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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Know you will be glad to get rid of Bro's place! That's GREAT!!

Skinny Cows... when I get the sandwiches, I usually just eat 1/2. I got the caramel truffles, too. But, I can live with one a day. They're gone now... Earl ate some, too.

He's been an absolute jerk all day today, BTW! Have no idea what I did to piss him off. Wanted to go to Harbor Freight today, so when I was ready... 10:30 a.m., I said... "this is my usual latte time"! So he told me I could get one this afternoon. I said, "that's my wine time". But I also told him, "never mind, I'll skip it" because I knew he wanted to leave. BUT.. he drives over to Surf Shack! HIS CHOICE! I told him I'd live witout it. He always gets impatient if he takes me over there because it takes longer than he thinks it should. So, from then on he was in a bad mood! Why do I put up with this sh****!!! Maybe he realy is trying to quit smoking. I don't now but he's a miserable SOB!! Good thing I have all of you to bounce my VENTS!!

Oh, yeah... I got sarcastic comments for buying two more bottles of my Two Vines wine that is on sale this month for $4.99! Give me a break! Chewed me out because I "keep on buying wine"! He bought a BOX of wine last week and I am supposed to drink that or "Two Buck Chuck", which is close to $4 in WA state, so... what's the difference! So $5 is too much for me to pay for a bottle of wine???? When we were at Three Rivers, Jacki and I polished off a bottle of $30 wine a couple of times!! And I have a bottle I paid $25 for in OR that is being saved for a "special occasion"... his rule, not mine.

What he puts in my salad is whatever we have... artificial crab... which I really like but he quit buying several weeks ago for some unknown reason, or shaved ham, maybe cheese... I like feta, sometimes tuna.

Didn't go to the gym today because my hip was hurting too bad. Limping all day! Hope to go tomorrow to ride the recumbent bike.

Tornadoes in OK were horrible. We lived there twice... a total of about 17-18 years. Saw destruction as severe as yesterday's only once during all those years, though. More bad weather there forecast for today/tomorrow. Worried about son, Steve who lives on the OK/AR border but moves around a lot working for a mobile painting company. But think they were working in OK this week. He called on Mother's Day, which was a real blessing. Hadn't heard from him in almost 2months, I think!

I still want a little dog like Tracy's "shorkie", but Earl keeps saying "NO"! I LOVE that dog. Enjoyed her and Alisha's dachshund, Harley, on Mother's Day... both of them on my lap at the same time a couple of times. And had my face washed repeatedly!! Had a really fun time. We all went out to lunch... Jodie & family met us at restaurant. Then at Tracy's... we got a birthday cake for Charly (7th birthday Thursday), and played some Wii games, etc. Charly & I did "Just Dance" first, then I bowled a couple of games, then played golf with Charly... beat him at dance, we each won one round of golf. And that's why I can't walk this week!! LOL

So I'll just keep thinking about that and not about what a jerk Earl is being today!

My youngest sister, Shirley is having a horrible week! Friday her youngest daughter was in an accident on her way to work.. car was totaled, but she escaped with bumps and bruises and sore muscles. Mother's Day morning... daughter #2 was in the BR with her daughter who was throwing up with the flu when she passed out! Sick daughter helped her back to her room, but apparently passed out again because daughter went to check on her a few minutes later and she was on the floor in a pool of blood having a seizure. So... 911, ambulance transport to ER, broken nose and teeth went through lower lip... stitches required!! Then, today, GD had a grand mal seizure.. another 911 call, ambulance transport to ER!!

PHyl, I dont know hwat to say about your neices... that is just horrible... I do hope that they both recover quiklly and it was just some WEIRDO flu. Broken nose and teeth, ah she`ll be upset ab out that.<

Earl, whats up with him... Male PMS that`s what I`d chalk it up to... plus the STOCK market`s been wildly fluctuating this week becauase of GREECE... Its probably got his knickers in a twist worrying about investments.

We;ve had a few nibbles on our van.. several phone enquiries and a lot of drive=bys, looky-loos... so keep your fingers crossed I can buy a BIGGER one soon.

I vote YES on a doggie for the two of you... You`d love it, and having a dog FORCES you to walk it everyday... so it good exercise. It would be such fun in the RV park too and someone for you to talk to when you are pissed at Earl!!!:)

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o.k. going to bed soon.

