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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi ladies.

I guess I should have explained myself a little better with jeff and Michael. Their issues weren't with each other, it was with me.

Remember how I said I asked jeff to do laundry before I left and he thought that meant fold clothes but not wash? Well, I had laundry pretty much done before I left. I separated folded clothes into piles for the kids that fit and didn't fit. Well, he brought kids to Lincoln with 2 changes of clothes. Jaimisons were itty bitty so she looked like an orphan all weekend. Nick didn't have underwear because he brought Michael's. I come home and there are 5+ loads to do before I put our weekend clothes in the pile. He tells me he can't find any clothes for himself....My house is a disaster...just want to scream. So I get in on Wed. night and do a load of laundry, put sheets on Jaimi's bed (her room can't even be walked in) and start picking up. Jeff is sitting on the computer telling me about his funny emails. I wanted to smother him. But when I say something he just sits there looking at me like I'm speaking Japanese.

Then there is Michael. He wants to quit his job. he actually walked out on it while we were gone but I talked him into going back but he insists he doesn't want to work there. However, he has a list of 3 or 4 cars that he thinks he would like. I explain he doesn't have a license and he just rolls his eyes at me. He has all these money things he wants but doesn't want to work. Then I go down and look at his room and family room and I can't even explain how crazy his mess made me. Then he says, "I need new tennis shoes." He shows me and they are destroyed. They look like a rottwieller has gotten ahold of them. His explanation. They got wet and fell apart. REALLY? You're going with THAT? Bite me! His toes were caked with mud and he stunk. I couldn't hardly stand to sit next to him on the drive from his grandparents. And then he flips me attitude when I tell him he needs to shower! AHHHH

Anyways. That's what I meant by problems with Jeff and Michael. I have gotten better at saying "deal with it" when it is those two with the issues.

Today's food sucked yet again. On the road all day and that is always horrible. I just can't seem to control myself in the convenience store.

SF, FF latte

diet pepsi

McD's double cheeseburger, no bun

1/2 McD's fruit smoothie

1 box Milk Duds (I have choco covered pretzels in a bag too but have managed to convince myself not to open them. To the shop with those with Jeff tomorrow)

1/2 banana

I'm still stuck on the hamburger and will try to get it through and then have a homemade smoothie. I bought apples, raspberries, watermelon, and peas today at the store. Tomorrow is another day. I really hope I can get out moving tomorrow. One way or the other. Kids are going to daycare so I should be able to get an hour or two in during the day. Would really like to get the kayak out. Shoulder hurts but would really like to get out on the Water.< /p>

Okay....too long of a post. I'll catch up later. Love you ladies!

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Yeah STEPHANIE!!! You can do it.... I can do it. We all can do it.... :sad:

Karla; Sorry about the grocery store... I`d give anything to bump into someone who looked just like my Dad....iT would have been his birthday 31 July....miss him everyday...but he left me with many blessings too.

1) my wacky sense of humor

2) A love for questioning `thought`` my curiousness(?)

3) a respect for my freedom and my Country

4) A love of music and singing

oh my gosh, so many things to mention... I could go on forever....but you get the idea. Cherish your MEMORIES, no one, not time can take those from you.

DD/4, well.... its her problemo... she`s the one that will have to raise her mistakes.

Phyl; how is the FILL feeling today? Are you back on real food? ? Kiss that puppy for me!!! oh and EARL too :(

Janet: I went to the gym agian today, YOGA class ... it was good - 1 hour long... but this lady beside me was such a bitch.... I told the class teacher(who I used to know years ago) that I had lost 60 lbs... and the bitch beside me says `Oh my !!! You were FATTER??????``` I coulda slugged her... really wanted to!!!

OMG I don't know what I would have said to that... Think I would be too shocked

here' pics of Bella



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Candice I'm sorry, hugs.

I have sent you guys an email because it included my swearing, so read it or trash it, your choice.

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Candice??? She said WHAT? Are you freaking kidding me? Did she have Tourrettes or something? No one is THAT rude, are they?

I would have slugged her. Twice probably...or more. I hate mean people.

Candice, you look amazing. You are beautiful and I can't believe anyone would say such horrible things to anyone who looks like you. You are GORGEOUS! Next time, slap her! Or buy her a manners book and leave it on her towel in the room. Sign it "from the lucky 7's!"

