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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Ah, finally stopped for the day. We started out in Idaho this a.m and now stopped in Havre, Montana. About a day and a half frm Stephanie.... cant wait to see her and all her brood.

Rain and HIGH winds today... horrible, but not as horrible as yesterday.. Peter drove and drove.... all thru mountains and rain... agh!!!! but we made it so that s o.k. <

LONG ISLAND ICED TEA.... yummy, Bacc ardis makes it by the bottle here in thew U.S. awesome.... its RUM based, has tea, cola, lemon and some other yummy stuff.... Linda turned me onto it and its delicious!!! hic

Right now, sitting in the lobby of Best Western, next door to the RV park that we`re in.... they were nice enough to let me hook up for a while, but I probaby won`t be nback on tonight... so if anyone wants me.... phone my cell.. ha,ha,ha

Peter has had some emails from his band guys back home, looks like ythe newest band may implode.... this happens... musicians... are such premadonas»!!!!!

»Rain and Snow forecasted for the next couple of days... hey isn`t this SPRING, isn`t this SOUTH of CANADA.... how come you guys are having »CANADIAN Crap weather .... LOL

Its MAY in a couple of days. Oh I found oiut why Peter was so crabby.... its the anniversary of his DAD`s passing... and right after we had the BROTHER visit in B.C.... huummmmm

Familys are definetly weird, Poor Phyl dealimng with all the car arguments... yuk.... but how is UNCLE ED now??? Hes home from the hospital, whats his status??? Will your MOM be able to handle him alone??

Kudos on the new car, that is always such fun...

Janet; YOu`ll love the beach house in J ULY, its really cute... LINDA, will we bunk toge3ther??

There are two twin beds in one room, a queen bed on another and two pull out sofas in the Livingroom... I suggested to Phyl that depending on numbers we may need an AIR bed as well.... the LR is big enough to accommodate another BED in there...

Went to a CASINO last night in the RV park... got all excited... you know me!!! Well it was just POKER machinnes, thats it!!! So I blew a $1 and left....

looks loike all they have here is KENO and POKER too... bummer, I`ll have to go back to the RV now and play Yatzee with Pwetewr....


C :thumbup:

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Ah, finally stopped for the day. We started out in Idaho this a.m and now stopped in Havre, Montana. About a day and a half from Stephanie.... cant wait to see her and all her brood.

Rain and HIGH winds today... horrible, but not as horrible as yesterday.. Peter drove and drove.... all thru mountains and rain... agh!!!! but we made it so that's o.k. <

LONG ISLAND ICED TEA.... yummy, Bacardi makes it by the bottle here in the U.S. awesome.... its RUM based, has tea, cola, lemon and some other yummy stuff.... Linda turned me onto it and its delicious!!! hic

Right now, sitting in the lobby of Best Western, next door to the RV park that we`re in.... they were nice enough to let me hook up for a while, but I probably won`t be back on tonight... so if anyone wants me.... phone my cell.. ha,ha,ha

Peter has had some emails from his band guys back home, looks like the newest band may implode.... this happens... musicians... are such primadonnas»!!!!!

»Rain and Snow forecast for the next couple of days... hey isn`t this SPRING, isn`t this SOUTH of CANADA.... how come you guys are having »CANADIAN Crap weather .... LOL

Its MAY in a couple of days. Oh I found out why Peter was so crabby.... its the anniversary of his DAD`s passing... and right after we had the BROTHER visit in B.C.... huummmmm

Familys are definitely weird, Poor Phyl dealing with all the car arguments... yuk.... but how is UNCLE ED now??? Hes home from the hospital, whats his status??? Will your MOM be able to handle him alone??

Kudos on the new car, that is always such fun...

Janet; You`ll love the beach house in JULY, its really cute... LINDA, will we bunk toge3ther??

There are two twin beds in one room, a queen bed on another and two pull out sofas in the Living room... I suggested to Phyl that depending on numbers we may need an AIR bed as well.... the LR is big enough to accommodate another BED in there...

Went to a CASINO last night in the RV park... got all excited... you know me!!! Well it was just POKER machines, that's it!!! So I blew a $1 and left....

looks like all they have here is KENO and POKER too... bummer, I`ll have to go back to the RV now and play Yahtzee with Peter....HUGS,, C :thumbup:

No nasty FB messages between family members today! Praise God!! I can't deal with much more of that!

