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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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YOU guys are my BEST Friends... no way could I ever talk freely like I do here with you all.

I know I need to treat my BODY better. Gosh I was doing so well when I was at my Aunt and Uncles...Cause I KNEW I had to set a good example for my UNCLE who was not watching his diabetic diet properly... Oh I am such an expert, but I dont' follow my own advise... WTF is with that... so SMACK(face) Candice, and shut the FLICK up and STOP whinning... and just DO it....

Janet: ONe meal down and 2 more to go... I can do this.. SUGAR is NOT my friend, YOU all are my REAL Friends...

Got my pamphlets for Lasik surgery laying around the house so that DH will 'bump' into them and start reading the material... then the discussion will start.... Oh yeah, did I tell you that EARL and PETER are distant cousins???? huh,huh,huh oh, not that distant!!! $$$$$$$$$

I don't care how much it costs, I am getting it done. sick of glasses and contacts... I was saving the $$$ for Tummy Tuck but the way I've been screwing up with my food, thats a LONG ways off yet... so eyes first,then TT later...

Phyl, hope your tummy is feeling good today. Get your exercise (ehem Latte's) and you'll be fine... plus we won't let you eat anything bad when you are at the beach house...Plus, you might be re-inflated by then who knows eh?

Karla: you are right about US being alike... unsettledness... and uncertanty really DO throw me off schedule...

Love you guys,


P.s. where is Stephanie, Denise and Linda and Karri????

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Candice - We are here for you and you can't get the lasik till you lose 20 lbs - then that will be your reward.. How about that. We gotta play little games w/ourselves - I think that's a good one - lose 20 lbs then get the surgery.. But if you don't loose the 20 you can't get it - you spend $$$ on botox - you want to spend $$$ on eye - you have already spent the $$$ on your band - work your band 1st then move on to the other things as rewards..

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Phyl how are you doing today?? Hugs - I sure hope Earl leaves you alone you got enough on your mind w/o him bugging you..

Candice -I wish I could give you the magic answer so that you didn't turn to food when you are lonely or upset.. Maybe that book women food god may help you.. I don't know - I feel helpless -and I hate that feeling..

Well agenda today - Legs/Weight @ 8 - then AAA to book vacation.. Maybe ck out bro's house to see what nephew left - and if they picked up the trash I can dump some more stuff - I think thats about it - suppose to be 107 today.. Maybe i'll get in the pool

Hi.... Doing pretty good today. Did I give you my food for yesterday?? So far today.... about 12 oz black coffee, 1 egg, 1 Sara Lee toast (45 cal, I think), 24 oz Crystal Lite, 16 oz SF, FF latte. Don't know what I'm going to have for lunch. Just bought a bag of fresh spinach at Albertson's. May saute that for dinner, with some onion, red, yellow, orange pepper and garlic.... and some white balsamic vinegar. Think we are going to do steak on the grill, too. Wgt this morning... 196.6. Dr. scale yesterday said 199, but Dr. scale a week ago was 196 with clothes on.. don't think I gained this week. Maybe just the difference in scales... two different drs. I am going to be accountable to you guys, and I'm going to weigh every day!! Tomorrow we're going to Red Robin for lunch because DIL & grandchildren from CA arrived very early this morning to pick up DGD from U of WA. They're staying way south... down near Jodie, so we're meeting in Seattle for lunch. I will have what I usually have when we go there. Ensenada Platter... 1 chicken breast w/salad, tortilla strips, no dressing, salsa and some other sauce you get with it. I think the whole meal is 629 calories or 679.

Phyl, stupid question, the grease suit got me thinking...do we need to bring towels? linens? Can we light a fire one night and spurge on Smores? Phyl, hang in there. Tell Earl to back off...with love. TTFN

Not a stupid question. I know the linens are there for the beds, and I'm sure there are towels, but wonder if enough for all 8 of us. I will check on that, but don't bring any because I can bring over some of mine. There is a washer and dryer so we can do laundry if necessary.

Info says no fires on the beach, but there is a fire pit we can use. So we'll plan to do that.

