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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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HELLO-O-O0..... i am back from Toronto. EYES are fine.... actually... its freeking awesome!

Had my surg about 2 p.m. THurs. 2 hours of preliminary examinations( a repeat of 2 weeks ago consult appt, just to be SURE) then paperwork, with all the %`s of problems ya,ya,da,da... Then comes the hair net... seriously? you betcha... the worst part was when they scotch tape your eyelids open... everythng was FROZEN and didn`t feel a thing, its just that having my eyelids stuck open was kinda weird... then the laser the cornea... less than a minute on each eye... and I could smell the burning tissue.... yuk! But again that smell only lasted seconds... it was just not what I was expecting....

Afterwards, ta-da.... you can see.... I mean REALLY see, across the exam room from me I could see the 2 holes in the electrical outlet ...!!!!! from across the room... then this a.m. when I awoke... I could see what direction the Screws were in , in the wall socket.... WOWZA...

every day for the next week things should to continue to be clearer and clearer... right now I am on the computer with NO glasses....

Now the Dr. said I may still need 1.0 readers for quilting but that`s it... I went to the grocery store and I can read nutrician labels... whoo-hoo... no readers .

So it was a success...today, tomorrow I am on LIGHT duties... no long dist. driving, fro 72 hours.... cant swim underwater for 30 days... ya that`s a Real hardship - NOT!!!

Phyl, I am so sorry that you are still feeling down... band empty, no doggie yet, Earl comments... it can get to you for sure... HUGS from me!!!<

Janet: I did good on my food yest....;



pretty good eh???

Linda: I am fine, everything went well, I am sure in PART to your loving prayers to the Good Lord... I was in good hands.

ah.Karla; I did partake of 3 glasses of wine last night after supper.... my eyes were starting by the to be a bit irritated... so I put in my drops and took 2 tyl.. and had some Medicial WINE....lol...

You did well with your food choices at `school` its hard when the menu is out of your control eh???

Love to all,


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Aww, Phyl. Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. It's such a struggle--isn't it? Hang in there, gf. We're here for you no matter what--even if I only show up once in a while--i'm still keeping tabs on you guys.

Which brings me to the reason for my checking in today. Has anyone heard from Candice?

Carla--I can relate to your feelings about dd#4's life style and choices. My kids are between 23 and 31, and I wish I could help them avoid some of the heartaches I experienced. Hopefully we can chat more about it in a couple of weeks.

Janet--dear friend--what's going on? Still having issues with the estate? I didn't have time to read it all, but I did catch a few postings about it from a couple of weeks ago. I never know if you're on face book or not--kinda like me--always have it running, but seldom "on."

How (where) are the Kar®i's?

Linda - I sent you message on fb - yep my computer is on and I'm not always on it ;0)

Estate stuff is almost done - house sold - ck book w/accountant for final accounting - then lawyer goes to court and hands everything over to the trustee - but the only thing I really have left now - is to pay the closing utlities bills.. After that nothing but wait..

HELLO-O-O0..... i am back from Toronto. EYES are fine.... actually... its freeking awesome!

Had my surg about 2 p.m. THurs. 2 hours of preliminary examinations( a repeat of 2 weeks ago consult appt, just to be SURE) then paperwork, with all the %`s of problems ya,ya,da,da... Then comes the hair net... seriously? you betcha... the worst part was when they scotch tape your eyelids open... everythng was FROZEN and didn`t feel a thing, its just that having my eyelids stuck open was kinda weird... then the laser the cornea... less than a minute on each eye... and I could smell the burning tissue.... yuk! But again that smell only lasted seconds... it was just not what I was expecting....

Afterwards, ta-da.... you can see.... I mean REALLY see, across the exam room from me I could see the 2 holes in the electrical outlet ...!!!!! from across the room... then this a.m. when I awoke... I could see what direction the Screws were in , in the wall socket.... WOWZA...

every day for the next week things should to continue to be clearer and clearer... right now I am on the computer with NO glasses....

Now the Dr. said I may still need 1.0 readers for quilting but that`s it... I went to the grocery store and I can read nutrician labels... whoo-hoo... no readers .

