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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Here I am!! I was playing that stupid Mah Jongg game last night. FB did away with Challenge Sudoku! GRRR! So I found this game online and now I"m hooked!

So... dinner last night was one grilled chicken thigh... boneless, skinless, and some green Beans. Had 100 cal Skinny Cow, but don't remember if it was before or after dinner. At any rate, small dinner, so I got hungry and had 2 of my crackers again, with lite cream cheese and oysters. The whole can of oysters is 170 calories and I usually get 4-5 Snacks out of it. I had a 60 cal pudding before bed! Tough fighting the hunger pains. I think I did okay with calories yesterday though.

Getting ready to go to gym... in a few minutes. I will ride recumbent bike for about 1/2 hr before PT in the pool. Kind of neat that Earl is going with me most days. He LOVES the sauna! He uses several of the wgt machines, treadmill, eliptical.. for about an hour, then sauna.

Later, Chicks!

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Hi Girls; Back home now... after the camp up north.

It was nice to get home! Clipped the doggies nails... well not really clipped, I used a Drummel Tool from Peter`s shop on them... really did a nice job, aND I didn`t nick anyones cuticle...

I always feel so bad when I make one of them bleed... Phyl, this is something that you`ll learn to do weekly for your PUP... or else take it out to a groomers... ha,ha,ha but if Earl is like Peter he won`t want to spend the $10 that it costs...

Also, consider the coat of the dog...non shedders need trimming every 6 wks or so... and it`s pricey....hummm lots to think about. But I know you`ll end up with a TREASURE of a PUP... just keep on looking!

Karla: Congrats on being done with SCHOOL for a couple months! Yippee!!!! Yowzii!!! FREE AT LAST!!

Janet: You are doing so good, tryin gnew stuff at the gym... I am gonna get there toomorrow... SAT.. I have to start somewhere right??? Although I did get some good exercise at my Sisters place... it is a long walk between cottaGES AND its all up or down hill... plus I was painting the ceiling in a cottage and of course the supplies that I needed werre all in the Work Shed... 1/2 km away down the road... you had to hustle to outrun the black flies...

off to watch a movie with DH...

Love yas all


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Well about half the fence is up and it looks great. We won't get it finished until next weekend. I got a few pots planted in between. I took Junior and Dede (my carpenter) out to dinner. they are the ones that gave me a great deal on my roof. I talked to them about putting french doors in my bedroom that will open up to the deck, yard, & pond. I have the doors, I just need help putting them in AND he said that it would be easy. So depending on the $$, I am going to do that this summer. That way I will have my own little sanctuary!

So sitting here drinking a latte. I was able to eat about 1/2 c of food. That felt good to eat some actual food. But I imagine it was high in calories.

Phyl, you are doing so good. Keep it up!!! Janet how's the company? Candice I bet it is good to be home. I couldn't stand living where there are big mosquitos or black flies. I hate them. Anything that bites I hate.

I plotted out my pond, so that is somewhere on the agenda. But I have to build some dog gates first then the deck. It is slowly coming together!

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Good Evening Gang

Girls & I went to the Mall today - got kaitlin a bathing suit top - it's hard to find one she 34 dd - I got a suit for vacation in Nov and then had gym tonite

Yep Candice you got exercising painting - and need to get back into the routine at home..

Phyl you are doing so great - I bet after a week w/your puppy Earl will be ready for one.

Well - I'm going to hang cbl

Karla - you are done w/school !!!!

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Janet, sounds like you had fun with the family. I do enjoy a good shopping spree.

Phyl, one week down and only one to go. I know if I lost my band that I would gain every ounce back. I do have the healthy eating down better, but Portion Control is my real issue. That is where the band gives me help. Even then, I still have to watch portions.

Today, work on the fence and then go in and then clean a friends ponds. That will take most of the day.

Phyl, I'm glad that both you and Earl are enjoying the gym. I never have been fond of sauna's it always make my mouth taste like metal. I know that is the 'impurities' comeing out of the body, but I can't stand that. also I feel like I can't breathe.

Nothing much else going on.

Candice glad you are home safe and sound. You worked hard, the furries played hard. I'm glad the dremel worked for the furries nails. I have a round sandpaper type attachment that I use, fabulous. Which reminds me, I need to do my own furries nails. I have meant to all week, but just haven't gotten it done. So either today or tomorrow it must be done!!!

Well, you all have a good day, I'll check back in this evening!


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Good Morning Gang - I slept till 8 a.m. !!!!

Not much going on today - kids leaving in a few to melissa's mom's house - Yea a few hrs of quietness !!!

Need to run to the store for some milk - and then coming home and veg for the afternoon...

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Phyl, one week down and only one to go. I know if I lost my band that I would gain every ounce back. I do have the healthy eating down better, but Portion Control is my real issue. That is where the band gives me help. Even then, I still have to watch portions.

Phyl, I'm glad that both you and Earl are enjoying the gym. I never have been fond of sauna's it always make my mouth taste like metal. I know that is the 'impurities' comeing out of the body, but I can't stand that. also I feel like I can't breathe.