Can I tell him to back off without love??? LOL!! I've gotten mad enough a few times lately to tell him to ________ off, and that's not a word that often comes off my lips!! Ticks me off to use my "mad money" account to pay for my hair appt because I think that should come out of our budget! But I will do it if it will get him off my back about the $$$$$!!

YOU guys are my BEST Friends... no way could I ever talk freely like I do here with you all. I know I need to treat my BODY better. Gosh I was doing so well when I was at my Aunt and Uncles...Cause I KNEW I had to set a good example for my UNCLE who was not watching his diabetic diet properly... Oh I am such an expert, but I dont' follow my own advise... WTF is with that... so SMACK(face) Candice, and shut the FLICK up and STOP whining... and just DO it....

Janet: ONe meal down and 2 more to go... I can do this.. SUGAR is NOT my friend, YOU all are my REAL Friends...

Got my pamphlets for Lasik surgery laying around the house so that DH will 'bump' into them and start reading the material... then the discussion will start.... Oh yeah, did I tell you that EARL and PETER are distant cousins???? huh,huh,huh oh, not that distant!!! $$$$$$$$$ I don't care how much it costs, I am getting it done. sick of glasses and contacts... I was saving the $$$ for Tummy Tuck but the way I've been screwing up with my food, thats a LONG ways off yet... so eyes first,then TT later...

Phyl, hope your tummy is feeling good today. Get your exercise (ehem Latte's) and you'll be fine... plus we won't let you eat anything bad when you are at the beach house...Plus, you might be re-inflated by then who knows eh?

Karla: you are right about US being alike... unsettledness... and uncertanty really DO throw me off schedule... Love you guys, Candice

P.s. where is Stephanie, Denise and Linda and Karri????

Huh!! Peter, Earl and Mel.... all MORE than "distant" cousins!! Aren't you glad we're going to get a 4 day break from MEN??!! LOL!

Tummy is feeling fine... however, still have an ache in my bronchioles when I take a deep breath and just feel a little run down, tired, please don't make me go to the gym today!!!

Yes, I am hoping when I go back on the 16th they can start to put the Fluid back in. They'll do another barium swallow first. Then if everything looks okay, she'll put fluid back in. BTW, she was so sweet yesterday... sorry I called her the "B" word!! She told me not to freak if I gain a few pounds during this unfill. She told me I've done great... and that they've had people that they had to remove their bands and they maintained their weight loss. It will be my worse nightmare if they have to remove my band. I asked her about the sleeve. She said they've only done two and that most insurance is not yet paying for it. Aetna is one that does, interestingly enough! I used to be a pre-cert nurse at Aetna and that really shocked me!! I'm sure it'll be a while before Medicare pays!! But.... if I have to have my band removed... I will see how much it would cost to convert to the sleeve.

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Okay.... here I am with my mid-day report! For lunch I had about 1/2 cup of my veggie salad... I think I already said this but it has peas in it, corn, green Beans, celery, onion, garlic and bell peppers of all colors. Dressing is Balsamic vinegar, Water and Splenda. Then I had 2 Wheat Thin Flat Breads... 30 calories each, and about 2 oz of smoked salmon. Then we went to Navy base and Walmart. I am in the habit of depending on Mr. Control Freak to manage my Crystal Lite... I left it in the kitchen empty. He usually refills it... big jug is difficult on my wimpy wrists and fingers. Well, he didn't see it... we went shopping without it. And that's my excuse for buying a 20 oz Diet Coke at the commissary. He drank some, but I drank most. Then he buys a roast beef wrap on his way out of there. It was cut in half. He asked me if I wanted half. It was huge! I didn't even answer him. So then he offered me a bite... I had two bites.

I am in "Bandster Hell", BTW! First real hunger I've ex[experienced in a LONG time! It's not too bad.... YET! So I'm having about an oz of white cheese... not sure what kind as you know who re-wraps everything so it has no labels! Anyway, I'm having some wine and cheese now.

Tracy & Jim are coming over soon and we're going to BBQ steaks. I'm going to saute that spinach with some onions, bell peppers, garlic and mushroom. I'm going to try doing it in water and balsamic vinegar!

Question just posed: "Is a 3 1/2 oz steak going to be big enough for you???"

Answer: "YES"!

