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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, Bella is adorable!!! What a cutie, but such sad eyes. I think she is needing you. I hope all goes the way it should. you will know if she is the 'one'.

DD#4 stopped by to pick up Simon. She dropped a bit of a bomb shell that I need to wrap my head around. The boyfriend not only doesn't have a job and lives at home....he has a 6 year old son who hasn't been in his life until recently. DD#4 SAYS it was because the mom did want him involved. Okay, trying to keep from being judgemental here. Does she realize the can of worms she has stepped into. She isn't too happy with me, because I didn't keep my reaction neutral. I wasn't negative, but I did say 'what?'. Not too happy with myself about that. I shouldn't have let her know my reaction. Okay, let's get real, I should have taken the information in stride, and not reacted at all. I had an ephiphany this morning, yes these are her choices, but they are HER choices and if I keep reacting this way, I'm going to lose her. No I don't want her hurt, but again, it is her hurt and she seems willing to take the risk, so I must let her. In other words, I need to 'shut the @#$%' up and let her deal with in on her own. Quite an ephiphany for 6 am.

Candice you are up and at 'em early. I just got a blip that you were on line!

Well need more coffee and then get busy, TTFN

Smart girl Karla; YOu are getting it!!! Just try to remember that for every ACTION there is a REACTION... so when you make a remark about the boyfriend/dad SHE will react to it... and you may not like the results... continue to take a deep breath and accept that everything happens for a reason... she may be the type of girl that has to learn things the hard way... and YOU can`t save her from that.

Ya, up early... we had a dinner guest last night and she had to travel early this a.m. Peter (Earl) got up at 6:30 to make her breaklfast for the road...«I slept until 7`30...

I always say my Goodbyes in the evening, so I dont`have to get up(arn`t I a lazy nelly???))

This gal used to work for Peter and we have known she and her Hubby for many years. SUPER people, I really like her DH but unfortunately he couldn`t make the trip this time...

food Yest:


pretty good considering all the booze «I had (and counted too)

weigh in this morning......182.6

Edited by peaches9

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Nah Candice, I like the goodbyes in the evening too, mainly because I hate the goodbyes. I always cry if it someone I care about.

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Good Morning!

Yeah, photos of the dog are adorable. I think Earl is okay with it now. He willingly took me to Petco yesterday. Then when the dog people didn't show up, had me go back in and get the phone number so I could call later and see if they were there yet. Then he suggested we go hang out at the mall for a while. So we walked around for about an hour and then called the store. They still weren't there so we came home. I know he would prefer we not get a dog, but he's no longer saying NO!

We're going south this morning... go to Jodie & Al's church and out to lunch with them. Then we'll hang out there for a while. Store we have to go to for meeting the dog is half way between our place and theirs..

Karla.. when Tracy started dating Jim... she was 20 and she told me she thought he was "about" 30. He was 32, divorced for a year or two, and had a 4 & 5 yr old! And the night she came home from the first date I knew she was going to marry him. So I can relate to your newest concerns. Of course, he DID have a job and he wasn't living at home, but he was living in a house his parents owned, across the street from them.

Well.... I better start thinking about getting in the shower since we have to leave in about an hour. Long drive south.

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Good Morning Gang..

Gram - don't drink when you are stuck - it makes it worse - some pple just can't do ck - tiny bites chew chew chew - I don't do anything when i get stuck - I can usually make it come up - or just let it pass

Phyl Cute dog... Prayers on Uncle Ed..

Karla - now a days most bf or gf come w/kids.. Love your early morning epiphany !!! Won't a regular baby gate work - that's what I have. I have to put it up so that Ryder isn't chasing the cat 24/7..

Candice how the eyes.. Whats on your schedule today - what are aunt flo beans..

Yesterday - went to marshall - shouldn't have - cuz afterwards was cleaning closet and I have way too many clothes - just cuz they look cute on - doesn't mean I have to buy them :0) I am starting a bag of stuff I don't wear - will have to take them to goodwill - cuz i don't have anyone my size to give them to..