Nighttime Snacks are as follows:::::


BOwl of cheerios/ skim milk

Bag of popcorn

MUg of SF HOt Cocoa... now my pills... thats it. I am going to bed now...


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Phyl, get the dog!!! I know I have to many in the house right now, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Even today when the vet bill was $170, it is worth every penny. But my traveling vet gives me a discount because she knows I can't afford much. The $170 was for 2 rabies shots, 3 bordidella (kennel cough vaccine), 1 distemper, another 'puppy' shot I can't remember, the cats blood work and cortizone shot, and physicals on all 4 animals. Simon is going to have to have a lump removed (could be cancer) and his teeth cleaned which will require anesthesia, but the vet says he can wait until I can afford it, unless the lump starts growing fast.

Janet, I'd sign up for that fat camp!! food was good today. Normal Breakfast, 1 oz of cheese for lunch, 1/2 c chicken chowmein, bag of smartpop kettle korn.


Cheap vet - hell that's just one dog for me :0) Hope Simon is ok..

Lunch wasnt great - but better than the alternative :0)

OMG I would love to run a Biggest Loser Resort - OMG I could be the food cop and get away with it !!!! I would love it - Janet aka Jillian !!!!! I would absolutely love it...

Mike is doing really good - and I am not watching just listening - I thought Lee was good - but I love him and his voice..

Oh Randy didn't like it... OMG these judges - hell it's up pple who buy the albums... Not them..

Well back to t.v.

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Janet, you would run a hell of a fat camp. 1st, just advertise your before & after pics and the entire world would be at your door step, me included. 2nd, you tell it like it is, which we all need.

food was good until...DD#5 came home with boyfriend and college friend AND brought Little Debbie Peanut Butter wafer things home. I ALWAYS get stressed when we have extra people in the house, especially now with it being such a disaster, then you wave peanut butter & chocolate under my nose...ate one, didn't really enjoy it, but ate it none the less. They better be gone before I get home or they are garbage!!

Yesterday did me a world of good. I slept in & took a nap and feel awake for the first time in months. Got bills paid and taxes done for the teachers in China. Got the Water plant order together for the nursery. Paid my own bills.

Yep, my vet is cheap, but she is good. She travels in her vet van because she doesn't want to deal with office personel, plus she says, "There isn't anything better than a good roadtrip." Think middle age hippy. I just love her. She never leaves until all furries have given her a lick and taken a treat from her.

Phyl, it must be just horrid for your sister. Hope they figure it all out.

Phyl....GET THE DOG!!!!!!!!!!! And tell Earl, he has his airplanes, you have a furry. Life is too short not to have a furry on your lap. If he doesn't like it, tell him to 'bite it'. Besides, I like the idea of forced exercise.

Well time to get ready, TTFN

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Good Morning....

Karla, with what you ate yesterday - one treat isn't bad...

I wish your vet traveled to Cali !!! Sounds like a great job to me..

Well not much to report since last night - watched idol - don't know yet who got kicked off dancing w/the stars.. Wonder who will go home tonite on idol..

Glad you got your rest and caught up on the paper work - I need to do that myself - but this weekend -Earth Wind Fire Friday nite - then funeral on Saturday at 2 p.m. for my gf Dad..

Candice - Linda - Karla - good food today - healthy foods - no cocktails- no sugar - You can do it

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Good Morning!

Well... I have to admit, he has a lot of good reasons for NOT getting a dog. I'll have one some day!

Didn't eat much yesterday... usual BF, costco Snacks were a bust... two chips and a swallow of a yogurt smoothie, oh, and a bite of baguette. Had a wheat thin flat bread cracker when I got home. Put some hummus on it and a couple of small oysters. Dinner... Earl made spaghetti..... 2 oz angel hair, sauce made with canned chopped tomatoes, and turkey Italian sausage.. but ended up with only 4 small bites on my plate. But.... I PB'd on it and was miserable the rest of the night.

Primetimers this morning but don't know if we're going or not. Want to go to the gym and do some bike time, but my hips are still so sore so I'll wait and see how I feel later.

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Hey Gang - Drive by - it's 3:45 and it's to late to start anything on my desk (i get off at 4) Plus no one is here to catch me on the computer - I am sorta sleepy - Have gym tonite - Leg work out - I should have had some caffine earlier

So Phyl what did you end up doing today - hope the hips feel better soon...

Karla - how were your little monsters..

