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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Any restraunt that has blankets are my favorite!

Janet, you are right, I'm just a whiner. I use to love the cold until I lost weight. I LOVE spring when the weather is between 60 and 75, very narrow span of temperature. I just need to suck it up and get moving. Probably my most difficult thing is not being able to drink enough Water. Yesterday I kept sticking on everything so today I have a headache from dehydration. Like I said, just whining, ignore me.

I have some animal that has moved in under my storage shed. I haven't seen it, but the hole it dug to get under is pretty impressive. I only hope it isn't a skunk. I'll have to find out if the fish & game will come set a trap and catch it. I figure I will go over to the city office on Monday and talk to them about who to contact. I can live with anything but a skunk.

My cheek (the one on my face) is bright red and swollen nicely from the mosquito bite. On Monday, the doc may take one look and decide to quaranteen me for mumps. Hopefully the selling will go down by then. Unfortunately for me mosquito bites typically take 3 weeks to heal and get all pustulous and ozzie. I currently am in the swollen and pustulous stage. Maybe better today.

Man I am really whining, sorry. Just tired.

There is a summer fest in town so multiple hot air balloons are lifting off, man are they sweet to look at.

I hope you all have a great day, I'll check in when I get home.

Phyl & Janet, enjoy your hot!! Love the blankets Phyl, my type of restraunt!


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Just lurking, off to Toronto today to see the kids and they are taking me to see MISS SIAGON tomorrow... should be fun!!

Oh, don't know about the food... oh yes I do... It will be bad!

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Had a Great workout !!!

Karla :)) You crack me up... I think you need to change your mindset... You need to think more on the positive side - you know the saying - turn the frown into a smile - it does work :0) Try it ... Tiny Sips - Get some of those waters that has electricolites in them - smart Water - pedilite - lite gadoraid

Phyl love the blankets !!!

Candice - Enjoy

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Had a Great workout !!!

Karla :)) You crack me up... I think you need to change your mindset... You need to think more on the positive side - you know the saying - turn the frown into a smile - it does work :0) Try it ... Tiny Sips - Get some of those waters that has electricolites in them - smart Water - pedilite - lite gadoraid

Phyl love the blankets !!! Candice - Enjoy


So you were working out THAT early on a SATURDAY!! Impressive! I did good to be up at 7a.m. on Saturday! But I was tired last night and went to bed earlier than usual!

We had a good time with Tracy and Jim last night. Before the waitress brought blankets for Jim and I, I covered myself up with everyone's napkins! Earl and Tracy insisted they weren't cold! Temperature fell about 20 degrees while we were sitting there so we went from hot to shivering!

Another nice day today but not as hot. It's in the high 70's now. We are going over to Tracy & Jim's later for BBQ and she said she's making cosmos! She had one at Anthony's last night and really liked it so she went home and looked up the recipe on the internet and bought the ingredients.

Zoey is back to normal, so having a hard time trying to keep her quiet. Don't know what we'll do at Tracy's tonight because she loves to play with Gigi and Misty. Don't want to leave her home and don't want to make her stay in her crate.

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Janet I know I need a different mindset, I will turn the frownies into the smiles. I never thought about the electrolites. I'll pick some up on Monday after my doctor appt. I have not worked in the yard after work yesterday and today and I feel much better. I just was over tired. I actually had a good day at work. Part of the problem is that I am out my antidepressants and I can't get to the pharmacy until Monday. I have also been worried about mom. She is having a really hard time right now. The 4th of July was my dad's favorite holiday, he loved the parade, rodeo, and probably way too much drinking. Also dad's birthday is the 27th which is the day we are scattering his ashes. Elyse, DD#4 stopped in and visited her today and i guess she enjoyed the company.

I know, I am a pain in the butt, sorry

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Morning everyone, it is a beautiful morning. Got a good night sleep. It cooled enough that I actually was able to sleep with a thin blanket. Work today and then doc appointment tomorrow. I hope to get a referal to the urologist to see what can be done about my prolapse and possibly to an ortho guy to see what is up with my arthritis. I can't take any naproxin based arthritus meds (alergic) and the idea of a hip replacement skeeves me out. Maybe it is just brusitus (sp). I can't sleep on right side anymore because my hip hurts and my leg goes numb. So we will see. Then there is the whole lumpy finger joints.

