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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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HI Sisters! Having Candice here made me realize how much I'm missing! It was so wonderful to have her and Peter here! They came a bit earlier than expected, but it was great! We got an extra day with them and it was all just really comfortable--it felt like the having a sister and brother here except that I dont' even have that kind of relationship with my own famly. I love them so much and you all too! I am so bummed now that they're gone, and I just can't keep in touch with all of you as much as I'd like/need to. Hopefully in a couple of weeks (well the middle of May really) things might be a little better--maybe. I am so looking forward to our Seattle weekend. Thanks, Candice and Peter for an absolutely great weekend!

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LOL I am shopping at cheaper stores Target Marshalls Ross but I just do it too often.. I'm going to quit watching QVC for a while to - I get into big trouble there..

I forget about the 2nd hand stores - I think I will have to remember -

Hope they get the electrical issues worked out - I hate car trouble - who do you think is going home tonite on Idol

Linda - OMG so shocked to see your post !!! Glad you didn't forget where your home is :0)..

Yep July will be here before you know it..

Karla - hows the house - doggie - etc :0)

Well today was a b - Diane had jury duty - ann is out w/broken wrist - so had 2 desk besides mine... Well thankfully diane came in after lunch - but didn't get any of my own crap done..

food today - eggs a.m. - salad lunch - dinner ???

Back from the gym - arms tonite.. and just cking in cbl

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The furries are still at the kennel, I hope to get them home this week end. I am waiting for the utility co to come and mark the underground lines before I drive posts to secure the yard. My new 'handyman' is going to come over Friday evening to see how we can rig up a doggy door into the secure yard. It looks like the only way to do it is to create a ladder to the basement utility room window. That will take them out to ground level, I just don't know if we can safely create something the furries will use. But we need a temporary fix, then we will think of something later.

Just moved the last of my stuff, my yard and house look like white trash live here. Oh well, it will take some months to make it habitable.

Going to go take a bath and then crawl in bed.

Candice, drive safe, Phyl, good luck on electrical, I HATE electrical stuff only slightly less than plumbing stuff. Janet, take a hot shower and go to bed! get some rest!! TTFN

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The furries are still at the kennel, I hope to get them home this week end. I am waiting for the utility co to come and mark the underground lines before I drive posts to secure the yard. My new 'handyman' is going to come over Friday evening to see how we can rig up a doggy door into the secure yard. It looks like the only way to do it is to create a ladder to the basement utility room window. That will take them out to ground level, I just don't know if we can safely create something the furries will use. But we need a temporary fix, then we will think of something later.

Just moved the last of my stuff, my yard and house look like white trash live here. Oh well, it will take some months to make it habitable.

Going to go take a bath and then crawl in bed.

Candice, drive safe, Phyl, good luck on electrical, I HATE electrical stuff only slightly less than plumbing stuff. Janet, take a hot shower and go to bed! get some rest!! TTFN

Why don't you just cut a hole in the back door and install one there - I would have one in my slider - but my back slider is only 5 ft too small..

It will all come together - cooking dinner shrimp alfreado (lean cusine with my shrimp) and if any room spinach..

no rest for the wicked :0)

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There isn't a back door. I have a front door and a size door. I was going to put a wall mounted dog door in the kitchen back wall that would give them access to the back yard, but I have a bunch of wiring outside the house and in the walls.

I would like to put in a set of french doors out the back of the kitchen and build a small deck. I don't know what I'll end up doing. The furries can not be left to thier own devices during the day. Something will come up.

Janet, yum...real food, haven't had that in a couple of weeks. Heading to a bath, TTFN

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There isn't a back door. I have a front door and a size door. I was going to put a wall mounted dog door in the kitchen back wall that would give them access to the back yard, but I have a bunch of wiring outside the house and in the walls.

I would like to put in a set of french doors out the back of the kitchen and build a small deck. I don't know what I'll end up doing. The furries can not be left to thier own devices during the day. Something will come up.

Janet, yum...real food, haven't had that in a couple of weeks. Heading to a bath, TTFN

Wasn't real food tv dinner that I added shrimp to - it's wasnt very good.. full but not satisfied.. We all know that feeling ;0)

I'm lucky - once they (bear & angel) were potty trained we let them loose in the house - Ryder - is out side during the day when we are gone - he's still too much of a puppy - the other morning chewing my base board.. He's going to be out side for a while - going to have to get him a misting system and teach him the pool..

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Good Morning Gang

Happy Thursday !!! 2 more days ....

Not much to report - watched Idol - Said to see Andrew go but it was time and Katie - awe she reminds me of my Kaitlin..