Candice- too quite - that gets me to worrying ;-)

food today

BF Jerkey

lunch - 4 oz fish - 3 bites broc

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Drive by....sorry ladies.

Its been crazy trying to get everything in order for this sale. Remind me next year not to put everything off.

Quick question because I've been hunting for the answer and can't find it. What days do we have the house. Mom is here and we were discussing plans and neither of us remember the dates for sure.

I'll try to drive by later and give you more updates. Life is good and I am doing pretty good. No worries! Love you guys!

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So good old Mel goes shopping and comes home with 6 pounds of sharp cheddar cheese which I love, "oh, it was such a good deal." plus another bag of fresh cheese curds--the kind that squeak when you chew them, and a quart of ice cream "for Cora." Right--like she'll eat the whole quart?

Phyl--sounds like some pretty major issues with the relatives. Hope they're ok now. What's that about your hip hurting--and your back? You go right ahead and enjoy your wine! Earl and Mel are two of a kind, so I totally understand each and every one of your frustrations! BTW where does Steven live? Anywhere near Bentonville Ar?

Candice--great job on the job! At least you'll have some mad money and a lot more satisfaction than before. Don't forget to post pics of the quilt. We saw it in progress last summer--looking forward to the final result.

Janet--give up the coctails? I don't know. . . Maybe I'd do better giving up cheese? Yeah, I need to live with you awhile. When did you say that fat camp should be?

Carla-- I need a cheat sheet on thoes daughters of yours--names, jobs, family, where they live--all of that. I get so confused.

So yesterday I finally got my dental implant finished. I can smile again! YEA!!! But he had to drill down an adjacent filling to get the thing to fit, so now I gotta go back and have that filling replaced. Darn. Thinking about asking for a white filling. Anyone know how much more that'll cost?

We're on "Baby-watch" Levi's due in 2 weeks. I as so looking forward to having Cora for awhile, but the parents haven't asked yet which makes me think that HER mom will move in for awhile. It sucks to be the husband's mom. . . On the other hand, I have to work and she doesn't so that could be a factor too.

Oh well, I had a great day with Cora yesterday. She went with me to the dentist and almost fell asleep with her head on my chest while they were working on me. She had her pacifier, and just laid there as still and quiet as could be. SHE WAS SO GOOD. And as much as I hate the dentist--and he was having problems with the implant--it was actually a comfort to have her there. I just love that little girl!

Posted grades today. I had one course where a good 1/2 of the students FAILED. I should have looked to see how many of them were getting paid by the state to go to school. I bet 90%. But I'm still going to get looked at to see why so many did so poorly. Makes me look bad. But I how can I send them to work in doctors offices when they don't know the basics of anatomy, physiology, and diseases, and didn't care enough to do the basic homework to learn? Oh, I need another drink. . .

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Yep girl - gotta give up the cocktails - or limit them to 1 only a day and NO CHEESE!!!! Hell 100 cal for one little cube (2 dice) not worth it... I think Mel is sabotaging you - I have never eaten cheese curd except in Canada -

Is anyone watching Oprah - Eat love Pray - or something like that - it's on in the back ground - I'll watch it when I get back from the gym...

The part I have heard so far sounds good - record it or watch it - it comes out again around 11 p.m. here on channel 11..

Fat camp is when ever you want to come visit !!! My door is always open !!!

well gotta leave for the gym...

Steph - 7/1 thru 7/5 are the dates I am arriving and leaving

I'll email you phyl's address -

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So Phyl what did you end up doing today - hope the hips feel better soon...

Went to Primetimers. Then to one of the old ladies' home to try to install her printer. After 90 minutes, headache and backache... gave up! Her computer is a dinosaur! I told her she can buy a laptop for under $500 that would way surpass the desk top she has and take up less space and she could take it in another room if she wanted to. I finally went online to try to download the drivers/software from the internet, but she has dial up and when it started downloading it said it was going to take 5 1/2 hrs!!! So I canceled it!

Came home... took my cruise around the neighborhood... nice day... got my latte, hung out at Target a while and came home. Probably will try the leftover spaghetti for dinner and see if it goes down easier this time!


Quick question because I've been hunting for the answer and can't find it. What days do we have the house. Mom is here and we were discussing plans and neither of us remember the dates for sure.

I'll try to drive by later and give you more updates. Life is good and I am doing pretty good. No worries! Love you guys!