Am I being too sensitive if I see a hidden message in that???? LOL

Oh... anyone have any fun ideas for our weekend?

Like I was thinking... since Sunday is July 4th, we could declare it "Red, White and Blue Day"! You, too, Candice!! LOL

Dress in Red, White & Blue, drink "Blue Hawaiians" or some kind of nasty blue drink, (maybe I'll drink some blueberry wine!!), etc.

Later, Chicks!


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Hi.... Doing pretty good today. Did I give you my food for yesterday?? So far today.... about 12 oz black coffee, 1 egg, 1 Sara Lee toast (45 cal, I think), 24 oz Crystal Lite, 16 oz SF, FF latte. Don't know what I'm going to have for lunch. Just bought a bag of fresh spinach at Albertson's. May saute that for dinner, with some onion, red, yellow, orange pepper and garlic.... and some white balsamic vinegar. Think we are going to do steak on the grill, too. Wgt this morning... 196.6. Dr. scale yesterday said 199, but Dr. scale a week ago was 196 with clothes on.. don't think I gained this week. Maybe just the difference in scales... two different drs. I am going to be accountable to you guys, and I'm going to weigh every day!! Tomorrow we're going to Red Robin for lunch because DIL & grandchildren from CA arrived very early this morning to pick up DGD from U of WA. They're staying way south... down near Jodie, so we're meeting in Seattle for lunch. I will have what I usually have when we go there. Ensenada Platter... 1 chicken breast w/salad, tortilla strips, no dressing, salsa and some other sauce you get with it. I think the whole meal is 629 calories or 679.

Not a stupid question. I know the linens are there for the beds, and I'm sure there are towels, but wonder if enough for all 8 of us. I will check on that, but don't bring any because I can bring over some of mine. There is a washer and dryer so we can do laundry if necessary.

Info says no fires on the beach, but there is a fire pit we can use. So we'll plan to do that.

Can I tell him to back off without love??? LOL!! I've gotten mad enough a few times lately to tell him to ________ off, and that's not a word that often comes off my lips!! Ticks me off to use my "mad money" account to pay for my hair appt because I think that should come out of our budget! But I will do it if it will get him off my back about the $$$$$!!

Huh!! Peter, Earl and Mel.... all MORE than "distant" cousins!! Aren't you glad we're going to get a 4 day break from MEN??!! LOL!

Tummy is feeling fine... however, still have an ache in my bronchioles when I take a deep breath and just feel a little run down, tired, please don't make me go to the gym today!!!

Yes, I am hoping when I go back on the 16th they can start to put the Fluid back in. They'll do another barium swallow first. Then if everything looks okay, she'll put fluid back in. BTW, she was so sweet yesterday... sorry I called her the "B" word!! She told me not to freak if I gain a few pounds during this unfill. She told me I've done great... and that they've had people that they had to remove their bands and they maintained their weight loss. It will be my worse nightmare if they have to remove my band. I asked her about the sleeve. She said they've only done two and that most insurance is not yet paying for it. Aetna is one that does, interestingly enough! I used to be a pre-cert nurse at Aetna and that really shocked me!! I'm sure it'll be a while before Medicare pays!! But.... if I have to have my band removed... I will see how much it would cost to convert to the sleeve.

Phyl - I talked to my doc about sleeve - he said if Ilost my band - I would have to gain the weight back to get the slevee - I have Aetna - but I think they excluded WLS - Mexico is where I most likely would go if I couldn't keep the weight off - but I think that since we have learned to eat healthy - that we could keep it off - we did the work - the band just helpped..

I am pretty sure that stuff you sent said towels were included - it's a turnkey property so I think it should..

You are doing great under 200 - and don't let that notiion into your head you are going to gain - I bet you don't..

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Phyl - I talked to my doc about sleeve - he said if I lost my band - I would have to gain the weight back to get the sleeve - I have Aetna - but I think they excluded WLS - Mexico is where I most likely would go if I couldn't keep the weight off - but I think that since we have learned to eat healthy - that we could keep it off - we did the work - the band just helped..

I am pretty sure that stuff you sent said towels were included - it's a turnkey property so I think it should..

You are doing great under 200 - and don't let that notion into your head you are going to gain - I bet you don't..