Beach house.... You gals are going to love it. Setting is just wonderful. Place is smaller than I pictured it, but it will work just fine. The outdoor areas are GREAT... pray for good weather so we can enjoy it!! July 4th weekend can be wonderful, or not!! The remainder of our bill is due June 1... $802, and $200 of that is cleaning/security deposit. So we'll get that back. But... I think we have 8 confirmed.. so $100 each. If you are in agreement, I will spend $200 stocking with groceries, wine, etc... whatever you want me to get.. and then The $200 deposit will be mine, assuming we get it back. And I don't know why we wouldn't. Let me know what I should get... I know red wine for Candice and I. Then... what else... Long Island Ice Tea??? Tequila?? Vodka??? Beer??? Seems we drank mostly wine at Candice's, but I'll stock whatever you want me to get. Then... suggest some Breakfast items... Kashi Go Lean?? Eggbeaters??? Yogurt??? Give me some suggestions... I may have to spend more than the $200 but we can sort it all out later.

Place is rented Thurs night through Sunday night... so those coming in a day before or staying the day after, can stay in the condo here with us. We have an extra bedroom with queen bed and a pull out single in the LR. Suzanne preferred payment by PayPal with the deposit. Some of you had a problem with that, so just send me a check for $100 and I will deposit the checks in my checking account and pay with my PayPal account.

Sounds like you guys are driving hard this week!! Relax... take your time, smell the roses! Are you stopping at the Mall of America after Steph's???

I hear Uncle Ed is doing pretty well... still a little confused at times. I think themain thing is tha he is depressed... I can't drive anymore, therefore my life is over. Making comments like, "I'll be leaving this place soon", etc. My sister, Barb said he was already talking like that before all this happened and now it's worse. Told my Mom they can't go to church anymore because he doesn't want anyone driving him aroujnd! Ridiculous! Their complex has a shuttle that will take them places. AND, he's been driving ladies who can't drive around to church, lunch, etc., for YUEARS!! Male ego!! UGH!

Kinda pissed at Earl the last couple of days. Since we bought the new car he's doing things like sending me a detailed email account of our projected expenses for the next 6 months telling me our finances will be "touch and go"!! RIDICULOUS!! And today's thing... having a fit because I'm taking the cat for her once a year checkup and shots tomorrow... about $75. He wants me to take her to the animal shelter for the shots and not get a check up! He says he doesn't get a yearly check up so why should she??!! She's 13 yrs old! I'm taking her in or a check up tomorrow and shots!! Told him I'll take the money out of my "mad money" account if necessary! We only financed $10K, and our son-in-law financed that for us... so we're paying him...at 3% interest instead of what the car dealer was going to charge us. So the payments are minimal. Did it all formal with a contract and all. And it is not going to stress out our budget!! He had our financial adviser take a few K out of our IRA so we could have a "cushion". I told him... in 3 more years Uncle Sam will MAKE him start taking money out of that based on his life expectancy. That was a revelation for him... guess he thought he'd have control over how much he withdrew. Not the way I understand the "rules". So... then our income tax is going to go up. It's to our advantage to start taking some out yearly NOW! WHAT are we saving it for... for our kids to spend when we're gone!!

SORRY... TMI, I know! I have had 2 glasses of wine and I am really frustrated... and YOU are truly my closest friends!! I have to VENT to someone!!

Oh, CRAP!!

News is reporting there is NOTHING you can do to help ward off Alzheimer's!

Can't prevent it!

But.. a better diet can lower the chances of getting it!


May have made more sense before the wine!?

What a cheery new report!

Now they're talking about breast cancer!

I think I'll be done with the news now!

Too depressing!

Oh... here's some fun news from my family!!

My nephew... sister Mary Lou's DS#2...

just about to finish many years of school and officially be certified as a pediatric neurologist..

His wife and he wantd to wait until he was finished to start their family. He is 36 years old this month. I got a very clever email from him a few days ago about a "high terror alert". It went on and on with all these big words... and said the "non-specific indications of terror" were to increase on or about Oct. 14. There were two photos attached to the email. They were the most amazing ultrasound pictures I have ever seen... 3-D... of their TWINS!!! It was incredible! You could actually see that they are undoubtedly fraternal because they don't look very much alike... and one looks just like he did as a baby! They don't want to know the sexes, so you could only see the torsos, but, you could see the placenta, details of the fingers, etc. Needless to say, my sister is on cloud 9. She is 62 with 4 kids over 30 and these are her FIRST grandchildren! She is so thrilled!

She already ordered two "onesies" online... Dr. Seuss theme.. "Thing 1 and Thing 2"!!

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Phyl, how wonderful, twins, that must be a bit of a shock! Should be a lot of fun!

Candce, now you get to see the flat section of Montana where I grew up.

I think the last 4 months are cachting up with me. Even with a nap last night I'm still struggle to catch up I don blink, everytime I close the eyes OI keep punching the wrong letters because I blink and the eyes stay shiut.