Just a quick ck in

Phyl where are you headed today - I see everything got fixed that's great !!!

Candice are you headed to Steph's??

Karla you are off today right - working at the house I would assume... Don't over do it - but enjoy putting your new house together :thumbup:

Steph - Know you are busy - hope it's a good busy ;0)

Well off to the shower - yesterday my right eye contact went right in - the left too me about 20 minutes to get in - I may just get glasses..

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LInda; You silly. We thank YOU!!! You are Mel are FAMILY... BFF;s for sure... You two are the most gracious of hosts... it was so unselfish of you to SHARE your Cora day with me too.... ahw I;m crying:rolleyes: such a suck «i am``

Phyl driving yest was wicked.... WIND... oh my now I know why you talk about it all the time... it is scary when everything starts to sway back and forth. We`ll be in Seattle probably 28th??? but will give you better times as we go along...it is so hard to predict ETa`S

kARLA, `don`t forget you`ll have some HELLPING HANDS when we get there...don`t do all the heavy work o.k.

Janet, Peter is staring at me as I type... are you done yet?????????

Minnesota right now, but shoving off soon.. Karla is next stop, then Karri, then Phyl, then Steph on the swing back east.... at least thats the PLAN...

LOVE to you allm,

Kisses from Twig & Bridgewt

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Candice, let me know when you are getting close and I will get a personal day, I have one left that I have been saving. The house is a disaster, but that is okay. I have forever to get it together. How is Peter on Electrical? I'd love to put in a set of french doors into my kitchen, I have the doors, but there are 2 wires running along the outside. I think they are phone wires, which wouldn't matter because I don't have a land line. With the french doors, I could remove one panel or 2 and put a doggy door directly in the door. Then there is the 'deck' I'd like to build, have the wood..., hum, how is he for planting trees. I have the trees reserved (free from work) have someone lined up to punch the holes. How long are you staying...a month? I haven't even talked about painting. Did you pack work clothes? Hum...maybe I need to have a 'doctor' appointment so I'm home more than just 1 day? I am excited. We have a fabulous quilt shop about 2 hours away. I will get my quilting ladies together and we will have a road trip. Oh and by the way. The yard is secure for larger dogs, so your furries will have a place to run and play.

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Candice, let me know when you are getting close and I will get a personal day, I have one left that I have been saving. The house is a disaster, but that is okay. I have forever to get it together. How is Peter on Electrical? I'd love to put in a set of french doors into my kitchen, I have the doors, but there are 2 wires running along the outside. I think they are phone wires, which wouldn't matter because I don't have a land line. With the french doors, I could remove one panel or 2 and put a doggy door directly in the door. Then there is the 'deck' I'd like to build, have the wood..., hum, how is he for planting trees. I have the trees reserved (free from work) have someone lined up to punch the holes. How long are you staying...a month? I haven't even talked about painting. Did you pack work clothes? Hum...maybe I need to have a 'doctor' appointment so I'm home more than just 1 day? I am excited. We have a fabulous quilt shop about 2 hours away. I will get my quilting ladies together and we will have a road trip. Oh and by the way. The yard is secure for larger dogs, so your furries will have a place to run and play.

Oh Karla, you make me laugh... perhaps we`ll be there late Sunday or Monday ... so by Sat we should be able yto tell you which day to take off.... I also hsve your phone no. so I can call... right now we are stopped at a little town EAST of Mt Rushmoree... `MURDO`` S. Dakoyta... or as peter says boofoonowhere!! No its not that bad, stopped at the Good SAMS RV park and there is NO-one here! Except another lost RVèwr... so we connected to their internet and it works, so does ELECTRIC but no Water or dumpage... but thats o.k. as we have lots of room left in our holding tanks.... we can staty one whole day or 2 max. So painting would probably fit our skill set or Peter can do ruf carpentry... what ever needs doing when we get there.. I am 2 thumbs but I am a good painter. Especially at cutting in. Peter is good with the roller.

I have already spent a wad$$ on fabric, so if we don`t get to a quilt store that`s ok. we`d rather be of some assistance to you with your move... our time better spent eh? what do you think?

Phyl, this is a better stop than Walmart hee,hee,hee and free (so far as I know) we walked up the hill to the grocery store, ever friendly folks in there... we could`n`t weven pick up some hamberger w/o everyone in there saying `hey yall``

very sweet!!! I asked them, where are the owners of the RV spot and hotel??? oh I guess they are not open yet... however the book says that they are... oh well, at least they were nice enough to provide WIFI and Elect... Thank Goodness for small mercies eh??