Okay, enough whining. I hope you all enjoy the glorious day! TTFN

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Good Afternoon

Karla - I just want you to think more postitivly.. I every time you have a negative thought - say stop and think of a good thought.. I do it all the time.. When we think and act negative that's what we get..

Hugs on your Dad & Mom - the 1st yr is the hardest...

Does your house have a/c??

Yep get smart Water or lite gatoraid or whatever that has eletricolites in it..

Took Kaitlin to the airport - now going to go get comfortable and maybe a nap :0)..


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Good Afternoon

Karla - I just want you to think more positively.. I every time you have a negative thought - say stop and think of a good thought.. I do it all the time.. When we think and act negative that's what we get..

Hugs on your Dad & Mom - the 1st yr is the hardest...

Does your house have a/c??

Yep get smart Water or lite Gatorade or whatever that has electrolytes in it..

Took Kaitlin to the airport - now going to go get comfortable and maybe a nap :0).. cbl

I agree.... replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations.

When I am in the midst of negative experiences/thoughts/circumstances, I try to remember to thank God for what is going on around me... for how He will use it to strengthen me! I remember one time when Tracy scared the heck out of us... I think it was the day after her 15th birthday and it was one of those "skip school" days... when everyone cuts classes and goes somewhere to party. Well, she and her friends got a hold of a bottle of vodka. Then when she got so drunk she was barfing and passing out... they dumped her in someone's car in the HS parking lot. One of the teachers found her and called us. We quickly realized we needed to take her to ER. I couldn't wake her up... prayed all the way to the hospital.... "thank you, God"... she could have died in that car in the school parking lot! Everything turned out alright, but I remember praying that instead of going in to a panic! It helped me get through it.

So, Kaitlin is gone back home. Did you ever get to teach her how to make enchiladas?? I know you enjoyed having her there. You're going to miss her!

Very concerned about things with my Mom & Uncle Ed. He was back in cardiac care at the hospital for the last several days. First it was to get 2 units of blood because his RBC's were so low. Then they said they were keeping him until Monday to monitor him because his cardiac enzymes were elevated (indicating possible new heart attack). So today they said they were discharging him back to the rehab center and he refused to go! So now he is home with my Mom.... weak and tired, just off insulin for a couple of days... Apparently diagnosed diabetic after the heart bypass. SO last two days his blood sugar was okay, but don't think there have been any instructions as to monitoring his blood sugar, giving himself insulin if necessary.

My Mom is NOT competent to take care of him, in my opinion. Two nights ago my sister gave her some leftovers to put in her fridge including a piece of pizza. Told her to heat it up for 40 seconds! Well, she decides she's going to have it for dinner last night. So.... she told me, since it was COLD, she decided she should heat it for FIVE MINUTES!! Of course, she turned it in to a piece of charcoal, set off the smoke alarm and then went in to a panic because she couldn't figure out how to turn off the smoke alarm and she was EMBARRASSED!! She just isn't thinking that clearly lately. She called here the other day when we were out and got the answering machine. So she calls my sister in OR and tells her that she called me but I told her I was too busy to talk and hung up on her!!!


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OMG laughing my ass off on that one Phyl - you hung up on her lol - older pple who don't understand tech stuff lol..

Hugs on Uncle Ed - sometimes when pple are sick they need insulin - I know my dad was diabetic but when he was in the hospital he need it (insulin)..

Can they get someone (visiting nurse to come in)

How scary about Tracy- Kaitlin told me on the way to the airport that a girl she knew (here in the desert) OD on Oxycontin last week - she's the same age as Kaitlin 15.5 yrs old (you know you gotta add those half yrs when you are 15 ;0) - Kaitlin said she was a beautiful girl - but she got mixed up w/some boy who did drugs..

Ya I showed here how to cook - told her she needs to help out more at home - that she needs to cook and clean for her mom - she's on the lazy side..

I love her w/all my heart - loved her visiting - but glad to have the house back to me and Andrew - she eats diff than us or should I say Andrew - I am not cooking 3 meals ;0) 2 I can do - don't think anything of - have done it most my life - Joseph didn't like stuffed bell peppers - so he had rice and hamburger patties on those nights..

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OMG laughing my ass off on that one Phyl - you hung up on her lol - older pple who don't understand tech stuff lol.. Hugs on Uncle Ed - sometimes when pple are sick they need insulin - I know my dad was diabetic but when he was in the hospital he need it (insulin)..

