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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Well went to the show to see Sex in the City too - Well I should say went to the show to nap!!! I saw the beginning and the end ;0) guess will have to wait for dvd ;0) - I usually fall asleep in the show - I do it at home to if I sit down for too long and get relaxed.

I am pooped I mean pooped - but have to leave for gym in about 10 minutes..

Phyl - maybe that's why you keep getting sick - you go too much.. Out in the rain and you aren't well - going to kick your butt.. Hope you are having fun at bday parties ;0) Ya I can't buy those truffles - like them too much - will eat 3 ;0)

I can't eat corn and I love corn - especially on the cob - but it doesn't seem to agree w/band - but part of that is I eat it too fast..

Karla - get on the damn scale - avoiding it isn't helping - get on it and deal with it - it's not like nothing is happening if you don't get on it :0)..

Well gotta get moving - wish me luck this is going to be one hell of a workout - I could take a nap..

How did your workout go?? Party was a lot of fun. Got to see the grandkids, got to hold my puppy, etc. My salad turned out really good!! At least I liked it! There was so much food there.... I didn't see too many eating it... of course, not the kids, and the adults were filling up on burgers, hot dogs, ribs! I ate 1/2 a dog w/o bun and a couple of ribs, spoonful of potato salad, little bit of my salad.... Oh... and a small piece of birthday cake. Very slow... very careful... because everything is going good today and didn't want to screw it up. Had oatmeal w/lots of FF milk for BF, 1/2 cup runny mashed potatoes left over from the other night. So runny I had to drink it!

Yeah... gotta rest!! Have dermatology appt early in the morning to check out this weird thing on my cheek.... finally! Dr told me to have it checked 4 months ago! My bad! Then.. PT at the pool in the afternoon. UGH!

Exhausted at 10 p.m. so think I'll go to bed early! Couldn't get to sleep until about 4 a.m. I think Albuterol inhaler kept me awake... used it too late. Forgot since this morning, so don't think I"ll use it now... too late again. Not coughing so maybe don't need it anymore.

Sent PayPal $$ to Suzanne Lambert ..... deposit check for $200, $804 for balance. You're all good...

Edited by phyllser

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Morning, hope you all slept well. Phyl, you are SO busy. Don't catch a chill!

Candice, don't forget to send us pictures when you get a new RV. You will have a blast shopping for a new one.

Phyl, how's the puppy shopping going?

Janet, hope you workout went well.

Poor Simon has been in the portable kennel for over 12 hours now. Elyse did come home and let him out to go potty at 9 pm, however he has not had any Water or food. I know I have to be tough about this, but she is just being cruel. If it continues for another day, I think I will go mad. Actually, if it continues I will be finding him a new home. I'm going to find out if the breeder will take him back. It would involve a 7 hour drive, but maybe I can get my mother to meet me half way.

You all have a good day, TTFN

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Morning, hope you all slept well. Phyl, you are SO busy. Don't catch a chill!

Candice, don't forget to send us pictures when you get a new RV. You will have a blast shopping for a new one.

Phyl, how's the puppy shopping going?

Janet, hope you workout went well.

Poor Simon has been in the portable kennel for over 12 hours now. Elyse did come home and let him out to go potty at 9 pm, however he has not had any Water or food. I know I have to be tough about this, but she is just being cruel. If it continues for another day, I think I will go mad. Actually, if it continues I will be finding him a new home. I'm going to find out if the breeder will take him back. It would involve a 7 hour drive, but maybe I can get my mother to meet me half way. You all have a good day, TTFN

Feeling much better... no more coughing, etc. One more day on "Z-Pack" for the bronchitis and was using an inhaler for a few days but don't need it now. Being very careful with food.. but not doing all liquids like the surgeon's office told me. Have had oatmeal the last couple of mornings. Had 1 Rye krisp cracker w/lite cream cheese and some smoked salmon for lunch. SF, FF latte this morning and 1 glass of wine this afternooon. Having some of the veggie salad that I made for the party yesterday right now, and Earl is fixing me a boca burger for dinner.

Appt to check band placement on Friday. Tomorrow I see physiatrist about my back... which is doing fine. I am doing the PT in the pool 2X a week and I love it. Get a good 1 hr workout... strengthening and some cardio. And today I went upstairs to use some of the gym's machines before I went home.

Had dermatology appt early this morning... lesion on my cheek was nothing but a cyst and it's now gone. Dr. used some kind of an instrument that removed the cyst and the Fluid in it. And he took a skin tag off my nose... was right where my glasses rest and it kept getting inflamed.