Such a beautiful drive today, S Dakota when crossing the Mosouri river oh the view was spectacular:thumbup:

Some very pretty country we`ve crossed.

Janet; drinking wine now... so forgive all u^coming typos.. :thumbup: tomorow a.m. we`ll stop at Mt Rushmore... I am so excited!!!

LINDA: I`ve been thinking of cowboys all day and Pioneers... how did they cross the Missisip and Mousouri rivers in those darned c overed wagons... with wooden wheels òuch`... that would have been hard on the hemeroids for sure!!

Stephanie: We are gonna have to stop by your place in Plentywood on the swing back home... if time allows.<

Peter is already complaining about my TIME management skills :unsure: says we may have to cut Vancouver Island from our itinerary....YIKES don`t wanna do that

I am seeing so much cool stuff, this is like FRANCE - a trip of a lifetime... usually just FLY over stuff of interest:rolleyes:

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OMG you 2 are cracking me up - and yes Candice your typing is atrocious lol and spelling ie even worse and this is coming from the chick who can't type or spell..

Glad you are having a good time

Karla slow down - you are going to get yourself all wound up.. One box at a time..

well back to work :0)

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Phyl where are you headed today - I see everything got fixed that's great !!!

Well off to the shower - yesterday my right eye contact went right in - the left too me about 20 minutes to get in - I may just get glasses..

Drove less than 150 miles today.. Santa Rosa to Garberville. So we were here by noon. I fixed sandwiches while Earl finished set up. Then we unhitched the car and took a drive through the Avenue of the Giants. Every time we come through here I want to do that, and there are always excuses as to why we can't. So I thoroughly enjoyed being able to do that today!!

Tomorrow we will probably stop at Gold Beach OR. I think it's about 200 miles. Sky Valley neighbors arrived there today for their summer job. But not sure we should bother them on their first day on hte job. My favorite fish place en route is about 20 miles north of there, and there's an RV park there that we've stayed at before. It would be our day to stop at my sister's but she is gone through Monday, so not this trip!

Phyl driving yest was wicked.... WIND... oh my now I know why you talk about it all the time... it is scary when everything starts to sway back and forth. We`ll be in Seattle probably 28th??? but will give you better times as we go along...it is so hard to predict ETa`S

Yeah, driving in the wind is a killer! Hate it!! We are traveling up Hwy 101, currently in No Cal. On in to OR tomorrow. I think we'll be home about the 20th, maybe a day before. Depends on how much playing we do between now and then. I'm thinking I might like to visit Tillamook cheese factory again. It's been quite a few years.

Phyl, this is a better stop than Walmart hee,hee,hee and free (so far as I know) we walked up the hill to the grocery store, ever friendly folks in there... we could`n`t weven pick up some hamberger w/o everyone in there saying `hey yall`` very sweet!!! I asked them, where are the owners of the RV spot and hotel??? oh I guess they are not open yet... however the book says that they are... oh well, at least they were nice enough to provide WIFI and Elect... Thank Goodness for small mercies eh??

Such a beautiful drive today, S Dakota when crossing the Missouri river oh the view was spectacular:thumbup:

Some very pretty country we've crossed.

Janet; drinking wine now... so forgive all u^coming typos.. :thumbup: tomorrow a.m. we`ll stop at Mt Rushmore... I am so excited!!!

Peter is already complaining about my TIME management skills :blush: says we may have to cut Vancouver Island from our itinerary....YIKES don`t wanna do that

I am seeing so much cool stuff, this is like FRANCE - a trip of a lifetime... usually just FLY over stuff of interest:rolleyes:

We haven't had any free stops, except at our friends' in Three Rivers. But last night only cost us $12.50 and tonight $16.50, thanks to our Passport America membership.

I am having wine, too.. and I think my new favorite might be Pinot Noir! Got this one in Gilroy for about $15 and BOY is it good! And... I totally enjoy correcting everyone's spelling!! LOL! Drink up!

Cutting Vancouver Island would be depressing! Think about a day trip out of Seattle (hydrofoil) or Bellingham. Bellingham is about a 90 minute drive from our place, but you can catch a boat there at 8:30 a.m. that will take you to Victoria. Then you can take cabs, or rent a scooter, and see Victoria for the day. Boat goes back about 5 p.m. and they serve a nice picnic style salmon dinner on the way back. Think it might be around $100 a person. Doesn't give you a lot of time there, but enough to hit the Dutch Bakery and Rogers' Chocolate!!


