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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Janet, check the breakers and then check the GFI (I think thats what they are called) breakers on the individual outlets. It is the button that says 'test' on it. Not all of the outlets have it, but the kitchen & bathrooms usually do have them, they are usually red and yellow.

Tired last night, went to bed at 9:30 slept hard and woke up fairly rested.

Got my grade for my masters project and for this years program...A's whowho. This summer and next year we are studying earth science, so that should help my classes.

Need to sit down and get my lisence renewed, then get some paperwork done for my masters program.

Only 5 1/2 mor days of school.

Has anyone heard from Jackie about how Courtney is doing? (I think I have that right)

Phyl, are you feeling better? How's Steve?

Candice, do you have a new RV yet?

I have a new grandkitty, yep all my grandchildren have fur. DD#1 (Kristie) who had to put her kitty down the week dad died, just got a new kitty, Gatsby (yeah, it would be nice if I could spell). I'd post his picture if I could figure this picture thing out. Phyl you need to give me a lesson.

Oh by the way, will we have internet at the beach house?

Suppose I should kick it in gear, TTFN

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Got my grade for my masters project and for this years program...A's whowho. This summer and next year we are studying earth science, so that should help my classes. Need to sit down and get my lisence renewed, then get some paperwork done for my masters program. Only 5 1/2 mor days of school.

Has anyone heard from Jackie about how Courtney is doing? (I think I have that right)

Phyl, are you feeling better? How's Steve?

Candice, do you have a new RV yet?

I have a new grandkitty, yep all my grandchildren have fur. DD#1 (Kristie) who had to put her kitty down the week dad died, just got a new kitty, Gatsby (yeah, it would be nice if I could spell). I'd post his picture if I could figure this picture thing out. Phyl you need to give me a lesson.

Oh by the way, will we have internet at the beach house?

Suppose I should kick it in gear, TTFN

I know you are happy to have this school year winding up!The summer break will be nice, even though I know you won't exactly be "on vacation"!

I am feeling pretty good. Finished my antibiotics and haven't had to use the inhaler.

The picture thing is easy... click on the little paper clip at the top of the box when you're finished typing your post. A box will pop up. Click on browse and find the photo file you want. Then click on upload. I think you can add up to 4-5 photos. When you're finished you just close the box and when you hit the "submit reply" button, the photos will post, too.

Yes, there is Wi=Fi at the beach house.

Afraid my daughter and I have created a monster!! LOL

After much resistance, due to all the rain, finally talked Earl in to using the 1 week free gym pass. So he went with me this morning... and he LOVED it! So he tells me we're going back tomorrow... I said we can't because I have appt w/LapBand people at 11 a.m. and it's 65 miles away. He says... we'll go EARLY!! So.... I guess I will be a little more disciplined in my gym workouts now!! He will want to make sure he takes full advantage of his free pass, and I'm paying now.. so he'll make me go, too!!

AND... they finally stopped renewing my "free" pass when the thing yelled "Access Denied" at me when I scanned my card this morning after my PT in the pool. So I signed up... $25 a month and no sign up fee for seniors... there are some benefits to being old!! LOL So they gave me my new member packet and she shows me the coupon page... I have 5 free week passes in my packet. She says I can give them to different people or give them all to the same person! So guess what I'm doing with mine!!?? So Earl gets 6 free weeks... the one Tracy gave him and the five I have.

You work so hard!

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Karla - I just ck'd and yep that side does have one of those breakers - i just pushed it - it works !!!! (I know where the phone plugs in has one of those breaker but never noticed the other one ;0) Hooray the kids spent alot of $$$ on that stupid coffee machine that I don't really like.. Coffee isn't strong enough..

Well tomorrow is my Furlough Friday ;0) and then next week off the 10th & 11th - going to the beach on Thrusday- suppose to hit 110 here this weekend and they are admitting to 110 - I bet it's going to be 115 - and that's hot..

