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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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WEll... after the back episode in March, I never went to see a back specialist. So when I tried to make an appt here with ortho, they said I needed a referral from my primary care doc. And she wouldn't give me a referral unless I went in to see her for THAT problem. So I went this morning and took my x-rays. When she looked at the x-rays she said she didn't think those episodes of pain I had, based on where I showed her the pain was, had anything to do with the state of my spine/vertebrae, etc. She said the pain was too high, and the bone spurs and messed up spine are lower. So she wants me to see a physiatrist... for possible cortisone inj in my back, and she gave me an Rx for PT. I told her about the options for PT in my neighborhood, and turns out the gym I go to has a PT department. So when I went to my appt with the trainer this afternoon, I showed him the Rx for PT. He had me warm up on the bike for about 7 minutes and then decided I should so see the therapist and let him direct my exercise program.

Turned out they had a 3pm appt available, and it was almost 3pm by then. By the time I filled out paperwork and she called my insurance and got confirmation of my benefits, the PT guy was ready for me. So I ended up being over there 2 hrs! He went through 3 different exercises with me, did a deep massage of my lumbar area, and put ice and TENS wrap on my back for about 20 minutes. I'm scheduled for therapy in their warm Water pool on Friday, but I'll go over a couple of times between now and then to ride the bike and maybe I'll do a little walking on the treadmill, too.

But, by the time I left there I could hardly walk... maybe from the bike, I don't know... but limping with pain in my right hip!! LOL!! Where does it end! I think I overdid the Wii with grandson, Charly (7) yesterday. I'm so competitive! First we did "Just Dance"... I won, then he got bored with that so I bowled a couple of games. (Think that's what did it!) Then Charly came back and we played two rounds of golf.


gOOD Grief Phyl... I am glad you are getting PT as well as your exercise plan.. that is SMART....HUGS on the pain.. the TENS unit will give you some releif ,.. and you can also buy a HOME unit to do tens therapy too...

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physiatrist - I thought you mis-spelled shrink - I was thinking wth lol - so I googled it - it'a a pt person :0)

Ok I thought the Tens was prescribed by the doc - to wear all the time - it's just at the pt sessions..

Well what does she think that pain was - we know it had to be bad for you to go to urgent care..


Karla Where are you this a.m. - I slept in til 5:30 so I wasn't on this a.m.- but taking a chance right now to ck in - no one's here yet :0)..

Well not much to report since last night had my salad w/garlic olive oil/honey balsamic - it was good - I didn't even finish my fish - cuz I ate my salad first - I was hungry - the salad was done and the fish wasn't ;o() so I ate my salad 1st - not going to kill me to do this every now and then :0)

Today's Menu

BF - inside of ww egg mcmuffin -

lunch - fish/salad - snack Phistastioc (sp)

dinner - Fish/Salad and maybe some broc..

Those are the main items on my menu today

Candice & Linda - What's your plan for the day..

July 1st is about 50 days away..

ok I gotta get to work :0) cb tonite :0)

"This type of doctors handles injuries that require rehabilitation but do not require surgery. They take care of injuries affecting the muscles, nerves or bones. Some patients may have disabilities and the physiatrist works to help gain better movement."

She thinks the pain was either muscular, or maybe WAS a kidney stone, which is what I initially suspected. She said it had to have been something that resolved itself since the pain in that specific area, and that intensity, has not come back since March 10!

She said the physiatrist might recommend cortisone inj, though, as I am extremely tender in the lumbar area. Thus... the referral to PT and to this other doctor. Amuses me, though, that the only real pain I am having this week is my right hip from too much Wii bowling!!

We had steak last night for the first time in WEEKS! I just barely finished my very small filet and sauteed onions, mushrooms and garlic. Couldn't get the veggies down. Weren't soft enough either.

Had my small eggbeaters salmon omelet for BF today. Don't know what I'll have for lunch/dinner yet, but I've been eating a lot of Lean Cuisines lately. They're so quick and easy. Albertsons had them on sale last week for $1.88 and if you bought six you got a free box of Skinny Cows! Earl has been making himself a salad for lunch almost every day.. He came home 15 lb over goal. So he lost 7 1/2 last week with his brand of dieting... starving himself. But I have a hard time handling his salads. I tell him every time... make me a SMALL salad, but he doesn't get that. And there's always too much STUFF and not enough lettuce. At lunch time I am perfectly happy with a rye crisp cracker with hummus, lite cream cheese spread, maybe a couple of small canned oysters or a slice of shaved ham.