Today - Target for my normal cleaning supplies etc and then pick up kaitlin - going to make enchilladas for her & andrew - fish for me ;0)


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Hi guys, Great weather day here !!! Awesome sunny and warm.

My GF called and wanted to look at waterfront prop. here in the Beach... so we piled into her Seabring Convertable and bombed all over the beach looking at houses...

Oh my, I don`t know what she is getting into... big bucks$$$ but I couldn`t reason with her.... she is hell bent on being on the River or the Big Beach on the Bay... she thinks she`s rich and can afford it, but I don`t know:glare:

Anyways, it was fun to see all theplaces listed.

food today: cerealéskim milk, protien bar 150 cals, Hotdog w/cheese/ bacon, thru away most of the HD bun... then just now had split pea/ham Soup with Strawberries n/dip...

I made this great fruit dip recipe.... 1 small cont. lite or ff Cream cheese, softened... 2 little FF SF Yogurts... a little splenda or Carmel SF syrup...YUMLMMMMMMMY:tt1:

So that`s my food so far, 7:30 p.m.

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Good Afternoon

Didn't do much today - went to target & winco - picked up Kaitlin - made enchillada's ate a salad & popcorn had 3 bites of the enchillas - took a nap - and washed some clothes..

Candice I love looking at house.. I would love to live on the Water

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Just finished giving Peter his FATHERS DAY Gift...

I made him a MUSICAL Table Runner/ Wall hanging... i`ll post the pictures tomorrow... eyes really tired now...

night, night!!:smile2:

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Had 1/2 hr visit with the dog... Bella... decided she is not the right dog for us. Very skittish. She finally got to where she would take a treat from the palm of my hand, but she wouldn't let me touch her. She was starting to let Earl scratch her under her chin... but that's it. We're looking for another Gigi, and this was definitely no Gigi! Beautiful dog though... and just the right size for us. But.. she would be facing new situations and different people constantly while we're traveling, and all those outside parties at the RV park... and we didn't think she'd adapt well to that lifestyle. It seems like she's been extremely traumatized. And we found out that the reason her owners surrendered her was because she bit one of their kids. She tried to bite Earl when she first got there.. because he didn't know better and he reached for her. I'll just keep watching the paper and the internet sites.

I have to give Earl kudos, though, because even though he still says he does NOT want a dog... but I can have one if I take care of it, he went out of his way to try to make up to this dog... to the point of sitting down on the floor at Petco to get down to her level.... in his "Sunday pants" and got dog hair all over himself because we were in an area where they do dog training classes! And he tried and tried to get the dog to come to him. She would take treats from him, and a couple from me, but she obviously preferred him. But I don't know how we would've even got her home or dealt with her for the next few days until she decided she would trust us because she absolutely would not let us approach and never would've let us pick her up. A far contrast from Gigi who races across the room when she gets here and leaps in to my lap, and then Earl's! Wish I could clone her!! LOL

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Ya it sounds like Bella wasn't a fit - you need a freindly dog - how sad that she was so skiddish

Yea Earl !!! Like I said he does have a good heart

Karla - Are you alive :0) how was work yesterday :0)

Candice - What's your plans for today

Me - Work & gym ;0)


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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Ya it sounds like Bella wasn't a fit - you need a friendly dog - how sad that she was so skiddish

Yea Earl !!! Like I said he does have a good heart

Karla - Are you alive :0) how was work yesterday :0)

Candice - What's your plans for today

Me - Work & gym ;0) cbl

Good Morning!

Yeah.. such a shame... beautiful dog! She's only been with this foster family 3 weeks and she has certainly warmed up to them... was sticking to both husband and wife like glue. So I know she would have warmed up to us, but we didn't think that personality would be very conducive to RVing. She'd be facing new situations all the time when we're on the road, and living in an RV.... not really a "sanctuary" where she can hide from everything. People at the door all the time... and we like to leave the door open whenever possible. She just wouldn't be able to handle it.