I haven't been to the beach in about 7yrs - last time (not counting cruise) was June or July 03 - The whole family is going.. It will be an experience - we will need to take 2 cars cuz there will be 6 of us and my car only holds 5

Phyl - LOL ha ha ha - you are going to have to go work out more - love it - I knew Earl would like it - he and I chatted one morning (sat I think) and he said he was going to have to go cuz you guys had so much rain - that he couldn't walk outside..

It will be good for you :0)

I am sure glad you are feeling better... Hell I would cancel my appointment ;0)

Well had to work 1/2 extra today to get last minute stuff done since I won't be there tomorrow - Hoping escrow close - just ck'd email - won't be closing till tue- wed next week -

I see Jackie on FB but haven't talked to her..

Haven't seen Steph on FB much though or Karri

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Phyl, I don't have a paperclip? so maybe I just aren't allowed to post pictures.

Got my new glasses, they are okay. Not as fun as I wanted, but DEFINITELY cuter than my old ones that I have refused to wear this entire year!!

Suppose to have a 100% chance of rain tomorrow, I LOVE the rain. Someday when I am rich and famous I'm going to move to the Oregon coast and live in a beach bungalow or in a perfect world an old light house. I know, I'm strange. If I can't live on the beach, i'm going to live in the wilderness. Yeah right, too damn cold. But i can't stand the hot. Janet, I know you love it, but I melt like a popsicle in just a few minutes.

Surprise surprise, Elyse took poor Simon for a long walk and for a car ride AND she SAYS she is going to be home tonight.

Can you all believe it is Friday tomorrow, man has time flown. Got my liscence renewal in the mail today, so i'm good to teach another 5 years, yeah...better than nothing.

Well going to look at my new gardening magazine I splurged on while I was at Shopko..and up bought two big flower pots...but they were 60% off and they talked to me!!!

Check in later, TTFN

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Just had a short email from Karri - she might not be able to pick me up from airport - I arrive 11:15 a.m on 7/1 - Remember 7/1 is her bday too - so we should have a cake or a fake one made of lettuce - she's doing boot camp... Maybe a Protein Bar cake lol

So I may need someone to pick me up...

Oh 4 weeks from today - we will all be at the Beach House having cocktails !!!!

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Just had a short email from Karri - she might not be able to pick me up from airport - I arrive 11:15 a.m on 7/1 - Remember 7/1 is her bday too - so we should have a cake or a fake one made of lettuce - she's doing boot camp... Maybe a Protein bar cake lol

So I may need someone to pick me up...

Oh 4 weeks from today - we will all be at the Beach House having cocktails !!!!

We can pick you up if Karri can't. When will she know? So, Steph, Rose and Karla are driving, right? So just you, Candice and Linda flying in. Don't remember when they're coming in.


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Picture - this is how I do it

Open a reply box - scroll down to manage attachements - click on that - then this will pop up - I click on browse and go to where my pics are on my computer - click the one you want and then hit upload.. - you can up load 5 pics at a time..

Upload File from your Computer

Upload File from a URL

After you are done close window - type something in the reply box and hit submit -

I just renewed my agents license too - good for 4 yrs ;0)


I think Candice is coming in a day earlier than me or even a couple days and she's staying w/you ;o) - don't really remember - and I think Linda isn't getting in till 7/1 like 8:30 at night..

I was suppose to leave 7/5 like at 10 a.m - but got a notice awhile back that my flight got changed to 12 p.m - I guess I should go look

Karri has boot camp that she wants to do that morning before she leaves to come to WA - but she won't get there till like 1ish -

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Departing Flight Information - Thursday, July 1, 2010


Flight 301

4h 20m, 987 mi

Makes 1 Stop From Palm Springs Regional (PSP)

Palm Springs, CA

Departs: 7:00 AM

To Seattle Tacoma Intl (SEA)

Seattle, WA

Arrives: 11:20 AM

Aircraft Boeing 737-400 Economy/Coach Class

Returning Flight Information - Monday, July 5, 2010


Flight 312

4h 22m, 987 mi

Makes 1 Stop From Seattle Tacoma Intl (SEA)

Seattle, WA

Departs: 12:10 PM

To Palm Springs Regional (PSP)

Palm Springs, CA

Arrives: 4:32 PM

Aircraft Boeing 737-400 Economy/Coach Class

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I fly in on June 30th from the Buffalo N.Y. airport... that'll be my first time trying that route... never flown out of Buff. before.. but it was so much cheaper than flying from T.O. that Peter said he'd drive me :Dancing_biggrin:

Linda flys in on the FRIDAY, she and I fly out on the TUESday ... so I guess we'll shack up at an airport hotel the last night and drink our FACES offf!!!!....

