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Good Morning Gang...

Phyl - Waterfront for me :0) - I'm on vacation :0). I think I have had Pinto Noir I like Pinot Geigo (sp) - I'm not a big wine drinker now a days - sometimes it gives me heart burn and I like a little sweet - not to but not super dry - Wine tasting would be fun - never did it.

Karla - We are family and the condition of the house doesn't matter - We all understand you just moved in - But I still hear you - company you want it to look good.. I picked up this a.m. cuz debbie's coming and we are going to the show - either last song or why did I get married 2.. Don't know yet..

Glad the doggies are home - DD#4 and Andrew should live together w/their dogs ;0) - I take care of Ryder more than he does...

Candice - glad you guys are enjoying your road trip - good thoughts about that engine lite that would freak me out.

Yesterday - didn't shop ;0) - farmed - treasured island and country lifed all day long ;0) finally took a shower went to the store got something for dinner - picked up candy bar - but put it back - Yea Janet.... Had a Protein shake w/banana and pb instead - just as many calories but good for you..

Happy Sunday !!!

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Good Morning!

Beautiful day here near Portland OR.

Taking my time getting moving as I-5 is closed from Olympia to Tacoma until noon. We will be crossing in to WA state shortly after we leave here.

Can you believe we are camped behind an outlet mall and I haven't gone over there to shop??? And a Starbucks right in front of us and I haven't been over there YET either!! I am going to use the park showers today.. and after that I will venture over to SBUX.

I've been whining about not enough caffeine for a few days. And yesterday, in Bandon, I bought a hanging sign that has a big red crab on it and says, "I'm crabby until I have my coffee!" I threatened to wear it around my neck. I wish they had a sweatshirt or t-shirt that said that!! Because Earl doesn't get it. He keeps handing me my Breakfast before I've had a chance to drink my coffee. Then, I CAN'T drink it for a LONG time and by then it's cold! I shouldn't complain.. we have been trying to get on the road by 8 a.m. and I don't usually get up until 7 a.m., so it's hard to get the coffee in, get through my morning routine, have breakfast.. all in an hour!

I haven't yet touched the fudge!! But I did eat the four little cranberry creams/milk chocolate that I bought yesterday. I'm saving the wine for a leisurely afternoon.

Had a nice visit with our friends yesterday evening. They took us to dinner at restaurant right in front of the RV... Elmer's. I had fish again.... but it was fried!! food has not been very good last two days. I did eat lightly the rest of the day, though. Tight at lunch time. Ate two small leftover ribs and a little Tomato soup..

Better get to the shower so we can get out of here before noon!!


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Phyl - If I know you aren't a morning person - you would think Earl would !!! I'm like you coffee the very first thing in the morning before anything else - I usually don't eat bf till around 9ish.. Tell him you will make your own - or just save it for later.

So you will be home tomorrow or today?? Arent you suppose to be visiting some more pple..

food - well ran to target to get razors & washing soap - I again looked at the candy - almost bought a peppermint paddy - cuz i'm hungry (12) but put it back and came home an ate a pear.

Sitting here waiting on Debbie, she better show up or I am going to be super pissed - don't tell me we are going to do something and then not show..

I could really take a nap - got up a little before 6 or was it a little after - one or the other..

bored... have farmed - treasured island and country life ...


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Good Morning Gang...

Phyl - Waterfront for me :0) - I'm on vacation :0). I think I have had Pinto Noir I like Pinot Geigo (sp) - I'm not a big wine drinker now a days - sometimes it gives me heart burn and I like a little sweet - not to but not super dry - Wine tasting would be fun - never did it.

Karla - We are family and the condition of the house doesn't matter - We all understand you just moved in - But I still hear you - company you want it to look good.. I picked up this a.m. cuz debbie's coming and we are going to the show - either last song or why did I get married 2.. Don't know yet..

For sure, thew condition of a house means nothing about the owner,.,, expecially when SHE`s JUST MOVED IN :thumbup:

Glad the doggies are home - DD#4 and Andrew should live together w/their dogs ;0) - I take care of Ryder more than he does...

Candice - glad you guys are enjoying your road trip - good thoughts about that engine lite that would freak me out.

Yesterday - didn't shop ;0) - farmed - treasured island and country lifed all day long ;0) finally took a shower went to the store got something for dinner - picked up candy bar - but put it back - Yea Janet.... Had a Protein shake w/banana and pb instead - just as many calories but good for you..

GOOD GIRL JANET - you see why we elected you the food COPm,,, cause you are such a good example

Happy Sunday !!!