No progress with weight loss for the last couple of months. Hoping the new exercise program will change that. Struggling to stay under 200!

gOOD Grief Phyl... I am glad you are getting PT as well as your exercise plan.. that is SMART....HUGS on the pain.. the TENS unit will give you some releif ,.. and you can also buy a HOME unit to do tens therapy too...

Really... the back is not a big problem right now. Bothers me if I have to sit in an uncomfortable chair for an hour or more... like choir practice, church... depending on the chair.. we've been church shopping since we've been home, so different chairs every week! I went to the doctor because I was following up on the urgent care doc's recommendation that I see a back specialist because of the bone spurs, messed up discs and evidence of arthritic changes in my spine. I pounced on her PT suggestion because I figured I could do that at my gym and hopeful that they would use the pool as part of my therapy!! So that worked out exactly as I'd hoped it would.

I didn't particularly like the TENS because he put ice in it and you know me and COLD! I don't like ice cold drinks, ice cold food, etc. I don't tolerate cold of any kind! So when I got home I was chilled to the bone and couldn't get warm for a long time. But my Friday appointment is in the pool, which they keep heated to about 95 degrees. So I will enjoy that!

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I slept in today, because I am playing hookie. The vet came and I just wasn't in the mood to deal with students. Anyway, the vet is perplexed with the cat's hair loss. She thinks it might be an internal issue. She took some blood to check out for liver & kidney function. She also check blood sugar and it was LOW. She says she has never had a cat with low blood sugar. She is going to retest it and talk to a specialist. The vet gave the cat a cortisone shot to help with the skin issues and arthritus. The rest of the furries got shots, etc. Simon has a lump that the vet in town said was a fatty lump, but it isn't. So Simon with have to have it removed. Poor Simon, he always has something going on.

I am going to spend the day trying to find bills and paperwork and maybe take a nap. I slept in until 8:30, had REALLY strange dreams. I usually don't dream with my sleeping pills, but it had my friend in them that was killed in May of last year. It was nice to see him, he was a handsome man, longish black curly hair and gorgeous eyes. As well as 'other' attributes that can't be discussed in polite company.

Oh well, trying to eat Breakfast, but it seems to be sticking. Check in later, TTFN

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Well this has started out to be an interesting day. I had a `job` interview at the NEW Chiropractic clininc. Which was totally weird cause I AM applying for my OLD job back, minus 2 days per week. I`ll do the Accounts receivable, WSIB, Webpage and Laser therapy. Like I did before... only at this clinic I`ll have a new boss. Dr. Sara... so I had to go jump thru hoops for her. Actually, I wans`t looking forward to the experience at all... but I had nothing to lose...

SHe was REALLY nice, liked me and asked if «i`d be interested in going to the staff meeting on THURS night this week... I said sure... so I`m pretty sure that means I got the job... I asked for my raise, got it, asked for my 4-6 wks vacation per year, got it. and got my 2 days per week schedule... so :tt2: I guess I;m working again. SHe said she`d talk to me next week to discuss start date... cool - I also told her of my trip to Seattle in July, no problemo....<<

And best of all... the PIT BULL is not being interveiwed for a job at the NEW clinic.... YEAH!!!:scared2: :cheers2: :party: :w00t: :lol:

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Its 3 ^p.m and I am wanting food, not just any food, but JUNK food.... argh!!

I had my breaky and lunch... going to have a tea and go sew...keep my HEAD busy... that`s the plan

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Well this has started out to be an interesting day. I had a `job` interview at the NEW Chiropractic clininc. Which was totally weird cause I AM applying for my OLD job back, minus 2 days per week. I`ll do the Accounts receivable, WSIB, Webpage and Laser therapy. Like I did before... only at this clinic I`ll have a new boss. Dr. Sara... so I had to go jump thru hoops for her. Actually, I wans`t looking forward to the experience at all... but I had nothing to lose...