What a day it has been.... text messages first thing this morning... My sister telling me her daughter's boyfriend held her "hostage" for 4 hours during the night beating her up. Said she is unrecognizable.. swelling, black eyes, etc. He is in jail.

Then, when I got out of the pool I noticed I had messages on my cell phone... called my voice mail and heard three tearful messages from our youngest son (in OK) saying he had terrible chest pains and was going to the ER (37 yrs old). Then I couldn't get him back on the phone. Then his girlfriend's mother called and told me he had a stroke and a heart attack! I said a stroke AND a heart attack.. she says, well, he had chest pain and his arm went numb! So.. finally I hear from him and he says he had a HEAT stroke. But then the call dropped and I couldn't get him back! So I am waiting for another call from him.. that was almost 2 hrs ago. And his boss called me and said he was headed for the hospital and would call me with an update! After all this I think I might have a stroke and a heart attack! I need a vacation!

Plus Earl has been a pill today. So tired of his daily monitoring of the credit card and checking account! Got drilled this morning about what this is and what that is and why is the phone bill so high! So, I"m so mad I"m barely speaking to him right now. I wouldn't be speaking to him at all if Steve wasn't having all these medical problems today! But I had to tell him what was going on.

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Omg Phyl - I hope Steven is ok... Keep us posted on that - Prayers & Hugs - Also on Niece - OMG I hope she doesn't go back to that monster..

I need to go to your dermatologist I have a cyst in the middle of my forehead - And when I went yrs ago about it - the dr I went to said leave it alone and gave me antibotic's - Since I have lost weight it shows - It shows in our pics last yr at Candice's .. But I know they have to get the sack and she didn't want to cut me an have a scar.. Mine's the size of a pea (a big one ;0)

Hugs about Earl - don't you have a flat rate phone - I pay like $30 for the house phone - that includes long distant - which I rarely use cuz my aunt is gone and I don't talk to sis -

What happen to your personal account??? You just need your own account - I don't ck my bank daily - maybe once a week - especially if I am going to go shopping ;0)

Glad your tummy is better - makes me feel better...

Karla - I couldn't leave the dog in the kennel that long - it's not the dogs fault - it's hers - I agree get rid of him or it becomes yours - hell who's paying all these vet bill simon has anyway - I thought Simon was your dog.. Since you are always taking it to the vet..

Work out went fine - made it thru - came home ate and fell asleep around 8 on the couch - at 9 went to bed and slept till 5:30 this morning.. Well hear ryder in the trash around 2 or 3 got up then .. but had a pretty good nite sleep last night

Work was ok today - Bf was Jerky - a girl brought chicken wraps for lunch today - trying to raise $$ for Tender Kittens or something like that - to help pay for spaying/neutering them.

They were awful - Tortilla's weren't cooked so chewy - then the insides were watery and I could barely see any ck - avocado or onion - ended up eating the insides only and had a large handful of chips..

dinner will be fish or ribs & veggies - don't know which yet..

I went to the gym tonite - Yea Janet !!! I really was going to say - no - I gotta go to bro's house - well I don't think they p/u trash today cuz yesterday was a holiday - and also when I called nephew - his phone is now turned off - so called and talked to BIL and told him that he need to tell him to get stuff out of the house - escrow suppose to close tomorrow..

At gym saw one of our insurance reps - she was going to boot camp - so after I finished working out I went to look at the class - it's teacher/leader is a girl who use to work at my work -

Class isn't till 5:30 - I may go next Tuesday to see if I can hang .... I may work out with weight and do the treadmill but boot camp is a whole nother issue ;0)

Well that's my day so far ;0) - it' 7:03 - cbl chickies..

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Hey Everyone,

I'm still alive.

Phyl- OMG you had a bad day. Hope you son is OK. DD had heat exhaustion 2wks ago. It was very scary!

Hope your neice is alright soon, and she never goes back to that ASS!

We are under a RIF in my school district. Reduction in force. Several of my friends just got word that they lost their jobs. They lost their positions, and do not know yet if they will get another one. We will also have 4 schools assigned to have in school suspension at my school. If I still have the same job next year, this will take place in the room across the hall from me. So rival neighborhood gang thug hoodlums will be placed in a room across the hall from me when they are suspended. Oh Joy, it's gonna be great! :confused:

And also don't forget, LA is being destroyed. We will not recover from this.