Yeah, I might go to Mexico if I ever lose my band. I'd have to do it over Earl's ranting, raving and telling me I CAN'T!! So I guess I'd have to get you to take me!!! LOL!

Yes, I know there are towels, and I'm assuming that since the place sleeps 8, that there are enough for 8 of us. And, as I said... there's a washer and dryer. Maybe Candice remembers how many towels... we looked the place over pretty thoroughly.

Oh... that reminds me.... Candice... the morning you come in is the morning that we'll be returning from a camping trip to Eastern WA with Tracy and Jim, so I'm quite certain we can't get to the airport by 11 a.m. You might have to wait for us. I'm thinking that when we get almost home, Earl can unhitch the car and let me go to the airport. Or maybe Jim can ride back with him in the RV and Tracy and I can go in her car to the airport. We'll figure it out.. but just an FYI that you might have to wait for us. There's lots of shopping at the airport and places to eat. If that happens.... check out Anthony's Home Port.. go in the sit down part, though... not the walk up. I know I bought oysters there... and I'm trying to remember if that's where I got the really good spinach!?

My goal these next 2 weeks is to show them all and LOSE weight, not gain, while I am totally unfilled!! You are all going to get tired of me telling you everything that goes in to my mouth!! But I am determined that I am not going to gain!!

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Phyl, you BETTER tell us everything thing that goes in your mouth. We will help, okay..Janet will nag with love and a smack. Don't you just love that about her!

Worked all day digging out a flower bed. I have it almost dug out and the rocks picked. So tomorrow after work I'll finish it up and if i don't...that's okay. I have to slow down. I use to be able to dig all day, but now I have to take breaks and quit hours earlier, but at least I can still get out there and dig. This is the LAST in ground bed, the rest will be raised beds. The only thing left to dig is the pond, which will take me about a month, 15 ft x 15 ft x 3 ft.

The fencing stuff got here, but I forgot that the guy putting it in had a graduation to go to, so they will start tomorrow.

Well, need to go find some food, TTFN

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Report away !!!! I love to hear what pple eat anyway...

Oh on the towels - 8 girls yes I get it - well I am one who uses the same towel all week - but we can wash too - so no biggie - but we do need 16 towel - 2 per girl - :0)

Of course I would go to Mexico w/you !!! 7/1 can come fast enough can it - I think I would kill him - he would drive me to eat - he weighed the steak - I rarely ever measure food now a days. I am pretty good at portion sizes - plus i eat out of 1 cup bowls and small plates.. I would have said no it's not - I was 8 oz !!! Give me your steak - you can eat mine.. I guess there is a reason I'm not married..

Candice - I will be in RED WHITE & BLUE on the 4th !!! I always am ;0) - I got a cute top from QVC but it's too big - sending it back Monday - don't know if I should order xsmall or small- normally in most tops I am a medium and that's what I ordered but i am swimming in it - so I am thinking xsmall - I even have shoes with Flags on them... Don't think I will be bringing them due to the carry on limitation - Miami vices are red/white - I like them - have to add something blue.

Karla - Girl you should have been a farmer ;0)..

Well - food today - popcorn - 1 egg 1 slice lite bread 1 slice 2% cheese - made navy bean Soup havent' had it yet- and today is treat day - got a reese pb candy ;0)

Well I have booked our Vacation 11/27 - 12/4 - Kaitlin will be celebrating her 16th bday on 12/1 - Well if she lives that long - talked to melissa this afternoon - she is at that I hate my kid stage and would love to kill her right now - Kaitlin is being a mouthy little bitch- she doesn't know when to shut up - and she pits joseph against mom - joseph is always giving in - wonder where he got that lol - but he's worst than I ever was..

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Phyl, you BETTER tell us everything thing that goes in your mouth. We will help, okay..Janet will nag with love and a smack. Don't you just love that about her!

Worked all day digging out a flower bed. I have it almost dug out and the rocks picked. So tomorrow after work I'll finish it up and if i don't...that's okay. I have to slow down. I use to be able to dig all day, but now I have to take breaks and quit hours earlier, but at least I can still get out there and dig. This is the LAST in ground bed, the rest will be raised beds. The only thing left to dig is the pond, which will take me about a month, 15 ft x 15 ft x 3 ft.