Well just found out my phone is shut off because DD#4 owes...$1000 to the cell phone company. She just came home and wanted me to pay it. NO WAY IN HELL. So I will take her sorry butt into the cell company, cancel the subscription, and go get my own phone and she will go with out. She has me royally pissed. She borrowed $800 from her dad, which means she must have owed close to $2000. grrrrrrrrrrrr, I'm awake now.

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Good Morning Gang

Candice - OMG watch out for those long island ice teas - you may be on vacations but !!!! Calories !!!! ;0)

Phyl - Doubt any of us will drink beer - I am a so so drinker and if I get a little drunk one nite I won't drink anyother nite :0) - I'm an all or none girl :0) - popcorn !!!

Earl and $$ knew that was coming and ya - you live on a shoe string so kids get $$$ when you die - I think not!!!

Karla - Hugs on cell phone issue - DD #4 is sure giving you headaches lately..

Well time to hit the shower - Phyl - how much are we going to owe for the house...

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Well, just paid $150 to disconnect DD#4's phone. Verison did take some off the bill, it now is only $862.33, she has 6 months to pay it off, but if she misses a payment she will be turned over to the collection agency, NOT MY PROBLEM. As of tomorrow, I will have an account elsewhere and as of right now, she has no account. Get this, she was texting the entire time we were trying to work out the bill. She STILL doesn't get it, it is everyone else's fault. I know she will be turned over to the collection agency, and I don't care. She originally had a $2000 bill, stupid girl!

Was tight all day, couldn't eat breakfast, had some tomatoe Soup for lunch and a few grapes, tried to eat dinner, no go, so maybe later.

Despritely need a hair cut, so hopefully can arrange something for Sunday or Monday after work.

Went to quilting for the first time in about 6 months last night. Shouldn't have, ate 2 small scoops of FF frozen yogurt and 4 little Cookies. Now I remember why I quit going, there is always sweets and I don't need them in my face.

I hope the weather turns around so I can start riding my bike. I found a great path to the bird refuge. I'll need to pace it out and find out how long it is, but it will be fun to see all the baby ducks, etc.

Believe it or not, I wasn't even angry at DD#4, part of me was chuckling on the inside. I know, not very motherly, but I made her get someone to cover her at work and hauled her sorry butt in.

Well best quit complaining, thanks for listening.

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Good evening peeps

Karla - not mean at all - I would chuckle too - ha ha you think you are grown up - you think you know it all - just wait... I'm that way too..

We had terrible wind last night - suppose to be gone by tomorrow wasn't bad today..

Have had 2 decent days at work - where I wasn't micro managed by Van - I actually have gotten some work done..

food has been good for me - been a little tight - but that's the stress - plus that last fill I had.. I really can tell the diff - my band is stopping me from eating the amount of food I use to be able to eat..

Well andrew is hungry going to go start his dinner

oh ya - Karla - Phly - Denise - Candice - I know you don't play farmville - but please accept my neighbor request - I need 30 neighbors to be able to expand my farm - Oh phyl tell earl too ..

Thanks !!! xoxoxo J cbl

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So Janet, did you make it over to your brother's place? Is it ready to show yet?

It's Friday! I hope to get some more unpacked tonight and tomorrow. Plan on building shelves in the pantry, cleaning out my car, general clean up. Next weekend I have to work both Saturday & Sunday because it is Mother's Day weekend, but both days should be bonus so that will help pay for the fence.

DD#4 is finally talking to me, kind of. Oh well, I must be a real witch, because DD#5 is barely talking to me because evidently I stepped over a 'line' when I told her that if her sister (DD#2) was going to let her move to her cell phone that she better not goof up and not pay. Which she immediately said I was comparing her to DD#4 and how dare I. That's life, again, don't really care. I'm not much of a mom I guess, because I no longer worry about tip toeing around them and working to make them happy. Either they are or aren't.

Need to work on masters stuff tonight, but a nap is definitely in the plan!!!

Our school made the local paper, again. A student set off a smoke bomb that required that we evacuate the building. School policy says that student is expelled, the HS admin expelled the student, the school board overturned the expullsion beause the parents complained and are 'influencial'. My kid would have been expelled and I would have probably lost my job. But is helps if you have $$$. Then one of the school board members posted a pic of students on his Facebook page, photoshopped it so that the students were grouped around him with a title that said the students supported him. He is the board member that said teachers need to get a real job and also take a 10% cut in pay. The picture is one that was taken for the yearbook and was of the students on an Easter egg hunt. Legally who knows, ethically, it was totally wrong. What an embarrassment. It makes you NOT want to admit that you teach here.