So it was a success...today, tomorrow I am on LIGHT duties... no long dist. driving, fro 72 hours.... cant swim underwater for 30 days... ya that`s a Real hardship - NOT!!!

Phyl, I am so sorry that you are still feeling down... band empty, no doggie yet, Earl comments... it can get to you for sure... HUGS from me!!!<

Janet: I did good on my food yest....;



pretty good eh???

Linda: I am fine, everything went well, I am sure in PART to your loving prayers to the Good Lord... I was in good hands.

ah.Karla; I did partake of 3 glasses of wine last night after supper.... my eyes were starting by the to be a bit irritated... so I put in my drops and took 2 tyl.. and had some Medicial WINE....lol...

You did well with your food choices at `school` its hard when the menu is out of your control eh???

Love to all,


Yea Candice - I'm just to scared to do it - I would hate to be that 1% that it doesn't work for ;0) - my distant isn't bad - it's my reading thats awful - but with contact get improvment not perfect but like right now I can read the computer..



WTG on food

Kari - is having some foot issues - I told her to stop by and say hi

Karri - is Karri - busy as every

I gotta go going to be late for gym


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Had a field trip for class today, I think I have looked at more rocks than could possibly exist. Now I have to try to remember it all and then complete all the worksheets, crap, they are due by monday am, but I have to work all weekend.

Made a doggie gate that hopefully will keep the doggies in the kitchen. I have one more to build and hope to get it done tomorrow.

Battling a sore throat and I can't afford to be sick right now.

Tomorrow the fence will be done and hopefully the electrition (friend of carpenter) will give me an estimate on how much $$ it will cost to move the electrical IF we have to move it to put the french doors in. I may have to live without the pond this year, but I'm not living without the french doors. I found a way to make some extra cash, $20 an hour for 3 days of watershed workshop in August. It will be right after the 'culture camp'. I got all my transcripts ordered and my certificate filed with the district, so only have a few more things to get done for the master's paperwork!

Phyl, you will find the right puppy. I have never been real fond of Shitz zu's. I little to on the yippy side for me. Either ignore Earl or do what he wants. He doubt he will 'give' in, but if you can deal with his attitude, go for it.

Candice, congrats on the surgery. I am not brave enough for that type of surgery, I can barely get contacts in, the whole eyeball thing. Also, great job on the food choices!!!

Janet, do you have an empty house now? If you feel the need to clean, come on over.

Linda, glad to hear from you. Yep, we will have to sit and cuss & discuss our children.

Well, trying to get some dinner. check in later, ttfn

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HELLO-O-O0..... i am back from Toronto. EYES are fine.... actually... its freeking awesome!

Had my surg about 2 p.m. THurs. 2 hours of preliminary examinations( a repeat of 2 weeks ago consult appt, just to be SURE) then paperwork, with all the %`s of problems ya,ya,da,da... Then comes the hair net... seriously? you betcha... the worst part was when they scotch tape your eyelids open... everythng was FROZEN and didn`t feel a thing, its just that having my eyelids stuck open was kinda weird... then the laser the cornea... less than a minute on each eye... and I could smell the burning tissue.... yuk! But again that smell only lasted seconds... it was just not what I was expecting....

Afterwards, ta-da.... you can see.... I mean REALLY see, across the exam room from me I could see the 2 holes in the electrical outlet ...!!!!! from across the room... then this a.m. when I awoke... I could see what direction the Screws were in , in the wall socket.... WOWZA...

every day for the next week things should to continue to be clearer and clearer... right now I am on the computer with NO glasses....

Now the Dr. said I may still need 1.0 readers for quilting but that`s it... I went to the grocery store and I can read nutrician labels... whoo-hoo... no readers .

So it was a success...today, tomorrow I am on LIGHT duties... no long dist. driving, fro 72 hours.... cant swim underwater for 30 days... ya that`s a Real hardship - NOT!!!

Phyl, I am so sorry that you are still feeling down... band empty, no doggie yet, Earl comments... it can get to you for sure... HUGS from me!!!<

Janet: I did good on my food yest....;


pretty good eh???

Linda: I am fine, everything went well, I am sure in PART to your loving prayers to the Good Lord... I was in good hands.

ah.Karla; I did partake of 3 glasses of wine last night after supper.... my eyes were starting by the to be a bit irritated... so I put in my drops and took 2 tyl.. and had some Medicial WINE....lol...