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Janet, Bella is adorable! I can't imagine not falling in love with her.

Karla, I love you hon. You need to take a deep breath and not let the negativity roll you out of control. It will avalanche you darling. You'll feel so helpless during it, but you are NOT helpless. Take a deep breath and stop the train. Hugs dear. I love you!!!

Linda, how was your Gamma day? How great was your first afternoon? Let's hear it.

Phyl, did you fall into the wine bottle? Where are you?

Okay...love you ladies! Night.

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Yeah STEPHANIE!!! You can do it.... I can do it. We all can do it.... :sad:

Karla; Sorry about the grocery store... I`d give anything to bump into someone who looked just like my Dad....iT would have been his birthday 31 July....miss him everyday...but he left me with many blessings too.

1) my wacky sense of humor

2) A love for questioning `thought`` my curiousness(?)

3) a respect for my freedom and my Country

4) A love of music and singing

oh my gosh, so many things to mention... I could go on forever....but you get the idea. Cherish your MEMORIES, no one, not time can take those from you.

DD/4, well.... its her problemo... she`s the one that will have to raise her mistakes.

Phyl; how is the FILL feeling today? Are you back on real food? ? Kiss that puppy for me!!! oh and EARL too :(

Janet: I went to the gym agian today, YOGA class ... it was good - 1 hour long... but this lady beside me was such a bitch.... I told the class teacher(who I used to know years ago) that I had lost 60 lbs... and the bitch beside me says `Oh my !!! You were FATTER??????``` I coulda slugged her... really wanted to!!!

What a rude thing to say! You are looking SO good! It was a pretty dumb comment! So what did SHE look like?? Can't imagine anyone saying something like that!

Fill seems about right. Hunger pains gone, no PBing or reflux.

Zoey is doing great. Went out with her after dinner because some neighbor kids were rolling down the hill outside our door and I knew she would love to play with them. So I let her out without her leash and sat outside watching and supervising while she played with them. Took two of her balls outside. They had a blast with her. Had to bring her in when she started running out of sight.. I kept telling them to stay where I could see them, but they got carried away with all the excitement. But she was probably out there 15-20 minutes running the whole entire time! So then I took her out and walked her.. twice around the condo complex. Wanted to tire her out. Didn't want to have to play fetch for 45 minutes again tonight! So she is zonked out behind Earl's chair. Ooops... she's up again!

This is how spoiled this dog is already.... she LOVES to ride on the scooter and thinks she's going for a ride every time she sees the cover coming off. She runs for the door and starts scratching to go out. So, a little before 9 a.m., Earl uncovered it so I could ride down to the gym for PT. She gets all excited.... thinks she is going. Earl couldn't bear to disappointher, so he tells me to take her to the gym with me and he'll drive over with the car and pick her up when I get there! So that's what we did. I took her in and showed her off to the therapy tech I was working with today.

Then Earl had her waiting outside on the leash when I got home, so we went over to Surf Shack and to the grocery store for a few things. After that we had to run some errands.... Navy base to get Rx refills, Goodwill store with excess electronics, etc. It was a very busy day and I am EXHAUSTED!!

OMG I don't know what I would have said to that... Think I would be too shocked

here' pics of Bella

Awwww... what a cutie! Love the color!

Candice, great job!!! You will need to try out your new Latin moves on Peter.

Janet, when do we get a pic of the new furry? Ryder will actually be happier at his new home. But I know it is hard! Yep, Bella is the name of the main character in the Twilight series. I read them to be able to talk about it with my students. I actually enjoyed it for the most part.

You are right about me micromanaging my life. But you will be proud of me, I came home, watered my plants, took a shower, and sat outside and just kicked back. It was a glorious evening.

I had about 1/2 c of Pasta tonight and then a strawberry smoothie for snack.< /p>

DD#4 is ticked at me, oh well. I needed her to bring something to work on Tuesday, so I let her take my debit card and put some gas in her car. She didn't give back the card and I didn't realize it until tonight. So i called tonight and insisted that she bring it to me. She is not happy, oh well.

Well, I'm going to head to bed soon, have a good evening!