SHe was REALLY nice, liked me and asked if «i`d be interested in going to the staff meeting on THURS night this week... I said sure... so I`m pretty sure that means I got the job... I asked for my raise, got it, asked for my 4-6 wks vacation per year, got it. and got my 2 days per week schedule... so :tt2: I guess I;m working again. SHe said she`d talk to me next week to discuss start date... cool - I also told her of my trip to Seattle in July, no problemo....<<

And best of all... the PIT BULL is not being interveiwed for a job at the NEW clinic.... YEAH!!!:scared2: :cheers2: :party: :w00t: :lol:

Sounds ideal!!

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Candice, great on getting what you asked for!!

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Good Evening Gang...

Candice WTG on negotiations on your new job (old job) - I hope you don't have any junk food in the house - if you do throw it away !!!! Now !!!!

Karla - I forgot - I'm sorry ;0) I'm Old and tired myself today..

Hugs on your animal issues !!!! What did you get accomplished - hopefully a nap

Phyl - The Tens units I know about are electrical and shock your nerves - not ice. I know you will enjoy the pool.

What does Earl put in your salad - for me all I need is red onion and avocados..

Those skinny cows - are dangerous for me - I bought them once and ate more than one - ate like 3 - that truffle carmel stuff on them is what did it I think - i won't buy them..

I have been doing lean cusinies too - not much - but have a few in the freeze for days that I don't know what I want for dinner - or don't have left overs for lunch..

Today - my menu changed - pistachios & Jerky for BF - lunch was just the salad and right now had 4 cheese pb crackers you know those orange things.. Funny salad had me full but I could eat those pb cheese crackers w/no problem..

dinner will be fish & veggie or salad I think veggies..

Didn't go to the gym - had to go to attonery to sign papers for the sale of bro's house - did I tell you we got offer - it was appraised $180k - just reduced it to $140k - got offer $125K cash - said - hell yes... So hopefully pretty soon it will be all done with..

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Good Evening Gang...

Candice WTG on negotiations on your new job (old job) - I hope you don't have any junk food in the house - if you do throw it away !!!! Now !!!!

Karla - I forgot - I'm sorry ;0) I'm Old and tired myself today..

Hugs on your animal issues !!!! What did you get accomplished - hopefully a nap

Phyl - The Tens units I know about are electrical and shock your nerves - not ice. I know you will enjoy the pool.

What does Earl put in your salad - for me all I need is red onion and avocados..

Those skinny cows - are dangerous for me - I bought them once and ate more than one - ate like 3 - that truffle carmel stuff on them is what did it I think - i won't buy them..

I have been doing lean cusinies too - not much - but have a few in the freeze for days that I don't know what I want for dinner - or don't have left overs for lunch..

Today - my menu changed - pistachios & Jerky for BF - lunch was just the salad and right now had 4 cheese pb crackers you know those orange things.. Funny salad had me full but I could eat those pb cheese crackers w/no problem..

dinner will be fish & veggie or salad I think veggies..

Didn't go to the gym - had to go to attonery to sign papers for the sale of bro's house - did I tell you we got offer - it was appraised $180k - just reduced it to $140k - got offer $125K cash - said - hell yes... So hopefully pretty soon it will be all done with..

Ah that property, you;ll be glad to be finished with that eh!! It sucks that you got stuck with ALL the administrative stuff.... not fair, have you heard from you sister lately?

Ate my supper and came right back downstairs to sew.. that queen size blue/yellow quilt is like wrestling with an alligator:cursing: I am getting it put together in rows but its tough slugging... already broke one needle... time to take a break.

REally want to eat something yummy right now, i am craving SWEETS, so I may go eat a bowl of oatmeal... no chocolate in the house Janet....but I have thought about going out to buy some:thumbdown::drool::crying:

I know that DAY 1 is always the toughest.... I just have yto hang in a few more hours.:)

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Ah that property, you;ll be glad to be finished with that eh!! It sucks that you got stuck with ALL the administrative stuff.... not fair, have you heard from you sister lately?

Ate my supper and came right back downstairs to sew.. that queen size blue/yellow quilt is like wrestling with an alligator:cursing: I am getting it put together in rows but its tough slugging... already broke one needle... time to take a break.