The fencing stuff got here, but I forgot that the guy putting it in had a graduation to go to, so they will start tomorrow.

Well, need to go find some food, TTFN

My exercise today was a lot of walking... I think I'm getting through to Earl that I don't need the scooter for shopping!!! I walked around the Bx/Commissary or almost 2 hrs! Then we went to Walmart and I walked some more! I didn't buy anything except for a cute turquoise zip up hooded jacket that I found that was on sale for $5!! Oh.. and some lite cream cheese. Almost had some smoked salmon at the commissary until Earl made me put it back because he said it was cheaper at Walmart. Of course, by the time we got to Walmart, I FORGOT!! So I was mad when we got home and I realized that I had NO smoked salmon because he wouldn't let me buy the package I had because it was $5!! GRRRRR!

Dogs will be so much easier when you get that fence up!!!

Phyl - I love your DETERMINATION !!!! WTG :thumbup: YES YOU ARE GOING TO PROVE THEM ALL WRONG !!!! :( Report away !!!! I love to hear what pple eat anyway...

Oh on the towels - 8 girls yes I get it - well I am one who uses the same towel all week - but we can wash too - so no biggie - but we do need 16 towel - 2 per girl - :0)

Of course I would go to Mexico w/you !!! 7/1 can come fast enough can it - I think I would kill him - he would drive me to eat - he weighed the steak - I rarely ever measure food now a days. I am pretty good at portion sizes - plus i eat out of 1 cup bowls and small plates.. I would have said no it's not - I was 8 oz !!! Give me your steak - you can eat mine.. I guess there is a reason I'm not married..

Candice - I will be in RED WHITE & BLUE on the 4th !!! I always am ;0) - I got a cute top from QVC but it's too big - sending it back Monday - don't know if I should order xsmall or small- normally in most tops I am a medium and that's what I ordered but i am swimming in it - so I am thinking xsmall - I even have shoes with Flags on them... Don't think I will be bringing them due to the carry on limitation - Miami vices are red/white - I like them - have to add something blue.

Well - food today - popcorn - 1 egg 1 slice lite bread 1 slice 2% cheese - made navy bean Soup havent' had it yet- and today is treat day - got a reese pb candy ;0)

Well I have booked our Vacation 11/27 - 12/4 - Kaitlin will be celebrating her 16th bday on 12/1 - Well if she lives that long - talked to melissa this afternoon - she is at that I hate my kid stage and would love to kill her right now - Kaitlin is being a mouthy little bitch- she doesn't know when to shut up - and she pits joseph against mom - joseph is always giving in - wonder where he got that lol - but he's worst than I ever was..

Oh... I didn't mind him weighing the steak... I like to know exactly how much I'm eating, so that wasn't a big deal... I was madder because he was assuming that since they took the Fluid out of my band, 3.5 oz would not be enough for me! That's what pissed me off! That's what I ALWAYS eat!! I did take a little slice off Tracy's steak because she only wanted half of what he gave her. If you saw the 4 steaks on the platter... here were these 3 huge pieces of steak and this little dinky filet that was mine! I don't care! I had enough! I had 1/2 of a small baked potato with it.. with FF sour cream. And I had the veggies I told you about, and a very small salad with FF Catalina, and some mushrooms and onion that he sauteed... and a little BBQ Sauce. Earl made a cherry pie... .but he used SF cherry pie filling... 35 calorie for 1/3 cup, plus the crust. So I had a small slice of that. And he put 1/2 of a Skinny Cow Truffle on each one. It was a nice dinner but I didn't stuff myself. I did, however, have too much Merlot! It seemed to hit me extra hard today, though. So maybe not as much as it feels like! But.... nothing staying in my pouch very long now, so the wine is in my system like... POW! But I honestly have to say that part of my success to date has been because he weighs and measures most of my food. So I don't mind that... it was his assumption that since the fluid is gone, I will need more. Yes, I'm hungry, but I'm going to stay the course despite the hunger!! And I really need him to support me in that. He tends to go from one extreme to the other. I've always said that about him... in every aspect of his life... it's all or none, no in between! Like the heat... it's either all the way up or completely off! Clothes.... all dressed up or scum bag... no casual in between! Food.... pig out or starve yourself... no moderation! Get it???? I mean EVERYTHING is one extreme or the other.