Arrrived at Stevensville, Montana (Steve-I) as her daughter calls it... Had a nice dinner and visit with Karla and her DD4 Elise... beautiful girl and very funny!!! She looks exactly like her mom... Ate at this awesome Mexican place right around the corner from Karla`s.... Her doggies are sweet!

Gonna see her again tomorrow after we get the RV looked at, needs an oil change and perhaps a filter... Made it thru the mountains just fine!!!

Good Morning!

Beautiful day here near Portland OR.

Taking my time getting moving as I-5 is closed from Olympia to Tacoma until noon. We will be crossing in to WA state shortly after we leave here.

Can you believe we are camped behind an outlet mall and I haven't gone over there to shop??? And a Starbucks right in front of us and I haven't been over there YET either!! I am going to use the park showers today.. and after that I will venture over to SBUX.

I`ve been using the Park Showers too, very clean and well decorated... tonight, jsut checked in by phone, owner said `` oh, we`ll settle up in the morning, don`t worry about money``....

I've been whining about not enough caffeine for a few days. And yesterday, in Bandon, I bought a hanging sign that has a big red crab on it and says, "I'm crabby until I have my coffee!" I threatened to wear it around my neck. I wish they had a sweatshirt or t-shirt that said that!! Because Earl doesn't get it. He keeps handing me my Breakfast before I've had a chance to drink my coffee. Then, I CAN'T drink it for a LONG time and by then it's cold! I shouldn't complain.. we have been trying to get on the road by 8 a.m. and I don't usually get up until 7 a.m., so it's hard to get the coffee in, get through my morning routine, have breakfast.. all in an hour!

I haven't yet touched the fudge!! But I did eat the four little cranberry creams/milk chocolate that I bought yesterday. I'm saving the wine for a leisurely afternoon.

Had a nice visit with our friends yesterday evening. They took us to dinner at restaurant right in front of the RV... Elmer's. I had fish again.... but it was fried!! food has not been very good last two days. I did eat lightly the rest of the day, though. Tight at lunch time. Ate two small leftover ribs and a little Tomato soup..

Better get to the shower so we can get out of here before noon!!


Um,, shopping? whats that? Ha,ha,ha, around the corner from Karla`s there is a shop that is going out of business... a Fabric SHOPPE!!!

i AM hitting it as soon as Peterparks the van in the auto shoppe.... hopefully I`ll be alone until at least NOON...

Oh and yes, I gt to sleep in tomorrow too... YEAH...its been 7 a.m. starts the last couple of days so I am looking forward to more zzzz`s... think I am still gwetting used to the time zone changes:sad:

Hope to do some hiking around tomorrow too... Karla will be home from work at 4;30 so we`ll hook up with her then..

Doggies got along `pretty well`until TWIG got bossy with `Simon`...thank «goodness they never found the cat!!!

The drive thru Montana today was just simply stunning... I keep thinking I`ve seen my `favorite`` state.... until I see the next one.... so beautiful!!!

Sleep tight ladies...

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Found you! Back from MOA--missed you guys there--not as much fun alone. I did manage to buy a few things. The business part went well--it was a big school so lots of work! It was a weight-nuteral week trip, so that's good.

DH is home, building a deck around a fire pit. I had to help by carying pavers yesterday. This am he's cutting, so there's not much I can do. I'll wander out there later.

Glad you had a safe trip home, Phyl! My mom didn't tell me about the sex after joint replacement part! Hummm--I'll have to ask her about that---NOT!

Saw the RV pics, Candice. NICE!!! When can we expect you and Peter? I'm absolutely serious!!! My sister will be here next week, and Tim's coming home Sept 11 for a week, but other than that, mi casa es tu casa! (Spanish--sorry, I don't know how to say it in french)

Hi there,

I get banded the end of this month. Any words of wisdom for me. You look like you have done it the right way............thanks

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Morning ladies...sitting here stuck on coffee, I've decided there aren't too many things worse than that, except maybe being stuck on a chewed up papya tablet. Phyl, I'm with you, morning without coffee, not a pretty sight.

Wonderful evening with Candice and Peter, ehh. I love the 'ehh'. Yes Candice I do feel horrid that my house is such a disaster, didn't even have much of a place to sit down.

Okay, kind of got the eye's peeled open. "Very" tired, every time I blink, I'm not sure I will open them again. Aslo typing with the eyes closed.

Lee An ne, congratujlations on you band date. For me the biggest thing to remember: 'The band is a tool NOT a fix. You still have to work at it. Janet is our food cop, hou will somone to keep you on the straight and narrow.

Anyway, great day to eveyone. Check in later todnightf. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang...

So jealous you all are together... Glad the doggies are going to be friends - ryder is always chasing sheba - he wants to play he doesn't understand that.

