :cool: 1 container greek yogurt, 1/4 c frozen fruit (most likely straw/pine), 1/2 banana, 1/4 c sf Creamer, 1/4 c v8 fusion. I'm a little worried to hear the total count but...better to know than to not, right.

Okay. Trying to watch a movie and can't figure out the post OR the movie.

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thanks for the info on the chx salad. I've never been really good at all that figuring. I have to say though, I can have it in about 4 servings or more.

Tonight I tried to eat top off of pizza...but lost most of it. I'll call it one piece of pizza, top only. now drinking a hot cup of tea. If I can get opened back up, I'll try a smoothie.

Janet, wanna do some quick calculating :cool: 1 container greek yogurt, 1/4 c frozen fruit (most likely straw/pine), 1/2 banana, 1/4 c sf creamer, 1/4 c v8 fusion. I'm a little worried to hear the total count but...better to know than to not, right.

Okay. Trying to watch a movie and can't figure out the post OR the movie.

What kind of greek yogurt the sf/ff stuff - flavor or unflavored

oh heck I'll do both.. be back in a few

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Ok to really give you a better picture need to know kind of yogurt & flavor - also need that on the v8 and creamer

But here is a guesstimate

8 oz FF yogurt - 120 cal

Strawberries - 50 cal

Banana - 60 ca

Creamer 1/4 c - 70 cal

V 8 fusion 1/4 c - 50 ca

TOTAL ------------350

IMHO - That's a lot for a drink - especially if you are snacking on other stuff during the day that you are not counting like nuts - bites of the kids plates etc..

3 meals @ 300 max cal = 900 then 2 healthy Snacks @ 100 cal each - give you 1100 for the day..

During weight loss phase and even now - I eat lite for bf & lunch - dinner is main meal and then keep about 300 cal for Snacks at nite. Plus I work out 3-4 times a week..

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Yoplait greek vanilla/honey usually...sometimes strawberry.

V8 fusion light. I think I'm doing blueberry pomegranite this week. I change.

Creamer, SF french vanilla coffeemate

I know it's a lot of calories, but it is something that I never lose. when all else fails it fills me up and stays down.

I've gone to the greek yogurt because of the extra Protein. It's ff so that's a bonus. Usually if I have a smoothie I don't snack on other stuff. It fills the sweet void.

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Well if it ain't broken - don't fix it ;0)

I had pt shake for bf yesterday - cuz I needed the extra Protein the night before ate more veggies than meat..

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Well if it ain't broken - don't fix it ;0)

I had pt shake for bf yesterday - cuz I needed the extra Protein the night before ate more veggies than meat..

The biggest problem is...it IS broke. I need to focus on being healthy. Moving, eating better, and just plain taking care of myself.

I think maybe I should try 3 shakes a day for the next week just to get back on the losing side of things.

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The biggest problem is...it IS broke. I need to focus on being healthy. Moving, eating better, and just plain taking care of myself.

I think maybe I should try 3 shakes a day for the next week just to get back on the losing side of things.

Well it might be good for a few days - say 3ish to sorta wean yourself from your food addiction - you know detox ;0)

But I wouldn't go so far as a week - imho then you are going to feel deprived from not chewing..

Yep you just gotta start planning your meal and have the stuff on hand... You do so much for the family and everything else - charities - rides - etc - how about spending some of that energy on YOU!!!!!


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Well it might be good for a few days - say 3ish to sorta wean yourself from your food addiction - you know detox ;0)

But I wouldn't go so far as a week - imho then you are going to feel deprived from not chewing..

Yep you just gotta start planning your meal and have the stuff on hand... You do so much for the family and everything else - charities - rides - etc - how about spending some of that energy on YOU!!!!!


I love you Janet! You are so very right. I need to pay better attention to me. I have promised to take better care of me though. You all make me remember what it is all about. I lost sight, but you reminded me. You just hop up there and start banging the gavel every time I start messing up.

Love you!

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On the chicken salad, I usually pair it with watermelon or cantelope and usually eat if for 4 to 6 meals. I usually also use light to nonfat miracle whip and about triple the celery and onions. Calorie calculation is 221 and keeps me full.

Thanks for the well wishes on Sydney. So far so good. She is such a goofy dog about Water. Before I moved, I'd have to watch her like a hawk because she would launch herself into my pond. The Kio weren't thrilled. You take her to the river and it is full steam ahead with a launch, she never just climbs in.

Work today but we close at 5 instead of 5:30, so may get something done when I get home instead of a bath and the couch. Been pretty warm. Did you know that they have hybridized irises to be repeat bloomers? No idea. I potted up a bunch yesterday, was nice to get back into the potting shed. But did forget about how the dirt just coats you from head to toe.

Well best go find something to eat before I go, you all have a relaxing weekend! TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

3 yrs ago right now I was in surgery...

1st year got to goal 145 !!!! (Thanks Karri for being my muse)

Got the next few lbs off by Sept 08.

Have maintained my weight loss for 2 yrs !!!

(fluctuate between 136-140)

How you may ask (by following the rules)

I have finally gotten that this really is about a lifetime lifestyle change and not a diet

I eat HEALTHY 98% of the time - Allow for treats 2% of the time - Hit the gym - weights, cardio & classes 3 to 4 times a week and with the help of my little friend (the band) I have become a healthier person with tons more energy and feel 10 yrs younger..

Life is good !!! And let me tell I have always been a shopper (even at 250) but now EVERY THING looks cute on - Love being a size 4/6 - instead of 18/20 to 22/24 !!!

It's doable pple - If I can do it so can you... I am a food addict just like everyone else - the secret - take back your power !!! I walked down the candy/cookie isle in the grocery store last week and snubbed my nose at the crap... That's empowering !!!

Just gotta toot my own horn this morning !!!!


Edited by IndioGirl55

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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