Can they get someone (visiting nurse to come in)

Ya I showed here how to cook - told her she needs to help out more at home - that she needs to cook and clean for her mom - she's on the lazy side.. I love her w/all my heart - loved her visiting - but glad to have the house back to me and Andrew - she eats diff than us or should I say Andrew - I am not cooking 3 meals ;0) 2 I can do - don't think anything of - have done it most my life - Joseph didn't like stuffed bell peppers - so he had rice and hamburger patties on those nights..

Yeah, Mom is definitely not as sharp as she used to be. Heck, one day last week she got to the rehab center and started talking to this guy tied in a gerry chair... "Hi, Honey! How are you doing today??" It was NOT Ed. Then she says, "Why are you giving me that stupid look???" My sister says, 'MA, that's NOT Ed!!" She says, "Well, it sure LOOKED like him!"

Two of my sisters and one of his daughters visited at different times today and brought things they need... like frozen dinners! Lets hope they can read and follow the directions! At least now she knows how to turn off the smoke alarm! And they have lots of meds to manage between the two of them! I shudder to think of it!

Yes, there will be visiting nurses, but probably only a couple of short visits a week. They both need help with showers. And both are shaky on their feet. They're already plotting about when they can start walking down the street to the closest restaurant with their walkers! Oh, my!!

Hey! Was it you Montana girls who left me with that expensive bottle of wine??? You should have taken it home with you! Its sitting on the kitchen shelf and I noticed the price tag today! Earl would faint if I spent over $25 on a bottle of wine!!

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Janet & Phyl, you are right, I MUST stay focussed on the positives. I have a house I can afford, I'm in a masters program paid for by someone else, I have enough jobs to buy plants, I LOST 3 POUNDS, ohh I think I will repeat that, I LOST 3 POUNDS, my girls are all alive, my mom's health is good, and I HAVE 7 OF THE BEST FRIENDS IN THE WORLD.

I'm finding that I'm not hungry during the day. I have to force myself to eat something in the morning, could take or leave anything for lunch, and dinner I'm too tired. However, about 9 pm all the hungry monsters come out of hiding and have me searching for food. For right now I am going with it. If figure I'll kind of let nature (tummy) take charge and see what happens. I know it is the heat and that I am too busy to sit down and eat. I did put a turkey breast in the crockpot before work yesterday and had about 1/3 of a cup. Later I had about 1/4 cup of blueberries, kashi, & yogurt, and a strawberry smoothie before bed. The idea of real food just gags me. Now the idea of ice cream has me drooling. I have been substituting a strawberry smoothie for my ice cream craving and seems to be working okay.

Anyway, I have the doc appointment today to get my meds renewed and talk about the prolapse and arthritis. I know it will just result in getting referals, which means sit and wait some more, oh well.

Janet, you had a great time with kaitlyn, but now i imagine you are enjoying your quiet time.

I worked on giving myself a pedicure last night. It took me 15 minutes just to figure out how to work the razer thingy. I made the mistake of taking it apart before really looking at it, yep that's me. The ole' feet have a way to go before they are silky smooth, but I want to thank you all for thinking of me and getting it. I had no idea that such things even existed. I guess I'm not girly enough.

Stephani should be home by now, man that girl is busy. Thanks Steph again for giving me the ride. Let me know if I owe you more money for gas, etc.

Phyl, I know I owe you $$ for groceries, etc. So let me know.

Well coffee it out so best go get another cup, have a great day!! TTFN

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Good Morning Peeps....

Phyl - Expensive wine for me is $10 a bottle - hell you only get what like 4 glasses from it.. (large) Enjoy - we know you are our wine girl :0)

Karla - Yep you got a lot to be thankful for !!! Keep reminding yourself of that... I would go with eating when hungry - that's pretty much how I eat - especially on the weekends..

Well Drive by - I'm at work slept in till 5:30 this a.m.

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You don't owe me anything for groceries! The leftovers I ended up with exceed what I spent, I am sure! Candice spent a lot on groceries, too. If anything, send her some $$ if you feel you need to make a contribution.

Yeah, $10 is about the max I ever spend on wine... but this bottle is $26.xx.

So.... I was up 1.4 lb today. Clinic appt tomorrow and should be getting another fill!! I sure need it. I get so hungry in the evening and go to bed hungry pretty much every night.