Candice glad you are home safe and sound. You worked hard, the furries played hard. I'm glad the dremel worked for the furries nails. I have a round sandpaper type attachment that I use, fabulous. Which reminds me, I need to do my own furries nails. I have meant to all week, but just haven't gotten it done. So either today or tomorrow it must be done!!! Well, you all have a good day, I'll check back in this evening! k

What's a dremel???

Tracy came over and walked our "lake loop" with us... 3 miles. I'm thinking it's time for me to try it without the scooter. Anyway, Gigi walked wiht us. Then Earl went to the gym and Tracy & I went first to Surf Shack and got our latte, then we came back to the condo, left the scooter here and walked across the street to Albertson's parking lot... fire dept. having a health care fair there today. Browsed around a while and came back. Earl was home when we got back. So he talked Tracy in to leaving Gigi here!! No, he doesn't want a dog!! So we'll take her home later this afternoon. In the meantime, she's pooped out on my lap after all that walking!

Actually, my dr. appt is this Wed., BUT, if I have to do jury duty I'm going to have to cancel it! As it is now, I called their automated number and I don't have to show up on Monday. I have to call back after 5 pm Monday to see if I have to show up on Tuesday. But if my group is not included Monday, I'm hoping they have enough people in the other groups that I don't have to go ALL week! I hope, I hope, I hope! I have things to do and places to go!!

I'm doing fine with no Fluid in the band, though. Dealing with the hunger pains, but still 198 on the scale this morning. I had one whole wheat toast and one egg for BF, one whole wheat bread and 45 calorie hot dog for lunch, and about 1/2 cup coleslaw. I made another huge bowl of it yesterday. Earl chops up all the stuff in the blender and then I do the dressing. He put in a head of cabbage, a handful of carrots and some onion. I used apple vinegar, Splenda and a little Lite Miracle Whip.

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Glad to hear that Earl is enjoying his "grandchildpuppy" ha.ha.ha.... I knew he'd soften... he's just like Peter!

A dremel tool is a whirling sandpaper thingy... have you ever been to an Acrylic nail place??? They use them to grind down your nails and shape the acrylic ones... same machine... Peter's had it out in his "shop" for YEARS!!! and never even used it.

Then I bought this Doggy groomer thingy 'PediPaws" (on TV) that was a battery operated Dremel tool really... but it was not as good as the electric one( a guys tool)

I love the sound of your coleslaw recipe YUMMMMM I made pumpkin Pie custard cups today. Its a great DIET snack, eggs, Milk, pumpkin, spices and Splenda... then I got heartburn from it!!! WTF... I can eat junk and my tummy dosn't hurt, but when I ate the Pumpkin Custard... got an acid stomach... so I popped a Gaviscon and a Prilosec... feels a bit better now.

198 - you rock girl... you are doing so well, without the fill too. I am so proud of you!!!!

Yes, I am sure you could walk the 3 miles now.. just pace yourself and stop for Water along the way. You can do it.

Some folks stopped by today to look at the van... gosh I'll hate to see it go...

Busy week coming up. Mon I take my Mom to her dermatoligist appt. for her skin cancer spots. Wed I take her to an oral surgeon for an extraction. Thursday is my Lasik surgery, then overnight in T.O. and recheck of the eyes Friday then home.... so If I am not on LBT that will be why.

Happy Saturday night everyone!!

Janet; Is it still quiet at your house ? :(

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Didn't get the fence done, 3 of the panels came broken, plus we ran out of time. I'll take some pictures when it is done.

Went in and cleaned my friends 2 ponds, took 7 hours, so i guess that counts as exercise. She gave me $50 and normally I wouldn't take it, but it is 1/3 of the cost of my pond liner, so I said thank you and explained what I was going to use it for, which pleased her. She is babysitting my koi, one is over 12 inches long. I scratched him when I moved him, so I am hoping he is okay. It will be wonderful to have them back home. I can't tell you all how excited I am about my yard, it is quickly becoming my sanctuary.

My mom said that dad visited last night, she could smell his cigarette smoke. I'm glad he finally stopped by. Mom has been missing him terribly.

Well i need to find some dinner.

Love you all, tomorrow I'll work, but Ill stop in. TTFN

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Took Gigi home this afternoon. Such a beautiful day... we sat outside on the porch for several hours! Had too much wine. We actually had to move to the back porch for a while because it got too hot in the sun in the front. Later, we moved back to the front! Exercise... front, back, front!! HAHA!! Actually, I got in a lot of walking with Gigi here for a few hours.

Have to show you this photo... Tracy & Jim have two big outside dogs besides Gigi, their little inside dog. Misty and Shadow. Misty is only about a year and a half old... she is a kick! She saw all the lap time Gigi was getting and she wanted some love, too. She is HUGE! She came over to me for some snuggles.... put her head on my shoulder, etc. so I was hugging her and talking to her and next thing I knew... first it was her front legs in my lap... then the back legs! We were laughing so hard Tracy could barely get her phone out to take a picture!


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Phyl what a sweet photo!! Love it!

Quiet night, I didn't get home until after 7 pm and then had to wash the pond gunk off, so it was 8 pm before I sat down. Slept well. A little stiff in my scrubbing arm. Overall a productive day!