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Denise, hang in there. We had RIF's this year also, not fun. I've been here long enough that I have the most seniority in the middle school, so I'm pretty untouchable. But it is sad to see some teachers go. Our school district typically uses RIF's to eliminate teachers that they don't want, but haven't done the paperwork to get rid of. Although if a teacher doesn't have tenure, they don't have to show 'cause'. Our school's idea of ISS is to put the student in the principals office for the day.

Phyl, do you have news yet? What's going on? Prayers!!

Janet, I have found a couple of options for Simon, but I also got Elyse to sit down and talk. She 'agrees' that Simon's welfare comes first and that if she isn't going to take responsibility of him, then he goes. I have worked out a system that I and Simon can live with, hopefully elyse will 'man up'. But it doesn't seem to be working. She promised to come home last night, but she didn't and didn't call.

Had a horrid headache yesterday, just stress. only 6 1/2 days of school left, I need two weeks to finish my classes, ah heck it is more like 3. I didn't get everything done that I wanted. I did get my schedule for next year. I'm still teaching 6th grade, not thrilled, but I am working on my warm and fuzzy side. At least my master's classes this summer and next year are on earth science, so that will help. This is the first time in the 16 years that I've been here that I have had the same schedule, I'm pumped about that. Also, technically in 6 years I could take the early retirement incentive. I can't, but it is nice to know that I could.

Well today is a new food day. I had salad last night for dinner and a small Protein Drink. That was good. Snacks were crackers and laughing cow. lunch, was suppose to be chicken salad, but it didn't taste right, so skipped it. Had popcorn instead. My portions are correct, it is just the snacks that I need to cut back.

Well suppose I best go, didn't wash dishes last night. I think I am the only human on earth that doesn't have a dishwasher. Check in tonight. TTFN

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Phyl; So sorry about your troubles! OMgosh I'd be worried about Steve too. Those symptoms don't sound good. Prayers for him and your Neice...

I can't stand it when a women is pounded by a guy... that is just barbaric...Hope he gets the book thrown at him by the judge.

Glad you are able to 'eat' a tiny bit... that's a good sign.. Hopefully, all it was is the bronchitis. After Friday perhaps you'll be able to relax a bit.

Karla: Hugs on the DD issues. It's too bad SImon has to suffer because of HER immaturaty. Poor doggy:blush:

Janet: Escrow... yeah, that must mean that your bro troubles will soon be over... THank Heavens for that!!! Its been a long haul for you. YOU are the best SISTER anyone could have!:confused:

Denise: I watch the news every day, hoping that they find a CURE for the oil spill down there. I just can't even imagine what the folks must be living thru. Glad that you'll still have YOUR job.

Where is our Grandma LINDA????

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by - it's already 5:45 and I need to get in the shower

Hugs Denise - We are all watching the news - I guess this is why pple don't want off shore drilling - this is a major disaster..

Karla - Kids - what can I say - but she DD#4 isn't a kid age wise


Phyl - How's Steve and Niece today..

Candice - How's the food

Gotta jump in the shower -

dinner last nite 3/4 c butternut squash 1 rib 1 100 cal popcorn 1 100 cal yogurt


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Good Morning Gang

Drive by - it's already 5:45 and I need to get in the shower

Hugs Denise - We are all watching the news - I guess this is why pple don't want off shore drilling - this is a major disaster..

Karla - Kids - what can I say - but she DD#4 isn't a kid age wise


Phyl - How's Steve and Niece today..

Candice - How's the food

Food's not good. That's why I havn't posted it in a few days...

Got the dentisit this a.m. YUK!!!

Gotta jump in the shower -

dinner last nite 3/4 c butternut squash 1 rib 1 100 cal popcorn 1 100 cal yogurt


later babes :confused:

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Nothing new on my niece except the jerk is in jail and apparently called her at 1:30 a.m. How do you get to use the phone in the middle of the night when you're in jail.... to call the person you beat up???? Hope they throw away the key. I'll tell you more on that later. She never should've gotten mixed up with this guy in the first place. He has quite a history.

Steve.... beginning to get suspicious about what this is all about! First he was crying and in a panic with chest pain and his arm going numb....3X. Then.... girlfriend's mother calls and says it was a heart attack and/or a stroke! Then he calls and say sit was a "massive heat stroke". Then he calls late last night, groggy from medication they gave him, and tells me it was an anxiety attack and he'll call me in the morning.

I have to go.... appt with the physiatrist for my back at 8 a.m.

Denise... grieving with you over what is going on in the gulf! So sad! And no end in sight. I can't imagine the emotions you must be feeling.