You did well with your food choices at `school` its hard when the menu is out of your control eh??? Love to all, C

Wow! You did GREAT! Congrats!!

Food was good today except for a small piece of cherry pie!

Why did Earl make a cherry pie???

Oh, well... he uses "no sugar added" cherry pie filling that he says is only 30 calories for 1/3 cup, which is approximately one piece of pie. And I think he uses some boxed low cal pie crust. He's never made pies before... this is something new that started a couple of weeks ago and the crust is almost as good as my Mom used to make.

OH..... Uncle Ed is in cardiac unit since yesterday. Apparently had a heart attack yesterday morning. Waiting for an update this morning.

Tracy and Jim are wandering around eastern WA in search of sunshine.

They did find some, but last night called to say the rain had caught up with them.

I miss them and Gigi! Gigi was supposed to stay with us while they were gone,

but a few days before they were to leave,

Jim decided he couldn't bring himself to leave her home! So she is with them.

Some Sky Valley neighbors are in the area for a photo exhibit... she won 1st place.

So we may drive in to Seattle and go to the U of WA to see the exhibit and visit with them.

Then maybe I can talk Earl in to taking me to the Pike Place Market.

Haven't been there in years and it's a really fun place.

Maybe I can buy some smoked salmon.

Edited by phyllser

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Hi there, not much going on today... still with the drops schedule...

I made my Aunt FLo Beans in the crock pot and then Peter and I went into town to see the old cars down at the beach. It CORVETTE weekend, so all the old geizers shine up their babies and bring èm to town... its lots of fun to reminise.(my exercise for today!)

Janet, what you up to today??? I talked to my BRO last night and he was supposed to be getting his lapband in JULY.... wellll, now he has chickened out....its so sad... cause he REALLY needs it.

Karla: »YOu`ld begtter not be doing any heavy lifing this weekend!!!! You gotta be in good shape for the end of the month

WOW 11 days until I fly out... I can hardly believe it!!

Phyl; maybe it would be best to wait on the Dog until JULY??? Unles you want to bring He/she to the cottage??


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Good Morning Gang

Didn't get up til 6:47 and you all know that's late for me - had gym at 8 -

My exercise this week - Monday - Tuesday - Friday - Saturday

Candice that slow walk you did - is moving but not really exercise ;0)..

I don't have any real plans - Still in gym clothes - screwing around on FB and washing clothes

Need to food shop - get hair color at beauty supply store - you know the usual weekend crap you have to do when you work ;0)

Next Saturday Surpirse party for my GF and I am in charge of keeping her busy from 11 a.m till 6:30 - and its the weekend before I leave - so that means on Sunday I will be busy - wanted to wait to get nails done that weekend - and gotta stock up the house w/food for Andrew & Kaitlin and what a 3 day work week ..

What are Aunt Flo Beans??

Phyl - Hugs on Uncle Ed - I know he's not your fav person but at the same time we don't wish bad on him - he does take care of your Mom - Prayers - Keep up posted

Well is that Pike Pete something we want to see - is is like peir 39 in San Francisco - (tourist trap ;0)

Karla - what time is Steph picking you up - is it wed or Thursday - How long of a drive is it???

If I lived closer to you I would be there to get your house in order ...

Andrew's asleep - came in around 4 - Kaitlin is at gf suppose to come home today..

When I got back from gym - Ryder chewed up paper towels - so I had to pick up that mess and vaccum..

I really need to shower and get dressed - but hell I do that 5 days a weeks - Sometimes it's just nice to vegge at home no make up no hair - just house dress and t.v. ;0)

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Janet, I haven't heard from Stephani, although last month she talked about picking me up on the 1st. I have absolutely no idea how long the drive will be, I'm not even sure where we are going.

Didn't do too much lifting today. Mainly worked on pond stuff, in and out, in and out of the ponds. NOT my idea of fun.

My fence is almost done, IF I had a camera and IF I knew how to use it, I'd take a picture of it for you all. DD#4 has a camera, maybe I can get her to take a picture of it for me.