It's also a possibility for July, but don't know if you gals want to spend a whole day on something like that. There is so much to do in our area, picking a few is a real challenge...Mt. Rainier, Leavenworth, Victoria, Seattle waterfront, etc!

OMG you 2 are cracking me up - and yes Candice your typing is atrocious lol and spelling ie even worse and this is coming from the chick who can't type or spell..

Glad you are having a good time

Karla slow down - you are going to get yourself all wound up.. One box at a time..well back to work :0)

I wasn't too upset by the two who got kicked off AI last night. Just so glad it wasn't Michael. I really like him! He might be my favorite, but I like the two gals that are left a lot, too!


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Love the pic Phyl - I've been to a place like that by Santa Cruz - My sis lived in Ben Loman (something like that) it was beautiful.

I've heard about Mt Rainer but that's it - I'm not Candice - Don't think I want to hike it - isnt' it super tall ???

I'm there from the 1st think I come home on the 5th. So I'm up for anything... I want to see the area like we did in Canada - I was to eat fish and go to the places you always talk about - To me the area is more for sightseeing than shopping - lol I bet I still find tourist stuff to shop for - gotta have a t-shirt for the gym - I wore my Wasaga Beach one yesterday ;0)

took out what I thought was ground turkey - it's was pork chops thick ones - so chopped one up w/onion bell pepper and my left over rice and a little corn and soy sauce - wish I had some green onions - chineese something - oh ya put some jalapeno in it tooo..

My Fav on Idol would be between Casey & Lee - Lee needs to loosen up (he sorta looks like my nephew Jimbo)- and I think Casey is just the cutest thang and I usually don't go for blonds - but he's a doll -

Crystal is good - but like David Aguliar - getting boring - she needs some personality too...

Shoboan - don't care one way or another - and like you Andrew was ready to go - but Katie - awe like my Kaitlin - don't care about tim or aaron either - top 4 Casey Crystal Lee Mike - but the little girls love Aaron & Tim..

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Sorry, ladies, busy night last night. Cable guy came in and so now I can actually watch TV. Splurged and had a drop put in my bedroom and put up a small wall mounted TV my brother gave me. Laid in bed last night for a few and watched it. Got a space in the yard secure for the furries. Carpenter friend coming over to look over the wall I want to put french doors in and the doggie door tonight.

Went out last night and celebrated. Took DD#4 out to Mexican. Had the most delish chicken and rice. Have enough for a couple more meals. I haven't had 'real' food for over a week. Splurged and had a margarita, that was 'okay', but not fabulous. The sweet thing, I can walk to the resturant. Ran into a couple of previous students and they both gave me hugs and updated me on their progress.

DD#4 had an advising meeting yesterday and found out her grades are not good enough to get into the nursing program. She has a C+ in Anatomy/Physiology. Also got stopped for speeding. So that was part of the reason for going out to dinner. Sat down and had a talk about finances & future. She hasn't been taking her antidepressants so she is in a down spiral....and guess what...I didn't remind her to take her meds. She will or she won't, not my job.

ANYWAY, Janet, I am slowed down...well as much as I can be. I have always wanted french doors and darn, I'm going to have them!

Candice it sounds like such a lovely time. I've been to Mr. Rushmore once and loved it, be sure to do Crazy Horse as well. To me that is just as impressive, maybe more so.

Phyl, I've been to Tillimook once, LOVED IT. How about the winery St. Michele? They have a great dessert wine...Geuwortzemizer? Okay, it has been a really long time since I've been there.

Janet, Mt Rainier is quite a hike, but gorgeous. However, LOTs of people, and I imagine the weekend of the 4th will be even crazier. I'd rather do the warf. Long time ago I hiked it on a Bio research trip. Slide down Snoqualmish glacier on my rain coat, a real blast.

Well, I got into my 'skinny' pants last night. Haven't found the scale, but I have lost some weight!! With it just mainly me in the house, I can control the food in the house better. Fridge (besides singing) echoes from lack of food. I like it that way. Did go to the store and bought strawberries, skim milk (latte's), and salad stuff.

Well best get going, have to stop at school and write lesson plans for the day, then into Missoula for classes at the U.

Love you all, TTFN

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Glad things are going well - I will always have food in my house if you saw my pantry you would think I was still obese ;0) there's cake mix frosting (for when andrew wants something) mostly canned foods - most of it's andrews food..

Not much to report - when for contact adjustment they were out of of the one I need will get in a couple days - put the one in I had before but for some reason it's not working..

I'm farming right now - Phyl just made it to oregon - candice traveling it's just you and me...

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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