REally want to eat something yummy right now, i am craving SWEETS, so I may go eat a bowl of oatmeal... no chocolate in the house Janet....but I have thought about going out to buy some:thumbdown::drool::crying:

I know that DAY 1 is always the toughest.... I just have yto hang in a few more hours.:)

You can not leave the house !!!!! NO chocolate !!!! unless it's a sugar free choc pudding...

This is where you an I diff - I won't get up and go out to get something - once I am home and in my house clothes - I won't get up and go back out... Like right now I have pj's on already - I am pooped - I don't care how bad I want something - I won't get up and go get it - I'm lazy - and I have stores within 1 block of the house..

I do what you are doing - find something in the house that is sweet and allowable and not too many caloires - I think you and Linda need to come and stay with me till we meet in July

Janet's Biggest Losser Resort !!!! All you need is a plane ticket :0)

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You can not leave the house !!!!! NO chocolate !!!! unless it's a sugar free choc pudding...

This is where you an I diff - I won't get up and go out to get something - once I am home and in my house clothes - I won't get up and go back out... Like right now I have pj's on already - I am pooped - I don't care how bad I want something - I won't get up and go get it - I'm lazy - and I have stores within 1 block of the house..

I do what you are doing - find something in the house that is sweet and allowable and not too many caloires - I think you and Linda need to come and stay with me till we meet in July

Janet's Biggest Losser Resort !!!! All you need is a plane ticket :0)

Janet, you are too funny.,.. I love the idea of the BIggest Loser Resort... I`m IN....

I am saving right now for a plane ticket... I have a new AEROPLAN card collecting miles on it....so be careful what you wish for:tt1:

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Good Evening Gang...

Candice WTG on negotiations on your new job (old job) - I hope you don't have any junk food in the house - if you do throw it away !!!! Now !!!!

Karla - I forgot - I'm sorry ;0) I'm Old and tired myself today..

Hugs on your animal issues !!!! What did you get accomplished - hopefully a nap

Phyl - The Tens units I know about are electrical and shock your nerves - not ice. I know you will enjoy the pool.

What does Earl put in your salad - for me all I need is red onion and avocados..

Those skinny cows - are dangerous for me - I bought them once and ate more than one - ate like 3 - that truffle caramel stuff on them is what did it I think - i won't buy them..

I have been doing lean cuisines too - not much - but have a few in the freeze for days that I don't know what I want for dinner - or don't have left overs for lunch..

Today - my menu changed - pistachios & Jerky for BF - lunch was just the salad and right now had 4 cheese pb crackers you know those orange things.. Funny salad had me full but I could eat those pb cheese crackers w/no problem..

Dinner will be fish & veggie or salad I think veggies..

Didn't go to the gym - had to go to attorney to sign papers for the sale of bro's house - did I tell you we got offer - it was appraised $180k - just reduced it to $140k - got offer $125K cash - said - hell yes... So hopefully pretty soon it will be all done with..

Know you will be glad to get rid of Bro's place! That's GREAT!!

Skinny Cows... when I get the sandwiches, I usually just eat 1/2. I got the caramel truffles, too. But, I can live with one a day. They're gone now... Earl ate some, too.

He's been an absolute jerk all day today, BTW! Have no idea what I did to piss him off. Wanted to go to Harbor Freight today, so when I was ready... 10:30 a.m., I said... "this is my usual latte time"! So he told me I could get one this afternoon. I said, "that's my wine time". But I also told him, "never mind, I'll skip it" because I knew he wanted to leave. BUT.. he drives over to Surf Shack! HIS CHOICE! I told him I'd live witout it. He always gets impatient if he takes me over there because it takes longer than he thinks it should. So, from then on he was in a bad mood! Why do I put up with this sh****!!! Maybe he realy is trying to quit smoking. I don't now but he's a miserable SOB!! Good thing I have all of you to bounce my VENTS!!

Oh, yeah... I got sarcastic comments for buying two more bottles of my Two Vines wine that is on sale this month for $4.99! Give me a break! Chewed me out because I "keep on buying wine"! He bought a BOX of wine last week and I am supposed to drink that or "Two Buck Chuck", which is close to $4 in WA state, so... what's the difference! So $5 is too much for me to pay for a bottle of wine???? When we were at Three Rivers, Jacki and I polished off a bottle of $30 wine a couple of times!! And I have a bottle I paid $25 for in OR that is being saved for a "special occasion"... his rule, not mine.