Spent all evening making a perminant dog gate for the kitchen. Came home from work and they had eaten their way through it. So now I have to try something different. Remind me again why I own ONE dog, but have 3 dogs in my house.

Was going to build the other gate tonight, but now I'm just kind of ticked about the whole thing, so I am going to wait. I may just go to Petsmart and see if they have anything in the indestructable isle showing 3 teeth laden doxies. That or I may put 3 destructable doxies up for adoption!!

Well, coffee is out, so I need another cup and dinner, cbl, ttfn

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Hi there, not much going on today... still with the drops schedule... I made my Aunt FLo Beans in the crock pot and then Peter and I went into town to see the old cars down at the beach. It CORVETTE weekend, so all the old geizers shine up their babies and bring èm to town... its lots of fun to reminise.(my exercise for today!)

Janet, what you up to today??? I talked to my BRO last night and he was supposed to be getting his LAP-BAND® in JULY.... wellll, now he has chickened out....its so sad... cause he REALLY needs it.

Karla: »YOu`ld begtter not be doing any heavy lifing this weekend!!!! You gotta be in good shape for the end of the month

WOW 11 days until I fly out... I can hardly believe it!!

Phyl; maybe it would be best to wait on the Dog until JULY??? Unles you want to bring He/she to the cottage??:thumbup:

Yeah, if I get a dog in the next 10 days, it will be coming to the beach house with me! But.. the way things are going, it doesn't look like that's going to happen! Even with Earl cooperating today, no progress. Dog rescue people didn't show up at Petco. Emailed me that they are coming tomorrow instead. But asked names of dogs they are bringing and none that I am interested in... mostly males. No yorkie mix, no small dog that I want to take a look at. Besides that, we're going to the south end in the morning to go to church with Jodie & Al & kids.

Good Morning Gang

Didn't get up til 6:47 and you all know that's late for me - had gym at 8 -

My exercise this week - Monday - Tuesday - Friday - Saturday

Candice that slow walk you did - is moving but not really exercise ;0)..

I don't have any real plans - Still in gym clothes - screwing around on FB and washing clothes

Need to food shop - get hair color at beauty supply store - you know the usual weekend crap you have to do when you work ;0)

Next Saturday Surpirse party for my GF and I am in charge of keeping her busy from 11 a.m till 6:30 - and its the weekend before I leave - so that means on Sunday I will be busy - wanted to wait to get nails done that weekend - and gotta stock up the house w/food for Andrew & Kaitlin and what a 3 day work week ..

What are Aunt Flo Beans? ?

Phyl - Hugs on Uncle Ed - I know he's not your fav person but at the same time we don't wish bad on him - he does take care of your Mom - Prayers - Keep up posted

Well is that Pike Pete something we want to see - is is like peir 39 in San Francisco - (tourist trap ;0)

Karla - what time is Steph picking you up - is it wed or Thursday - How long of a drive is it???

If I lived closer to you I would be there to get your house in order ...

Andrew's asleep - came in around 4 - Kaitlin is at gf suppose to come home today..

When I got back from gym - Ryder chewed up paper towels - so I had to pick up that mess and vaccum..

I really need to shower and get dressed - but hell I do that 5 days a weeks - Sometimes it's just nice to vegge at home no make up no hair - just house dress and t.v. ;0)

yeah... very boring day here with nothing to do. Trip to Petco and then to the mall to walk around for an hour or so... then called Petco... rescue people still not there, so we were back home by 2pm!

Uncle Ed in cardiac care until at least Monday with no real diagnosis as yet... but my sister, Shirley is the only one with medical background and she has to work all weekend. Don't know if anyone has actually talked to the doctor about what is going on. Talked to my mom last night and she seems to be doing okay. Probably should call her in the next 30 minutes or so to see if she has an update.

I think you would enjoy Pike Place Market. Not too touristy.. fresh fruits, veggies and seafood plus crafts.

I only went to gym twice this past week... good workout both times, but only twice, plus some walking.

Janet, I haven't heard from Stephani, although last month she talked about picking me up on the 1st. I have absolutely no idea how long the drive will be, I'm not even sure where we are going.

Didn't do too much lifting today. Mainly worked on pond stuff, in and out, in and out of the ponds. NOT my idea of fun.