I SO MUCH enjoyed my Gigi visit, too! Of course, they brought my grandpuppy with them. She is so funny. I bought doggie treats for her.. and all I have to do is TOUCH the bag they're in and she recognizes that crinkly foil sound and is in my lap!! It's a kick! So she gets in grandpa's lap and I crinkle the bag and she is out of his chair and in to mine! She is such a good dog. Stayed under the table while we ate, but never made a sound or begged for food. She is like the PERFECT puppy! I want to find a dog just like her! Only precaution we have to take is to close the bathroom door when she gets here so she won't go in there and eat the cat food! Candy just ignores her and doesn't seem at all intimidated when she's here. Casts a dirty look her way sometimes, but mostly acts like... "I don't see that dog! She is NOT really here!" LOL

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BTW.... Mexico all-inclusive sounds fun!! Tracy & Jim took his two oldest kids and grandkids to one in Cabo a month or so ago and they had a GREAT time. 2nd time there for Tracy & Jim and they want to go back next spring and want us to go with them. Earl doesn't know it yet, but WE ARE GOING!!! Probably from Sky Valley... in April, when Tracy has her spring break... assuming she is going to keep working, but that's in question right now.


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Phyl, while you are in Mexico, check out the sleeve docs! If I had the money I'd be there in a heart beat. I see now that Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana is doing sleeves for about the cost of what I paid for the band. So I figure by the time I get my band paid off the price should be down and screw my family, I'm going!! I just will need someone to come and hold my hand since my family won't go. But I also went by myself last time, I can do it alone if needed. I'll be 55 by then. Can you believe it, 55, dang I just made my self cry. I hate getting older, not the # thing, just the things I am loosing. I can no longer haul a bucket of rocks, now I have to make 4 trips with a 1/4 full bucket. Last night I finally had to take a zanax because I got myself so worked up working that I couldn't get to sleep. I finally took the zanx at 2 am and sleep until 6:30.

I am going to find a way to move to the beach before I die! There has to be some tiny beach bungalow somewhere that I can buy. I guess I could retire from here and then find a teaching job on the coast for a few years. All pipe dreams. Sorry, I'm in one of those moods. I hate winter, I like it if I can hibernate. But I think about the fact that now I am going to have to get up and shovel the sidewalk every morning before work. I may talk to the neighbor (with 10 kids) and see if one of them will do it for a pittance. Maybe they have a snow blower so I would have to pay them much. Lame i know, here we are in the most gorgeous part of the year and I am whining.

Phyl, I am on the hunt for a specific plant for my garden. Right now I am trying to talk my boss into ordering it, but if not could you see if it is available around your area and buy me one? It is call persian shield, it has the most intence purple leaves. I can't seem to load the picture, but here is the information, you can find the picture easily on the internet. Even though it is an annual in my zone, it says that you can bring it inside as a houseplant in the summer. If you can find it, I could get it in July.


Persian Shield

Strobilanthes dyerianus

Shimmering purple foliage with deep purplish-green veins on a vigorous sprawling perennial. A striking shade loving plant excellent for mixed containers.

Light: Full to partial sun

Size: 4'H x 5'W

Zones: 8b-11

Well need more coffee, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Got to sleep in till 7 this morning and you all know that's late for me..

Phyl - hear you about no middle grown w/Earl - Hugs.. I sure hope you get a doggie soon.. I agree - you don't need that scooter - I started to post about it the other day when you said you were on it - but didn't want to offend and I know that you cross a big busy street to get to your coffee lady.. But You don't need the darn thing!!! Earl is just so use to bring it along - remind him you had knee surgery and can walk now..

I hope the all inclusive is going to be a good experience - we are going to a top notch one - so fingers crossed. I know Linda enjoyed her's but the place she went was so big - that it was like a mile from the room to the beach - that's what I read on trip advisor about it.

I really want the Oasis of the Sea cruise - want to see that ship - they are coming out w/a new one 12/5 something with an A - Assure or something like that ..