What he puts in my salad is whatever we have... artificial crab... which I really like but he quit buying several weeks ago for some unknown reason, or shaved ham, maybe cheese... I like feta, sometimes tuna.

Didn't go to the gym today because my hip was hurting too bad. Limping all day! Hope to go tomorrow to ride the recumbent bike.

Tornadoes in OK were horrible. We lived there twice... a total of about 17-18 years. Saw destruction as severe as yesterday's only once during all those years, though. More bad weather there forecast for today/tomorrow. Worried about son, Steve who lives on the OK/AR border but moves around a lot working for a mobile painting company. But think they were working in OK this week. He called on Mother's Day, which was a real blessing. Hadn't heard from him in almost 2months, I think!

I still want a little dog like Tracy's "shorkie", but Earl keeps saying "NO"! I LOVE that dog. Enjoyed her and Alisha's dachshund, Harley, on Mother's Day... both of them on my lap at the same time a couple of times. And had my face washed repeatedly!! Had a really fun time. We all went out to lunch... Jodie & family met us at restaurant. Then at Tracy's... we got a birthday cake for Charly (7th birthday Thursday), and played some Wii games, etc. Charly & I did "Just Dance" first, then I bowled a couple of games, then played golf with Charly... beat him at dance, we each won one round of golf. And that's why I can't walk this week!! LOL

So I'll just keep thinking about that and not about what a jerk Earl is being today!

My youngest sister, Shirley is having a horrible week! Friday her youngest daughter was in an accident on her way to work.. car was totaled, but she escaped with bumps and bruises and sore muscles. Mother's Day morning... daughter #2 was in the BR with her daughter who was throwing up with the flu when she passed out! Sick daughter helped her back to her room, but apparently passed out again because daughter went to check on her a few minutes later and she was on the floor in a pool of blood having a seizure. So... 911, ambulance transport to ER, broken nose and teeth went through lower lip... stitches required!! Then, today, GD had a grand mal seizure.. another 911 call, ambulance transport to ER!!

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You can not leave the house !!!!! NO chocolate !!!! unless it's a sugar free choc pudding...

This is where you an I diff - I won't get up and go out to get something - once I am home and in my house clothes - I won't get up and go back out... Like right now I have pj's on already - I am pooped - I don't care how bad I want something - I won't get up and go get it - I'm lazy - and I have stores within 1 block of the house..

I do what you are doing - find something in the house that is sweet and allowable and not too many calories - I think you and Linda need to come and stay with me till we meet in July

Janet's Biggest Loser Resort !!!! All you need is a plane ticket :0)

I'd go in my pjs!!


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OMG LOST MY FREAKING POST !!!! Again shorter version

Janet, you are too funny.,.. I love the idea of the BIggest Loser Resort... I`m IN....

I am saving right now for a plane ticket... I have a new AEROPLAN card collecting miles on it....so be careful what you wish for:tt1:

Candice - I bet you $100 bucks - stay with me for 2 weeks you would lose 10 lbs !!!! The doors open... Any Time -

Know you will be glad to get rid of Bro's place! That's GREAT!!

Skinny Cows... when I get the sandwiches, I usually just eat 1/2. I got the caramel truffles, too. But, I can live with one a day. They're gone now... Earl ate some, too.

He's been an absolute jerk all day today, BTW! Have no idea what I did to piss him off. Wanted to go to Harbor Freight today, so when I was ready... 10:30 a.m., I said... "this is my usual latte time"! So he told me I could get one this afternoon. I said, "that's my wine time". But I also told him, "never mind, I'll skip it" because I knew he wanted to leave. BUT.. he drives over to Surf Shack! HIS CHOICE! I told him I'd live witout it. He always gets impatient if he takes me over there because it takes longer than he thinks it should. So, from then on he was in a bad mood! Why do I put up with this sh****!!! Maybe he realy is trying to quit smoking. I don't now but he's a miserable SOB!! Good thing I have all of you to bounce my VENTS!!