My fence is almost done, IF I had a camera and IF I knew how to use it, I'd take a picture of it for you all. DD#4 has a camera, maybe I can get her to take a picture of it for me.

Spent all evening making a perminant dog gate for the kitchen. Came home from work and they had eaten their way through it. So now I have to try something different. Remind me again why I own ONE dog, but have 3 dogs in my house.

Was going to build the other gate tonight, but now I'm just kind of ticked about the whole thing, so I am going to wait. I may just go to Petsmart and see if they have anything in the indestructable isle showing 3 teeth laden doxies. That or I may put 3 destructable doxies up for adoption!!

Well, coffee is out, so I need another cup and dinner, cbl, ttfn

About 550 miles from your house to beach house, so if she's picking you up the morning of the 1st.... at least a 10 hour drive I'd say.

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Hello all

have been staying busy with grandkiddies and work.

Still filling very full from my fill on tuesday, however, have had trouble with some regular foods. Anything dry has trouble staying down. Had some chicken a little while ago and serious pain, got rid of some of it , tried some Water to see if that would help give me some liguid to help it come up but still no relief. Any ideas of how to get the pressure reduced? It hurts !

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Graminator, get some papya enzyme, Walmart or any pharmacy has it in the vitamin/herb island. I like the brand at Walmart best. Chew a couple of them and it will help. Also people say that pineapple juice helps, but I have never tried it. I can't eat chicken, even though I love it. Think small bites and chew chew chew. Good luck!

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This is Bella... 18 mos old, 9 lb Shih Tzu mix. We are supposed to meet her tomorrow at 6pm and if we want to keep her and the "facilitator" agrees, we can take her home.



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This is Bella... 18 mos old, 9 lb Shih Tzu mix. We are supposed to meet her tomorrow at 6pm and if we want to keep her and the "facilitator" agrees, we can take her home.

OH MY GOSH, that is the cutest dog.... nice size too. 10 lbs is great big enough so you don`t trip on her... but small enough to be a good lap dog and traveller!!!

I think she looks like she has some Jack in her + Shitzu.... anyways, nice looking dog... she has that expressioin on her face.... `PLease TAKE ME HOME``:smile2:

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Phyl, Bella is adorable!!! What a cutie, but such sad eyes. I think she is needing you. I hope all goes the way it should. you will know if she is the 'one'.

DD#4 stopped by to pick up Simon. She dropped a bit of a bomb shell that I need to wrap my head around. The boyfriend not only doesn't have a job and lives at home....he has a 6 year old son who hasn't been in his life until recently. DD#4 SAYS it was because the mom did want him involved. Okay, trying to keep from being judgemental here. Does she realize the can of worms she has stepped into. She isn't too happy with me, because I didn't keep my reaction neutral. I wasn't negative, but I did say 'what?'. Not too happy with myself about that. I shouldn't have let her know my reaction. Okay, let's get real, I should have taken the information in stride, and not reacted at all. I had an ephiphany this morning, yes these are her choices, but they are HER choices and if I keep reacting this way, I'm going to lose her. No I don't want her hurt, but again, it is her hurt and she seems willing to take the risk, so I must let her. In other words, I need to 'shut the @#$%' up and let her deal with in on her own. Quite an ephiphany for 6 am.

Candice you are up and at 'em early. I just got a blip that you were on line!

Well need more coffee and then get busy, TTFN

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Hello all

have been staying busy with grandkiddies and work.

Still filling very full from my fill on tuesday, however, have had trouble with some regular foods. Anything dry has trouble staying down. Had some chicken a little while ago and serious pain, got rid of some of it , tried some Water to see if that would help give me some liguid to help it come up but still no relief. Any ideas of how to get the pressure reduced? It hurts !

Dosn`t sound like you PB`d the entire pouches contents to me. I don`t go with the Papaya cure.... I just PB one or twice till its all up and then I feel INSTANT releif from the pain. My usual then is a nice hot cup of tea/milk/swewetner to calm everything down and then I go back and retry eating. I can usually finish my meal no problem..

Some girls though switch the meal then to a protien drink for THAT meal and resume eating reg. next meal...

Sometimes you gotta try a few methods to see what works best for you.

Whats on the aagenda for today?

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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