Well maybe next year we can make our get together later in the year and do a cruise ;0)..

Now I just gotta find a dog/house sitter.. and if I can't I guess I will have to kennel them - poor things in cages for a week..

Karla - sometimes you can't take plants and fruits across state lines..

If the more you carry those buckets the stronger your arms will be - you need weight training - and in a way carrying those buckets is weight training - just cuz you are older doesnt mean you have to be weaker - I think my arms are stronger now than 3 yrs ago..

Candice how did the visit go w/the kids - how much wine ;0)

Well gang it's 9 I gotta get my shopping done (kids will be here Wed and I gotta get some food and clean out the pantry and fridge) finish my washing and veggie till I have to go back to work tomorrow - another short week as I have Thrus & Friday off - Going to the Beach on Thrusday..


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Okay.... here I am with my mid-day report! For lunch I had about 1/2 cup of my veggie salad... I think I already said this but it has peas in it, corn, green Beans, celery, onion, garlic and bell peppers of all colors. Dressing is Balsamic vinegar, Water and Splenda. Then I had 2 Wheat Thin Flat Breads... 30 calories each, and about 2 oz of smoked salmon. Then we went to Navy base and Walmart. I am in the habit of depending on Mr. Control Freak to manage my Crystal Lite... I left it in the kitchen empty. He usually refills it... big jug is difficult on my wimpy wrists and fingers. Well, he didn't see it... we went shopping without it. And that's my excuse for buying a 20 oz Diet Coke at the commissary. He drank some, but I drank most. Then he buys a roast beef wrap on his way out of there. It was cut in half. He asked me if I wanted half. It was huge! I didn't even answer him. So then he offered me a bite... I had two bites.

I am in "Bandster Hell", BTW! First real hunger I've ex[experienced in a LONG time! It's not too bad.... YET! So I'm having about an oz of white cheese... not sure what kind as you know who re-wraps everything so it has no labels! Anyway, I'm having some wine and cheese now.

Tracy & Jim are coming over soon and we're going to BBQ steaks. I'm going to saute that spinach with some onions, bell peppers, garlic and mushroom. I'm going to try doing it in Water and balsamic vinegar!

Question just posed: "Is a 3 1/2 oz steak going to be big enough for you???"

Answer: "YES"!

Am I being too sensitive if I see a hidden message in that???? LOL

Oh... anyone have any fun ideas for our weekend?

Like I was thinking... since Sunday is July 4th, we could declare it "Red, White and Blue Day"! You, too, Candice!! LOL

Dress in Red, White & Blue, drink "Blue Hawaiians" or some kind of nasty blue drink, (maybe I'll drink some blueberry wine!!), etc.

Later, Chicks!


Love it! I will wear RED WHITE and BLUE on the 4th if YOU GUYS will wear RED and WHITE on Canada Day, 1st July!!! :)

Can't wait for the bon fires in the pit ... that will be COOL!!

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Phyl, while you are in Mexico, check out the sleeve docs! If I had the money I'd be there in a heart beat. I see now that Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana is doing sleeves for about the cost of what I paid for the band. So I figure by the time I get my band paid off the price should be down and screw my family, I'm going!! I just will need someone to come and hold my hand since my family won't go. But I also went by myself last time, I can do it alone if needed. I'll be 55 by then. Can you believe it, 55, dang I just made my self cry. I hate getting older, not the # thing, just the things I am loosing. I can no longer haul a bucket of rocks, now I have to make 4 trips with a 1/4 full bucket. Last night I finally had to take a zanax because I got myself so worked up working that I couldn't get to sleep. I finally took the zanx at 2 am and sleep until 6:30.

I am going to find a way to move to the beach before I die! There has to be some tiny beach bungalow somewhere that I can buy. I guess I could retire from here and then find a teaching job on the coast for a few years. All pipe dreams. Sorry, I'm in one of those moods. I hate winter, I like it if I can hibernate. But I think about the fact that now I am going to have to get up and shovel the sidewalk every morning before work. I may talk to the neighbor (with 10 kids) and see if one of them will do it for a pittance. Maybe they have a snow blower so I would have to pay them much. Lame i know, here we are in the most gorgeous part of the year and I am whining.