Karla gf you are too tight - that's how it was for me when I was too tight couldn't drink coffee - hopefully it will loosen up...

Thinatheart - Keep a food diary - exercise - count calories eat low fat - limited carbs - follow the rules - Congrats if you follow the rules and make the lifestyle change you will do well..

gotta jump in the shower


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Good Morning!!!

Slept really well last night... doggies did too. I stayed up late reading about BUFFALO BILL and Lewis and Clark Expedition....Karla, you can grill me later LOL

Having reheated leftovers for Breakfast...ummm they smell good in the microwave... Mexican from last night and Brats from the night before....

Currently drink ing a nice cup o tea!!! I shoulda had that last night instad of another glass of wine.

Karla, you really are a acheap date!!!

oops Peter is back from the shower must don my apron!

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Good Morning! Just finished my coffee and breakfast. Bought smoked salmon in OR, so I'm having a little in my omelet each morning. Yummy!

Still in my nightgown at 8 a.m. I'm trying to stall! Not anxious to drive north.... towards Seattle, until the morning traffic subsides! Earl is making me drive the car! 65 miles! Ugh! He doesn't want to hitch it up. Has to dump... didn't have a hook up last night, and has to stop for gas at costco on the way home. SIL will come over and help him unload when we get home. I've alerted the neighbors that we're going to block parking for an hour or two while we do that.

Good visit with Jodie and family! SIL BBQd steaks on the grill.

Oh, well.... at least if I'm driving myself home... I'll be stopping to see my latte lady when I get there! Better, and cheaper than SBUX!

Karla.... chill.... it'll all come together. Enjoy visit with Candice and Peter!

Where's Karri been?? Good to see Linda post again! Miss our gals when they're not around!

Janet.. sounds like you had a really quiet weekend. Dogs... Tracy & Jim dogsitting for Alisha today! Little mini dachshund. Picture on FB of the two dogs snuggling looks like all is going well!

Here's photo of kids from yesterday, and my favorite of Chris & Kellie's trip to Buffalo to see family last week. Kids were laughing.. I yelled "smelly socks" to get them to laugh! Notice Johannah... as soon as she heard we were coming.. she went and put on her "Grandma hat"! I often wear that style hat, and I bought her that one several years ago. Also, note that she is sipping cranberry juice from a wine glass!! :thumbup:



Edited by phyllser

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Candice and Peter are on their way to Spokane, I was a horrid host, made them buy me dinner, didn't hardly have a place to sit down. But i must admit, I could really fall in love with them, both are so sweet!!

Finally got the storage shed moved home, so all things are on the property...and I mean ON the property, we look like white trash. It will all keep.

Janet, yeah I know I am too tight, I figure I will leave it for a few days and if it doesn't loosen up, I'll go back to get some removed.

Plan on having salad and maybe a wedge of Casadea (sp), then shower, then NOTHING... nah I'll at lease clean up the kitchen..a true disaster!

Phyl, hope your drive home was good, enjoy your latte.

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Good Evening Gang

Idrise cancelled on me today (he's filming a commercial for he new workout dvd) and I didn't know til I was driving home as my phone was dead (charging in the car) well - that would have been a great excuse to just to say F it - but I didn't - I came home and changed and did cardio instead of weights - Had a really good workout - really worked up a sweat.. Hell Idrise is cancelling Wed too - so I guess I will be back to the treadmill - we are suppose to have a make up session on Friday - Suppose to go out to dinner w/Debbie (her bday is tomorrow) was going to take her to Ruth Chris (I still have $50 gift card) so I figured that would pay for my dinner - and she doesn't get to eat at nice places - well - she change that we were suppose to go tomorrow - as her family hadn't made any plans - so she said yesterday let's do friday - said ok then she said her daughter is coming on friday - Well I'm not taking both of them and plus her DD doesn't know how to act right - well either does Debbie at times (Candice knows what I am talking about lol)

So told her today we would go somewhere else - her choice.. So now I have to work out then come home and shower and change..

Candice - I got my mic working - but you didn't pic up - I figured you were still at Karla's but see you are on your way already... So you will be hooking up w/Phyl shortly.

Phyl... Omg you gotta drive 65 miles - you are spoiled - I drive 400 miles all by myself - I love it.. I'm in control of the radio - only stop when I want to etc..

Glad you had a good visit w/family- love the pic's - Will ck out fb..

Well for some reason I am starving - bf strawberries - lunch salad & 3 oz of chicken - snack pt chips..

Karla - if you are so tight I doubt you will get that fruit in - maybe salad if you are lucky..