Finally got all my meds filled. While I was at the pharmacy, they asked me what Elyse's (DD#4) phone # was because she wrote them a bad check for her birth control. (small town). So needless to say she has not listened to me about going to planned parenthood to get cheaper birth control. So we can see where this is headed. Does she even have any more doors of opportunity she can close for herself? Then I get home and get the mail, she has been called to court for yet ANOTHER traffic ticket. Then I stop at city hall, "Yes I must maintain the easement between my property and the street, no I may only plant AND MAINTAIN grass. So for now it is going to stay a weed field. Then I go to the store and see a gentleman that looks just like my dad, pushing a grocery cart just like my dad and I start bawling. Okay, life goes on, live with it, sorry.

WOW!! Nothing but fun and games with that girl, huh!!???? And SHE is ticked at YOU because you want your debit card back???? What's wrong with this picture???

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Janet, what and adorable sweetheart!

Candice, give us the name and address of the rude lady and we will have a CHAT with her.

Going to bed, have to work tomorrow.

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Candice??? She said WHAT? Are you freaking kidding me? Did she have Tourrettes or something? No one is THAT rude, are they?

I would have slugged her. Twice probably...or more. I hate mean people.

Candice, you look amazing. You are beautiful and I can't believe anyone would say such horrible things to anyone who looks like you. You are GORGEOUS! Next time, slap her! Or buy her a manners book and leave it on her towel in the room. Sign it "from the lucky 7's!"

Omygosh, Tourrettes!!! I love that!!! made me laugh real hard...

Yeah, I hardly knew what to say... and THAT almost NEVER happens....lol

Thank you guys for the compliments, when I look in the mirror all I see is my FAT gut.. swollen Belly Button (its getting better though)... I know I've stalled but I am getting back at the weight loss thing... I have to... I just don't want to remain where I am...

Loving the NEW book, its is good, and I am using my HIGHLIGHTER so I can go back to the great bits over and over agian.

This a.m. I am down 2 lbs since I got back from Seattle, a great start so I am happy with that...

Janet: I love that little dog, she is just too sweet... just the right size for your place. Give her a sloppy kiss for me!!!

Steph: Jeff and the laundry? why can't he just do it... its not that hard the machine does all the work, you just gotta change over the machines... Kids could fold some stuff too. Make it a FAMILY night activity...No one get to go to the pool, or arena, or icecream store until its ALL FOLDED and put away....

Vaccum the living room floor and just dump ALL the baskets there and start folding... put on some funky music upbeat... and see who can FOLD the most the fastest... like a game. Just an idea???

Phyl: that little Princess has a GREAT home... she is one lucky ducky.... how is the gym transitioning???

Off to toronto today for EYE re=check (the last one for a year yeah!) and then home ... quiet weekend here planned. As Peter is going to LONDON for the weekend. YEAH

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Candice, are you talking London England? Enjoy your quiet weekend. You are doing great. You are a beautiful lady with a fabulouse personality. I just love you. By the way, thanks for the hug. I just really needed to vent and you were one of the poor soles who got stuck with it. I feel better after writing it down. Next time I'll just write it and then burn it. Should be fun to watch it go up in flames.

Janet, again, what a sweet little furry, almost makes me want another, almost, but fortunately common sense prevailes.

My furry grandbaby make it though surgery last night. Unfortuately, Sydney (furry grandbaby) did impale herself enough that the chest wall was punctured. Fortunately, her muscles were stong enough to close up fast enough that she didn't suffer a collapsed lung. The vet said that a normal dog would have died on the spot. They removed as much air as they could and have her on some major antibiotics. There is a real risk of infection since she was swimming in the irrigation ditch. DD#2 went back to the ditch and found what a wooden fence post that had blood and hair on it, so that is what impaled her. The vet said that wood had less chance of infection than metal, so this is better. Time will tell, I pray that Sydney pulls through. I was the one who picked her from the litter and I babysit when they are out of town for any long stays. It will just break their and my hearts if she doesn't pull through. I guess surgery took over 3 hours. Pretty much wrapped up a crappy day.

Better note, did you know I own 2 collar bones? I have never seen them before. The are actually sticking up there proud as can be. Who knew!

Well work today and through Monday. Got half the support beams hung on the deck.

You all have a great day!! TTFN

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Good Morning Gang - TGIF - I am sleepy this a.m.

Steph - Well at least it wasnt drama between the 2 - just normal stuff - food wasn't that bad except for the milk duds - girl - stay away from sugar..