And, yeah... it really touched my heart that Earl put out so much effort to try to make friends with Bella. I told him how much I appreciated that knowing how he feels about getting a dog. After I said that... he spent at least an hour searching on the internet for a dog for me!!! What a turn around!! He kept emailing dog ads to me! It's kind of funny because now he's being really picky! No Chihuauas, etc. I'm telling you... he's looking for another Gigi!! Yes... he is a good guy! Even though I complain a lot.... you guys know he is a good man!



Edited by phyllser

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Good Morning!

Yeah.. such a shame... beautiful dog! She's only been with this foster family 3 weeks and she has certainly warmed up to them... was sticking to both husband and wife like glue. So I know she would have warmed up to us, but we didn't think that personality would be very conducive to RVing. She'd be facing new situations all the time when we're on the road, and living in an RV.... not really a "sanctuary" where she can hide from everything. People at the door all the time... and we like to leave the door open whenever possible. She just wouldn't be able to handle it.

And, yeah... it really touched my heart that Earl put out so much effort to try to make friends with Bella. I told him how much I appreciated that knowing how he feels about getting a dog. After I said that... he spent at least an hour searching on the internet for a dog for me!!! What a turn around!! He kept emailing dog ads to me! It's kind of funny because now he's being really picky! No Chihuauas, etc. I'm telling you... he's looking for another Gigi!! Yes... he is a good guy! Even though I complain a lot.... you guys know he is a good man!

Yes, Phyl... He IS a good man.... that how come you can put up with his shit the rest of the time:lol:

Today, well.... first I had to take my MOM for her dental appt. got two molars extracted... but when I left her she was doing just fine. I just got off the phone with her and she is o.k. no pain, and looking forward to SUPPER!!!! Omword.

Then after I dropped MOM off I went and bought Roses for my GF Sally, the one that took me to T.O. last week for my surgery.. Well, I arrive at her house and she's not answering the door???? I can hear her dog barking and all the windows are open, so I LAYED on the buzzer some more.. finally Sally opens the door and I give her her flowers... and she's crying!!! and not from the flowers... seems she's been crying for 2 days... husband troubles, Inlaw troubles (he dosn't stick up for her with his family) and she want's to LEAVE him... OMGOD!!!! I was really glad that I had stopped by, to comfort her.. not that I really can... she's got to make up her own mind about her situation...

But, being alone at 56???? Yikes, and I know her HUBBY loves her... its just that with HIS family, he needs to GROW A PAIR and stick up for her....

So I guess this was my GOOD DEED day... oh my....

Going to go have some supper now... CBL

Love you all,


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Good Morning!

Yeah.. such a shame... beautiful dog! She's only been with this foster family 3 weeks and she has certainly warmed up to them... was sticking to both husband and wife like glue. So I know she would have warmed up to us, but we didn't think that personality would be very conducive to RVing. She'd be facing new situations all the time when we're on the road, and living in an RV.... not really a "sanctuary" where she can hide from everything. People at the door all the time... and we like to leave the door open whenever possible. She just wouldn't be able to handle it.

And, yeah... it really touched my heart that Earl put out so much effort to try to make friends with Bella. I told him how much I appreciated that knowing how he feels about getting a dog. After I said that... he spent at least an hour searching on the internet for a dog for me!!! What a turn around!! He kept emailing dog ads to me! It's kind of funny because now he's being really picky! No Chihuauas, etc. I'm telling you... he's looking for another Gigi!! Yes... he is a good guy! Even though I complain a lot.... you guys know he is a good man!


Oh ya we know - We understand - Angel would be good cuz she's such a lap dog and not a runner - Some Chilliawaa (sp) are good - I think they get a bad rap just like pit bulls -

Yes, Phyl... He IS a good man.... that how come you can put up with his shit the rest of the time:lol:

Today, well.... first I had to take my MOM for her dental appt. got two molars extracted... but when I left her she was doing just fine. I just got off the phone with her and she is o.k. no pain, and looking forward to SUPPER!!!! Omword.