Yep Candice & Peter are super super pple..

Karri has been super busy as usual - I sent her a note on fb - said she was taking a day off this week - we will see - you know our ocd - perfectionist Karri - plus 2 kids were kill this weekend in a car accident - one was her student last yr..

Well need to go feed the dogs - cbl

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16_2_19.gif 16_2_19.gif 16_2_19.gif

Yeah.... spoiled, I guess!!

I've never been very good at long distance driving! But, Monday morning traffic in Seattle????


I dilly dallied around long enough so that it was 10 a.m. before I got on the interstate!!

I filled up the gas tank and got the car washed.

Funny thing, though... well, really , not so much!!!

When I got off at our exit, which is right next to costco, there was Earl puffing away on a cigarette while the RV gas tank was filling up. HAHAHA!! Every time I ask him if he's still smoking he says the SAME thing..... "I don't HAVE any!" in a rather indignant way... like I can't believe you are even asking me that! What it really means is, I don't have any in my hand right this minute!!

So I look over as I'm at the signal by the exit, and there is the RV at costco, and there he is in a cloud of smoke! He just doesn't get it that what pisses me off is LYING about it!! If he wants to smoke, so be it... there's nothing I can do about it, but it infuriates me that he lies about it! How stupid!! I mean... like I can't SMELL it??? Maybe I AM stupid, because I'm always willing to give him the benefit of the doubt! Every time he tells me he quit, I believe him, and it's never true!

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Hi Everyone,

DH is doing fine. He cut the grass today. He went back to work last week. Still going to threapy 3xs a week at 25 dollars each time. OMG, that's expensive.

Karla-Congrats on the new house. Sorry about the DD problems. Mine had been a BITCH lately. She criticizes my every move. It is so bad that I may come to the point of telling her she can't live here anymore.

Janet-what self tanner are you using?

Last week was state testing, and they made me test a class because a new teacher can't control her kids. This was my schedule all week. 7 to 7:30/duty

7:30 to 11:15 test/ 11:15 to 12:00 lunch duty/ walk them back inside left to 10 min pee and Water break/

12:15 to 12:50 2nd lunch duty. Walk them back in and then by 1:00 get to eat and actually do my own job. It was the week from hell!!!!!!

Now we have one week of school and next week off for Spring Break.

Candice your Psalm 23 reminded me that a week ago a parent came in to sign a suspension with her little girl. While she was signing the girl said, "Mommie I wanna say The Lord is my Shepard." Her Mom said not now honnie, but I said I want to hear to the little girl. She then said the WHOLE thing perfectly. She was 3. We got her to say it to everyone. It was adorable, like a little angel!

Phyl-Glad you made it home safe!

Off to bed, I'm starving, I need a fill. I have NO restriction.

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Okay, so tonight I had 1/2 a 6 inch casadea and a spinach salad with some turkey deli meat and feta. So...to much too little? I know I am having problems with the head. I ate the casadea and felt full, but my head said, no no you hardly had anything to eat today, eat the salad and I did. Now the head it happy and the stomach feels good. I chewed like crazy, but it took me almost an hour to eat and I know that is too long. So hopefully I get this figured out. This fill is like starting all over. I haven't been able to eat Breakfast or lunch. I finally had a Protein smoothie this morning. I will be very disappointed if I loose my normal breakfast of blueberries/kashi/yogurt. Feeling a little dehydrated because I really can't drink a lot until about 2 pm,

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Candice and Peter are on their way to Spokane, I was a horrid host, made them buy me dinner, didn't hardly have a place to sit down. But i must admit, I could really fall in love with them, both are so sweet!!

Karla, you are being «really silly! you did not make us buy you dinner.... It was to Celebrate your NEW HOME....and you did make us the most delicious LATTES... seriously, it was the best coffee we`ve had since entering the states. WE drink McDonalds coffee alot at home...quite delicious, but the coffee here at McD is not as good....very confusing:wink2:

Finally got the storage shed moved home, so all things are on the property...and I mean ON the property, we look like white trash. It will all keep.

Now GF you gotta check out the antique store around the corner from you... some super deals if you poke around thru her stuff. Good news on getting the shed moved... it``ll all settle in very soon, you`;ll see.

Janet, yeah I know I am too tight, I figure I will leave it for a few days and if it doesn't loosen up, I'll go back to get some removed.

Plan on having salad and maybe a wedge of Casadea (sp), then shower, then NOTHING... nah I'll at lease clean up the kitchen..a true disaster!

Phyl, hope your drive home was good, enjoy your latte.

Each new fill is like starting all over,,, you gotta re-learn how to eat each time... :thumbup:

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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