Oh, yeah... I got sarcastic comments for buying two more bottles of my Two Vines wine that is on sale this month for $4.99! Give me a break! Chewed me out because I "keep on buying wine"! He bought a BOX of wine last week and I am supposed to drink that or "Two Buck Chuck", which is close to $4 in WA state, so... what's the difference! So $5 is too much for me to pay for a bottle of wine???? When we were at Three Rivers, Jacki and I polished off a bottle of $30 wine a couple of times!! And I have a bottle I paid $25 for in OR that is being saved for a "special occasion"... his rule, not mine.

What he puts in my salad is whatever we have... artificial crab... which I really like but he quit buying several weeks ago for some unknown reason, or shaved ham, maybe cheese... I like feta, sometimes tuna.

Didn't go to the gym today because my hip was hurting too bad. Limping all day! Hope to go tomorrow to ride the recumbent bike.

Tornadoes in OK were horrible. We lived there twice... a total of about 17-18 years. Saw destruction as severe as yesterday's only once during all those years, though. More bad weather there forecast for today/tomorrow. Worried about son, Steve who lives on the OK/AR border but moves around a lot working for a mobile painting company. But think they were working in OK this week. He called on Mother's Day, which was a real blessing. Hadn't heard from him in almost 2months, I think!

I still want a little dog like Tracy's "shorkie", but Earl keeps saying "NO"! I LOVE that dog. Enjoyed her and Alisha's dachshund, Harley, on Mother's Day... both of them on my lap at the same time a couple of times. And had my face washed repeatedly!! Had a really fun time. We all went out to lunch... Jodie & family met us at restaurant. Then at Tracy's... we got a birthday cake for Charly (7th birthday Thursday), and played some Wii games, etc. Charly & I did "Just Dance" first, then I bowled a couple of games, then played golf with Charly... beat him at dance, we each won one round of golf. And that's why I can't walk this week!! LOL

So I'll just keep thinking about that and not about what a jerk Earl is being today!

My youngest sister, Shirley is having a horrible week! Friday her youngest daughter was in an accident on her way to work.. car was totaled, but she escaped with bumps and bruises and sore muscles. Mother's Day morning... daughter #2 was in the BR with her daughter who was throwing up with the flu when she passed out! Sick daughter helped her back to her room, but apparently passed out again because daughter went to check on her a few minutes later and she was on the floor in a pool of blood having a seizure. So... 911, ambulance transport to ER, broken nose and teeth went through lower lip... stitches required!! Then, today, GD had a grand mal seizure.. another 911 call, ambulance transport to ER!!

Phyl - I think we have had the pj conversation before - it's not allowed :0)

Hugs on the family medical issues... That's scary - I have 2 freinds who are in the hosptial - one stomach bleeding - the other an alcoholic (rich one) who won't quit drinking - liver issue again..

Maybe Earl is not smoking - I think it's cuz of the new car - he's watching the pennies.. You didn't have a car payment before and now you do.. So he's watching every penny...

Candice - Ya sis wrote letter bitching again - not getting bank statements - she should have to co-sign every check I write (ya right) she never said to me she wasn't getting bank statements - I called the bank back in Sept - hopefully they will get a trustee - and this house being sold and I'm done - just want my $$$ for the headache I have had - and yes I have had all the headaches while she sits on her butt and writes letters...

Phyl - Earl doesn't want a dog - cuz he has a cat... Get yourself a dog... He will have a whole bunch of aunts this summer :0)

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Phyl, get the dog!!! I know I have to many in the house right now, but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Even today when the vet bill was $170, it is worth every penny. But my traveling vet gives me a discount because she knows I can't afford much. The $170 was for 2 rabies shots, 3 bordidella (kennel cough vaccine), 1 distemper, another 'puppy' shot I can't remember, the cats blood work and cortizone shot, and physicals on all 4 animals. Simon is going to have to have a lump removed (could be cancer) and his teeth cleaned which will require anesthesia, but the vet says he can wait until I can afford it, unless the lump starts growing fast.

Janet, I'd sign up for that fat camp!! food was good today. Normal Breakfast, 1 oz of cheese for lunch, 1/2 c chicken chowmein, bag of smartpop kettle korn.

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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
      · 0 replies
      1. This update has no replies.
    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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