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I fly in on June 30th from the Buffalo N.Y. airport... that'll be my first time trying that route... never flown out of Buff. before.. but it was so much cheaper than flying from T.O. that Peter said he'd drive me :Dancing_biggrin:

Linda flys in on the FRIDAY, she and I fly out on the TUESday ... so I guess we'll shack up at an airport hotel the last night and drink our FACES offf!!!!....

Okay... I found all the flight info and put them in to one document so I can print it all off in one place.

Candice... 11 a.m. Wed.,

Janet.... 11 a.m. on Thursday,

Linda.... 8 p.m. on Friday... may have Earl do that pick up.

Then Janet leaves Monday at noon, Linda Tuesday at 2 pm, Candice Tuesday at 11 pm.

No need to stay at the airport Monday night... you can stay with us.

I did 1 hr of pool exercise today, then 5 wgt machines and about10 minutes on the bike. My back and legs started hurting, so I quit.

BF.....1/2 Protein drink.... 75 calories

16 oz SF, FF latte later

Lunch.....Healthy Choice Veg Soup...120 calories

Wine...6 oz w/ 1/2 oz white cheese

Salmon Patty. 4 oz, for dinner... Earl made them... salmon, rice, egg, bread crumbs

1/2 cup veggie salad w/vinegar dressing..

Skinny Cow Carmel Truffle.... 100 calories

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Phyl - you did very well on your food today... I am pretty sure Karri will take me to the airport on Monday..

Food for me - bf - greek yogurt 140 cal (pomagranite) it was good - lunch - pinto Beans 1.5 cup - handful of chips - so far tonite 3/4 cup buttter nut squash - will have some meat in a little bit..

It's weird when you don't have to go to work - it's 8:30 i would be getting off the computer - by now - but since I don't have to go to work - I don't have to rush to bed ;0)

Plan on getting up and going to gym before hair appt in the morning - gotta leave here by 9 - then after that going to Auto Club to plan Family vacation.. and that's about it for the day...

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I know what you mean on the 'no having to go to work'. All school year, I'm in bed by about 9:30 to 10 then up at 4:30. During the summer I find myself not going to bed until 12 or 1 and then up at 10 am if I don't set an alarm. I still try to get up early so I can do yard work before it gets to hot. But with this being an El nino year, it should stay cool through most of July. Which means I will sleep in, NOT a good habit to get into.

Yesterday was our seniors last day of school. It was neat to see them all excited about checking out. Many of them had their grad gowns on. You'd walk by and hear them talking about where they were heading for school or training, or military. Several have sport scholarships. It made me miss Alexa. A pair of twins with physical limitation have earned a part in a small movie and have been traveling back and forth to California. I guess I'm feeling 'maudlin' today, time just seems to fly and I don't really know how I feel about it. I know I have a lot of years left, but when I see my friend who is 72 (and still working at the school) beginning to have limitations, it makes me sad and a little scared that I'll be there in 20 years. She has always been so sharp and agile and now some of her meds are making her brain a little fuzzy and the back surgery she had a couple of years ago has decreased her strength. It is heartbreaking. Wow, I think I have moved from 'maudlin' to depressed.

Anyway, going to go try the picture thing, we will see if it works. TTFN

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Okay if this worked this is my new furry grandbaby, Gatsby.


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My dad

Jamie, Alexa, Elyse (left to right)

Jamie, Elyse, Kristie, Alexa, Mandie (left to right)




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