Well best get going, Have a good day, TTFN

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Good afternoon! It's mighty quiet here today! Everyone must be busy.

The beach house..... we have to pay the balance of $802 by the first of June. I count 8 of us... Janet, Karri, Karla, Steph, Rose, Linda, Candice and me. Is that right?? So.... I need a check for $100 from each of you between now and the end of May. I already have Linda's. $200 of that is the security deposit, but rather than have $25 to refund to each of you, if its okay with all of you... I will spend $200 on groceries. Janet wants popcorn, we need coffee, wine, breakfast stuff... Please make suggestions as to what I should get. Need to know how many drink wine and how many white vs. red. Also need to know if you want me to get other "adult beverages". Like... if we want to make Margaritas, I'll get a bottle of tequila.

I had a dental appt yesterday and forgot to take my antibiotics prior to the appt so I had to reschedule for today. I have to take 3 Keflex one hour before and 3 hours after any dental work including cleaning because of the hardware in my knees... for the rest of my life.

My dentist is just a block away, so I took my scooter instead of the car. Then I went to the grocery store next door to get Earl one sour dough roll. After that.. Tracy had given me a 2 week free pass for the gym she goes to which is also in the neighborhood. So I cruised down there and got a personal tour of the whole place by one of the trainers. What a gREAT place... they have a day spa... do hair, nails, facials, pedis, massage. Then they have a small pool heated to 96 degrees that is used for physical therapy. They have lots of equipment, all different types. The rate for Srs. is only $24 a month. You have to sign up for a year, but they'll freeze my account while we're away and then resume when we get back each spring. So I think I'm going to sign up. I have an appt with a personal trainer for Monday morning right after TOPS.

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Phyl, the gym sounds fabulous!!! $25 per month and that they will freeze your account while you are gone is perfect for you!!

I'll send you a check. I need to double check that I can get the time off from work, I'll do that this weekend.

Came home and slept like the dead for 3 hours. I need to check my CPAP machine and check my ##'s for apnea, I feel like I did before I got it. Exhausted and am not able to focus. I don't know if I am quiting breathing or if I'm just beat because of everything that has gone on in the last few months. I have a masters project due tomorrow, and haven't even started. Oh well. I'll work on it for awhile, and live with the results.

I think I have lost my favorite breakfast of blueberries, yogurt & Kashi. Since I got my fill & unfill, everytime I try to eat it, I stick. This leads me to surfing for food and eating things I shouldn't. I think I am using food to try to stay awake. I keep falling asleep at my desk, even when I have students.

Well, going to go get some more coffee, then dinner of some sort. TTFN

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Phyl, the gym sounds fabulous!!! $25 per month and that they will freeze your account while you are gone is perfect for you!!

I'll send you a check. I need to double check that I can get the time off from work, I'll do that this weekend.

Came home and slept like the dead for 3 hours. I need to check my CPAP machine and check my ##'s for apnea, I feel like I did before I got it. Exhausted and am not able to focus. I don't know if I am quiting breathing or if I'm just beat because of everything that has gone on in the last few months. I have a masters project due tomorrow, and haven't even started. Oh well. I'll work on it for awhile, and live with the results.

I think I have lost my favorite breakfast of blueberries, yogurt & Kashi. Since I got my fill & unfill, everytime I try to eat it, I stick. This leads me to surfing for food and eating things I shouldn't. I think I am using food to try to stay awake. I keep falling asleep at my desk, even when I have students.

Well, going to go get some more coffee, then dinner of some sort. TTFN

Yes, I think this gym will work out perfect for me! I was hoping to find something like that when we got home. So much miss Water aerobics. Some of their equipment actually has earphone jacks and a place to plug in your iPod or Blackberry, etc. Unfortunately, the bike I want to use doesn't have that, but it does have a place where I can hang my iPod. And it's only about 10 minutes away by scooter, less than that if I drive over. Probably 3 minutes... like 2blocks away!

When is the last time you had a new CPAP machine?? Insurance will give you a new one every few years if your policy pays for that. I just got a new one this year and I love it. It adjust automatically to whatever your needs are. It sounds like it is not meeting your needs! Does your mask fit well? I have a lot of problems with my mask. I've lost so much fat in the back of my neck that the mask just sort of slides off the back of my head.

I guess you and I are the only ones around tonight!

Just had some Alaska salmon that one of our Sky Valley neighbors gave us before we left. It was in the freezer. He caught it last spring. First few bites were nice and tender, but the rest of it was sort of well done, so now it's not wanting to stay down even though at the end I smothered it with catsup to lubricate it!!