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Talked to Steve again. I'm thinking maybe he really did have a stroke. Said his left side was paralyzed for a while yesterday and arms and legs still tingly today. First he had severe chest pain. Then he panicked and was hyperventilating. So.. definitely panic made the whole episode worse. But they told him he has high BP and needs to see a dr. He was told that 4-5 years ago when he had to go to ER with an ankle sprain... fell off a ladder at work. And he never followed through. Gave him an Rx, but don't know what it is or what it is for because I think he is spelling it wrong.

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Talked to Steve again. I'm thinking maybe he really did have a stroke. Said his left side was paralyzed for a while yesterday and arms and legs still tingly today. First he had severe chest pain. Then he panicked and was hyperventilating. So.. definitely panic made the whole episode worse. But they told him he has high BP and needs to see a dr. He was told that 4-5 years ago when he had to go to ER with an ankle sprain... fell off a ladder at work. And he never followed through. Gave him an Rx, but don't know what it is or what it is for because I think he is spelling it wrong.

Oh Phyl, HUGS on Steve issues... gosh that does sound scary.. hopefully now he'll take his BP seriously and learn to take better care of himself... what a worry for You and Earl though...((((HUGS))))

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Dang it, I hit the wrong button and lost my post, grrrrrrr, now ;dlkja;ldfkja;lsdfkja;l, that's how I feel.

Short version...

Phyl, you and I know we can't run our kids' lives even when we know what is best. Steve will have to take charge of his health just as Elyse needs to take charge of her life. But I know this must be killing you. Now is Steve the one who tries to manipulate you or is that another son? Sorry, I should know.

Did you all know that July is the first vacation i have ever taken on my own to a place I've never been? I am getting so excited. Several days of not having to think about anyone but me. In fact, just got off the phone with the kennel and have reservations for the furries. Elyse WAS suppose to watch them, but I don't trust her to take good care of them, or to NOT have a major party at the house. Of course, if she does the police are right across the street. I think her 'boyfriend' was in the house today and smoking, the basement smells like cigarrett smoke. NOT happy about that, so that will be another thing we chat about!

Well, time for another latte, check in later, TTFN

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Phyl, you and I know we can't run our kids' lives even when we know what is best. Steve will have to take charge of his health just as Elyse needs to take charge of her life. But I know this must be killing you. Now is Steve the one who tries to manipulate you or is that another son? Sorry, I should know.

Did you all know that July is the first vacation i have ever taken on my own to a place I've never been? I am getting so excited. Several days of not having to think about anyone but me. In fact, just got off the phone with the kennel and have reservations for the furries. Elyse WAS suppose to watch them, but I don't trust her to take good care of them, or to NOT have a major party at the house. Of course, if she does the police are right across the street. I think her 'boyfriend' was in the house today and smoking, the basement smells like cigarrett smoke. NOT happy about that, so that will be another thing we chat about! Well, time for another latte, check in later, TTFN

Yeah, Steve is the youngest one. Oldest son is Navy Cmdr.. soon to be C.O. of his unit. Very responsible. Flying up here in the plane he built next week!! I always worry when he flies long distances like that.. over the mountains... and I think he's flying by himself this time. Lots of times son, Justin flies with him, but I think Justin is driving up with DIL this weekend. They're all coming up for a visit and to get DGD from the U of WA. She's about finished with her sophomore year.

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Good Evening Peeps...

Phyl - Continued prayers for Steven - Hope this scares him enough to take his pills... I think you have told us about your nieces bf - already a convict - dog abuse and this isn't the 1st time he hit her .. Hope she's doing well - in city jail - it's totally diff than being in prison - they have access to phone - and ya why wouldn't he call her - he's hit her before and she took him back - he thinks this time will be the same.. Or he may threaten her to drop charges - but now a days that doesn't fly


How cool your 1st vacation - well this is our 3rd Band Anniversary get together - so plan on every yr attending.. This will be Karri's 1st too ;0) - She's met Steph & Me but not the others - Steph couldn't make last yrs get together -

Yes it's nice to get away.. Andrew will be watching my fur babies and I think he's babysitting his mom's dog too - so glad I won't be here ;0)

I have my gf debbie lined up for november vacation - but hope to find a real dog/house sitter instead... I called the one who can't do it to see if she recommends some..

Well back from the gym - got dogs fed - kitchen cleaned up from last night ;0) -

I think I blew something up - I was cooking my squash in the mircowave 30 mns - it beeped that it was done - then went to get it out - it had no power - well it came back on (guess it cooled down) but now my new coffee maker doesn't work - I need to doubt ck the breakers - but I think the are fine - something might have shorted out..

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