Karla - Listen to Steph - Please Please stop the negativity - you focus way to much on the negative.. I would be totally pissed at DD#4 taking stuff from the house - tell her no more.

Phyl - Glad we don't have a cart - Bella was almost Zoey :0) when Andrew was picking names ;0).. Bella's coloring is suppose to change - the tan will turn red and the black sliver - I don't know anything about yorkies - I think Jackie has them..

Candice - Peter leaving for the weekend - You better have plans - we know what you do when he's gone.. So read your book - do some quilting - stay out of the car and kitchen ;0)

Have a safe trip to TO..

Well time to hit the showers - cbl

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Loving the NEW book, its is good, and I am using my HIGHLIGHTER so I can go back to the great bits over and over agian.

This a.m. I am down 2 lbs since I got back from Seattle, a great start so I am happy with that...

Phyl: that little Princess has a GREAT home... she is one lucky ducky.... how is the gym transitioning???

Off to toronto today for EYE re=check (the last one for a year yeah!) and then home ... quiet weekend here planned. As Peter is going to LONDON for the weekend. YEAH

Is that the book Oprah was talking about... Love food God... or something like that? I looked at it in Target one day... almost bought it.

I've lost the weekend weight, too, but slow going. I'm at 200 on my scale in the morning w/o clothes and hope to be under again by weigh in on Monday.

Gym transition is going well. She gave me a good 1 hr workout yesterday without going upstairs to the machines. I did all the machines the day before and will probably go back today since I usually skip on the weekends. We did several exercises with the big exercise ball. I don't have one, and wouldn't be much point in buying one because way too big for the RV! But, they're good exercises... so will think about that a while! You can't deflate those things, can you??

Karla... hope the dog is okay! Keep us posted.

Steph... hope things are going a little better with family stuff now!

Earl is re-reading the "Dog Rules"!! LOL! He is showing it to Zoey and congratulating her for working her way through the list!! HAHAHA!! Yeah, he puts her in bed with me in the morning now! She wants to get up with him, so he takes her in the kitchen and feeds her, takes her out to potty and puts her in bed with me! That's usually about 5:30 a.m.!! She licks my face, ears, etc.... not at all freaked out by the CPAP mask! This morning she was actually walking on my face! When she finished all the kisses she curled up next to me and went back to sleep until I got up about 2 hrs later.

Janet.... is Bella working her way through the list??? LOL! She is so cute! I see Karri wants a puppy!!

We have a busy Saturday... drop off Zoey at Petsmart in the morning for grooming, then Primetimers once a year Breakfast at a farm house out by Tracy's. Then we'll have to go back and pick up the "baby".

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Candice, are you talking London England? Enjoy your quiet weekend. You are doing great. You are a beautiful lady with a fabulouse personality. I just love you. By the way, thanks for the hug. I just really needed to vent and you were one of the poor soles who got stuck with it. I feel better after writing it down. Next time I'll just write it and then burn it. Should be fun to watch it go up in flames.

Janet, again, what a sweet little furry, almost makes me want another, almost, but fortunately common sense prevailes.

My furry grandbaby make it though surgery last night. Unfortuately, Sydney (furry grandbaby) did impale herself enough that the chest wall was punctured. Fortunately, her muscles were stong enough to close up fast enough that she didn't suffer a collapsed lung. The vet said that a normal dog would have died on the spot. They removed as much air as they could and have her on some major antibiotics. There is a real risk of infection since she was swimming in the irrigation ditch. DD#2 went back to the ditch and found what a wooden fence post that had blood and hair on it, so that is what impaled her. The vet said that wood had less chance of infection than metal, so this is better. Time will tell, I pray that Sydney pulls through. I was the one who picked her from the litter and I babysit when they are out of town for any long stays. It will just break their and my hearts if she doesn't pull through. I guess surgery took over 3 hours. Pretty much wrapped up a crappy day.

Better note, did you know I own 2 collar bones? I have never seen them before. The are actually sticking up there proud as can be. Who knew!

Well work today and through Monday. Got half the support beams hung on the deck.

You all have a great day!! TTFN

Hugs & Prayers that Sydney recovers - do they know how he/she did it - poor thing...

LOL on the collar bones :0) -

Today is a new day!!! Hope it's better than yesterday!!!!

Is that the book Oprah was talking about... Love food God... or something like that? I looked at it in Target one day... almost bought it.