It was gorgeous here yesterday as well. The first day in several weeks that it didn't rain. Very usual for us, but that is El Nino.

Work today, then who knows. I'll need to come home and do some laundry for class tomorrow. Hope I still have a brain intact after tomorrow. The class will be pretty intense, 4 semester credits in 2 weeks, killer.

food was good for the most part, I did have a candy bar for lunch, I know, not a good choice. dinner was Kashi and yogurt, then some watermelon. I tried some chicken but stuck. I don't know why I think I can eat chicken, but it is my prefered meat, mainly because it is so easy to prepare. I hope to find my kitchen and BBQ to cook up a little steak. Soon.

Other than that not much going on, I have a boring life. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang..

Sounds like everyone is doing fine..

Candice - Prayers for a safe surgery... Scary - don't think I want someone messing with my eyes - I have friends who have had it done and it's all good me - well that's another thing :0) I'm chicken ;0)

Phyl - I think Earl is going to break down about the dog issue soon - 3 miles is a big goal - take it slow - I bet you can do it

You are doing great w/your food..

Karla - You got your exercise !!! Just don't over cook your chicken and take tiny bites... Chew really well - think about it - just don't eat on auto pilot - if I eat anything on auto pilot I get stuck - but if I chew I am ok..

Kids here til tomorrow - love them to death - but will be glad to have my house back ;0) - Kaitlin will be staying till 7/11 - lucky me - a girl in my stuff - I don't like that ;0) - Andrew will be watching her while I'm gone - OMG I sure hope that works out ;0).. Well he will love playing big bro..

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Good Morning Gang..

Sounds like everyone is doing fine..

Candice - Prayers for a safe surgery... Scary - don't think I want someone messing with my eyes - I have friends who have had it done and it's all good me - well that's another thing :0) I'm chicken ;0)

Phyl - I think Earl is going to break down about the dog issue soon - 3 miles is a big goal - take it slow - I bet you can do it

You are doing great w/your food..

Karla - You got your exercise !!! Just don't over cook your chicken and take tiny bites... Chew really well - think about it - just don't eat on auto pilot - if I eat anything on auto pilot I get stuck - but if I chew I am ok..

Kids here til tomorrow - love them to death - but will be glad to have my house back ;0) - Kaitlin will be staying till 7/11 - lucky me - a girl in my stuff - I don't like that ;0) - Andrew will be watching her while I'm gone - OMG I sure hope that works out ;0).. Well he will love playing big bro..

Sunday activities: I went for a drive today to visit an old friend. I haven't seen her since the Fall as she usually goes to FLA for the winter... when I didn't hear from her I just assumed she was gone south... NOT! She had a falling out with her MOM (80yrs) and did NOT want to spend another winter 'looking after' the old folks...

I felt bad cause I never called her, but I got an invitation to her Daughter's wedding and shower... so we'll see more of each other.

Anyways, she said how good I looked and was happy I was keeping my weight off... (ugh!) So i decided TODAY I was not going to over do it with the food.< /p>

I don't know WHY it takes somebody else's comments to always make me SEE reality... frig I have wasted too much time screwing around with my last 30 lbs....

But, I realize I am always on again/off again. SO I am not making any predictions or goals... I'm just gonna attack it one day at a time... I can't get ahead of myself... I don't want any more self=imposed guilt... I have done this to myself, and it will take myself to get out of it.

Now I am goinng to go back and read everyone's posts for today....:(


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Kids here til tomorrow - love them to death - but will be glad to have my house back ;0) - Kaitlin will be staying till 7/11 - lucky me - a girl in my stuff - I don't like that ;0) - Andrew will be watching her while I'm gone - OMG I sure hope that works out ;0).. Well he will love playing big bro..


Wow, Kaitlin will be staying until JULY? How will you make it... that's a lot of 'relative' time... I have forgotten, who are her parents and how old is Kaitlin?

Phyl; that photo is priceless, I LOVE the big grin on your face!!! That says it all.

Karla; Is this work Monday towards your Masters program??? As I thought "school" was out for the year???/ I am confused:wub:

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Candice, yep it is masters stuff for 2 weeks.

Busy at work today and the boss asked me to work next Sat & Sun, so I'll have 14 days until time to work on the yard. I finally acknowledged that I wasn't going to get my flower beds built yet, so I repotted all my perenials into 1 gal pots. That is easier to keep then moist. I just don't know how I can get everything done. However I just discovered I spent to much $$ on pond stuff that now I can't afford the liner for the darn pond. AND I may have to bail on July. Somehow I managed to spend almost $1000 on plants, pond stuff and odds and ends for the fence. Crap. I will have to sit down and look at the budget this week and let you all know. It will cost me almost $200 to board the furries and then miss 6 days of work. I messed up.

I'm tired, sore, and just got to sit down. I have no clean clothes, the cat box needs changed, the dogs need their nails trimmed and aaaaaaaaauuuuuuuuuuuuuhgggggggg. I'm feeling overwhelmed. I guess I need to prioritize and realize I can't get it all done right now.

Well, I need some food. We where so busy at work that I didn't get a chance for lunch. TTFN

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