Back to two sweatshirt weather for a couple of days. Think its supposed to get back to the 70's on Wed., but in the meantime... we're at 59 right now at 2:15 pm. It's supposed to get to 63 today, but I highly doubt it. No sun, a few sprinkles now and then.

Good workout in the pool today. If I get my butt in gear tomorrow morning, I'll go over and do the machines before my doctor appointment. This is the doctor of the long drive! I think it's 65 miles down there. But... it's south, so will go see Jodie & kids on the way home. Haven't seen them since their return from Hawaii on the 4th.

Jack, PT tech who usually supervises my therapy is 76 yrs old... doesn't look that old!! Looks about 10 years younger. Anyway, he was telling me today that his wife talked him in to his first ever pedicure over the weekend! Funny! He is very active. I think he works there full time, takes care of the pool... coming in most weekends to check on the chemicals, temperature, etc., and he plays on a 70+ softball team. He told me he has 12 games over the next 3 days!!

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Sorry Ive missed so much... been busy... will try and recap...

Toronto was FUN, FUN, FUN... the kids are so good to me!!! We went for Sat. dinner SUSHIMI my favorite... raw salmon, rice, miso Soup, green tea!!!! YUMMM.. and we walked there.. So Yes Janet, I got my exercise!!!

Also drank some Long Island Iced Teas...:thumbup:

The Kids walk a lot in T.O. because traffic is so bad to take your car, plus parking is a problem, then SUNDAY we took the subway downtown, had INDIAN food ( it was too spicy for me and I got stuck) then we went to see MISS SIAGON at the Opera house.. It was FABULOUS!!! But the ending was a surprise to me and I bawled like a freeking baby! Had to wear my sunglasses out of the place. Then the kids wanted to go for drinks afterwards... I am still in my sunglases!!!

I head for home about 7 p.m. on Sunday night... great weekend.

Went to the Doctor today. My NAVEL has erupted... what a mess... itchy, runny, sore... oh my! The Doc says how long has it been like this??? Dah 2 wks... so she gave me an oral antibiotic (liq) and a extra Whammy sauve to put on it... looks nasty though.. also she tooka culture and sent it off to the lab... I'll have those results in 3 days.:thumbup:

Also had my Shrink appt this a.m.... for a repeat of all my pills... well the dink was late! as usual... I waited 45 mins for him, past my appt. time and then I left... I told the nurse I couldn't wait any longer as I had to be at work... and some of us HAVE to be ONTIME for work!!!!

Anyways, luckily for me my Family Doc re-wrote my Rx for 6 mos. so FLICK him, I just wont go back.

O.k. on the Gratitude subject... I agree... each and everyday you MUSt get into the habit of COUNTING YOUR BLESSINGS... it seems like a weird habit at first... but it is SO WORTH IT....

I started a list once... and at the time I was feeling dumpy, could only come up with 10 things to be grateful for... well now that list has swollen to 25 things... and when I think of another I'll add it to the list...so it just keeps on growing~

I keep this little list right next to my bed... I add to it when I can.. but the most important thing for ME is to READ it daily!!

Its a great way to start the day, puts your mind in the right perspective... anyways, that's my 2 cents worth...

The other thing that helps me stay possitive is the COMPARISON test...

I look at someone else's life and compare it to what I have... Guess what -you don't have to look very far to see someone in a WORSE off position than you... and then you have something ELSE to be thankful for.

Personally, I am thankful to GOD... where I beleive all blessings originate.. but to be successful with this GRATITUDE stuff you don't even need to beleive... it helps, but is not manditory to benefit from it.

p.s. Girls YOU are ALL on my gratitude list... If I hadn't been FAT, and hadn't gotten BANDED I would never have known all of you SIsta's :blink:

Now, how rich is my life with all of YOU in it:tt1:


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Whoo-hoo a $26 bottle of wine? are you sure WE brought it?? Perhaps it was Linda or the Montana girls??

Or you could save it for us to consume NEXT summer..??? Nah, what the heck you and EARL enjoy!!!!:grouphug:

I j ust finished watching »OPRAH today it was on WOMEN food GOD... looks like a good book. I`ll try and pick it up tomorrow....

Yuk, my B.B. looks aweful!!! I hope the antibiotics start to work by tomorrow morning!!! I am tired of this icky thingy.:lol:

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