I've lost the weekend weight, too, but slow going. I'm at 200 on my scale in the morning w/o clothes and hope to be under again by weigh in on Monday.

Gym transition is going well. She gave me a good 1 hr workout yesterday without going upstairs to the machines. I did all the machines the day before and will probably go back today since I usually skip on the weekends. We did several exercises with the big exercise ball. I don't have one, and wouldn't be much point in buying one because way too big for the RV! But, they're good exercises... so will think about that a while! You can't deflate those things, can you??

Karla... hope the dog is okay! Keep us posted.

Steph... hope things are going a little better with family stuff now!

Earl is re-reading the "Dog Rules"!! LOL! He is showing it to Zoey and congratulating her for working her way through the list!! HAHAHA!! Yeah, he puts her in bed with me in the morning now! She wants to get up with him, so he takes her in the kitchen and feeds her, takes her out to potty and puts her in bed with me! That's usually about 5:30 a.m.!! She licks my face, ears, etc.... not at all freaked out by the CPAP mask! This morning she was actually walking on my face! When she finished all the kisses she curled up next to me and went back to sleep until I got up about 2 hrs later.

Janet.... is Bella working her way through the list??? LOL! She is so cute! I see Karri wants a puppy!!

We have a busy Saturday... drop off Zoey at Petsmart in the morning for grooming, then Primetimers once a year breakfast at a farm house out by Tracy's. Then we'll have to go back and pick up the "baby".

Yep Phyl - Women God Food - something like that - I may pick it up too..

Ya you can deflate those balls - but then you gotta repump them up - which would be a pain imho - they are great for balance core stuff - at Power of fitness we had them - they don't have them at Worlds - where we do weights - we would do push ups - dips - skull crushers etc on them - lifting weights and balancing on ball..

dogsitup.gifdogpant.gif Dog Rules dogpoodle.gifdogbanjo.gif

1. Dogs are never permitted in the house. The dog stays outside in a specially built wooden compartment named, for very good reason, the dog house. WELL THIS IS OUT FROM THE START IT'S TOO HOT IN THE DESERT

2. Okay, the dog can enter the house, but only for short visits or if his own house is under renovation.

3. Okay, the dog can stay in the house on a permanent basis, provided his dog house can be sold in a yard sale to a rookie dog owner. LOL AIN'T THAT THE TRUTH

4. Inside the house, the dog is not allowed to run free and is confined to a comfortable but secure metal cage. - WE ARE HERE RIGHT NOW TILL POTTY TRAINED ESPEICALLY WHEN ANDREW IS sleeping - BUT WHEN I'M HOME

5. Okay, the cage becomes part of a two-for-one deal along with the dog house in the yard sale, and the dog can go wherever he pleases. ONCE POTTY TRAINED

6. The dog is never allowed on the furniture. Stupid Rule

7. Okay, the dog can get on the old furniture but not the new furniture.

8. Okay, the dog can get up on the new furniture until it looks like the old furniture and then we'll sell the whole darn works and buy new

furniture...upon which the dog will most definitely not be allowed. THESE ARE STUPID RULES LITTLE DOGS CAN GET ON FURNITURE FROM DAY 1

9. The dog never sleeps on the bed. Period. Another DUMB RULE !!!

10. Okay, the dog can sleep at the foot of the bed.

11. Okay, the dog can sleep alongside you, but he's not allowed under the covers.

12. Okay, the dog can sleep under the covers but not with his head on the pillow.

13. Okay, the dog can sleep alongside you under the covers with his head on the pillow, but if he snores he's got to leave the room.

14. Okay, the dog can sleep and snore and have nightmares in bed, but he's not to come in and sleep on the couch in the TV room, where I'm now sleeping. That's just not fair. WELL ANOTHER REASON FOR SMALL DOGS - STILL ROOM IN THE BED FOR ME :0)

15. The dog never gets listed on the census questionnaire as "primary resident," even if it's true.

Of course, cats are born with such privileges and are never accountable to law.

The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue."