Phyl, I am on the hunt for a specific plant for my garden. Right now I am trying to talk my boss into ordering it, but if not could you see if it is available around your area and buy me one? It is call persian shield, it has the most intence purple leaves. I can't seem to load the picture, but here is the information, you can find the picture easily on the internet. Even though it is an annual in my zone, it says that you can bring it inside as a houseplant in the summer. If you can find it, I could get it in July.

Persian Shield

Strobilanthes dyerianus

Shimmering purple foliage with deep purplish-green veins on a vigorous sprawling perennial. A striking shade loving plant excellent for mixed containers.

Light: Full to partial sun

Size: 4'H x 5'W

Zones: 8b-11

Well need more coffee, TTFN

Karla, get a PURPLE HUCHERA... its in the Coral Bell family, LOVES the shade and does well in acidic soil... I have at least a dozen of them in my yard.. and they are beautiful

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Phyl - hear you about no middle grown w/Earl - Hugs.. I sure hope you get a doggie soon.. I agree - you don't need that scooter - I started to post about it the other day when you said you were on it - but didn't want to offend and I know that you cross a big busy street to get to your coffee lady.. But You don't need the darn thing!!! Earl is just so use to bring it along - remind him you had knee surgery and can walk now..

I hope the all inclusive is going to be a good experience - we are going to a top notch one - so fingers crossed. I know Linda enjoyed her's but the place she went was so big - that it was like a mile from the room to the beach - that's what I read on trip advisor about it.

I really want the Oasis of the Sea cruise - want to see that ship - they are coming out w/a new one 12/5 something with an A - Assure or something like that ..Well maybe next year we can make our get together later in the year and do a cruise ;0).. Now I just gotta find a dog/house sitter.. and if I can't I guess I will have to kennel them - poor things in cages for a week..

Well gang it's 9 I gotta get my shopping done (kids will be here Wed and I gotta get some food and clean out the pantry and fridge) finish my washing and veggie till I have to go back to work tomorrow -another short week as I have Thrus & Friday off - Going to the Beach on Thursday


Yeah, I would like to get that stupid scooter out of the car. Don't need it for shopping anymore. Probably walked close to 2 hrs at BX/Commissary yesterday and Walmart after that. The big blue scooter.... use it around the neighborhood.. like a golf cart. If it would quit raining and warm up, I'd walk more. If it's just drizzling... use an umbrella and head over to Surf Shack or Albertson's or whatever. Have walked to Surf Shack twice... once with Candice and her dogs, once with Gigi when we were dog sitting.

Tracy and Jim have gone twice to an all-inclusive in Cabo and LOVE it. They want us to go with them... I think March or April. Haven't yet told Earl but we ARE going with them this time!

I'd be game for a cruise next year.... we could do one out of Seattle and go to Alaska, or in the fall and go to Mexico out of San Diego! You see.. I'm trying to avoid a plane trip!! LOL~!

I hope you don't have to kennel the dogs.... maybe can talk Earl in to dog sitting for you if you can't find a house sitter.

Love it! I will wear RED WHITE and BLUE on the 4th if YOU GUYS will wear RED and WHITE on Canada Day, 1st July!!! :) Can't wait for the bon fires in the pit ... that will be COOL!!


Red & White on the 1st, Red, White & Blue on the 4th!!

26_7_8.gif 26_6_7.gif

Food so far today..... 1/2 Protein drink for BF... 75 calories. lunch was the Ensenada chicken Platter at Red Robin. No dressing... just salsa. Ugh! Forgot the calorie count again... I think 629.

Then went to Surf Shack with Tracy & Jim for 16 oz latte. Having a small glass of wine now. Brought home leftovers and will probably eat them for dinner. I ordered 1 chicken breast and they gave me 2. I couldn't even finish 1, so I have one whole chicken breast left and a little piece of the other one..... Oh.... almost forgot.... 1 onion ring and a few french fries! Alisha was ordering a burger with bottomless fries and asked them to bring some before we ate... and they kept bringing them over and over while we waited for Kellie & her mom & kids to get there! I didn't eat too many.

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