Four nights... Thursday through Sunday...

July 1 - 5.

Phyl--sounds like some pretty major issues with the relatives. Hope they're ok now. What's that about your hip hurting--and your back? You go right ahead and enjoy your wine! Earl and Mel are two of a kind, so I totally understand each and every one of your frustrations! BTW where does Steven live? Anywhere near Bentonville Ar?

So yesterday I finally got my dental implant finished. I can smile again! YEA!!! But he had to drill down an adjacent filling to get the thing to fit, so now I gotta go back and have that filling replaced. Darn. Thinking about asking for a white filling. Anyone know how much more that'll cost?

We're on "Baby-watch" Levi's due in 2 weeks. I as so looking forward to having Cora for awhile, but the parents haven't asked yet which makes me think that HER mom will move in for awhile. It sucks to be the husband's mom. . . On the other hand, I have to work and she doesn't so that could be a factor too.

Oh well, I had a great day with Cora yesterday. She went with me to the dentist and almost fell asleep with her head on my chest while they were working on me. She had her pacifier, and just laid there as still and quiet as could be. SHE WAS SO GOOD. And as much as I hate the dentist--and he was having problems with the implant--it was actually a comfort to have her there. I just love that little girl!

Posted grades today. I had one course where a good 1/2 of the students FAILED. I should have looked to see how many of them were getting paid by the state to go to school. I bet 90%. But I'm still going to get looked at to see why so many did so poorly. Makes me look bad. But I how can I send them to work in doctors offices when they don't know the basics of anatomy, physiology, and diseases, and didn't care enough to do the basic homework to learn? Oh, I need another drink. . .

Steve is in Grove OK, right near the AR border. I think he told me he was going to be in AR this week for a few days for a painting job, and then I think there's another one coming up in Kentucky or Tennessee. I lost track. He called on Sunday... which was a suprise because we hadn't heard from him in about 2 months. He said his cell phone fell in the Water on a job last week. But he always has a story. He was calling on his boss' cell phone. And anyways, that doesn't explain why I didn't hear from him since March! I know.... tornadoes... scary!! They usually stay in motels, but he was talking about his boss getting an RV for them to stay in.. or maybe it was a travel trailer. He talks so fast and goes from one subject to another! And he kept saying he was going to call back later and tell us about all the "good news". When I pressed him for what kind of good news, his answer was... jobs coming up, etc. I just don't want any more grandchildren and we don't know anything about this latest girlfriend.. like age,fertility status, etc. :smile2::eek::smile:

I think everything is quiet in Buffalo for the time being. With Uncle Ed's stroke, niece's accidents, seizures, etc, it's time for an end to the drama. My sister (youngest one) said she needs a vacation.. all the niece, grandniece issues were in her family.

Screwed up my hip bowling on the Wii on Sunday! And PT exercises seem to be aggravating my back instead of helping.

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Good morning ladies, I'm dragging today. But today is Thursday, having a tough time keeping in eyelids open. Okay, just wrote a sentence & was on the wrong keysl that's what I get for typing with my eyes's closed. Well maybe more coffee will help, it better.

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Good Morning Gang..

I hear you Karla - I had leg cramps last night - took a while for them to quite - toes and feet cramping bad

Not much to report - watched idol - sorry to see Big Mike go..

Lee is my fave - that's who I am voting for ;0)

Well gotta go ck my farm ;0)


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Good morning ladies, I'm dragging today. But today is Thursday, having a tough time keeping in eyelids open. Okay, just wrote a sentence & was on the wrong keysl that's what I get for typing with my eyes's closed. Well maybe more coffee will help, it better.

Coffee cures anything! Or wine!! LOL

Good Morning Gang..I hear you Karla - I had leg cramps last night - took a while for them to quite - toes and feet cramping bad

Not much to report - watched idol - sorry to see Big Mike go.. Lee is my fave - that's who I am voting for ;0)

Well gotta go ck my farm ;0) CBL


I'm not usually dressed this early, but am expecting Tracy & Jim any minute!! They are taking Jim's daughter and granddaughters to the zoo today. So I get to dogsit GIGI!! I am so excited!! I think I will walk her to Surf Shack!!

Earl just counted my purses! One of the ways he amuses himself... count purses, shoes and hats!! I have 38 purses. But he doesn't know where my Coach purses are!! HAHA!

Gigi is here.


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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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