"There is no psychiatrist in the world like a puppy licking your face." > -Ben Williams

"The average dog is a nicer person than the average person."Andrew A. Rooney

"Dogs need to sniff the ground; it's how they keep abreast of current events. The ground is a giant dog newspaper, containing all kinds of

late-breaking dog news items, which, if they are especially urgent, are often continued in the next yard." -Dave Barry

"Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

Well going out w/gf from work for happy hr after work - tomorrow no plans - I need to clean my room - Sunday Angel & Bear Beauty Shop @ 10:30 - then to the gym to do some new class that's combination of yoga & pliates - Pios sound it out - Pie osa (short a) (sp)

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Candice, are you talking London England? Enjoy your quiet weekend. You are doing great. You are a beautiful lady with a fabulouse personality. I just love you. By the way, thanks for the hug. I just really needed to vent and you were one of the poor soles who got stuck with it. I feel better after writing it down. Next time I'll just write it and then burn it. Should be fun to watch it go up in flames.

Ha,ha,ha... not ENGLAND silly, London Ontario Canada.!!

I love the idea of BURNING what you have written down in a VENT.... when I went to Overeaters Anonymous years ago... that is what we did with our 4th step... when you take YOUR OWN inventory and then want to get rid of all of the resentments.... you``d burn it and ask God to take it all away... after all you have no control over anything, right its ALL in HIS hands... we just try to think we control everything.

Janet, again, what a sweet little furry, almost makes me want another, almost, but fortunately common sense prevailes.

My furry grandbaby make it though surgery last night. Unfortuately, Sydney (furry grandbaby) did impale herself enough that the chest wall was punctured. Fortunately, her muscles were stong enough to close up fast enough that she didn't suffer a collapsed lung. The vet said that a normal dog would have died on the spot. They removed as much air as they could and have her on some major antibiotics. There is a real risk of infection since she was swimming in the irrigation ditch. DD#2 went back to the ditch and found what a wooden fence post that had blood and hair on it, so that is what impaled her. The vet said that wood had less chance of infection than metal, so this is better. Time will tell, I pray that Sydney pulls through. I was the one who picked her from the litter and I babysit when they are out of town for any long stays. It will just break their and my hearts if she doesn't pull through. I guess surgery took over 3 hours. Pretty much wrapped up a crappy day.

Better note, did you know I own 2 collar bones? I have never seen them before. The are actually sticking up there proud as can be. Who knew!

Yeah collar bones... that is a NSV for sure! There is something to focus on a possitive note. My BFF here in Canada just got to 199.9 down from 270 prior to Gastric Bypass... I am so proud of her.... she was stalled but she gave herself a swift kick in the ass and now she`s lossing agian.

Well work today and through Monday. Got half the support beams hung on the deck.

You all have a great day!! TTFN

Good Morning Gang - TGIF - I am sleepy this a.m.

Steph - Well at least it wasnt drama between the 2 - just normal stuff - food wasn't that bad except for the milk duds - girl - stay away from sugar..

Karla - Listen to Steph - Please Please stop the negativity - you focus way to much on the negative.. I would be totally pissed at DD#4 taking stuff from the house - tell her no more.

Phyl - Glad we don't have a cart - Bella was almost Zoey :0) when Andrew was picking names ;0).. Bella's coloring is suppose to change - the tan will turn red and the black sliver - I don't know anything about yorkies - I think Jackie has them..

Candice - Peter leaving for the weekend - You better have plans - we know what you do when he's gone.. So read your book - do some quilting - stay out of the car and kitchen ;0)

Have a safe trip to TO..

Well time to hit the showers - cbl

Oh Janet; you know me too well... usually I plan a binge while he`s gone.... but NOT NO MORE!!!

I am back from my eye appt. and everything is a.o.k. - stopped for a Carnation Instant Breakfast at a convenience store cause I was starving... it has 15 g pro. and 300 cals... but it was a way better choice than BUTTER TARTS or chocolate BARS or ICECREAM.... yeah me...

Then I stopped at the grocery store, picked up some low fat bABE BELL CHEESES, SOME SF FF pudding NEW carmel flavor... some rasp. blueberries, strawberries and the makings of my fruit DIP... so having that latter.

Water right now... I am so thirsty&& WTF

Plans for the rest of the day.... planning Peter`s 60th Bday party... invites, caterers... then I have quilting to do, plus gardening ( :wink2: )

I may go to the movies tonight if there is anything GOOD on.

Is that the book Oprah was talking about... Love Food God... or something like that? I looked at it in Target one day... almost bought it.