Then after I dropped MOM off I went and bought Roses for my GF Sally, the one that took me to T.O. last week for my surgery.. Well, I arrive at her house and she's not answering the door???? I can hear her dog barking and all the windows are open, so I LAYED on the buzzer some more.. finally Sally opens the door and I give her her flowers... and she's crying!!! and not from the flowers... seems she's been crying for 2 days... husband troubles, Inlaw troubles (he dosn't stick up for her with his family) and she want's to LEAVE him... OMGOD!!!! I was really glad that I had stopped by, to comfort her.. not that I really can... she's got to make up her own mind about her situation...

But, being alone at 56???? Yikes, and I know her HUBBY loves her... its just that with HIS family, he needs to GROW A PAIR and stick up for her....

So I guess this was my GOOD DEED day... oh my....

Going to go have some supper now... CBL

Love you all,


Candice - I"m 55.5 and I am alone - it's not a bad thing - it's not the end of the world ;0)

Glad you where there for her - Yep all you can do is listen..

Glad to hear your mom is doing so well

So where's Karla???

Back from the gym - need to go feed the dogs and kids - Kaitlin passed her permit test 100% and starts driving ed tomorrow - Joseph took her to the same driving school that he went to - The guy there remembered him - me and my Dad... How neat is that - that was 23/24 yrs ago...


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Yeah, where's Karla today??

We had a few minutes of sunshine a little while ago. Gone again now. It is so cold.. I wore a hooded sweatshirt plus fleece vest while riding around today. Went to the gym for a while... 30 minutes on the bike, about the same on the wgt machines. Earl went, too. Was glad to see him going back to exercise. He is having a hard time keeping his weight within TOPS "leeway"... 7 lb under goal or 3lb. over. He's been over for a few weeks. Eating is okay... but he's not been exercising.

So, he skipped TOPS again this morning! Next week we'll be camping, so we'll both miss. I was down 2.8 lb today... got to wear the "crown" for the whole meeting (LOL), and got the fruit basket.. everyone brings something to put in it and the best loser of the week gets it all. So I got about 4 apples, an orange, 2 tomatoes, a banana, pkg of sugar free Jello, couple of Breakfast bars and $1 in quarters!

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No I'm not dead, just swamped. Work yesterday until late, came home and did homework and had to get up early to finish it before I had to leave for class. got home tonight and rebuild the dog door. Hopefully it works. Janet, baby gates don't work, the dogs either climb them or beat them down. Part of the dog issues is that I haven't been home. I am going to see how the rest of the summer goes and if I don't have time for dogs I may give them away.

There was a tornado in Billings, about 30 miles from my mom's house. It took off the roof and flooded the Metra which is where the Antique Road show is suppose to be in July. So it may get canceled. I'm bumbed.

Anyway, need to find something for dinner and do some laundry. Talked with Steph and I guess we are going to leave Thursday afternoon and get there on Friday. Can't wait!!

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Okay, whew, a little breathing space. Got some laundry done, bills paid, now all I have left this week other than class is to finish my master's application and build the other dog gate. Today will be the test on the rebuilt one. Checked out the finances and it will be tight, but I do have the $$ for the July trip. Next week already?

I was so bummed when I found out that yesterday was the summer solstice. Heck I haven't had summer yet. Our average temperature for May was 47 degrees. I am SO looking forward to some organizing time. But I am chipping away at things. Now the sun is starting to leave, grrr.

Phyl, you will find the right furry, just keep looking. I'm glad Earl is changing his tune a little bit.

No Snacks yesterday afternoon!!! I had about 1/3 cup of veggi chili and a huge salad for lunch, I was full until about 8 pm. I think the trick was the chili. I am going to find a recipe for veggi chili and try to make some of my own, it really made my tummy happy.

Well, need to kick it in gear, check back this evening, TTFN

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