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Good Evening Gang...

Read this a.m. but didn't post -

Karla - Ya I've been to bro's house - I think nephew is half ass living there - I think he's homeless - we got an offer today $125,000 cash - it went to the attonery - I'll take it - I think the balance is $100,000 on his house - it will be one last thing to have to deal with..

Phyl - I'll get you a ck

coffee IS A MUST !!!! - SF vanilla Creamer (powder kind) or Hazelnut - splenda or sweet in low. Wine - I like white merlot - pinto gercio - I liked the sangria's that we had at Candice's last yr.. How far is the store from our place - I know we have 16 speed bumps ;o) Crangrape juice lite not diet or oj

She (candice) skyped me tonite - she's at Steph's they were headed out to dinner - said it was COLD & windy.. She was all bundled up - they will be headed home tomorrow...

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Good Evening Gang...

Read this a.m. but didn't post -

Karla - Ya I've been to bro's house - I think nephew is half ass living there - I think he's homeless - we got an offer today $125,000 cash - it went to the attonery - I'll take it - I think the balance is $100,000 on his house - it will be one last thing to have to deal with..

Phyl - I'll get you a ck

coffee IS A MUST !!!! - SF vanilla Creamer (powder kind) or Hazelnut - splenda or sweet in low. Wine - I like white merlot - pinto gercio - I liked the sangria's that we had at Candice's last yr.. How far is the store from our place - I know we have 16 speed bumps ;o) Crangrape juice lite not diet or oj

She (candice) skyped me tonite - she's at Steph's they were headed out to dinner - said it was COLD & windy.. She was all bundled up - they will be headed home tomorrow...

I started a shopping list.

Earl is at the hot tub. I should be on the Wii!! But, I'm cold! And I'm watching Bones. And my stomach does not feel good! Just pb'd some of my salmon! Why does that happen every time I eat something I like... salmon, tilapia, etc!

I'm excited about the gym thing! It will be great!

Tracy and Alisha go there... can go with them sometimes.

Found the CD with my spine x-rays on it this afternoon. Laptop wouldn't read it when I treid it before, but it did today. Pretty interesting! I can see my LapBand and the tubing and port in most of the pictures. Very cool!


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Salmon with ketchsup? oooooooohhh, I don't think I could do it, maybe mayo or tarter sauce. My insurance kindof pays for a new machine, but not enough to make a dent. Last time I ended up paying close to $3000 for it. I know my mask is too loose, but I also know that I need to get my sinuses clear, I haven't been using my zertec or flounaise. I just can't seem to remember.

Yep Phyl, it just seems like us tonight. I'm hoping to get something done tomorrow to get the house more organized. I need to get it so it is least more relaxing.

Well, need to go take my meds, then a shower, then to bed. I'm tired. See you all tomorrow!

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just lost my post - hit the wrong tab when looking for weather - so here we go again


Phyl - WTG on the gym - great price for all you get... It was cold here for the last couple days - windy too - today 85 then it looks like 95 and up for the rest of the week - I guess our heat has finally arrived.

How cool to see your band..

How's your back doing

Karla - Yes once you have the house done - you will be able to relax more - it's hard to relax in a mess.. I know it is for me..

food yesterday - watermelon (not great) tempura shrimp 2 pieces - 1 cup popcorn - artichoke - 1 cup bowl strawberries/blackberries/walnuts/granola/lite whip cream handful granola.

Last night did a spreadsheet - annual of where I spend my $$ the problem is I don't know what I spend on my Visa - I know it includeds vacations (charging air/rooms etc) car repairs - clothes etc - That is my biggest expense each month - but I know I went on a cruise - canada - texas twice (feb to visit Aunt then Oct for Funeral) - used it to pay some of my bro's funeral expenses (which I was reimburse) I gotta quit pulling out my Visa..

Well need to get dress for the gym - Debbie is picking me up at 9 to go out of town shopping Moreno Valley Mall (60 miles away) Like I need to shop ;0) - I promise not to buy anything that I don't just LOVE !!!

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Janet, our problem is that we LOVE everything!!! Shopping for me is like a drug, it gives me a high. So needless to say, I have to avoid it like an addict. Let me into a quilt shop and I can drop big $$$ without even thinking.

Today, I hope to get somethings organized. Didn't sleep well even though I was tired. DD#4's dog yipped at my bed off and on throughout the night. I considered deyipping him at one point. Had a chat with DD#4, she will have to lock him in her room at night.

Janet, enjoy your trip, 90+ degrees, I'd be melting by now.

Phyl, I'm still shuttering over the salmon & ketsup...

Check in later, TTFN

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