I've lost the weekend weight, too, but slow going. I'm at 200 on my scale in the morning w/o clothes and hope to be under again by weigh in on Monday.

Gym transition is going well. She gave me a good 1 hr workout yesterday without going upstairs to the machines. I did all the machines the day before and will probably go back today since I usually skip on the weekends. We did several exercises with the big exercise ball. I don't have one, and wouldn't be much point in buying one because way too big for the RV! But, they're good exercises... so will think about that a while! You can't deflate those things, can you??

Karla... hope the dog is okay! Keep us posted.

Steph... hope things are going a little better with family stuff now!

Earl is re-reading the "Dog Rules"!! LOL! He is showing it to Zoey and congratulating her for working her way through the list!! HAHAHA!! Yeah, he puts her in bed with me in the morning now! She wants to get up with him, so he takes her in the kitchen and feeds her, takes her out to potty and puts her in bed with me! That's usually about 5:30 a.m.!! She licks my face, ears, etc.... not at all freaked out by the CPAP mask! This morning she was actually walking on my face! When she finished all the kisses she curled up next to me and went back to sleep until I got up about 2 hrs later.

Janet.... is Bella working her way through the list??? LOL! She is so cute! I see Karri wants a puppy!!

We have a busy Saturday... drop off Zoey at Petsmart in the morning for grooming, then Primetimers once a year breakfast at a farm house out by Tracy's. Then we'll have to go back and pick up the "baby".

Sounds like a fine day of adventures for YOU!! Laughed about Zoey getting into bed in tghe a.m..... Peter does the same thing with TWIG and BRIDGET!!! I have banished TWIG from the bedroom otherwise as he`s still having some Bladder loss issues....:cool: he is getting old... I took him off of his lasix pills, that has helped some...

He just can`t help it... lets go while he is sound asleep"! not good:cool:

Phyl, I have NO doubt you`ll be in onederland again by Monday!|!!! You rock on girl...

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Hi ladies. After my rant yesterday I felt better. My husband and my son just seem to be clueless when it comes to women. You'ld think Jeff would have figured it out by now. Michael...well....as I said in Seattle, he's a sophmore boy and they are just plain idiots.

So far so good today. I need to figure out how to get some nutrition in before noon though. I'm not hungry. I'm not uncomfortable. I just don't want anything...and I know it's not good to go for 14 hours without SOMETHING. I'm also super tight in the mornings...as if I''m NOT super tight the rest of the day. Anyways....gotta figure something out. Maybe will order some proticcino...that always worked well and I can mix it in my latte in the morning. BTW, most Protein I've seen has a temp max and I'm wondering why. Any insight?

Had latte this morning and went out to lunch and had a salad. It was awesome but I felt like I inhaled it. I'm a little worried about what will happen when I try to drink something later. At least right now I'm not thirsty. So far, it's 1;30 and that's my intake. Might be one of the big reasons I've been binging in the evenings.

Busy day today getting back in the swing of the motorcycle club stuff. Planning a long ride for Saturday. We will be gone all day. Looking forward to it. I haven't ridden since our rally. Then Monday i have to start work on the pink ribbon rally stuff. It's only a month away and now I'm thinking I'm way behind on it. Imagine that!

Candice, quilt something awesome while Peter is away. Too involved to binge. Like I should talk :cool: Oh, and next time you go to yoga, take a picture of that lovely lady, post it on FB, and we'll all give you our opinions on her "flaws" on here and you can print them and give them to her. Let her know how it feels to be run down by complete strangers.

Dog rules....what rules? Oh yeah...I'm the one who tries to keep some. However, the rules did change when I got the big dogs. Jeff would like there to be different rules for different sizes but I vetoed that. If HIS dogs get to sleep inside, mine do. If HIS dogs get a treat, mine do. If HIS dogs can climb on the bed, mine can. Problem is HIS want to do those things, mine could care less. He would kick Allie out because of her horrific gas though...but his are always on his lap when she is letting go. LOL So dog rules schmools! That's a bunch of hooey! :wink2:

Well, I'd better get to work. I have a hole lot of stuff to do in the next 2 weeks and typing here is NOT getting them done.

Love you ladies. i'm sure I'll be back 5 or 6 times tonight

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»Karla: Can I have your chicken salad recipe please???

I`d love to make it this weekend...:cool:

1,170 calories for today.

Edited by peaches9

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      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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